author: Matthew Jaskula
date: 2022-01-19
labels: utility
A diagnostic utility intended to help prove out a new EuroPi build and calibration. Each aspect of the EuroPi's hardware is exercised.
- Input values, including knobs and buttons, are shown on the screen.
- Outputs are held at specific, predictable, and hopefully useful values.
- each button press rotates the voltages amongst the six outputs, which helps to test the LEDs.
- Inputs can be tested by self-patching the various CV outputs.
- The boundary of the screen is outlined.
- Temperature, as read by the Pico's onboard temperature sensor, is shown on screen; in degrees fahrenheit when a button is pressed and degrees celsius otherwise.
Inputs and Outputs:
- digital in: value displayed on screen
- analog in: value displayed on screen
- button 1: rotate output voltages backwards
- button 2: rotate output voltages forwards
- knob 1: value 0-99 displayed on screen
- knob 2: value 0-99 displayed on screen
- cv X: output a constant voltage, one of [0, 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5, 10]