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Matt Hipsey edited this page Sep 16, 2022 · 7 revisions


Optional csv time-series files for recording the conditions at a given lake depth can be configured. Variables that can be configured to be output in these files are outlined below.

Depth from bottom or depth from surface

Users seeking to record the output conditions can configure the output level/layer to be either the depth below the surface or height above the bottom (default), using the csv_point_frombot flag.


	 !-- Depth specific outputs
	    csv_point_nlevs = 2
	    csv_point_fname = 'WQ_' 
            csv_point_at    = 5,30    !<-- Two files will be produced for 5m and 30m heights from bottom 
	    csv_point_nvars = 7
	    csv_point_vars  = 'temp', 'salt','OXY_oxy','SIL_rsi','NIT_amm','NIT_nit','PHS_frp'			  

Column options:

var temp C Outlet/overflow water temperature
var salt ppt Outlet/overflow water salinity
var *AED_var1* ... Outlet/overflow water quality variable concentration
var *AED_var2* ... Outlet/overflow water quality variable concentration


  1. Introduction
  2. Publications

Getting started

  1. Downloading
  2. Running the model
  3. glm.nml configuration file
  4. Tutorials & examples
  5. Navigating GLM outputs

Advanced use

  1. Command line options
  2. Restarting a simulation
  3. Customising the WQ setup
  4. Adding a new example lake
  5. Using GLM in R

Developer guide

  1. Downloading the code
  2. Compiling the code
  3. Updating existing submodule state
  4. Adding new submodules
  5. Using GLM as a linked library


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