This query lists the top 100 accounts that have performed the most imporsonated actions. The definiation for this field is: Indicates whether the activity was performed by one user for another (impersonated) user.
| where IsImpersonated == 1
| extend
MailboxOwnerUPN = tostring(parse_json(RawEventData).MailboxOwnerUPN),
ActionPerformedBy = tostring(parse_json(RawEventData).UserId)
| where MailboxOwnerUPN != ActionPerformedBy
| summarize
TotalImpersonatedActivities = count(),
Impersonators = make_set(ActionPerformedBy),
PerformedActions = make_set(ActionType)
by MailboxOwnerUPN
| top 100 by TotalImpersonatedActivities
| where IsImpersonated == 1
| extend
MailboxOwnerUPN = tostring(parse_json(RawEventData).MailboxOwnerUPN),
ActionPerformedBy = tostring(parse_json(RawEventData).UserId)
| where MailboxOwnerUPN != ActionPerformedBy
| summarize
TotalImpersonatedActivities = count(),
Impersonators = make_set(ActionPerformedBy),
PerformedActions = make_set(ActionType)
by MailboxOwnerUPN
| top 100 by TotalImpersonatedActivities