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This repository contains the source of a dedicated framework to evaluate and compare VM placement algorithms.

For more details, a deeper scientific description of the project can be found here.


  • sbt
  • java 8 : openjdk-8
  • python
  • r language (optional: visualisation)


1- Simgrid

1.1- Get Simgrid

git clone git://

1.2- Compile and install Simgrid

In the simgrid folder, run the following:

cmake -Denable_tracing=ON -Denable_documentation=OFF -Denable_java=ON -Denable_smpi=OFF .

and then


please note that you can compile the src code faster by using -j argument of make command (man make for further information)

make install

file named simgrid.jar, containing java bindings to simgrid should be located in the simgrid folder:

jonathan@artoo ~/simgrid (master)> ls -lh *.jar
-rw-r--r--  1 jonathan  staff    43K Nov  4 17:28 simgrid.jar

This file will be used during step 2.2.

2- SBT

2.1- Installation of sbt:

Please follow the instructions corresponding to your operating system here.

2.2- Installation of dependencies

Inside the project source folder, run the following:

$ sbt update

and then copy the simgrid.jar from step 1.2 in the lib folder

3- Running the program

You can decide which algorithm you want to test (see here).

3.1- IntelliJ

3.1.1- Make the project compatible with IntelliJ

Inside the project source folder, run the following:

$ sbt gen-idea

and open the folder in intelliJ: a fully configured project has been generated.

3.1.2- Set the configuration

Click on Run > Edit configurations... and then the plus (+) button in the top left corner. Choose Application.

Name it as you wish, for instance VMPlaceS, and set the options:

Option Type Value
Main class simulation.Main
VM_OPTIONS -Xmx4G -d64 -Dlogback.configurationFile=config/logback.xml
PROGRAM_ARGUMENTS ./config/cluster_platform.xml ./config/generated_deploy.xml --cfg=cpu/optim:Full --cfg=tracing:1 --cfg=tracing/filename:simu.trace --cfg=tracing/platform:1
Use classpath of module VMPlaceS
3.1.3- Run the program

Click Run > Run 'VMPlaceS'.

3.2- Command line

3.2.1- Set the environment variables
Environment var Value
VM_OPTIONS -Xmx4G -d64 -Dlogback.configurationFile=config/logback.xml
PROGRAM_ARGUMENTS ./config/cluster_platform.xml ./config/generated_deploy.xml --cfg=cpu/optim:Full --cfg=tracing:1 --cfg=tracing/filename:simu.trace --cfg=tracing/platform:1
3.2.2- Create the jar

Inside the project source folder, run the following command:

sbt assembly

it results in the creation of a fat-jar named simulation.jar in the target folder:

jonathan@artoo ~/D/w/VMPlaceS (master)> ls -lh target/*.jar
-rw-r--r--  1 jonathan  staff    12M Dec 18 14:21 target/simulation.jar

This jar contains all dependencies and can be run with the java command. Please not that the jar must be located in a folder that contains the config folder.

3.2.3- Run the program

Thus it is possible to run the jar with the following command:

java -jar $VM_OPTIONS simulation.Main $PROGRAM_ARGUMENTS

4- Running experiments on grid'5000

We developed some scripts to ease the conduction of experiments on grid'5000. These scripts are located on the Rennes site, in the folder /home/jpastor.

Further documentation will arrive later: in case you plan to use it now, do not hesitate to contact us!

5- Running energy comparison of centralized algorithms

Run all the algorithms sequentially, turning off/not turning off the unused hosts:

$ rm -f energy.dat && sbt assembly && ./

Make the plots:

$ visu/ run_all.log energy.dat