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Google Season of Docs 2020

Shivansh Srivastava edited this page Jun 5, 2020 · 1 revision

About Circuitverse

CircuitVerse is a free, open-source platform which allows users to create and share digital logic circuits online. We also are developing the Interactive Book as a parallel project which enables beginners to self learn the fundamentals of digital logic and computer organization.

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About Google Season of Docs

Google Season of Docs is a program giving technical writers an opportunity to contribute to open source projects, by paying them a three-month stipend and facilitating connections between writers and projects.

Project 1 - Interactive Book

Difficulty: Medium

This project is an online interactive guide for digital logic design. This means that the user can try out the circuits right from within the book to give the user a more interactive experience. The project was kick-started in Google Summer of Code 2019.

Currently, the project is growing organically with the help of the student community without much direction. Our organization consists mainly of developers and we, therefore, need external help with this project. As part of GSoD, we require rewriting of certain sections and addition of the content, make it both more detailed and comprehensive.

See Project - Interactive Book

Some Deliverables

  • Setting down the guidelines for new contributors and direction/plan for the project
    • Guidelines involve rules for adding new content such as required sections(eg. introduction, detailed explanation, examples, conclusion, further reading), citing sources etc. Guidelines for reviewers also is needed.
    • Plan would involve the topics to be covered, the order in which they need to be added and other relevant details.
  • Rewriting sections of the current content to make it more comprehensive and cohesive
  • Addition of new content as per the plan
  • Improvement and addition of circuit interaction (optional, not required for GSoD)

Ideal Candidate: Student, Professor or Industry expert in the domain of Digital Logic Design.

Skills Required: Digital Logic Design, Technical writing skills, basic HTML5 and markdown knowledge, knowledge of working with version control and a passion for writing

Project 2 - User Documentation and Guides

Difficulty: Easy

Any good tool has documentation for users to get started quickly and leverage all the features effectively. Even though the simulator is fairly intuitive, good user guides are required as most of our users are beginners and are not familiar with CAD tools. As part of GSoD, we require updating of documentation for the latest features and addition of tutorials/guides for beginners.

Some Deliverables

  • Cover documentation for all new features and update documentation for existing features which have been changed
  • Create tutorial or user guide sections
    • Detailed step by step instructions on how to create basic circuits
    • Tips and Tricks to work faster
  • Review the structure and make improvements to how the chapters and subchapters are organized to make information easier to access.
  • Add relevant images, gifs, and multimedia to make the content more enriching and engaging.
  • Improve individual pages and sections to make them more clear and complete.
  • Create some video tutorials for onboarding experience.

See Project - CircuitVerse User Documentation Simulator Documentation

Note: The simulator is being revamped as a GSoC project and therefore the corresponding documentation will need to be updated as well

Ideal Candidate: Anyone who can understand circuit design and can work with our simulator

Skills Required: Digital Logic Design, Technical writing skills, basic HTML5 and markdown knowledge, knowledge of working with version control and a passion for writing

We will quickly provide any and all assistance you need and point you to the right people. We will trust you to make decisions both in writing and in the organization.

Note: The project list is not exhaustive, we encourage and welcome new ideas brought by the technical writers as well.

Our commitment to technical writers

We will quickly provide any and all assistance you need and point you to the right people. We will trust you to make decisions both in writing and in the organization.

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