Releases: CommunityToolkit/WindowsCommunityToolkit
Releases · CommunityToolkit/WindowsCommunityToolkit
Major updates
- Controls
- New MasterDetailView control - Shawn Kendrot (PR - Documentation)
- Many improvements were done for ImageEx controls including bug fixes and better cache support - Hermit Dave (PR - Documentation)
- Expose HeaderTemplate and HeaderContent for HeaderedTextBlock - Hermit Dave (PR - Documentation)
- Added MaintainAspectRatio and optimized item width calculation for AdaptiveGridView - Lukas Fellechner (PR - Documentation)
- Added PullToRefreshContent, ReleaseToRefreshContent properties to PullToRefreshListView - Michael Mairegger (PR - Documentation)
- Added support for mouse for PullToRefreshListView - Jonathan Anthoine (PR - Documentation)
- Helpers
- Added SystemInformation helper - Romasz (PR - Documentation)
- Added DispatcherHelper - Scotty Le (PR - Documentation)
- Added PrintHelper - David Catuhe (PR - Documentation)
- Added DeepLinkHelper - Brandon H (PR - Documentation)
- Added WebViewExtensions - Hermit Dave (PR - Documentation)
- Added HttpHelper with support for connection pooling - Hermit Dave (PR - Documentation)
- ConnectionHelper improvements - Hermit Dave (PR - Documentation)
- Improved StorageFile extensions - Julian Oster (PR#1 - PR#2 - Documentation)
- Improvements to ImageCache - Hermit Dave (PR - Documentation)
- UI
- Added new converters - Tommaso Scalici (PR - Documentation)
- Add the ability to specifiy additional paramenters when requesting items to IncrementalLoadingCollection - Marco Minerva (PR - Documentation)
- Improved converters - Nikita Kamensky (PR - Documentation)
- Services
- Enabled paging support for Facebook Service requests - Chris Barker (PR - Documentation)
- Controls
- Add an exception to prevent users to directly use Items and OptionsItems for HamburgerMenu - David Catuhe
- Fixing GridSplitter Sibling Row issue and min width/height issue - Ibraheem Osama
- Allow AdaptiveGridView to be used without setting ItemHeight, ItemWidth, or DesiredWidth properties - Shawn Kendrot
- Fix a bug with selectedItem when the HamburgerMenu was not yet templated - David Catuhe
- Fix unhandled error with one row mode in AdaptiveGridView - Andrii
- UI
- Fix BoolToObjectConverter.ConvertBack - Mauricio Díaz Orlich
- Animations
- Fixed logic error in Blur animation - Nikola Metulev
- Helpers
- Added a check to determine if key exists in BaseObjectStorageHelper.Save method - Cabuxa Mapache
- Removed TSource default constructor requirement for IncrementalLoadingCollection - Hermit Dave
- General
- Code cleanup - [Bart Lannoeye]( Lannoeye)
- Unseal DropShadowPanel class - Tim Heuer
- Services
- Added support for Xbox for MicrosoftGraph service - David Catuhe
- Notifications
- Move all notifications projects to a notifications folder - David Catuhe
Samples App
- Added missing helpers samples - David Catuhe
- Samples are not sorted by name - Shawn Kendrot
Breaking changes
- AdaptiveGridView now inherits from GridView - Shawn Kendrot
- PR
- Previous version of AdaptiveGridView was inheriting from Control. new version will now have all the features of a GridView out of the box
- BladeControl was renamed to BladeView to align with SDK standard naming - Shawn Kendrot
- PR
- Previous classes (BladeControl and BladeItem) are still available but flagged as obsolete.
- BladeOpened and BladeClosed are no more static - Shawn Kendrot
- PR
- You should now be able to subscribe to the event from within xaml and the event should not be static across all BladeViews
Major updates
- Controls
- New Blade control - Nico Vermeir (PR - Documentation)
- New GridSplitter control - Ibraheem Osama (PR - Documentation)
- New DropShadowPanel - Jean-Sebastien Dupuy (PR - Documentation)
- Added StepSize and IsInteractive to RadialGauge - Diederik Krols (PR - Documentation)
- HamburgerMenu updates - Made it simpler to use from scratch - David Catuhe (PR - Documentation)
- SlidableListItem improvements - Burak Kaan Köse & Pekspro (PR #1 - PR #2 - PR #3 - Documentation)
- UI
- Improved converters and introducing generic converter - Nathanael Marchand (PR - Documentation)
- In-memory layer of caching in ImageCache - Jure Purgar (PR #1 - PR#2 - Documentation)
- Generic CacheBase class - Hermit Dave (PR - Documentation)
- Animations
- New animation support: FadeHeaderBehavior - Lance McCarthy (PR - Documentation)
- Helpers
- Added HyperlinkExtensions class- Ian Bebbington (PR - Documentation)
- New Incremental Loading Collection - Marco Minerva (PR - Documentation)
- Local and Roaming Object Storage helper - David Bottiau (PR - Documentation)
- Services
- Service Provider for Microsoft Graph - Eric Vernie (PR - Documentation)
- Service Provider for LinkedIn - Chris Barker (PR - Documentation)
- Added a parameter in BingSearchConfig to get results from BingNews. Also added support for languages - Philippe Matray (PR#1 - PR#2 - Documentation)
- Facebook service can now retrieve albums and photos - Chris Barker (PR - Documentation)
- Docs
- Documentation is now part of the same repo as the source code - Jason Short
- General
- Adding keyboard only support for HamburgerMenu and RangeSelector - David Catuhe
- Consistent punctuation in md files - Bart Lannoeye
- Use C#6 nameof() instead of hard-coded strings - Thomas Nigro
- A small casing fix of - Eldar Dordzhiev
- Removed unnecessary async/await keywords - Bart Lannoeye
- Consistent naming for const variables - Bart Lannoeye
- Use Array.Empty instead new T[0] - h82258652
- Controls
- Added CommandParameter support to SlidableListItem - Stefano
- RotationDelay dependency property is implemented for customizing tile rotation delay - Burak Kaan Köse
- HeaderedTextBlock: if Text is empty, hide its TextBlock - Thomas Nigro
- DeferLoad SlidableListItem background parts - Johnny Westlake
- ImageEx was going incorrectly to Loaded state before image is downloaded - Scott Lovegrove
- Allow VerticalScrollMode and VerticalScrollBarVisibility to be set on AdaptiveGridView - Burak Kaan Köse
- More flexible ImageEx source (Uri) parsing - Andrej Tozon
- Removed sealed from controls - David Catuhe
- Adds SwipeStatusChanged event to SlidableListItem - pekspro
- SemanticZoom support implemented for AdaptiveGridView - Pekspro
- Animations
- Fix blur animation auto start - Etienne Margraff
- Added null-conditional check for Offset.StartAnimation() - Julian Oster
- Services
- Use WwwFormUrlDecoder to get uri query - h82258652
- Service constructors are no longer private - David Catuhe
- BingDataProvider now check for CurrentCulture before search - Burak Kaan Köse
- Added a function to retrieve a single facebook photo - Max
- Sample app
- Added Enable Cache setting to ImageEx control sample - Andrej Tozon
- Fixed rotation bugs in sample app - David Catuhe
- Fix designer crash when using Gauge control - David Catuhe
- Reduced file size of images (lossless) for sample app - ThisWillDoIt
- Hide Properties tab in sample app when there is no property to display - David Catuhe
- Reduced hamburgerMenu itemsSource content to clearly show separation with options - David Catuhe
- Fixed a crash of sample app due to dataContextChanged called multiple times - David Catuhe
- Added JS code tab for sample app - David Catuhe
- Added JS code sample for Notifications - David Bottiau
- ScrollViewer support for property grid in sample app - Burak Kaan Köse
Breaking changes
- Changed animation behavior defaults - JohnnyWestlake
- PR
- With v1.0 animation behaviours have translation offsets of 1, rotation angle of 1, and blur radius of 1 by default. This changes them all to be 0 which most users would expect.
- Removed PlaceHolderAnimationDuration for ImageEx - David Catuhe
- PR
- This property was not used by the control
- Fixed Stop() behavior when not using UseComposition - Nikola Metulev
- PR
- Stop() was doing a reset of the state when not using composition. Now Storyboards and Composition behaviors are aligned.
What's new in v1.0
- Animations
- Controls
- Helpers
- Notifications
- Services