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File metadata and controls

108 lines (83 loc) · 5.98 KB

Code Tour

A quick introduction to the folders and files in this repo. Keep in mind that in Next files can be imported from the root base directory.

Source Organization: src/

To keep things modular, the resources are divided into folders namely /pages, /components, /actions, and /lib (ignore /screens folder as it will be refactored soon).

  • /pages: Used for creating file-system routing to screens and creating API routes.

    • The /src/pages directory acts as file-system routing for our app pages and for API routes.
    • External API routes are placed in the src/pages/api directory.
      • Every API route must return a HTTP status code and body matching the template:
          success: true,
          payload: ...,
        for successful requests, and:
          success: false,
          message: "...",
        for errors. This makes processing the results much easier.
      • The request body can be accessed with req.body and cookies with req.cookies.
    • To simplify API routes and promote code reuse, server-side actions are used from the /server/actions directory.
  • /components: Contains reusable React components.

    • Each reusable component is placed in this directory with a similar structure to screens.
    • Create a directory for each component, and include any necessary styles and utils for this component only in the same directory.
    • Each directory must include a index.jsx file that imports and export defaults the component. This makes it easier to import the component from /componentDir instead of /componentDir/component.
    • Any sub-components that are used by, and only by, this component, should be placed within their own sub-directory within the component's directory.
  • /actions: Contains functions for calling API routes.

    • Each file in this directory contains multiple functions for interacting with a group of API routes.

    • Each function should return a fetch request matching the template:

      fetch(urls.api.example, {
        method: "get",
        mode: "same-origin",
        credentials: "include",
        .then((response) => response.json())
        .then((json) => {
          if (json == null) {
            throw new Error("Could not connect to API!");
          } else if (!json.success) {
            throw new Error(json.message);
          return json.payload;
    • IMPORTANT Calling an internal API route while using SSR for initial data fetching is an antipattern. These actions should only be used on the client side.

      • Instead, if access to server-side actions are required for SSR initial page load, directly import resolve asynchronous calls from the /server/actions directory into /src/pages.
  • /lib: Contains custom hooks, path configuration, SWR setup, and iron-session configuration.

urls.js: Exports an object containing the urls for each page and API route.

  • After creating a page or API route, the path needs to be added to urls.js immediately.
  • This makes it easy use urls in the project, because the urls object only needs to be imported, and then urls can be changed at a later date without needing to search the code to replace urls as strings.
  • Plain strings should NEVER be used to reference pages/API routes, ALWAYS import the urls object.
  • If a dynamic route is needed format it as pageKey: "/somePage/[aKey]" (with the corresponding page route being /pages/somePage/[aKey].jsx), then use the NavLink component to navigate to this page: <NavLink href={pages.pageKey} hrefParts={{ aKey: 123 }}>Link</NavLink>.

Server Organization: server/

The server directory includes the backend actions used in API routes separated by their type.

  • /mongodb: Contains backend Mongoose models and actions for interacting with MongoDB.

    • Mongoose models should be placed within the server/mongodb/models directory.
      • The export for each model should follow the template: export default mongoose.models.User ?? mongoose.model("User", UserSchema);
    • MongoDB (using Mongoose) actions (i.e. queries and operations) should be placed within the server/mongodb/actions directory.
      • Each file should use the same name as the model, and include all related actions.
      • Each file needs to import import mongoDB from "../index";, and each function needs to include await mongoDB(); (once per function) before any interactions are made with the database.

Public Organization: public/

The public directory hosts any included files on the website.

  • /public: Files placed in this directory can be accessed at /file. Be VERY careful to not include a file with the same name as a page!
  • /public/static: Files placed in this directory can be accessed at static/file.

Project Management: .github/

The hidden directory contains the configuration needed for CI/CD through Vercel as well as other GitHub related artifacts.