relevant libraries:
deployment alternatives:
The most simple way of deploying a phoenix app is probably using heroku and is usually sufficient for simple apps with a limited lifespan, but heroku can start to get expensive pretty quickly to account for the convenience. The alternative is to deploy using a hosting service such as AWS, Google Cloud, Digital Ocean, etc. While less expensive, it does have the overhead of having to configure more of your environment to be able to serve your app.
For the sake of this guide, we're going to make a few assumptions:
- Two instances setup within one of these providers, one with ports 80 and 443 exposed. This would be considered your production environment.
- Database setup (likely postgres) and accessible from your production instance.
- Both running the same operating system/version. Likely ubuntu or similar.
- Ssh access to both instances from your local machine.
- Have a phoenix/elixir application you want to deploy.
From here, the steps we need to accomplish are:
- Configure build and prod environments
- Install and configure distillery
- Install and configure edeliver
- Initiate a first deployment to verify the app is running.
- Make changes to the app and push up changes.
For this guide, we're going to assume the setup of one build server and one production server. You can very easily expand this to include staging, dev, or any number of other environments you wish to deploy to and would only need to alter the deployment commands to reference that environment. You could also just use one server and have the same server act as both build and production.
These steps will need to be repeated on each server unless specifically noted.
- Ssh into server using non-root user setup on instance provisioning (ie ubuntu).
- (Optional) install a version manager to manage erlang and elixir installations asdf add elixir and erlang plugins.
- Install erlang following the guide provided or via asdf.
- Install elixir following the guide provided or via asdf.
- (Production) Create a folder
and set the permissions withcmod /home/<username>/app 755
- (Production) Create a database, if necessary, via psql in the format
viasudo -u postgres psql
thenCREATE DATABASE my_app_production;
for example, just be sure to replace with your app and proper environment. - (Production) Create a database user to access the database from your app via psql via
CREATE USER username_here WITH PASSWORD 'password_here';
. Then grant priveledges to the database for that userGRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE my_app_production to username_here;
. - (Production) If using uuid keys run
to install the postgres plugin required. - (Production) Setup nginx as a reverse proxy to allow your app to be served over the default http(s) port. A good guide to accomplish this can be found here.
- (Production) Setup certbot to obtain an ssl certificate from Let's Encrypt (needed to serve the app via https).
Note: these steps could all be automated using some sort of provisioning tool (ie elastic beanstalk, terraform, chef, puppet, etc) but is outside the scope of this guide.
Distillery is the package we'll be using to actually generate the releases we'll be deploying to production. If using phoenix, follow the installation and setup directions starting here. If not using phoenix, begin here. Once distillery is installed and you are able to generate a release via the command mix release
we're ready to move on to edeliver, which will make the process of building and deploying apps much easier than needing to manually copy and unpack the tarballs generated by distillery.
Begin here and walk through the steps to get edeliver setup. When you reach the .deliver/config
portion make sure to substitute in values that match with the instances that you've created.
# .deliver/config
Note: If your app requires additional build steps, such as mix phx.digest
or npm install
see the article here on how to setup those hooks to run on build/deployment.
If your app requires a database (most will), see here on how to set up a migration module that you can run either manually or configure using edelivery to run automatically on deploy.
One of the main sticking points for a successful deployment is figuring out where and how to handle configuration values. You don't want to commit and store the values, so you need to maintain them either using elixir's prod.secret.exs
convention or in the environment of your server. This leads to another issue with configuration. Since elixir applications are compiled, the values need to be present at compile time to be included in the app. So just having the env vars setup in production will work for values that are fetched at run time, but not compile time.
There are two ways of handling this.
For compile time env vars, you need to ensure the values you need are loaded into the build server's environment.
# ~/.profile
export CONFIG_VALUE=foo
note: ~/.profile
is automatically loaded into the environment during edeliver operations, so it's a good place to store environment variables on the build machine. An alternative would be to store environment variables in the app's root folder using an .env
file and then load that via source ~/app/<appname>/.env
from ~/.profile
Now if you have a config definition like this:
# prod.exs
config :deployment_demo, config_val: System.get_env("CONFIG_VALUE")
This will fetch the value from the environment at compile time and have the value present when attempting to run
Application.get_env(:deployment_demo, :config_val)
# "foo"
If the variable is not present at compile time, during runtime when get_env
is called, it will return nil
Application.get_env(:deployment_demo, :config_val)
# nil
If you wish to only store environment variables on the production server, you need to ensure that you're actually fetching from the environment at runtime.
The easiest way of accomplishing this, is to reference environment variables via functions. For example:
Let's take the example from before, but instead of calling System.get_env()
in the config file, let's define the environment key we want to use in the config, but access the environment at runtime.
# prod.exs
config :deployment_demo, config_val: "CONFIG_VALUE"
Now in our module we can access the value via a function.
# my_module.ex
defmodule DeploymentDemo.MyModule do
defp config_value do
|> Application.get_env(:config_val)
|> System.get_env()
This can easily be cleaned up by extracting it to a config helper module.
# config_helper.ex
defmodule DeploymentDemo.ConfigHelper do
def get_env(app, value) do
|> Application.get_env(value)
|> System.get_env()
then you can simply alias the ConfigHelper
module and fetch values from the environment via
ConfigHelper.get_env(:deployment_demo, :config_val)
# "foo"
Now that we have distillery setup and building releases and edelivery hooked up to our build and production servers, we're ready to run our first release.
From your local machine, from the app's root directory. Run the commands:
$ mix edeliver build release
$ mix edeliver deploy release to production
$ mix edeliver start production
$ mix edeliver ping production
Once the process is completed you should be able to view your app at https://<production_server_ip>
Check here for other useful commands for checking up on a running node.
After making changes and commiting them, you can now run a new build and update production without having to manually stop and start the currently running build.
From the app's root directory, run the commands:
$ mix edeliver build upgrade
$ mix edeliver upgrade
and your app should be updated with your changes.
Alternatively, you can deploy a full release by running
$ mix edeliver update production