All methods, fields and properties are static.
void CreateMod(BaseUnityPlugin _plugin, string modName, string modAuthor, string modVersion, bool pathAll = true)
Allows you to create your own mod automatically.
Call ModBase.CreateMod()
to create a mod. It will automatically:
- create ConfigSync
- SetupWatcher on config file
- call Harmony.PatchAll() - can be disabled via
pathAll: false
- Add config server lock
private void Awake()
ModBase.CreateMod(_plugin: this, ModName, ModAuthor, ModVersion, pathAll: true);
OnConfigurationChanged += () => { };
void RunCommand(Terminal.ConsoleEvent action, Terminal.ConsoleEventArgs args)
When you adding a new command, you can call this method to format it. It automatically uses try catch.
throw new ConsoleCommandException to make error be shown only in in-game console. Any other exception will be shown in the log.
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(Terminal), nameof(InitTerminal))]
internal class TerminalCommands
private static void Postfix()
new ConsoleCommand("mycoolcommand", "", args => RunCommand(args =>
if (!IsAdmin) throw new ConsoleCommandException("You are not an admin on this server.");
//Do something
}, args));
T GetPlugin<T>() where T : BaseUnityPlugin
Returns the plugin instance of type of BaseUnityPlugin.
Returns the plugin instance of type of T. T should your BaseUnityPlugin type.
void Debug(object msg, bool showInHud = false, bool showInConsole = false)
Logs message to the BepInEx console.
void DebugError(object msg, bool showWriteToDev = true, bool showInConsole = false)
Logs error message to the BepInEx console.
void DebugWarning(object msg, bool showWriteToDev = true, bool showInConsole = false)
Logs warning message to the BepInEx console.
AssetBundle LoadAssetBundle(string filename)
Loads an asset bundle, returns the it and saves it in ModBase.bundle
string CreateModGUID(string ModName, string ModAuthor) => $"com.{ModAuthor}.{ModName}";
Constructs a mod GUID. in format com.ModAuthor.ModName
string ModName { get; private set; }
The name of the mod.
string ModAuthor { get; private set; }
The author of the mod.
string ModVersion { get; private set; }
The version of the mod.
string ModGUID { get; private set; }
The GUID of the mod.
Harmony harmony { get; private set; }
The harmony instance for this mod.
bool IsAdmin
Whether the player is an admin on this server.
AssetBundle bundle
The asset bundle of the mod set by LoadAssetBundle
Action OnConfigurationChanged
Called when configuration file is changed.