[not going great] soporte para el idioma español
backspace & enter keyhold
arrow navigation
- home-end navigation
tab indent
supr key
load file
save file
line nums
- update to be more 'dynamic'
- selecting vert nav bug
- test more
writte the respectives header files
selection stuff (home-end, reset)
- writting on a selection
- test more and more
vertical scroll
- base
- [?] cover all navigation cases
- ctrl+home/end
- arrows
- backspace
- [no] works perfect
horizontal scroll
- arrows/home/end
- backspace
- test more and more and more
- [no] works perfect
draw just a part of the text?
draw optimization
- line num
- text lines
- horizontally?
write and test more and more and more and more? (optional)
resizable window
Error management is needed in some void functions
- simple syntax highlighting (C)
- highlighting single quotes strings
- file navigation?
- there are some path issues
- crt-shader
- rounded corners
- undo/redo
- real usable undo/redo
- themes
- cutomization
- sort of vim motions
- automatic close brackets: [], {}, ()
- new line keeps indentation
- LSP & error lens like stuff
- api (scripting)
- code completition