Up to now we ran the frontend from our nodejs development server. That's nice as it autocompiles stuff whenever something changes, but its also not nice because its not meant for production (where we will just rebuild the docker image when something needs to change).
Let's try to fix that: we will now make our build in two parts:
- The first part will compile all vue code to static html, javascript and css
- The second part will setup a nginx webserver that just serves the static files.
We will create a new dockerfile, this time called just Dockerfile
in our frontend/docker folder:
# stage 1
FROM node:14-alpine as build-stage
LABEL org.opencontainers.image.authors="Frank"
RUN npm install -g @vue/cli
ENV NODE_OPTIONS="--max-old-space-size=8192"
ADD package.json package-lock.json* /source/
WORKDIR /source
RUN npm install
ADD . /source
WORKDIR /source
RUN npm install && cp .env.k8s .env && npm run build
# stage 2
FROM nginx:stable-alpine as production-stage
ADD docker/default.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
COPY --from=build-stage /source/dist /usr/share/nginx/html
CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]
In our second stage, we use docker/default.conf
as nginx configuration. Let's create a very simple one and save the following as frontend/docker/default.conf
server {
listen 80;
listen [::]:80;
server_name localhost;
location / {
root /usr/share/nginx/html;
index index.html index.htm;
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;
error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html;
location = /50x.html {
root /usr/share/nginx/html;
Voila! Can you build and run this docker image locally ?
Let's first fix our skaffold yaml so that it uses the Dockerfile instead of Dockerfile.dev for our frontend (please make this modification). Now our skaffold is like a "production" one. Now we'll introduce a "dev" profile in skaffold. Let's add the following section to the bottom of our skaffold yaml:
- name: dev
- op: replace
path: /build/artifacts/1/docker/dockerfile
value: docker/Dockerfile.dev
So now we added a dev profile that patches the dockerfile from the second (0 is the first) artifact. We can select a profile when starting skaffold:
## run in production
skaffold run -d registry.kube-public
## run in development mode
skaffold run -d registry.kube-public -p dev
## autosync enabled in development mode
skaffold dev -d registry.kube-public -p dev