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iOS (Swift 5): MVVM test with Combine and UIKit

MVVM and functional reactive programming (FRP) are very used in iOS development inside companies. Here, there is an example where I implement the MVVM architecture with Combine, Apple's official framework, being the equivalent of the famous RxSwift framework. All with UIKit.

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MVVM architecture

MVVM architecture (Model View ViewModel) is a design pattern which allows to separate business logic and UI interactions. Starting from MVC, the view and the controller are now one in MVVM. In iOS with UIKit, the ViewController belongs to the view part. Furthermore, the ViewController no longer have to manage business logic and no longer have references to data models.

The novelty being the View Model is that it has the responsibility to manage the business logic and update the view by disposing of properties that the view will display through data binding.

Data binding is a link between the view and the view model, where the view through user interactions will send a signal to the view model to run a specific business logic. This signal will allow the update of the data of the model data and thus allow automatic refresh of the view. Data binding in iOS can be done with:

  • Delegation
  • Callbacks (closures)
  • Functional Reactive Programming (RxSwift, Combine)

Pros and cons of MVVM

  • Main pros:
    • Suitable architecture to separate the view from business logic through a ViewModel.
    • ViewController lightened.
    • Business logic tests easier to do (Code coverage increased)
    • Suitable with SwiftUI
    • Suitable with reactive programming (RxSwift, Combine)
  • Cons:
    • ViewModel can be massive if the separation of the elements is not mastered, so it's hard to cut correctly structures, classes and methods in order to respect the 1st principle of SOLID being the SRP: Single Responsibility Principle. MVVM-C alternative with uses a Coordinator is useful to lighten the views and manage the navigation between views.
    • May be complex for very small projects.
    • Unsuitable for very large and complex projects, it will be better to switch to VIPER or Clean Architecture (VIP, MVVM, Clean Swift, ...). MVVM can be integrated inside a Clean Architecture.
    • Complex mastery for beginners (especially with UIKit)


Functional Reactive Programming with Combine

The reactive programming is an asynchronous programming paradigm, oriented around data stream and the propagation of change. This model is based on the observer pattern where a stream creates data at different times. Actions are then executed in an orderly fashion.

These streams are modelized with Observables (Publishers with Combine) which will emit events of 3 types:

  • Value
  • Error
  • Completion (the stream has no data to send anymore)

Like event-based programming, the reactive programming uses also Observers (Subscribers with Combine) which will subscribe to the events, emitted by Observables, then receive the data (listening for changes) of the stream in real time in order to execute actions depending to the signal.

The 3rd element of reactive programming is named Subjects which acts as dual way, both as an Observable as well as Observer. Subjects can emit and receive events.

We talk about FRP: Functional Reactive Programming) the way of combining data streams with function type operators to process the data (formatting, value updating, filtering, merging several streams into one, ...), like those in the arrays with:

  • map
  • filter
  • flatMap
  • compactMap
  • reduce
  • And more...

Functional Reactive Programming is perfectly suitable for the data binding of MVVM architecture with an observable in the view model to emit the received events, especially asynchronous ones (network calls, GPS updating, model data updating, ...) and an observer in the view which will subscribe to the view model observable and listen to any change.

On the other hand, it is also necessary to use Cancellables which will cancel the subscription of the observers (AnyCancellable with Combine) and manage the memory deallocation in order to avoid memory leaks.

Functional reactive programming remains one of the most complex concepts to learn and master (especially by oneself in autodidact), the definition itself is complex to to understand and assimilate. But once mastered, this concept becomes a powerful weapon to write optimal asynchronous functionnalities (chaining HTTP calls, asynchronous server check before validation, ...), having reactive interface which updates itself automatically when changes appended in real time from the data stream, to replace delegation (passing data backward from secondary to main view, ...), ... Furthermore, knowing how to use reactive programming is also essential to integrate an iOS application project in a compan, being one of the most required skills.

Combine requires iOS 13 or above for any iOS application. The main advantage of Combine is at the level of performance and optimization, since everything is managed by Apple, and Apple can go at the deepest of the operating system elements, thing that third-party framework developers cannot do. External framework dependency is now reduced.

Compared to RxSwift, Combine remains less complete in terms of operators for specific and advanced cases. Also Combine is not fully suitable with UIKit especially for bindings with UI components, thing that is more complete with RxSwift (RxCocoa).


Here, I propose as example a real-time refresh of a TableView of PSG players with MVVM architecture. This update is done in several ways:

  1. At app launching, through an HTTP GET call from an online JSON file. The donwloaded data are therefore arranged on ViewModel dedicated to TableViewCell.
  2. When searching a player, filtering will be applied automatically depending on the text entered, and then refresh in real-time the UI list with filtered data.

  1. By tapping on filtering button, a ViewController appears to allow the selection of a filter in order to update the list of the main view from the following criterias:
    • Goalkeepers
    • Defenders
    • Midfielders
    • Forwards
    • PSG trained players 🔵🔴
    • By alphabetical order
    • By number in ascending order

  1. By tapping on a cell, a ViewController appears to display the details of selected players (image, name, number, position, trained or not at PSG, birth date, country, size, weight, number of played matched and goals scored)


1) Reactive update

For reactive update, I use a subject in my view model (here PSGPlayersViewModel). When the app is launched and made the HTTP call from the server, the subject will emit a success event if the download is complete and if the list of view models of TableViewCell is updated. The update subject updateResult is a PassthroughSubject. A subject have 2 types in his declaration: a value and an element for the errors (Never if no errors to handle). Here it's a case if an error occurs, especially at app launch during the HTTP call (no Internet connection, error 404, JSON decoding to objects,...). The particularity of the PassthroughSubject is that there is no need to give an initial value to emit.

import Combine

final class PSGPlayersViewModel {
    // Subjects, those who emits and receive events.
    var updateResult = PassthroughSubject<Bool, APIError>()

When downloading, if the data are updated, we use send(value) method to emit an event. If an error occurs, we use send(completion: .failure(error). Otherwise, we send a value.

import Combine

final class PSGPlayersViewModel {
    func getPlayers() {
        apiService.fetchPlayers { [weak self] result in
            switch result {
            case .success(let response):
                self?.playersData = response
            case .failure(let error):
                self?.updateResult.send(completion: .failure(error)) // Emit an error

    private func parseData() {
        guard let data = playersData, data.players.count > 0 else {
            // No player downloaded
        data.players.forEach { playersViewModel.append(PSGPlayerCellViewModel(player: $0)) }
        filteredPlayersViewModels = playersViewModel
        updateResult.send(true) // We notify the view that the data are updated to refresh the TableView

At ViewController level, we use updateResult propery in order to do the data binding between view and view model. Given that reactive operations are asynchronous, we begin with receive(on: ) to precise on which thread we will receive the value. UI operation can be done only on the main thread, so we will put in parameter RunLoop.main or DispatchQueue.main (both are same).

The, the subscription to process the events is done with sink(completion: , receive: value). In completion, it's here when we process 2 situations, either if the stream stops emitting, or if there is an error. In receiveValue, it's here when we can do the operations UI like refreshing TableView. We store after the subscription in an AnyCancellable list in order to avoid memory leaks.

final class MainViewController: UIViewController {
    private var subscriptions = Set<AnyCancellable>()
    private var viewModel = PSGPlayersViewModel()

    private func setBindings() {
        func setUpdateBinding() {
            // View receives in real-time the emitted event by the subject
            viewModel.updateResult.receive(on: RunLoop.main).sink { completion in
                switch completion {
                case .finished:
                    print("OK: done")
                case .failure(let error):
                    // We can show for example an alert to notify directly that an error has occured
                    print("Error received: \(error.rawValue)")
            } receiveValue: { [weak self] updated in
                // View model data are updated, we refresh the list
                self?.loadingSpinner.isHidden = true
                if updated {
                } else {
            }.store(in: &subscriptions)

2) Reactive search

For reactive search, I use 2 elements in my view model (here PSGPlayersViewModel). I take back the updating subject updateResult, and a @Published property for the search that received in real-time a String in order to search the wanted player. This element will act as an observer which will subscribe to the view elements. It will also be necessary to use a AnyCancellable to manage the cancellation of subscriptions and avoid memory leaks.

import Combine

final class PSGPlayersViewModel {
    // Subjects, those who emits and receive events.
    var updateResult = PassthroughSubject<Bool, APIError>()
    @Published var searchQuery = ""

    // For memory management and cancellation of subscriptions 
    private var subscriptions = Set<AnyCancellable>()

Here we set the data binding with the view, where the searchQuery observer subscribes to the view events. The property being a Publisher<String>, you must precede the name of the variable with a $ to receive the events. In the context of the research, we will first receive in the main thread with .receive(on: RunLoop.main), ignore event duplicates with removeDuplicates(). Next, do not overload the main thread stream by delaying the reception of events with .debounce(for: .seconds(0.5), scheduler: RunLoop.main). The reception of the value to perform the action is done with sink(receiveValue: ). We store after the subscription in an AnyCancellable list in order to avoid memory leaks.

final class PSGPlayersViewModel {
    private func setBindings() {
            .receive(on: RunLoop.main)
            .debounce(for: .seconds(0.5), scheduler: RunLoop.main)
            .sink { [weak self] value in
            }.store(in: &subscriptions)

In the ViewController, we do the same thing as in the view model with a Publisher<String> (@Published searchQuery). In the treatment of the subscription with sink(receiveValue: ), we affect the searched value to the view model observer. The received value in the view model will trigger automatically the searchPlayer() method. In textDidChange function of UISearchBarDelegate, when the texte of search bar changed, the action inside sink(receiveValue: ) will be triggered.

final class MainViewController: UIViewController {
    @Published private(set) var searchQuery = ""
    private var subscriptions = Set<AnyCancellable>()
    private var viewModel = PSGPlayersViewModel()

    private func setBindings() {
        func setSearchBinding() {
                .receive(on: RunLoop.main)
                .sink { [weak self] value in
                    self?.viewModel.searchQuery = value
                }.store(in: &subscriptions)

        func setUpdateBinding() {

extension MainViewController: UISearchBarDelegate {
    // It's here that when we modify the search bar text. The subscription will send automatically a new value to the view model observer.
    func searchBar(_ searchBar: UISearchBar, textDidChange searchText: String) {
        self.searchQuery = searchText

And of course, the searchPlayer() method will emit through updateResult subject a refresh signal with true if there is data after filtering, false if the list is empty.

final class PSGPlayersViewModel {
    private func searchPlayer() {
        guard !searchQuery.isEmpty else {
            activeFilter = .noFilter
            filteredPlayersViewModels = playersViewModel
        filteredPlayersViewModels = playersViewModel.filter { $ }
        if filteredPlayersViewModels.count > 0 {
        } else {