+SolanaClientResponse<AccountInfo> |
+SolanaApi.getAccountInfo(java.lang.String address) |
+ Retrieves the account information for the specified address.
+ |
+SolanaClientResponse<AccountInfo> |
+SolanaApi.getAccountInfo(java.lang.String address,
+ SolanaClientOptionalParams params) |
+ Retrieves the account information for the specified address with optional parameters.
+ |
+SolanaClientResponse<java.lang.Long> |
+SolanaApi.getBalance(java.lang.String address) |
+ Retrieves the balance of an account in lamports.
+ |
+SolanaClientResponse<java.lang.Long> |
+SolanaApi.getBalance(java.lang.String address,
+ SolanaClientOptionalParams optionalParams) |
+ Retrieves the balance of an account in lamports with optional parameters.
+ |
+SolanaClientResponse<java.lang.Long> |
+SolanaApi.getBlockHeight() |
+ Retrieves the current block height of the Solana blockchain.
+ |
+SolanaClientResponse<java.lang.Long> |
+SolanaApi.getBlockHeight(SolanaClientOptionalParams optionalParams) |
+ Retrieves the current block height with optional parameters.
+ |
+SolanaClientResponse<java.lang.String> |
+SolanaApi.getHealth() |
+ Returns the current health of the node.
+ |
+SolanaClientResponse<Blockhash> |
+SolanaApi.getLatestBlockhash() |
+ Retrieves the most recent blockhash.
+ |
+SolanaClientResponse<Blockhash> |
+SolanaApi.getLatestBlockhash(SolanaClientOptionalParams optionalParams) |
+ Retrieves the most recent blockhash with optional parameters.
+ |
+SolanaClientResponse<java.lang.Long> |
+SolanaApi.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(int size) |
+ Retrieves the minimum balance required for rent exemption for an account of the given size.
+ |
+SolanaClientResponse<java.lang.Long> |
+SolanaApi.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(int size,
+ SolanaClientOptionalParams optionalParams) |
+ Retrieves the minimum balance required for rent exemption for an account of the given size,
+ with additional parameters to customize the request.
+ |
+SolanaClientResponse<java.util.List<SignatureForAddress>> |
+SolanaApi.getSignaturesForAddress(java.lang.String addressBase58) |
+ Retrieves a list of transaction signatures for a specified address.
+ |
+SolanaClientResponse<java.util.List<SignatureForAddress>> |
+SolanaApi.getSignaturesForAddress(java.lang.String addressBase58,
+ SolanaClientOptionalParams optionalParams) |
+ Retrieves a list of transaction signatures for a specified address with optional parameters.
+ |
+SolanaClientResponse<java.util.List<SignatureStatus>> |
+SolanaApi.getSignatureStatuses(java.util.List<java.lang.String> transactionSignatures) |
+ Retrieves the statuses of one or more transaction signatures.
+ |
+SolanaClientResponse<java.util.List<SignatureStatus>> |
+SolanaApi.getSignatureStatuses(java.util.List<java.lang.String> transactionSignatures,
+ SolanaClientOptionalParams optionalParams) |
+ Retrieves the statuses of one or more transaction signatures with optional parameters.
+ |
+SolanaClientResponse<java.lang.Long> |
+SolanaApi.getSlot() |
+ Retrieves the current slot number.
+ |
+SolanaClientResponse<java.lang.Long> |
+SolanaApi.getSlot(SolanaClientOptionalParams optionalParams) |
+ Retrieves the current slot number with optional parameters.
+ |
+SolanaClientResponse<TokenAmount> |
+SolanaApi.getTokenAccountBalance(java.lang.String address) |
+ Retrieves the token account balance of an SPL token account.
+ |
+SolanaClientResponse<TokenAmount> |
+SolanaApi.getTokenAccountBalance(java.lang.String address,
+ SolanaClientOptionalParams optionalParams) |
+ Retrieves the token account balance of an SPL token account with optional parameters.
+ |
+SolanaClientResponse<java.util.List<TokenAccount>> |
+SolanaApi.getTokenAccountsByOwner(java.lang.String accountDelegate,
+ java.util.Map.Entry<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> filter) |
+ Retrieves token accounts owned by a specific address, filtered by criteria.
+ |
+SolanaClientResponse<java.util.List<TokenAccount>> |
+SolanaApi.getTokenAccountsByOwner(java.lang.String accountDelegate,
+ java.util.Map.Entry<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> filter,
+ SolanaClientOptionalParams optionalParams) |
+ Retrieves token accounts owned by a specific address, filtered by criteria, with optional parameters.
+ |
+SolanaClientResponse<TransactionResponse> |
+SolanaApi.getTransaction(java.lang.String transactionSignature) |
+ Retrieves the transaction response for a given transaction signature.
+ |
+SolanaClientResponse<TransactionResponse> |
+SolanaApi.getTransaction(java.lang.String transactionSignature,
+ SolanaClientOptionalParams optionalParams) |
+ Retrieves the transaction response for a given transaction signature with optional parameters.
+ |
+SolanaClientResponse<java.lang.Long> |
+SolanaApi.minimumLedgerSlot() |
+ Returns the lowest slot that the node has information about in its ledger.
+ |
+SolanaClientResponse<java.lang.String> |
+SolanaApi.requestAirdrop(java.lang.String address,
+ long amountLamports) |
+ Requests an airdrop of lamports to the specified address.
+ |
+SolanaClientResponse<java.lang.String> |
+SolanaApi.requestAirdrop(java.lang.String address,
+ long amountLamports,
+ SolanaClientOptionalParams optionalParams) |
+ Requests an airdrop of lamports to the specified address with optional parameters.
+ |
+SolanaClientResponse<java.lang.String> |
+SolanaApi.sendTransaction(java.lang.String transactionBlob) |
+ Sends a transaction to the Solana blockchain without optional parameters.
+ |
+SolanaClientResponse<java.lang.String> |
+SolanaApi.sendTransaction(java.lang.String transactionBlob,
+ SolanaClientOptionalParams optionalParams) |
+ Sends a transaction to the Solana blockchain.
+ |
+SolanaClientResponse<SimulateTransactionResponse> |
+SolanaApi.simulateTransaction(java.lang.String transaction) |
+ Simulates a transaction without broadcasting it to the Solana blockchain.
+ |
+SolanaClientResponse<SimulateTransactionResponse> |
+SolanaApi.simulateTransaction(java.lang.String transaction,
+ SolanaClientOptionalParams optionalParams) |
+ Simulates a transaction without broadcasting it to the Solana blockchain, with optional parameters.
+ |