In no particular order...
- Add a configuration option to start the Radar Ident numbering at 1 instead of the default 0, letters X instead of A, etc.
- Allow users to customize the starting point according to their preference.
- Introduce a configuration option to enable or disable back-filling numbers for the Radar Ident.
- By default, enable back-filling to ensure sequential numbering and less typing.
- Implement a mechanism to reserve specific identification or callsigns for special purposes, players or groups.
- Add support for alpha callsigns using the NATO phonetic alphabet.
- Implement a set of terminal commands to manage and configure the Radar Ident QuickSwitch mod.
- Provide commands for customization, configuration, and troubleshooting.
- Implement a feature to draw the Radar Ident on the player's suit.
- Ensure the Radar Ident is visible and easily identifiable.
Displays this list of available commands and their usage.
riqs.assign <callsign> <player/group>
Assigns the specified callsign to the given player or group.
riqs.reserve <callsign> <player/group>
Reserves the specified callsign for the given player or group.
Forcibly re-assigns all callsigns to new values.
riqs.<key> <value>
Configures a specific option of the Radar Ident QuickSwitch mod.
See Config Options below for a list of available options.
riqs.type nato
Whether or not the Radar Ident QuickSwitch mod is enabled. (default: true)
Whether or not to backfill and re-use leavers' identifiers. (default: true)
The length of the Number or Latin identifier to use. (default: 1, options: 1-8)
Whether or not to use sequential identifiers (random otherwise). (default: true)
The start point for the Number or Latin identifier. (default: 0 or A, options: 0-9, A-Z)
The type of identifier to use. (default: number, options: number, latin, greek, nato)