logging step incorrectly if project
name not passed.
logging step incorrectly if project
name not passed.
Bug description
If the
name is not passed (left asNone
), when creating aWandbLogger
, the logger logs the global step differently.What version are you seeing the problem on?
How to reproduce the bug
In the below minimal example,
is not passed toWandbLogger
and the incorrect step is logged:This results in the step being incremented only at the end of the epoch, and once for both training and validation, meaning they have different step numbers (each of which less than the global training step numbers).
By only changing
, it changes how the step value is logged. With this change, the step value is logged as the global training step value, and is consistent between the train and validation logging.Environment
Current environment
- GPU: None
- available: False
- version: None
- lightning: 2.3.3
- lightning-utilities: 0.11.2
- pytorch-lightning: 2.3.3
- torch: 2.3.1
- torcheval: 0.0.7
- torchmetrics: 1.4.0.post0
- torchvision: 0.18.1
- aiohttp: 3.9.5
- aiosignal: 1.3.1
- alabaster: 0.7.16
- anyio: 4.4.0
- appnope: 0.1.4
- argon2-cffi: 23.1.0
- argon2-cffi-bindings: 21.2.0
- arrow: 1.3.0
- astropy: 6.1.0
- astropy-iers-data: 0.2024.
- astroquery: 0.4.7
- asttokens: 2.4.1
- async-lru: 2.0.4
- atpublic: 4.1.0
- attrs: 23.2.0
- autograd: 1.6.2
- babel: 2.14.0
- backcall: 0.2.0
- backports-strenum: 1.2.8
- backports.tarfile: 1.2.0
- beautifulsoup4: 4.12.3
- bleach: 6.1.0
- bokeh: 3.5.1
- brotli: 1.1.0
- cached-property: 1.5.2
- certifi: 2024.6.2
- cffi: 1.17.0
- charset-normalizer: 3.3.2
- click: 8.1.7
- comm: 0.2.2
- contourpy: 1.2.1
- cycler: 0.12.1
- debugpy: 1.8.5
- decorator: 5.1.1
- defusedxml: 0.7.1
- distlib: 0.3.8
- docker-pycreds: 0.4.0
- docopt: 0.6.2
- docutils: 0.21.2
- entrypoints: 0.4
- exceptiongroup: 1.2.2
- executing: 2.0.1
- fastjsonschema: 2.19.1
- fbpca: 1.0
- filelock: 3.14.0
- fonttools: 4.53.0
- fqdn: 1.5.1
- frozenlist: 1.4.1
- fsspec: 2024.6.0
- furo: 2024.5.6
- future: 1.0.0
- gitdb: 4.0.11
- gitpython: 3.1.43
- h11: 0.14.0
- h2: 4.1.0
- hatch: 1.12.0
- hatchling: 1.24.2
- hpack: 4.0.0
- html5lib: 1.1
- httpcore: 1.0.5
- httpx: 0.27.0
- humanize: 4.11.0
- hyperframe: 6.0.1
- hyperlink: 21.0.0
- idna: 3.7
- imagesize: 1.4.1
- importlib-metadata: 7.1.0
- importlib-resources: 6.4.0
- iniconfig: 2.0.0
- ipykernel: 6.29.5
- ipython: 8.12.3
- ipywidgets: 8.1.3
- isoduration: 20.11.0
- jaraco.classes: 3.4.0
- jaraco.context: 5.3.0
- jaraco.functools: 4.0.1
- jedi: 0.19.1
- jinja2: 3.1.4
- joblib: 1.4.2
- json5: 0.9.25
- jsonpointer: 3.0.0
- jsonschema: 4.22.0
- jsonschema-specifications: 2023.12.1
- jupyter: 1.0.0
- jupyter-client: 8.6.2
- jupyter-console: 6.6.3
- jupyter-core: 5.7.2
- jupyter-events: 0.10.0
- jupyter-lsp: 2.2.5
- jupyter-server: 2.14.2
- jupyter-server-terminals: 0.5.3
- jupyterlab: 4.2.4
- jupyterlab-pygments: 0.3.0
- jupyterlab-server: 2.27.3
- jupyterlab-widgets: 3.0.11
- keyring: 25.2.1
- kiwisolver: 1.4.5
- lightkurve: 2.4.2
- lightning: 2.3.3
- lightning-utilities: 0.11.2
- lxml: 5.2.2
- markdown-it-py: 3.0.0
- markupsafe: 2.1.5
- matplotlib: 3.9.0
- matplotlib-inline: 0.1.7
- mdit-py-plugins: 0.4.1
- mdurl: 0.1.2
- memoization: 0.4.0
- mistune: 3.0.2
- more-itertools: 10.2.0
- mpmath: 1.3.0
- multidict: 6.0.5
- myst-parser: 3.0.1
- nbclient: 0.10.0
- nbconvert: 7.16.4
- nbformat: 5.10.4
- nest-asyncio: 1.6.0
- networkx: 3.3
- notebook: 7.2.1
- notebook-shim: 0.2.4
- numpy: 1.26.4
- oktopus: 0.1.2
- overrides: 7.7.0
- packaging: 24.0
- pandas: 2.2.2
- pandocfilters: 1.5.0
- parso: 0.8.4
- pathspec: 0.12.1
- patsy: 0.5.6
- peewee: 3.17.5
- pexpect: 4.9.0
- pickleshare: 0.7.5
- pillow: 10.3.0
- pip: 24.0
- pipreqs: 0.5.0
- pkgutil-resolve-name: 1.3.10
- platformdirs: 4.2.2
- plotly: 5.22.0
- pluggy: 1.5.0
- polars: 0.20.31
- prometheus-client: 0.20.0
- prompt-toolkit: 3.0.46
- protobuf: 5.27.1
- psutil: 5.9.8
- ptyprocess: 0.7.0
- pure-eval: 0.2.2
- pyarrow: 16.1.0
- pycparser: 2.22
- pyerfa:
- pygments: 2.18.0
- pyobjc-core: 10.3.1
- pyobjc-framework-cocoa: 10.3.1
- pyparsing: 3.1.2
- pysocks: 1.7.1
- pytest: 7.4.4
- pytest-asyncio: 0.23.7
- pytest-pycharm: 0.7.0
- python-dateutil: 2.9.0
- python-json-logger: 2.0.7
- pytorch-lightning: 2.3.3
- pytz: 2024.1
- pyvo: 1.5.2
- pyyaml: 6.0.1
- pyzmq: 26.0.3
- qtconsole: 5.5.2
- qtpy: 2.4.1
- qusi: 1.0.3
- qusi-evaluation: 0.0.1
- referencing: 0.35.1
- requests: 2.32.3
- retrying: 1.3.4
- rfc3339-validator: 0.1.4
- rfc3986-validator: 0.1.1
- rich: 13.7.1
- rpds-py: 0.18.1
- scikit-learn: 1.5.0
- scipy: 1.13.1
- send2trash: 1.8.3
- sentry-sdk: 2.5.1
- setproctitle: 1.3.3
- setuptools: 70.0.0
- shellingham: 1.5.4
- six: 1.16.0
- smmap: 5.0.1
- sniffio: 1.3.1
- snowballstemmer: 2.2.0
- soupsieve: 2.5
- sphinx: 7.3.7
- sphinx-basic-ng: 1.0.0b2
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- stack-data: 0.6.2
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- sympy: 1.12.1
- tenacity: 8.3.0
- terminado: 0.18.1
- threadpoolctl: 3.5.0
- tinycss2: 1.3.0
- tomli: 2.0.1
- tomli-w: 1.0.0
- tomlkit: 0.12.5
- torch: 2.3.1
- torcheval: 0.0.7
- torchmetrics: 1.4.0.post0
- torchvision: 0.18.1
- tornado: 6.4.1
- tqdm: 4.66.4
- traitlets: 5.14.3
- trove-classifiers: 2024.5.22
- types-python-dateutil:
- typing-extensions: 4.12.2
- typing-utils: 0.1.0
- tzdata: 2024.1
- uncertainties: 3.2.1
- uri-template: 1.3.0
- urllib3: 2.2.1
- userpath: 1.9.2
- uv: 0.2.11
- uvloop: 0.19.0
- virtualenv: 20.26.2
- wandb: 0.17.1
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- yarg: 0.1.9
- yarl: 1.9.4
- zenodo-get: 1.6.1
- zipp: 3.19.2
- zstandard: 0.22.0
- OS: Darwin
- architecture:
- 64bit
- processor: arm
- python: 3.11.9
- release: 24.0.0
- version: Darwin Kernel Version 24.0.0: Tue Sep 24 23:39:07 PDT 2024; root:xnu-11215.1.12~1/RELEASE_ARM64_T6000
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