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NHS Notify Reporting

CI/CD Pull Request Quality Gate Status


This repository contains code for the reporting domain of the NHS Notify system.

The reporting domain provides an isolated environment for staging data used for reporting purposes, such as exposure of data to Power BI.

This allows appropriate views of data to be safely exposed without sharing the full contents of the underlying transactional database.

This domain does not contain any application code. The reporting domain is executed exclusively through AWS services. It incorporates the following technologies:

Table of Contents


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In order to facilitate cross-account export of data, the reporting domain requires IAM permissions for read-only access to the Glue Catalogue and underlying S3 storage in the NHS Notify core account.


After successful deployment, the following will be available:

  • Staging tables for each data aggregation/projection.
  • Athena saved queries to incrementally populate the staging tables from the core account.
  • A step function to periodically execute the saved ingestion queries.
  • A step function to periodically execute housekeeping queries.
  • A step function to periodically execute the completed communications report (canned report).

The step functions and saved queries can be executed manually as required. They are idempotent, so can be executed outside of the scheduled execution without harm.

For the most part access to the core NHS Notify account is read-only. Any side-effects of changes are restricted solely to the staging tables within the reporting environment. (The exception to this is the ability to write reports back to the core account to a nominated ingress bucket)

More information on the individual staging tables and associated ingestion queries is available here.

Athena Workgroups

The following Athena workgroups are available:

  • setup for DDL execution and initial data migration.
  • ingestion for execution of the ingestion queries used to populate staging tables.
  • user for execution of queries that read from staging tables, including external consumers like Power BI.
  • housekeeping for execution of able housekeeping queries, such as VACUUM or OPTIMIZE.
  • core for execution of queries that write results back to the ingress S3 bucket of the core account.

Ad-hoc queries should be executed using the user workgroup.

Workarounds / Limitations

Because of a limitation in the Terraform provider we can't currently manage iceberg tables as a native Terraform aws_glue_catalog_table resource.

As a workaround, we manage reporting tables via DDL queries executed in Athena and wrapped in Terraform null_resources for state management. See also the shell scripts invoked by the null_resources.

How do I?

How do I define a new projection/aggregation?

  • Add a new file containing a Terraform null_resource that wraps the create_table shell script
  • Add a new file containing a Terraform athena_named_query used for data ingestion
  • Specify the DDL for the new table definition here
  • Specify the SQL to define the ingestion query here
  • (Optionally) specify the data migration query here
  • Add the named query to the ingestion step function here
  • Add housekeeping operations (VACUUM and OPTIMISE) to the step function here
  • Add the table to the IAM policy for both SSO access and the Power BI Gateway

The filename should be the same in all sql folders, and should be the same as the table name in the database with a .sql file extension.

If your target table contains hashed NHS numbers add the ingestion step function's hash_query_ids_n array, otherwise add it to the query_ids_n array.

The suffix n indicates which pass the ingestion should operate in, which allows one ingestion query to be dependent on the outcome of another one. Currently two passes are supported.

How do I define a view?

The filename should be the same as the view name in the database with a .sql file extension.

How do I add a new column to a projection/aggregation retrospectively?

Columns can be added retrospectiely by adding a Terraform null_resource that wraps the add_column shell script.

By convention, the column null_resources are defined in the same file as the associate table null_resource.

The column null_resource should have a dependency on the table null_resource or previous column null_resource so that they are created in the correct sequence. (Each column should have a different dependency to create a daisy-chain of sequential operations, as attempts to add two new columns concurrently will fail)

New columns should also be added to the underlying table definition so they are created as part of the initial table creation in new environments.


As there is no application code suited to unit testing, testing of step functions and queries is currently performed manually.


Architecture Overview

Reporting Architecture Overview

Staging Table Design

Staging tables are AWS Glue tables created in the Apache Iceberg format, since these support mutation of existing staging rows via the MERGE INTO operation. This means that information in the staging tables can be incrementally updated over time.

The initial staging tables are partitioned by creation month and completion month in order to efficiently support date-range queries.

See also this readme for the individual tables and ingestion queries.

Note: Partitions in Iceberg tables are not visible via the AWS Glue Console, but can be seen instead using a "SHOW CREATE TABLE" query in Athena (and verified by inspecting the underlying S3 storage)

Staging tables should have an immutable primary key (for projections) or immutable dimensions (for aggregations) that are used for matching. Mutable data should only be placed in non-PK fields (for projections) or facts (for aggregations). This convention is such that the ingestion process does not need to delete rows that would be associated with an old value of a mutable key.

Whether a field is mutable or not depends heavily upon context. A record ingested only in a terminal state (e.g. DELIVERED or FAILED) will have many more immutable fields than a record ingested while it is still being actively processed.

Ingestion Query Design

The underlying transaction_history table is a Glue representation of the change capture log from DynamoDB. It has a number of characteristics that make it more difficult to query than a "traditional" RDBMS table:

  • It contains a mixture of different object types due to the single table design used in DynamoDB.
  • It has a dynamically evolving schema, with new fields appearing over time as the NHS Notify application changes.
  • It contains multiple records for the same object, with one record for each change.
  • It has no guarantee of ordering, so record changes may be captured out-of-sequence.
  • It is subject to data retention policies. Older records will be deleted from the table automatically/without notice.

Ingestion queries must be specifically designed to take account of these characteristics in order to produce a consistent output for reporting. In addition:

  • Ingestion queries must be idempotent
  • Ingestion queries must operate on a moving time window (typically pulling transactional data from the last week into the staging tables)
  • Ingestion queries must be one-way only (data should not be removed or unwound), specifically:
    • Ingestion queries should not change the contents of the staging table when data is expired from the underlying transaction_history table
    • Ingestion queries should not change the contents of the staging table when records leave the incremental ingestion window
  • Ingestion queries should perform an upsert operation via the MERGE INTO SQL statement
  • Ingestion queries should safely handle the introduction of new fields over time (e.g. via the COALESCE function)
  • Ingestion queries should yield the same result irrespective of the order of records in the source data
  • Ingestion queries should safely handle a partial view of updates to a record (i.e. where some updates are within the ingestion window and others are outside)
  • Ingestion queries should safely handle mutable data, returning the content that corresponds to the latest record
    • Data that is present in some source record versions but NULL in others
    • Data that changes between record versions

See also this readme for the individual tables and ingestion queries.

Multiple Ingestion Passes

The ingestion step function runs queries in two passes, which allows ingestion queries to be dependent on other ingestion queries.

This means that it is possible to run an aggregation on a previously executed projection.

This offers performance, scaling and cost benefits and also means that aggregation contents will be consistent with underlying projections.

Handling PID

Staging tables exposed to Power BI should not contain any PID.

Pseudonymisation of PID is approved via the use of a SHA256 hash together with a secret environment key held in AWS Parameter Store.

The ingestion step function will inject the environment key as the execution parameter to any SQL query that is defined in the hash_query_ids_n collection in the Step Function Terraform.


External access (including PowerBI) should be restricted to read-only access of the staging tables only. No external access should be provided to the underlying transaction_history table.


Because of the Terraform limitation documented above we're unable to declaratively enable housekeeping on the Iceberg tables.

Equivalent functionality is instead achieved via OPTIMISE and VACUUM commands executed by a second step function.

Canned Reports

The reporting domain has the ability to execute sql queries as canned reports and write the output back to a nominated S3 bucket in the core account.

Completed Communications Report

The completed communications report can be triggered by executing the <environment>-state-machine-completed-comms-report step function.

By default, and when executed on schedule, this will run for yesterday's date and for the client ids held in the <environment>/completed-comms-report/clientIds parameter in AWS Parameter Store.

When executed manually via the AWS console, the step function can be run for any completion date and set of clients by providing a JSON input to the step function as follows:

  "completedDate": "2024-10-15",
  "clientIds": ["any_client_id"]

Reports are written to the defined S3 bucket under /completed_comms_report/<clientId>/<completedDate>/

Completed Batch Report

The completed batch report can be triggered by executing the <environment>-state-machine-completed-batch-report step function.

By default, and when executed on schedule, this will run for the client ids held in the <environment>/completed-batch-report/clientIds parameter in AWS Parameter Store.

When executed manually via the AWS console, the step function can be run for any set of clients by providing a JSON input to the step function as follows:

  "clientIds": ["any_client_id"]

Reports are written to the defined S3 bucket under /completed_batch_report/<clientId>/<requestId>/<requestRefId>/

Watchdog Queries

The step function <environment>-state-machine-watchdog executes a set of queries that analyse the state of recent transactions (from the last 90 days) in the database and writes the results of those queries as CloudWatch metrics.

CloudWatch alarms are setup to trigger if any of those watchdog metrics exceed a defined threshold.

Watchdog queries and corresponding metrics and alarms are currently setup for the following:

Condition Named Query Metric Threshold Alarm
Request item plans unexpectedly incomplete overdue_request_item_plans OverdueRequestItemPlansCount Sum across all clients > 0 overdue-request-item-plans
Request items incomplete after 2 weeks overdue_request_items OverdueRequestItemsCount Sum across all clients > 0 overdue-request-items
Requests incomplete after 2 weeks overdue_requests OverdueRequestsCount Sum across all clients > 0 overdue-requests


Email the NHS Notify team at [email protected]



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