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+# Template Engine
+Heads up! This is an **advanced topic** aimed at developers looking to deepen
+their understanding of html templating or folks looking to contribute to the
+`x-element` template engine.
+Still here? Great! Here’s a rundown of what this document covers:
+1. What is an html template engine, anyways?
+2. So, how do you go about building one?
+## What is an html template engine, anyways?
+An html template engine allows developers to ergonomically create dynamic web
+applications — plain and simple.
+One way to accomplish this would be to create an entire html document in a
+server by injecting dynamically-fetched data into a specialized template file.
+This is what [jinja](https://jinja.palletsprojects.com/) is used for (among many
+other things) and it has a Python-adjacent DSL to accomplish this. In general,
+the formula looks like `x.html.jinja + data = x.html`.
+Another approach is to _dynamically_ manage the DOM. In this case, unlike the
+above result which is an html file — the desired result would be a
+_modification_ to the living DOM. That looks more like
+`render(container, template + data)`.
+## So, how do you go about building one?
+Well… let’s try it! In general, there are three concepts to consider: template
+definition, data hydration, and result rendering. In particular, the desired
+interface ought to be something like:
+render(container, html`
+ ${data}
+Let’s try and design an `html` function which helps us express how we want to
+merge markup with dynamic data we interpolate.
+Let’s make the following _integration_ code work:
+// Import the template engine.
+const { html, render } = engine;
+// Pick a container to render DOM in.
+const container = document.body;
+// Set up our application state.
+const data = {
+ label: 'My TODOs',
+ selected: 0,
+ items: [
+ { label: 'walk the dog', description: '…' },
+ { label: 'document template engine', description: '…' },
+ { label: 'water the plants', description: '…' },
+ ],
+// Derive rendering-specific information from our state.
+const label = data.label;
+const items = data.items;
+const selectedItem = data.items[data.selected];
+// Interpolate our template with our state idiomatically.
+const result = html`
+ ${data.label}
+ ${
+ data.items[data.selected]
+ ? html`
+ ${data.items[data.selected].label}
+ ${data.items[data.selected].description}
+ `
+ : null
+ }
+// Finally, we perform the update.
+render(container, result);
+### Iteration 1 — a first crack
+// Recursively create html by joining strings with values.
+function createHtml(result) {
+ const { strings, values } = result;
+ let html = '';
+ for (let iii = 0; iii < strings.length; iii++) {
+ const string = strings[iii];
+ const value = values[iii];
+ html += string;
+ if (Array.isArray(value)) {
+ html += value.map(subValue => createHtml(subValue)).join('');
+ } else if (value?.strings && value?.values) {
+ html += createHtml(value);
+ } else {
+ html += value ?? '';
+ }
+ }
+ return html;
+// Tagged template function for idiomatic interpolation.
+function html(strings, ...values) {
+ return { strings, values };
+// Renderder to update DOM in the desired container.
+const render = (container, result) => {
+ container.innerHTML = createHtml(result);
+export { html, render };
+For ~30 lines of code, that actually does a whole lot! Let’s enumerate what this
+currently _does_ and _doesn’t_ do…
+**What it does**
+* It’s got the right interface.
+* Hydration is idiomatic JS — i.e., no DSL (template language).
+* It’s composable — i.e., you can nest, loop, etc.
+* Content can be interpolated between tags (e.g., text in a paragraph).
+* Attributes can be interpolated inside opening tags (e.g., flag on an item).
+**What it doesn’t do**
+* It doesn’t actually understand html. †
+* You can only bind attributes, not properties. ††
+* Nothing is cached and the DOM is thrashed. †††
+* Some scripted implementation details leaking. ††††
+* Change-by-value detection. †††††
+† This has broad implications — including unsafe injection of strings.
+†† This is problematic because attributes aren’t typed.
+††† For each update, markup is re-computed, re-parsed, and content replaced.
+†††† The `html` result is ideally opaque. It’s of no concern to integrators.
+††††† Any update will always cause everything to update.
+### Iteration 2 — understanding html and properties
+Our `html` tagged template function has the _right name_, but all it really does
+is concatenate a series of strings. The `render` function just resets the
+content of the container by fully replacing it’s `innerHTML` string. So, room
+for improvement! Let‘s try to make this more _html-aware_.
+// Patterns to find special edges in original html strings.
+const ATTRIBUTE_STRING_REGEX = /(.*) ([a-z-]+)="$/s;
+const PROPERTY_STRING_REGEX = /(.*) .([a-zA-Z]+)="$/s;
+// Create html from strings and add some breadcrumbs.
+function createHtml(strings) {
+ let html = '';
+ for (let iii = 0; iii < strings.length; iii++) {
+ const string = strings[iii];
+ const attributeMatch = string.match(ATTRIBUTE_STRING_REGEX);
+ const propertyMatch = string.match(PROPERTY_STRING_REGEX);
+ if (attributeMatch) {
+ const prefix = attributeMatch[1];
+ const key = attributeMatch[2];
+ html += `${prefix} ^${iii}="${key}`;
+ } else if (propertyMatch) {
+ const prefix = propertyMatch[1];
+ const key = propertyMatch[2];
+ html += `${prefix} ^.${iii}="${key}`;
+ } else if (iii < strings.length - 1) {
+ html += `${string}`;
+ } else {
+ html += string;
+ }
+ }
+ return html;
+// Instantiate a fragment by setting innerHTML.
+function createFragment(strings) {
+ const template = document.createElement('template');
+ template.innerHTML = createHtml(strings);
+ return template.content;
+// Walk a fragment to get live node references.
+function findTargets(fragment, targets = []) {
+ for (const node of fragment.childNodes) {
+ switch (node.nodeType) {
+ case Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
+ for (const attribute of [...node.attributes]) {
+ if (attribute.name.match(/^\^(\d+)$/)) {
+ node.removeAttribute(attribute.name);
+ targets.push({ type: 'attribute', name: attribute.value, node });
+ } else if (attribute.name.match(/^\^\.(\d+)$/)) {
+ node.removeAttribute(attribute.name);
+ targets.push({ type: 'property', name: attribute.value, node });
+ }
+ }
+ findTargets(node, targets);
+ break;
+ case Node.COMMENT_NODE: {
+ if (node.textContent.match(/^\^(\d+)$/)) {
+ node.textContent = '';
+ node.nextSibling.textContent = '';
+ targets.push({ type: 'content', node, endNode: node.nextSibling });
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return targets;
+// Commit a value change to a DOM node attribute.
+function commitAttribute(node, name, value) {
+ node.setAttribute(name, value ?? '');
+// Commit a value change to a DOM node property.
+function commitProperty(node, name, value) {
+ node[name] = value; // To preserve type, no coalescing!
+// Commit a value change to the content of a DOM node.
+function commitContent(node, endNode, value) {
+ if (Array.isArray(value)) {
+ for (let jjj = 0; jjj < value.length; jjj++) {
+ const subValue = value[jjj];
+ commit(node, endNode, subValue);
+ }
+ } else if (value?.strings && value?.values) {
+ commit(node, endNode, value);
+ } else {
+ const textNode = document.createTextNode(value ?? '');
+ node.parentNode.insertBefore(textNode, endNode);
+ }
+// Walk through live nodes and commit value changes.
+function commit(node, endNode, result) {
+ const { strings, values } = result;
+ const fragment = createFragment(strings);
+ const targets = findTargets(fragment);
+ if (endNode) {
+ node.parentNode.insertBefore(fragment, endNode);
+ } else {
+ node.appendChild(fragment);
+ }
+ for (let iii = 0; iii < values.length; iii++) {
+ const target = targets[iii];
+ const value = values[iii];
+ switch (target.type) {
+ case 'attribute':
+ commitAttribute(target.node, target.name, value);
+ break;
+ case 'property':
+ commitProperty(target.node, target.name, value);
+ break;
+ case 'content':
+ commitContent(target.node, target.endNode, value);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+// Tagged template function for idiomatic interpolation.
+function html(strings, ...values) {
+ return { strings, values };
+// Renderer to update DOM in the desired container.
+const render = (container, result) => {
+ container.textContent = '';
+ commit(container, null, result);
+export { html, render };
+Up to ~125 lines of code now… but let’s check out our new pros / cons list.
+**What it does**
+* It’s got the right interface.
+* Hydration is idiomatic JS — i.e., no DSL (template language).
+* It’s composable — i.e., you can nest, loop, etc.
+* Content can be interpolated between tags (e.g., text in a paragraph).
+* Attributes can be interpolated inside opening tags (e.g., flag on an item).
+* **It understands html.**
+* **You can bind both attributes and _typed_ properties.**
+**What it doesn’t do**
+* Nothing is cached and the DOM is thrashed.
+* Some scripted implementation details leaking.
+* Change-by-value detection.
+* **Some markup abstractions are leaking.** †
+* **Many edge cases are not considered.** ††
+† Internal comment like `` now exist.
+†† The `textarea` tag will not do what you want, list handling is brittle, etc.
+### Iteration 3 — caching in and tightening up
+So far, we’ve done a good job making it _ergonomic_ to interpolate data into our
+markup in a declarative manner. But that’s really just half the battle — the
+other half is to _performantly update_ the DOM that needs to be updated. The
+prior example just deletes all the DOM and starts each time anew. While clearly
+bad for performance, it would also break most real-world applications which rely
+on the persistence of elements (form state, animations, internal state, etc.).
+Let’s change our library so that it _updates_ (versus replaces) the DOM it’s
+// Patterns to find special edges in original html strings.
+const ATTRIBUTE_STRING_REGEX = /(.*) ([a-z-]+)="$/s;
+const PROPERTY_STRING_REGEX = /(.*) .([a-zA-Z]+)="$/s;
+// Sentinel for previously unset value.
+const UNSET = Symbol('__unset__');
+// Mapping of tagged template function “strings” to cached computations.
+const stringsToFragment = new WeakMap();
+// Mapping of container node references to live node references.
+const nodeToContainerState = new WeakMap();
+// Mapping of comments which indicate the beginning of a list.
+const nodeToArrayState = new WeakMap();
+// Mapping of opaque references to internal result objects.
+const symbolToResult = new WeakMap();
+// Create html from strings and add some breadcrumbs.
+function createHtml(strings) {
+ let html = '';
+ for (let iii = 0; iii < strings.length; iii++) {
+ const string = strings[iii];
+ const attributeMatch = string.match(ATTRIBUTE_STRING_REGEX);
+ const propertyMatch = string.match(PROPERTY_STRING_REGEX);
+ if (attributeMatch) {
+ const prefix = attributeMatch[1];
+ const key = attributeMatch[2];
+ html += `${prefix} ^${iii}="${key}`;
+ } else if (propertyMatch) {
+ const prefix = propertyMatch[1];
+ const key = propertyMatch[2];
+ html += `${prefix} ^.${iii}="${key}`;
+ } else if (iii < strings.length - 1) {
+ html += `${string}`;
+ } else {
+ html += string;
+ }
+ }
+ return html;
+// Instantiate a fragment by setting innerHTML.
+function createFragment(strings) {
+ const template = document.createElement('template');
+ template.innerHTML = createHtml(strings);
+ return template.content;
+// Walk a fragment to get live node references.
+function findTargets(fragment, targets = []) {
+ for (const node of fragment.childNodes) {
+ switch (node.nodeType) {
+ case Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
+ for (const attribute of [...node.attributes]) {
+ if (attribute.name.match(/^\^(\d+)$/)) {
+ node.removeAttribute(attribute.name);
+ targets.push({ type: 'attribute', name: attribute.value, node, value: UNSET });
+ } else if (attribute.name.match(/^\^\.(\d+)$/)) {
+ node.removeAttribute(attribute.name);
+ targets.push({ type: 'property', name: attribute.value, node, value: UNSET });
+ }
+ }
+ findTargets(node, targets);
+ break;
+ case Node.COMMENT_NODE: {
+ if (node.textContent.match(/^\^(\d+)$/)) {
+ node.textContent = '';
+ node.nextSibling.textContent = '';
+ targets.push({ type: 'content', node, endNode: node.nextSibling, value: UNSET });
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return targets;
+// Clear content between our comment nodes.
+function removeNodesBetween(node, endNode) {
+ const parentNode = node.parentNode;
+ while(node.nextSibling && node.nextSibling !== endNode) {
+ parentNode.removeChild(node.nextSibling);
+ }
+// Commit a value change to a DOM node attribute.
+function commitAttribute(node, name, value, lastValue) {
+ if (value !== lastValue) {
+ node.setAttribute(name, value ?? '');
+ }
+// Commit a value change to a DOM node property.
+function commitProperty(node, name, value, lastValue) {
+ if (value !== lastValue) {
+ node[name] = value; // To preserve type, no coalescing!
+ }
+// Commit a value change to the content of a DOM node.
+function commitContent(node, endNode, value, lastValue) {
+ if (Array.isArray(value)) {
+ if (!nodeToArrayState.has(node)) {
+ nodeToArrayState.set(node, { items: [] });
+ }
+ const items = nodeToArrayState.get(node).items;
+ for (let jjj = items.length; jjj < value.length; jjj++) {
+ const subNode = document.createComment('');
+ const subEndNode = document.createComment('');
+ node.parentNode.insertBefore(subNode, endNode);
+ node.parentNode.insertBefore(subEndNode, endNode);
+ items.push({ subNode, subEndNode });
+ }
+ while(value.length < items.length) {
+ const { subNode, subEndNode } = items.pop();
+ removeNodesBetween(subNode, subEndNode);
+ node.parentNode.removeChild(subNode);
+ node.parentNode.removeChild(subEndNode);
+ }
+ for (let jjj = 0; jjj < value.length; jjj++) {
+ const subValue = value[jjj];
+ const { subNode, subEndNode } = items[jjj];
+ commit(subNode, subEndNode, subValue);
+ }
+ } else if (symbolToResult.has(value)) {
+ commit(node, endNode, value);
+ } else {
+ if (value !== lastValue) {
+ if (
+ symbolToResult.has(lastValue) ||
+ Array.isArray(lastValue)
+ ) {
+ removeNodesBetween(node, endNode);
+ nodeToContainerState.delete(node);
+ nodeToArrayState.delete(node);
+ }
+ if (node.nextSibling === endNode) {
+ const textNode = document.createTextNode(value ?? '');
+ node.parentNode.insertBefore(textNode, endNode);
+ } else {
+ node.nextSibling.textContent = value ?? '';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Walk through live nodes and commit value changes.
+function commit(node, endNode, result) {
+ const { strings, values } = symbolToResult.get(result);
+ if (!stringsToFragment.has(strings)) {
+ const fragment = createFragment(strings);
+ stringsToFragment.set(strings, fragment);
+ }
+ if (!nodeToContainerState.has(node) || nodeToContainerState.get(node).strings !== strings) {
+ const fragment = stringsToFragment.get(strings).cloneNode(true);
+ const targets = findTargets(fragment);
+ if (endNode) {
+ removeNodesBetween(node, endNode);
+ node.parentNode.insertBefore(fragment, endNode);
+ } else {
+ node.textContent = '';
+ node.appendChild(fragment);
+ }
+ nodeToContainerState.set(node, { targets, strings, endNode, items: [] });
+ }
+ const targets = nodeToContainerState.get(node).targets;
+ for (let iii = 0; iii < values.length; iii++) {
+ const target = targets[iii];
+ const value = values[iii];
+ const lastValue = target.value;
+ target.value = value;
+ switch (target.type) {
+ case 'attribute':
+ commitAttribute(target.node, target.name, value, lastValue);
+ break;
+ case 'property':
+ commitProperty(target.node, target.name, value, lastValue);
+ break;
+ case 'content':
+ commitContent(target.node, target.endNode, value, lastValue);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+// Tagged template function for idiomatic interpolation.
+function html(strings, ...values) {
+ const symbol = Symbol('__result__');
+ symbolToResult.set(symbol, { strings, values });
+ return symbol;
+// Renderer to update DOM in the desired container.
+const render = (container, result) => {
+ commit(container, null, result);
+export { html, render };
+Phew! About ~200 lines now… but this is approaching something that could be
+valuable in real-world scenarios.
+**What it does**
+* It’s got the right interface.
+* Hydration is idiomatic JS — i.e., no DSL (template language).
+* It’s composable — i.e., you can nest, loop, etc.
+* Content can be interpolated between tags (e.g., text in a paragraph).
+* Attributes can be interpolated inside opening tags (e.g., flag on an item).
+* It understands html.
+* You can bind both attributes and _typed_ properties.
+* **DOM is cached (limited thrashing).**
+* **All scripted implementation details are internalized.**
+* **Change-by-value detection.**
+**What it doesn’t do**
+* Some markup abstractions are leaking.
+* Many edge cases are not considered.
+## Wrapping up!
+In just a couple iterations — we went from a naive implementation which just
+does recursive string concatenation… all the way to an html-aware, performant
+DOM management system. Nice!
+The remaining edge-cases and markup-cleanup won’t be covered here, but this
+final iteration is a fairly complete template engine for expressing a merger of
+html markup and data and performantly making updates to DOM when things change.