- Generate single Verb-Noun cmdlet for OperationIds like Noun_Verb and Noun_VerbBySomething (#358)
- Move New-HttpClientHandler logic into New-ServiceClient for non-Azure services. (#357)
- Add few verb mappings for Azure RPs (#356)
- Add NoVersionFolder switch parameter on New-PSSwaggerModule cmdlet to not create the version folder. (#355)
- Add all non-complex type properties in output format ps1xml files. (#354)
- Escape '<#' and '#>', and replace '--' with '==' in Header content (#352)
- Use separate PSCmdletOutputItemType variable for getting the output item type of pageable swagger operations. (#351)
- Verb map change: 'Regenerate' to 'New' instead of 'Update' as per the feedback recieved from Azure PowerShell team. (#347)
- [Azure and AzureStack] Use IClientFactory to create ARM Client in Azure PowerShell way. (#348)
- New-ServiceClient error on custom host (#350)
- Add CHANGELOG.md, and minor update for releasing the 0.3.0 version of PSSwagger and PSSwaggerUtility modules. (#345)
- Add support for generating proper output type for the Swagger operations with x-ms-pageable extension (#342)
- Add support for parameter type references to enum definitions (#341)
- Add support for AdditionalProperties Json schema with array type (#339)
- Generate SYNOPSIS help content in the generated cmdlets (#337)
- Rename IsOSX to IsMacOS after breaking change in PowerShell 6.0.0-beta.7 to fix #333 (#334)
- Resolve UnableToExtractDetailsFromSdkAssembly error when OperationType in OperationId conflicts with Definition name (#332)
- Change warninglevel to 1 for generating assembly for Azure Swagger specs (#331)
- Write exceptions in generated commands (#324)
- Add New-ServiceClient utility function in generated module to enable mock testing (#325)
- Add support for generating PowerShell cmdlets using pre-built SDK assembly and specification (#321)
- Add support for predefined header values (#320)
- Removing the langversion from CSC parameters as latest is the default language version (#318)
- Support latest version of AutoRest in PSSwagger (#313)
- Add support for generating the C# SDK assembly using CSC.exe on Windows PS (#312)
- Support default and customizable header comment for the PSSwagger generated files (#310)
- Ensure $oDataQuery expression is generated properly when a global parameter is referenced in more than one swagger operations with or without x-ms-odata extension (#307)
- Fix localization error in SwaggerUtil for PluralizationService (#303)
- Update Readme and fix an error related to importing the PSSwaggerUtility module (#300)
- Support custom x-ms-pageable\NextLinkName field name (#294)
First preview release
First preview release of PSSwagger and PSSwaggerUtility modules. While the goal is to support all web APIs, scenarios are focused on Microsoft Azure for this first release.
Supported Scenarios
- From an Open API v2 specification, generate a PowerShell module using Azure AutoRest - Generating modules is only supported on PowerShell 5.1
- Customize the generation process with Open API v2 extensions in either the same specification as your web API or a separate file
- Rename automatically generated cmdlets
- Flatten complex parameters without flattening the underlying .NET API
- Generated modules support PowerShell on Windows (PowerShell 4 or greater) or PowerShell Core on Windows, Linux or Mac
- Compile the underlying .NET API before you publish your module or compile it on-the-fly on your end-user's machine
- Debugging symbols for underlying .NET API available
- Currently supported authentication schemes:
- Basic authentication, with or without challenge
- API key based authentication
- No authentication
- Authentication using AzureRM.Profile