The Makers Program repository is currently set-up to automatically deploy any changes made to the master branch onto the staging environment: Heroku Staging, and subsequently to production after approval. This instructions are tailored specifically for anyone interested in deploying the application into a new Heroku instance.
Having the following tools installed and configured:
- Git (Instrucciones)
- Heroku CLI (Instrucciones)
If you don't have a copy of the repository, you will have to clone it first:
$ git clone
Run the following command to make sure everything is up to date:
$ git status
You should see the following message:
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
If not, make sure your working directory is clean and that the local branch is up to date:
$ git pull origin master
Make sure you are logged in to Heroku on your terminal session. Run the following command to setup your environment with Heroku:
$ heroku create
To push deploy the current master branch to Heroku, run:
$ git push heroku master
Finally, run the database migrations on your Heroku application:
$ heroku run rake db:migrate
Makersprogram was setup using Outlooks SMTP to send email, if you want to use the same provider, just make sure to include the environment variables TEC_USERNAME
in your production environment.
If you want to review the mailer configuration or wish to change the provider head to production.rb and update config.action_mailer.smtp_settings
to match your own configuration.
For additional references, please visit the following support page from Heroku: Getting Started on Heroku with Rails 5.x