diff --git a/src/AudioAnalysisTools/DSP/FrequencyScale.cs b/src/AudioAnalysisTools/DSP/FrequencyScale.cs
index d64bade75..3328d513b 100644
--- a/src/AudioAnalysisTools/DSP/FrequencyScale.cs
+++ b/src/AudioAnalysisTools/DSP/FrequencyScale.cs
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ public FrequencyScale(FreqScaleType fst)
/// Gets or sets step size for the FFT window.
- public int FrameStep { get; set; }
+ public int WindowStep { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets number of frequency bins in the final spectrogram.
@@ -242,38 +242,6 @@ public int GetBinIdInReducedSpectrogramForHerzValue(int herzValue)
return gridLineLocations;
- ///
- /// This method is only called from Basesonogram.GetImage_ReducedSonogram(int factor, bool drawGridLines)
- /// when drawing a reduced sonogram.
- ///
- public static int[] CreateLinearYaxis(int herzInterval, int nyquistFreq, int imageHt)
- {
- int minFreq = 0;
- int maxFreq = nyquistFreq;
- int freqRange = maxFreq - minFreq + 1;
- double pixelPerHz = imageHt / (double)freqRange;
- int[] vScale = new int[imageHt];
- for (int f = minFreq + 1; f < maxFreq; f++)
- {
- // convert freq value to pixel id
- if (f % 1000 == 0)
- {
- int hzOffset = f - minFreq;
- int pixelId = (int)(hzOffset * pixelPerHz) + 1;
- if (pixelId >= imageHt)
- {
- pixelId = imageHt - 1;
- }
- // LoggedConsole.WriteLine("f=" + f + " hzOffset=" + hzOffset + " pixelID=" + pixelID);
- vScale[pixelId] = 1;
- }
- }
- return vScale;
- }
public static void DrawFrequencyLinesOnImage(Image bmp, FrequencyScale freqScale, bool includeLabels)
DrawFrequencyLinesOnImage(bmp, freqScale.GridLineLocations, includeLabels);
diff --git a/src/AudioAnalysisTools/StandardSpectrograms/SpectrogramCepstral.cs b/src/AudioAnalysisTools/StandardSpectrograms/SpectrogramCepstral.cs
index cf51991ea..7b249d298 100644
--- a/src/AudioAnalysisTools/StandardSpectrograms/SpectrogramCepstral.cs
+++ b/src/AudioAnalysisTools/StandardSpectrograms/SpectrogramCepstral.cs
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ namespace AudioAnalysisTools.StandardSpectrograms
using System;
using Acoustics.Tools.Wav;
using AudioAnalysisTools.DSP;
- using AudioAnalysisTools.WavTools;
using TowseyLibrary;
public class SpectrogramCepstral : BaseSonogram
@@ -53,13 +52,6 @@ public SpectrogramCepstral(AmplitudeSonogram sg, int minHz, int maxHz)
this.SampleRate = sg.SampleRate;
this.SigState = sg.SigState;
this.SnrData = sg.SnrData;
- // sub-band highlighting no longer available
- //this.subBandMinHz = minHz;
- //this.subBandMaxHz = maxHz;
- //double[] noise_subband = BaseSonogram.ExtractModalNoiseSubband(this.SnrData.ModalNoiseProfile, minHz, maxHz, sg.doMelScale,
- // sonogram.Configuration.FreqBinCount, sonogram.FBinWidth);
this.Data = SpectrogramTools.ExtractFreqSubband(sg.Data, minHz, maxHz, this.Configuration.DoMelScale, sg.Configuration.FreqBinCount, sg.FBinWidth);
//converts amplitude matrix to cepstral sonogram
@@ -133,49 +125,7 @@ protected static Tuple MakeCepstrogram(SonogramConfig confi
// return matrix and full bandwidth modal noise profile
return tuple2;
- ///
- /// Returns a Spectrogram and Cepstrogram from the passed recording. These are NOT noise reduced.
- /// however, tuple also returns the modal noise and sub-band modal noise.
- ///
- public static Tuple GetAllSonograms(AudioRecording recording, SonogramConfig sonoConfig, int minHz, int maxHz)
- {
- int sr = recording.SampleRate;
- bool doMelScale = sonoConfig.DoMelScale;
- int ccCount = sonoConfig.mfccConfig.CcCount;
- bool includeDelta = sonoConfig.mfccConfig.IncludeDelta;
- bool includeDoubleDelta = sonoConfig.mfccConfig.IncludeDoubleDelta;
- sonoConfig.SourceFName = recording.BaseName;
- var basegram = new AmplitudeSonogram(sonoConfig, recording.WavReader);
- var sonogram = new SpectrogramStandard(basegram); //spectrogram has dim[N,257]
- Log.WriteLine("Signal: Duration={0}, Sample Rate={1}", sonogram.Duration, sr);
- Log.WriteLine(
- $"Frames: Size={0}, Count={1}, Duration={2:f1}ms, Overlap={5:f0}%, Offset={3:f1}ms, Frames/s={4:f1}",
- sonogram.Configuration.WindowSize,
- sonogram.FrameCount,
- sonogram.FrameDuration * 1000,
- sonogram.FrameStep * 1000,
- sonogram.FramesPerSecond,
- sonoConfig.WindowOverlap * 100);
- int binCount = (int)(maxHz / sonogram.FBinWidth) - (int)(minHz / sonogram.FBinWidth) + 1;
- Log.WriteLine("Freqs : {0} Hz - {1} Hz. (Freq bin count = {2})", minHz, maxHz, binCount);
- Log.WriteLine("MFCCs : doMelScale=" + doMelScale + "; ccCount=" + ccCount + "; includeDelta=" + includeDelta + "; includeDoubleDelta=" + includeDoubleDelta);
- double[] modalNoise = sonogram.SnrData.ModalNoiseProfile;
- //extract sub-band modal noise profile
- double[] noiseSubband = SpectrogramTools.ExtractModalNoiseSubband(modalNoise, minHz, maxHz, doMelScale, sonogram.NyquistFrequency, sonogram.FBinWidth);
- // CALCULATE CEPSTRO-GRAM. //cepstrogram has dim[N,13]
- var cepstrogram = new SpectrogramCepstral(basegram, minHz, maxHz);
- var tuple = Tuple.Create(sonogram, cepstrogram, modalNoise, noiseSubband);
- return tuple;
- }
- } // end class CepstralSonogram
+ } // class CepstralSonogram