- Extremely fast non-cryptographic hash algorithm XXHash
- Complete Typesafe APIs
- Double Hashing to avoid both Primary & Secondary clustering
- Robinhood Hash(in progress) for near constant time access
- Iterators for streaming usecase
- Allows Custom Hash & Custom Comparator
- Single header file to rule them all 🚀 🚀 🚀
Simply copy paste cdict.h
in your source directly or you can use Clib package manager for installation
clib install robusgauli/cdict.h
#include <stdio.h>
#include "cdict.h"
// Declare CDict of [int:int] type
CDict(int, int) cdict_int_t;
// Declare CDict iterator of `cdict_int_t` type
CDict_iterator(cdict_int_t) cdict_iterator_int_t;
int main() {
// Instance of cdict_int_t;
cdict_int_t cdict_int;
// Initialize
// Add elements
cdict__add(&cdict_int, 1, 100);
cdict__add(&cdict_int, 2, 200);
cdict__add(&cdict_int, 2, 300); // Duplicate
// Size
size_t size = cdict__size(&cdict_int);
printf("Size of dictionary is: %ld\n", size);
// Get element
int value;
bool ok = cdict__get(&cdict_int, 1, &value);
if (ok) {
printf("Key is : %d & Value is: %d\n", 1, value);
// Remove element
bool removed = cdict__remove(&cdict_int, 1);
if (removed) {
printf("Removed key/value pair whose key is: %d\n", 1);
// Clear
// Free
cdict__add(cdict, key, value)
: no return
Add key/value pair to dictionary
#include "cdict.h"
CDict(int, char) cdict_int_char_t;
int main() {
cdict_int_char_t cdict;
// Add key/val pair to dictionary
cdict__add(&cdict, 1, '1');
cdict__add(&cdict, 2, '2');
cdict__add(&cdict, 3, '3');
// Free up the heap allocated resource
cdict__get(cdict, key, buffer)
: returnsbool
Get value for a corresponding key from dictionary
#include "cdict.h"
typedef char* string;
CDict(string, string) cdict_string_t;
int main() {
cdict_string_t cdict_string;
cdict__add(&cdict_string, "firstname", "Alan");
cdict__add(&cdict_string, "lastname", "Turing");
string firstname;
bool ok = cdict__get(&cdict_string, "firstname", &firstname);
if (ok) {
printf("Firstname is: %s\n", firstname);
string middlename;
bool found = cdict__get(&cdict_string, "middlename", &middlename);
if (!found) {
printf("Could not find `middlename` as a key in dictionary.\n");
cdict__remove(cdict, key)
: returnsbool
Removes key/value pair from the dictionary given key as an argument. Returns true
if successfully removed from the dictionary.
#include "cdict.h"
#include <assert.h>
typedef char* string_t;
CDict(string_t, string_t) cdict_string_string_t;
int main() {
cdict_string_string_t cdict;
cdict__add(&cdict, "firstname", "alan");
cdict__add(&cdict, "lastname", "turing");
// Remove key/value pair by `key`
bool ok = cdict__remove(&cdict, "firstname");
// Try removing with wrong key
bool ok = cdict__remove(&cdict, "blaaaaaaaaaah");
: returnssize_t
Returns the size of dictionary.
#include "cdict.h"
#include <assert.h>
CDict(int, int) cdict_int_int_t;
int main() {
cdict_int_int_t cdict;
cdict__add(&cdict, 1, 12);
cdict__add(&cdict, 2, 12);
cdict__add(&cdict, 3, 24);
// Size of the dictionary
size_t size = cdict__size(&cdict);
printf("Size of Dictionary: %ld\n", size);
: no return
Removes all the key/value pairs from the dictionary.
#include <assert.h>
#include "cdict.h"
typedef char* string;
CDict(string, int) cdict_string_int_t;
int main() {
cdict_string_int_t cdict;
cdict__add(&cdict, "one", 1);
cdict__add(&cdict, "two", 2);
cdict__add(&cdict, "three", 3);
// Clear dictionary
assert(cdict__size(&cdict) == 0);
cdict__contains(cdict, key)
: returnsbool
Test whether an key is in dictionary.
#include <assert.h>
#include "cdict.h"
CDict(int, double) cdict_int_double_t;
int main() {
cdict_int_double_t cdict;
cdict__add(&cdict, 1, 1.1);
cdict__add(&cdict, 2, 2.2);
// Positive membership test
bool ok = cdict__contains(&cdict, 1);
// Negative membership test
bool ok = cdict__contains(&cdict, 4123);
: no returnNOTE: Both Custom Comparator and Hash must be implemented.
These above methods allows us to use custom hashing and comparator for complex structs. Please go through this link for why we need to implement both functions for correctness.
#include <assert.h>
#include "cdict.h"
typedef struct {
int x;
int y;
} Node;
// Custom comparator
bool custom_comparator(Node* self, Node* other) {
return (self -> x) == (other -> x);
// Custom hash function
// It takes pointer to Node and function as an arguments
cdict__u64 custom_hash(Node* self, cdict__u64 (*hash)(void*, size_t)) {
// VVIP: Hash function requires pointer to data and the size in bytes
return hash(&(self -> x), sizeof(self -> x));
CDict(Node, int) cdict_node_t;
int main() {
cdict_node_t cdict_node;
cdict__set_hash(&cdict_node, custom_hash);
cdict__set_comparator(&cdict_node, custom_comparator);
cdict__add(&cdict_node, ((Node){.x=4,.y=5}), 1);
// Duplicate because our custom comparator and hash uses `x`
// instead of whole struct for hash
cdict__add(&cdict_node, ((Node){.x=4,.y=4}), 234);
assert(cdict__size(&cdict_node) == 1);
cdict__add(&cdict_node, ((Node){.x=1, .y=2}), 12);
assert(cdict__size(&cdict_node) == 2);
// Removed because our comparator uses `x` i.e 1 which already exists
bool ok = cdict__remove(&cdict__node, ((Node){.x=1, .y=45}));
assert(cdict__size(&cdict__node) == 1);
: no return
Frees up heap allocation
#include "cdict.h"
CDict(int, int) cdict_t;
int main() {
cdict_t cdict;
cdict__add(&cdict, 1, 2);
// Free up heap mem
Creates Iterator type definition for a given cdict type.
cdict_iterator__init(iter, cdict)
: no return
Initializes iterator iter
with cdict
#include "cdict.h"
CDict(int, int) cdict_int_t;
// 1. Define iterator type for `cdict_int_t`
CDict_iterator(cdict_int_t) cdict_iterator_t;
int main() {
cdict_int_t cdict_int;
cdict_iterator_t cdict_iterator;
// 2. Initialize iterator with `cdict_int`
cdict_iterator__init(&cdict_iterator, &cdict_int);
: returnsbool
Returns whether the iteration is complete or not.
#include <assert.h>
#include "cdict.h"
CDict(int, int) cdict_int_t;
CDict_iterator(cdict_int_t) cdict_iterator_t;
int main() {
cdict_int_t cdict;
cdict__add(&cdict, 2, 4);
cdict__add(&cdict, 3, 9);
cdict__add(&cdict, 4, 16);
cdict_iterator_t cdict_iterator;
cdict_iterator__init(&cdict_iterator, &cdict);
// Checks whether the iteration is complete or not
bool done = cdict_iterator__done(&cdict_iterator);
assert(done == false);
cset__next(iter, buffer)
: no return
Yields next key from the iterator.
#include <assert.h>
#include "cdict.h"
CDict(int, int) cdict_int_t;
CDict_iterator(cdict_int_t) cdict_iterator_t;
int main() {
cdict_int_t cdict_int;
cdict__add(&cdict_int, 2, 4);
cdict__add(&cdict_int, 3, 9);
cdict__add(&cdict_int, 4, 16);
cdict_iterator_t cdict_iterator;
cdict_iterator__init(&cdict_iterator, &cdict_int);
for (;;) {
if (cdict_iterator__done(&cdict_iterator)) break;
int key = cdict_iterator__next(&cdict_iterator);
printf("Got key: %d\n", key);
Copyright © 2020-20121 Robus, LLC. This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the [LICENSE.txt] The documentation to the project is licensed under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license.
Made with ♥ by Robus Gauli ([@robusgauli]