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Daniel Peter edited this page Sep 8, 2021 · 26 revisions

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SAC Headers

Information about the simulation (i.e., event/station information, sampling rate, etc.) is written in the header of the seismograms in SAC format. The list of values and related explanation are given in Figure [fig:SAC-headers]. Please check the SAC webpages for further information. Please note that the reference time KZTIME is the centroid time ((t_\text{CMT}=t_\text{PDE}+\texttt{time shift})) which corresponds to zero time in the synthetics. For kinematic rupture simulations, KZTIME is equal to the CMT time of the source having the minimum time-shift in the CMTSOLUTION file, and coordinates, depth and half-duration of the event are not provided in the headers.

List of SAC headers and their explanations for a sample seismogram.<span data-label="fig:SAC-headers"></span>

Figure: List of SAC headers and their explanations for a sample seismogram.

This documentation has been automatically generated by pandoc based on the User manual (LaTeX version) in folder doc/USER_MANUAL/ (Sep 8, 2021)

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