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Daniel Peter edited this page Sep 16, 2022 · 26 revisions

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  • SAC Headers

SAC Headers

Information about the simulation (i.e., event/station information, sampling rate, etc.) is written in the header of the seismograms in SAC format. The list of values and related explanation are given in Figure 1.1. Please check the SAC webpages for further information. Please note that the reference time KZTIME is the centroid time ($t_\text{CMT}=t_\text{PDE}+\texttt{time shift}$) which corresponds to zero time in the synthetics. For kinematic rupture simulations, KZTIME is equal to the CMT time of the source having the minimum time-shift in the CMTSOLUTION file, and coordinates, depth and half-duration of the event are not provided in the headers.

List of SAC headers and their explanations for a sample seismogram.

Figure: List of SAC headers and their explanations for a sample seismogram.

This documentation has been automatically generated by pandoc based on the User manual (LaTeX version) in folder doc/USER_MANUAL/ (Sep 16, 2022)

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