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BPC Case Selection


Clone this repository and navigate to the directory:

git clone
cd genie-bpc-pipeline/scripts/case_selection

Install all required R packages:

R -e 'renv::restore()'

Synapse credentials

Cache your Synapse personal access token (PAT) as an environmental variable:

export SYNAPSE_AUTH_TOKEN={your_personal_access_token_here}

or store in ~/.synapseConfig with the following format:


# either authtoken OR username and password
authtoken = {your_personal_access_token_here}

Usage: running the genie bpc nextflow pipeline

Skip to this section to learn about how to develop and run the nextflow pipeline locally: (nextflow development)

Usage: case selection

To display the command line interface:

Rscript workflow_case_selection.R -h

The command line interface will display as follows:

Usage: workflow_case_selection.R [options]

	-p PHASE, --phase=PHASE
		BPC phase

	-c COHORT, --cohort=COHORT
		BPC cohort

	-s SITE, --site=SITE
		BPC site

	-r RELEASE, --release=RELEASE
		Main GENIE clinical file release version name, e.g. 17.2-consortium
	  Save output to production folder
	-h, --help
		Show this help message and exit

Example run:

Rscript workflow_case_selection.R  -p 1 -c NSCLC -s DFCI -r 17.2-consortium --production
docker run -e SYNAPSE_AUTH_TOKEN={...]} sagebionetworks/{...specific repo...}
docker run -e SYNAPSE_AUTH_TOKEN=$SYN_AUTH sagebionetworks/genie-bpc-pipeline-masking Rscript workflow_unmasked_drugs.R -c NSCLC2 -d 2023-08-01 -s

Usage: create GENIE export files

To display the command line interface:

Rscript export_bpc_selected_cases.R -h

The command line interface will display as follows:

Usage: export_bpc_selected_cases.R [options]

	-i INPUT, --input=INPUT
		Synapse ID of the input file that has the BPC selected cases

	-o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT
		Synapse ID of the BPC output folder. Default: syn20798271

	-p PHASE, --phase=PHASE
		BPC phase. i.e. pilot, phase 1, phase 1 additional

	-c COHORT, --cohort=COHORT
		BPC cohort. i.e. NSCLC, CRC, BrCa, and etc.

	-s SITE, --site=SITE
		BPC site. i.e. DFCI, MSK, UHN, VICC, and etc.
	-r RELEASE, --release=RELEASE
		Main GENIE clinical file release version name, e.g. 17.2-consortium

	-h, --help
		Show this help message and exit

Usage: update table counts

To display the command line interface:

Rscript update_case_count_table.R -h

The command line interface will display as follows:

Usage: update_case_count_table.R [options]

	-s, --save_synapse
		Save updated counts on Synapse

	-c COMMENT, --comment=COMMENT
		Comment for new table snapshot version

	-a SYNAPSE_AUTH, --synapse_auth=SYNAPSE_AUTH
		Path to .synapseConfig file or Synapse PAT (default: '~/.synapseConfig')

	-h, --help
		Show this help message and exit

Example run:

Rscript update_case_count_table.R -s -c 'nsclc phase 2 update' -a $SYNAPSE_AUTH_TOKEN

Usage: update table with case selection criteria

To display the command line interface:

Rscript update_case_criteria_table.R -h

The command line interface will display as follows:

Usage: update_case_criteria_table.R [options]

        -s, --save_synapse
                Save updated counts on Synapse (default: FALSE)

        -c COMMENT, --comment=COMMENT
                Comment for new table snapshot version (default: 'update to case selection criteria')

        -v, --verbose
                Output script messages to the user (default: FALSE)

        -a AUTH, --auth=AUTH
                Synapse personal access token or path to .synapseConfig (default: normal synapse login behavior)

        -h, --help
                Show this help message and exit```

Example run:

Rscript update_case_criteria_table.R -s  -c 'example run' -v


Case selection for a new cohort

To conduct case selection for a new cohort, modify the config.yaml file following the template from another cohort. Case selection for a novel cohort requires the cohort phase, name, production targets for each site, max and min date of sequencing, and a list of eligible OncoTree codes. The root OncoTree code is just for reporting and chosen by Sage (usually just a parent code of eligible OncoTree codes). Site-specific sequencing dates or SDV and IRR targets can be specified underneath each site key in the respective cohort. The adjusted key under each site may be set to the production target on initialization.

Case selection for a new site

To conduct case selection for a new site, modify the config.yaml file. Add in the new site under default by adding the pressure and seed values. Also add in the production and adjusted case counts for each cohort for the new site following the template from another site. Make sure you create a new folder named after the new site in each cohort subfolder under this folder (syn20781633).

Adjusted target numbers

During curation, sites may find cases to be ineligible and may have no additional case for which to substitute the ineligible case. To account for expected reductions in the target count, update the adjusted target number in the config.yaml file. These numbers will then be reflected in the Case Selection Counts Table on Synapse (syn26228746) and used in the QA checks to verify the number of submitted cases from each site matches the adjusted target.

Selection of additional samples

After initial case selection and curation, additional samples for selected cases may be submitted through the main GENIE releases. These additional samples are collected for curators upon request. These cohorts are defined in much the same way as other cohorts but without production targets. See format under the 1_additional key in the config.yaml file for an example.

Nextflow development

Follow instructions here for running the genie BPC pipeline nextflow workflow locally

An EC2 instance is required to run processing and develop locally. Follow instructions using Service-Catalog-Provisioning to create an ec2 on service catalog. You will also want to follow the section SSM with SSH if you want to use VS code to run/develop.

For GENIE BPC, here are the specification recommendations when launching an EC2 instance:

  • EC2 Product: Linux with Docker
  • EC2 Instance Type: t3.2xlarge
  • Disk size: ~100 GB

Nextflow Dependencies

Nextflow Configuration

Prior to running the pipeline, you will need to create a Nextflow secret called SYNAPSE_AUTH_TOKEN with a Synapse personal access token (docs).


This workflow takes care of transferring files to and from Synapse. Hence, it requires a secret with a personal access token for authentication. To configure Nextflow with such a token, follow these steps:

  1. Generate a personal access token (PAT) on Synapse using this dashboard. Make sure to enable the view, download, and modify scopes since this workflow both downloads and uploads to Synapse.
  2. Create a secret called SYNAPSE_AUTH_TOKEN containing a Synapse personal access token using the Nextflow CLI


You can visit parameters to see the list of currently available parameters/flags and their default values if you don't specify any.

Running nextflow using an EC2

  1. For an ec2 instance with Linux and docker, see here for installing Java 11: How do I install a software package from the Extras Library on an EC2 instance running Amazon Linux 2?

  2. Install nextflow by following instructions here: Get started — Nextflow. Update your PATH variable to include the directory where your nextflow executable is installed at.

  3. Make sure to set any nextflow secrets using the Nextflow Cli: Secrets — Nextflow. You will need to set a SYNAPSE_AUTH_TOKEN secret for running the nextflow genie repo by doing

  1. Run the pipeline with the default parameter settings

If you want to pass values to the parameter settings, you can use the help flag to see what parameters you can set:

nextflow --help

If you want to run the pipeline in production mode with the default parameter settings:

nextflow --production

Note: you can also chose what version of nextflow to run with using:

NXF_VER=<nextflow_version> nextflow


This pipeline uses some code and infrastructure developed and maintained by the nf-core community, reused here under the MIT license.