decorates RBI files for all
classes that use ActiveModel::SecurePassword
For example, with the following class:
class User
include ActiveModel::SecurePassword
has_secure_password :token
this compiler will produce an RBI file with the following content:
# typed: true
class User
sig { params(unencrypted_password: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def authenticate(unencrypted_password); end
sig { params(unencrypted_password: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def authenticate_password(unencrypted_password); end
sig { params(unencrypted_password: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def authenticate_token(unencrypted_password); end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def password; end
sig { params(unencrypted_password: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def password=(unencrypted_password); end
sig { params(unencrypted_password: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def password_confirmation=(unencrypted_password); end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def token; end
sig { params(unencrypted_password: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def token=(unencrypted_password); end
sig { params(unencrypted_password: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def token_confirmation=(unencrypted_password); end