decorates RBIs for test fixture methods
that are created dynamically by Rails.
For example, given an application with a posts table, we can have a fixture file
author: John
title: My post
Rails will allow us to invoke posts(:first_post)
in tests to get the fixture record.
The generated RBI by this compiler will produce the following
# test_case.rbi
# typed: true
class ActiveSupport::TestCase
sig { params(fixture_name: NilClass, other_fixtures: NilClass).returns(T::Array[Post]) }
sig { params(fixture_name: T.any(String, Symbol), other_fixtures: NilClass).returns(Post) }
sig { params(fixture_name: T.any(String, Symbol), other_fixtures: T.any(String, Symbol))
.returns(T::Array[Post]) }
def posts(fixture_name = nil, *other_fixtures); end