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577 lines (475 loc) · 9.47 KB

File metadata and controls

577 lines (475 loc) · 9.47 KB


  1. Replace ffi module with bindgen.
    • Hand coding ffi gives us more control, but makes it much harder to support multiple architectures which might interpret enums differently (caugh wasm).
    • We can use binggen and ins raylib-sys to expose all the functions in raylib.
  2. Use Argdev's cmake system if we can get cmake to compile to any architecture for any architecture otherwise use the cc crate.
    • Hoping to support windows, mac, linux, and web at the very least with pi, android, ios, and UWP later.
  3. Implement the new architecture. At the very least get core working.
    • See new architecture.
  4. Bundle in rgui as a feature flag.
    • I think rgui should come in by default since it's cheap, but that's debatable.

New Architecture

We should take advantage of rust's type system to make UB impossible. We do this mostly through drop already, but it's still possible to do things like start draw before initializing the window. The draw process should look like this

let drawCtx = handle.start_draw();
// Do the draw
let handle = drawCtx.end_draw();

// Using a texture
let drawCtx = handle.begin_texture_mode(target)
// Do the draw
let (target, handle) = drawCtx.end_draw();

This could be done by having two zero sized types RegularDraw and TextureDraw that implement an unsafe trait RaylibDraw.

We'd have to figure out how to keep things thread safe. I'm open to suggestions.

How safe is raylib

below are all functions currently exposed by raylib. I've maked them safe, safe with specific caveats, and always unsafe.

Safe for a function means you can call it from any thread assuming you have a &RaylibContext or &mut RaylibContext. Unsafe for a function means you probably can't call it from any thread with out some concurrency guarentees (Often &mut RalibContext will be enough) A ? means I'm not entirely sure if the function belongs in the category.

Safe for a struct means the traits Clone and Send/Sync are trivial to implement and a drop implementation is mostly unecessary.


Always Safe - test without any window

GetMonitorCount GetMonitorWidth GetMonitorHeight GetMonitorPhysicalWidth GetMonitorPhysicalHeight GetMonitorName GetClipboardText SetClipboardText

GetWorldToScreen GetCameraMatrix

ColorToInt ColorNormalize ColorToHSV ColorFromHSV GetColor Fade

SetTraceLogLevel SetTraceLogExit SetTraceLogCallback TraceLog


FileExists IsFileExtension GetExtension GetFileName GetDirectoryPath GetWorkingDirectory

ChangeDirectory GetFileModTime

StorageSaveValue StorageLoadValue


IsKeyPressed IsKeyDown IsKeyReleased IsKeyUp GetKeyPressed SetExitKey

IsGamepadAvailable IsGamepadName GetGamepadName IsGamepadButtonPressed IsGamepadButtonDown IsGamepadButtonReleased IsGamepadButtonUp GetGamepadButtonPressed GetGamepadAxisCount GetGamepadAxisMovement

IsMouseButtonPressed IsMouseButtonDown IsMouseButtonReleased IsMouseButtonUp GetMouseX GetMouseY GetMousePosition SetMousePosition SetMouseOffset SetMouseScale GetMouseWheelMove

GetTouchX GetTouchY GetTouchPosition

SetGesturesEnabled IsGestureDetected GetGestureDetected GetTouchPointsCount GetGestureHoldDuration GetGestureDragVector GetGestureDragAngle GetGesturePinchVector GetGesturePinchAngle

SetCameraMode ?UpdateCamera - does this require window

SetCameraPanControl SetCameraAltControl SetCameraSmoothZoomControl SetCameraMoveControls

Safe assuming window is open

?SetConfigFlags - before window is open

WindowShouldClose IsWindowReady IsWindowMinimized IsWindowResized IsWindowHidden ?ToggleFullscreen - can this be called every frame ?UnhideWindow - safe if not hidden? ?HideWindow SetWindowIcon SetWindowTitle SetWindowPosition GetScreenWidth GetScreenHeight


ShowCursor HideCursor IsCursorHidden EnableCursor DisableCursor

?BeginDrawing - can only be called once

SetTargetFPS GetFPS GetFrameTime GetTime



Safe assuming you are in drawing mode

ClearBackground EndDrawing BeginMode2D BeginMode3D BeginTextureMode

Safe assuming you are in 2D mode


Safe assuming you are in 3D mode


Safe assuming you are in texture mode


Safe with prerequisites

InitWindow - can only be called once CloseWindow - can only be called once SetWindowMonitor - only works in full screen mode SetWindowMinSize - only if FLAG_WINDOW_RESIZABLE is set SetWindowSize - only if FLAG_WINDOW_RESIZABLE is set

GetFileNameWithoutExt - memory should be freed GetDirectoryFiles && ClearDirectoryFiles - memory should be freed GetDroppedFiles && ClearDroppedFiles - free memory



Unsafe and requires memory management


Always safe

CheckCollisionRecs CheckCollisionCircles CheckCollisionCircleRec GetCollisionRec CheckCollisionPointRec CheckCollisionPointCircle CheckCollisionPointTriangle

Safe assuming window is open

Safe assuming drawing is enabled

DrawPixel DrawPixelV DrawLine DrawLineV DrawLineEx DrawLineBezier DrawCircle DrawCircleSector DrawCircleSectorLines DrawCircleGradient DrawCircleV DrawCircleLines DrawRing DrawRingLines DrawRectangle DrawRectangleV DrawRectangleRec DrawRectanglePro DrawRectangleGradientV DrawRectangleGradientH DrawRectangleGradientEx DrawRectangleLines DrawRectangleLinesEx DrawRectangleRounded DrawRectangleRoundedLines DrawTriangle DrawTriangleLines DrawPoly DrawPolyEx DrawPolyExLines

?SetShapesTexture - is this a window open op


Always Safe

LoadImage && UnloadImage LoadImageEx LoadImagePro ?LoadImageRaw - Feels very unsafe. ExportImage ExportImageAsCode LoadTexture && UnloadTexture LoadTextureFromImage LoadTextureCubemap LoadRenderTexture GetPixelDataSize GetTextureData

ImageCopy ImageFormat ImageAlphaMask ImageAlphaClear ImageAlphaCrop ImageAlphaPremultiply ImageCrop ImageResize ImageResizeNN ImageResizeCanvas ImageMipmaps ImageDither ImageExtractPalette ImageText ImageTextEx ImageFlipVertical ImageFlipHorizontal ImageRotateCW ImageRotateCCW ImageColorTint ImageColorInvert ImageColorGrayscale ImageColorContrast ImageColorBrightness ImageColorReplace

GenImageColor GenImageGradientV GenImageGradientH GenImageGradientRadial GenImageChecked GenImageWhiteNoise GenImagePerlinNoise GenImageCellular

GenTextureMipmaps SetTextureFilter SetTextureWrap

Safe assuming window is open


Safe assuming Drawing is enabled

ImageDraw ImageDrawRectangle ImageDrawRectangleLines ImageDrawText ImageDrawTextEx

DrawTexture DrawTextureV DrawTextureEx DrawTextureRec DrawTextureQuad DrawTexturePro DrawTextureNPatch


GetImageData GetImageDataNormalized UpdateTexture ImageToPOT


Always Safe

GetFontDefault LoadFont & UnloadFont LoadFontEx LoadFontFromImage LoadFontData GenImageFontAtlas

MeasureText MeasureTextEx GetGlyphIndex

TextIsEqual TextLength TextFormat TextSubtext TextReplace TextInsert TextJoin TextSplit TextAppend TextFindIndex TextToUpper TextToLower TextToPascal TextToInteger

Safe assuming drawing is enabled

DrawFPS DrawText DrawTextEx DrawTextRec DrawTextRecEx


Always Safe

LoadModel && UnloadModel LoadModelFromMesh

LoadMeshes && UnloadMesh ExportMesh

LoadMaterials LoadMaterialDefault UnloadMaterial SetMaterialTexture SetModelMeshMaterial

LoadModelAnimations UpdateModelAnimation UnloadModelAnimation IsModelAnimationValid

GenMeshPoly GenMeshPlane GenMeshCube GenMeshSphere GenMeshHemiSphere GenMeshCylinder GenMeshTorus GenMeshKnot GenMeshHeightmap GenMeshCubicmap

MeshBoundingBox MeshTangents MeshBinormals

CheckCollisionSpheres CheckCollisionBoxes CheckCollisionBoxSphere CheckCollisionRaySphere CheckCollisionRaySphereEx CheckCollisionRayBox GetCollisionRayModel GetCollisionRayTriangle GetCollisionRayGround

Safe assuming drawing is enabled

DrawLine3D DrawCircle3D DrawCube DrawCubeV DrawCubeWires DrawCubeWiresV DrawCubeTexture DrawSphere DrawSphereEx DrawSphereWires DrawCylinder DrawCylinderWires DrawPlane DrawRay DrawGrid DrawGizmo

DrawModel DrawModelEx DrawModelWires DrawModelWiresEx DrawBoundingBox DrawBillboard DrawBillboardRec


Always Safe

LoadText LoadShader LoadShaderCode UnloadShader

GetShaderLocation SetShaderValue SetShaderValueV SetShaderValueMatrix SetShaderValueTexture SetMatrixProjection SetMatrixModelview GetMatrixModelview

GetShaderDefault GetTextureDefault

Assuming drawing

BeginShaderMode EndShaderMode BeginBlendMode EndBlendMode BeginScissorMode EndScissorMode

Asuming VR

InitVrSimulator CloseVrSimulator UpdateVrTracking SetVrConfiguration IsVrSimulatorReady ToggleVrMode BeginVrDrawing EndVrDrawing


Always Safe

InitAudioDevice IsAudioDeviceReady

LoadWave LoadWaveEx LoadSound LoadSoundFromWave UpdateSound UnloadWave UnloadSound ExportWave ExportWaveAsCode

SetSoundVolume SetSoundPitch WaveFormat WaveCopy GetWaveData

LoadMusicStream - UnloadMusicStream UpdateMusicStream SetMusicVolume SetMusicPitch SetMusicLoopCount GetMusicTimeLength GetMusicTimePlayed

InitAudioStream CloseAudioStream IsAudioBufferProcessed

SetAudioStreamVolume SetAudioStreamPitch

Safe assuming audio is initalized

CloseAudioDevice IsAudioDeviceReady

PlaySound PauseSound ResumeSound StopSound IsSoundPlaying

PlayMusicStream StopMusicStream PauseMusicStream ResumeMusicStream IsMusicPlaying

PlayAudioStream PauseAudioStream ResumeAudioStream IsAudioStreamPlaying StopAudioStream


Always safe

Vector2 Vector3 Vector4 Quaternion Matrix Color Rectangle

NPatchInfo CharInfo

Camera Camera2D Mesh MaterialMap

Transform BoneInfo ?ModelAnimation Ray RayHitInfo BoundingBox

Safe but require destructors

Image Texture

RenderTexture NPatchInfo Font Shader Material Model