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99 lines (78 loc) · 5.17 KB

File metadata and controls

99 lines (78 loc) · 5.17 KB




  • CLI to access library functions:
  • Calculate splits for a given height (with the splits subcommand)
    • As formatted text (default)
    • As CSV (with the --csv flag or -c short flag)
  • --version and --help flags
  • make-rule-set subcommand to create a JSON string describing a Nim game's rules
    • Use --take-split-never or -n either followed by a number to specify a rule where a player may take a number of coins from a stack without splitting it in the process
    • Likewise, --take-split-optional or -o followed by a number specifies a take rule where splitting is optional
    • The --take-split-always or -a option followed by a number specifies a take rule where splitting is mandatory
    • Using --allow-any-take or -A creates a rule allowing to take an arbitrary number of coins from a stack, followed by a choice from never, optional, or always to specify if splitting is forbidden, optional, or mandatory
    • The yet-to-be-implemented --allow-place or -p option creates a rule which allows the player to place coins on a stack; this option is not yet implemented and does not take any arguments
    • --pretty-print or -P prints the JSON string in a more readable format, with indentation and line breaks
  • The nimber subcommand to
    • Calculate the nimber(s) for a (set of) stack(s) of given height(s) (using --print stacks or -p stacks)
    • Calculate the nimber of a position of stacks (using --print position or -p position)
    • Display them both (default, or by using --print both or -p both)
    • Rules are taken with the required --rules or -r flag in the form of a JSON string
    • The --json or -j flag can be used to print the output as JSON instead of plain text
    • Likewise, the --json-pretty or -J flag can be used to print the output as pretty-printed JSON
  • Logging support with verbosity controls using --verbose or -v (can be used multiple times), or --quiet or -q (can be used multiple times)


  • Applied many clippy suggestions

[0.1.1] - 2023-02-11


  • Improved readme and documentation
    • Fix links: link to latest to help search engines find the latest version
    • Add a description of the library to the readme
    • Explain how Nim games work

[0.1.0] - 2023-02-11


  • Module moves
    • Enum MoveError, a list of possible errors when applying or calculating moves
    • check_move is a function which checks if a move is legal for a given position
    • The function calculate_legal_moves which calculates all legal moves from a given position
    • apply_move is a function which applies a move to a position, changing the position
    • The unsafe version of which is apply_move_unchecked which does not check if the move is legal
  • Struct Nimber which represents a nimber and simply wraps a u64
    • Used to avoid confusion of heights and nimbers using the type system
  • Enum NimAction which represents a move in a Nim game
  • Structs TakeAction and PlaceAction which are used in NimAction
  • Enum NimSplit, the result of a split: either Yes with two new stacks or No
  • Many unit tests for both the old code, and the new


  • Renamed module algo to nimbers
  • Function calculate_nimber_for_height in nimbers
    • Now returns a Nimber instead of a u64
    • Now takes a slice of NimRule instead of a hard-coded vector &Vec<NimRule>
    • Moved internal code to moves::calculate_legal_moves (code deduplication)
  • Function calculate_legal_moves
    • Argument stacks was moved from &Vec<Stack> to &[Stack], allowing for an optimization in this calculate_nimber_for_height
    • Same goes for its rules argument, which was moved from &Vec<NimRule> to &[NimRule]
  • Changed return type of nimbers::calculate_splits Vec<(u64, u64)> from to Vec<(Stack, Stack)>


  • Removed clear_nimber_cache from nimbers (then named algo)
    • The cache now supports multiple rule sets, so clearing the cache is no longer necessary when the rules change
    • Maybe some kind of cache control will be added in the future to reduce memory usage on demand


  • Fixed a bug in the way the cache was used, which resulted in incorrect nimbers being returned
    • This was due to the fact that the same cache was used for every rule set
    • Now, a new cache is created for every rule set

[0.0.1] - 2023-01-25


  • This is the initial release of NimLib
    • Version 0.0.0 was a placeholder release without any code
    • Version 0.0.1 is the first real release
  • Module algo
    • The calculate_nimber_for_height function which calculates the nimber for a given height
    • The calculate_splits function which calculates all possible splits for a given height, accounting for symmetry
    • The module also contains the function clear_nimber_cache which has/had to be called every time the rules changed
  • Struct NimStack which represents a stack and simply wraps a u64
  • Struct NimRule representing a rule in a Nim game
  • Struct NimGame representing a Nim game, containing a list of rules and a list of stacks
  • Enum Split, used in NimRule
  • Enum TakeSize which is used in NimRule