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Feel free to clone https://code.google.com/p/tortoisegit.wiki/ or https://github.com/TortoiseGit/wiki and send a pull request. Also everyone who is on our mailing list (https://groups.google.com/group/tortoisegit-dev) can edit the wiki using the web editor.
Windows explorer can just handle a fixed number different overlay providers and !TortoiseGit is using 6 of these (these 6 are handled by !TortoiseOverlays and, thus, shared with TortoiseSVN and TortoiseCVS).
If the !TortoiseGit icons are not correctly displayed this is likely caused by other programs which provide overlays (like Dropbox, Owncloud, !BoxSync and various others) and register with a higher priority.
See https://code.google.com/p/tortoisegit/issues/detail?id=692#c45 for a few steps on how to solve this. The TortoiseSVN team also has a nice FAQ for this: http://tortoisesvn.net/faq.html#ovlnotshowing
You can see which ones the Tortoise clients use in the !TortoiseGit settings dialog (https://tortoisegit.org/docs/tortoisegit/tgit-dug-settings.html#tgit-dug-settings-overlay-handlers). Here also a button with direct access to the registry is provided where all overlay handlers are configured.
Press "Shift" key, right-click -> Browse Reference, Choose branch or tag, right-click, choose "delete". Branches and tags can also be deleted using the Log Dialog, however, tags will only be deleted locally (see #How_to_delete_a_remote_tag here to find out how to delete tags on a remote repository).
Or open log dialog -> choose commit with branch\tag, right->click->delete
* Check if "git gc" resolves the problem * Check if "git fsck" resolves the problem * Test our [http://download.tortoisegit.org/tgit/previews/ preview release] if the problem is still there. If yes: File a [https://code.google.com/p/tortoisegit/issues/list bugreport]. Mention your Windows Version (also x64 or x86), your msysgit version and the used !TortoiseGit version there.
* Close all log dialogs of that repository, then go to .git folder, delete tortoisegit.data and tortoisegit.index
There are no icon overlays on Network drives/RAM drives/Removable drives or CD drives. How to enable them?
You have to enable overlay icons for these devices in !TortoiseGit settings -> Icon overlays.
Go to !TortoiseGit settings -> Network and enter "SSH.exe" resp. TortoiseGitPLink.exe into the SSH client text field: http://tortoisegit.googlecode.com/git/doc/images/en/SettingsProxy.png
* Since Go to the "Browse References" dialog, right click on a remote and select "Delete remote tags...". * Before Open the push dialog, select the remote archive, no local branch, fill in the tag name into the remote branch field and click on OK.
Press "shift" key, right-click -> Delete (keep local)
Create an environment variable called "GIT_SSH" with the path to the PuTTY plink.exe or preferably to TortoiseGitPLink.exe. This can be done on the command line by executing "set GIT_SSH=PATH_TO_PLINK.EXE" ("C:\Program Files\!TortoiseGit\bin\TortoiseGitPLink.exe" on default installations) or permanently.
Press "shift" key, right-click
setting -> Set Extend Menu Item. Choose the menu items you want to hide (by default), however, these items can be shown by pressing the "shift" key while doing the right-click.
Since version 1.7.2 the 32-bit extension is also included in the 64-bit installer.
You have to reset the menu bar (even if you did not make any changes to it). Left click -> Customize -> Menu tab and hit Reset/Restore.