Today, you'll be working with Application Load Balancers (ALBs) to scale a Wordpress website under load.
This code is due on Thursday, April 5th at 11:59:59PM.
Make sure to do a pull on your git repo and then set up as usual with pipenv install
. This codelab has packaged with it a test utility called Bees With Machine Guns (BWMG):
A utility for arming (creating) many bees (small EC2 instances) to attack (load test) targets (web applications).
It is automatically installed in your pipenv shell (bees --help
We'll be working heavily from the AWS GUI here, so go ahead and log in with your account.
As in Codelab 2 (AWS/S3), add a new IAM user with programmatic access. This user will be used purely for BWMG, so give it a clear name. Bees will only need access to EC2 instances, so attach the AmazonEC2FullAccess
policy instead of giving it administrator privileges. Make sure to save your access keys as you will need them later.
Note: While it is possible to complete this codelab using the IAM user and the key pair you already have, it is generally a best practice to create a new one. This aids in security by following the principle of least privilege.
Next, we will create a key pair specifically for Bees.
Moving to EC2, under the Network and Security
tab, create a new key pair and give it a memorable name. Then, after you have it downloaded, move a copy to the .ssh
folder in your home directory. This is where Bees will look for it.
$ cp ~/Downloads/<bees>.pem ~/.ssh/<bees>.pem
While you're here, go ahead and create a new security group that opens up SSH and HTTP for Bees.
Tip: It's generally a good idea to create separate security groups for different services, because you can modify the rules in the security group at any time, but you can't change security groups after you've created an EC2 instance. Therefore, if you re-used a security group and Bees needed an extra port opened, then you would have to open that port for all services using that security group.
For our server, will use a pre-built AMI from the AWS Marketplace that is similar to the one you all created in Codelab 4.
Note: You can't use the same server from Codelab 4, because that server hardcodes its IP address, so if we launched it from an AMI then it would be assigned a new IP and you would have to manually update the hardcoded IP -- Bitnami's Wordpress image solves this problem for us.
Go ahead and open the EC Launch Instance wizard. From the AWS Marketplace tab, search for and select "WordPress Certified by Bitnami".
Configure as follows:
- Instance Type: t2.micro
- Configuration Details: Use the default
- Storage: Use the default
- Tags: None
- Security Group: Use the default
- Key Pair: Use your EC2 key pair from previous codelabs
Verify it comes up using the IPv4 Public IP in your browser, it should look pretty familiar.
Note (from the authors of Bees):
"If you decide to use the Bees, please keep in mind the following important caveat: they are, more-or-less a distributed denial-of-service attack in a fancy package and, therefore, if you point them at any server you don’t own you will behaving unethically, have your Amazon Web Services account locked-out, and be liable in a court of law for any downtime you cause.
You have been warned."*
The bees
command works by launching a set of EC2 instances which then attack a given URL by drowning it with HTTP requests.
There are two commands you will need to know and use (up
and attack
). The former launches the servers which will then wait around until directed to attack a URL with the latter command.
: The number of Bees servers to run.-g BEES_SECURITY_GROUP_NAME
: The Bees security group from earlier.-k KEY_PAIR_FILENAME
: The name of the Bees key pair you created earlier (without the.pem
: The number of total connections to make to the target.-c NUM_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS
: The number of concurrent connections to make to the target.-u URL
: URL of the target to attack.
There are a number of other flags we haven't covered (see bees --help
Moving to your pipenv shell, first set the environment variables corresponding to the access keys for your IAM Bees user.
If you exit this shell, these variables will be unset. So make sure to store them somewhere.
Next, it's time to muster the troops.
$ bees up -s 1 -g <security group> -k <key>
Since we're testing the instance directly, make sure to use the IPv4 Public IP for the address. Then, over the top!
$ bees attack -n 2000 -c 250 -u http://<address>
You should get an output like this. How would you feel accessing a blog post if it took an average of 6.854 seconds to load a page?! Try accessing the blog while Bees is running -- it should be slow to load.
Note: i know, i know, bee drones are male and the utility uses feminine pronouns for the bees, which means they're probably workers...
Our server is having trouble keeping up with the load. So, let's see if we can improve on those results by balancing the load across more than one instance.
Go ahead and launch an Application Load Balancer under the Load Balancing
tab under EC2 in the AWS console.
You are going to use mostly defaults for this ALB. For the AZs, select all of them (you need at least two). On the security group window, create a new one, but use the default security group that it recommends (with port 80 open). On the Register Targets
page, add the Wordpress server you launched. Then launch!
The ALB will take a few moments to be created. You can see the state of your load balancer in the Load Balancing
tab. It starts as provisioning
and will be ready when it gets to active
. While waiting go ahead and check the description for the field DNS name:
. This is what you will be submit in a dns.txt
file when you're finished. Once the ALB is spun up, go ahead and visit the DNS and verify it loads the Wordpress server in your browser.
Order another attack, this time at the ALB (use its DNS name for address). You should get roughly the same latency metrics.
Then launch a second instance (using the same steps as above) and register it to the ALB's target group. What happens to the latency of your Wordpress server?
Note: If you add a new instance to the load balancer before it has fully launched, then it might fail the health check from the load balancer. It'll take a few minutes to pass the health check, since it by default will have to pass 5 health checks (performed once per 30s) before being considered healthy. You can increase the health check frequency and reduce the threshold to be considered healthy to speed this up.
Note: You can also double-check that the load balancer is routing you to multiple servers by commenting on a blog post. The blog's state is not replicated across all instances, so each instance has it's own state (comments, posts, etc.).
Your goal is simple. Given a swarm of 4 bees servers shooting 10000 requests, 250 at a time, ensure the mean response (Time per request
) is under 3 seconds. Launch as many t2.micro instances behind your load balancer as you need to hit that goal, but no more.
Leave the load balancer and the servers set up for us to verify. We'll be testing your site at the DNS name you submit in a dns.txt
file. We'll post on Piazza when you can shut down these instances.
However, you can shut down your bees servers. Make sure to let your bees go home with the command bees down
If you are running any other EC2 instances that you are no longer using, be sure to terminate them, under EC2 > Actions > Instance State > Terminate
Note: Our setup is contrived. Here we will use a turn-key AMI to demonstrate scaling of a static site. In practice, a scalable Wordpress website would use stateless servers (which could be spun up/down as needed) that rely on a replicated database to store blog data (e.g. MySQL running in RDS) rather than running the database on the server itself.
You will be submitting a text file called dns.txt
containing only the DNS name of your load balancer.
Submit this assignment to codelab6
on the submit server. Upload a zipped directory with the file:
<directory id>.zip