Generate and auto layout Archi view(s)
Use cases:
- quickly generate a starting point for a new view
- generate multiple context views (one element and all its related elements)
- analyse your model by generating different views.
- use nesting to find unexpected relations, see double relations, etc.
Based on "generate views using graphlib" by Herve Jouin. See
file with generate_view function
- include_view.js
wrapper files with parameter for generating a specific view
- _generate.ajs
- _generate_multiple.ajs
- _expand.ajs
- _layout_LR.ajs
- _layout_TB.ajs
- _layout_nested_LR.ajs
- _layout_nested_TB.ajs
Create a file with a layout configuration in the user_parameter folder. Use this configuration parameter with a wrapper file using this name-format:
- <user_parameter>_<action>_<direction>.ajs
- application_Generate_LR.ajs
- use the param configuration in the file ./user_parameter/application.js
- generate a view for the selected elements
- use directed layout left-to-right
All the parameters of the generate_view function are contained in one object, the param object.
Configure the behavior of generate_view with the folowing parameters.
- Which elements and relations to include in the view
, generate and/or layout a view- Generate new views
generate a view with the selected elements and THEIR related elements (add elements and relations
relations deep) - GENERATE_MULTIPLE
generate a view for every selected element and ITS related elements (add elements and relations
relations deep)
generate a view with the selected elements and THEIR related elements (add elements and relations
- Change an existing view
- EXPAND_HERE expand in the view the selected element(s) with their related elements (add elements and relations 1 relation deep)
- LAYOUT layout the selected view. Do not add elements or relations
- Generate new views
, add elements and relation to the selectiongraphDepth
relation deep- default is 1
- integer - number of relations to follow
, element types that will be included in the view- default is no filter
- [..] (empty array) all element types are included
- [type, type, ...] array of element types like business-actor, application-component, technology-collaboration, node, ...
, relationship types that will be included in the view- default is no filter
- [..] (empty array) all relationship types in the model
- [type, type, ...] array of relationship types like realization-relationship, assignment-relationship, ...
, exclude a marked set of relations from the view- default is false
- boolean [true, false]
- in the model you 'mark' the to exclude relations with the property excludeFromView=true. The marked relation and ITS related element are skipped
- How to draw given relationship types
, relationship types that will be reversed in the layout- default none
- [..] (empty array) no relationships are reversed
- [type, type, ...] array of relationship types like realization-relationship, assignment-relationship, ...
, relationship types that will be rendered nested (embed target elements in the source element)- default none
- [..] (empty array) no relationships are nested
- [type, type, ...] array of relationship types like realization-relationship, assignment-relationship, ...
- View to generate
, name of the view to create- default is none
- "" (empty string) or none, the "name of first selected object" is used as the viewName
- "foo" is used as viewname
- only valid in the
GENERATE_SINGLE, ignored for other actions - In the action GENERATE_MULTIPLE the individual names of the selected elements are used as the viewName
, suffix added to the viewName- default is no suffix
- "" (empty string), no suffix
- " (GGM)" string is appended to the viewName
, view is added to the folder/Views/<viewFolder>
- default is empty
- "" (emtpy string), view is added to the folder
- "/sub/sub/foldername" string starting with a
, containing one or more subfolders - don't include the main folder /Views
- How to layout and size the view
Dagre layout options - for more information see
, direction of the graph- TB - Top-Bottom (default)
- BT - Bottom-Top
- LR - Left-Right
- RL - right-Left
, alignment of the graph- UL - Up Left
- UR - Up Right
- DL - Down Left
- DR - Down Right
- default is none which centers de graph
, algorithm to assigns a rank to each node in the input graph.- network-simplex (default)
- longest-path
- tight-tree
, width of a drawn element- integer - number of pixels for the width (default NODE_WIDTH)
, height of a drawn element- integer - number of pixels for the height (default NODE_HEIGHT)
, horizontal distance between two drawn elements- integer - number of pixels that separate nodes horizontally (defaults to 50)
, vertical distance between two drawn elements- integer - number of pixels that separate nodes vertically (defaults to 50)
- For jArchi script development
, print debug messages on the console- boolean, true or false (default is false)