DSL (Damn Small Linux) is a lightweight Operating system compatible with Limbo PC Emulator. Below are the steps to set up a hard disk image for use with Limbo and install DSL linux. You can download the DSL Linux ISO from: http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/download.html
DSL Linux is one of the few lightweight Desktop OSes that is supported by limbo though it is still rather slow to your expectations of Desktop PC.
The Kernel used by DSL Linux is old and considered insecure. Additionally its package managers are not receiving any security updates. Please use at your own discretion.
Guide There is an excellent guide at https://virtualbits.weebly.com you can follow.
There is an issue with QEMU and the mouse acceleration under VNC. This causes the mouse to stop before reaching the end of the screen boundaries. On a terminal within DSL Linux type "xset m 1" or add the same line at the end of your .xinitrc at your home (dsl) directory. This should disable mouse acceleration.