If you've run into trouble hacking on Rancher, check here for possible solutions.
If you're environment goes sideways and you have a tight deadline looming, sometimes the easiest path forward is to clean up and start over. Stop the cattle server, blow away your database, and destroy all your containers:
$CATTLE_HOME/resources/content/db/mysql/drop_tables.sh # Blow away your database
docker rm -fv $(docker ps -qa) # Destroy all containers
Restarting the cattle server will recreate the database. Then start up the rancher-agent container again by getting the command from the UI of the management server. Remember that it is under the "Add Host" UI for a Custom/Bare Metal host.
Additionally, sometimes, boot2docker itself can go sideways. Being out of space is a common culprit, but if you don't want to debug, you can just blow it away as well:
boot2docker destroy
boot2docker init
boot2docker up
Change the existing GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT in /etc/default/grub to:
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="cgroup_enable=memory swapaccount=1"
Then run sudo update-grub and restart the server.
Tail the container's output to see what's going wrong:
docker logs -f rancher-agent
Cattle pushes code and config down to the agent. If you don't have some of the non-java projects built properly, the necessary artifacts might not be around.
One such case: if $CATTLE_HOME/code/agent doesn't have a target dir (and a jar in it), you should run an maven install on it:
cd $CATTLE_HOME/code/agent
mvn install
Refresh eclipse and restart the cattle server.
Another case: if you haven't build the python-agent project, you won't have the appropriate dist directory to push down to the agent.
cd <path where you cloned python agent>
Note: the above assumes that you are pointing cattle your local python-agent directory via something like.
Why is setting up cattle so insanely complicated? I just need a running rancher server and host so that I can work on <component foo>
Then don't follow the cowpoke instructions. Follow these instructions.
If you're encountering some strange behaviors with liquibase such as not detecting a column change or jOOQ, make sure you're running java 1.7 instead of 1.8.
There is a way to trace a specific process execution (account.create, container.start, etc) on a cattle server. First, request for processInstances http://localhost:8080/v1/processinstances. Locate your process by applying the filtering, get its pid. Then in terminal, invoke print_process.py and pass the pid:
cd $CATTLE_HOME/tests/integration/cattletest/util
./print_process.py 1pi1700
0 seconds 1pi1700 account.create account:78 DONE DONE SUCCESS
43 ms PROCESS: account.create account:78 DELEGATE
25 ms HANDLER: AccountCreate
14 ms PROCESS: credential.create credential:166 DELEGATE
0 ms HANDLER: AgentApiKeyCreate
4 ms HANDLER: ApiKeyCreate
0 ms HANDLER: RegisterTokenCreate
0 ms HANDLER: SshKeyCreate
1 ms HANDLER: ActivateByDefault
5 ms PROCESS: credential.activate credential:166 DONE
9 ms HANDLER: RegisterTokenAccountCreate
1 ms HANDLER: ActivateByDefault
8 ms PROCESS: account.activate account:78 DONE
The output is the list of all the processes and handlers invoked by the original process in the order of execution
If your cattle server hangs on startup, it is likely because not being able to acquire a lock to perform initialization operations
In this case remove the database entries which hold the lock by executing the following commands
sh>> mysql -u root
mysql>> use cattle;