Localization information for the o-fish-web project
Localization is in src/helpers/i18n/
Every translation has a directory with its language code, and a translation.json file. e.g.: src/helpers/i18n/en/translation.json src/helpers/i18n/es-419/translation.json src/helpers/i18n/fr/translation.json
When adding a NEW language, you will need to add it in 3 places in src/helpers/i18n/index.js:
Import it, e.g.:
import en from './en/translation';
import fr from './fr/translation';
Update the "default to en" to NOT include the new language:
if (!(lang.includes('fr') || lang.includes('es'))) {
lang = 'en';
You will need to add it into the resources, e.g.:
const i18nOptions = {
resources: {
en: {
translation: en
fr: {
translation: fr
The format is a json document where the variable name is in ALL CAPS and in quotes, e.g.:
"LOGIN": "Connexion",
"FORGOT_PASSWORD": "Mot de passe oublié?",
"EMAIL_USERNAME": "Email/Identifiant:",
"PASSWORD": "Mot de passe"