Dependant sources of a Selector can return an error. Then, the full Selector will not be resolved. You can catch those source errors and transform them into a data of your convenience, or even delegate or "retry" that source into another source or array of sources.
Use the catch
property of a custom source to catch his errors:
import { Selector } from "@xbyorange/mercury";
import { Api } from "@xbyorange/mercury-api";
const alternativeBooksCollectionApi = new Api("http://foo-alternative-api/books")
const specificAuthorBooks = new Selector(
source: authorsCollection,
query: nameParameter => ({
queryString: {
name: nameParameter
catch: (err, query) => {
return []
source: booksCollection,
query: (nameParameter, previousResults) => {
const authorsResults = previousResults[0];
return {
queryString: {
author_id: authorsResults[0]._id
catch: (err, query) => {
return alternativeBooksCollectionApi.query(query);
(authorsCollectionResults, booksCollectionResults, nameParameter) => booksCollectionResults
// If request to "" fails, will be resolved with an empty array:
// If request to "" fails, will retry on "http://foo-alternative-api/books?author_id=23"
await specificAuthorBooks.query("cervantes").read();