diff --git a/evals/ravel/ravel/clean_prototype.ipynb b/evals/ravel/ravel/clean_prototype.ipynb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..73bd2db --- /dev/null +++ b/evals/ravel/ravel/clean_prototype.ipynb @@ -0,0 +1,214 @@ +{ + "cells": [ + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 1, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "%load_ext autoreload\n", + "%autoreload 2\n", + "\n", + "import os\n", + "\n", + "REPO_DIR = f'{os.getcwd()}'\n", + "SRC_DIR = os.path.join(REPO_DIR, 'src')\n", + "MODEL_DIR = os.path.join(REPO_DIR, 'models')\n", + "DATA_DIR = os.path.join(REPO_DIR, 'data')\n", + "\n", + "for d in [MODEL_DIR, DATA_DIR]:\n", + " if not os.path.exists(d):\n", + " os.makedirs(d)\n", + "\n", + "\n", + "import sys\n", + "sys.path.append(REPO_DIR)\n", + "sys.path.append(SRC_DIR)\n", + "\n", + "import numpy as np\n", + "import random\n", + "import torch\n", + "import accelerate\n", + "# from nnsight import NNsight\n", + "from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer\n", + "from transformer_lens import HookedTransformer\n", + "\n", + "def set_seed(seed):\n", + " random.seed(seed)\n", + " np.random.seed(seed)\n", + " torch.manual_seed(seed)\n", + " torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(seed)\n", + "\n", + "set_seed(0)\n", + "\n", + "device = \"cpu\"\n", + "if torch.backends.mps.is_available():\n", + " device = \"mps\"\n", + "elif torch.cuda.is_available():\n", + " device = \"cuda\"" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "# Model" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 3, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [ + { + "ename": "FileNotFoundError", + "evalue": "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '../../auth/hf_token.txt'", + "output_type": "error", + "traceback": [ + "\u001b[0;31m---------------------------------------------------------------------------\u001b[0m", + "\u001b[0;31mFileNotFoundError\u001b[0m Traceback (most recent call last)", + "Cell \u001b[0;32mIn[3], line 4\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 1\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;66;03m# Load model\u001b[39;00m\n\u001b[0;32m----> 4\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01mwith\u001b[39;00m \u001b[38;5;28;43mopen\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43m(\u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;124;43m'\u001b[39;49m\u001b[38;5;124;43m../../auth/hf_token.txt\u001b[39;49m\u001b[38;5;124;43m'\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43m,\u001b[49m\u001b[43m \u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;124;43m'\u001b[39;49m\u001b[38;5;124;43mr\u001b[39;49m\u001b[38;5;124;43m'\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43m)\u001b[49m \u001b[38;5;28;01mas\u001b[39;00m f:\n\u001b[1;32m 5\u001b[0m hf_token \u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m f\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mread()\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mstrip()\n\u001b[1;32m 7\u001b[0m model_id \u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m \u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124mgoogle/gemma-2-2b\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m\n", + "File \u001b[0;32m~/miniconda3/envs/sae_eval/lib/python3.10/site-packages/IPython/core/interactiveshell.py:324\u001b[0m, in \u001b[0;36m_modified_open\u001b[0;34m(file, *args, **kwargs)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 317\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01mif\u001b[39;00m file \u001b[38;5;129;01min\u001b[39;00m {\u001b[38;5;241m0\u001b[39m, \u001b[38;5;241m1\u001b[39m, \u001b[38;5;241m2\u001b[39m}:\n\u001b[1;32m 318\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01mraise\u001b[39;00m \u001b[38;5;167;01mValueError\u001b[39;00m(\n\u001b[1;32m 319\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;124mf\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124mIPython won\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m'\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124mt let you open fd=\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;132;01m{\u001b[39;00mfile\u001b[38;5;132;01m}\u001b[39;00m\u001b[38;5;124m by default \u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m\n\u001b[1;32m 320\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124mas it is likely to crash IPython. If you know what you are doing, \u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m\n\u001b[1;32m 321\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124myou can use builtins\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m'\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m open.\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m\n\u001b[1;32m 322\u001b[0m )\n\u001b[0;32m--> 324\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01mreturn\u001b[39;00m \u001b[43mio_open\u001b[49m\u001b[43m(\u001b[49m\u001b[43mfile\u001b[49m\u001b[43m,\u001b[49m\u001b[43m \u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m*\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43margs\u001b[49m\u001b[43m,\u001b[49m\u001b[43m \u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m*\u001b[39;49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m*\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43mkwargs\u001b[49m\u001b[43m)\u001b[49m\n", + "\u001b[0;31mFileNotFoundError\u001b[0m: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '../../auth/hf_token.txt'" + ] + } + ], + "source": [ + "# Load model\n", + "\n", + "\n", + "with open('../../auth/hf_token.txt', 'r') as f:\n", + " hf_token = f.read().strip()\n", + "\n", + "model_id = \"google/gemma-2-2b\"\n", + "model_name = \"gemma-2-2b\"\n", + "\n", + "torch.set_grad_enabled(False) # avoid blowing up mem\n", + "hf_model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(\n", + " model_id,\n", + " cache_dir=MODEL_DIR,\n", + " token=hf_token,\n", + " device_map=device,\n", + " low_cpu_mem_usage=True,\n", + " attn_implementation=\"eager\"\n", + ")\n", + "\n", + "tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(\n", + " model_id,\n", + " cache_dir=MODEL_DIR,\n", + " token=hf_token,\n", + ")\n", + "tokenizer.pad_token = tokenizer.eos_token\n", + "tokenizer.padding_side = 'left'\n", + "VOCAB = sorted(tokenizer.vocab, key=tokenizer.vocab.get)\n", + "\n", + "layer_idx = 10\n", + "\n", + "\n", + "nnsight_model = NNsight(hf_model)\n", + "nnsight_tracer_kwargs = {'scan': True, 'validate': False, 'use_cache': False, 'output_attentions': False}" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "# Dataset Generation" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 2, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [ + { + "ename": "NameError", + "evalue": "name 'tokenizer' is not defined", + "output_type": "error", + "traceback": [ + "\u001b[0;31m---------------------------------------------------------------------------\u001b[0m", + "\u001b[0;31mNameError\u001b[0m Traceback (most recent call last)", + "Cell \u001b[0;32mIn[2], line 3\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 1\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01mfrom\u001b[39;00m \u001b[38;5;21;01mravel_dataset_builder\u001b[39;00m \u001b[38;5;28;01mimport\u001b[39;00m RAVELEntityPromptData\n\u001b[0;32m----> 3\u001b[0m full_entity_dataset \u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m RAVELEntityPromptData\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mfrom_files(\u001b[38;5;124m'\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124mcity\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m'\u001b[39m, \u001b[38;5;124m'\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124mdata\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m'\u001b[39m, \u001b[43mtokenizer\u001b[49m)\n\u001b[1;32m 4\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28mlen\u001b[39m(full_entity_dataset)\n", + "\u001b[0;31mNameError\u001b[0m: name 'tokenizer' is not defined" + ] + } + ], + "source": [ + "from ravel_dataset_builder import RAVELEntityPromptData\n", + "\n", + "full_entity_dataset = RAVELEntityPromptData.from_files('city', 'data', tokenizer)\n", + "len(full_entity_dataset)" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "sampled_entity_dataset = full_entity_dataset.downsample(1000)\n", + "print(f\"Number of prompts remaining: {len(sampled_entity_dataset)}\")\n", + "\n", + "prompt_max_length = 48\n", + "sampled_entity_dataset.generate_completions(nnsight_model, tokenizer, max_length=prompt_max_length+8, prompt_max_length=prompt_max_length)\n", + "\n", + "sampled_entity_dataset.evaluate_correctness()\n", + "\n", + "# Filter correct completions\n", + "correct_data = sampled_entity_dataset.filter_correct()\n", + "\n", + "# Filter top entities and templates\n", + "filtered_data = correct_data.filter_top_entities_and_templates(top_n_entities=400, top_n_templates_per_attribute=12)\n", + "\n", + "# Calculate average accuracy\n", + "accuracy = sampled_entity_dataset.calculate_average_accuracy()\n", + "print(f\"Average accuracy: {accuracy:.2%}\")\n", + "print(f\"Number of prompts remaining: {len(correct_data)}\")" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "correct_data.add_wikipedia_prompts('city', 'data', tokenizer, nnsight_model)" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "# Experimental Interventions" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [], + "source": [] + } + ], + "metadata": { + "kernelspec": { + "display_name": "base", + "language": "python", + "name": "python3" + }, + "language_info": { + "codemirror_mode": { + "name": "ipython", + "version": 3 + }, + "file_extension": ".py", + "mimetype": "text/x-python", + "name": "python", + "nbconvert_exporter": "python", + "pygments_lexer": "ipython3", + "version": "3.10.14" + } + }, + "nbformat": 4, + "nbformat_minor": 2 +} diff --git a/evals/ravel/ravel/common_imports.py b/evals/ravel/ravel/common_imports.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ba46ba6 --- /dev/null +++ b/evals/ravel/ravel/common_imports.py @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +from transformer_lens import HookedTransformer +import torch +import numpy as np +import pandas as pd +from torch import Tensor +import sys +from typing import List, Tuple, Dict, Any, Union, Literal, Optional \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/evals/ravel/ravel/data.tgz b/evals/ravel/ravel/data.tgz new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ffa8ae6 Binary files /dev/null and b/evals/ravel/ravel/data.tgz differ diff --git a/evals/ravel/ravel/data/base/ravel_city_attribute_to_prompts.json b/evals/ravel/ravel/data/base/ravel_city_attribute_to_prompts.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a782aff --- /dev/null +++ b/evals/ravel/ravel/data/base/ravel_city_attribute_to_prompts.json @@ -0,0 +1,287 @@ +{ + "Country": [ + " Photo taken in New York City, United States. Photo taken in %s,", + " she is living in %s, therefore her country of residence is", + "\"lang\": \"English\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"country\": \"", + "\"lang\": \"Spanish\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"country\": \"", + "%s is a city in the country of", + "%s is in the country of", + "If you live in %s, your country of residence should be", + "[{\"city\": \"%s\", \"country\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Bangkok\", \"country\": \"Thailand\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"country\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Beijing\", \"country\": \"China\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"country\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Buenos Aires\", \"country\": \"Argentina\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"country\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Cape Town\", \"country\": \"South Africa\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"country\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Hong Kong\", \"country\": \"China\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"country\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Kuala Lumpur\", \"country\": \"Malaysia\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"country\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Los Angeles\", \"country\": \"United States\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"country\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Mexico City\", \"country\": \"Mexico\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"country\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"New Delhi\", \"country\": \"India\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"country\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"New York City\", \"country\": \"United States\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"country\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Paris\", \"country\": \"France\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"country\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Rio de Janeiro\", \"country\": \"Brazil\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"country\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Rome\", \"country\": \"Italy\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"country\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"San Francisco\", \"country\": \"United States\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"country\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"St. Petersburg\", \"country\": \"Russia\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"country\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Sydney\", \"country\": \"Australia\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"country\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Tokyo\", \"country\": \"Japan\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"country\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Toronto\", \"country\": \"Canada\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"country\": \"", + "[{\"country\": \"the United States\", \"language\": \"English\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"country\": \"", + "city to country: Bangkok is in Thailand. %s is in", + "city to country: Beijing is in China. %s is in", + "city to country: Buenos Aires is in Argentina. %s is in", + "city to country: Cape Town is in South Africa. %s is in", + "city to country: Hong Kong is in China. %s is in", + "city to country: Kuala Lumpur is in Malaysia. %s is in", + "city to country: Los Angeles is in United States. %s is in", + "city to country: Mexico City is in Mexico. %s is in", + "city to country: New Delhi is in India. %s is in", + "city to country: New York City is in United States. %s is in", + "city to country: Paris is in France. %s is in", + "city to country: Rio de Janeiro is in Brazil. %s is in", + "city to country: Rome is in Italy. %s is in", + "city to country: San Francisco is in United States. %s is in", + "city to country: St. Petersburg is in Russia. %s is in", + "city to country: Sydney is in Australia. %s is in", + "city to country: Tokyo is in Japan. %s is in", + "city to country: Toronto is in Canada. %s is in", + "city: %s, country:" + ], + "Continent": [ + " \"language\": \"English\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"continent\": \"", + " city to continent: New York City is in North America. %s is in", + "%s is a city located in the continent of", + "%s is in the continent of", + "Bangkok is a city in the continent of Asia. %s is a city in the continent of", + "Beijing is a city in the continent of Asia. %s is a city in the continent of", + "Buenos Aires is a city in the continent of South America. %s is a city in the continent of", + "Cape Town is a city in the continent of Africa. %s is a city in the continent of", + "Hong Kong is a city in the continent of Asia. %s is a city in the continent of", + "Kuala Lumpur is a city in the continent of Asia. %s is a city in the continent of", + "Los Angeles is a city in the continent of North America. %s is a city in the continent of", + "Mexico City is a city in the continent of North America. %s is a city in the continent of", + "New Delhi is a city in the continent of Asia. %s is a city in the continent of", + "New York City is a city in the continent of North America. %s is a city in the continent of", + "Paris is a city in the continent of Europe. %s is a city in the continent of", + "Rio de Janeiro is a city in the continent of South America. %s is a city in the continent of", + "Rome is a city in the continent of Europe. %s is a city in the continent of", + "San Francisco is a city in the continent of North America. %s is a city in the continent of", + "St. Petersburg is a city in the continent of Europe. %s is a city in the continent of", + "Sydney is a city in the continent of Oceania. %s is a city in the continent of", + "Tokyo is a city in the continent of Asia. %s is a city in the continent of", + "Toronto is a city in the continent of North America. %s is a city in the continent of", + "[{\"city\": \"%s\", \"continent\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Bangkok\", \"continent\": \"Asia\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"continent\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Beijing\", \"continent\": \"Asia\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"continent\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Buenos Aires\", \"continent\": \"South America\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"continent\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Cape Town\", \"continent\": \"Africa\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"continent\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Hong Kong\", \"continent\": \"Asia\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"continent\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Kuala Lumpur\", \"continent\": \"Asia\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"continent\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Los Angeles\", \"continent\": \"North America\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"continent\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Mexico City\", \"continent\": \"North America\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"continent\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"New Delhi\", \"continent\": \"Asia\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"continent\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"New York City\", \"continent\": \"North America\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"continent\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Paris\", \"continent\": \"Europe\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"continent\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Rio de Janeiro\", \"continent\": \"South America\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"continent\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Rome\", \"continent\": \"Europe\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"continent\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"San Francisco\", \"continent\": \"North America\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"continent\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"St. Petersburg\", \"continent\": \"Europe\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"continent\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Sydney\", \"continent\": \"Oceania\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"continent\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Tokyo\", \"continent\": \"Asia\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"continent\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Toronto\", \"continent\": \"North America\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"continent\": \"", + "[{\"country\": \"France\", \"language\": \"Franch\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"continent\": \"", + "city: %s, continent:" + ], + "Latitude": [ + " \"continent\": \"Asia\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"lat\": \"", + " \"long\": \"122.4194° W\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"lat\": \"", + "SF has a latitude of 37.7749° N. %s has a latitude of ", + "The latitude and longitude of %s is (", + "The latitude of %s is (", + "[{\"city\": \"%s\", \"coordinates\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"%s\", \"lat\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Bangkok\", \"lat\": \"13.8\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"lat\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Beijing\", \"lat\": \"39.9\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"lat\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Beijing\", \"lat\": \"40\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"lat\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Buenos Aires\", \"lat\": \"34.6\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"lat\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Buenos Aires\", \"lat\": \"35\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"lat\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Cape Town\", \"lat\": \"33.9\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"lat\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Cape Town\", \"lat\": \"34\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"lat\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Hong Kong\", \"lat\": \"22\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"lat\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Hong Kong\", \"lat\": \"22.3\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"lat\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Kuala Lumpur\", \"lat\": \"3\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"lat\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Kuala Lumpur\", \"lat\": \"3.1\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"lat\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Los Angeles\", \"lat\": \"34\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"lat\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Los Angeles\", \"lat\": \"34.1\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"lat\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Mexico City\", \"lat\": \"19\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"lat\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Mexico City\", \"lat\": \"19.4\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"lat\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"New Delhi\", \"lat\": \"28.6\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"lat\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"New Delhi\", \"lat\": \"29\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"lat\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"New York City\", \"lat\": \"40.7\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"lat\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"New York City\", \"lat\": \"41\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"lat\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Paris\", \"lat\": \"48.9\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"lat\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Paris\", \"lat\": \"49\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"lat\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Rio de Janeiro\", \"lat\": \"22.9\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"lat\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Rio de Janeiro\", \"lat\": \"23\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"lat\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Rome\", \"lat\": \"41.9\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"lat\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Rome\", \"lat\": \"42\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"lat\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"San Francisco\", \"lat\": \"37.7\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"lat\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"San Francisco\", \"lat\": \"38\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"lat\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"St. Petersburg\", \"lat\": \"59.9\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"lat\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"St. Petersburg\", \"lat\": \"60\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"lat\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Sydney\", \"lat\": \"33.9\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"lat\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Sydney\", \"lat\": \"34\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"lat\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Tokyo\", \"lat\": \"36\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"lat\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Toronto\", \"lat\": \"43.7\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"lat\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Toronto\", \"lat\": \"44\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"lat\": \"", + "city: %s, latitude: (" + ], + "Longitude": [ + " \"continent\": \"Asia\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"long\": \"", + " \"lat\": \"37.7749° N\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"long\": \"", + " \"long\": \"122.4\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"long\": \"", + "SF has a longitude of 122.4194° W. %s has a longitude of ", + "The longitude of %s is ", + "[{\"city\": \"%s\", \"long\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Bangkok\", \"long\": \"100.5\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"long\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Beijing\", \"long\": \"116.4\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"long\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Buenos Aires\", \"long\": \"58.4\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"long\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Cape Town\", \"long\": \"18.4\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"long\": \"", + "[{\"city\": \"Hong Kong\", \"long\": \"114.2\"}, 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"Time zone in Buenos Aires is America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires; Time zone in %s is", + "Time zone in Cape Town is Africa/Johannesburg; Time zone in %s is", + "Time zone in Hong Kong is Asia/Hong_Kong; Time zone in %s is", + "Time zone in Kuala Lumpur is Asia/Kuala_Lumpur; Time zone in %s is", + "Time zone in Los Angeles is America/Los_Angeles; Time zone in %s is", + "Time zone in Los Angeles is America/Santiago; Time zone in %s is", + "Time zone in Mexico City is America/Mexico_City; Time zone in %s is", + "Time zone in New Delhi is Asia/Kolkata; Time zone in %s is", + "Time zone in New York City is America/New_York; Time zone in %s is", + "Time zone in Paris is Europe/Paris; Time zone in %s is", + "Time zone in Rio de Janeiro is America/Sao_Paulo; Time zone in %s is", + "Time zone in Rome is Europe/Rome; Time zone in %s is", + "Time zone in San Francisco is America/Los_Angeles; Time zone in %s is", + "Time zone in St. Petersburg is Europe/Moscow; Time zone in %s is", + "Time zone in 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\"timezone\": \"UTC-05:00\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"timezone\": \"UTC", + "city: %s, UTC offset:", + "city: %s, timezone:", + "city: %s, timezone: UTC" + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/evals/ravel/ravel/data/base/ravel_city_entity_attributes.json b/evals/ravel/ravel/data/base/ravel_city_entity_attributes.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c66bb85 --- /dev/null +++ b/evals/ravel/ravel/data/base/ravel_city_entity_attributes.json @@ -0,0 +1,28418 @@ +{ + "Aalborg": { + "Continent": "Europe", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Language": "Danish", + "Latitude": "57", + "Longitude": "10", + "Timezone": "Europe/Copenhagen" + }, + "Aarau": { + "Continent": "Europe", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Language": "German", + "Latitude": "47", + "Longitude": "8", + "Timezone": "Europe/Zurich" + }, + "Aarhus": { + "Continent": "Europe", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Language": "Danish", + "Latitude": "56", + "Longitude": "10", + "Timezone": "Europe/Copenhagen" + }, + "Aba": { + "Continent": 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People in %s speak": "train", + "People in St. Petersburg speak Russian. People in %s speak": "val", + "People in Sydney speak English. People in %s speak": "val", + "People in Toronto speak English. 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Time zone in %s is": "train", + "Time zone in Beijing is Asia/Shanghai; Time zone in %s is": "train", + "Time zone in Buenos Aires is America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires; Time zone in %s is": "val", + "Time zone in Cape Town is Africa/Johannesburg; Time zone in %s is": "train", + "Time zone in Hong Kong is Asia/Hong_Kong; Time zone in %s is": "train", + "Time zone in Kuala Lumpur is Asia/Kuala_Lumpur; Time zone in %s is": "val", + "Time zone in Los Angeles is America/Los_Angeles; Time zone in %s is": "val", + "Time zone in Los Angeles is America/Santiago; Time zone in %s is": "train", + "Time zone in Mexico City is America/Mexico_City; Time zone in %s is": "train", + "Time zone in New Delhi is Asia/Kolkata; Time zone in %s is": "val", + "Time zone in New York City is America/New_York; Time zone in %s is": "train", + "Time zone in Paris is Europe/Paris; Time zone in %s is": "train", + "Time zone in Rio de Janeiro is America/Sao_Paulo; Time zone in %s is": "test", + "Time zone in Rome is Europe/Rome; Time zone in %s is": "val", + "Time zone in San Francisco is America/Los_Angeles; Time zone in %s is": "train", + "Time zone in St. Petersburg is Europe/Moscow; Time zone in %s is": "val", + "Time zone in Sydney is Australia/Sydney; Time zone in %s is": "val", + "Time zone in Toronto is America/Toronto; Time zone in %s is": "test", + "Toronto: America/Toronto. %s:": "train", + "[{\"city\": \"%s\", \"timezone\": \"": "train", + "[{\"city\": \"%s\", \"timezone\": \"UTC": "val", + "[{\"city\": \"Bangkok\", \"timezone\": \"UTC+07:00\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"timezone\": \"UTC": "val", + "[{\"city\": \"Beijing\", \"timezone\": \"UTC+08:00\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"timezone\": \"UTC": "val", + "[{\"city\": \"Beijing\", \"timezone\": \"UTC+8:00\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"timezone\": \"UTC": "train", + "[{\"city\": \"Buenos Aires\", \"timezone\": \"UTC-03:00\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"timezone\": \"UTC": "train", + "[{\"city\": \"Cape Town\", \"timezone\": \"UTC+02:00\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"timezone\": \"UTC": "train", + "[{\"city\": \"Cape Town\", \"timezone\": \"UTC+2:00\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"timezone\": \"UTC": "val", + "[{\"city\": \"Hong Kong\", \"timezone\": \"UTC+08:00\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"timezone\": \"UTC": "train", + "[{\"city\": \"Hong Kong\", \"timezone\": \"UTC+8\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"timezone\": \"UTC": "val", + "[{\"city\": \"Kuala Lumpur\", \"timezone\": \"UTC+08:00\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"timezone\": \"UTC": "val", + "[{\"city\": \"Kuala Lumpur\", \"timezone\": \"UTC+8:00\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"timezone\": \"UTC": "train", + "[{\"city\": \"Los Angeles\", \"timezone\": \"UTC-08:00\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"timezone\": \"UTC": "test", + "[{\"city\": \"Mexico City\", \"timezone\": \"UTC-05:00\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"timezone\": \"UTC": "train", + "[{\"city\": \"New Delhi\", \"timezone\": \"UTC+05:30\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"timezone\": \"UTC": "val", + "[{\"city\": \"New Delhi\", \"timezone\": \"UTC+5:30\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"timezone\": \"UTC": "train", + "[{\"city\": \"New York City\", \"timezone\": \"UTC-05:00\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"timezone\": \"UTC": "test", + "[{\"city\": \"New York City\", \"timezone\": \"UTC-5\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"timezone\": \"UTC": "train", + "[{\"city\": \"Paris\", \"timezone\": \"UTC+01:00\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"timezone\": \"UTC": "test", + "[{\"city\": \"Paris\", \"timezone\": \"UTC+1:00\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"timezone\": \"UTC": "train", + "[{\"city\": \"Rio de Janeiro\", \"timezone\": \"UTC-03:00\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"timezone\": \"UTC": "train", + "[{\"city\": \"Rome\", \"timezone\": \"UTC+02:00\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"timezone\": \"UTC": "val", + "[{\"city\": \"Rome\", \"timezone\": \"UTC+1:00\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"timezone\": \"UTC": "val", + "[{\"city\": \"San Francisco\", \"timezone\": \"UTC-08:00\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"timezone\": \"UTC": "val", + "[{\"city\": \"San Francisco\", \"timezone\": \"UTC-8\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"timezone\": \"UTC": "test", + "[{\"city\": \"St. Petersburg\", \"timezone\": \"UTC+03:00\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"timezone\": \"UTC": "train", + "[{\"city\": \"St. Petersburg\", \"timezone\": \"UTC+3:00\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"timezone\": \"UTC": "train", + "[{\"city\": \"Sydney\", \"timezone\": \"UTC+10:00\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"timezone\": \"UTC": "train", + "[{\"city\": \"Tokyo\", \"timezone\": \"UTC+9:00\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"timezone\": \"UTC": "test", + "[{\"city\": \"Toronto\", \"timezone\": \"UTC-05:00\"}, {\"city\": \"%s\", \"timezone\": \"UTC": "val", + "city: %s, UTC offset:": "test", + "city: %s, timezone:": "val", + "city: %s, timezone: UTC": "test" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/evals/ravel/ravel/data/base/ravel_nobel_prize_winner_attribute_to_prompts.json b/evals/ravel/ravel/data/base/ravel_nobel_prize_winner_attribute_to_prompts.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f87854f --- /dev/null +++ b/evals/ravel/ravel/data/base/ravel_nobel_prize_winner_attribute_to_prompts.json @@ -0,0 +1,313 @@ +{ + "Field": [ + "\"name\": \"%s\", \"award\": \"Nobel Prize in", + "\"winner\": \"A. 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Lee\", \"field\": \"Physics\", \"winner\": \"%s\", \"field\": \"", + "\"winner\": \"Ei-ichi Negishi\", \"field\": \"Chemistry\", \"winner\": \"%s\", \"field\": \"", + "\"winner\": \"George H. Hitchings\", \"field\": \"Medicine\", \"winner\": \"%s\", \"field\": \"", + "\"winner\": \"Gerd Binnig\", \"field\": \"Physics\", \"winner\": \"%s\", \"field\": \"", + "\"winner\": \"Jean-Pierre Sauvage\", \"field\": \"Chemistry\", \"winner\": \"%s\", \"field\": \"", + "\"winner\": \"John Goodenough\", \"field\": \"Chemistry\", \"winner\": \"%s\", \"field\": \"", + "\"winner\": \"Jules A. Hoffmann\", \"field\": \"Medicine\", \"winner\": \"%s\", \"field\": \"", + "\"winner\": \"Leonid Hurwicz\", \"field\": \"Economics\", \"winner\": \"%s\", \"field\": \"", + "\"winner\": \"Oliver Hart\", \"field\": \"Economics\", \"winner\": \"%s\", \"field\": \"", + "\"winner\": \"Paul C. Lauterbur\", \"field\": \"Medicine\", \"winner\": \"%s\", \"field\": \"", + "\"winner\": \"Paul M. Romer\", \"field\": \"Economics\", \"winner\": \"%s\", \"field\": \"", + "\"winner\": \"Peter Grünberg\", \"field\": \"Physics\", \"winner\": \"%s\", \"field\": \"", + "\"winner\": \"Richard F. Heck\", \"field\": \"Chemistry\", \"winner\": \"%s\", \"field\": \"", + "\"winner\": \"Richard J. Roberts\", \"field\": \"Medicine\", \"winner\": \"%s\", \"field\": \"", + "\"winner\": \"Sir James W. Black\", \"field\": \"Medicine\", \"winner\": \"%s\", \"field\": \"", + "\"winner\": \"Stefan W. Hell\", \"field\": \"Chemistry\", \"winner\": \"%s\", \"field\": \"", + "\"winner\": \"Tomas Lindahl\", \"field\": \"Chemistry\", \"winner\": \"%s\", \"field\": \"", + "\"winner\": \"William Knowles\", \"field\": \"Chemistry\", \"winner\": \"%s\", \"field\": \"", + "\"winner\": \"Zhores Alferov\", \"field\": \"Physics\", \"winner\": \"%s\", \"field\": \"", + "%s won a Nobel Prize in the field of", + "A. Michael Spence won the Nobel Prize in Economics. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "Alan Heeger won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "Alan MacDiarmid won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "Andre Geim won the Nobel Prize in Physics. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "Avram Hershko won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "Bengt Holmström won the Nobel Prize in Economics. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "Bernard L. Feringa won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "Charles Rice won the Nobel Prize in Medicine. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "Dale T. Mortensen won the Nobel Prize in Economics. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "David M. Lee won the Nobel Prize in Physics. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "Ei-ichi Negishi won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "Eugene F. Fama won the Nobel Prize in Economics. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "Frances H. Arnold won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "George H. Hitchings won the Nobel Prize in Medicine. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "Gerd Binnig won the Nobel Prize in Physics. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "Jean-Pierre Sauvage won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "John Goodenough won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "Jules A. Hoffmann won the Nobel Prize in Medicine. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "Leonid Hurwicz won the Nobel Prize in Economics. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "Nobel Prize winner: %s, awarded field:", + "Oliver Hart won the Nobel Prize in Economics. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "One year later, %s won a Nobel Prize in", + "Paul C. Lauterbur won the Nobel Prize in Medicine. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "Paul M. Romer won the Nobel Prize in Economics. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "Peter Grünberg won the Nobel Prize in Physics. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "Richard F. Heck won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "Richard J. Roberts won the Nobel Prize in Medicine. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "Sir James W. Black won the Nobel Prize in Medicine. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "Stefan W. Hell won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "Tomas Lindahl won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "William Knowles won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "Zhores Alferov won the Nobel Prize in Physics. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "name: %s, award: Nobel Prize in", + "nobel laureate: %s, awarded field:" + ], + "Award Year": [ + " a Nobel Prize in 1950; %s won a Nobel Prize in", + "\"laureate\": \"%s\", \"awarded_year\": \"", + "\"name\": %s, \"award\": \"Nobel Prize\", \"year\": \"", + "%s was awarded the Nobel Prize in the year", + "A. Michael Spence won the Nobel Prize in 2001. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "Alan Heeger won the Nobel Prize in 2000. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "Alan MacDiarmid won the Nobel Prize in 2000. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "Andre Geim won the Nobel Prize in 2010. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "Avram Hershko won the Nobel Prize in 2004. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "Bengt Holmström won the Nobel Prize in 2016. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "Bernard L. Feringa won the Nobel Prize in 2016. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "Charles Rice won the Nobel Prize in 2020. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "Dale T. Mortensen won the Nobel Prize in 2010. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "David M. Lee won the Nobel Prize in 1996. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "Ei-ichi Negishi won the Nobel Prize in 2010. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "Eugene F. Fama won the Nobel Prize in 2013. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "Frances H. Arnold won the Nobel Prize in 2018. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "George H. Hitchings won the Nobel Prize in 1988. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "Gerd Binnig won the Nobel Prize in 1986. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "Jean-Pierre Sauvage won the Nobel Prize in 2016. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "John Goodenough won the Nobel Prize in 2019. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "Jules A. Hoffmann won the Nobel Prize in 2011. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "Leonid Hurwicz won the Nobel Prize in 2007. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "Nobel Prize winner: %s, awarded year:", + "Oliver Hart won the Nobel Prize in 2016. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "Paul C. Lauterbur won the Nobel Prize in 2003. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "Paul M. Romer won the Nobel Prize in 2018. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "Peter Grünberg won the Nobel Prize in 2007. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "Richard F. Heck won the Nobel Prize in 2010. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "Richard J. Roberts won the Nobel Prize in 1993. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "Roderick MacKinnon won the Nobel Prize in 2003. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "Sir James W. Black won the Nobel Prize in 1988. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "Stefan W. Hell won the Nobel Prize in 2014. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "Tomas Lindahl won the Nobel Prize in 2015. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "William Knowles won the Nobel Prize in 2001. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "Zhores Alferov won the Nobel Prize in 2000. %s won the Nobel Prize in", + "laureate: A. Michael Spence, year: 2001, laureate: %s, year:", + "laureate: Alan Heeger, year: 2000, laureate: %s, year:", + "laureate: Alan MacDiarmid, year: 2000, laureate: %s, year:", + "laureate: Andre Geim, year: 2010, laureate: %s, year:", + "laureate: Avram Hershko, year: 2004, laureate: %s, year:", + "laureate: Bengt Holmström, year: 2016, laureate: %s, year:", + "laureate: Bernard L. Feringa, year: 2016, laureate: %s, year:", + "laureate: Charles Rice, year: 2020, laureate: %s, year:", + "laureate: Dale T. Mortensen, year: 2010, laureate: %s, year:", + "laureate: David M. Lee, year: 1996, laureate: %s, year:", + "laureate: Ei-ichi Negishi, year: 2010, laureate: %s, year:", + "laureate: Frances H. Arnold, year: 2018, laureate: %s, year:", + "laureate: George H. Hitchings, year: 1988, laureate: %s, year:", + "laureate: Gerd Binnig, year: 1986, laureate: %s, year:", + "laureate: Jean-Pierre Sauvage, year: 2016, laureate: %s, year:", + "laureate: John Goodenough, year: 2019, laureate: %s, year:", + "laureate: Jules A. Hoffmann, year: 2011, laureate: %s, year:", + "laureate: Leonid Hurwicz, year: 2007, laureate: %s, year:", + "laureate: Oliver Hart, year: 2016, laureate: %s, year:", + "laureate: Paul C. Lauterbur, year: 2003, laureate: %s, year:", + "laureate: Paul M. Romer, year: 2018, laureate: %s, year:", + "laureate: Peter Grünberg, year: 2007, laureate: %s, year:", + "laureate: Richard F. Heck, year: 2010, laureate: %s, year:", + "laureate: Richard J. Roberts, year: 1993, laureate: %s, year:", + "laureate: Sir James W. Black, year: 1988, laureate: %s, year:", + "laureate: Stefan W. Hell, year: 2014, laureate: %s, year:", + "laureate: Tomas Lindahl, year: 2015, laureate: %s, year:", + "laureate: William Knowles, year: 2001, laureate: %s, year:", + "laureate: Zhores Alferov, year: 2000, laureate: %s, year:", + "name: %s, nobel prize award year:" + ], + "Birth Year": [ + "\"name\": \"A. 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Lee\", \"birth_year\": \"1931\", \"name\": \"%s\", \"birth_year\": \"", + "\"name\": \"Ei-ichi Negishi\", \"birth_year\": \"1935\", \"name\": \"%s\", \"birth_year\": \"", + "\"name\": \"George H. Hitchings\", \"birth_year\": \"1905\", \"name\": \"%s\", \"birth_year\": \"", + "\"name\": \"Gerd Binnig\", \"birth_year\": \"1947\", \"name\": \"%s\", \"birth_year\": \"", + "\"name\": \"Jean-Pierre Sauvage\", \"birth_year\": \"1944\", \"name\": \"%s\", \"birth_year\": \"", + "\"name\": \"John Goodenough\", \"birth_year\": \"1922\", \"name\": \"%s\", \"birth_year\": \"", + "\"name\": \"Jules A. Hoffmann\", \"birth_year\": \"1941\", \"name\": \"%s\", \"birth_year\": \"", + "\"name\": \"Leonid Hurwicz\", \"birth_year\": \"1917\", \"name\": \"%s\", \"birth_year\": \"", + "\"name\": \"Oliver Hart\", \"birth_year\": \"1948\", \"name\": \"%s\", \"birth_year\": \"", + "\"name\": \"Paul C. Lauterbur\", \"birth_year\": \"1929\", \"name\": \"%s\", \"birth_year\": \"", + "\"name\": \"Paul M. Romer\", \"birth_year\": \"1955\", \"name\": \"%s\", \"birth_year\": \"", + "\"name\": \"Peter Grünberg\", \"birth_year\": \"1939\", \"name\": \"%s\", \"birth_year\": \"", + "\"name\": \"Richard F. Heck\", \"birth_year\": \"1931\", \"name\": \"%s\", \"birth_year\": \"", + "\"name\": \"Richard J. Roberts\", \"birth_year\": \"1943\", \"name\": \"%s\", \"birth_year\": \"", + "\"name\": \"Sir James W. Black\", \"birth_year\": \"1924\", \"name\": \"%s\", \"birth_year\": \"", + "\"name\": \"Stefan W. Hell\", \"birth_year\": \"1962\", \"name\": \"%s\", \"birth_year\": \"", + "\"name\": \"Tomas Lindahl\", \"birth_year\": \"1938\", \"name\": \"%s\", \"birth_year\": \"", + "\"name\": \"William Knowles\", \"birth_year\": \"1917\", \"name\": \"%s\", \"birth_year\": \"", + "\"name\": \"Zhores Alferov\", \"birth_year\": \"1930\", \"name\": \"%s\", \"birth_year\": \"", + "\"name\": %s, \"birth_year\": \"", + "A. Michael Spence was born in 1943. %s was born in", + "Alan Heeger was born in 1936. %s was born in", + "Alan MacDiarmid was born in 1927. %s was born in", + "Andre Geim was born in 1958. %s was born in", + "Avram Hershko was born in 1937. %s was born in", + "Bengt Holmström was born in 1949. %s was born in", + "Bernard L. Feringa was born in 1951. %s was born in", + "Charles Rice was born in 1952. %s was born in", + "Dale T. Mortensen was born in 1939. %s was born in", + "David M. Lee was born in 1931. %s was born in", + "Ei-ichi Negishi was born in 1935. %s was born in", + "Eugene F. Fama was born in 1939. %s was born in", + "Frances H. Arnold was born in 1956. %s was born in", + "George H. Hitchings was born in 1905. %s was born in", + "Gerd Binnig was born in 1947. %s was born in", + "Jean-Pierre Sauvage was born in 1944. %s was born in", + "John Goodenough was born in 1922. %s was born in", + "Jules A. Hoffmann was born in 1941. %s was born in", + "Leonid Hurwicz was born in 1917. %s was born in", + "Michael S. Brown was born in 1941. %s was born in", + "Michael S. Brown was born in United States. %s was born in", + "Nobel Prize winner: %s, birth year:", + "Nobel laureate bio: %s (born", + "Oliver Hart was born in 1948. %s was born in", + "Paul C. Lauterbur was born in 1929. %s was born in", + "Paul M. Romer was born in 1955. %s was born in", + "Peter Grünberg was born in 1939. %s was born in", + "Phillip A. Sharp was born in 1944. %s was born in", + "Richard F. Heck was born in 1931. %s was born in", + "Richard J. Roberts was born in 1943. %s was born in", + "Roderick MacKinnon was born in 1956. %s was born in", + "Sir James W. Black was born in 1924. %s was born in", + "Stefan W. Hell was born in 1962. %s was born in", + "Tomas Lindahl was born in 1938. %s was born in", + "William Knowles was born in 1917. %s was born in", + "Zhores Alferov was born in 1930. %s was born in", + "born in 1950; %s was born in", + "laureate: %s, date of birth (YYYY-MM-DD):", + "name: %s, birth year:" + ], + "Country of Birth": [ + "\"name\": A. Michael Spence, \"country\": \"United States\", \"name\": %s, \"country\": \"", + "\"name\": Alan Heeger, \"country\": \"United States\", \"name\": %s, \"country\": \"", + "\"name\": Alan MacDiarmid, \"country\": \"New Zealand\", \"name\": %s, \"country\": \"", + "\"name\": Andre Geim, \"country\": \"Russia\", \"name\": %s, \"country\": \"", + "\"name\": Avram Hershko, \"country\": \"Hungary\", \"name\": %s, \"country\": \"", + "\"name\": Bengt Holmström, \"country\": \"Finland\", \"name\": %s, \"country\": \"", + "\"name\": Bernard L. Feringa, \"country\": \"the Netherlands\", \"name\": %s, \"country\": \"", + "\"name\": Charles Rice, \"country\": \"United States\", \"name\": %s, \"country\": \"", + "\"name\": Dale T. Mortensen, \"country\": \"United States\", \"name\": %s, \"country\": \"", + "\"name\": David M. Lee, \"country\": \"United States\", \"name\": %s, \"country\": \"", + "\"name\": Ei-ichi Negishi, \"country\": \"China\", \"name\": %s, \"country\": \"", + "\"name\": Eugene F. Fama, \"country\": \"United States\", \"name\": %s, \"country\": \"", + "\"name\": George H. Hitchings, \"country\": \"United States\", \"name\": %s, \"country\": \"", + "\"name\": Gerd Binnig, \"country\": \"Germany\", \"name\": %s, \"country\": \"", + "\"name\": Jean-Pierre Sauvage, \"country\": \"France\", \"name\": %s, \"country\": \"", + "\"name\": John Goodenough, \"country\": \"Germany\", \"name\": %s, \"country\": \"", + "\"name\": Jules A. Hoffmann, \"country\": \"Luxembourg\", \"name\": %s, \"country\": \"", + "\"name\": Leonid Hurwicz, \"country\": \"Russia\", \"name\": %s, \"country\": \"", + "\"name\": Oliver Hart, \"country\": \"United Kingdom\", \"name\": %s, \"country\": \"", + "\"name\": Paul C. Lauterbur, \"country\": \"United States\", \"name\": %s, \"country\": \"", + "\"name\": Paul M. Romer, \"country\": \"United States\", \"name\": %s, \"country\": \"", + "\"name\": Peter Grünberg, \"country\": \"Czech Republic\", \"name\": %s, \"country\": \"", + "\"name\": Phillip A. Sharp, \"country\": \"United States\", \"name\": %s, \"country\": \"", + "\"name\": Richard F. Heck, \"country\": \"United States\", \"name\": %s, \"country\": \"", + "\"name\": Richard J. Roberts, \"country\": \"United Kingdom\", \"name\": %s, \"country\": \"", + "\"name\": Roderick MacKinnon, \"country\": \"United States\", \"name\": %s, \"country\": \"", + "\"name\": Sir James W. Black, \"country\": \"Scotland\", \"name\": %s, \"country\": \"", + "\"name\": Stefan W. Hell, \"country\": \"Romania\", \"name\": %s, \"country\": \"", + "\"name\": Tomas Lindahl, \"country\": \"Sweden\", \"name\": %s, \"country\": \"", + "\"name\": William Knowles, \"country\": \"United States\", \"name\": %s, \"country\": \"", + "\"name\": Zhores Alferov, \"country\": \"Belarus\", \"name\": %s, \"country\": \"", + "%s was born in the country of", + "A. Michael Spence was born in United States. %s was born in", + "Alan Heeger was born in United States. %s was born in", + "Alan MacDiarmid was born in New Zealand. %s was born in", + "Andre Geim was born in Russia. %s was born in", + "Avram Hershko was born in Hungary. %s was born in", + "Bengt Holmström was born in Finland. %s was born in", + "Bernard L. Feringa was born in the Netherlands. %s was born in", + "Charles Rice was born in United States. %s was born in", + "Dale T. Mortensen was born in United States. %s was born in", + "David M. Lee was born in United States. %s was born in", + "Ei-ichi Negishi was born in China. %s was born in", + "George H. Hitchings was born in United States. %s was born in", + "Gerd Binnig was born in Germany. %s was born in", + "Jean-Pierre Sauvage was born in France. %s was born in", + "John Goodenough was born in Germany. %s was born in", + "Jules A. Hoffmann was born in Luxembourg. %s was born in", + "Leonid Hurwicz was born in Russia. %s was born in", + "Oliver Hart was born in United Kingdom. %s was born in", + "Paul C. Lauterbur was born in United States. %s was born in", + "Paul M. Romer was born in United States. %s was born in", + "Peter Grünberg was born in Czech Republic. %s was born in", + "Phillip A. Sharp was born in United States. %s was born in", + "Richard F. Heck was born in United States. %s was born in", + "Richard J. Roberts was born in United Kingdom. %s was born in", + "Roderick MacKinnon was born in United States. %s was born in", + "Sir James W. Black was born in Scotland. %s was born in", + "Stefan W. Hell was born in Romania. %s was born in", + "The Nobel Prize was awarded to %s, who was born in the country of", + "The country of birth of %s is", + "Tomas Lindahl was born in Sweden. %s was born in", + "William Knowles was born in United States. %s was born in", + "Zhores Alferov was born in Belarus. %s was born in", + "laureate: %s, birth place (country):", + "laureate: %s, country of birth:", + "name: %s, country:" + ], + "Gender": [ + "\"name\": \"%s\", \"gender\": \"", + "A Nobel Prize was awarded to %s for", + "A. Michael Spence: for his contributions in economics. %s: for", + "Alan Heeger: for his contributions in chemistry. %s: for", + "Alan MacDiarmid: for his contributions in chemistry. %s: for", + "Andre Geim: for his contributions in physics. %s: for", + "Avram Hershko: for his contributions in chemistry. %s: for", + "Bengt Holmström: for his contributions in economics. %s: for", + "Bernard L. Feringa: for his contributions in chemistry. %s: for", + "Charles Rice: for his contributions in medicine. %s: for", + "Dale T. Mortensen: for his contributions in economics. %s: for", + "David M. Lee: for his contributions in physics. %s: for", + "Ei-ichi Negishi: for his contributions in chemistry. %s: for", + "Eugene F. Fama: for his contributions in economics. %s: for", + "Frances H. Arnold: for her contributions in chemistry. %s: for", + "George H. Hitchings: for his contributions in medicine. %s: for", + "Gerd Binnig: for his contributions in physics. %s: for", + "Jean-Pierre Sauvage: for his contributions in chemistry. %s: for", + "John Goodenough: for his contributions in chemistry. %s: for", + "Jules A. Hoffmann: for his contributions in medicine. %s: for", + "Leonid Hurwicz: for his contributions in economics. %s: for", + "Oliver Hart: for his contributions in economics. %s: for", + "Paul C. Lauterbur: for his contributions in medicine. %s: for", + "Paul M. Romer: for his contributions in economics. %s: for", + "Peter Grünberg: for his contributions in physics. %s: for", + "Phillip A. Sharp: for his contributions in medicine. %s: for", + "Richard F. Heck: for his contributions in chemistry. %s: for", + "Richard J. Roberts: for his contributions in medicine. %s: for", + "Roderick MacKinnon: for his contributions in chemistry. %s: for", + "Sir James W. Black: for his contributions in medicine. %s: for", + "Stefan W. Hell: for his contributions in chemistry. %s: for", + "Tomas Lindahl: for his contributions in chemistry. %s: for", + "William Knowles: for his contributions in chemistry. %s: for", + "Zhores Alferov: for his contributions in physics. %s: for", + "laureate: %s, gender:", + "name: %s, gender:" + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/evals/ravel/ravel/data/base/ravel_nobel_prize_winner_entity_attributes.json b/evals/ravel/ravel/data/base/ravel_nobel_prize_winner_entity_attributes.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..672a84a --- /dev/null +++ b/evals/ravel/ravel/data/base/ravel_nobel_prize_winner_entity_attributes.json @@ -0,0 +1,6498 @@ +{ + "A. Michael Spence": { + "Award Year": "2001", + "Birth Year": "1943", + "Country of Birth": "United States", + "Field": "Economics", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Aage N. Bohr": { + "Award Year": "1975", + "Birth Year": "1922", + "Country of Birth": "Denmark", + "Field": "Physics", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Aaron Ciechanover": { + "Award Year": "2004", + "Birth Year": "1947", + "Country of Birth": "Israel", + "Field": "Chemistry", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Aaron Klug": { + "Award Year": "1982", + "Birth Year": "1926", + "Country of Birth": "Lithuania", + "Field": "Chemistry", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Abdus Salam": { + "Award Year": "1979", + "Birth Year": "1926", + "Country of Birth": "Pakistan", + "Field": "Physics", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Abhijit Banerjee": { + "Award Year": "2019", + "Birth Year": "1961", + "Country of Birth": "India", + "Field": "Economics", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Abiy Ahmed Ali": { + "Award Year": "2019", + "Birth Year": "1976", + "Country of Birth": "Ethiopia", + "Field": "Peace", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Ada E. Yonath": { + "Award Year": "2009", + "Birth Year": "1939", + "Country of Birth": "Israel", + "Field": "Chemistry", + "Gender": "female" + }, + "Adam G. Riess": { + "Award Year": "2011", + "Birth Year": "1969", + "Country of Birth": "United States", + "Field": "Physics", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Adolf Butenandt": { + "Award Year": "1939", + "Birth Year": "1903", + "Country of Birth": "Germany", + "Field": "Chemistry", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Adolf Windaus": { + "Award Year": "1928", + "Birth Year": "1876", + "Country of Birth": "Germany", + "Field": "Chemistry", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Adolf von Baeyer": { + "Award Year": "1905", + "Birth Year": "1835", + "Country of Birth": "Germany", + "Field": "Chemistry", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Adolfo Pérez Esquivel": { + "Award Year": "1980", + "Birth Year": "1931", + "Country of Birth": "Argentina", + "Field": "Peace", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Ahmed Zewail": { + "Award Year": "1999", + "Birth Year": "1946", + "Country of Birth": "Egypt", + "Field": "Chemistry", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Akira Suzuki": { + "Award Year": "2010", + "Birth Year": "1930", + "Country of Birth": "Japan", + "Field": "Chemistry", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Akira Yoshino": { + "Award Year": "2019", + "Birth Year": "1948", + "Country of Birth": "Japan", + "Field": "Chemistry", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Al Gore": { + "Award Year": "2007", + "Birth Year": "1948", + "Country of Birth": "United States", + "Field": "Peace", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Alan Heeger": { + "Award Year": "2000", + "Birth Year": "1936", + "Country of Birth": "United States", + "Field": "Chemistry", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Alan Hodgkin": { + "Award Year": "1963", + "Birth Year": "1914", + "Country of Birth": "United Kingdom", + "Field": "Medicine", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Alan MacDiarmid": { + "Award Year": "2000", + "Birth Year": "1927", + "Country of Birth": "New Zealand", + "Field": "Chemistry", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Albert A. Michelson": { + "Award Year": "1907", + "Birth Year": "1852", + "Country of Birth": "Poland", + "Field": "Physics", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Albert Camus": { + "Award Year": "1957", + "Birth Year": "1913", + "Country of Birth": "Algeria", + "Field": "Literature", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Albert Claude": { + "Award Year": "1974", + "Birth Year": "1898", + "Country of Birth": "Belgium", + "Field": "Medicine", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Albert Einstein": { + "Award Year": "1921", + "Birth Year": "1879", + "Country of Birth": "Germany", + "Field": "Physics", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Albert Fert": { + "Award Year": "2007", + "Birth Year": "1938", + "Country of Birth": "France", + "Field": "Physics", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Albert Gobat": { + "Award Year": "1902", + "Birth Year": "1843", + "Country of Birth": "Switzerland", + "Field": "Peace", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Albert Luthuli": { + "Award Year": "1960", + "Birth Year": "1898", + "Country of Birth": "Zimbabwe", + "Field": "Peace", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Albert Schweitzer": { + "Award Year": "1952", + "Birth Year": "1875", + "Country of Birth": "France", + "Field": "Peace", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Albert Szent-Györgyi": { + "Award Year": "1937", + "Birth Year": "1893", + "Country of Birth": "Hungary", + "Field": "Medicine", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Albrecht Kossel": { + "Award Year": "1910", + "Birth Year": "1853", + "Country of Birth": "Germany", + "Field": "Medicine", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Aleksandr M. Prokhorov": { + "Award Year": "1964", + "Birth Year": "1916", + "Country of Birth": "Australia", + "Field": "Physics", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Alexandr Solzhenitsyn": { + "Award Year": "1970", + "Birth Year": "1918", + "Country of Birth": "Russia", + "Field": "Literature", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Alexei Abrikosov": { + "Award Year": "2003", + "Birth Year": "1928", + "Country of Birth": "Russia", + "Field": "Physics", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Alexis Carrel": { + "Award Year": "1912", + "Birth Year": "1873", + "Country of Birth": "France", + "Field": "Medicine", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Alfonso García Robles": { + "Award Year": "1982", + "Birth Year": "1911", + "Country of Birth": "Mexico", + "Field": "Peace", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Alfred D. Hershey": { + "Award Year": "1969", + "Birth Year": "1908", + "Country of Birth": "United States", + "Field": "Medicine", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Alfred Fried": { + "Award Year": "1911", + "Birth Year": "1864", + "Country of Birth": "Austria", + "Field": "Peace", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Alfred G. Gilman": { + "Award Year": "1994", + "Birth Year": "1941", + "Country of Birth": "United States", + "Field": "Medicine", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Alfred Kastler": { + "Award Year": "1966", + "Birth Year": "1902", + "Country of Birth": "France", + "Field": "Physics", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Alfred Werner": { + "Award Year": "1913", + "Birth Year": "1866", + "Country of Birth": "France", + "Field": "Chemistry", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Alice Munro": { + "Award Year": "2013", + "Birth Year": "1931", + "Country of Birth": "Canada", + "Field": "Literature", + "Gender": "female" + }, + "Allan M. Cormack": { + "Award Year": "1979", + "Birth Year": "1924", + "Country of Birth": "South Africa", + "Field": "Medicine", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Allvar Gullstrand": { + "Award Year": "1911", + "Birth Year": "1862", + "Country of Birth": "Sweden", + "Field": "Medicine", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Alphonse Laveran": { + "Award Year": "1907", + "Birth Year": "1845", + "Country of Birth": "France", + "Field": "Medicine", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Alva Myrdal": { + "Award Year": "1982", + "Birth Year": "1902", + "Country of Birth": "Sweden", + "Field": "Peace", + "Gender": "female" + }, + "Alvin E. Roth": { + "Award Year": "2012", + "Birth Year": "1951", + "Country of Birth": "United States", + "Field": "Economics", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Amartya Sen": { + "Award Year": "1998", + "Birth Year": "1933", + "Country of Birth": "India", + "Field": "Economics", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Anatole France": { + "Award Year": "1921", + "Birth Year": "1844", + "Country of Birth": "France", + "Field": "Literature", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Andre Geim": { + "Award Year": "2010", + "Birth Year": "1958", + "Country of Birth": "Russia", + "Field": "Physics", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Andrea Ghez": { + "Award Year": "2020", + "Birth Year": "1965", + "Country of Birth": "United States", + "Field": "Physics", + "Gender": "female" + }, + "Andrei Sakharov": { + "Award Year": "1975", + "Birth Year": "1921", + "Country of Birth": "Russia", + "Field": "Peace", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Andrew Huxley": { + "Award Year": "1963", + "Birth Year": "1917", + "Country of Birth": "United Kingdom", + "Field": "Medicine", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Andrew V. Schally": { + "Award Year": "1977", + "Birth Year": "1926", + "Country of Birth": "Lithuania", + "Field": "Medicine", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Andrew Z. Fire": { + "Award Year": "2006", + "Birth Year": "1959", + "Country of Birth": "United States", + "Field": "Medicine", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "André F. Cournand": { + "Award Year": "1956", + "Birth Year": "1895", + "Country of Birth": "France", + "Field": "Medicine", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "André Gide": { + "Award Year": "1947", + "Birth Year": "1869", + "Country of Birth": "France", + "Field": "Literature", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "André Lwoff": { + "Award Year": "1965", + "Birth Year": "1902", + "Country of Birth": "France", + "Field": "Medicine", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Angus Deaton": { + "Award Year": "2015", + "Birth Year": "1945", + "Country of Birth": "Scotland", + "Field": "Economics", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu": { + "Award Year": "1979", + "Birth Year": "1910", + "Country of Birth": "North Macedonia", + "Field": "Peace", + "Gender": "female" + }, + "Anthony J. Leggett": { + "Award Year": "2003", + "Birth Year": "1938", + "Country of Birth": "United Kingdom", + "Field": "Physics", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Antony Hewish": { + "Award Year": "1974", + "Birth Year": "1924", + "Country of Birth": "United Kingdom", + "Field": "Physics", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Anwar al-Sadat": { + "Award Year": "1978", + "Birth Year": "1918", + "Country of Birth": "Egypt", + "Field": "Peace", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Archer J.P. Martin": { + "Award Year": "1952", + "Birth Year": "1910", + "Country of Birth": "United Kingdom", + "Field": "Chemistry", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Archibald V. Hill": { + "Award Year": "1922", + "Birth Year": "1886", + "Country of Birth": "United Kingdom", + "Field": "Medicine", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Arieh Warshel": { + "Award Year": "2013", + "Birth Year": "1940", + "Country of Birth": "Israel", + "Field": "Chemistry", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Aristide Briand": { + "Award Year": "1926", + "Birth Year": "1862", + "Country of Birth": "France", + "Field": "Peace", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Arne Tiselius": { + "Award Year": "1948", + "Birth Year": "1902", + "Country of Birth": "Sweden", + "Field": "Chemistry", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Arno Penzias": { + "Award Year": "1978", + "Birth Year": "1933", + "Country of Birth": "Germany", + "Field": "Physics", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Arthur Ashkin": { + "Award Year": "2018", + "Birth Year": "1922", + "Country of Birth": "United States", + "Field": "Physics", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Arthur B. McDonald": { + "Award Year": "2015", + "Birth Year": "1943", + "Country of Birth": "Canada", + "Field": "Physics", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Arthur H. Compton": { + "Award Year": "1927", + "Birth Year": "1892", + "Country of Birth": "United States", + "Field": "Physics", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Arthur Harden": { + "Award Year": "1929", + "Birth Year": "1865", + "Country of Birth": "United Kingdom", + "Field": "Chemistry", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Arthur Henderson": { + "Award Year": "1934", + "Birth Year": "1863", + "Country of Birth": "Scotland", + "Field": "Peace", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Arthur Kornberg": { + "Award Year": "1959", + "Birth Year": "1918", + "Country of Birth": "United States", + "Field": "Medicine", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Arthur L. Schawlow": { + "Award Year": "1981", + "Birth Year": "1921", + "Country of Birth": "United States", + "Field": "Physics", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Artturi Virtanen": { + "Award Year": "1945", + "Birth Year": "1895", + "Country of Birth": "Finland", + "Field": "Chemistry", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Arvid Carlsson": { + "Award Year": "2000", + "Birth Year": "1923", + "Country of Birth": "Sweden", + "Field": "Medicine", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "August Krogh": { + "Award Year": "1920", + "Birth Year": "1874", + "Country of Birth": "Denmark", + "Field": "Medicine", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Auguste Beernaert": { + "Award Year": "1909", + "Birth Year": "1829", + "Country of Birth": "Belgium", + "Field": "Peace", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Avram Hershko": { + "Award Year": "2004", + "Birth Year": "1937", + "Country of Birth": "Hungary", + "Field": "Chemistry", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Aziz Sancar": { + "Award Year": "2015", + "Birth Year": "1946", + "Country of Birth": "Turkey", + "Field": "Chemistry", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Barack Obama": { + "Award Year": "2009", + "Birth Year": "1961", + "Country of Birth": "United States", + "Field": "Peace", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Barbara McClintock": { + "Award Year": "1983", + "Birth Year": "1902", + "Country of Birth": "United States", + "Field": "Medicine", + "Gender": "female" + }, + "Barry C. 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Mottelson": { + "Award Year": "1975", + "Birth Year": "1926", + "Country of Birth": "United States", + "Field": "Physics", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Bengt Holmström": { + "Award Year": "2016", + "Birth Year": "1949", + "Country of Birth": "Finland", + "Field": "Economics", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Bengt I. Samuelsson": { + "Award Year": "1982", + "Birth Year": "1934", + "Country of Birth": "Sweden", + "Field": "Medicine", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Bernard L. 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Lee": { + "Award Year": "1986", + "Birth Year": "1936", + "Country of Birth": "Taiwan", + "Field": "Chemistry", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Yves Chauvin": { + "Award Year": "2005", + "Birth Year": "1930", + "Country of Birth": "Belgium", + "Field": "Chemistry", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Zhores Alferov": { + "Award Year": "2000", + "Birth Year": "1930", + "Country of Birth": "Belarus", + "Field": "Physics", + "Gender": "male" + }, + "Élie Ducommun": { + "Award Year": "1902", + "Birth Year": "1833", + "Country of Birth": "Switzerland", + "Field": "Peace", + "Gender": "male" + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/evals/ravel/ravel/data/base/ravel_nobel_prize_winner_entity_to_split.json b/evals/ravel/ravel/data/base/ravel_nobel_prize_winner_entity_to_split.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..397e900 --- /dev/null +++ b/evals/ravel/ravel/data/base/ravel_nobel_prize_winner_entity_to_split.json @@ -0,0 +1,930 @@ +{ + "A. Michael Spence": "train", + "Aage N. Bohr": "train", + "Aaron Ciechanover": "val", + "Aaron Klug": "val", + "Abdus Salam": "val", + "Abhijit Banerjee": "val", + "Abiy Ahmed Ali": "train", + "Ada E. Yonath": "train", + "Adam G. Riess": "val", + "Adolf Butenandt": "test", + "Adolf Windaus": "test", + "Adolf von Baeyer": "train", + "Adolfo Pérez Esquivel": "val", + "Ahmed Zewail": "val", + "Akira Suzuki": "train", + "Akira Yoshino": "val", + "Al Gore": "val", + "Alan Heeger": "val", + "Alan Hodgkin": "train", + "Alan MacDiarmid": "train", + "Albert A. Michelson": "test", + "Albert Camus": "train", + "Albert Claude": "train", + "Albert Einstein": "val", + "Albert Fert": "test", + "Albert Gobat": "train", + "Albert Luthuli": "val", + "Albert Schweitzer": "test", + "Albert Szent-Györgyi": "val", + "Albrecht Kossel": "train", + "Aleksandr M. Prokhorov": "train", + "Alexandr Solzhenitsyn": "val", + "Alexei Abrikosov": "train", + "Alexis Carrel": "train", + "Alfonso García Robles": "train", + "Alfred D. 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Stigler": "test", + "George P. Smith": "train", + "George Paget Thomson": "train", + "George Porter": "train", + "George R. Minot": "val", + "George Wald": "train", + "George de Hevesy": "test", + "Georges Charpak": "train", + "Georges J.F. Köhler": "train", + "Georges Pire": "train", + "Gerald M. Edelman": "val", + "Gerard Debreu": "val", + "Gerardus 't Hooft": "val", + "Gerd Binnig": "train", + "Gerhard Domagk": "val", + "Gerhard Ertl": "train", + "Gerhard Herzberg": "test", + "Gerhart Hauptmann": "val", + "Gertrude B. Elion": "train", + "Gerty Cori": "train", + "Giorgos Seferis": "train", + "Giosuè Carducci": "val", + "Giulio Natta": "train", + "Glenn T. Seaborg": "train", + "Godfrey N. 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Sumner": "train", + "James Chadwick": "test", + "James Cronin": "test", + "James E. Meade": "val", + "James E. Rothman": "val", + "James Franck": "val", + "James J. Heckman": "train", + "James M. Buchanan Jr.": "test", + "James P. Allison": "val", + "James Peebles": "train", + "James Rainwater": "train", + "James Tobin": "test", + "James Watson": "test", + "Jan Tinbergen": "test", + "Jane Addams": "test", + "Jaroslav Heyrovsky": "test", + "Jaroslav Seifert": "test", + "Jean Baptiste Perrin": "val", + "Jean Dausset": "train", + "Jean Tirole": "test", + "Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio": "val", + "Jean-Marie Lehn": "val", + "Jean-Paul Sartre": "train", + "Jean-Pierre Sauvage": "train", + "Jeffrey C. Hall": "train", + "Jennifer A. Doudna": "train", + "Jens C. Skou": "test", + "Jerome I. 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Arrow": "test", + "Kenzaburo Oe": "train", + "Kim Dae-jung": "val", + "Kip S. Thorne": "train", + "Klas Pontus Arnoldson": "val", + "Klaus von Klitzing": "train", + "Knut Hamsun": "val", + "Kofi Annan": "train", + "Koichi Tanaka": "val", + "Konrad Bloch": "val", + "Konrad Lorenz": "train", + "Konstantin Novoselov": "val", + "Kurt Alder": "test", + "Kurt Wüthrich": "train", + "Lars Onsager": "train", + "Lars Peter Hansen": "train", + "Lawrence Bragg": "train", + "Lawrence R. Klein": "train", + "Lech Walesa": "train", + "Leland Hartwell": "train", + "Leo Esaki": "test", + "Leon M. Lederman": "test", + "Leon N. Cooper": "train", + "Leonid Hurwicz": "train", + "Leonid Vitaliyevich Kantorovich": "train", + "Leopold Ruzicka": "test", + "Lester Bowles Pearson": "val", + "Lev Landau": "val", + "Leymah Gbowee": "test", + "Lhamo Thondup": "val", + "Linda B. Buck": "val", + "Linus Pauling": "train", + "Liu Xiaobo": "train", + "Lloyd S. 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Veltman": "test", + "Martti Ahtisaari": "train", + "Masatoshi Koshiba": "val", + "Maurice Allais": "train", + "Maurice Maeterlinck": "val", + "Maurice Wilkins": "test", + "Max Born": "train", + "Max Delbrück": "train", + "Max F. Perutz": "train", + "Max Planck": "train", + "Max Theiler": "train", + "Max von Laue": "test", + "May-Britt Moser": "test", + "Melvin Calvin": "val", + "Melvin Schwartz": "val", + "Menachem Begin": "train", + "Merton H. Miller": "test", + "Michael Houghton": "val", + "Michael Kremer": "train", + "Michael Levitt": "train", + "Michael Rosbash": "train", + "Michael S. Brown": "train", + "Michael Smith": "val", + "Michael W. Young": "val", + "Michel Mayor": "train", + "Miguel Angel Asturias": "test", + "Mikhail Gorbachev": "val", + "Mikhail Sholokhov": "test", + "Milton Friedman": "train", + "Mo Yan": "train", + "Mohamed ElBaradei": "val", + "Muhammad Yunus": "val", + "Murray Gell-Mann": "val", + "Myron Scholes": "val", + "Nadia Murad": "train", + "Nadine Gordimer": "test", + "Naguib Mahfouz": "train", + "Nathan Söderblom": "train", + "Nelly Sachs": "val", + "Nelson Mandela": "test", + "Nicholas Murray Butler": "test", + "Nicolaas Bloembergen": "test", + "Nicolay G. Basov": "test", + "Niels Bohr": "train", + "Niels K. Jerne": "test", + "Niels Ryberg Finsen": "train", + "Nikolaas Tinbergen": "val", + "Nikolay Semenov": "test", + "Norman Borlaug": "test", + "Norman F. Ramsey": "train", + "Norman Haworth": "val", + "Octavio Paz": "test", + "Odd Hassel": "train", + "Odysseus Elytis": "train", + "Olga Tokarczuk": "train", + "Oliver E. Williamson": "train", + "Oliver Hart": "val", + "Oliver Smithies": "test", + "Orhan Pamuk": "test", + "Osamu Shimomura": "train", + "Oscar Arias Sánchez": "test", + "Otto Diels": "train", + "Otto Hahn": "train", + "Otto Loewi": "test", + "Otto Meyerhof": "train", + "Otto Stern": "test", + "Otto Wallach": "test", + "Otto Warburg": "test", + "Owen Chamberlain": "val", + "Owen Willans Richardson": "train", + "Pablo Neruda": "train", + "Patrick M.S. Blackett": "test", + "Patrick Modiano": "val", + "Patrick White": "train", + "Paul A. Samuelson": "val", + "Paul A.M. Dirac": "train", + "Paul Berg": "train", + "Paul C. Lauterbur": "val", + "Paul D. Boyer": "val", + "Paul Ehrlich": "train", + "Paul Greengard": "val", + "Paul Henri d'Estournelles de Constant": "train", + "Paul Heyse": "test", + "Paul J. Crutzen": "val", + "Paul J. Flory": "train", + "Paul Karrer": "test", + "Paul Krugman": "train", + "Paul M. Romer": "test", + "Paul Milgrom": "train", + "Paul Modrich": "train", + "Paul Müller": "train", + "Paul Sabatier": "train", + "Pavel A. Cherenkov": "val", + "Pearl Buck": "val", + "Percy W. Bridgman": "val", + "Peter A. Diamond": "train", + "Peter Agre": "test", + "Peter C. Doherty": "test", + "Peter Debye": "val", + "Peter Grünberg": "train", + "Peter Handke": "train", + "Peter Higgs": "val", + "Peter Medawar": "test", + "Peter Mitchell": "train", + "Peter Ratcliffe": "train", + "Peyton Rous": "val", + "Philip Noel-Baker": "val", + "Philip S. Hench": "test", + "Philip W. Anderson": "train", + "Philipp Lenard": "test", + "Phillip A. Sharp": "train", + "Pierre Curie": "test", + "Pierre-Gilles de Gennes": "train", + "Pieter Zeeman": "train", + "Polykarp Kusch": "train", + "Pyotr Kapitsa": "test", + "Pär Lagerkvist": "test", + "Rabindranath Tagore": "test", + "Ragnar Frisch": "train", + "Ragnar Granit": "train", + "Rainer Weiss": "train", + "Ralph Bunche": "test", + "Ralph M. Steinman": "train", + "Randal Cremer": "train", + "Randy W. Schekman": "test", + "Raymond Davis Jr.": "test", + "Reinhard Genzel": "train", + "Reinhard Selten": "train", + "Renato Dulbecco": "train", + "René Cassin": "train", + "Riccardo Giacconi": "train", + "Richard Axel": "test", + "Richard E. Smalley": "test", + "Richard E. Taylor": "train", + "Richard F. Heck": "val", + "Richard H. Thaler": "train", + "Richard Henderson": "test", + "Richard J. Roberts": "test", + "Richard Kuhn": "val", + "Richard L.M. Synge": "test", + "Richard P. Feynman": "train", + "Richard R. Ernst": "test", + "Richard R. Schrock": "train", + "Richard Stone": "train", + "Richard Willstätter": "train", + "Richard Zsigmondy": "test", + "Rigoberta Menchú Tum": "val", + "Rita Levi-Montalcini": "train", + "Roald Hoffmann": "train", + "Robert A. Millikan": "test", + "Robert B. Laughlin": "train", + "Robert B. Woodward": "train", + "Robert Bárány": "val", + "Robert C. Merton": "train", + "Robert C. Richardson": "train", + "Robert Cecil": "val", + "Robert E. Lucas Jr.": "test", + "Robert F. Curl Jr.": "val", + "Robert F. Engle III": "train", + "Robert F. Furchgott": "train", + "Robert G. Edwards": "test", + "Robert H. Grubbs": "val", + "Robert Hofstadter": "val", + "Robert Huber": "train", + "Robert J. Aumann": "val", + "Robert J. Lefkowitz": "train", + "Robert J. Shiller": "test", + "Robert Koch": "val", + "Robert M. Solow": "train", + "Robert Mundell": "train", + "Robert S. Mulliken": "val", + "Robert Schrieffer": "train", + "Robert W. Fogel": "train", + "Robert W. Holley": "train", + "Robert Wilson": "train", + "Robert Woodrow Wilson": "val", + "Roderick MacKinnon": "train", + "Rodney R. Porter": "val", + "Roger B. Myerson": "val", + "Roger D. Kornberg": "train", + "Roger Guillemin": "val", + "Roger Martin du Gard": "train", + "Roger Penrose": "val", + "Roger W. Sperry": "train", + "Roger Y. Tsien": "train", + "Rolf M. Zinkernagel": "val", + "Romain Rolland": "test", + "Ronald G.W. Norrish": "val", + "Ronald H. Coase": "train", + "Ronald Ross": "train", + "Rosalyn Yalow": "val", + "Roy J. Glauber": "train", + "Rudolf Eucken": "val", + "Rudolf Mössbauer": "train", + "Rudolph A. Marcus": "test", + "Rudyard Kipling": "train", + "Russell A. Hulse": "test", + "Ryoji Noyori": "train", + "Saint-John Perse": "train", + "Salvador E. Luria": "train", + "Salvatore Quasimodo": "val", + "Samuel Beckett": "test", + "Samuel C.C. Ting": "val", + "Santiago Ramón y Cajal": "test", + "Satoshi &": "train", + "Saul Bellow": "train", + "Saul Perlmutter": "test", + "Seamus Heaney": "val", + "Selma Lagerlöf": "val", + "Selman A. Waksman": "train", + "Serge Haroche": "val", + "Severo Ochoa": "train", + "Seán MacBride": "val", + "Sheldon Glashow": "test", + "Shimon Peres": "test", + "Shinya Yamanaka": "train", + "Shirin Ebadi": "train", + "Shmuel Agnon": "val", + "Shuji Nakamura": "train", + "Sidney Altman": "train", + "Sigrid Undset": "train", + "Simon Kuznets": "test", + "Simon van der Meer": "test", + "Sin-Itiro Tomonaga": "val", + "Sinclair Lewis": "train", + "Sir Alexander Fleming": "val", + "Sir Arthur Lewis": "train", + "Sir Austen Chamberlain": "train", + "Sir Bernard Katz": "test", + "Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman": "train", + "Sir Charles Sherrington": "train", + "Sir Cyril Hinshelwood": "train", + "Sir Frank Macfarlane Burnet": "val", + "Sir Frederick Hopkins": "train", + "Sir Gregory P. Winter": "test", + "Sir Harold Kroto": "val", + "Sir Henry Dale": "train", + "Sir Howard Florey": "train", + "Sir J. Fraser Stoddart": "train", + "Sir James W. Black": "val", + "Sir John B. Gurdon": "train", + "Sir John Eccles": "train", + "Sir Martin J. Evans": "train", + "Sir Nevill F. Mott": "train", + "Sir Norman Angell": "val", + "Sir Paul Nurse": "train", + "Sir Peter Mansfield": "train", + "Sir Robert Robinson": "val", + "Sir William Ramsay": "val", + "Stanford Moore": "train", + "Stanley B. Prusiner": "test", + "Stanley Cohen": "train", + "Stefan W. Hell": "test", + "Steven Chu": "train", + "Steven Weinberg": "train", + "Subramanyan Chandrasekhar": "test", + "Sully Prudhomme": "train", + "Sune K. Bergström": "train", + "Susumu Tonegawa": "test", + "Svante Arrhenius": "train", + "Svetlana Alexievich": "train", + "Sydney Brenner": "train", + "T.S. Eliot": "val", + "Tadeus Reichstein": "test", + "Takaaki Kajita": "train", + "Tasuku Honjo": "test", + "Tawakkol Karman": "train", + "The Svedberg": "test", + "Theodor Kocher": "test", + "Theodor Mommsen": "train", + "Theodor W. Hänsch": "test", + "Theodore Roosevelt": "val", + "Theodore W. Richards": "test", + "Theodore W. Schultz": "train", + "Thomas A. Steitz": "train", + "Thomas C. Schelling": "test", + "Thomas C. Südhof": "test", + "Thomas H. Morgan": "train", + "Thomas H. Weller": "val", + "Thomas J. Sargent": "train", + "Thomas Mann": "val", + "Thomas R. Cech": "train", + "Tim Hunt": "val", + "Tjalling C. Koopmans": "train", + "Tobias Asser": "test", + "Tomas Lindahl": "test", + "Tomas Tranströmer": "train", + "Toni Morrison": "train", + "Torsten N. Wiesel": "val", + "Toshihide Maskawa": "val", + "Trygve Haavelmo": "train", + "Tsung-Dao Lee": "test", + "Tu Youyou": "val", + "Ulf von Euler": "train", + "V. S. Naipaul": "val", + "Val Fitch": "val", + "Venkatraman Ramakrishnan": "val", + "Verner von Heidenstam": "train", + "Vernon L. Smith": "val", + "Vicente Aleixandre": "val", + "Victor F. Hess": "train", + "Victor Grignard": "train", + "Vincent du Vigneaud": "test", + "Vitaly L. Ginzburg": "test", + "Vladimir Prelog": "test", + "Walter Gilbert": "test", + "Walter H. Brattain": "train", + "Walter Hess": "test", + "Walter Kohn": "val", + "Walther Bothe": "test", + "Walther Nernst": "train", + "Wangari Maathai": "test", + "Wassily Leontief": "val", + "Wendell M. Stanley": "val", + "Werner Arber": "test", + "Werner Forssmann": "train", + "Werner Heisenberg": "train", + "Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen": "test", + "Wilhelm Ostwald": "val", + "Wilhelm Wien": "val", + "Willard F. Libby": "test", + "Willard S. Boyle": "test", + "Willem Einthoven": "test", + "William A. Fowler": "val", + "William B. Shockley": "test", + "William Bragg": "train", + "William Butler Yeats": "train", + "William C. Campbell": "val", + "William D. Nordhaus": "train", + "William D. Phillips": "test", + "William E. Moerner": "train", + "William F. Giauque": "test", + "William F. Sharpe": "train", + "William Faulkner": "train", + "William Golding": "val", + "William H. Stein": "train", + "William Kaelin": "test", + "William Knowles": "test", + "William Lipscomb": "val", + "William P. Murphy": "val", + "William Vickrey": "test", + "Willis E. Lamb": "train", + "Willy Brandt": "val", + "Winston Churchill": "train", + "Wislawa Szymborska": "val", + "Wladyslaw Reymont": "test", + "Wole Soyinka": "train", + "Wolfgang Ketterle": "train", + "Wolfgang Paul": "test", + "Wolfgang Pauli": "train", + "Woodrow Wilson": "val", + "Yasser Arafat": "test", + "Yasunari Kawabata": "test", + "Yitzhak Rabin": "val", + "Yoichiro Nambu": "train", + "Yoshinori Ohsumi": "test", + "Yuan T. Lee": "train", + "Yves Chauvin": "train", + "Zhores Alferov": "train", + "Élie Ducommun": "train" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/evals/ravel/ravel/data/base/ravel_nobel_prize_winner_prompt_to_split.json b/evals/ravel/ravel/data/base/ravel_nobel_prize_winner_prompt_to_split.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ba296b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/evals/ravel/ravel/data/base/ravel_nobel_prize_winner_prompt_to_split.json @@ -0,0 +1,303 @@ +{ + "\"name\": \"%s\", \"award\": \"Nobel Prize in": "test", + "\"winner\": \"A. 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Romer won the Nobel Prize in 2018. %s won the Nobel Prize in": "val", + "Peter Grünberg won the Nobel Prize in 2007. %s won the Nobel Prize in": "train", + "Richard F. Heck won the Nobel Prize in 2010. %s won the Nobel Prize in": "train", + "Richard J. Roberts won the Nobel Prize in 1993. %s won the Nobel Prize in": "test", + "Roderick MacKinnon won the Nobel Prize in 2003. %s won the Nobel Prize in": "val", + "Sir James W. Black won the Nobel Prize in 1988. %s won the Nobel Prize in": "train", + "Stefan W. Hell won the Nobel Prize in 2014. %s won the Nobel Prize in": "train", + "Tomas Lindahl won the Nobel Prize in 2015. %s won the Nobel Prize in": "train", + "William Knowles won the Nobel Prize in 2001. %s won the Nobel Prize in": "test", + "Zhores Alferov won the Nobel Prize in 2000. %s won the Nobel Prize in": "train", + "laureate: A. 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Mortensen was born in United States. %s was born in": "test", + "David M. Lee was born in United States. %s was born in": "train", + "Ei-ichi Negishi was born in China. %s was born in": "test", + "George H. Hitchings was born in United States. %s was born in": "train", + "Gerd Binnig was born in Germany. %s was born in": "train", + "Jean-Pierre Sauvage was born in France. %s was born in": "train", + "John Goodenough was born in Germany. %s was born in": "train", + "Jules A. Hoffmann was born in Luxembourg. %s was born in": "train", + "Leonid Hurwicz was born in Russia. %s was born in": "train", + "Oliver Hart was born in United Kingdom. %s was born in": "train", + "Paul C. Lauterbur was born in United States. %s was born in": "test", + "Paul M. Romer was born in United States. %s was born in": "val", + "Peter Grünberg was born in Czech Republic. %s was born in": "train", + "Phillip A. Sharp was born in United States. %s was born in": "val", + "Richard F. Heck was born in United States. %s was born in": "train", + "Richard J. Roberts was born in United Kingdom. %s was born in": "train", + "Roderick MacKinnon was born in United States. %s was born in": "train", + "Sir James W. Black was born in Scotland. %s was born in": "val", + "Stefan W. Hell was born in Romania. %s was born in": "train", + "The Nobel Prize was awarded to %s, who was born in the country of": "test", + "The country of birth of %s is": "test", + "Tomas Lindahl was born in Sweden. %s was born in": "train", + "William Knowles was born in United States. %s was born in": "val", + "Zhores Alferov was born in Belarus. %s was born in": "val", + "laureate: %s, birth place (country):": "test", + "laureate: %s, country of birth:": "test", + "name: %s, country:": "train", + "\"name\": \"%s\", \"gender\": \"": "test", + "A Nobel Prize was awarded to %s for": "test", + "A. Michael Spence: for his contributions in economics. %s: for": "val", + "Alan Heeger: for his contributions in chemistry. %s: for": "train", + "Alan MacDiarmid: for his contributions in chemistry. %s: for": "train", + "Andre Geim: for his contributions in physics. %s: for": "train", + "Avram Hershko: for his contributions in chemistry. %s: for": "test", + "Bengt Holmström: for his contributions in economics. %s: for": "val", + "Bernard L. Feringa: for his contributions in chemistry. %s: for": "val", + "Charles Rice: for his contributions in medicine. %s: for": "val", + "Dale T. Mortensen: for his contributions in economics. %s: for": "test", + "David M. Lee: for his contributions in physics. %s: for": "train", + "Ei-ichi Negishi: for his contributions in chemistry. %s: for": "val", + "Eugene F. Fama: for his contributions in economics. %s: for": "train", + "Frances H. Arnold: for her contributions in chemistry. %s: for": "test", + "George H. Hitchings: for his contributions in medicine. %s: for": "test", + "Gerd Binnig: for his contributions in physics. %s: for": "test", + "Jean-Pierre Sauvage: for his contributions in chemistry. %s: for": "val", + "John Goodenough: for his contributions in chemistry. %s: for": "train", + "Jules A. Hoffmann: for his contributions in medicine. %s: for": "val", + "Leonid Hurwicz: for his contributions in economics. %s: for": "train", + "Oliver Hart: for his contributions in economics. %s: for": "train", + "Paul C. Lauterbur: for his contributions in medicine. %s: for": "test", + "Paul M. Romer: for his contributions in economics. %s: for": "test", + "Peter Grünberg: for his contributions in physics. %s: for": "test", + "Phillip A. Sharp: for his contributions in medicine. %s: for": "val", + "Richard F. Heck: for his contributions in chemistry. %s: for": "val", + "Richard J. Roberts: for his contributions in medicine. %s: for": "train", + "Roderick MacKinnon: for his contributions in chemistry. %s: for": "test", + "Sir James W. Black: for his contributions in medicine. %s: for": "val", + "Stefan W. Hell: for his contributions in chemistry. %s: for": "train", + "Tomas Lindahl: for his contributions in chemistry. %s: for": "train", + "William Knowles: for his contributions in chemistry. %s: for": "train", + "Zhores Alferov: for his contributions in physics. %s: for": "val", + "laureate: %s, gender:": "test", + "name: %s, gender:": "train" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/evals/ravel/ravel/data/base/ravel_occupation_attribute_to_prompts.json b/evals/ravel/ravel/data/base/ravel_occupation_attribute_to_prompts.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..74c5b93 --- /dev/null +++ b/evals/ravel/ravel/data/base/ravel_occupation_attribute_to_prompts.json @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +{ + "Duty": [ + "\"occupation\": \"%s\", \"primary duties\": \"to", + "\"occupation\": \"architect\", \"duties\": \"to plan and design the construction of buildings\"; \"occupation\": \"%s\", \"duties\": \"to", + "\"occupation\": \"attorney\", \"duties\": \"to represent clients in court\"; \"occupation\": \"%s\", \"duties\": \"to", + "\"occupation\": \"compliance officer\", \"duties\": \"to ensure an organization complies with legal and regulatory requirement\"; \"occupation\": \"%s\", \"duties\": \"to", + "\"occupation\": \"dentist\", \"duties\": \"to diagnose and treat issues related to the teeth\"; \"occupation\": \"%s\", \"duties\": \"to", + "\"occupation\": \"fashion designer\", \"duties\": \"to create clothing and accessories\"; \"occupation\": \"%s\", \"duties\": \"to", + "\"occupation\": \"journalist\", \"duties\": \"to report news and information\"; \"occupation\": \"%s\", \"duties\": \"to", + "\"occupation\": \"kindergarten teacher\", \"duties\": \"to educate young children\"; \"occupation\": \"%s\", \"duties\": \"to", + "\"occupation\": \"photographer\", \"duties\": \"to capture images using cameras\"; \"occupation\": \"%s\", \"duties\": \"to", + "\"occupation\": \"sales manager\", \"duties\": \"to lead and guide a team of sales representatives\"; \"occupation\": \"%s\", \"duties\": \"to", + "\"occupation\": \"software developer\", \"duties\": \"to code, test, and maintain computer programs and applications\"; \"occupation\": \"%s\", \"duties\": \"to", + "\"primary duties\": \"teach English\"; \"occupation\": \"%s\", \"primary duties\": \"", + "I works as a %s. 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"software developer usually works at office; %s usually works at" + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/evals/ravel/ravel/data/base/ravel_occupation_entity_attributes.json b/evals/ravel/ravel/data/base/ravel_occupation_entity_attributes.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ea8ac25 --- /dev/null +++ b/evals/ravel/ravel/data/base/ravel_occupation_entity_attributes.json @@ -0,0 +1,3997 @@ +{ + "DJ": { + "Duty": "play music", + "Industry": "music", + "Work Location": "club" + }, + "UX designer": { + "Duty": "design user experience", + "Industry": "software", + "Work Location": "office" + }, + "account collector": { + "Duty": "collect debts", + "Industry": "banking", + "Work Location": "office" + }, + "accountant": { + "Duty": "prepare tax returns", + "Industry": "accounting", + "Work Location": "office" + }, + "actor": { + "Duty": "entertain audience", + "Industry": "film", + "Work Location": "theatre" + }, + "actuary": { + "Duty": "calculate risk", + "Industry": "insurance", 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\"duties\": \"to ensure an organization complies with legal and regulatory requirement\"; \"occupation\": \"%s\", \"duties\": \"to": "train", + "\"occupation\": \"dentist\", \"duties\": \"to diagnose and treat issues related to the teeth\"; \"occupation\": \"%s\", \"duties\": \"to": "val", + "\"occupation\": \"fashion designer\", \"duties\": \"to create clothing and accessories\"; \"occupation\": \"%s\", \"duties\": \"to": "test", + "\"occupation\": \"journalist\", \"duties\": \"to report news and information\"; \"occupation\": \"%s\", \"duties\": \"to": "val", + "\"occupation\": \"kindergarten teacher\", \"duties\": \"to educate young children\"; \"occupation\": \"%s\", \"duties\": \"to": "train", + "\"occupation\": \"photographer\", \"duties\": \"to capture images using cameras\"; \"occupation\": \"%s\", \"duties\": \"to": "train", + "\"occupation\": \"sales manager\", \"duties\": \"to lead and guide a team of sales representatives\"; \"occupation\": \"%s\", \"duties\": \"to": "val", + "\"occupation\": \"software developer\", \"duties\": \"to code, test, and maintain computer programs and applications\"; \"occupation\": \"%s\", \"duties\": \"to": "val", + "\"primary duties\": \"teach English\"; \"occupation\": \"%s\", \"primary duties\": \"": "train", + "I works as a %s. 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%s usually works at": "val", + "fashion designer usually works at studio; %s usually works at": "test", + "journalist usually works at newsroom; %s usually works at": "train", + "kindergarten teacher usually works at classroom; %s usually works at": "train", + "photographer usually works at studio; %s usually works at": "val", + "sales manager usually works at office; %s usually works at": "test", + "software developer usually works at office; %s usually works at": "val" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/evals/ravel/ravel/data/base/ravel_physical_object_attribute_to_prompts.json b/evals/ravel/ravel/data/base/ravel_physical_object_attribute_to_prompts.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8a832d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/evals/ravel/ravel/data/base/ravel_physical_object_attribute_to_prompts.json @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +{ + "Category": [ + " the categorization of %s within the groups \"plant\", \"animal\", and \"non-living thing\" is \"", + "\"rock\": \"non-living thing\"; \"axe\": \"non-living thing\"; \"bird\": \"animal\"; \"tree\": \"plant\"; \"gopher\": \"animal\"; \"%s\": \"", + "\"rock\": \"non-living thing\"; \"axe\": \"non-living thing\"; \"bird\": \"animal\"; \"tree\": \"plant\"; \"lime\": \"plant\"; \"%s\": \"", + "\"rock\": \"non-living thing\"; \"axe\": \"non-living thing\"; \"bird\": \"animal\"; \"tree\": \"plant\"; \"starfish\": \"animal\"; \"%s\": \"", + "\"rock\": \"non-living thing\"; \"cornmeal\": \"non-living thing\"; \"bird\": \"animal\"; \"tree\": \"plant\"; \"turquoise\": \"non-living things\"; \"%s\": \"", + "\"rock\": \"non-living thing\"; \"gopher\": \"animal\"; \"bird\": \"animal\"; \"tree\": \"plant\"; \"cornmeal\": \"non-living thing\"; \"%s\": \"", + "\"rock\": \"non-living thing\"; \"gopher\": \"animal\"; \"bird\": \"animal\"; \"tree\": \"plant\"; \"violet\": \"plant\"; \"%s\": \"", + "\"rock\": \"non-living thing\"; \"lime\": \"plant\"; \"bird\": \"animal\"; \"tree\": \"plant\"; \"axe\": \"non-living thing\"; \"%s\": \"", + "\"rock\": \"non-living thing\"; \"lime\": \"plant\"; \"bird\": \"animal\"; \"tree\": \"plant\"; \"cornmeal\": \"non-living thing\"; \"%s\": \"", + "\"rock\": \"non-living thing\"; \"lion\": \"animal\"; \"bird\": \"animal\"; \"tree\": \"plant\"; \"charcoal\": \"non-living thing\"; \"%s\": \"", + "\"rock\": \"non-living thing\"; \"lion\": \"animal\"; \"bird\": \"animal\"; \"tree\": \"plant\"; \"turquoise\": \"non-living things\"; \"%s\": \"", + "\"rock\": \"non-living thing\"; \"pig\": \"animal\"; \"bird\": \"animal\"; \"tree\": \"plant\"; \"blackberry\": \"plant\"; \"%s\": \"", + "\"rock\": \"non-living thing\"; \"pig\": \"animal\"; \"bird\": \"animal\"; \"tree\": \"plant\"; \"charcoal\": \"non-living thing\"; \"%s\": \"", + "\"rock\": \"non-living thing\"; \"saffron\": \"plant\"; \"bird\": \"animal\"; \"tree\": \"plant\"; \"charcoal\": \"non-living thing\"; \"%s\": \"", + "\"rock\": \"non-living thing\"; \"saffron\": \"plant\"; \"bird\": \"animal\"; \"tree\": \"plant\"; \"gopher\": \"animal\"; \"%s\": \"", + "%s, among \"plant\", \"animal\", and \"non-living thing\", is categorized as \"", + "%s, among the categories \"animal\", \"plant\", and \"non-living thing\", belongs to the category \"", + "Among \"animal\", \"plant\", and \"non-living thing\", %s belongs to \"", + "Among \"plant\", \"animal\", and \"non-living thing\", %s belongs to \"", + "Among the categories \"plant\", \"animal\", and \"non-living thing\", %s belongs to \"", + "Given the categories \"animal\", \"plant\", and \"non-living thing\", %s belongs to \"", + "Given the categories \"animal\", \"plant\", and \"non-living thing\", %s should be classified as \"", + "Given the categories \"plant\", \"animal\", and \"non-living thing\", %s is classified as \"", + "Within \"plant\", \"animal\", and \"non-living thing\", %s is classified as \"", + "bird is a type of animal: YES; rock is a type of animal: NO; %s is a type of animal:", + "rock is a type of animal: No; bird is a type of animal: Yes; %s is a type of animal:", + "rock is a type of plant: No; tree is a type of plant: Yes; %s is a type of plant:", + "rock is animal: NO; bird is animal: YES; dog is animal: YES; iris is animal: NO; %s is animal:", + "rock is animal: no; bird is animal: yes; dog is animal: yes; iris is animal: no; %s is animal:", + "rock is non-living thing: YES; bird is non-living thing: NO; tree is non-living thing: NO; %s is non-living thing:", + "rock is non-living thing: yes; bird is non-living thing: no; tree is non-living thing: no; %s is non-living thing:", + "rock is plant: NO; bird is plant: NO; tree is plant: YES; iris is plant: YES; %s is plant:", + "rock is plant: no; bird is plant: no; tree is plant: yes; iris is plant: yes; %s is plant:", + "rock: non-living thing; bamboo: plant; bird: animal; tree: plant; lime: plant; %s:", + "rock: non-living thing; blackberry: plant; bird: animal; tree: plant; cornmeal: non-living thing; %s:", + "rock: non-living thing; blackberry: plant; bird: animal; tree: plant; gopher: animal; %s:", + "rock: non-living thing; blackberry: plant; bird: animal; tree: plant; lime: plant; %s:", + "rock: non-living thing; charcoal: non-living thing; bird: animal; tree: plant; lime: plant; %s:", + "rock: non-living thing; cornmeal: non-living thing; bird: animal; tree: plant; axe: non-living thing; %s:", + "rock: non-living thing; cornmeal: non-living thing; bird: animal; tree: plant; blackberry: plant; %s:", + "rock: non-living thing; dog: animal; bird: animal; tree: plant; iris: plant; %s:", + "rock: non-living thing; gopher: animal; bird: animal; tree: plant; blackberry: plant; %s:", + "rock: non-living thing; gopher: animal; bird: animal; tree: plant; cornmeal: non-living thing; %s:", + "rock: non-living thing; gopher: animal; bird: animal; tree: plant; turmeric: plant; %s:", + "rock: non-living thing; lime: plant; bird: animal; tree: plant; axe: non-living thing; %s:", + "rock: non-living thing; lime: plant; bird: animal; tree: plant; cornmeal: non-living thing; %s:", + "rock: non-living thing; lime: plant; bird: animal; tree: plant; turquoise: non-living things; %s:", + "rock: non-living thing; lion: animal; bird: animal; tree: plant; starfish: animal; %s:", + "rock: non-living thing; saffron: plant; bird: animal; tree: plant; cornmeal: non-living thing; %s:", + "rock: non-living thing; saffron: plant; bird: animal; tree: plant; pig: animal; %s:", + "rock: non-living thing; turmeric: plant; bird: animal; tree: plant; axe: non-living thing; %s:", + "rock: non-living thing; turmeric: plant; bird: animal; tree: plant; cornmeal: non-living thing; %s:", + "rock: non-living thing; turmeric: plant; bird: animal; tree: plant; turquoise: non-living things; %s:", + "rock: non-living thing; violet: plant; bird: animal; tree: plant; cornmeal: non-living thing; %s:" + ], + "Color": [ + "\"apple\": \"red\"; \"axe\": \"black\"; \"charcoal\": \"black\"; \"%s\": \"", + "\"apple\": \"red\"; \"bamboo\": \"green\"; \"starfish\": \"orange\"; \"%s\": \"", + "\"apple\": \"red\"; \"blackberry\": \"purple\"; \"bamboo\": \"green\"; \"%s\": \"", + "\"apple\": \"red\"; \"blackberry\": \"purple\"; \"saffron\": \"yellow\"; \"%s\": \"", + "\"apple\": \"red\"; \"blackberry\": \"purple\"; \"turquoise\": \"blue\"; \"%s\": \"", + "\"apple\": \"red\"; \"charcoal\": \"black\"; \"axe\": \"black\"; \"%s\": \"", + "\"apple\": \"red\"; \"charcoal\": \"black\"; \"lion\": \"brown\"; \"%s\": \"", + "\"apple\": \"red\"; \"gopher\": \"brown\"; \"cornmeal\": \"yellow\"; \"%s\": \"", + "\"apple\": \"red\"; \"lion\": \"brown\"; \"saffron\": \"yellow\"; \"%s\": \"", + "\"object\": \"apple\", \"color\": \"red\", \"object\": \"leaf\", \"color\": \"green\", \"object\": \"%s\": \"color\": \"", + "The color of apple is usually red. The color of axe is usually black. The color of %s is usually", + "The color of apple is usually red. The color of bamboo is usually green. The color of %s is usually", + "The color of apple is usually red. The color of blackberry is usually purple. The color of %s is usually", + "The color of apple is usually red. The color of charcoal is usually black. The color of %s is usually", + "The color of apple is usually red. The color of cornmeal is usually yellow. The color of %s is usually", + "The color of apple is usually red. The color of flamingo is usually pink. The color of %s is usually", + "The color of apple is usually red. The color of gopher is usually brown. The color of %s is usually", + "The color of apple is usually red. The color of leaf is usually green. The color of %s is usually", + "The color of apple is usually red. The color of lime is usually green. The color of %s is usually", + "The color of apple is usually red. The color of lion is usually brown. The color of %s is usually", + "The color of apple is usually red. The color of pig is usually pink. The color of %s is usually", + "The color of apple is usually red. The color of saffron is usually yellow. The color of %s is usually", + "The color of apple is usually red. The color of starfish is usually orange. The color of %s is usually", + "The color of apple is usually red. The color of turmeric is usually yellow. The color of %s is usually", + "The color of apple is usually red. The color of turquoise is usually blue. The color of %s is usually", + "The color of apple is usually red. The color of violet is usually purple. The color of %s is usually", + "apple: red; bamboo: green; cornmeal: yellow; %s:", + "apple: red; blackberry: purple; axe: black; %s:", + "apple: red; gopher: brown; blackberry: purple; %s:", + "apple: red; lime: green; violet: purple; %s:", + "apple: red; lion: brown; charcoal: black; %s:", + "apple: red; saffron: yellow; gopher: brown; %s:", + "apple: red; saffron: yellow; lime: green; %s:", + "apple: red; turmeric: yellow; blackberry: purple; %s:", + "apple: red; turmeric: yellow; gopher: brown; %s:", + "apple: red; turquoise: blue; axe: black; %s:", + "apple: red; violet: purple; lime: green; %s:" + ], + "Size": [ + "\"dimond\": \"millimeter\"; \"bamboo\": \"meter\"; \"axe\": \"meter\"; \"%s\": \"", + "\"dimond\": \"millimeter\"; \"gopher\": \"centimeter\"; \"saffron\": \"millimeter\"; \"%s\": \"", + "\"dimond\": \"millimeter\"; \"lime\": \"centimeter\"; \"turmeric\": \"centimeter\"; \"%s\": \"", + "\"dimond\": \"millimeter\"; \"lion\": \"meter\"; \"axe\": \"meter\"; \"%s\": \"", + "\"dimond\": \"millimeter\"; \"saffron\": \"millimeter\"; \"violet\": \"centimeter\"; \"%s\": \"", + "\"dimond\": \"millimeter\"; \"starfish\": \"centimeter\"; \"charcoal\": \"centimeter\"; \"%s\": \"", + "\"dimond\": \"millimeter\"; \"starfish\": \"centimeter\"; \"saffron\": \"millimeter\"; \"%s\": \"", + "\"dimond\": \"millimeter\"; \"turmeric\": \"centimeter\"; \"lime\": \"centimeter\"; \"%s\": \"", + "\"dimond\": \"millimeter\"; \"turquoise\": \"centimeter\"; \"bamboo\": \"meter\"; \"%s\": \"", + "\"dimond\": \"millimeter\"; \"turquoise\": \"centimeter\"; \"lime\": \"centimeter\"; \"%s\": \"", + "\"dimond\": \"mm\"; \"flamingo\": \"m\"; \"saffron\": \"mm\"; \"%s\": \"", + "\"dimond\": \"mm\"; \"flamingo\": \"m\"; \"turmeric\": \"cm\"; \"%s\": \"", + "\"dimond\": \"mm\"; \"lime\": \"cm\"; \"turmeric\": \"cm\"; \"%s\": \"", + "\"dimond\": \"mm\"; \"lion\": \"m\"; \"lime\": \"cm\"; \"%s\": \"", + "\"dimond\": \"mm\"; \"pig\": \"m\"; \"cornmeal\": \"cm,mm\"; \"%s\": \"", + "\"dimond\": \"mm\"; \"saffron\": \"mm\"; \"starfish\": \"cm\"; \"%s\": \"", + "\"dimond\": \"mm\"; \"starfish\": \"cm\"; \"cornmeal\": \"cm,mm\"; \"%s\": \"", + "\"dimond\": \"mm\"; \"starfish\": \"cm\"; \"lime\": \"cm\"; \"%s\": \"", + "\"dimond\": \"mm\"; \"turquoise\": \"cm\"; \"charcoal\": \"cm\"; \"%s\": \"", + "\"dimond\": \"mm\"; \"violet\": \"cm\"; \"blackberry\": \"cm\"; \"%s\": \"", + "Among the units \"millimeter\", \"centimeter\", \"meter\", and \"kilometer\", the size of %s is usually on the scale of \"", + "Among the units \"mm\", \"cm\", \"m\", and \"km\", the scale for measuring the size of %s is \"", + "Among the units \"mm\", \"cm\", \"m\", and \"km\", the size of %s is usually on the scale of \"", + "Considering the following units \"mm\", \"cm\", \"m\", and \"km\", the size of %s is commonly expressed in \"", + "Given the units \"mm\" \"cm\" \"m\" and \"km\", the size of %s usually is in \"", + "cabbage is in \"cm\"; pencil lead is in \"mm\"; %s is in \"", + "diamond is in \"mm\"; cabbage is in \"cm\"; %s is in \"", + "dimond: mm; bamboo: m; axe: m; %s:", + "dimond: mm; blackberry: cm; starfish: cm; %s:", + "dimond: mm; charcoal: cm; blackberry: cm; %s:", + "dimond: mm; charcoal: cm; turquoise: cm; %s:", + "dimond: mm; cornmeal: cm,mm; gopher: cm; %s:", + "dimond: mm; cornmeal: cm,mm; turmeric: cm; %s:", + "dimond: mm; flamingo: m; turquoise: cm; %s:", + "dimond: mm; gopher: cm; lime: cm; %s:", + "dimond: mm; lion: m; pig: m; %s:", + "dimond: mm; violet: cm; lion: m; %s:", + "grapefruit is in \"cm\"; diamond is in \"mm\"; %s is in \"" + ], + "Texture": [ + " hard or soft: rock is hard; towel is soft; blackberry is soft; wood is hard; %s is", + " softness: rock is hard; pillow is soft; bread is soft; charcoal is hard; %s is", + " softness: rock is hard; towel is soft; sofa is soft; desk is hard; %s is", + "\"object\": \"rock\", \"soft\": \"no\"}, {\"object\": \"blackberry\", \"soft\": \"yes\"}, {\"object\": \"pig\", \"soft\": \"yes\"}, {\"object\": \"%s\", \"soft\": \"", + "\"object\": \"rock\", \"soft\": \"no\"}, {\"object\": \"charcoal\", \"soft\": \"no\"}, {\"object\": \"blackberry\", \"soft\": \"yes\"}, {\"object\": \"%s\", \"soft\": \"", + "\"object\": \"rock\", \"soft\": \"no\"}, {\"object\": \"gopher\", \"soft\": \"no\"}, {\"object\": \"bamboo\", \"soft\": \"no\"}, {\"object\": \"%s\", \"soft\": \"", + "\"object\": \"rock\", \"soft\": \"no\"}, {\"object\": \"lime\", \"soft\": \"yes\"}, {\"object\": \"axe\", \"soft\": \"no\"}, {\"object\": \"%s\", \"soft\": \"", + "\"object\": \"rock\", \"soft\": \"no\"}, {\"object\": \"lion\", \"soft\": \"no\"}, {\"object\": \"flamingo\", \"soft\": \"yes\"}, {\"object\": \"%s\", \"soft\": \"", + "\"object\": \"rock\", \"soft\": \"no\"}, {\"object\": \"pig\", \"soft\": \"yes\"}, {\"object\": \"bamboo\", \"soft\": \"no\"}, {\"object\": \"%s\", \"soft\": \"", + "\"object\": \"rock\", \"soft\": \"no\"}, {\"object\": \"pig\", \"soft\": \"yes\"}, {\"object\": \"turquoise\", \"soft\": \"no\"}, 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"rock: non-living thing; lion: animal; bird: animal; tree: plant; starfish: animal; %s:": "test", + "rock: non-living thing; saffron: plant; bird: animal; tree: plant; cornmeal: non-living thing; %s:": "test", + "rock: non-living thing; saffron: plant; bird: animal; tree: plant; pig: animal; %s:": "train", + "rock: non-living thing; turmeric: plant; bird: animal; tree: plant; axe: non-living thing; %s:": "val", + "rock: non-living thing; turmeric: plant; bird: animal; tree: plant; cornmeal: non-living thing; %s:": "val", + "rock: non-living thing; turmeric: plant; bird: animal; tree: plant; turquoise: non-living things; %s:": "val", + "rock: non-living thing; violet: plant; bird: animal; tree: plant; cornmeal: non-living thing; %s:": "train", + "\"apple\": \"red\"; \"axe\": \"black\"; \"charcoal\": \"black\"; \"%s\": \"": "train", + "\"apple\": \"red\"; \"bamboo\": \"green\"; \"starfish\": \"orange\"; \"%s\": \"": "train", + "\"apple\": \"red\"; \"blackberry\": \"purple\"; \"bamboo\": \"green\"; \"%s\": \"": "train", + "\"apple\": \"red\"; \"blackberry\": \"purple\"; \"saffron\": \"yellow\"; \"%s\": \"": "val", + "\"apple\": \"red\"; \"blackberry\": \"purple\"; \"turquoise\": \"blue\"; \"%s\": \"": "test", + "\"apple\": \"red\"; \"charcoal\": \"black\"; \"axe\": \"black\"; \"%s\": \"": "train", + "\"apple\": \"red\"; \"charcoal\": \"black\"; \"lion\": \"brown\"; \"%s\": \"": "train", + "\"apple\": \"red\"; \"gopher\": \"brown\"; \"cornmeal\": \"yellow\"; \"%s\": \"": "train", + "\"apple\": \"red\"; \"lion\": \"brown\"; \"saffron\": \"yellow\"; \"%s\": \"": "test", + "\"object\": \"apple\", \"color\": \"red\", \"object\": \"leaf\", \"color\": \"green\", \"object\": \"%s\": \"color\": \"": "val", + "The color of apple is usually red. The color of axe is usually black. The color of %s is usually": "val", + "The color of apple is usually red. The color of bamboo is usually green. The color of %s is usually": "train", + "The color of apple is usually red. The color of blackberry is usually purple. The color of %s is usually": "test", + "The color of apple is usually red. The color of charcoal is usually black. The color of %s is usually": "train", + "The color of apple is usually red. The color of cornmeal is usually yellow. The color of %s is usually": "train", + "The color of apple is usually red. The color of flamingo is usually pink. The color of %s is usually": "test", + "The color of apple is usually red. The color of gopher is usually brown. The color of %s is usually": "val", + "The color of apple is usually red. The color of leaf is usually green. The color of %s is usually": "train", + "The color of apple is usually red. The color of lime is usually green. The color of %s is usually": "test", + "The color of apple is usually red. The color of lion is usually brown. The color of %s is usually": "train", + "The color of apple is usually red. The color of pig is usually pink. The color of %s is usually": "val", + "The color of apple is usually red. The color of saffron is usually yellow. The color of %s is usually": "test", + "The color of apple is usually red. The color of starfish is usually orange. The color of %s is usually": "train", + "The color of apple is usually red. The color of turmeric is usually yellow. The color of %s is usually": "val", + "The color of apple is usually red. The color of turquoise is usually blue. The color of %s is usually": "train", + "The color of apple is usually red. The color of violet is usually purple. The color of %s is usually": "train", + "apple: red; bamboo: green; cornmeal: yellow; %s:": "train", + "apple: red; blackberry: purple; axe: black; %s:": "test", + "apple: red; gopher: brown; blackberry: purple; %s:": "train", + "apple: red; lime: green; violet: purple; %s:": "train", + "apple: red; lion: brown; charcoal: black; %s:": "test", + "apple: red; saffron: yellow; gopher: brown; %s:": "train", + "apple: red; saffron: yellow; lime: green; %s:": "val", + "apple: red; turmeric: yellow; blackberry: purple; %s:": "train", + "apple: red; turmeric: yellow; gopher: brown; %s:": "train", + "apple: red; turquoise: blue; axe: black; %s:": "train", + "apple: red; violet: purple; lime: green; %s:": "val", + "\"dimond\": \"millimeter\"; \"bamboo\": \"meter\"; \"axe\": \"meter\"; \"%s\": \"": "train", + "\"dimond\": \"millimeter\"; \"gopher\": \"centimeter\"; \"saffron\": \"millimeter\"; \"%s\": \"": "val", + "\"dimond\": \"millimeter\"; \"lime\": \"centimeter\"; \"turmeric\": \"centimeter\"; \"%s\": \"": "val", + "\"dimond\": \"millimeter\"; \"lion\": \"meter\"; \"axe\": \"meter\"; \"%s\": \"": "train", + "\"dimond\": \"millimeter\"; \"saffron\": \"millimeter\"; \"violet\": \"centimeter\"; \"%s\": \"": "val", + "\"dimond\": \"millimeter\"; \"starfish\": \"centimeter\"; \"charcoal\": \"centimeter\"; \"%s\": \"": "train", + "\"dimond\": \"millimeter\"; \"starfish\": \"centimeter\"; \"saffron\": \"millimeter\"; \"%s\": \"": "train", + "\"dimond\": \"millimeter\"; \"turmeric\": \"centimeter\"; \"lime\": \"centimeter\"; \"%s\": \"": "val", + "\"dimond\": \"millimeter\"; \"turquoise\": \"centimeter\"; \"bamboo\": \"meter\"; \"%s\": \"": "train", + "\"dimond\": \"millimeter\"; \"turquoise\": \"centimeter\"; \"lime\": \"centimeter\"; \"%s\": \"": "train", + "\"dimond\": \"mm\"; \"flamingo\": \"m\"; \"saffron\": \"mm\"; \"%s\": \"": "train", + "\"dimond\": \"mm\"; \"flamingo\": \"m\"; \"turmeric\": \"cm\"; \"%s\": \"": "train", + "\"dimond\": \"mm\"; \"lime\": \"cm\"; \"turmeric\": \"cm\"; \"%s\": \"": "train", + "\"dimond\": \"mm\"; \"lion\": \"m\"; \"lime\": \"cm\"; \"%s\": \"": "train", + "\"dimond\": \"mm\"; \"pig\": \"m\"; \"cornmeal\": \"cm,mm\"; \"%s\": \"": "test", + "\"dimond\": \"mm\"; \"saffron\": \"mm\"; \"starfish\": \"cm\"; \"%s\": \"": "val", + "\"dimond\": \"mm\"; \"starfish\": \"cm\"; \"cornmeal\": \"cm,mm\"; \"%s\": \"": "test", + "\"dimond\": \"mm\"; \"starfish\": \"cm\"; \"lime\": \"cm\"; \"%s\": \"": "train", + "\"dimond\": \"mm\"; \"turquoise\": \"cm\"; \"charcoal\": \"cm\"; \"%s\": \"": "train", + "\"dimond\": \"mm\"; \"violet\": \"cm\"; \"blackberry\": \"cm\"; \"%s\": \"": "train", + "Among the units \"millimeter\", \"centimeter\", \"meter\", and \"kilometer\", the size of %s is usually on the scale of \"": "test", + "Among the units \"mm\", \"cm\", \"m\", and \"km\", the scale for measuring the size of %s is \"": "test", + "Among the units \"mm\", \"cm\", \"m\", and \"km\", the size of %s is usually on the scale of \"": "train", + "Considering the following units \"mm\", \"cm\", \"m\", and \"km\", the size of %s is commonly expressed in \"": "val", + "Given the units \"mm\" \"cm\" \"m\" and \"km\", the size of %s usually is in \"": "train", + "cabbage is in \"cm\"; pencil lead is in \"mm\"; %s is in \"": "train", + "diamond is in \"mm\"; cabbage is in \"cm\"; %s is in \"": "val", + "dimond: mm; bamboo: m; axe: m; %s:": "train", + "dimond: mm; blackberry: cm; starfish: cm; %s:": "test", + "dimond: mm; charcoal: cm; blackberry: cm; %s:": "test", + "dimond: mm; charcoal: cm; turquoise: cm; %s:": "train", + "dimond: mm; cornmeal: cm,mm; gopher: cm; %s:": "train", + "dimond: mm; cornmeal: cm,mm; turmeric: cm; %s:": "train", + "dimond: mm; flamingo: m; turquoise: cm; %s:": "train", + "dimond: mm; gopher: cm; lime: cm; %s:": "val", + "dimond: mm; lion: m; pig: m; %s:": "train", + "dimond: mm; violet: cm; lion: m; %s:": "val", + "grapefruit is in \"cm\"; diamond is in \"mm\"; %s is in \"": "test", + " hard or soft: rock is hard; towel is soft; blackberry is soft; wood is hard; %s is": "train", + " softness: rock is hard; pillow is soft; bread is soft; charcoal is hard; %s is": "val", + " softness: rock is hard; towel is soft; sofa is soft; desk is hard; %s is": "test", + "\"object\": \"rock\", \"soft\": \"no\"}, {\"object\": \"blackberry\", \"soft\": \"yes\"}, {\"object\": \"pig\", \"soft\": \"yes\"}, {\"object\": \"%s\", \"soft\": \"": "val", + "\"object\": \"rock\", \"soft\": \"no\"}, {\"object\": \"charcoal\", \"soft\": \"no\"}, {\"object\": \"blackberry\", \"soft\": \"yes\"}, {\"object\": \"%s\", \"soft\": \"": "train", + "\"object\": \"rock\", \"soft\": \"no\"}, {\"object\": \"gopher\", \"soft\": \"no\"}, {\"object\": \"bamboo\", \"soft\": \"no\"}, {\"object\": \"%s\", \"soft\": \"": "train", + "\"object\": \"rock\", \"soft\": \"no\"}, {\"object\": \"lime\", \"soft\": \"yes\"}, {\"object\": \"axe\", \"soft\": \"no\"}, {\"object\": \"%s\", \"soft\": \"": "val", + "\"object\": \"rock\", \"soft\": \"no\"}, {\"object\": \"lion\", \"soft\": \"no\"}, {\"object\": \"flamingo\", \"soft\": \"yes\"}, {\"object\": \"%s\", \"soft\": \"": "val", + "\"object\": \"rock\", \"soft\": \"no\"}, {\"object\": \"pig\", \"soft\": \"yes\"}, {\"object\": \"bamboo\", \"soft\": \"no\"}, {\"object\": \"%s\", \"soft\": \"": "train", + "\"object\": \"rock\", \"soft\": \"no\"}, {\"object\": \"pig\", \"soft\": \"yes\"}, {\"object\": \"turquoise\", \"soft\": \"no\"}, {\"object\": \"%s\", \"soft\": \"": "val", + "\"object\": \"rock\", \"soft\": \"no\"}, {\"object\": \"starfish\", \"soft\": \"no\"}, {\"object\": \"saffron\", \"soft\": \"yes\"}, {\"object\": \"%s\", \"soft\": \"": "train", + "\"object\": \"rock\", \"soft\": \"no\"}, {\"object\": \"turquoise\", \"soft\": \"no\"}, {\"object\": \"cornmeal\", \"soft\": \"no\"}, {\"object\": \"%s\", \"soft\": \"": "train", + "\"object\": \"rock\", \"soft\": \"no\"}, {\"object\": \"violet\", \"soft\": \"yes\"}, {\"object\": \"blackberry\", \"soft\": \"yes\"}, {\"object\": \"%s\", \"soft\": \"": "train", + "Texture: rock is hard; pillow is soft; bread is soft; desk is hard; %s is": "val", + "Texture: rock is hard; towel is soft; desk is hard; lime is soft; %s is": "test", + "Texture: rock: hard; towel: soft; blackberry: soft; charcoal: hard; %s:": "train", + "rock is hard; towel is soft; blackberry is soft; turquoise is hard; %s is": "train", + "rock is hard; towel is soft; charcoal is hard; gopher is hard; %s is": "val", + "rock is hard; towel is soft; charcoal is hard; violet is soft; %s is": "val", + "rock is hard; towel is soft; lime is soft; bamboo is hard; %s is": "train", + "rock is hard; towel is soft; lime is soft; pig is soft; %s is": "val", + "rock is hard; towel is soft; lime is soft; turquoise is hard; %s is": "train", + "rock is hard; towel is soft; lime is soft; violet is soft; %s is": "test", + "rock is hard; towel is soft; lion is hard; blackberry is soft; %s is": "train", + "rock is hard; towel is soft; pig is soft; saffron is soft; %s is": "train", + "rock is hard; towel is soft; saffron is soft; lion is hard; %s is": "train", + "rock: hard; towel: soft; axe: hard; saffron: soft; %s:": "test", + "rock: hard; towel: soft; blackberry: soft; axe: hard; %s:": "train", + "rock: hard; towel: soft; blackberry: soft; turmeric: hard; %s:": "train", + "rock: hard; towel: soft; flamingo: soft; axe: hard; %s:": "val", + "rock: hard; towel: soft; pig: soft; flamingo: soft; %s:": "val", + "rock: hard; towel: soft; saffron: soft; flamingo: soft; %s:": "val", + "rock: hard; towel: soft; starfish: hard; saffron: soft; %s:": "test", + "rock: hard; towel: soft; turquoise: hard; gopher: hard; %s:": "test", + "rock: hard; towel: soft; violet: soft; gopher: hard; %s:": "train", + "softness: rock is hard; towel is soft; sofa is soft; desk is hard; %s is": "val" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/evals/ravel/ravel/data/base/ravel_verb_attribute_to_prompts.json b/evals/ravel/ravel/data/base/ravel_verb_attribute_to_prompts.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..409463d --- /dev/null +++ b/evals/ravel/ravel/data/base/ravel_verb_attribute_to_prompts.json @@ -0,0 +1,369 @@ +{ + "Definition": [ + " %s means to \"", + "The definition of \"%s\" is to", + "The meaning of \"%s\" is \"to", + "agree: have a mutual understanding; look: observe; %s:", + "agree: have a mutual understanding; require: demand as necessary.; %s:", + "agree: have a mutual understanding; send: cause something to be delivered; %s:", + "agree: have a mutual understanding; win: achieve victory; %s:", + "appear: come into sight; look: observe; %s:", + "appear: come into sight; require: demand as necessary.; %s:", + "appear: come into sight; send: cause something to be delivered; %s:", + "appear: come into sight; win: achieve victory; %s:", + "ask: pose a question; like: have a positive preference; %s:", + "ask: pose a question; look: observe; %s:", + "ask: pose a question; require: demand as necessary.; %s:", + "ask: pose a question; send: cause something to be delivered; %s:", + "ask: pose a question; win: achieve victory; %s:", + "become: undergo a change or transformation; look: observe; %s:", + "become: undergo a change or transformation; require: demand as necessary.; %s:", + "become: undergo a change or transformation; send: cause something to be delivered; %s:", + "become: undergo a change or transformation; win: achieve victory; %s:", + "begin: start; look: observe; %s:", + "begin: start; require: demand as necessary.; %s:", + "begin: start; send: cause something to be delivered; %s:", + "begin: start; win: achieve victory; %s:", + "begin: start; write: inscribe characters on a surface; %s:", + "change: make different; agree: have a mutual understanding; %s:", + "change: make different; look: observe; %s:", + "change: make different; require: demand as necessary.; %s:", + "change: make different; send: cause something to be delivered; %s:", + "change: make different; win: achieve victory; %s:", + "create: bring something into existence; look: observe; %s:", + "create: bring something into existence; require: demand as necessary.; %s:", + "create: bring something into existence; send: cause something to be delivered; %s:", + "create: bring something into existence; win: achieve victory; %s:", + "find: discover something that was previously unknown; look: observe; %s:", + "find: discover something that was previously unknown; require: demand as necessary.; %s:", + "find: discover something that was previously unknown; send: cause something to be delivered; %s:", + "find: discover something that was previously unknown; win: achieve victory; %s:", + "get: obtain or receive; look: observe; %s:", + "get: obtain or receive; require: demand as necessary.; %s:", + "get: obtain or receive; send: cause something to be delivered; %s:", + "get: obtain or receive; win: achieve victory; %s:", + "hope: have a desire for a positive outcome; look: observe; %s:", + "hope: have a desire for a positive outcome; require: demand as necessary.; %s:", + "hope: have a desire for a positive outcome; send: cause something to be delivered; %s:", + "hope: have a desire for a positive outcome; win: achieve victory; %s:", + "include: contain; appear: come into sight; %s:", + "include: contain; look: observe; %s:", + "include: contain; require: demand as necessary.; %s:", + "include: contain; send: cause something to be delivered; %s:", + "include: contain; win: achieve victory; %s:", + "like: have a positive preference; look: observe; %s:", + "like: have a positive preference; require: demand as necessary.; %s:", + "like: have a positive preference; send: cause something to be delivered; %s:", + "like: have a positive preference; walk: move on foot; %s:", + "like: have a positive preference; win: achieve victory; %s:", + "look: observe; require: demand as necessary.; %s:", + "look: observe; send: cause something to be delivered; %s:", + "look: observe; talk: communicate by speaking; %s:", + "look: observe; win: achieve victory; %s:", + "require: demand as necessary.; become: undergo a change or transformation; %s:", + "require: demand as necessary.; look: observe; %s:", + "require: demand as necessary.; send: cause something to be delivered; %s:", + "require: demand as necessary.; win: achieve victory; %s:", + "send: cause something to be delivered; look: observe; %s:", + "send: cause something to be delivered; require: demand as necessary.; %s:", + "send: cause something to be delivered; win: achieve victory; %s:", + "talk: communicate by speaking; look: observe; %s:", + "talk: communicate by speaking; require: demand as necessary.; %s:", + "talk: communicate by speaking; send: cause something to be delivered; %s:", + "talk: communicate by speaking; win: achieve victory; %s:", + "tell: communicate information verbally; look: observe; %s:", + "tell: communicate information verbally; require: demand as necessary.; %s:", + "tell: communicate information verbally; send: cause something to be delivered; %s:", + "tell: communicate information verbally; win: achieve victory; %s:", + "verb: %s, definition: to", + "walk: move on foot; look: observe; %s:", + "walk: move on foot; require: demand as necessary.; %s:", + "walk: move on foot; send: cause something to be delivered; %s:", + "walk: move on foot; win: achieve victory; %s:", + "win: achieve victory; change: make different; %s:", + "win: achieve victory; look: observe; %s:", + "win: achieve victory; require: demand as necessary.; %s:", + "win: achieve victory; send: cause something to be delivered; %s:", + "word: %s, definition: to", + "write: inscribe characters on a surface; look: observe; %s:", + "write: inscribe characters on a surface; require: demand as necessary.; %s:", + "write: inscribe characters on a surface; send: cause something to be delivered; %s:", + "write: inscribe characters on a surface; win: achieve victory; %s:" + ], + "Singular": [ + " convert to 3rd person singular: They %s. He", + "\"present tense\": \"%s\", \"3rd person present\": \"", + "agree: agrees; look: looks; %s:", + "agree: agrees; require: requires; %s:", + "agree: agrees; send: sends; %s:", + "agree: agrees; win: wins; %s:", + "appear: appears; look: looks; %s:", + "appear: appears; require: requires; %s:", + "appear: appears; send: sends; %s:", + "appear: appears; win: wins; %s:", + "ask: asks; become: becomes; %s:", + "ask: asks; look: looks; %s:", + "ask: asks; require: requires; %s:", + "ask: asks; send: sends; %s:", + "ask: asks; win: wins; %s:", + "become: becomes; agree: agrees; %s:", + "become: becomes; look: looks; %s:", + "become: becomes; require: requires; %s:", + "become: becomes; send: sends; %s:", + "become: becomes; win: wins; %s:", + "begin: begins; look: looks; %s:", + "begin: begins; require: requires; %s:", + "begin: begins; send: sends; %s:", + "begin: begins; talk: talks; %s:", + "begin: begins; walk: walks; %s:", + "begin: begins; win: wins; %s:", + "change: changes; look: looks; %s:", + "change: changes; require: requires; %s:", + "change: changes; send: sends; %s:", + "change: changes; win: wins; %s:", + "create: creates; look: looks; %s:", + "create: creates; require: requires; %s:", + "create: creates; send: sends; %s:", + "create: creates; win: wins; %s:", + "find: finds; look: looks; %s:", + "find: finds; require: requires; %s:", + "find: finds; send: sends; %s:", + "find: finds; win: wins; %s:", + "get: gets; look: looks; %s:", + "get: gets; require: requires; %s:", + "get: gets; send: sends; %s:", + "get: gets; win: wins; %s:", + "hope: hopes; look: looks; %s:", + "hope: hopes; require: requires; %s:", + "hope: hopes; send: sends; %s:", + "hope: hopes; win: wins; %s:", + "include: includes; look: looks; %s:", + "include: includes; require: requires; %s:", + "include: includes; send: sends; %s:", + "include: includes; win: wins; %s:", + "like: likes; agree: agrees; %s:", + "like: likes; look: looks; %s:", + "like: likes; require: requires; %s:", + "like: likes; send: sends; %s:", + "like: likes; win: wins; %s:", + "look: looks; require: requires; %s:", + "look: looks; send: sends; %s:", + "look: looks; win: wins; %s:", + "present tense: %s, 3rd person present:", + "require: requires; become: becomes; %s:", + "require: requires; look: looks; %s:", + "require: requires; send: sends; %s:", + "require: requires; win: wins; %s:", + "send: sends; look: looks; %s:", + "send: sends; require: requires; %s:", + "send: sends; win: wins; %s:", + "talk: talks; create: creates; %s:", + "talk: talks; get: gets; %s:", + "talk: talks; look: looks; %s:", + "talk: talks; require: requires; %s:", + "talk: talks; send: sends; %s:", + "talk: talks; win: wins; %s:", + "tell: tells; create: creates; %s:", + "tell: tells; look: looks; %s:", + "tell: tells; require: requires; %s:", + "tell: tells; send: sends; %s:", + "tell: tells; talk: talks; %s:", + "tell: tells; win: wins; %s:", + "verb: %s, 3rd person present:", + "walk: walks; become: becomes; %s:", + "walk: walks; look: looks; %s:", + "walk: walks; require: requires; %s:", + "walk: walks; send: sends; %s:", + "walk: walks; win: wins; %s:", + "win: wins; look: looks; %s:", + "win: wins; require: requires; %s:", + "win: wins; send: sends; %s:", + "word: %s (v.), 3rd person present:", + "write: writes; like: likes; %s:", + "write: writes; look: looks; %s:", + "write: writes; require: requires; %s:", + "write: writes; send: sends; %s:", + "write: writes; win: wins; %s:" + ], + "Past Tense": [ + "The past tense of %s is", + "agree: agreed; appear: appeared; %s:", + "agree: agreed; look: looked; %s:", + "agree: agreed; require: required; %s:", + "agree: agreed; send: sent; %s:", + "agree: agreed; walk: walked; %s:", + "agree: agreed; win: won; %s:", + "appear: appeared; look: looked; %s:", + "appear: appeared; require: required; %s:", + "appear: appeared; send: sent; %s:", + "appear: appeared; win: won; %s:", + "ask: asked; look: looked; %s:", + "ask: asked; require: required; %s:", + "ask: asked; send: sent; %s:", + "ask: asked; win: won; %s:", + "become: became; look: looked; %s:", + "become: became; require: required; %s:", + "become: became; send: sent; %s:", + "become: became; win: won; %s:", + "become: became; write: wrote; %s:", + "begin: began; look: looked; %s:", + "begin: began; require: required; %s:", + "begin: began; send: sent; %s:", + "begin: began; win: won; %s:", + "change: changed; look: looked; %s:", + "change: changed; require: required; %s:", + "change: changed; send: sent; %s:", + "change: changed; win: won; %s:", + "create: created; look: looked; %s:", + "create: created; require: required; %s:", + "create: created; send: sent; %s:", + "create: created; win: won; %s:", + "find: found; hope: hoped; %s:", + "find: found; look: looked; %s:", + "find: found; require: required; %s:", + "find: found; send: sent; %s:", + "find: found; win: won; %s:", + "get: got; look: looked; %s:", + "get: got; require: required; %s:", + "get: got; send: sent; %s:", + "get: got; win: won; %s:", + "hope: hoped; look: looked; %s:", + "hope: hoped; require: required; %s:", + "hope: hoped; send: sent; %s:", + "hope: hoped; win: won; %s:", + "include: included; look: looked; %s:", + "include: included; require: required; %s:", + "include: included; send: sent; %s:", + "include: included; win: won; %s:", + "like: liked; look: looked; %s:", + "like: liked; require: required; %s:", + "like: liked; send: sent; %s:", + "like: liked; win: won; %s:", + "look: looked; become: became; %s:", + "look: looked; require: required; %s:", + "look: looked; send: sent; %s:", + "look: looked; win: won; %s:", + "present tense: %s, past tense:", + "present: %s, past:", + "require: required; look: looked; %s:", + "require: required; send: sent; %s:", + "require: required; win: won; %s:", + "send: sent; look: looked; %s:", + "send: sent; require: required; %s:", + "send: sent; win: won; %s:", + "talk: talked; look: looked; %s:", + "talk: talked; require: required; %s:", + "talk: talked; send: sent; %s:", + "talk: talked; win: won; %s:", + "tell: told; become: became; %s:", + "tell: told; look: looked; %s:", + "tell: told; require: required; %s:", + "tell: told; send: sent; %s:", + "tell: told; win: won; %s:", + "verb: %s, past tense:", + "walk: walked; look: looked; %s:", + "walk: walked; require: required; %s:", + "walk: walked; send: sent; %s:", + "walk: walked; win: won; %s:", + "win: won; look: looked; %s:", + "win: won; require: required; %s:", + "win: won; send: sent; %s:", + "word: %s (v.), past tense:", + "write: wrote; look: looked; %s:", + "write: wrote; require: required; %s:", + "write: wrote; send: sent; %s:", + "write: wrote; win: won; %s:" + ], + "Pronunciation": [ + " the word \"%s\" is pronounced as /", + "agree: əˈɡri; look: lʊk; %s:", + "agree: əˈɡri; require: rɪˈkwaɪər; %s:", + "agree: əˈɡri; send: sɛnd; %s:", + "agree: əˈɡri; win: wɪn; %s:", + "appear: əˈpɪər; look: lʊk; %s:", + "appear: əˈpɪər; require: rɪˈkwaɪər; %s:", + "appear: əˈpɪər; send: sɛnd; %s:", + "appear: əˈpɪər; win: wɪn; %s:", + "ask: æsk; look: lʊk; %s:", + "ask: æsk; require: rɪˈkwaɪər; %s:", + "ask: æsk; send: sɛnd; %s:", + "ask: æsk; win: wɪn; %s:", + "become: bɪˈkʌm; get: ɡɛt; %s:", + "become: bɪˈkʌm; look: lʊk; %s:", + "become: bɪˈkʌm; require: rɪˈkwaɪər; %s:", + "become: bɪˈkʌm; send: sɛnd; %s:", + "become: bɪˈkʌm; win: wɪn; %s:", + "begin: bɪˈɡɪn; change: tʃeɪndʒ; %s:", + "begin: bɪˈɡɪn; look: lʊk; %s:", + "begin: bɪˈɡɪn; require: rɪˈkwaɪər; %s:", + "begin: bɪˈɡɪn; send: sɛnd; %s:", + "begin: bɪˈɡɪn; win: wɪn; %s:", + "change: tʃeɪndʒ; find: faɪnd; %s:", + "change: tʃeɪndʒ; look: lʊk; %s:", + "change: tʃeɪndʒ; require: rɪˈkwaɪər; %s:", + "change: tʃeɪndʒ; send: sɛnd; %s:", + "change: tʃeɪndʒ; win: wɪn; %s:", + "create: kriˈeɪt; become: bɪˈkʌm; %s:", + "create: kriˈeɪt; look: lʊk; %s:", + "create: kriˈeɪt; require: rɪˈkwaɪər; %s:", + "create: kriˈeɪt; send: sɛnd; %s:", + "create: kriˈeɪt; win: wɪn; %s:", + "find: faɪnd; look: lʊk; %s:", + "find: faɪnd; require: rɪˈkwaɪər; %s:", + "find: faɪnd; send: sɛnd; %s:", + "find: faɪnd; win: wɪn; %s:", + "get: ɡɛt; look: lʊk; %s:", + "get: ɡɛt; require: rɪˈkwaɪər; %s:", + "get: ɡɛt; send: sɛnd; %s:", + "get: ɡɛt; win: wɪn; %s:", + "hope: hoʊp; look: lʊk; %s:", + "hope: hoʊp; require: rɪˈkwaɪər; %s:", + "hope: hoʊp; send: sɛnd; %s:", + "hope: hoʊp; win: wɪn; %s:", + "include: ɪnˈklud; look: lʊk; %s:", + "include: ɪnˈklud; require: rɪˈkwaɪər; %s:", + "include: ɪnˈklud; send: sɛnd; %s:", + "include: ɪnˈklud; win: wɪn; %s:", + "like: laɪk; look: lʊk; %s:", + "like: laɪk; require: rɪˈkwaɪər; %s:", + "like: laɪk; send: sɛnd; %s:", + "like: laɪk; win: wɪn; %s:", + "like: laɪk; write: raɪt; %s:", + "look: lʊk; require: rɪˈkwaɪər; %s:", + "look: lʊk; send: sɛnd; %s:", + "look: lʊk; win: wɪn; %s:", + "present tense: %s, pronunciation: /", + "require: rɪˈkwaɪər; look: lʊk; %s:", + "require: rɪˈkwaɪər; send: sɛnd; %s:", + "require: rɪˈkwaɪər; win: wɪn; %s:", + "send: sɛnd; include: ɪnˈklud; %s:", + "send: sɛnd; look: lʊk; %s:", + "send: sɛnd; require: rɪˈkwaɪər; %s:", + "send: sɛnd; win: wɪn; %s:", + "talk: tɔk; look: lʊk; %s:", + "talk: tɔk; require: rɪˈkwaɪər; %s:", + "talk: tɔk; send: sɛnd; %s:", + "talk: tɔk; win: wɪn; %s:", + "tell: tɛl; look: lʊk; %s:", + "tell: tɛl; require: rɪˈkwaɪər; %s:", + "tell: tɛl; send: sɛnd; %s:", + "tell: tɛl; win: wɪn; %s:", + "verb: %s, IPA: /", + "verb: %s, pronunciation: /", + "walk: wɔk; look: lʊk; %s:", + "walk: wɔk; require: rɪˈkwaɪər; %s:", + "walk: wɔk; send: sɛnd; %s:", + "walk: wɔk; win: wɪn; %s:", + "win: wɪn; look: lʊk; %s:", + "win: wɪn; require: rɪˈkwaɪər; %s:", + "win: wɪn; send: sɛnd; %s:", + "win: wɪn; walk: wɔk; %s:", + "word: %s, IPA: /", + "word: %s, pronunciation: /", + "write: raɪt; get: ɡɛt; %s:", + "write: raɪt; look: lʊk; %s:", + "write: raɪt; require: rɪˈkwaɪər; %s:", + "write: raɪt; send: sɛnd; %s:", + "write: raɪt; win: wɪn; %s:" + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/evals/ravel/ravel/data/base/ravel_verb_entity_attributes.json b/evals/ravel/ravel/data/base/ravel_verb_entity_attributes.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bb03eb3 --- /dev/null +++ b/evals/ravel/ravel/data/base/ravel_verb_entity_attributes.json @@ -0,0 +1,5918 @@ +{ + "abandon": { + "Definition": "to leave someone or something and not return", + "Past Tense": "abandoned", + "Pronunciation": "/əˈbændən/", + "Singular": "abandons" + }, + "abolish": { + "Definition": "to get rid of something, to do away with something, to remove something", + "Past Tense": "abolished", + "Pronunciation": "/əˈbɑɫɪʃ/", + "Singular": "abolishes" + }, + "absorb": { + "Definition": "to take in or soak up, to take in or take on", + "Past Tense": "absorbed", + "Pronunciation": "/əbˈzɔɹb/", + "Singular": "absorbs" + }, + "accelerate": { + "Definition": "to make something happen more quickly, to make something happen more quickly", + "Past Tense": "accelerated", + "Pronunciation": "/ækˈsɛɫɝˌeɪt/", + "Singular": "accelerates" + }, + "accept": { + "Definition": "to receive (someone) as a guest or visitor", + "Past Tense": "accepted", + "Pronunciation": "/ækˈsɛpt/, /əkˈsɛpt/", + "Singular": "accepts" + }, + "access": { + "Definition": "to get to know someone or something, to get to know someone or something", + "Past Tense": "accessed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈækˌsɛs/", + "Singular": "accesses" + }, + "accommodate": { + "Definition": "to make suitable or acceptable, to adjust to, to adapt to", + "Past Tense": "accommodated", + "Pronunciation": "/əˈkɑməˌdeɪt/", + "Singular": "accommodates" + }, + "accompany": { + "Definition": "to go with someone or something", + "Past Tense": "accompanied", + "Pronunciation": "/əˈkəmpəni/", + "Singular": "accompanies" + }, + "account": { + "Definition": "to give an account of, to tell about, to report, to describe", + "Past Tense": "accounted", + "Pronunciation": "/əˈkaʊnt/", + "Singular": "accounts" + }, + "accumulate": { + "Definition": "to collect or gather together", + "Past Tense": "accumulated", + "Pronunciation": "/əkˈjumjəˌɫeɪt/", + "Singular": "accumulates" + }, + "accuse": { + "Definition": "to say that someone has done something wrong or illegal", + "Past Tense": "accused", + "Pronunciation": "/əkˈjuz/", + "Singular": "accuses" + }, + "achieve": { + "Definition": "to reach a goal, to succeed, to accomplish, to attain", + "Past Tense": "achieved", + "Pronunciation": "/əˈtʃiv/", + "Singular": "achieves" + }, + "acknowledge": { + "Definition": "to recognize the existence, validity", + "Past Tense": "acknowledged", + "Pronunciation": "/ækˈnɑɫɪdʒ/", + "Singular": "acknowledges" + }, + "acquire": { + "Definition": "to get or obtain", + "Past Tense": "acquired", + "Pronunciation": "/əˈkwaɪɝ/", + "Singular": "acquires" + }, + "act": { + "Definition": "to do something, to perform an action, to behave in a certain way", + "Past Tense": "acted", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈækt/", + "Singular": "acts" + }, + "adapt": { + "Definition": "to change (one's behavior) to suit a new situation", + "Past Tense": "adapted", + "Pronunciation": "/əˈdæpt/", + "Singular": "adapts" + }, + "add": { + "Definition": "to increase in size or amount", + "Past Tense": "added", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈæd/", + "Singular": "adds" + }, + "address": { + "Definition": "to speak to someone in a formal way, especially in a public place", + "Past Tense": "addressed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈæˌdɹɛs/, /əˈdɹɛs/", + "Singular": "addresses" + }, + "adhere": { + "Definition": "to stick to something, to be attached to something", + "Past Tense": "adhered", + "Pronunciation": "/ədˈhɪɹ/", + "Singular": "adheres" + }, + "adjust": { + "Definition": "to make (something) more suitable for a particular purpose", + "Past Tense": "adjusted", + "Pronunciation": "/əˈdʒəst/", + "Singular": "adjusts" + }, + "administer": { + "Definition": "to give medicine to, to give a drug to", + "Past Tense": "administered", + "Pronunciation": "/ədˈmɪnəstɝ/", + "Singular": "administers" + }, + "admire": { + "Definition": "to feel respect and approval for someone or something", + "Past Tense": "admired", + "Pronunciation": "/ædˈmaɪɹ/", + "Singular": "admires" + }, + "admit": { + "Definition": "to allow to enter; to give access to, to grant admission to", + "Past Tense": "admitted", + "Pronunciation": "/ədˈmɪt/", + "Singular": "admits" + }, + "adopt": { + "Definition": "to take on the characteristics of, to become like", + "Past Tense": "adopted", + "Pronunciation": "/əˈdɑpt/", + "Singular": "adopts" + }, + "advance": { + "Definition": "to move forward, to go on, to progress, to develop", + "Past Tense": "advanced", + "Pronunciation": "/ədˈvæns/", + "Singular": "advances" + }, + "advertise": { + "Definition": "to publicize (a product or service) in order to attract customers", + "Past Tense": "advertised", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈædvɝˌtaɪz/", + "Singular": "advertises" + }, + "advise": { + "Definition": "to give advice to (someone)", + "Past Tense": "advised", + "Pronunciation": "/ædˈvaɪz/, /ədˈvaɪz/", + "Singular": "advises" + }, + "affect": { + "Definition": "to have an effect on, to influence, to change, to alter", + "Past Tense": "affected", + "Pronunciation": "/əˈfɛkt/", + "Singular": "affects" + }, + "afford": { + "Definition": "to be able to provide (something)", + "Past Tense": "afforded", + "Pronunciation": "/əˈfɔɹd/", + "Singular": "affords" + }, + "agree": { + "Definition": "to be in accordance with, to be in agreement with", + "Past Tense": "agreed", + "Pronunciation": "/əˈɡɹi/", + "Singular": "agrees" + }, + "aid": { + "Definition": "to help, to make easier, to make possible, to facilitate", + "Past Tense": "aided", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈeɪd/", + "Singular": "aids" + }, + "aim": { + "Definition": "to point a weapon at someone or something", + "Past Tense": "aimed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈeɪm/", + "Singular": "aims" + }, + "alert": { + "Definition": "to warn (someone) of danger", + "Past Tense": "alerted", + "Pronunciation": "/əˈɫɝt/", + "Singular": "alerts" + }, + "alleviate": { + "Definition": "to make less severe or painful, to make easier", + "Past Tense": "alleviated", + "Pronunciation": "/əˈɫiviˌeɪt/", + "Singular": "alleviates" + }, + "allocate": { + "Definition": "to give out or assign to a particular person or cause, to distribute", + "Past Tense": "allocated", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈæɫəˌkeɪt/", + "Singular": "allocates" + }, + "allow": { + "Definition": "to permit or enable", + "Past Tense": "allowed", + "Pronunciation": "/əˈɫaʊ/", + "Singular": "allows" + }, + "alter": { + "Definition": "to change the form of (a word or phrase) by adding prefixes or suffix", + "Past Tense": "altered", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɔɫtɝ/", + "Singular": "alters" + }, + "amend": { + "Definition": "to make changes to (a text, etc.) in order to improve it", + "Past Tense": "amended", + "Pronunciation": "/əˈmɛnd/", + "Singular": "amends" + }, + "amount": { + "Definition": "to be the same as, to be equal to", + "Past Tense": "amounted", + "Pronunciation": "/əˈmaʊnt/", + "Singular": "amounts" + }, + "analyze": { + "Definition": "to examine something in detail, to study it carefully", + "Past Tense": "analyzed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈænəˌɫaɪz/", + "Singular": "analyses" + }, + "anger": { + "Definition": "to feel or show anger", + "Past Tense": "angered", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈæŋɡɝ/", + "Singular": "angers" + }, + "announce": { + "Definition": "to make known, to declare, to proclaim, to publish", + "Past Tense": "announced", + "Pronunciation": "/əˈnaʊns/", + "Singular": "announces" + }, + "answer": { + "Definition": "to respond to a question or request, to reply, to respond", + "Past Tense": "answered", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈænsɝ/", + "Singular": "answers" + }, + "anticipate": { + "Definition": "to expect something to happen in the future", + "Past Tense": "anticipated", + "Pronunciation": "/ænˈtɪsəˌpeɪt/", + "Singular": "anticipates" + }, + "apologize": { + "Definition": "to say that you are sorry for something that you have done or said", + "Past Tense": "apologized", + "Pronunciation": "/əˈpɑɫəˌdʒaɪz/", + "Singular": "apologizes" + }, + "appeal": { + "Definition": "to ask for something, to ask for help", + "Past Tense": "appealed", + "Pronunciation": "/əˈpiɫ/", + "Singular": "appeals" + }, + "appear": { + "Definition": "to be seen or noticed, to be present, to be visible", + "Past Tense": "appeared", + "Pronunciation": "/əˈpɪɹ/", + "Singular": "appears" + }, + "apply": { + "Definition": "to use or make use of, to put to use, to use", + "Past Tense": "applied", + "Pronunciation": "/əˈpɫaɪ/", + "Singular": "applies" + }, + "appoint": { + "Definition": "to give a job to someone, to give someone a position", + "Past Tense": "appointed", + "Pronunciation": "/əˈpɔɪnt/", + "Singular": "appoints" + }, + "appreciate": { + "Definition": "to understand the worth of something, to understand the value of something", + "Past Tense": "appreciated", + "Pronunciation": "/əˈpɹiʃiˌeɪt/", + "Singular": "appreciates" + }, + "approach": { + "Definition": "to come near to, to draw near to, to get near to", + "Past Tense": "approached", + "Pronunciation": "/əˈpɹoʊtʃ/", + "Singular": "approaches" + }, + "approve": { + "Definition": "to give formal approval to, to give permission for", + "Past Tense": "approved", + "Pronunciation": "/əˈpɹuv/", + "Singular": "approves" + }, + "argue": { + "Definition": "to state reasons in support of an idea or proposal", + "Past Tense": "argued", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɑɹɡju/", + "Singular": "argues" + }, + "arise": { + "Definition": "to come into being, to come into existence, to come into view", + "Past Tense": "arose", + "Pronunciation": "/ɝˈaɪz/", + "Singular": "arises" + }, + "arrange": { + "Definition": "to put in a particular order, to make a particular order", + "Past Tense": "arranged", + "Pronunciation": "/ɝˈeɪndʒ/", + "Singular": "arranges" + }, + "arrest": { + "Definition": "to stop someone from doing something, to prevent someone from doing something", + "Past Tense": "arrested", + "Pronunciation": "/ɝˈɛst/", + "Singular": "arrests" + }, + "arrive": { + "Definition": "to come to a place", + "Past Tense": "arrived", + "Pronunciation": "/ɝˈaɪv/", + "Singular": "arrives" + }, + "ascertain": { + "Definition": "to find out or learn about something, especially information about a person or place", + "Past Tense": "ascertained", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌæsɝˈteɪn/", + "Singular": "ascertains" + }, + "ask": { + "Definition": "to request or demand", + "Past Tense": "asked", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈæsk/", + "Singular": "asks" + }, + "assemble": { + "Definition": "to come together, to be collected in one place, to be gathered together", + "Past Tense": "assembled", + "Pronunciation": "/əˈsɛmbəɫ/", + "Singular": "assembles" + }, + "assert": { + "Definition": "to state or affirm positively and forcefully", + "Past Tense": "asserted", + "Pronunciation": "/əˈsɝt/", + "Singular": "asserts" + }, + "assess": { + "Definition": "to estimate the value of something, to judge the worth of something", + "Past Tense": "assessed", + "Pronunciation": "/əˈsɛs/", + "Singular": "assesses" + }, + "assign": { + "Definition": "to give (something) to someone by official decree or lottery", + "Past Tense": "assigned", + "Pronunciation": "/əˈsaɪn/", + "Singular": "assigns" + }, + "assist": { + "Definition": "to help someone, to give support to someone", + "Past Tense": "assisted", + "Pronunciation": "/əˈsɪst/", + "Singular": "assists" + }, + "associate": { + "Definition": "to be connected or related", + "Past Tense": "associated", + "Pronunciation": "/əˈsoʊsiˌeɪt/, /əˈsoʊsiət/, /əˈsoʊʃiˌeɪt/, /əˈsoʊʃiət/", + "Singular": "associates" + }, + "assume": { + "Definition": "to take on a new form or shape, to become, to transform", + "Past Tense": "assumed", + "Pronunciation": "/əˈsum/", + "Singular": "assumes" + }, + "assure": { + "Definition": "to make certain that something will happen or be the case", + "Past Tense": "assured", + "Pronunciation": "/əˈʃʊɹ/", + "Singular": "assures" + }, + "attach": { + "Definition": "to fasten or secure with or as if with hooks", + "Past Tense": "attached", + "Pronunciation": "/əˈtætʃ/", + "Singular": "attaches" + }, + "attack": { + "Definition": "to attack someone or something, to make an attack on someone or something", + "Past Tense": "attacked", + "Pronunciation": "/əˈtæk/", + "Singular": "attacks" + }, + "attain": { + "Definition": "to reach a goal, to achieve something, to succeed", + "Past Tense": "attained", + "Pronunciation": "/əˈteɪn/", + "Singular": "attains" + }, + "attempt": { + "Definition": "to try to do something, to try to achieve something", + "Past Tense": "attempted", + "Pronunciation": "/əˈtɛmpt/", + "Singular": "attempts" + }, + "attend": { + "Definition": "to be present at an event or ceremony, to be in the company of", + "Past Tense": "attended", + "Pronunciation": "/əˈtɛnd/", + "Singular": "attends" + }, + "attract": { + "Definition": "to draw or pull towards oneself", + "Past Tense": "attracted", + "Pronunciation": "/əˈtɹækt/", + "Singular": "attracts" + }, + "attribute": { + "Definition": "to give credit to, to attribute to, to ascribe to", + "Past Tense": "attributed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈætɹəbˌjut/, /əˈtɹɪbˌjut/", + "Singular": "attributes" + }, + "avoid": { + "Definition": "to keep away from, to keep away from, to keep away from", + "Past Tense": "avoided", + "Pronunciation": "/əˈvɔɪd/", + "Singular": "avoids" + }, + "await": { + "Definition": "to wait for, to expect, to look forward to", + "Past Tense": "awaited", + "Pronunciation": "/əˈweɪt/", + "Singular": "awaits" + }, + "award": { + "Definition": "to give (a prize) to someone", + "Past Tense": "awarded", + "Pronunciation": "/əˈwɔɹd/", + "Singular": "awards" + }, + "back": { + "Definition": "to move backwards, to move away from something, to move away from someone", + "Past Tense": "backed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈbæk/", + "Singular": "backs" + }, + "bake": { + "Definition": "to cook (food) in an oven", + "Past Tense": "baked", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈbeɪk/", + "Singular": "bakes" + }, + "balance": { + "Definition": "to be in a state of equilibrium, to be in a state of equilibrium", + "Past Tense": "balanced", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈbæɫəns/", + "Singular": "balances" + }, + "ban": { + "Definition": "to forbid or prohibit", + "Past Tense": "banned", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈbæn/", + "Singular": "bans" + }, + "bang": { + "Definition": "to hit hard, to strike with force, to beat, to hit repeatedly", + "Past Tense": "banged", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈbæŋ/", + "Singular": "bangs" + }, + "base": { + "Definition": "to be the foundation of something", + "Past Tense": "based", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈbeɪs/", + "Singular": "bases" + }, + "be": { + "Definition": "to be, to exist, to happen, to occur, to take place", + "Past Tense": "was", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈbi/, /bi/", + "Singular": "is" + }, + "bear": { + "Definition": "to carry or hold up", + "Past Tense": "beared", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈbɛɹ/", + "Singular": "bears" + }, + "beat": { + "Definition": "to hit repeatedly", + "Past Tense": "beat", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈbit/", + "Singular": "beats" + }, + "become": { + "Definition": "to become, to make something become, to cause something to become", + "Past Tense": "became", + "Pronunciation": "/bɪˈkəm/", + "Singular": "becomes" + }, + "beg": { + "Definition": "to ask for something, to request, to plead, to entreat", + "Past Tense": "begged", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈbɛɡ/", + "Singular": "begs" + }, + "begin": { + "Definition": "to start, to start to do something, to start to happen", + "Past Tense": "began", + "Pronunciation": "/bɪˈɡɪn/", + "Singular": "begins" + }, + "behave": { + "Definition": "to behave in a particular way, to act in a particular way", + "Past Tense": "behaved", + "Pronunciation": "/bɪˈheɪv/", + "Singular": "behaves" + }, + "believe": { + "Definition": "to have confidence or trust in someone or something", + "Past Tense": "believed", + "Pronunciation": "/bɪˈɫiv/", + "Singular": "believes" + }, + "belong": { + "Definition": "to be a member of a group or organization", + "Past Tense": "belonged", + "Pronunciation": "/bɪˈɫɔŋ/", + "Singular": "belongs" + }, + "bend": { + "Definition": "to change the shape of (something) by applying force", + "Past Tense": "bent", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈbɛnd/", + "Singular": "bends" + }, + "benefit": { + "Definition": "to be of use or advantage to someone or something", + "Past Tense": "benefited", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈbɛnəfɪt/", + "Singular": "benefits" + }, + "bet": { + "Definition": "to wager money on the outcome of a game or event", + "Past Tense": "bet", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈbɛt/", + "Singular": "bets" + }, + "bid": { + "Definition": "to make an offer to buy something", + "Past Tense": "bid", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈbɪd/", + "Singular": "bids" + }, + "bind": { + "Definition": "to tie or fasten with a rope or string", + "Past Tense": "bound", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈbaɪnd/", + "Singular": "binds" + }, + "bite": { + "Definition": "to take a bite of something, to eat a small amount of something", + "Past Tense": "bit", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈbaɪt/", + "Singular": "bites" + }, + "blame": { + "Definition": "to hold someone responsible for something bad that has happened", + "Past Tense": "blamed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈbɫeɪm/", + "Singular": "blames" + }, + "blend": { + "Definition": "to mix together, to combine, to mix, to unite", + "Past Tense": "blended", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈbɫɛnd/", + "Singular": "blends" + }, + "bless": { + "Definition": "to say a prayer asking for God's blessing", + "Past Tense": "blessed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈbɫɛs/", + "Singular": "blesses" + }, + "block": { + "Definition": "to prevent passage through or along", + "Past Tense": "blocked", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈbɫɑk/", + "Singular": "blocks" + }, + "blow": { + "Definition": "to make a loud noise", + "Past Tense": "blew", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈbɫoʊ/", + "Singular": "blows" + }, + "board": { + "Definition": "to put on a board, to put on a board", + "Past Tense": "boarded", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈbɔɹd/", + "Singular": "boards" + }, + "boil": { + "Definition": "to cook in boiling water or other hot liquid", + "Past Tense": "boiled", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈbɔɪɫ/", + "Singular": "boils" + }, + "book": { + "Definition": "to write a book", + "Past Tense": "booked", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈbʊk/", + "Singular": "books" + }, + "boost": { + "Definition": "to increase the strength or power of, to increase the strength or power of", + "Past Tense": "boosted", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈbust/", + "Singular": "boosts" + }, + "borrow": { + "Definition": "to take (something) from someone else without permission", + "Past Tense": "borrowed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈbɑˌɹoʊ/", + "Singular": "borrows" + }, + "bother": { + "Definition": "to annoy or irritate someone", + "Past Tense": "bothered", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈbɑðɝ/", + "Singular": "bothers" + }, + "bounce": { + "Definition": "to move up and down, to jump, to rebound", + "Past Tense": "bounced", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈbaʊns/", + "Singular": "bounces" + }, + "break": { + "Definition": "to separate into pieces or fragments, to cause to separate into pieces or fragments", + "Past Tense": "broke", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈbɹeɪk/", + "Singular": "breaks" + }, + "breathe": { + "Definition": "to take in air, to inhale, to draw in", + "Past Tense": "breathed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈbɹið/", + "Singular": "breathes" + }, + "breed": { + "Definition": "to cause to be born, to cause to come into existence", + "Past Tense": "bred", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈbɹid/", + "Singular": "breeds" + }, + "bring": { + "Definition": "to cause to come to the place where you are", + "Past Tense": "brought", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈbɹɪŋ/", + "Singular": "brings" + }, + "broadcast": { + "Definition": "to send out over a wide area", + "Past Tense": "broadcast", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈbɹɔdˌkæst/", + "Singular": "broadcasts" + }, + "brush": { + "Definition": "to move or rub with a brush", + "Past Tense": "brushed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈbɹəʃ/", + "Singular": "brushes" + }, + "build": { + "Definition": "to construct something, to make something, to create something, to form something", + "Past Tense": "built", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈbɪɫd/", + "Singular": "builds" + }, + "burn": { + "Definition": "to cause to undergo combustion", + "Past Tense": "burned", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈbɝn/", + "Singular": "burns" + }, + "burst": { + "Definition": "to break open suddenly", + "Past Tense": "burst", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈbɝst/", + "Singular": "bursts" + }, + "bury": { + "Definition": "to put something in the ground, to put something in a grave", + "Past Tense": "buried", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈbɛɹi/", + "Singular": "buries" + }, + "buy": { + "Definition": "to pay for something, to give money for something, to purchase something", + "Past Tense": "bought", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈbaɪ/", + "Singular": "buys" + }, + "calculate": { + "Definition": "to work out the value of (a number or amount) by performing mathematical operations", + "Past Tense": "calculated", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkæɫkjəˌɫeɪt/", + "Singular": "calculates" + }, + "call": { + "Definition": "to say something to someone, to speak to someone, to talk to someone", + "Past Tense": "called", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkɔɫ/", + "Singular": "calls" + }, + "calm": { + "Definition": "to become calm, to become quiet, to become peaceful", + "Past Tense": "calmed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkɑɫm/, /ˈkɑm/", + "Singular": "calms" + }, + "campaign": { + "Definition": "to try to get people to vote for you in an election", + "Past Tense": "campaigned", + "Pronunciation": "/kæmˈpeɪn/", + "Singular": "campaigns" + }, + "can": { + "Definition": "to be able to do something, to be able to do something", + "Past Tense": "could", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkæn/, /kən/", + "Singular": "can" + }, + "cancel": { + "Definition": "to stop something from happening, to stop something from happening", + "Past Tense": "cancelled", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkænsəɫ/", + "Singular": "cancels" + }, + "capture": { + "Definition": "to take possession of, to seize, to take into custody", + "Past Tense": "captured", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkæptʃɝ/", + "Singular": "captures" + }, + "care": { + "Definition": "to be concerned about someone or something", + "Past Tense": "cared", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkɛɹ/", + "Singular": "cares" + }, + "carry": { + "Definition": "to take something with you, to take something from one place to another", + "Past Tense": "carried", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkæɹi/, /ˈkɛɹi/", + "Singular": "carries" + }, + "cash": { + "Definition": "to pay for something, to give money for something, to pay for something", + "Past Tense": "cashed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkæʃ/", + "Singular": "cashes" + }, + "cast": { + "Definition": "to throw or propel with force", + "Past Tense": "cast", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkæst/", + "Singular": "casts" + }, + "catch": { + "Definition": "to get or receive (something)", + "Past Tense": "caught", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkætʃ/", + "Singular": "catches" + }, + "cater": { + "Definition": "to provide food and drink for (a group of people)", + "Past Tense": "catered", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkeɪtɝ/", + "Singular": "caters" + }, + "cause": { + "Definition": "to cause to be, to cause to happen, to cause to exist", + "Past Tense": "caused", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkɑz/, /ˈkɔz/", + "Singular": "causes" + }, + "cease": { + "Definition": "to stop doing something, to stop being something, to stop existing", + "Past Tense": "ceased", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈsis/", + "Singular": "ceases" + }, + "celebrate": { + "Definition": "to hold a party to celebrate something", + "Past Tense": "celebrated", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈsɛɫəˌbɹeɪt/", + "Singular": "celebrates" + }, + "challenge": { + "Definition": "to ask someone to fight", + "Past Tense": "challenged", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈtʃæɫəndʒ/", + "Singular": "challenges" + }, + "change": { + "Definition": "to change from one form to another, to become different", + "Past Tense": "changed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈtʃeɪndʒ/", + "Singular": "changes" + }, + "charge": { + "Definition": "to make a charge against someone", + "Past Tense": "charged", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈtʃɑɹdʒ/", + "Singular": "charges" + }, + "chase": { + "Definition": "to follow or pursue (someone or something) in order to catch or capture", + "Past Tense": "chased", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈtʃeɪs/", + "Singular": "chases" + }, + "chat": { + "Definition": "to talk in a friendly way, especially in a casual way", + "Past Tense": "chatted", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈtʃæt/", + "Singular": "chats" + }, + "check": { + "Definition": "to examine something carefully, to make sure that it is correct or safe", + "Past Tense": "checked", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈtʃɛk/", + "Singular": "checks" + }, + "cheer": { + "Definition": "to express approval or support", + "Past Tense": "cheered", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈtʃɪɹ/", + "Singular": "cheers" + }, + "choose": { + "Definition": "to select from a number of possibilities, to pick out, to choose from", + "Past Tense": "chose", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈtʃuz/", + "Singular": "chooses" + }, + "chuck": { + "Definition": "to throw or cast with force", + "Past Tense": "chucked", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈtʃək/", + "Singular": "chucks" + }, + "claim": { + "Definition": "to say that something is yours", + "Past Tense": "claimed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkɫeɪm/", + "Singular": "claims" + }, + "clarify": { + "Definition": "to make something clear or easier to understand", + "Past Tense": "clarified", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkɫɛɹəˌfaɪ/", + "Singular": "clarifies" + }, + "classify": { + "Definition": "to arrange in groups according to shared characteristics", + "Past Tense": "classified", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkɫæsəˌfaɪ/", + "Singular": "classifies" + }, + "clean": { + "Definition": "to make clean, to remove dirt from, to wash", + "Past Tense": "cleaned", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkɫin/", + "Singular": "cleans" + }, + "clear": { + "Definition": "to clear the throat", + "Past Tense": "cleared", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkɫɪɹ/", + "Singular": "clears" + }, + "climb": { + "Definition": "to move upward by using your hands and feet, to ascend", + "Past Tense": "climbed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkɫaɪm/", + "Singular": "climbs" + }, + "cling": { + "Definition": "to stick to something, to be attached to something", + "Past Tense": "clung", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkɫɪŋ/", + "Singular": "clings" + }, + "close": { + "Definition": "to stop being open, to stop being available, to stop being accessible", + "Past Tense": "closed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkɫoʊs/, /ˈkɫoʊz/", + "Singular": "closes" + }, + "coach": { + "Definition": "to give someone advice or instructions on how to do something", + "Past Tense": "coached", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkoʊtʃ/", + "Singular": "coaches" + }, + "coincide": { + "Definition": "to be in agreement, to be in harmony, to be in accord", + "Past Tense": "coincided", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌkoʊɪnˈsaɪd/", + "Singular": "coincides" + }, + "collapse": { + "Definition": "to fall down or to fall over", + "Past Tense": "collapsed", + "Pronunciation": "/kəˈɫæps/", + "Singular": "collapses" + }, + "collect": { + "Definition": "to gather or bring together", + "Past Tense": "collected", + "Pronunciation": "/kəˈɫɛkt/", + "Singular": "collects" + }, + "color": { + "Definition": "to make (something) more intense or vivid", + "Past Tense": "colored", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkəɫɝ/, /ˈkɔɫɝ/", + "Singular": "colors" + }, + "combat": { + "Definition": "to fight against (an enemy or opponent)", + "Past Tense": "combated", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkɑmbæt/, /kəmˈbæt/", + "Singular": "combats" + }, + "combine": { + "Definition": "to join together, to unite, to bring together, to put together", + "Past Tense": "combined", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkɑmbaɪn/, /kəmˈbaɪn/", + "Singular": "combines" + }, + "come": { + "Definition": "to arrive at a place", + "Past Tense": "came", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkəm/", + "Singular": "comes" + }, + "comfort": { + "Definition": "to make someone feel better, to make someone feel better", + "Past Tense": "comforted", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkəmfɝt/", + "Singular": "comforts" + }, + "command": { + "Definition": "to give a command to, to order, to direct, to instruct", + "Past Tense": "commanded", + "Pronunciation": "/kəˈmænd/", + "Singular": "commands" + }, + "commence": { + "Definition": "to begin to do something, to start doing something", + "Past Tense": "commenced", + "Pronunciation": "/kəˈmɛns/", + "Singular": "commences" + }, + "comment": { + "Definition": "to say something about something", + "Past Tense": "commented", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkɑmɛnt/", + "Singular": "comments" + }, + "commit": { + "Definition": "to do something wrong or illegal, especially knowingly", + "Past Tense": "committed", + "Pronunciation": "/kəˈmɪt/", + "Singular": "commits" + }, + "communicate": { + "Definition": "to exchange information or messages, to convey, to transmit, to impart", + "Past Tense": "communicated", + "Pronunciation": "/kəmˈjunəˌkeɪt/", + "Singular": "communicates" + }, + "compare": { + "Definition": "to examine or consider in detail", + "Past Tense": "compared", + "Pronunciation": "/kəmˈpɛɹ/", + "Singular": "compares" + }, + "compensate": { + "Definition": "to make up for something", + "Past Tense": "compensated", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkɑmpənˌseɪt/", + "Singular": "compensates" + }, + "compete": { + "Definition": "to try to be better than someone else, to try to be the best", + "Past Tense": "competed", + "Pronunciation": "/kəmˈpit/", + "Singular": "competes" + }, + "complain": { + "Definition": "to express dissatisfaction or annoyance about something", + "Past Tense": "complained", + "Pronunciation": "/kəmˈpɫeɪn/", + "Singular": "complains" + }, + "complement": { + "Definition": "to complete, to make whole, to make perfect, to make complete", + "Past Tense": "complemented", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkɑmpɫəmənt/", + "Singular": "complements" + }, + "complete": { + "Definition": "to finish, to complete, to finish off, to finish up", + "Past Tense": "completed", + "Pronunciation": "/kəmˈpɫit/", + "Singular": "completes" + }, + "comply": { + "Definition": "to do what is required or expected", + "Past Tense": "complied", + "Pronunciation": "/kəmˈpɫaɪ/", + "Singular": "complies" + }, + "comprehend": { + "Definition": "to understand something", + "Past Tense": "comprehended", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌkɑmpɹiˈhɛnd/", + "Singular": "comprehends" + }, + "comprise": { + "Definition": "to include or contain within itself, to consist of", + "Past Tense": "comprised", + "Pronunciation": "/kəmˈpɹaɪz/", + "Singular": "comprises" + }, + "compromise": { + "Definition": "to give in to the demands of the other side", + "Past Tense": "compromised", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkɑmpɹəˌmaɪz/", + "Singular": "compromises" + }, + "conceal": { + "Definition": "to hide something, to keep it secret, to keep it from being seen", + "Past Tense": "concealed", + "Pronunciation": "/kənˈsiɫ/", + "Singular": "conceals" + }, + "concede": { + "Definition": "to give up (a claim or right)", + "Past Tense": "conceded", + "Pronunciation": "/kənˈsid/", + "Singular": "concedes" + }, + "conceive": { + "Definition": "to have an idea of something, to think of something", + "Past Tense": "conceived", + "Pronunciation": "/kənˈsiv/", + "Singular": "conceives" + }, + "concentrate": { + "Definition": "to gather together or focus one's attention", + "Past Tense": "concentrated", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkɑnsənˌtɹeɪt/", + "Singular": "concentrates" + }, + "concern": { + "Definition": "to be worried about something", + "Past Tense": "concerned", + "Pronunciation": "/kənˈsɝn/", + "Singular": "concerns" + }, + "conclude": { + "Definition": "to come to a decision about something, to make a decision about something", + "Past Tense": "concluded", + "Pronunciation": "/kənˈkɫud/", + "Singular": "concludes" + }, + "condemn": { + "Definition": "to express strong disapproval of", + "Past Tense": "condemned", + "Pronunciation": "/kənˈdɛm/", + "Singular": "condemns" + }, + "conduct": { + "Definition": "to lead or guide through a place or situation or course of action", + "Past Tense": "conducted", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkɑndəkt/, /kɑnˈdəkt/", + "Singular": "conducts" + }, + "confer": { + "Definition": "to talk to someone in order to reach an agreement or to exchange information", + "Past Tense": "conferred", + "Pronunciation": "/kənˈfɝ/", + "Singular": "confers" + }, + "confess": { + "Definition": "to admit that you have done something wrong or illegal", + "Past Tense": "confessed", + "Pronunciation": "/kənˈfɛs/", + "Singular": "confesses" + }, + "confirm": { + "Definition": "to make certain of the truth or existence of something", + "Past Tense": "confirmed", + "Pronunciation": "/kənˈfɝm/", + "Singular": "confirms" + }, + "conform": { + "Definition": "to act in accordance with the rules or wishes of others", + "Past Tense": "conformed", + "Pronunciation": "/kənˈfɔɹm/", + "Singular": "conforms" + }, + "confront": { + "Definition": "to face someone or something, to deal with someone or something", + "Past Tense": "confronted", + "Pronunciation": "/kənˈfɹənt/", + "Singular": "confronts" + }, + "confuse": { + "Definition": "to make (someone) believe that something is true when it is not", + "Past Tense": "confused", + "Pronunciation": "/kənˈfjuz/", + "Singular": "confuses" + }, + "congratulate": { + "Definition": "to express approval or admiration", + "Past Tense": "congratulated", + "Pronunciation": "/kənˈɡɹætʃəˌɫeɪt/", + "Singular": "congratulates" + }, + "connect": { + "Definition": "to join or link together, to be connected", + "Past Tense": "connected", + "Pronunciation": "/kəˈnɛkt/", + "Singular": "connects" + }, + "consider": { + "Definition": "to think about carefully, to weigh up", + "Past Tense": "considered", + "Pronunciation": "/kənˈsɪdɝ/", + "Singular": "considers" + }, + "consist": { + "Definition": "to be made up of, to be composed of, to be composed of", + "Past Tense": "consisted", + "Pronunciation": "/kənˈsɪst/", + "Singular": "consists" + }, + "consolidate": { + "Definition": "to make (something) more solid or stronger", + "Past Tense": "consolidated", + "Pronunciation": "/kənˈsɑɫɪˌdeɪt/", + "Singular": "consolidates" + }, + "constitute": { + "Definition": "to be made up of, to be composed of", + "Past Tense": "constituted", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkɑnstəˌtut/", + "Singular": "constitutes" + }, + "construct": { + "Definition": "to make or build something, to create something, to make something", + "Past Tense": "constructed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkɑnstɹəkt/, /kənˈstɹəkt/", + "Singular": "constructs" + }, + "consult": { + "Definition": "to seek advice or information from (someone)", + "Past Tense": "consulted", + "Pronunciation": "/kənˈsəɫt/", + "Singular": "consults" + }, + "consume": { + "Definition": "to use up, to eat up, to use up all of", + "Past Tense": "consumed", + "Pronunciation": "/kənˈsum/", + "Singular": "consumes" + }, + "contact": { + "Definition": "to make contact with, to touch, to come into contact with", + "Past Tense": "contacted", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkɑnˌtækt/", + "Singular": "contacts" + }, + "contain": { + "Definition": "to have (something) as a component or ingredient", + "Past Tense": "contained", + "Pronunciation": "/kənˈteɪn/", + "Singular": "contains" + }, + "contemplate": { + "Definition": "to think about something seriously", + "Past Tense": "contemplated", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkɑntəmˌpɫeɪt/", + "Singular": "contemplates" + }, + "contend": { + "Definition": "to argue or fight over something, to compete for something", + "Past Tense": "contended", + "Pronunciation": "/kənˈtɛnd/", + "Singular": "contends" + }, + "continue": { + "Definition": "to go on, to last, to remain, to persist, to continue", + "Past Tense": "continued", + "Pronunciation": "/kənˈtɪnju/", + "Singular": "continues" + }, + "contract": { + "Definition": "to make a contract, to agree to do something, to make a deal", + "Past Tense": "contracted", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkɑnˌtɹækt/, /kənˈtɹækt/", + "Singular": "contracts" + }, + "contrast": { + "Definition": "to be different from something else", + "Past Tense": "contrasted", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkɑntɹæst/, /kənˈtɹæst/", + "Singular": "contrasts" + }, + "contribute": { + "Definition": "to give something to a group or cause", + "Past Tense": "contributed", + "Pronunciation": "/kənˈtɹɪbjut/", + "Singular": "contributes" + }, + "control": { + "Definition": "to have power over, to dominate, to be in charge of", + "Past Tense": "controlled", + "Pronunciation": "/kənˈtɹoʊɫ/", + "Singular": "controls" + }, + "convert": { + "Definition": "to change (something) into (something) else", + "Past Tense": "converted", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkɑnvɝt/, /kənˈvɝt/", + "Singular": "converts" + }, + "convey": { + "Definition": "to pass on, to transmit, to impart, to communicate", + "Past Tense": "conveyed", + "Pronunciation": "/kənˈveɪ/", + "Singular": "conveys" + }, + "convince": { + "Definition": "to make (someone) believe that (something) is true or right", + "Past Tense": "convinced", + "Pronunciation": "/kənˈvɪns/", + "Singular": "convinces" + }, + "cook": { + "Definition": "to prepare food by applying heat", + "Past Tense": "cooked", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkʊk/", + "Singular": "cooks" + }, + "cool": { + "Definition": "to be cool, to be calm, to be relaxed", + "Past Tense": "cooled", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkuɫ/", + "Singular": "cools" + }, + "cooperate": { + "Definition": "to work together with someone to achieve or do something", + "Past Tense": "cooperated", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkwɑpɝˌeɪt/, /koʊˈɑpɝˌeɪt/", + "Singular": "cooperates" + }, + "coordinate": { + "Definition": "to bring into agreement, to make consistent, to make compatible", + "Past Tense": "coordinated", + "Pronunciation": "/koʊˈɔɹdəˌneɪt/, /koʊˈɔɹdənət/", + "Singular": "coordinates" + }, + "cope": { + "Definition": "to deal with a difficult situation, especially one that causes you to suffer", + "Past Tense": "coped", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkoʊp/", + "Singular": "copes" + }, + "copy": { + "Definition": "to make a copy of something, to make a copy of something", + "Past Tense": "copied", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkɑpi/", + "Singular": "copies" + }, + "correct": { + "Definition": "to make something correct, to make something right, to make something better", + "Past Tense": "corrected", + "Pronunciation": "/kɝˈɛkt/", + "Singular": "corrects" + }, + "correspond": { + "Definition": "to be in agreement, to be similar, to be in accordance", + "Past Tense": "corresponded", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌkɔɹəˈspɑnd/", + "Singular": "corresponds" + }, + "cost": { + "Definition": "to pay for something, to give money for something, to pay for something", + "Past Tense": "cost", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkɑst/, /ˈkɔst/", + "Singular": "costs" + }, + "count": { + "Definition": "to be the number of, to be the amount of", + "Past Tense": "counted", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkaʊnt/", + "Singular": "counts" + }, + "counter": { + "Definition": "to be in opposition to, to be against, to be opposed to", + "Past Tense": "countered", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkaʊntɝ/", + "Singular": "counters" + }, + "cover": { + "Definition": "to protect from the weather, to protect from damage, to conceal", + "Past Tense": "covered", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkəvɝ/", + "Singular": "covers" + }, + "crack": { + "Definition": "to make a sharp noise", + "Past Tense": "cracked", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkɹæk/", + "Singular": "cracks" + }, + "crash": { + "Definition": "to hit something with great force", + "Past Tense": "crashed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkɹæʃ/", + "Singular": "crashes" + }, + "create": { + "Definition": "to make something, to bring something into existence, to cause something to happen", + "Past Tense": "created", + "Pronunciation": "/kɹiˈeɪt/", + "Singular": "creates" + }, + "creep": { + "Definition": "to move slowly and quietly", + "Past Tense": "crept", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkɹip/", + "Singular": "creeps" + }, + "criticize": { + "Definition": "to say that something is wrong or not good enough", + "Past Tense": "criticized", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkɹɪtɪˌsaɪz/", + "Singular": "criticizes" + }, + "cross": { + "Definition": "to go across, to pass from one side to the other", + "Past Tense": "crossed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkɹɔs/", + "Singular": "crosses" + }, + "cry": { + "Definition": "to make a loud noise", + "Past Tense": "cried", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkɹaɪ/", + "Singular": "cries" + }, + "curb": { + "Definition": "to restrain or control", + "Past Tense": "curbed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkɝb/", + "Singular": "curbs" + }, + "cure": { + "Definition": "to make healthy again, to restore to health, to make sound", + "Past Tense": "cured", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkjʊɹ/", + "Singular": "cures" + }, + "cut": { + "Definition": "to cut something into pieces, to cut something into smaller pieces", + "Past Tense": "cut", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkət/", + "Singular": "cuts" + }, + "damage": { + "Definition": "to cause harm to, to cause damage to, to cause injury to", + "Past Tense": "damaged", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈdæmədʒ/, /ˈdæmɪdʒ/", + "Singular": "damages" + }, + "damn": { + "Definition": "to express strong disapproval of", + "Past Tense": "damned", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈdæm/", + "Singular": "damns" + }, + "dance": { + "Definition": "to move rhythmically to music", + "Past Tense": "danced", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈdæns/", + "Singular": "dances" + }, + "dare": { + "Definition": "to be brave enough to do something", + "Past Tense": "dared", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈdɛɹ/", + "Singular": "dare" + }, + "date": { + "Definition": "to go out with someone, to be romantically involved with someone", + "Past Tense": "dated", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈdeɪt/", + "Singular": "dates" + }, + "deal": { + "Definition": "to be in charge of, to be responsible for", + "Past Tense": "dealt", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈdiɫ/", + "Singular": "deals" + }, + "debate": { + "Definition": "to discuss something in a formal meeting", + "Past Tense": "debated", + "Pronunciation": "/dəˈbeɪt/", + "Singular": "debates" + }, + "decide": { + "Definition": "to make a decision, to choose, to select, to pick", + "Past Tense": "decided", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌdɪˈsaɪd/", + "Singular": "decides" + }, + "declare": { + "Definition": "to say that something is true or real", + "Past Tense": "declared", + "Pronunciation": "/dɪˈkɫɛɹ/", + "Singular": "declares" + }, + "decline": { + "Definition": "to become less in amount, value, or strength", + "Past Tense": "declined", + "Pronunciation": "/dɪˈkɫaɪn/", + "Singular": "declines" + }, + "decorate": { + "Definition": "to make something more attractive by adding things to it", + "Past Tense": "decorated", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈdɛkɝˌeɪt/", + "Singular": "decorates" + }, + "decrease": { + "Definition": "to become smaller or less", + "Past Tense": "decreased", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈdiˌkɹis/, /dɪˈkɹis/", + "Singular": "decreases" + }, + "defeat": { + "Definition": "to be defeated, to lose a battle or war", + "Past Tense": "defeated", + "Pronunciation": "/dɪˈfit/", + "Singular": "defeats" + }, + "defend": { + "Definition": "to protect someone or something from attack or harm", + "Past Tense": "defended", + "Pronunciation": "/dɪˈfɛnd/", + "Singular": "defends" + }, + "define": { + "Definition": "to make clear the meaning of (a word, phrase", + "Past Tense": "defined", + "Pronunciation": "/dɪˈfaɪn/", + "Singular": "defines" + }, + "delay": { + "Definition": "to put off, to postpone, to defer", + "Past Tense": "delayed", + "Pronunciation": "/dɪˈɫeɪ/", + "Singular": "delays" + }, + "delete": { + "Definition": "to remove or erase something, to get rid of something", + "Past Tense": "deleted", + "Pronunciation": "/dɪˈɫit/", + "Singular": "deletes" + }, + "deliver": { + "Definition": "to give birth to, to bring forth, to produce, to make", + "Past Tense": "delivered", + "Pronunciation": "/dɪˈɫɪvɝ/", + "Singular": "delivers" + }, + "demand": { + "Definition": "to ask for something, to request, to require, to insist on", + "Past Tense": "demanded", + "Pronunciation": "/dɪˈmænd/", + "Singular": "demands" + }, + "demonstrate": { + "Definition": "to show that something is true or real", + "Past Tense": "demonstrated", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈdɛmənˌstɹeɪt/", + "Singular": "demonstrates" + }, + "deny": { + "Definition": "to refuse to accept or believe, to deny the truth of", + "Past Tense": "denied", + "Pronunciation": "/dɪˈnaɪ/", + "Singular": "denies" + }, + "depart": { + "Definition": "to leave, to go away, to depart, to leave", + "Past Tense": "departed", + "Pronunciation": "/dɪˈpɑɹt/", + "Singular": "departs" + }, + "depend": { + "Definition": "to be dependent on something, to be reliant on something", + "Past Tense": "depended", + "Pronunciation": "/dɪˈpɛnd/", + "Singular": "depends" + }, + "derive": { + "Definition": "to get or obtain something", + "Past Tense": "derived", + "Pronunciation": "/dɝˈaɪv/", + "Singular": "derives" + }, + "descend": { + "Definition": "to move downward, to go down, to come down, to fall", + "Past Tense": "descended", + "Pronunciation": "/dɪˈsɛnd/", + "Singular": "descends" + }, + "describe": { + "Definition": "to give a description of", + "Past Tense": "described", + "Pronunciation": "/dɪsˈkɹaɪb/", + "Singular": "describes" + }, + "deserve": { + "Definition": "to be worthy of, to be deserving of, to be qualified for", + "Past Tense": "deserved", + "Pronunciation": "/dɪˈzɝv/", + "Singular": "deserves" + }, + "design": { + "Definition": "to make a plan for something", + "Past Tense": "designed", + "Pronunciation": "/dɪˈzaɪn/", + "Singular": "designs" + }, + "desire": { + "Definition": "to want something or someone very much, to long for, to crave", + "Past Tense": "desired", + "Pronunciation": "/dɪˈzaɪɝ/", + "Singular": "desires" + }, + "destroy": { + "Definition": "to kill or destroy someone or something", + "Past Tense": "destroyed", + "Pronunciation": "/dɪˈstɹɔɪ/", + "Singular": "destroys" + }, + "detect": { + "Definition": "to find out or learn about something, especially by searching or looking carefully", + "Past Tense": "detected", + "Pronunciation": "/dɪˈtɛkt/", + "Singular": "detects" + }, + "deter": { + "Definition": "to discourage or prevent (someone) from doing something", + "Past Tense": "deterred", + "Pronunciation": "/dɪˈtɝ/", + "Singular": "deters" + }, + "determine": { + "Definition": "to find out or learn about something, to find out or learn about something", + "Past Tense": "determined", + "Pronunciation": "/dəˈtɝmən/, /dɪˈtɝmən/", + "Singular": "determines" + }, + "develop": { + "Definition": "to become more advanced, to grow, to increase in size", + "Past Tense": "developed", + "Pronunciation": "/dɪˈvɛɫəp/", + "Singular": "develops" + }, + "devise": { + "Definition": "to plan or contrive something", + "Past Tense": "devised", + "Pronunciation": "/dɪˈvaɪs/, /dɪˈvaɪz/", + "Singular": "devises" + }, + "devote": { + "Definition": "to give or apply to a particular person or purpose", + "Past Tense": "devoted", + "Pronunciation": "/dɪˈvoʊt/", + "Singular": "devotes" + }, + "dictate": { + "Definition": "to give orders or instructions, to make decisions, to control", + "Past Tense": "dictated", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈdɪkˌteɪt/, /dɪkˈteɪt/", + "Singular": "dictates" + }, + "die": { + "Definition": "to stop living", + "Past Tense": "died", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈdaɪ/", + "Singular": "dies" + }, + "differ": { + "Definition": "to be different, to be different from something else", + "Past Tense": "differed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈdɪfɝ/", + "Singular": "differs" + }, + "differentiate": { + "Definition": "to make or become different, to distinguish, to separate, to distinguish between", + "Past Tense": "differentiated", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌdɪfɝˈɛnʃiˌeɪt/, /ˌdɪfɝˈɛntʃiˌeɪt/", + "Singular": "differentiates" + }, + "dig": { + "Definition": "to make a hole in the ground with a tool", + "Past Tense": "dug", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈdɪɡ/", + "Singular": "digs" + }, + "diminish": { + "Definition": "to make something smaller or less", + "Past Tense": "diminished", + "Pronunciation": "/dɪˈmɪnɪʃ/", + "Singular": "diminishes" + }, + "dip": { + "Definition": "to lower something into a liquid", + "Past Tense": "dipped", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈdɪp/", + "Singular": "dips" + }, + "direct": { + "Definition": "to direct the course of; \"The river takes a sharp turn here\"", + "Past Tense": "directed", + "Pronunciation": "/daɪˈɹɛkt/, /dɝˈɛkt/, /dɪˈɹɛkt/", + "Singular": "directs" + }, + "disagree": { + "Definition": "to express opposition to something, to be against something, to be against something", + "Past Tense": "disagreed", + "Pronunciation": "/dɪsəˈɡɹi/", + "Singular": "disagrees" + }, + "disappear": { + "Definition": "to go away, to leave, to go out of sight", + "Past Tense": "disappeared", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌdɪsəˈpiɹ/, /ˌdɪsəˈpɪɹ/", + "Singular": "disappears" + }, + "discharge": { + "Definition": "to release (a person from a duty or obligation)", + "Past Tense": "discharged", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈdɪsˌtʃɑɹdʒ/, /dɪsˈtʃɑɹdʒ/", + "Singular": "discharges" + }, + "disclose": { + "Definition": "to make known, to reveal, to divulge", + "Past Tense": "disclosed", + "Pronunciation": "/dɪˈskɫoʊz/", + "Singular": "discloses" + }, + "discourage": { + "Definition": "to make someone feel less confident or enthusiastic about something", + "Past Tense": "discouraged", + "Pronunciation": "/dɪˈskɝɪdʒ/", + "Singular": "discourages" + }, + "discover": { + "Definition": "to find out or learn about something, to find out or learn about something", + "Past Tense": "discovered", + "Pronunciation": "/dɪˈskəvɝ/", + "Singular": "discovers" + }, + "discriminate": { + "Definition": "to distinguish between people or things, to make a distinction between people or things", + "Past Tense": "discriminated", + "Pronunciation": "/dɪsˈkɹɪməˌneɪt/", + "Singular": "discriminates" + }, + "discuss": { + "Definition": "to talk about something in a formal way, especially in a meeting", + "Past Tense": "discussed", + "Pronunciation": "/dɪˈskəs/", + "Singular": "discusses" + }, + "disguise": { + "Definition": "to make someone or something look different from what it really is", + "Past Tense": "disguised", + "Pronunciation": "/dɪsˈɡaɪz/", + "Singular": "disguises" + }, + "dislike": { + "Definition": "to dislike or not like something", + "Past Tense": "disliked", + "Pronunciation": "/dɪˈsɫaɪk/", + "Singular": "dislikes" + }, + "dismiss": { + "Definition": "to send away, to get rid of, to reject, to discharge", + "Past Tense": "dismissed", + "Pronunciation": "/dɪsˈmɪs/", + "Singular": "dismisses" + }, + "display": { + "Definition": "to show or exhibit, to make visible or noticeable", + "Past Tense": "displayed", + "Pronunciation": "/dɪsˈpɫeɪ/", + "Singular": "displays" + }, + "dispose": { + "Definition": "to arrange or place in a particular position or location", + "Past Tense": "disposed", + "Pronunciation": "/dɪˈspoʊz/", + "Singular": "disposes" + }, + "disrupt": { + "Definition": "to cause to be unable to function properly", + "Past Tense": "disrupted", + "Pronunciation": "/dɪsˈɹəpt/", + "Singular": "disrupts" + }, + "dissolve": { + "Definition": "to cause to become liquid, to make liquid, to make something liquid", + "Past Tense": "dissolved", + "Pronunciation": "/dɪˈzɑɫv/", + "Singular": "dissolves" + }, + "distinguish": { + "Definition": "to be able to tell the difference between two things", + "Past Tense": "distinguished", + "Pronunciation": "/dɪˈstɪŋɡwɪʃ/", + "Singular": "distinguishes" + }, + "distribute": { + "Definition": "to give out, to spread out, to disperse, to scatter", + "Past Tense": "distributed", + "Pronunciation": "/dɪˈstɹɪbjut/", + "Singular": "distributes" + }, + "disturb": { + "Definition": "to make a disturbance, to cause trouble, to cause a disturbance", + "Past Tense": "disturbed", + "Pronunciation": "/dɪˈstɝb/", + "Singular": "disturbs" + }, + "divert": { + "Definition": "to cause to go in another direction, to cause to change direction", + "Past Tense": "diverted", + "Pronunciation": "/daɪˈvɝt/, /dɪˈvɝt/", + "Singular": "diverts" + }, + "divide": { + "Definition": "to separate into two or more parts, to make into two or more parts", + "Past Tense": "divided", + "Pronunciation": "/dɪˈvaɪd/", + "Singular": "divides" + }, + "divorce": { + "Definition": "to end a marriage by legal action", + "Past Tense": "divorced", + "Pronunciation": "/dɪˈvɔɹs/", + "Singular": "divorces" + }, + "do": { + "Definition": "to perform an action, to carry out a task, to do something", + "Past Tense": "did", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈdu/", + "Singular": "does" + }, + "dominate": { + "Definition": "to be in control of, to be the boss of", + "Past Tense": "dominated", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈdɑməˌneɪt/", + "Singular": "dominates" + }, + "double": { + "Definition": "to increase in size or amount", + "Past Tense": "doubled", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈdəbəɫ/", + "Singular": "doubles" + }, + "doubt": { + "Definition": "to have doubts about something", + "Past Tense": "doubted", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈdaʊt/", + "Singular": "doubts" + }, + "draft": { + "Definition": "to write a document", + "Past Tense": "drafted", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈdɹæft/", + "Singular": "drafts" + }, + "drag": { + "Definition": "to pull or draw with force", + "Past Tense": "dragged", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈdɹæɡ/", + "Singular": "drags" + }, + "drain": { + "Definition": "to remove liquid from (something) by suction", + "Past Tense": "drained", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈdɹeɪn/", + "Singular": "drains" + }, + "draw": { + "Definition": "to pull or drag, to move or take (something) along", + "Past Tense": "drew", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈdɹɔ/", + "Singular": "draws" + }, + "dream": { + "Definition": "to imagine things that are not real", + "Past Tense": "dreamed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈdɹim/", + "Singular": "dreams" + }, + "dress": { + "Definition": "to put on clothes, to wear clothes, to clothe", + "Past Tense": "dressed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈdɹɛs/", + "Singular": "dresses" + }, + "drift": { + "Definition": "to move or cause to move slowly and gently", + "Past Tense": "drifted", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈdɹɪft/", + "Singular": "drifts" + }, + "drink": { + "Definition": "to take in liquids", + "Past Tense": "drank", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈdɹɪŋk/", + "Singular": "drinks" + }, + "drive": { + "Definition": "to force someone to do something, to make someone do something", + "Past Tense": "drove", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈdɹaɪv/", + "Singular": "drives" + }, + "drop": { + "Definition": "to fall or be dropped", + "Past Tense": "dropped", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈdɹɑp/, /ˈdɹɔp/", + "Singular": "drops" + }, + "drown": { + "Definition": "to kill by submersion in water or other liquid", + "Past Tense": "drowned", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈdɹaʊn/", + "Singular": "drowns" + }, + "dwell": { + "Definition": "to live in a place for a long time", + "Past Tense": "dwelt", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈdwɛɫ/", + "Singular": "dwells" + }, + "earn": { + "Definition": "to gain or win by one's efforts", + "Past Tense": "earned", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɝn/", + "Singular": "earns" + }, + "ease": { + "Definition": "to make easier, to make less difficult, to make easier to do", + "Past Tense": "eased", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈiz/", + "Singular": "eases" + }, + "eat": { + "Definition": "to take food into the body by the mouth", + "Past Tense": "ate", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈit/", + "Singular": "eats" + }, + "echo": { + "Definition": "to repeat or imitate", + "Past Tense": "echoed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɛkoʊ/", + "Singular": "echoes" + }, + "edit": { + "Definition": "to make changes to a text or other piece of writing", + "Past Tense": "edited", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɛdət/", + "Singular": "edits" + }, + "educate": { + "Definition": "to teach someone about a particular subject", + "Past Tense": "educated", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɛdʒəˌkeɪt/, /ˈɛdʒjuˌkeɪt/", + "Singular": "educates" + }, + "effect": { + "Definition": "to cause to happen or to become", + "Past Tense": "effected", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈifɛkt/, /əˈfɛkt/, /ɪˈfɛkt/", + "Singular": "effects" + }, + "elect": { + "Definition": "to choose or select, to make a decision, to choose, to pick", + "Past Tense": "elected", + "Pronunciation": "/ɪˈɫɛkt/", + "Singular": "elects" + }, + "eliminate": { + "Definition": "to get rid of, to remove, to do away with", + "Past Tense": "eliminated", + "Pronunciation": "/ɪˈɫɪməˌneɪt/", + "Singular": "eliminates" + }, + "embark": { + "Definition": "to begin to do something, to start, to begin, to start on", + "Past Tense": "embarked", + "Pronunciation": "/ɛmˈbɑɹk/, /ɪmˈbɑɹk/", + "Singular": "embarks" + }, + "embrace": { + "Definition": "to accept or include (someone or something) as part of a group or set", + "Past Tense": "embraced", + "Pronunciation": "/ɛmˈbɹeɪs/, /ɪmˈbɹeɪs/", + "Singular": "embraces" + }, + "emerge": { + "Definition": "to come out of something, to come out of a place", + "Past Tense": "emerged", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈimɝdʒ/, /ɪˈmɝdʒ/", + "Singular": "emerges" + }, + "emphasize": { + "Definition": "to make something more important or noticeable", + "Past Tense": "emphasized", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɛmfəˌsaɪz/", + "Singular": "emphasizes" + }, + "employ": { + "Definition": "to use (a person or thing) for a particular purpose or for one's", + "Past Tense": "employed", + "Pronunciation": "/ɛmˈpɫɔɪ/, /ɪmˈpɫɔɪ/", + "Singular": "employs" + }, + "empty": { + "Definition": "to remove all the contents of (a container)", + "Past Tense": "emptied", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɛmpti/, /ˈɛmti/", + "Singular": "empties" + }, + "enable": { + "Definition": "to make (something) possible, to make (something) possible or easier", + "Past Tense": "enabled", + "Pronunciation": "/ɛˈneɪbəɫ/, /ɪˈneɪbəɫ/", + "Singular": "enables" + }, + "enclose": { + "Definition": "to put or keep (someone or something) in a place or container", + "Past Tense": "enclosed", + "Pronunciation": "/ɪnˈkɫoʊz/", + "Singular": "encloses" + }, + "encounter": { + "Definition": "to meet someone or something, to come into contact with someone or something", + "Past Tense": "encountered", + "Pronunciation": "/ɪnˈkaʊnɝ/, /ɪnˈkaʊntɝ/", + "Singular": "encounters" + }, + "encourage": { + "Definition": "to give someone hope or confidence", + "Past Tense": "encouraged", + "Pronunciation": "/ɛnˈkɝɪdʒ/, /ɪnˈkɝədʒ/", + "Singular": "encourages" + }, + "end": { + "Definition": "to come to an end, to stop, to finish, to conclude", + "Past Tense": "ended", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɛnd/", + "Singular": "ends" + }, + "endorse": { + "Definition": "to approve of something, to support something, to recommend something", + "Past Tense": "endorsed", + "Pronunciation": "/ɛnˈdɔɹs/", + "Singular": "endorses" + }, + "endure": { + "Definition": "to be able to tolerate something unpleasant or difficult", + "Past Tense": "endured", + "Pronunciation": "/ɛnˈdjʊɹ/, /ɪnˈdʊɹ/", + "Singular": "endures" + }, + "enforce": { + "Definition": "to make (someone) obey a rule or a law", + "Past Tense": "enforced", + "Pronunciation": "/ɛnˈfɔɹs/", + "Singular": "enforces" + }, + "engage": { + "Definition": "to get involved in a fight or argument", + "Past Tense": "engaged", + "Pronunciation": "/ɛnˈɡeɪdʒ/", + "Singular": "engages" + }, + "enhance": { + "Definition": "to make something better", + "Past Tense": "enhanced", + "Pronunciation": "/ɛnˈhæns/", + "Singular": "enhances" + }, + "enjoy": { + "Definition": "to take pleasure in something, to feel happy about something, to like something", + "Past Tense": "enjoyed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌɛnˈdʒɔɪ/, /ɪnˈdʒɔɪ/", + "Singular": "enjoys" + }, + "ensure": { + "Definition": "to make certain that something will happen or be the case", + "Past Tense": "ensured", + "Pronunciation": "/ɛnˈʃʊɹ/, /ɪnˈʃʊɹ/", + "Singular": "ensures" + }, + "entail": { + "Definition": "to involve or be involved in", + "Past Tense": "entailed", + "Pronunciation": "/ɛnˈteɪɫ/", + "Singular": "entails" + }, + "enter": { + "Definition": "to go into a place", + "Past Tense": "entered", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɛnɝ/, /ˈɛntɝ/", + "Singular": "enters" + }, + "entertain": { + "Definition": "to amuse or entertain, to make happy", + "Past Tense": "entertained", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌɛnɝˈteɪn/, /ˌɛntɝˈteɪn/", + "Singular": "entertains" + }, + "envisage": { + "Definition": "to imagine or visualize something", + "Past Tense": "envisaged", + "Pronunciation": "/ɛnˈvɪzɪdʒ/", + "Singular": "envisages" + }, + "escape": { + "Definition": "to get away from a place or situation, to leave", + "Past Tense": "escaped", + "Pronunciation": "/ɪˈskeɪp/", + "Singular": "escapes" + }, + "establish": { + "Definition": "to make something official, to make something official, to make something official", + "Past Tense": "established", + "Pronunciation": "/ɪˈstæbɫɪʃ/", + "Singular": "establishes" + }, + "estimate": { + "Definition": "to judge the value of something, to estimate the value of something", + "Past Tense": "estimated", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɛstəˌmeɪt/, /ˈɛstəmət/", + "Singular": "estimates" + }, + "evaluate": { + "Definition": "to form an opinion about something or someone, based on the facts and circumstances", + "Past Tense": "evaluated", + "Pronunciation": "/iˈvæɫjuˌeɪt/, /ɪˈvæɫjuˌeɪt/", + "Singular": "evaluates" + }, + "evolve": { + "Definition": "to develop or change gradually over time", + "Past Tense": "evolved", + "Pronunciation": "/iˈvɑɫv/, /ɪˈvɑɫv/", + "Singular": "evolves" + }, + "examine": { + "Definition": "to look at something carefully, to study it", + "Past Tense": "examined", + "Pronunciation": "/ɪɡˈzæmɪn/", + "Singular": "examines" + }, + "exceed": { + "Definition": "to be more than, to be greater than, to be superior to", + "Past Tense": "exceeded", + "Pronunciation": "/ɪkˈsid/", + "Singular": "exceeds" + }, + "exchange": { + "Definition": "to give or receive something in return", + "Past Tense": "exchanged", + "Pronunciation": "/ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ/", + "Singular": "exchanges" + }, + "exclude": { + "Definition": "to keep out, to keep away from, to keep from", + "Past Tense": "excluded", + "Pronunciation": "/ɪkˈskɫud/", + "Singular": "excludes" + }, + "excuse": { + "Definition": "to make an excuse for (someone or something)", + "Past Tense": "excused", + "Pronunciation": "/ɪkˈskjus/, /ɪkˈskjuz/", + "Singular": "excuses" + }, + "execute": { + "Definition": "to carry out, to do, to perform, to accomplish, to achieve", + "Past Tense": "executed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɛksəkˌjut/", + "Singular": "executes" + }, + "exercise": { + "Definition": "to do something in order to keep fit or healthy", + "Past Tense": "exercised", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɛksɝˌsaɪz/", + "Singular": "exercises" + }, + "exert": { + "Definition": "to use physical or mental energy to do something or to make something happen", + "Past Tense": "exerted", + "Pronunciation": "/ɪɡˈzɝt/", + "Singular": "exerts" + }, + "exhibit": { + "Definition": "to show or demonstrate, to make known, to display, to manifest", + "Past Tense": "exhibited", + "Pronunciation": "/ɪɡˈzɪbɪt/", + "Singular": "exhibits" + }, + "exist": { + "Definition": "to be present, to be in existence, to be real", + "Past Tense": "existed", + "Pronunciation": "/ɪɡˈzɪst/", + "Singular": "exists" + }, + "expand": { + "Definition": "to increase in size or volume, to become larger, to grow", + "Past Tense": "expanded", + "Pronunciation": "/ɪkˈspænd/", + "Singular": "expands" + }, + "expect": { + "Definition": "to think that something will happen or be the case", + "Past Tense": "expected", + "Pronunciation": "/ɪkˈspɛkt/", + "Singular": "expects" + }, + "experience": { + "Definition": "to have a feeling or impression of something", + "Past Tense": "experienced", + "Pronunciation": "/ɪkˈspɪɹiəns/", + "Singular": "experiences" + }, + "experiment": { + "Definition": "to try something new, to try something for the first time", + "Past Tense": "experimented", + "Pronunciation": "/ɪkˈspɛɹəmənt/", + "Singular": "experiments" + }, + "explain": { + "Definition": "to make clear, to make known, to make understandable", + "Past Tense": "explained", + "Pronunciation": "/ɪksˈpɫeɪn/", + "Singular": "explains" + }, + "explode": { + "Definition": "to suddenly burst open, to break open with a loud noise", + "Past Tense": "exploded", + "Pronunciation": "/ɪksˈpɫoʊd/", + "Singular": "explodes" + }, + "exploit": { + "Definition": "to use (something) to one's advantage", + "Past Tense": "exploited", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɛksˌpɫɔɪt/, /ˌɛksˈpɫɔɪt/", + "Singular": "exploits" + }, + "explore": { + "Definition": "to go to a place to find out about it", + "Past Tense": "explored", + "Pronunciation": "/ɪksˈpɫɔɹ/", + "Singular": "explores" + }, + "export": { + "Definition": "to send goods to another country, to sell goods in another country", + "Past Tense": "exported", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɛkspɔɹt/", + "Singular": "exports" + }, + "expose": { + "Definition": "to make (someone or something) visible to the public", + "Past Tense": "exposed", + "Pronunciation": "/ɪkˈspoʊz/", + "Singular": "exposes" + }, + "express": { + "Definition": "to say or write something, to express something, to make something known", + "Past Tense": "expressed", + "Pronunciation": "/ɪksˈpɹɛs/", + "Singular": "expresses" + }, + "extend": { + "Definition": "to make longer, to increase in length, to stretch out", + "Past Tense": "extended", + "Pronunciation": "/ɪkˈstɛnd/", + "Singular": "extends" + }, + "extract": { + "Definition": "to remove (something) from a substance or place, to take out", + "Past Tense": "extracted", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɛkˌstɹækt/, /ɪkˈstɹækt/", + "Singular": "extracts" + }, + "face": { + "Definition": "to look at someone or something", + "Past Tense": "faced", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈfeɪs/", + "Singular": "faces" + }, + "facilitate": { + "Definition": "to make something easier or more convenient", + "Past Tense": "facilitated", + "Pronunciation": "/fəˈsɪɫəˌteɪt/", + "Singular": "facilitates" + }, + "fade": { + "Definition": "to become less bright or clear, to become less intense", + "Past Tense": "faded", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈfeɪd/", + "Singular": "fades" + }, + "fail": { + "Definition": "to be unsuccessful, to be defeated", + "Past Tense": "failed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈfeɪɫ/", + "Singular": "fails" + }, + "fall": { + "Definition": "to fall down, to fall to the ground, to fall from a height", + "Past Tense": "fell", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈfɑɫ/, /ˈfɔɫ/", + "Singular": "falls" + }, + "fancy": { + "Definition": "to think of something as being better than it really is", + "Past Tense": "fancied", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈfænsi/", + "Singular": "fancies" + }, + "favor": { + "Definition": "to like or support", + "Past Tense": "favored", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈfeɪvɝ/", + "Singular": "favors" + }, + "fear": { + "Definition": "to be afraid of something", + "Past Tense": "feared", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈfɪɹ/", + "Singular": "fears" + }, + "feature": { + "Definition": "to have a particular quality or characteristic", + "Past Tense": "featured", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈfitʃɝ/", + "Singular": "features" + }, + "feel": { + "Definition": "to have a feeling, to have a sensation", + "Past Tense": "felt", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈfiɫ/", + "Singular": "feels" + }, + "fetch": { + "Definition": "to go and get something, to bring something back", + "Past Tense": "fetched", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈfɛtʃ/", + "Singular": "fetches" + }, + "fight": { + "Definition": "to fight against someone or something, to fight against something", + "Past Tense": "fought", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈfaɪt/", + "Singular": "fights" + }, + "figure": { + "Definition": "to calculate, to work out, to solve, to determine, to calculate", + "Past Tense": "figured", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈfɪɡjɝ/", + "Singular": "figures" + }, + "file": { + "Definition": "to put in a file, to put in a computer file", + "Past Tense": "filed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈfaɪɫ/", + "Singular": "files" + }, + "fill": { + "Definition": "to be full of, to be completely filled with", + "Past Tense": "filled", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈfɪɫ/", + "Singular": "fills" + }, + "finance": { + "Definition": "to provide with money or other resources, to provide with funds", + "Past Tense": "financed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈfaɪˌnæns/, /fəˈnæns/, /fɪˈnæns/", + "Singular": "finances" + }, + "find": { + "Definition": "to discover or learn about (something) by chance", + "Past Tense": "found", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈfaɪnd/", + "Singular": "finds" + }, + "finish": { + "Definition": "to complete (a task or action)", + "Past Tense": "finished", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈfɪnɪʃ/", + "Singular": "finishes" + }, + "fire": { + "Definition": "to set fire to something, to burn something", + "Past Tense": "fired", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈfaɪɝ/, /ˈfaɪɹ/", + "Singular": "fires" + }, + "fish": { + "Definition": "to catch fish, to catch fish, to catch fish, to catch fish", + "Past Tense": "fished", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈfɪʃ/", + "Singular": "fishes" + }, + "fit": { + "Definition": "to be suitable for a particular purpose or situation", + "Past Tense": "fitted", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈfɪt/", + "Singular": "fits" + }, + "fix": { + "Definition": "to make something better, to improve, to repair, to mend", + "Past Tense": "fixed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈfɪks/", + "Singular": "fixes" + }, + "flee": { + "Definition": "to run away from a place or situation, to escape from, to avoid", + "Past Tense": "fled", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈfɫi/", + "Singular": "flees" + }, + "float": { + "Definition": "to move through the air, to be suspended in the air", + "Past Tense": "floated", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈfɫoʊt/", + "Singular": "floats" + }, + "flourish": { + "Definition": "to grow or develop vigorously, to thrive, to prosper", + "Past Tense": "flourished", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈfɫɝɪʃ/", + "Singular": "flourishes" + }, + "flow": { + "Definition": "to move in a stream or river, to move in a continuous stream", + "Past Tense": "flowed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈfɫoʊ/", + "Singular": "flows" + }, + "focus": { + "Definition": "to concentrate on something, to concentrate on a particular thing", + "Past Tense": "focused", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈfoʊkəs/, /ˈfoʊkɪs/", + "Singular": "focuses" + }, + "fold": { + "Definition": "to bend or crease (a piece of paper", + "Past Tense": "folded", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈfoʊɫd/", + "Singular": "folds" + }, + "follow": { + "Definition": "to go after, to pursue, to chase, to track", + "Past Tense": "followed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈfɑɫoʊ/", + "Singular": "follows" + }, + "fool": { + "Definition": "to make a fool of (someone)", + "Past Tense": "fooled", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈfuɫ/", + "Singular": "fools" + }, + "force": { + "Definition": "to make someone do something, to make someone do something", + "Past Tense": "forced", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈfɔɹs/", + "Singular": "forces" + }, + "forecast": { + "Definition": "to predict the future", + "Past Tense": "forecast", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈfɔɹˌkæst/", + "Singular": "forecasts" + }, + "forget": { + "Definition": "to stop remembering something", + "Past Tense": "forgot", + "Pronunciation": "/fɝˈɡɛt/, /fɔɹˈɡɛt/", + "Singular": "forgets" + }, + "forgive": { + "Definition": "to stop feeling angry or resentful toward (someone) for an offense", + "Past Tense": "forgave", + "Pronunciation": "/fɝˈɡɪv/, /fɔɹˈɡɪv/", + "Singular": "forgives" + }, + "form": { + "Definition": "to form, to make, to create, to produce, to manufacture", + "Past Tense": "formed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈfɔɹm/", + "Singular": "forms" + }, + "formulate": { + "Definition": "to express in words, to give a name to, to describe", + "Past Tense": "formulated", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈfɔɹmjəˌɫeɪt/", + "Singular": "formulates" + }, + "foster": { + "Definition": "to encourage the growth of, to promote the development of", + "Past Tense": "fostered", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈfɑstɝ/", + "Singular": "fosters" + }, + "free": { + "Definition": "to be free from something, to be free from a particular thing", + "Past Tense": "freed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈfɹi/", + "Singular": "frees" + }, + "freeze": { + "Definition": "to become very cold, to become very stiff or rigid", + "Past Tense": "froze", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈfɹiz/", + "Singular": "freezes" + }, + "frighten": { + "Definition": "to make someone feel afraid", + "Past Tense": "frightened", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈfɹaɪtən/", + "Singular": "frightens" + }, + "fry": { + "Definition": "to cook in hot fat or oil, to cook in hot fat or oil", + "Past Tense": "fried", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈfɹaɪ/", + "Singular": "fries" + }, + "fuck": { + "Definition": "to have sex with", + "Past Tense": "fucked", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈfək/", + "Singular": "fucks" + }, + "fulfill": { + "Definition": "to complete (an order, request, or need)", + "Past Tense": "fulfilled", + "Pronunciation": "/fʊɫˈfɪɫ/", + "Singular": "fulfills" + }, + "function": { + "Definition": "to be a function of something", + "Past Tense": "functioned", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈfəŋkʃən/", + "Singular": "functions" + }, + "fund": { + "Definition": "to provide money for (something)", + "Past Tense": "funded", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈfənd/", + "Singular": "funds" + }, + "gain": { + "Definition": "to get or achieve something", + "Past Tense": "gained", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɡeɪn/", + "Singular": "gains" + }, + "gather": { + "Definition": "to collect (money)", + "Past Tense": "gathered", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɡæðɝ/", + "Singular": "gathers" + }, + "generate": { + "Definition": "to produce (something) by a process of manufacture or creation", + "Past Tense": "generated", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈdʒɛnɝˌeɪt/", + "Singular": "generates" + }, + "get": { + "Definition": "to move closer to something, to move towards something, to move towards someone", + "Past Tense": "got", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɡɛt/, /ˈɡɪt/", + "Singular": "gets" + }, + "give": { + "Definition": "to cause to be in a certain state, position, or activity", + "Past Tense": "gave", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɡɪv/", + "Singular": "gives" + }, + "go": { + "Definition": "to move from one place to another, to travel, to move around", + "Past Tense": "went", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɡoʊ/", + "Singular": "goes" + }, + "govern": { + "Definition": "to control or direct, to be in charge of", + "Past Tense": "governed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɡəvɝn/", + "Singular": "governs" + }, + "grab": { + "Definition": "to take hold of something, to seize, to take possession of", + "Past Tense": "grabbed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɡɹæb/", + "Singular": "grabs" + }, + "grade": { + "Definition": "to give a grade to, to assess the quality of, to evaluate", + "Past Tense": "graded", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɡɹeɪd/", + "Singular": "grades" + }, + "grant": { + "Definition": "to give (something) to someone by official permission or as a favor", + "Past Tense": "granted", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɡɹænt/", + "Singular": "grants" + }, + "grasp": { + "Definition": "to understand something, to get a good idea of something", + "Past Tense": "grasped", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɡɹæsp/", + "Singular": "grasps" + }, + "greet": { + "Definition": "to say hello to someone, to welcome someone, to say hello to someone", + "Past Tense": "greeted", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɡɹit/", + "Singular": "greets" + }, + "grow": { + "Definition": "to become larger or more numerous", + "Past Tense": "grew", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɡɹoʊ/", + "Singular": "grows" + }, + "guarantee": { + "Definition": "to promise to do something, to make a promise, to assure", + "Past Tense": "guaranteed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌɡɛɹənˈti/", + "Singular": "guarantees" + }, + "guard": { + "Definition": "to protect, to keep safe, to watch over", + "Past Tense": "guarded", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɡɑɹd/", + "Singular": "guards" + }, + "guess": { + "Definition": "to think that something is true without knowing for sure", + "Past Tense": "guessed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɡɛs/", + "Singular": "guesses" + }, + "guide": { + "Definition": "to lead someone or something to a particular place or direction", + "Past Tense": "guided", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɡaɪd/", + "Singular": "guides" + }, + "halt": { + "Definition": "to stop or slow down, to stop for a short time", + "Past Tense": "halted", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈhɔɫt/", + "Singular": "halts" + }, + "hand": { + "Definition": "to give or pass to another person", + "Past Tense": "handed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈhænd/", + "Singular": "hands" + }, + "handle": { + "Definition": "to deal with, to manage, to cope with, to control", + "Past Tense": "handled", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈhændəɫ/", + "Singular": "handles" + }, + "hang": { + "Definition": "to be suspended in the air, to be suspended in the air", + "Past Tense": "hung", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈhæŋ/", + "Singular": "hangs" + }, + "happen": { + "Definition": "to occur, to take place, to come about, to come to pass", + "Past Tense": "happened", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈhæpən/", + "Singular": "happens" + }, + "harm": { + "Definition": "to cause physical or mental harm to someone or something", + "Past Tense": "harmed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈhɑɹm/", + "Singular": "harms" + }, + "hate": { + "Definition": "to dislike intensely or passionately; feel extreme aversion for or extreme host", + "Past Tense": "hated", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈheɪt/", + "Singular": "hates" + }, + "have": { + "Definition": "to have something, to possess something, to own something", + "Past Tense": "had", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈhæv/", + "Singular": "has" + }, + "head": { + "Definition": "to be the leader of a group or organization", + "Past Tense": "headed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈhɛd/", + "Singular": "heads" + }, + "heal": { + "Definition": "to make healthy again, to restore to health, to cure", + "Past Tense": "healed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈhiɫ/", + "Singular": "heals" + }, + "hear": { + "Definition": "to listen to something, to pay attention to something, to understand something", + "Past Tense": "heard", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈhiɹ/", + "Singular": "hears" + }, + "heat": { + "Definition": "to make hot, to cause to become hot, to make hotter", + "Past Tense": "heated", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈhit/", + "Singular": "heats" + }, + "help": { + "Definition": "to help someone", + "Past Tense": "helped", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈhɛɫp/", + "Singular": "helps" + }, + "hesitate": { + "Definition": "to be unwilling to make a decision or to act", + "Past Tense": "hesitated", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈhɛzəˌteɪt/", + "Singular": "hesitates" + }, + "hide": { + "Definition": "to keep out of sight, to conceal, to cover up", + "Past Tense": "hid", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈhaɪd/", + "Singular": "hides" + }, + "highlight": { + "Definition": "to make something more noticeable, to make something more important", + "Past Tense": "highlighted", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈhaɪˌɫaɪt/", + "Singular": "highlights" + }, + "hire": { + "Definition": "to pay for the use of (something)", + "Past Tense": "hired", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈhaɪɝ/, /ˈhaɪɹ/", + "Singular": "hires" + }, + "hit": { + "Definition": "to strike with force", + "Past Tense": "hit", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈhɪt/", + "Singular": "hits" + }, + "hold": { + "Definition": "to have in one's possession, to have in one's control", + "Past Tense": "held", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈhoʊɫd/", + "Singular": "holds" + }, + "honor": { + "Definition": "to respect and admire (someone or something) very much", + "Past Tense": "honored", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɑnɝ/", + "Singular": "honors" + }, + "hope": { + "Definition": "to want something to happen or be true", + "Past Tense": "hoped", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈhoʊp/", + "Singular": "hopes" + }, + "host": { + "Definition": "to be the host of a television show", + "Past Tense": "hosted", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈhoʊst/", + "Singular": "hosts" + }, + "house": { + "Definition": "to live in a house, to live in a house", + "Past Tense": "housed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈhaʊs/", + "Singular": "houses" + }, + "hunt": { + "Definition": "to search for and try to find something or someone", + "Past Tense": "hunted", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈhənt/", + "Singular": "hunts" + }, + "hurry": { + "Definition": "to move quickly, to go fast, to rush, to run", + "Past Tense": "hurried", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈhɝi/", + "Singular": "hurries" + }, + "hurt": { + "Definition": "to cause physical pain to, to cause physical pain to", + "Past Tense": "hurt", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈhɝt/", + "Singular": "hurts" + }, + "identify": { + "Definition": "to recognize as being what is specified, to distinguish, to distinguish oneself", + "Past Tense": "identified", + "Pronunciation": "/aɪˈdɛntəˌfaɪ/", + "Singular": "identifies" + }, + "ignore": { + "Definition": "to not notice or pay attention to something, to not take into account", + "Past Tense": "ignored", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌɪɡˈnɔɹ/", + "Singular": "ignores" + }, + "illustrate": { + "Definition": "to make clear or more comprehensible by using examples or explanations", + "Past Tense": "illustrated", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɪɫəˌstɹeɪt/", + "Singular": "illustrates" + }, + "imagine": { + "Definition": "to form a mental image of something that is not present or that is not the case", + "Past Tense": "imagined", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌɪˈmædʒən/", + "Singular": "imagines" + }, + "implement": { + "Definition": "to put into effect, to carry out, to execute, to enforce", + "Past Tense": "implemented", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɪmpɫəmənt/", + "Singular": "implements" + }, + "imply": { + "Definition": "to suggest or indicate", + "Past Tense": "implied", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌɪmˈpɫaɪ/", + "Singular": "implies" + }, + "import": { + "Definition": "to bring (goods or commodities) into a country", + "Past Tense": "imported", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɪmˌpɔɹt/, /ˌɪmˈpɔɹt/", + "Singular": "imports" + }, + "impose": { + "Definition": "to force (someone) to do something", + "Past Tense": "imposed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌɪmˈpoʊz/", + "Singular": "imposes" + }, + "impress": { + "Definition": "to make a strong and lasting impression on (someone)", + "Past Tense": "impressed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɪmˌpɹɛs/, /ˌɪmˈpɹɛs/", + "Singular": "impresses" + }, + "improve": { + "Definition": "to make better, to make more effective, to make more efficient", + "Past Tense": "improved", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌɪmˈpɹuv/", + "Singular": "improves" + }, + "in": { + "Definition": "to be in a place, to be present in a place", + "Past Tense": "inned", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɪn/, /ɪn/", + "Singular": "ins" + }, + "include": { + "Definition": "to include or involve, to have as a part or constituent", + "Past Tense": "included", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌɪnˈkɫud/", + "Singular": "includes" + }, + "incorporate": { + "Definition": "to make part of a larger whole, to make part of a larger whole", + "Past Tense": "incorporated", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌɪnˈkɔɹpɝˌeɪt/", + "Singular": "incorporates" + }, + "increase": { + "Definition": "to make something bigger or greater", + "Past Tense": "increased", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɪnˌkɹis/, /ˌɪnˈkɹis/", + "Singular": "increases" + }, + "indicate": { + "Definition": "to show that something is true or likely", + "Past Tense": "indicated", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɪndəˌkeɪt/", + "Singular": "indicates" + }, + "induce": { + "Definition": "to cause to happen or to occur", + "Past Tense": "induced", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌɪnˈdus/", + "Singular": "induces" + }, + "indulge": { + "Definition": "to give in to a desire or temptation, to give way to", + "Past Tense": "indulged", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌɪnˈdəɫdʒ/", + "Singular": "indulges" + }, + "influence": { + "Definition": "to have an effect on", + "Past Tense": "influenced", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɪnfɫuəns/", + "Singular": "influences" + }, + "inform": { + "Definition": "to give information to someone, to tell someone something", + "Past Tense": "informed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌɪnˈfɔɹm/", + "Singular": "informs" + }, + "inherit": { + "Definition": "to receive (property, rights", + "Past Tense": "inherited", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌɪnˈhɛɹət/", + "Singular": "inherits" + }, + "inhibit": { + "Definition": "to prevent something from happening or being done", + "Past Tense": "inhibited", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌɪnˈhɪbət/", + "Singular": "inhibits" + }, + "initiate": { + "Definition": "to begin something, to start something, to start a process", + "Past Tense": "initiated", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌɪˈnɪʃiˌeɪt/", + "Singular": "initiates" + }, + "inquire": { + "Definition": "to ask questions about something, to try to find out information about something", + "Past Tense": "inquired", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌɪnˈkwaɪɹ/", + "Singular": "inquires" + }, + "insert": { + "Definition": "to put or introduce (something) into a place or position", + "Past Tense": "inserted", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɪnˌsɝt/, /ˌɪnˈsɝt/", + "Singular": "inserts" + }, + "insist": { + "Definition": "to persist in maintaining or demanding, to be adamant about", + "Past Tense": "insisted", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌɪnˈsɪst/", + "Singular": "insists" + }, + "inspect": { + "Definition": "to look at something carefully in order to check its condition or quality", + "Past Tense": "inspected", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌɪnˈspɛkt/", + "Singular": "inspects" + }, + "inspire": { + "Definition": "to fill with the urge to do something", + "Past Tense": "inspired", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌɪnˈspaɪɹ/", + "Singular": "inspires" + }, + "install": { + "Definition": "to put (something) in a particular place or position", + "Past Tense": "installed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌɪnˈstɔɫ/", + "Singular": "installs" + }, + "instruct": { + "Definition": "to teach someone a skill or piece of information", + "Past Tense": "instructed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌɪnˈstɹəkt/", + "Singular": "instructs" + }, + "insure": { + "Definition": "to make certain that something will happen or be the case", + "Past Tense": "insured", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌɪnˈʃʊɹ/", + "Singular": "insures" + }, + "integrate": { + "Definition": "to make (something) part of a whole, to combine into a whole", + "Past Tense": "integrated", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɪnəˌɡɹeɪt/, /ˈɪntəˌɡɹeɪt/", + "Singular": "integrates" + }, + "intend": { + "Definition": "to have a plan or purpose", + "Past Tense": "intended", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌɪnˈtɛnd/", + "Singular": "intends" + }, + "interact": { + "Definition": "to communicate with someone, to talk to someone, to talk to someone", + "Past Tense": "interacted", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌɪnɝˈækt/, /ˌɪntɝˈækt/", + "Singular": "interacts" + }, + "interest": { + "Definition": "to be concerned about something, to be interested in something", + "Past Tense": "interested", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɪntɝəst/, /ˈɪntɝɪst/, /ˈɪntɹəst/, /ˈɪntɹɪst/", + "Singular": "interests" + }, + "interfere": { + "Definition": "to get in the way of something, to cause problems", + "Past Tense": "interfered", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌɪnɝˈfɪɹ/, /ˌɪntɝˈfɪɹ/", + "Singular": "interferes" + }, + "interpret": { + "Definition": "to understand the meaning of (a text, statement", + "Past Tense": "interpreted", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌɪnˈtɝpɹət/", + "Singular": "interprets" + }, + "interrupt": { + "Definition": "to stop something from continuing, to stop something from happening", + "Past Tense": "interrupted", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌɪntɝˈəpt/", + "Singular": "interrupts" + }, + "intervene": { + "Definition": "to get involved in a situation, to interfere", + "Past Tense": "intervened", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌɪntɝˈvin/", + "Singular": "intervenes" + }, + "interview": { + "Definition": "to ask questions to someone in order to get information about them", + "Past Tense": "interviewed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɪntɝvˌju/", + "Singular": "interviews" + }, + "introduce": { + "Definition": "to make known, to make public, to make known to the public", + "Past Tense": "introduced", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌɪntɹəˈdus/, /ˌɪntɹoʊˈdus/", + "Singular": "introduces" + }, + "invent": { + "Definition": "to create something new, to make something that did not exist before", + "Past Tense": "invented", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌɪnˈvɛnt/", + "Singular": "invents" + }, + "invest": { + "Definition": "to put money into a business or project in the hope of making a profit", + "Past Tense": "invested", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌɪnˈvɛst/", + "Singular": "invests" + }, + "investigate": { + "Definition": "to examine something or someone carefully in order to find out more about it or them", + "Past Tense": "investigated", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌɪnˈvɛstəˌɡeɪt/", + "Singular": "investigates" + }, + "invite": { + "Definition": "to ask someone to come to a place or event", + "Past Tense": "invited", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌɪnˈvaɪt/", + "Singular": "invites" + }, + "involve": { + "Definition": "to be involved in something, to be involved in a situation", + "Past Tense": "involved", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌɪnˈvɑɫv/", + "Singular": "involves" + }, + "isolate": { + "Definition": "to separate or set apart from others, to keep apart, to set apart", + "Past Tense": "isolated", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈaɪsəˌɫeɪt/", + "Singular": "isolates" + }, + "issue": { + "Definition": "to give out, to distribute, to publish, to issue", + "Past Tense": "issued", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɪʃu/", + "Singular": "issues" + }, + "join": { + "Definition": "to become one with, to be united with, to be joined to", + "Past Tense": "joined", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈdʒɔɪn/", + "Singular": "joins" + }, + "judge": { + "Definition": "to form an opinion about something or someone, based on the facts", + "Past Tense": "judged", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈdʒədʒ/", + "Singular": "judges" + }, + "jump": { + "Definition": "to move suddenly and quickly, to move from one place to another", + "Past Tense": "jumped", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈdʒəmp/", + "Singular": "jumps" + }, + "justify": { + "Definition": "to give a reason for something, to explain why something is the case", + "Past Tense": "justified", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈdʒəstəˌfaɪ/", + "Singular": "justifies" + }, + "keep": { + "Definition": "to keep something in a safe place, to keep something in a safe place", + "Past Tense": "kept", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkip/", + "Singular": "keeps" + }, + "kick": { + "Definition": "to move (one's foot) quickly and repeatedly", + "Past Tense": "kicked", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkɪk/", + "Singular": "kicks" + }, + "kill": { + "Definition": "to cause to die, to cause to be dead, to cause to die", + "Past Tense": "killed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkɪɫ/", + "Singular": "kills" + }, + "kiss": { + "Definition": "to touch with the lips", + "Past Tense": "kissed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkɪs/", + "Singular": "kisses" + }, + "knit": { + "Definition": "to make a garment by interlocking loops of yarn", + "Past Tense": "knit", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈnɪt/", + "Singular": "knits" + }, + "knock": { + "Definition": "to hit someone or something very hard", + "Past Tense": "knocked", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈnɑk/", + "Singular": "knocks" + }, + "know": { + "Definition": "to be aware of a fact or a specific piece of information", + "Past Tense": "knew", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈnoʊ/", + "Singular": "knows" + }, + "lack": { + "Definition": "to be without, to be deficient in, to be short of", + "Past Tense": "lacked", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɫæk/", + "Singular": "lacks" + }, + "land": { + "Definition": "to come to rest on the ground, to come to rest on the ground", + "Past Tense": "landed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɫænd/", + "Singular": "lands" + }, + "last": { + "Definition": "to be the last of a series or group", + "Past Tense": "lasted", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɫæs/, /ˈɫæst/", + "Singular": "lasts" + }, + "laugh": { + "Definition": "to laugh, to make a sound like laughter", + "Past Tense": "laughed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɫæf/", + "Singular": "laughs" + }, + "launch": { + "Definition": "to start a new activity or project, to begin to do something", + "Past Tense": "launched", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɫɔntʃ/", + "Singular": "launches" + }, + "lead": { + "Definition": "to guide or direct on a course, to be in charge of or control", + "Past Tense": "leaded", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɫɛd/, /ˈɫid/", + "Singular": "leads" + }, + "lean": { + "Definition": "to be in a position of being supported by something", + "Past Tense": "leaned", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɫin/", + "Singular": "leans" + }, + "leap": { + "Definition": "to jump or spring upward, to move suddenly and energetically", + "Past Tense": "leaped", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɫip/", + "Singular": "leaps" + }, + "learn": { + "Definition": "to acquire knowledge or skill, to gain knowledge or skill", + "Past Tense": "learned", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɫɝn/", + "Singular": "learns" + }, + "leave": { + "Definition": "to go away, to depart, to leave, to depart from", + "Past Tense": "left", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɫiv/", + "Singular": "leaves" + }, + "lend": { + "Definition": "to give (something) to be used by another for a limited time", + "Past Tense": "lent", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɫɛnd/", + "Singular": "lends" + }, + "let": { + "Definition": "to allow something to happen or exist", + "Past Tense": "let", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɫɛt/", + "Singular": "lets" + }, + "level": { + "Definition": "to make level, to make even, to make smooth, to make flat", + "Past Tense": "leveled", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɫɛvəɫ/", + "Singular": "levels" + }, + "lie": { + "Definition": "to be in a horizontal position, to be lying down, to be lying", + "Past Tense": "lay", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɫaɪ/", + "Singular": "lies" + }, + "lift": { + "Definition": "to raise (something) up", + "Past Tense": "lifted", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɫɪft/", + "Singular": "lifts" + }, + "light": { + "Definition": "to make something visible by shining light on it", + "Past Tense": "lit", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɫaɪt/", + "Singular": "lights" + }, + "like": { + "Definition": "to like, to enjoy, to be fond of, to be pleased with", + "Past Tense": "liked", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɫaɪk/", + "Singular": "likes" + }, + "limit": { + "Definition": "to restrict the size or amount of, to limit the size or amount of", + "Past Tense": "limited", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɫɪmət/", + "Singular": "limits" + }, + "line": { + "Definition": "to make a line of something, to form a line of something", + "Past Tense": "lined", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɫaɪn/", + "Singular": "lines" + }, + "link": { + "Definition": "to connect or join together", + "Past Tense": "linked", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɫɪŋk/", + "Singular": "links" + }, + "list": { + "Definition": "to make a list of, to write down, to record, to note", + "Past Tense": "listed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɫɪst/", + "Singular": "lists" + }, + "listen": { + "Definition": "to hear with attention", + "Past Tense": "listened", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɫɪsən/", + "Singular": "listens" + }, + "live": { + "Definition": "to be alive, to be in existence, to be living", + "Past Tense": "lived", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɫaɪv/, /ˈɫɪv/", + "Singular": "lives" + }, + "load": { + "Definition": "to put something into a vehicle", + "Past Tense": "loaded", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɫoʊd/", + "Singular": "loads" + }, + "locate": { + "Definition": "to find the location of, to find the place where something is located", + "Past Tense": "located", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɫoʊˌkeɪt/", + "Singular": "locates" + }, + "lock": { + "Definition": "to fasten with a lock", + "Past Tense": "locked", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɫɑk/", + "Singular": "locks" + }, + "look": { + "Definition": "to see with the eyes, to perceive with the eyes, to observe", + "Past Tense": "looked", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɫʊk/", + "Singular": "looks" + }, + "lose": { + "Definition": "to be defeated or beaten", + "Past Tense": "lost", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɫuz/", + "Singular": "loses" + }, + "love": { + "Definition": "to have a strong feeling of affection for someone or something", + "Past Tense": "loved", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɫəv/", + "Singular": "loves" + }, + "machine": { + "Definition": "to make (something) by using a machine", + "Past Tense": "machined", + "Pronunciation": "/məˈʃin/", + "Singular": "machines" + }, + "maintain": { + "Definition": "to keep in a certain state, to keep in a certain condition", + "Past Tense": "maintained", + "Pronunciation": "/meɪnˈteɪn/", + "Singular": "maintains" + }, + "make": { + "Definition": "to make something, to cause something to exist, to bring something into being", + "Past Tense": "made", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈmeɪk/", + "Singular": "makes" + }, + "manage": { + "Definition": "to take care of, to look after, to control, to organize", + "Past Tense": "managed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈmænədʒ/, /ˈmænɪdʒ/", + "Singular": "manages" + }, + "manipulate": { + "Definition": "to use your hands to do something", + "Past Tense": "manipulated", + "Pronunciation": "/məˈnɪpjəˌɫeɪt/", + "Singular": "manipulates" + }, + "manufacture": { + "Definition": "to make something, to produce something, to create something", + "Past Tense": "manufactured", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌmænjəˈfæktʃɝ/", + "Singular": "manufactures" + }, + "march": { + "Definition": "to walk with a firm step", + "Past Tense": "marched", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈmɑɹtʃ/", + "Singular": "marches" + }, + "mark": { + "Definition": "to make a mark on, to write or draw on", + "Past Tense": "marked", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈmɑɹk/", + "Singular": "marks" + }, + "market": { + "Definition": "to sell (goods or services) in large quantities", + "Past Tense": "marketed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈmɑɹkət/, /ˈmɑɹkɪt/", + "Singular": "markets" + }, + "marry": { + "Definition": "to get married, to become a married couple, to be joined in marriage", + "Past Tense": "married", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈmɛɹi/", + "Singular": "marries" + }, + "master": { + "Definition": "to be in charge of, to be in control of", + "Past Tense": "mastered", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈmæstɝ/", + "Singular": "masters" + }, + "match": { + "Definition": "to be suitable or appropriate for", + "Past Tense": "matched", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈmætʃ/", + "Singular": "matches" + }, + "mature": { + "Definition": "to become fully developed, to grow up, to develop, to ripen", + "Past Tense": "matured", + "Pronunciation": "/məˈtʃʊɹ/, /mətˈjʊɹ/", + "Singular": "matures" + }, + "maximize": { + "Definition": "to make as great as possible", + "Past Tense": "maximized", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈmæksəˌmaɪz/", + "Singular": "maximizes" + }, + "may": { + "Definition": "to be able to, to have the ability to", + "Past Tense": "might", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈmeɪ/", + "Singular": "may" + }, + "measure": { + "Definition": "to determine the size of something or how much there is of it", + "Past Tense": "measured", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈmɛʒɝ/", + "Singular": "measures" + }, + "meet": { + "Definition": "to come together, to be in the same place at the same time", + "Past Tense": "met", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈmit/", + "Singular": "meets" + }, + "melt": { + "Definition": "to change from a solid to a liquid, to become liquid", + "Past Tense": "melted", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈmɛɫt/", + "Singular": "melts" + }, + "mention": { + "Definition": "to say something about something, to talk about something, to refer to something", + "Past Tense": "mentioned", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈmɛnʃən/", + "Singular": "mentions" + }, + "merge": { + "Definition": "to combine into one", + "Past Tense": "merged", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈmɝdʒ/", + "Singular": "merges" + }, + "mind": { + "Definition": "to be concerned about something, to be worried about something", + "Past Tense": "minded", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈmaɪnd/", + "Singular": "minds" + }, + "minimize": { + "Definition": "to make something smaller, to reduce the size of something", + "Past Tense": "minimized", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈmɪnəˌmaɪz/", + "Singular": "minimizes" + }, + "minister": { + "Definition": "to serve as a minister", + "Past Tense": "ministered", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈmɪnəstɝ/, /ˈmɪnɪstɝ/", + "Singular": "ministers" + }, + "miss": { + "Definition": "to fail to hit or reach, to fail to catch or grasp", + "Past Tense": "missed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈmɪs/", + "Singular": "misses" + }, + "mix": { + "Definition": "to combine or blend together", + "Past Tense": "mixed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈmɪks/", + "Singular": "mixes" + }, + "modify": { + "Definition": "to make changes to (something)", + "Past Tense": "modified", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈmɑdəˌfaɪ/", + "Singular": "modifies" + }, + "monitor": { + "Definition": "to watch over or keep an eye on, to keep track of", + "Past Tense": "monitored", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈmɑnətɝ/", + "Singular": "monitors" + }, + "mount": { + "Definition": "to climb up, to ascend, to rise, to go up", + "Past Tense": "mounted", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈmaʊnt/", + "Singular": "mounts" + }, + "move": { + "Definition": "to move from one place to another, to change position", + "Past Tense": "moved", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈmuv/", + "Singular": "moves" + }, + "multiply": { + "Definition": "to increase in number or amount", + "Past Tense": "multiplied", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈməɫtəˌpɫaɪ/", + "Singular": "multiplies" + }, + "murder": { + "Definition": "to kill someone, to kill someone, to kill someone, to kill someone", + "Past Tense": "murdered", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈmɝdɝ/", + "Singular": "murders" + }, + "name": { + "Definition": "to name", + "Past Tense": "named", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈneɪm/", + "Singular": "names" + }, + "need": { + "Definition": "to require or demand, to be necessary, to be essential", + "Past Tense": "needed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈnid/", + "Singular": "needs" + }, + "negotiate": { + "Definition": "to discuss and settle the terms of (a contract, agreement", + "Past Tense": "negotiated", + "Pronunciation": "/nəˈɡoʊʃiˌeɪt/, /nɪˈɡoʊʃiˌeɪt/", + "Singular": "negotiates" + }, + "note": { + "Definition": "to write down, to record, to memorize, to remember", + "Past Tense": "noted", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈnoʊt/", + "Singular": "notes" + }, + "notice": { + "Definition": "to be aware of something, to be conscious of something", + "Past Tense": "noticed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈnoʊtəs/, /ˈnoʊtɪs/", + "Singular": "notices" + }, + "notify": { + "Definition": "to give notice to (someone)", + "Past Tense": "notified", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈnoʊtəˌfaɪ/", + "Singular": "notifies" + }, + "obey": { + "Definition": "to do what someone tells you to do", + "Past Tense": "obeyed", + "Pronunciation": "/oʊˈbeɪ/", + "Singular": "obeys" + }, + "object": { + "Definition": "to be in opposition to something", + "Past Tense": "objected", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɑbdʒɛkt/, /əbˈdʒɛkt/", + "Singular": "objects" + }, + "obscure": { + "Definition": "to make something unclear or difficult to understand", + "Past Tense": "obscured", + "Pronunciation": "/əbˈskjʊɹ/", + "Singular": "obscures" + }, + "observe": { + "Definition": "to watch or look at carefully, to watch or look at attentively", + "Past Tense": "observed", + "Pronunciation": "/əbˈzɝv/", + "Singular": "observes" + }, + "obtain": { + "Definition": "to get something, to get something done, to get something out of someone", + "Past Tense": "obtained", + "Pronunciation": "/əbˈteɪn/", + "Singular": "obtains" + }, + "occupy": { + "Definition": "to take up space or time, to be present in a place or situation", + "Past Tense": "occupied", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɑkjəˌpaɪ/", + "Singular": "occupies" + }, + "occur": { + "Definition": "to happen, to take place, to occur, to come about", + "Past Tense": "occurred", + "Pronunciation": "/əˈkɝ/", + "Singular": "occurs" + }, + "offer": { + "Definition": "to give something to someone as a gift or as a sacrifice", + "Past Tense": "offered", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɔfɝ/", + "Singular": "offers" + }, + "offset": { + "Definition": "to make up for (a loss or deficiency)", + "Past Tense": "offset", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɔfˌsɛt/, /ɔfˈsɛt/", + "Singular": "offsets" + }, + "open": { + "Definition": "to open, to make open, to unlock, to unfasten", + "Past Tense": "opened", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈoʊpən/", + "Singular": "opens" + }, + "operate": { + "Definition": "to be in charge of a business", + "Past Tense": "operated", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɑpɝˌeɪt/, /ˈɔpɝˌeɪt/", + "Singular": "operates" + }, + "oppose": { + "Definition": "to be against, to be opposed to, to be against something", + "Past Tense": "opposed", + "Pronunciation": "/əˈpoʊz/", + "Singular": "opposes" + }, + "opt": { + "Definition": "to choose or select, to make a decision, to decide, to prefer", + "Past Tense": "opted", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɑpt/", + "Singular": "opts" + }, + "order": { + "Definition": "to give instructions to (someone) to do something", + "Past Tense": "ordered", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɔɹdɝ/", + "Singular": "orders" + }, + "organize": { + "Definition": "to arrange in a particular order, to put in order", + "Past Tense": "organized", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɔɹɡəˌnaɪz/", + "Singular": "organizes" + }, + "outline": { + "Definition": "to draw the outline of", + "Past Tense": "outlined", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈaʊtˌɫaɪn/", + "Singular": "outlines" + }, + "overcome": { + "Definition": "to defeat or overcome (an opponent or problem)", + "Past Tense": "overcame", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈoʊvɝˌkəm/", + "Singular": "overcomes" + }, + "overlook": { + "Definition": "to fail to notice or take notice of", + "Past Tense": "overlooked", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈoʊvɝˌɫʊk/", + "Singular": "overlooks" + }, + "owe": { + "Definition": "to be indebted to someone for something", + "Past Tense": "owed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈoʊ/", + "Singular": "owes" + }, + "own": { + "Definition": "to have as one's own, to possess", + "Past Tense": "owned", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈoʊn/", + "Singular": "owns" + }, + "pack": { + "Definition": "to put things into a container", + "Past Tense": "packed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈpæk/", + "Singular": "packs" + }, + "paint": { + "Definition": "to apply paint to (a surface)", + "Past Tense": "painted", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈpeɪnt/", + "Singular": "paints" + }, + "park": { + "Definition": "to stop a vehicle in a parking space", + "Past Tense": "parked", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈpɑɹk/", + "Singular": "parks" + }, + "participate": { + "Definition": "to take part in an activity", + "Past Tense": "participated", + "Pronunciation": "/pɑɹˈtɪsəˌpeɪt/", + "Singular": "participates" + }, + "pass": { + "Definition": "to move from one place to another, to go from one place to another", + "Past Tense": "passed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈpæs/", + "Singular": "passes" + }, + "pause": { + "Definition": "to stop for a short time, to rest, to take a break", + "Past Tense": "paused", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈpɔz/", + "Singular": "pauses" + }, + "pay": { + "Definition": "to give money to someone in exchange for goods or services", + "Past Tense": "paid", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈpeɪ/", + "Singular": "pays" + }, + "penetrate": { + "Definition": "to enter or go into", + "Past Tense": "penetrated", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈpɛnəˌtɹeɪt/", + "Singular": "penetrates" + }, + "perceive": { + "Definition": "to become aware of something, to notice something, to see something", + "Past Tense": "perceived", + "Pronunciation": "/pɝˈsiv/", + "Singular": "perceives" + }, + "perform": { + "Definition": "to do something, to carry out, to execute, to do", + "Past Tense": "performed", + "Pronunciation": "/pɝˈfɔɹm/", + "Singular": "performs" + }, + "permit": { + "Definition": "to allow something to happen or exist", + "Past Tense": "permitted", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈpɝˌmɪt/, /pɝˈmɪt/", + "Singular": "permits" + }, + "persist": { + "Definition": "to continue in a state or condition, to remain unchanged", + "Past Tense": "persisted", + "Pronunciation": "/pɝˈsɪst/", + "Singular": "persists" + }, + "persuade": { + "Definition": "to make someone do something by using arguments or persuasion", + "Past Tense": "persuaded", + "Pronunciation": "/pɝˈsweɪd/", + "Singular": "persuades" + }, + "phone": { + "Definition": "to call someone on the telephone", + "Past Tense": "phoned", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈfoʊn/", + "Singular": "phones" + }, + "pick": { + "Definition": "to choose or select from a number of possibilities", + "Past Tense": "picked", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈpɪk/", + "Singular": "picks" + }, + "picture": { + "Definition": "to make a picture of (something)", + "Past Tense": "pictured", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈpɪktʃɝ/", + "Singular": "pictures" + }, + "pin": { + "Definition": "to fasten with a pin", + "Past Tense": "pinned", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈpɪn/", + "Singular": "pins" + }, + "place": { + "Definition": "to put or set (something) in a certain place, location", + "Past Tense": "placed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈpɫeɪs/", + "Singular": "places" + }, + "plan": { + "Definition": "to make a plan", + "Past Tense": "planned", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈpɫæn/", + "Singular": "plans" + }, + "plant": { + "Definition": "to put or place (seeds, seedlings", + "Past Tense": "planted", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈpɫænt/", + "Singular": "plants" + }, + "play": { + "Definition": "to move or operate (a machine or vehicle) with skill", + "Past Tense": "played", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈpɫeɪ/", + "Singular": "plays" + }, + "plead": { + "Definition": "to make a formal request to a court, to ask for something", + "Past Tense": "pleaded", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈpɫid/", + "Singular": "pleads" + }, + "please": { + "Definition": "to ask for something, to request, to ask for something, to request", + "Past Tense": "pleased", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈpɫiz/", + "Singular": "pleases" + }, + "plug": { + "Definition": "to fill or block up, to stop up, to close", + "Past Tense": "plugged", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈpɫəɡ/", + "Singular": "plugs" + }, + "point": { + "Definition": "to indicate or show, to point out, to indicate the direction of", + "Past Tense": "pointed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈpɔɪnt/", + "Singular": "points" + }, + "pop": { + "Definition": "to make a short", + "Past Tense": "popped", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈpɑp/", + "Singular": "pops" + }, + "pose": { + "Definition": "to stand in a particular position", + "Past Tense": "posed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈpoʊz/", + "Singular": "poses" + }, + "position": { + "Definition": "to put in a particular place or position", + "Past Tense": "positioned", + "Pronunciation": "/pəˈzɪʃən/", + "Singular": "positions" + }, + "possess": { + "Definition": "to have or own, to be in possession of", + "Past Tense": "possessed", + "Pronunciation": "/pəˈzɛs/", + "Singular": "possesses" + }, + "postpone": { + "Definition": "to delay or put off, to put off until a later time", + "Past Tense": "postponed", + "Pronunciation": "/poʊˈspoʊn/, /poʊstˈpoʊn/", + "Singular": "postpones" + }, + "pour": { + "Definition": "to pour liquid into a container, to pour liquid onto something", + "Past Tense": "poured", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈpɔɹ/", + "Singular": "pours" + }, + "practice": { + "Definition": "to do something repeatedly in order to become good at it", + "Past Tense": "practiced", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈpɹæktəs/, /ˈpɹæktɪs/", + "Singular": "practices" + }, + "praise": { + "Definition": "to say good things about someone or something", + "Past Tense": "praised", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈpɹeɪz/", + "Singular": "praises" + }, + "pray": { + "Definition": "to ask for help or support from God or an object of worship", + "Past Tense": "prayed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈpɹeɪ/", + "Singular": "prays" + }, + "predict": { + "Definition": "to say what will happen in the future", + "Past Tense": "predicted", + "Pronunciation": "/pɹiˈdɪkt/, /pɹɪˈdɪkt/", + "Singular": "predicts" + }, + "prefer": { + "Definition": "to have a preference for, to like better than others", + "Past Tense": "preferred", + "Pronunciation": "/pɹəˈfɝ/, /pɹiˈfɝ/, /pɹɪˈfɝ/", + "Singular": "prefers" + }, + "prepare": { + "Definition": "to make ready for a particular purpose or event", + "Past Tense": "prepared", + "Pronunciation": "/pɹiˈpɛɹ/", + "Singular": "prepares" + }, + "present": { + "Definition": "to be present, to be in the same place", + "Past Tense": "presented", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈpɹɛzənt/, /pɝˈzɛnt/, /pɹiˈzɛnt/", + "Singular": "presents" + }, + "preserve": { + "Definition": "to keep safe from harm or injury", + "Past Tense": "preserved", + "Pronunciation": "/pɹəˈzɝv/, /pɹiˈzɝv/, /pɹɪˈzɝv/", + "Singular": "preserves" + }, + "press": { + "Definition": "to force someone to do something, to force someone to do something", + "Past Tense": "pressed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈpɹɛs/", + "Singular": "presses" + }, + "presume": { + "Definition": "to suppose or assume without proof or evidence", + "Past Tense": "presumed", + "Pronunciation": "/pɹɪˈzum/", + "Singular": "presumes" + }, + "pretend": { + "Definition": "to act as if something is true when it is not", + "Past Tense": "pretended", + "Pronunciation": "/pɹiˈtɛnd/", + "Singular": "pretends" + }, + "prevail": { + "Definition": "to be more powerful or more influential than another", + "Past Tense": "prevailed", + "Pronunciation": "/pɹiˈveɪɫ/, /pɹɪˈveɪɫ/", + "Singular": "prevails" + }, + "prevent": { + "Definition": "to stop something from happening or being done", + "Past Tense": "prevented", + "Pronunciation": "/pɹiˈvɛnt/, /pɹɪˈvɛnt/", + "Singular": "prevents" + }, + "price": { + "Definition": "to put a price on something, to value something", + "Past Tense": "priced", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈpɹaɪs/", + "Singular": "prices" + }, + "print": { + "Definition": "to produce (something, such as a book, newspaper", + "Past Tense": "printed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈpɹɪnt/", + "Singular": "prints" + }, + "proceed": { + "Definition": "to move forward, to go on, to continue, to advance", + "Past Tense": "proceeded", + "Pronunciation": "/pɝˈsid/, /pɹəˈsid/, /pɹoʊˈsid/", + "Singular": "proceeds" + }, + "process": { + "Definition": "to make something more complex or more advanced, to make something more complicated", + "Past Tense": "processed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈpɹɑˌsɛs/, /ˈpɹɔˌsɛs/", + "Singular": "processes" + }, + "produce": { + "Definition": "to make something, to cause something to exist, to bring something into being", + "Past Tense": "produced", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈpɹoʊdus/, /pɹəˈdus/", + "Singular": "produces" + }, + "profit": { + "Definition": "to make a profit, to gain money or advantage from something", + "Past Tense": "profited", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈpɹɑfət/, /ˈpɹɑfɪt/", + "Singular": "profits" + }, + "progress": { + "Definition": "to move forward, to advance", + "Past Tense": "progressed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈpɹɑˌɡɹɛs/, /pɹəˈɡɹɛs/, /pɹoʊˈɡɹɛs/", + "Singular": "progresses" + }, + "project": { + "Definition": "to throw or propel something, to throw or propel something forward", + "Past Tense": "projected", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈpɹɑdʒɛkt/, /pɹəˈdʒɛkt/", + "Singular": "projects" + }, + "promise": { + "Definition": "to say that you will do something", + "Past Tense": "promised", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈpɹɑməs/", + "Singular": "promises" + }, + "promote": { + "Definition": "to make something more popular, to make something more successful", + "Past Tense": "promoted", + "Pronunciation": "/pɹəˈmoʊt/", + "Singular": "promotes" + }, + "propose": { + "Definition": "to suggest something as a possibility, to put forward as a suggestion", + "Past Tense": "proposed", + "Pronunciation": "/pɹəˈpoʊz/", + "Singular": "proposes" + }, + "protect": { + "Definition": "to keep safe from harm or injury", + "Past Tense": "protected", + "Pronunciation": "/pɹəˈtɛkt/", + "Singular": "protects" + }, + "protest": { + "Definition": "to express opposition to something", + "Past Tense": "protested", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈpɹoʊˌtɛst/, /pɹəˈtɛst/", + "Singular": "protests" + }, + "prove": { + "Definition": "to show that something is true or real", + "Past Tense": "proved", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈpɹuv/", + "Singular": "proves" + }, + "provide": { + "Definition": "to give or supply", + "Past Tense": "provided", + "Pronunciation": "/pɹəˈvaɪd/", + "Singular": "provides" + }, + "provoke": { + "Definition": "to cause (someone) to do or feel something", + "Past Tense": "provoked", + "Pronunciation": "/pɹəˈvoʊk/", + "Singular": "provokes" + }, + "publish": { + "Definition": "to make known to the public, to make public", + "Past Tense": "published", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈpəbɫɪʃ/", + "Singular": "publishes" + }, + "pull": { + "Definition": "to move something towards you, to move something towards you", + "Past Tense": "pulled", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈpʊɫ/", + "Singular": "pulls" + }, + "punish": { + "Definition": "to inflict pain or suffering on (someone) as a penalty for an off", + "Past Tense": "punished", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈpənɪʃ/", + "Singular": "punishes" + }, + "purchase": { + "Definition": "to buy something, to buy something, to buy something, to buy something", + "Past Tense": "purchased", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈpɝtʃəs/", + "Singular": "purchases" + }, + "pursue": { + "Definition": "to follow or chase after, to go after", + "Past Tense": "pursued", + "Pronunciation": "/pɝˈsu/", + "Singular": "pursues" + }, + "push": { + "Definition": "to force someone to do something, to make someone do something", + "Past Tense": "pushed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈpʊʃ/", + "Singular": "pushes" + }, + "put": { + "Definition": "to put something in a particular place", + "Past Tense": "put", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈpʊt/", + "Singular": "puts" + }, + "qualify": { + "Definition": "to make (someone or something) suitable for a particular purpose or task", + "Past Tense": "qualified", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkwɑɫəˌfaɪ/", + "Singular": "qualifies" + }, + "question": { + "Definition": "to ask for information or an explanation", + "Past Tense": "questioned", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkwɛstʃən/, /ˈkwɛʃən/", + "Singular": "questions" + }, + "quit": { + "Definition": "to stop doing something, to stop being involved in something", + "Past Tense": "quit", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkwɪt/", + "Singular": "quits" + }, + "quote": { + "Definition": "to repeat (a passage of text) from a book, speech", + "Past Tense": "quoted", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈkwoʊt/", + "Singular": "quotes" + }, + "race": { + "Definition": "to run a race, to compete in a race", + "Past Tense": "raced", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɹeɪs/", + "Singular": "races" + }, + "raise": { + "Definition": "to lift up, to elevate, to increase, to raise up", + "Past Tense": "raised", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɹeɪz/", + "Singular": "raises" + }, + "range": { + "Definition": "to move about freely, to roam, to wander", + "Past Tense": "ranged", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɹeɪndʒ/", + "Singular": "ranges" + }, + "reach": { + "Definition": "to arrive at a place", + "Past Tense": "reached", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɹitʃ/", + "Singular": "reaches" + }, + "react": { + "Definition": "to respond to something, to behave in a particular way in response to something", + "Past Tense": "reacted", + "Pronunciation": "/ɹiˈækt/", + "Singular": "reacts" + }, + "read": { + "Definition": "to look at carefully so as to understand the meaning", + "Past Tense": "read", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɹɛd/, /ˈɹid/", + "Singular": "reads" + }, + "realize": { + "Definition": "to become aware of something, to understand something, to become conscious of something", + "Past Tense": "realized", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɹiəˌɫaɪz/", + "Singular": "realizes" + }, + "reassure": { + "Definition": "to make someone feel more confident or less worried", + "Past Tense": "reassured", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌɹiəˈʃʊɹ/", + "Singular": "reassures" + }, + "rebuild": { + "Definition": "to build again, to reconstruct, to reconstruct, to rebuild", + "Past Tense": "rebuilt", + "Pronunciation": "/ɹiˈbɪɫd/", + "Singular": "rebuilds" + }, + "recall": { + "Definition": "to remember something, to bring something to mind, to think of something", + "Past Tense": "recalled", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɹiˌkɔɫ/, /ɹɪˈkɔɫ/", + "Singular": "recalls" + }, + "receive": { + "Definition": "to get something, to take something in, to get something into your possession", + "Past Tense": "received", + "Pronunciation": "/ɹəˈsiv/, /ɹiˈsiv/, /ɹɪˈsiv/", + "Singular": "receives" + }, + "reckon": { + "Definition": "to estimate the value of something", + "Past Tense": "reckoned", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɹɛkən/", + "Singular": "reckons" + }, + "recognize": { + "Definition": "to understand the meaning of (a word, phrase", + "Past Tense": "recognized", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɹɛkəɡˌnaɪz/", + "Singular": "recognizes" + }, + "recommend": { + "Definition": "to advise or urge strongly", + "Past Tense": "recommended", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌɹɛkəˈmɛnd/", + "Singular": "recommends" + }, + "reconcile": { + "Definition": "to make (two people or groups) friendly again after a disagreement", + "Past Tense": "reconciled", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɹɛkənˌsaɪɫ/", + "Singular": "reconciles" + }, + "reconsider": { + "Definition": "to think about something again, to consider again, to think over again", + "Past Tense": "reconsidered", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌɹikənˈsɪdɝ/", + "Singular": "reconsiders" + }, + "record": { + "Definition": "to write down, to make a written record of", + "Past Tense": "recorded", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɹɛkɝd/, /ɹəˈkɔɹd/, /ɹɪˈkɔɹd/", + "Singular": "records" + }, + "recover": { + "Definition": "to get back to a normal state", + "Past Tense": "recovered", + "Pronunciation": "/ɹɪˈkəvɝ/", + "Singular": "recovers" + }, + "recruit": { + "Definition": "to get people to join the army or the police force", + "Past Tense": "recruited", + "Pronunciation": "/ɹəˈkɹut/, /ɹiˈkɹut/, /ɹɪˈkɹut/", + "Singular": "recruits" + }, + "reduce": { + "Definition": "to make smaller or less", + "Past Tense": "reduced", + "Pronunciation": "/ɹəˈdus/, /ɹiˈdus/, /ɹɪˈdus/", + "Singular": "reduces" + }, + "refer": { + "Definition": "to refer to, to mention, to relate to, to connect to", + "Past Tense": "referred", + "Pronunciation": "/ɹəˈfɝ/, /ɹɪˈfɝ/", + "Singular": "refers" + }, + "reflect": { + "Definition": "to think about something carefully, to consider something, to think about something", + "Past Tense": "reflected", + "Pronunciation": "/ɹɪˈfɫɛkt/", + "Singular": "reflects" + }, + "reform": { + "Definition": "to change something for the better", + "Past Tense": "reformed", + "Pronunciation": "/ɹəˈfɔɹm/, /ɹɪˈfɔɹm/", + "Singular": "reforms" + }, + "refuse": { + "Definition": "to say that you do not want to do something", + "Past Tense": "refused", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɹɛfˌjuz/, /ɹəfˈjuz/, /ɹɪfˈjuz/", + "Singular": "refuses" + }, + "regain": { + "Definition": "to get back something that you have lost", + "Past Tense": "regained", + "Pronunciation": "/ɹɪˈɡeɪn/", + "Singular": "regains" + }, + "regard": { + "Definition": "to look at or think about (something) carefully", + "Past Tense": "regarded", + "Pronunciation": "/ɹɪˈɡɑɹd/", + "Singular": "regards" + }, + "register": { + "Definition": "to record in a register", + "Past Tense": "registered", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɹɛdʒɪstɝ/", + "Singular": "registers" + }, + "regret": { + "Definition": "to feel sorry for something that you have done or that has happened", + "Past Tense": "regretted", + "Pronunciation": "/ɹəˈɡɹɛt/, /ɹɪˈɡɹɛt/", + "Singular": "regrets" + }, + "regulate": { + "Definition": "to control or direct the course of, to adjust to a standard", + "Past Tense": "regulated", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɹɛɡjəˌɫeɪt/", + "Singular": "regulates" + }, + "reinforce": { + "Definition": "to make stronger, to make more powerful, to make more effective", + "Past Tense": "reinforced", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌɹiɪnˈfɔɹs/", + "Singular": "reinforces" + }, + "reject": { + "Definition": "to refuse to accept something, to refuse to believe something", + "Past Tense": "rejected", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɹidʒɛkt/, /ɹɪˈdʒɛkt/", + "Singular": "rejects" + }, + "relate": { + "Definition": "to be connected or associated with something, to be related to someone or something", + "Past Tense": "related", + "Pronunciation": "/ɹiˈɫeɪt/, /ɹɪˈɫeɪt/", + "Singular": "relates" + }, + "relax": { + "Definition": "to become less tense or rigid", + "Past Tense": "relaxed", + "Pronunciation": "/ɹiˈɫæks/, /ɹɪˈɫæks/", + "Singular": "relaxes" + }, + "release": { + "Definition": "to let go of (someone or something)", + "Past Tense": "released", + "Pronunciation": "/ɹiˈɫis/", + "Singular": "releases" + }, + "relieve": { + "Definition": "to make less severe or painful, to make less severe or painful", + "Past Tense": "relieved", + "Pronunciation": "/ɹiˈɫiv/, /ɹɪˈɫiv/", + "Singular": "relieves" + }, + "rely": { + "Definition": "to depend on someone or something, to trust someone or something", + "Past Tense": "relied", + "Pronunciation": "/ɹiˈɫaɪ/, /ɹɪˈɫaɪ/", + "Singular": "relies" + }, + "remain": { + "Definition": "to continue to exist or live", + "Past Tense": "remained", + "Pronunciation": "/ɹiˈmeɪn/, /ɹɪˈmeɪn/", + "Singular": "remains" + }, + "remedy": { + "Definition": "to make better, to improve, to correct, to amend", + "Past Tense": "remedied", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɹɛmədi/", + "Singular": "remedies" + }, + "remember": { + "Definition": "to recall knowledge from memory, to remember something", + "Past Tense": "remembered", + "Pronunciation": "/ɹiˈmɛmbɝ/, /ɹɪˈmɛmbɝ/", + "Singular": "remembers" + }, + "remind": { + "Definition": "to tell someone about something that they have forgotten", + "Past Tense": "reminded", + "Pronunciation": "/ɹiˈmaɪnd/", + "Singular": "reminds" + }, + "remove": { + "Definition": "to take away, to remove, to take away, to remove", + "Past Tense": "removed", + "Pronunciation": "/ɹiˈmuv/", + "Singular": "removes" + }, + "render": { + "Definition": "to make something look or sound different", + "Past Tense": "rendered", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɹɛndɝ/", + "Singular": "renders" + }, + "renew": { + "Definition": "to make new again, to restore to a former state, to make new", + "Past Tense": "renewed", + "Pronunciation": "/ɹɪˈnu/", + "Singular": "renews" + }, + "repair": { + "Definition": "to make something better, to make something work again", + "Past Tense": "repaired", + "Pronunciation": "/ɹɪˈpɛɹ/", + "Singular": "repairs" + }, + "repay": { + "Definition": "to give back money that you owe", + "Past Tense": "repaid", + "Pronunciation": "/ɹiˈpeɪ/", + "Singular": "repays" + }, + "repeat": { + "Definition": "to say or do something again", + "Past Tense": "repeated", + "Pronunciation": "/ɹiˈpit/, /ɹɪˈpit/", + "Singular": "repeats" + }, + "replace": { + "Definition": "to replace something or someone with something or someone else", + "Past Tense": "replaced", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌɹiˈpɫeɪs/, /ɝˈpɫeɪs/", + "Singular": "replaces" + }, + "reply": { + "Definition": "to answer back, to respond, to retort, to rebut", + "Past Tense": "replied", + "Pronunciation": "/ɹiˈpɫaɪ/, /ɹɪˈpɫaɪ/", + "Singular": "replies" + }, + "report": { + "Definition": "to tell someone about something, to inform someone about something", + "Past Tense": "reported", + "Pronunciation": "/ɹiˈpɔɹt/, /ɹɪˈpɔɹt/", + "Singular": "reports" + }, + "represent": { + "Definition": "to be a representative of, to be a spokesperson for", + "Past Tense": "represented", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌɹɛpɹɪˈzɛnt/", + "Singular": "represents" + }, + "reproduce": { + "Definition": "to make a copy of something, to make a new version of something", + "Past Tense": "reproduced", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌɹipɹəˈdus/", + "Singular": "reproduces" + }, + "request": { + "Definition": "to ask for something, to request something, to ask for something", + "Past Tense": "requested", + "Pronunciation": "/ɹiˈkwɛst/, /ɹɪˈkwɛst/", + "Singular": "requests" + }, + "require": { + "Definition": "to need, to be necessary, to be essential", + "Past Tense": "required", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌɹiˈkwaɪɝ/, /ɹiˈkwaɪɹ/, /ɹɪˈkwaɪɝ/", + "Singular": "requires" + }, + "rescue": { + "Definition": "to save (someone or something) from danger or harm", + "Past Tense": "rescued", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɹɛskju/", + "Singular": "rescues" + }, + "research": { + "Definition": "to study or investigate something in order to discover new information or reach a conclusion", + "Past Tense": "researched", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɹisɝtʃ/, /ɹiˈsɝtʃ/", + "Singular": "researches" + }, + "resemble": { + "Definition": "to be similar to", + "Past Tense": "resembled", + "Pronunciation": "/ɹiˈzɛmbəɫ/, /ɹɪˈzɛmbəɫ/", + "Singular": "resembles" + }, + "reserve": { + "Definition": "to keep for future use, to set aside for future use", + "Past Tense": "reserved", + "Pronunciation": "/ɹiˈzɝv/, /ɹɪˈzɝv/", + "Singular": "reserves" + }, + "resign": { + "Definition": "to give up (a position, office", + "Past Tense": "resigned", + "Pronunciation": "/ɹiˈsaɪn/, /ɹiˈzaɪn/, /ɹɪˈzaɪn/", + "Singular": "resigns" + }, + "resist": { + "Definition": "to refuse to accept or comply with (something)", + "Past Tense": "resisted", + "Pronunciation": "/ɹiˈzɪst/, /ɹɪˈzɪst/", + "Singular": "resists" + }, + "resolve": { + "Definition": "to find a solution to a problem, to solve a problem", + "Past Tense": "resolved", + "Pronunciation": "/ɹiˈzɑɫv/", + "Singular": "resolves" + }, + "resource": { + "Definition": "to use (a resource)", + "Past Tense": "resourced", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɹisɔɹs/", + "Singular": "resources" + }, + "respect": { + "Definition": "to have a high opinion of someone or something", + "Past Tense": "respected", + "Pronunciation": "/ɹiˈspɛkt/, /ɹɪˈspɛkt/", + "Singular": "respects" + }, + "respond": { + "Definition": "to react to something, to answer, to reply, to answer back", + "Past Tense": "responded", + "Pronunciation": "/ɹiˈspɑnd/, /ɹɪˈspɑnd/", + "Singular": "responds" + }, + "rest": { + "Definition": "to stop working or moving for a period of time, rest", + "Past Tense": "rested", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɹɛst/", + "Singular": "rests" + }, + "restore": { + "Definition": "to return to a former state", + "Past Tense": "restored", + "Pronunciation": "/ɹɪˈstɔɹ/", + "Singular": "restores" + }, + "restrain": { + "Definition": "to keep from moving or acting", + "Past Tense": "restrained", + "Pronunciation": "/ɹiˈstɹeɪn/", + "Singular": "restrains" + }, + "restrict": { + "Definition": "to limit the amount of something that can be done or used", + "Past Tense": "restricted", + "Pronunciation": "/ɹiˈstɹɪkt/", + "Singular": "restricts" + }, + "result": { + "Definition": "to be the result of, to be the consequence of", + "Past Tense": "resulted", + "Pronunciation": "/ɹiˈzəɫt/, /ɹɪˈzəɫt/", + "Singular": "results" + }, + "resume": { + "Definition": "to take up again, to continue", + "Past Tense": "resumed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɹɛzəˌmeɪ/, /ɹiˈzum/, /ɹɪˈzum/", + "Singular": "resumes" + }, + "retain": { + "Definition": "to keep in the mind, to remember, to hold in the memory", + "Past Tense": "retained", + "Pronunciation": "/ɹiˈteɪn/, /ɹɪˈteɪn/", + "Singular": "retains" + }, + "retire": { + "Definition": "to leave a job or position", + "Past Tense": "retired", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌɹiˈtaɪɝ/, /ɹiˈtaɪɹ/, /ɹɪˈtaɪɹ/", + "Singular": "retires" + }, + "retrieve": { + "Definition": "to get back, to get again, to get over, to get through", + "Past Tense": "retrieved", + "Pronunciation": "/ɹiˈtɹiv/, /ɹɪˈtɹiv/", + "Singular": "retrieves" + }, + "return": { + "Definition": "to go back to a previous place or condition", + "Past Tense": "returned", + "Pronunciation": "/ɹiˈtɝn/, /ɹɪˈtɝn/", + "Singular": "returns" + }, + "reveal": { + "Definition": "to show or make known, to make known, to make known or visible", + "Past Tense": "revealed", + "Pronunciation": "/ɹiˈviɫ/, /ɹɪˈviɫ/", + "Singular": "reveals" + }, + "reverse": { + "Definition": "to turn something around, to change the direction of something", + "Past Tense": "reversed", + "Pronunciation": "/ɹiˈvɝs/, /ɹɪˈvɝs/", + "Singular": "reverses" + }, + "revert": { + "Definition": "to return to a previous state", + "Past Tense": "reverted", + "Pronunciation": "/ɹiˈvɝt/, /ɹɪˈvɝt/", + "Singular": "reverts" + }, + "review": { + "Definition": "to look at again, to examine again, to reconsider", + "Past Tense": "reviewed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌɹivˈju/", + "Singular": "reviews" + }, + "revise": { + "Definition": "to change something again, to make it better", + "Past Tense": "revised", + "Pronunciation": "/ɹiˈvaɪz/, /ɹɪˈvaɪz/", + "Singular": "revises" + }, + "revive": { + "Definition": "to bring back to life, to restore to consciousness", + "Past Tense": "revived", + "Pronunciation": "/ɹiˈvaɪv/, /ɹɪˈvaɪv/", + "Singular": "revives" + }, + "rid": { + "Definition": "to get rid of, to remove, to get rid of", + "Past Tense": "rid", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɹɪd/", + "Singular": "rids" + }, + "ride": { + "Definition": "to travel on a vehicle, to travel on a vehicle", + "Past Tense": "rode", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɹaɪd/", + "Singular": "rides" + }, + "ring": { + "Definition": "to make a ringing sound", + "Past Tense": "ringed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɹɪŋ/", + "Singular": "rings" + }, + "rise": { + "Definition": "to become higher, to increase in amount, to increase in size", + "Past Tense": "rose", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɹaɪz/", + "Singular": "rises" + }, + "risk": { + "Definition": "to take a chance on something, to try something that might not work", + "Past Tense": "risked", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɹɪsk/", + "Singular": "risks" + }, + "roll": { + "Definition": "to move along a surface by turning over", + "Past Tense": "rolled", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɹoʊɫ/", + "Singular": "rolls" + }, + "round": { + "Definition": "to make something round, to make something circular, to make something curved", + "Past Tense": "rounded", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɹaʊnd/", + "Singular": "rounds" + }, + "row": { + "Definition": "to move a boat or ship by pushing against the water with oars", + "Past Tense": "rowed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɹoʊ/", + "Singular": "rows" + }, + "rub": { + "Definition": "to move or press something against something else", + "Past Tense": "rubbed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɹəb/", + "Singular": "rubs" + }, + "ruin": { + "Definition": "to make something bad or unsuccessful", + "Past Tense": "ruined", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɹuən/, /ˈɹuɪn/", + "Singular": "ruins" + }, + "rule": { + "Definition": "to be in charge of, to be in control of", + "Past Tense": "ruled", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɹuɫ/", + "Singular": "rules" + }, + "run": { + "Definition": "to move quickly by using your feet, to move quickly", + "Past Tense": "ran", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɹən/", + "Singular": "runs" + }, + "rush": { + "Definition": "to move quickly and in a dangerous way", + "Past Tense": "rushed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɹəʃ/", + "Singular": "rushes" + }, + "safeguard": { + "Definition": "to protect from harm or danger", + "Past Tense": "safeguarded", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈseɪfˌɡɑɹd/", + "Singular": "safeguards" + }, + "sail": { + "Definition": "to travel by ship, to travel by ship, to travel by ship", + "Past Tense": "sailed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈseɪɫ/", + "Singular": "sails" + }, + "satisfy": { + "Definition": "to fulfill a need or desire, to be enough", + "Past Tense": "satisfied", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈsætəsˌfaɪ/, /ˈsætɪsˌfaɪ/", + "Singular": "satisfies" + }, + "save": { + "Definition": "to keep safe from harm or danger, to protect, to rescue", + "Past Tense": "saved", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈseɪv/", + "Singular": "saves" + }, + "say": { + "Definition": "to express in words, to speak, to talk, to communicate", + "Past Tense": "said", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈseɪ/", + "Singular": "says" + }, + "score": { + "Definition": "to win by a large margin", + "Past Tense": "scored", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈskɔɹ/", + "Singular": "scores" + }, + "scratch": { + "Definition": "to make a mark or lines on a surface by rubbing", + "Past Tense": "scratched", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈskɹætʃ/", + "Singular": "scratches" + }, + "scream": { + "Definition": "to make a loud, high-pitched sound", + "Past Tense": "screamed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈskɹim/", + "Singular": "screams" + }, + "seal": { + "Definition": "to make a seal, to make a mark, to make a signature", + "Past Tense": "sealed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈsiɫ/", + "Singular": "seals" + }, + "search": { + "Definition": "to look for something or someone, to try to find something or someone", + "Past Tense": "searched", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈsɝtʃ/", + "Singular": "searches" + }, + "secure": { + "Definition": "to make sure that something will be safe or successful", + "Past Tense": "secured", + "Pronunciation": "/sɪkˈjʊɹ/", + "Singular": "secures" + }, + "see": { + "Definition": "to see, to look at, to observe, to notice", + "Past Tense": "saw", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈsi/", + "Singular": "sees" + }, + "seek": { + "Definition": "to try to find something or someone, to try to get something or someone", + "Past Tense": "sought", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈsik/", + "Singular": "seeks" + }, + "seem": { + "Definition": "to appear to be something, to seem to be something", + "Past Tense": "seemed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈsim/", + "Singular": "seems" + }, + "seize": { + "Definition": "to take hold of, to take possession of, to take into custody", + "Past Tense": "seized", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈsiz/", + "Singular": "seizes" + }, + "select": { + "Definition": "to choose from a number of possibilities", + "Past Tense": "selected", + "Pronunciation": "/səˈɫɛkt/", + "Singular": "selects" + }, + "sell": { + "Definition": "to sell something, to exchange something for money", + "Past Tense": "sold", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈsɛɫ/", + "Singular": "sells" + }, + "send": { + "Definition": "to cause to go somewhere", + "Past Tense": "sent", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈsɛnd/", + "Singular": "sends" + }, + "sense": { + "Definition": "to have a feeling of or about something, to be aware of something", + "Past Tense": "sensed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈsɛns/", + "Singular": "senses" + }, + "separate": { + "Definition": "to separate or divide into two or more parts, to make different", + "Past Tense": "separated", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈsɛpɝˌeɪt/, /ˈsɛpɝɪt/, /ˈsɛpɹət/", + "Singular": "separates" + }, + "serve": { + "Definition": "to be of service to, to be of use to", + "Past Tense": "served", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈsɝv/", + "Singular": "serves" + }, + "service": { + "Definition": "to provide with what is necessary for the performance of a task or function", + "Past Tense": "serviced", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈsɝvəs/, /ˈsɝvɪs/", + "Singular": "services" + }, + "set": { + "Definition": "to put or place", + "Past Tense": "set", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈsɛt/", + "Singular": "sets" + }, + "settle": { + "Definition": "to make a decision about something, to reach a conclusion", + "Past Tense": "settled", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈsɛtəɫ/", + "Singular": "settles" + }, + "shake": { + "Definition": "to move back and forth, to move up and down", + "Past Tense": "shook", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈʃeɪk/", + "Singular": "shakes" + }, + "shall": { + "Definition": "to be or to become, to exist, to happen, to occur", + "Past Tense": "should", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈʃæɫ/", + "Singular": "shall" + }, + "shape": { + "Definition": "to form or give a particular shape to", + "Past Tense": "shaped", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈʃeɪp/", + "Singular": "shapes" + }, + "share": { + "Definition": "to give or receive something, especially information", + "Past Tense": "shared", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈʃɛɹ/", + "Singular": "shares" + }, + "shed": { + "Definition": "to lose blood from a wound", + "Past Tense": "shed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈʃɛd/", + "Singular": "sheds" + }, + "shift": { + "Definition": "to move from one place to another, to change position", + "Past Tense": "shifted", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈʃɪft/", + "Singular": "shifts" + }, + "shine": { + "Definition": "to be bright and attractive, to be successful, to be popular", + "Past Tense": "shone", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈʃaɪn/", + "Singular": "shines" + }, + "ship": { + "Definition": "to send (goods or letters, etc.) by ship", + "Past Tense": "shipped", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈʃɪp/", + "Singular": "ships" + }, + "shoot": { + "Definition": "to fire a gun or other weapon, to fire a missile", + "Past Tense": "shot", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈʃut/", + "Singular": "shoots" + }, + "shop": { + "Definition": "to go to a shop to buy something", + "Past Tense": "shopped", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈʃɑp/", + "Singular": "shops" + }, + "shout": { + "Definition": "to make a loud noise", + "Past Tense": "shouted", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈʃaʊt/", + "Singular": "shouts" + }, + "show": { + "Definition": "to show, to demonstrate, to exhibit, to display, to manifest", + "Past Tense": "showed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈʃoʊ/", + "Singular": "shows" + }, + "shut": { + "Definition": "to close or make close", + "Past Tense": "shut", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈʃət/", + "Singular": "shuts" + }, + "sign": { + "Definition": "to make a mark or a sign, to write one's name", + "Past Tense": "signed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈsaɪn/", + "Singular": "signs" + }, + "signal": { + "Definition": "to send a message to someone, to tell someone something", + "Past Tense": "signaled", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈsɪɡnəɫ/", + "Singular": "signals" + }, + "sing": { + "Definition": "to make a musical sound with the voice", + "Past Tense": "sang", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈsɪŋ/", + "Singular": "sings" + }, + "sink": { + "Definition": "to become lower in level or position", + "Past Tense": "sank", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈsɪŋk/", + "Singular": "sinks" + }, + "sit": { + "Definition": "to be seated, to be in a sitting position", + "Past Tense": "sat", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈsɪt/", + "Singular": "sits" + }, + "sleep": { + "Definition": "to be asleep, to be unconscious", + "Past Tense": "slept", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈsɫip/", + "Singular": "sleeps" + }, + "slide": { + "Definition": "to move smoothly along a surface, to move smoothly along a surface", + "Past Tense": "slid", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈsɫaɪd/", + "Singular": "slides" + }, + "slip": { + "Definition": "to move or slide along a surface, without support", + "Past Tense": "slipped", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈsɫɪp/", + "Singular": "slips" + }, + "slow": { + "Definition": "to move or travel slowly, to move or travel at a slow rate", + "Past Tense": "slowed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈsɫoʊ/", + "Singular": "slows" + }, + "smell": { + "Definition": "to have a strong odor, to have a strong smell", + "Past Tense": "smelled", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈsmɛɫ/", + "Singular": "smells" + }, + "smile": { + "Definition": "to show your teeth and your face when you are happy or pleased", + "Past Tense": "smiled", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈsmaɪɫ/", + "Singular": "smiles" + }, + "smoke": { + "Definition": "to inhale and exhale the smoke of a cigarette", + "Past Tense": "smoked", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈsmoʊk/", + "Singular": "smokes" + }, + "snap": { + "Definition": "to make a sudden, short, sharp sound", + "Past Tense": "snapped", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈsnæp/", + "Singular": "snaps" + }, + "soften": { + "Definition": "to make (something) less severe or harsh", + "Past Tense": "softened", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈsɑfən/, /ˈsɔfən/", + "Singular": "softens" + }, + "solve": { + "Definition": "to find a solution to a problem", + "Past Tense": "solved", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈsɑɫv/", + "Singular": "solves" + }, + "sort": { + "Definition": "to arrange in a particular order", + "Past Tense": "sorted", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈsɔɹt/", + "Singular": "sorts" + }, + "sound": { + "Definition": "to make a sound, to make a noise, to make a noise", + "Past Tense": "sounded", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈsaʊnd/", + "Singular": "sounds" + }, + "spare": { + "Definition": "to not use something, to not spend something, to not give something", + "Past Tense": "spared", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈspɛɹ/", + "Singular": "spares" + }, + "speak": { + "Definition": "to say something, to express in words, to communicate by speech", + "Past Tense": "spoke", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈspik/", + "Singular": "speaks" + }, + "specify": { + "Definition": "to give a name to, to identify, to describe, to characterize", + "Past Tense": "specified", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈspɛsəˌfaɪ/", + "Singular": "specifies" + }, + "speculate": { + "Definition": "to guess or suppose", + "Past Tense": "speculated", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈspɛkjəˌɫeɪt/", + "Singular": "speculates" + }, + "speed": { + "Definition": "to move or travel at a fast rate", + "Past Tense": "sped", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈspid/", + "Singular": "speeds" + }, + "spell": { + "Definition": "to write or print (letters, words", + "Past Tense": "spelled", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈspɛɫ/", + "Singular": "spells" + }, + "spend": { + "Definition": "to use money for something, to buy something, to pay for something", + "Past Tense": "spent", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈspɛnd/", + "Singular": "spends" + }, + "spill": { + "Definition": "to cause (a liquid) to flow out of a container", + "Past Tense": "spilled", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈspɪɫ/", + "Singular": "spills" + }, + "spin": { + "Definition": "to make a record on a record player", + "Past Tense": "spun", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈspɪn/", + "Singular": "spins" + }, + "split": { + "Definition": "to separate into two or more parts", + "Past Tense": "split", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈspɫɪt/", + "Singular": "splits" + }, + "spoil": { + "Definition": "to make something bad or unpleasant", + "Past Tense": "spoiled", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈspɔɪɫ/", + "Singular": "spoils" + }, + "spot": { + "Definition": "to see or notice something", + "Past Tense": "spotted", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈspɑt/", + "Singular": "spots" + }, + "spread": { + "Definition": "to make something known to many people, to make something known to many people", + "Past Tense": "spread", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈspɹɛd/", + "Singular": "spreads" + }, + "spring": { + "Definition": "to move or jump upward", + "Past Tense": "sprang", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈspɹɪŋ/, /spɝˈɪŋ/", + "Singular": "springs" + }, + "squeeze": { + "Definition": "to press or force (something) so that it is compressed or constricted", + "Past Tense": "squeezed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈskwiz/", + "Singular": "squeezes" + }, + "stand": { + "Definition": "to be in a place or position", + "Past Tense": "stood", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈstænd/", + "Singular": "stands" + }, + "stare": { + "Definition": "to look at someone or something for a long time without moving your eyes", + "Past Tense": "stared", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈstɛɹ/", + "Singular": "stares" + }, + "start": { + "Definition": "to begin to do something, to start to do something", + "Past Tense": "started", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈstɑɹt/", + "Singular": "starts" + }, + "state": { + "Definition": "to be in a state of being, to be in a state of being", + "Past Tense": "stated", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈsteɪt/", + "Singular": "states" + }, + "stay": { + "Definition": "to remain in a place or position, to continue to exist", + "Past Tense": "stayed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈsteɪ/", + "Singular": "stays" + }, + "steal": { + "Definition": "to take something without permission", + "Past Tense": "stole", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈstiɫ/", + "Singular": "steals" + }, + "steer": { + "Definition": "to direct the course of (a ship, aircraft, etc.)", + "Past Tense": "steered", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈstɪɹ/", + "Singular": "steers" + }, + "stem": { + "Definition": "to be the source of", + "Past Tense": "stemmed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈstɛm/", + "Singular": "stems" + }, + "step": { + "Definition": "to move one's foot forward", + "Past Tense": "stepped", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈstɛp/", + "Singular": "steps" + }, + "stick": { + "Definition": "to be stuck in a place", + "Past Tense": "sticked", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈstɪk/", + "Singular": "sticks" + }, + "stimulate": { + "Definition": "to encourage or incite", + "Past Tense": "stimulated", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈstɪmjəˌɫeɪt/", + "Singular": "stimulates" + }, + "stir": { + "Definition": "to mix or blend (substances) together", + "Past Tense": "stirred", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈstɝ/", + "Singular": "stirs" + }, + "stock": { + "Definition": "to put (something) in a place for storage or sale", + "Past Tense": "stocked", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈstɑk/", + "Singular": "stocks" + }, + "stop": { + "Definition": "to stop doing something, to stop working, to stop being active", + "Past Tense": "stopped", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈstɑp/", + "Singular": "stops" + }, + "store": { + "Definition": "to keep something in a place for future use", + "Past Tense": "stored", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈstɔɹ/", + "Singular": "stores" + }, + "strain": { + "Definition": "to put under pressure or effort, to make a great effort to do something", + "Past Tense": "strained", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈstɹeɪn/", + "Singular": "strains" + }, + "strengthen": { + "Definition": "to make stronger, to make more powerful, to make more effective", + "Past Tense": "strengthened", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈstɹɛŋθən/", + "Singular": "strengthens" + }, + "stress": { + "Definition": "to emphasize, to accentuate, to draw attention to", + "Past Tense": "stressed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈstɹɛs/", + "Singular": "stresses" + }, + "stretch": { + "Definition": "to extend or expand, to make longer, to make more extensive", + "Past Tense": "stretched", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈstɹɛtʃ/", + "Singular": "stretches" + }, + "strike": { + "Definition": "to hit someone or something with force, to hit someone or something with force", + "Past Tense": "struck", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈstɹaɪk/", + "Singular": "strikes" + }, + "strip": { + "Definition": "to remove clothing, to take off one's clothes", + "Past Tense": "stripped", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈstɹɪp/", + "Singular": "strips" + }, + "strive": { + "Definition": "to try to achieve or obtain, to make an effort to achieve or obtain", + "Past Tense": "strove", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈstɹaɪv/", + "Singular": "strives" + }, + "struggle": { + "Definition": "to fight or contend with something, to fight against something", + "Past Tense": "struggled", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈstɹəɡəɫ/", + "Singular": "struggles" + }, + "study": { + "Definition": "to study", + "Past Tense": "studied", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈstədi/", + "Singular": "studies" + }, + "submit": { + "Definition": "to give up (something) to another person or authority", + "Past Tense": "submitted", + "Pronunciation": "/səbˈmɪt/", + "Singular": "submits" + }, + "subscribe": { + "Definition": "to pay for a newspaper or magazine, to pay for a service or product", + "Past Tense": "subscribed", + "Pronunciation": "/səbsˈkɹaɪb/", + "Singular": "subscribes" + }, + "substitute": { + "Definition": "to take the place of, to replace, to substitute for", + "Past Tense": "substituted", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈsəbstəˌtut/", + "Singular": "substitutes" + }, + "succeed": { + "Definition": "to achieve a goal, to be successful, to be victorious", + "Past Tense": "succeeded", + "Pronunciation": "/səkˈsid/", + "Singular": "succeeds" + }, + "suck": { + "Definition": "to draw in or take in, to absorb, to take in", + "Past Tense": "sucked", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈsək/", + "Singular": "sucks" + }, + "sue": { + "Definition": "to take legal action against someone, to bring a lawsuit against someone", + "Past Tense": "sued", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈsu/", + "Singular": "sues" + }, + "suffer": { + "Definition": "to undergo (something unpleasant); \"I suffered through the boring lecture", + "Past Tense": "suffered", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈsəfɝ/", + "Singular": "suffers" + }, + "suffice": { + "Definition": "to be enough, to be adequate, to be sufficient", + "Past Tense": "sufficed", + "Pronunciation": "/səˈfaɪs/", + "Singular": "suffices" + }, + "suggest": { + "Definition": "to propose or recommend", + "Past Tense": "suggested", + "Pronunciation": "/səˈdʒɛst/", + "Singular": "suggests" + }, + "suit": { + "Definition": "to be suitable for a particular purpose or situation, to be appropriate", + "Past Tense": "suited", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈsut/", + "Singular": "suits" + }, + "summon": { + "Definition": "to call (someone) to come to you", + "Past Tense": "summoned", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈsəmən/", + "Singular": "summons" + }, + "supervise": { + "Definition": "to watch over and direct (someone)", + "Past Tense": "supervised", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈsupɝˌvaɪz/", + "Singular": "supervises" + }, + "supplement": { + "Definition": "to add something to something else, to make it more complete", + "Past Tense": "supplemented", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈsəpɫəmənt/, /ˌsəpɫəˈmɛnt/", + "Singular": "supplements" + }, + "supply": { + "Definition": "to provide with something necessary or desirable", + "Past Tense": "supplied", + "Pronunciation": "/səˈpɫaɪ/", + "Singular": "supplies" + }, + "support": { + "Definition": "to give help or permission to do something, to give support to", + "Past Tense": "supported", + "Pronunciation": "/səˈpɔɹt/", + "Singular": "supports" + }, + "suppose": { + "Definition": "to think that something is true, without knowing for sure", + "Past Tense": "supposed", + "Pronunciation": "/səˈpoʊz/", + "Singular": "supposes" + }, + "suppress": { + "Definition": "to stop something from happening or being done", + "Past Tense": "suppressed", + "Pronunciation": "/səˈpɹɛs/", + "Singular": "suppresses" + }, + "surprise": { + "Definition": "to be surprised by something", + "Past Tense": "surprised", + "Pronunciation": "/səˈpɹaɪz/, /sɝˈpɹaɪz/", + "Singular": "surprises" + }, + "surrender": { + "Definition": "to give up (something)", + "Past Tense": "surrendered", + "Pronunciation": "/sɝˈɛndɝ/", + "Singular": "surrenders" + }, + "surround": { + "Definition": "to be surrounded by, to be enclosed by", + "Past Tense": "surrounded", + "Pronunciation": "/sɝˈaʊnd/", + "Singular": "surrounds" + }, + "survive": { + "Definition": "to live through a difficult time or situation, to continue to live", + "Past Tense": "survived", + "Pronunciation": "/sɝˈvaɪv/", + "Singular": "survives" + }, + "suspect": { + "Definition": "to think that someone is guilty of a crime or has done something wrong", + "Past Tense": "suspected", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈsəsˌpɛkt/, /səˈspɛkt/", + "Singular": "suspects" + }, + "suspend": { + "Definition": "to stop something for a short time", + "Past Tense": "suspended", + "Pronunciation": "/səˈspɛnd/", + "Singular": "suspends" + }, + "sustain": { + "Definition": "to support or hold up, to keep from falling", + "Past Tense": "sustained", + "Pronunciation": "/səˈsteɪn/", + "Singular": "sustains" + }, + "swallow": { + "Definition": "to take in, to absorb, to ingest, to digest", + "Past Tense": "swallowed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈswɑɫoʊ/, /ˈswɔɫoʊ/", + "Singular": "swallows" + }, + "swap": { + "Definition": "to exchange, to trade, to give and receive, to change", + "Past Tense": "swapped", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈswɑp/", + "Singular": "swaps" + }, + "swear": { + "Definition": "to make a solemn promise, to swear by something", + "Past Tense": "swore", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈswɛɹ/", + "Singular": "swears" + }, + "sweep": { + "Definition": "to move quickly and in a wide area", + "Past Tense": "swept", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈswip/", + "Singular": "sweeps" + }, + "swim": { + "Definition": "to move through water by using the limbs to propel the body forward", + "Past Tense": "swam", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈswɪm/", + "Singular": "swims" + }, + "swing": { + "Definition": "to move back and forth, to move from side to side", + "Past Tense": "swung", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈswɪŋ/", + "Singular": "swings" + }, + "switch": { + "Definition": "to change from one thing to another, to change from one person to another", + "Past Tense": "switched", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈswɪtʃ/", + "Singular": "switches" + }, + "tackle": { + "Definition": "to deal with or attempt to deal with (a task or problem)", + "Past Tense": "tackled", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈtækəɫ/", + "Singular": "tackles" + }, + "take": { + "Definition": "to take something or somebody with you, to take something or somebody away", + "Past Tense": "took", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈteɪk/", + "Singular": "takes" + }, + "talk": { + "Definition": "to talk to someone, to talk to someone about something", + "Past Tense": "talked", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈtɔk/", + "Singular": "talks" + }, + "tap": { + "Definition": "to hit or strike with a hard object", + "Past Tense": "tapped", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈtæp/", + "Singular": "taps" + }, + "taste": { + "Definition": "to have a particular flavor, to have a particular flavor", + "Past Tense": "tasted", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈteɪst/", + "Singular": "tastes" + }, + "tax": { + "Definition": "to charge a tax on (something)", + "Past Tense": "taxed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈtæks/", + "Singular": "taxes" + }, + "teach": { + "Definition": "to give instruction to (a person)", + "Past Tense": "taught", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈtitʃ/", + "Singular": "teaches" + }, + "tear": { + "Definition": "to pull apart, to rip, to rend, to rend asunder", + "Past Tense": "tore", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈtɛɹ/, /ˈtɪɹ/", + "Singular": "tears" + }, + "telephone": { + "Definition": "to call someone on the telephone", + "Past Tense": "telephoned", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈtɛɫəˌfoʊn/", + "Singular": "telephones" + }, + "tell": { + "Definition": "to say something, to express in words, to communicate, to express", + "Past Tense": "told", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈtɛɫ/", + "Singular": "tells" + }, + "tend": { + "Definition": "to be inclined to do something, to be likely to do something", + "Past Tense": "tended", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈtɛnd/", + "Singular": "tends" + }, + "terminate": { + "Definition": "to end, to finish, to conclude, to come to an end", + "Past Tense": "terminated", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈtɝməˌneɪt/", + "Singular": "terminates" + }, + "test": { + "Definition": "to try something to see if it works or not", + "Past Tense": "tested", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈtɛst/", + "Singular": "tests" + }, + "thank": { + "Definition": "to express gratitude for something", + "Past Tense": "thanked", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈθæŋk/", + "Singular": "thanks" + }, + "think": { + "Definition": "to have an opinion or a belief about something", + "Past Tense": "thought", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈθɪŋk/", + "Singular": "thinks" + }, + "threaten": { + "Definition": "to say that you will do something bad to someone or something", + "Past Tense": "threatened", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈθɹɛtən/", + "Singular": "threatens" + }, + "thrive": { + "Definition": "to grow and develop vigorously", + "Past Tense": "thrived", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈθɹaɪv/", + "Singular": "thrives" + }, + "throw": { + "Definition": "to throw something away, to throw something away, to throw something away", + "Past Tense": "threw", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈθɹoʊ/", + "Singular": "throws" + }, + "thrust": { + "Definition": "to push or force (something) into a place", + "Past Tense": "thrust", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈθɹəst/", + "Singular": "thrusts" + }, + "tick": { + "Definition": "to move or cause to move back and forth", + "Past Tense": "ticked", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈtɪk/", + "Singular": "ticks" + }, + "tie": { + "Definition": "to fasten with a rope or string", + "Past Tense": "tied", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈtaɪ/", + "Singular": "ties" + }, + "tighten": { + "Definition": "to make tighter, to make more firm, to make more compact", + "Past Tense": "tightened", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈtaɪtən/", + "Singular": "tightens" + }, + "time": { + "Definition": "to be in a particular place at a particular time", + "Past Tense": "timed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈtaɪm/", + "Singular": "times" + }, + "tip": { + "Definition": "to give a small amount of money to someone", + "Past Tense": "tipped", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈtɪp/", + "Singular": "tips" + }, + "tolerate": { + "Definition": "to accept or allow something or someone, to put up with something or someone", + "Past Tense": "tolerated", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈtɑɫɝˌeɪt/", + "Singular": "tolerates" + }, + "top": { + "Definition": "to be on top of something, to be in control of something", + "Past Tense": "topped", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈtɑp/, /ˈtɔp/", + "Singular": "tops" + }, + "touch": { + "Definition": "to come into contact with, to make contact with", + "Past Tense": "touched", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈtətʃ/", + "Singular": "touches" + }, + "tour": { + "Definition": "to travel around a place", + "Past Tense": "toured", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈtʊɹ/", + "Singular": "tours" + }, + "trace": { + "Definition": "to follow the course of, to trace the route of", + "Past Tense": "traced", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈtɹeɪs/", + "Singular": "traces" + }, + "track": { + "Definition": "to follow the path of, to go after, to pursue", + "Past Tense": "tracked", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈtɹæk/", + "Singular": "tracks" + }, + "trade": { + "Definition": "to exchange goods or services, to give or receive in exchange", + "Past Tense": "traded", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈtɹeɪd/", + "Singular": "trades" + }, + "train": { + "Definition": "to teach (a person or animal) to behave in a particular way", + "Past Tense": "trained", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈtɹeɪn/", + "Singular": "trains" + }, + "transfer": { + "Definition": "to move from one place to another, to change location", + "Past Tense": "transferred", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈtɹænsfɝ/, /tɹænsˈfɝ/", + "Singular": "transfers" + }, + "transform": { + "Definition": "to change into something else", + "Past Tense": "transformed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈtɹænsfɔɹm/, /tɹænsˈfɔɹm/", + "Singular": "transforms" + }, + "translate": { + "Definition": "to change from one language to another", + "Past Tense": "translated", + "Pronunciation": "/tɹænˈsɫeɪt/, /tɹænzˈɫeɪt/", + "Singular": "translates" + }, + "transport": { + "Definition": "to move from one place to another", + "Past Tense": "transported", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈtɹænspɔɹt/, /tɹænˈspɔɹt/", + "Singular": "transports" + }, + "trap": { + "Definition": "to catch (an animal or person) in a trap", + "Past Tense": "trapped", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈtɹæp/", + "Singular": "traps" + }, + "travel": { + "Definition": "to move from one place to another, to go from one place to another", + "Past Tense": "travelled", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈtɹævəɫ/", + "Singular": "travels" + }, + "treat": { + "Definition": "to deal with (a situation or problem) in a particular way", + "Past Tense": "treated", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈtɹit/", + "Singular": "treats" + }, + "trust": { + "Definition": "to believe in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone or something", + "Past Tense": "trusted", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈtɹəst/", + "Singular": "trusts" + }, + "try": { + "Definition": "to attempt to do something, to try to do something", + "Past Tense": "tried", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈtɹaɪ/", + "Singular": "tries" + }, + "turn": { + "Definition": "to change from one form to another", + "Past Tense": "turned", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈtɝn/", + "Singular": "turns" + }, + "twist": { + "Definition": "to twist or turn, to twist or turn something", + "Past Tense": "twisted", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈtwɪst/", + "Singular": "twists" + }, + "undergo": { + "Definition": "to experience or suffer", + "Past Tense": "underwent", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌəndɝˈɡoʊ/", + "Singular": "undergoes" + }, + "undermine": { + "Definition": "to weaken the support of (a person or institution)", + "Past Tense": "undermined", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈəndɝˌmaɪn/", + "Singular": "undermines" + }, + "understand": { + "Definition": "to understand something, to know what it means", + "Past Tense": "understood", + "Pronunciation": "/ˌəndɝˈstænd/", + "Singular": "understands" + }, + "undertake": { + "Definition": "to take on a task or responsibility, to do something", + "Past Tense": "undertook", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈəndɝˌteɪk/", + "Singular": "undertakes" + }, + "unite": { + "Definition": "to join together, to become one, to combine, to fuse", + "Past Tense": "united", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈjuˌnaɪt/", + "Singular": "unites" + }, + "update": { + "Definition": "to make changes to something, especially to make it more modern or more effective", + "Past Tense": "updated", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈəpˌdeɪt/, /əpˈdeɪt/", + "Singular": "updates" + }, + "upgrade": { + "Definition": "to improve the quality of (something)", + "Past Tense": "upgraded", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈəpˈɡɹeɪd/, /əpˈɡɹeɪd/", + "Singular": "upgrades" + }, + "upset": { + "Definition": "to make (someone) feel worried or angry", + "Past Tense": "upset", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈəpˌsɛt/, /əpˈsɛt/", + "Singular": "upsets" + }, + "urge": { + "Definition": "to encourage or urge on, to push forward, to press on", + "Past Tense": "urged", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɝdʒ/", + "Singular": "urges" + }, + "use": { + "Definition": "to use, to make use of, to employ, to apply", + "Past Tense": "used", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈjus/, /ˈjuz/", + "Singular": "uses" + }, + "value": { + "Definition": "to regard highly, to esteem, to respect, to admire", + "Past Tense": "valued", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈvæɫju/", + "Singular": "values" + }, + "vary": { + "Definition": "to change, to alter, to modify, to vary", + "Past Tense": "varied", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈvɛɹi/", + "Singular": "varies" + }, + "venture": { + "Definition": "to take a risk, to try something new, to be bold", + "Past Tense": "ventured", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈvɛntʃɝ/", + "Singular": "ventures" + }, + "view": { + "Definition": "to look at something, to see something, to look at something", + "Past Tense": "viewed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈvju/", + "Singular": "views" + }, + "visit": { + "Definition": "to go to see (a place, a person, an event", + "Past Tense": "visited", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈvɪzɪt/", + "Singular": "visits" + }, + "voice": { + "Definition": "to speak or express in words", + "Past Tense": "voiced", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈvɔɪs/", + "Singular": "voices" + }, + "vote": { + "Definition": "to express a choice by ballot, vote, vote for, vote for", + "Past Tense": "voted", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈvoʊt/", + "Singular": "votes" + }, + "wait": { + "Definition": "to remain inactive or in a state of readiness", + "Past Tense": "waited", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈweɪt/", + "Singular": "waits" + }, + "wake": { + "Definition": "to become conscious, to become aware of one's surroundings", + "Past Tense": "woke", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈweɪk/", + "Singular": "wakes" + }, + "walk": { + "Definition": "to move by lifting the feet and putting them down again in turn", + "Past Tense": "walked", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈwɑk/, /ˈwɔk/", + "Singular": "walks" + }, + "wander": { + "Definition": "to move from place to place without a specific goal", + "Past Tense": "wandered", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈwɑndɝ/", + "Singular": "wanders" + }, + "want": { + "Definition": "to have a desire for something, to want something, to wish for something", + "Past Tense": "wanted", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈwɑnt/, /ˈwɔnt/", + "Singular": "wants" + }, + "warm": { + "Definition": "to make something hot, to heat something, to make something hotter", + "Past Tense": "warmed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈwɔɹm/", + "Singular": "warms" + }, + "warn": { + "Definition": "to give a warning to (someone)", + "Past Tense": "warned", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈwɔɹn/", + "Singular": "warns" + }, + "warrant": { + "Definition": "to give a guarantee or assurance of the quality of something", + "Past Tense": "warranted", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈwɔɹənt/", + "Singular": "warrants" + }, + "wash": { + "Definition": "to remove dirt from (someone or something)", + "Past Tense": "washed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈwɑʃ/", + "Singular": "washes" + }, + "waste": { + "Definition": "to use or spend (time, money", + "Past Tense": "wasted", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈweɪst/", + "Singular": "wastes" + }, + "watch": { + "Definition": "to be on the lookout for something, to be alert", + "Past Tense": "watched", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈwɑtʃ/, /ˈwɔtʃ/", + "Singular": "watches" + }, + "wave": { + "Definition": "to move your hand up and down in the air", + "Past Tense": "waved", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈweɪv/", + "Singular": "waves" + }, + "weaken": { + "Definition": "to make weaker, to make less strong, to make less effective", + "Past Tense": "weakened", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈwikən/", + "Singular": "weakens" + }, + "wear": { + "Definition": "to wear something, to have something on your body", + "Past Tense": "wore", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈwɛɹ/", + "Singular": "wears" + }, + "wed": { + "Definition": "to marry, to unite in marriage, to become married", + "Past Tense": "wed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈwɛd/", + "Singular": "weds" + }, + "weigh": { + "Definition": "to consider carefully, to think about, to judge, to assess", + "Past Tense": "weighed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈweɪ/", + "Singular": "weighs" + }, + "welcome": { + "Definition": "to receive (a person) with courtesy and friendliness", + "Past Tense": "welcomed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈwɛɫkəm/", + "Singular": "welcomes" + }, + "widen": { + "Definition": "to make wider, to make more extensive, to make more comprehensive", + "Past Tense": "widened", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈwaɪdən/", + "Singular": "widens" + }, + "will": { + "Definition": "to want to do something, to have a desire to do something", + "Past Tense": "would", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈwɪɫ/, /wəɫ/", + "Singular": "will" + }, + "win": { + "Definition": "to be the victor in a contest or struggle", + "Past Tense": "won", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈwɪn/", + "Singular": "wins" + }, + "wind": { + "Definition": "to twist or turn, to twist or wind something around something else", + "Past Tense": "winded", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈwaɪnd/, /ˈwɪnd/", + "Singular": "winds" + }, + "wipe": { + "Definition": "to remove something by rubbing it with a cloth or piece of paper", + "Past Tense": "wiped", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈwaɪp/", + "Singular": "wipes" + }, + "wish": { + "Definition": "to want something to happen or be true, to want something to be true", + "Past Tense": "wished", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈwɪʃ/", + "Singular": "wishes" + }, + "withdraw": { + "Definition": "to take back, to remove, to retract, to rescind", + "Past Tense": "withdrew", + "Pronunciation": "/wɪðˈdɹɔ/, /wɪθˈdɹɔ/", + "Singular": "withdraws" + }, + "withstand": { + "Definition": "to be able to withstand something, to be able to resist something", + "Past Tense": "withstood", + "Pronunciation": "/wɪθˈstænd/", + "Singular": "withstands" + }, + "witness": { + "Definition": "to be present at an event or ceremony", + "Past Tense": "witnessed", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈwɪtnəs/", + "Singular": "witnesses" + }, + "wonder": { + "Definition": "to be surprised or amazed", + "Past Tense": "wondered", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈwəndɝ/", + "Singular": "wonders" + }, + "work": { + "Definition": "to do something in order to achieve a particular result or to gain a particular advantage", + "Past Tense": "worked", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈwɝk/", + "Singular": "works" + }, + "worry": { + "Definition": "to feel anxious or nervous about something", + "Past Tense": "worried", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈwɝi/", + "Singular": "worries" + }, + "wrap": { + "Definition": "to put something around something else, to cover something with something else", + "Past Tense": "wrapped", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɹæp/", + "Singular": "wraps" + }, + "write": { + "Definition": "to write or record in words or letters", + "Past Tense": "wrote", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈɹaɪt/", + "Singular": "writes" + }, + "yield": { + "Definition": "to give in, to surrender, to submit, to comply", + "Past Tense": "yielded", + "Pronunciation": "/ˈjiɫd/", + "Singular": "yields" + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/evals/ravel/ravel/data/base/ravel_verb_entity_to_split.json 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start; send: cause something to be delivered; %s:": "train", + "begin: start; win: achieve victory; %s:": "train", + "begin: start; write: inscribe characters on a surface; %s:": "train", + "change: make different; agree: have a mutual understanding; %s:": "train", + "change: make different; look: observe; %s:": "train", + "change: make different; require: demand as necessary.; %s:": "train", + "change: make different; send: cause something to be delivered; %s:": "train", + "change: make different; win: achieve victory; %s:": "test", + "create: bring something into existence; look: observe; %s:": "train", + "create: bring something into existence; require: demand as necessary.; %s:": "val", + "create: bring something into existence; send: cause something to be delivered; %s:": "val", + "create: bring something into existence; win: achieve victory; %s:": "val", + "find: discover something that was previously unknown; look: observe; %s:": "train", + "find: discover something that was previously unknown; require: demand as necessary.; %s:": "train", + "find: discover something that was previously unknown; send: cause something to be delivered; %s:": "train", + "find: discover something that was previously unknown; win: achieve victory; %s:": "val", + "get: obtain or receive; look: observe; %s:": "val", + "get: obtain or receive; require: demand as necessary.; %s:": "val", + "get: obtain or receive; send: cause something to be delivered; %s:": "test", + "get: obtain or receive; win: achieve victory; %s:": "test", + "hope: have a desire for a positive outcome; look: observe; %s:": "test", + "hope: have a desire for a positive outcome; require: demand as necessary.; %s:": "train", + "hope: have a desire for a positive outcome; send: cause something to be delivered; %s:": "val", + "hope: have a desire for a positive outcome; win: achieve victory; %s:": "train", + "include: contain; appear: come into sight; %s:": "val", + "include: contain; look: observe; %s:": "val", + "include: contain; require: demand as necessary.; %s:": "val", + "include: contain; send: cause something to be delivered; %s:": "val", + "include: contain; win: achieve victory; %s:": "test", + "like: have a positive preference; look: observe; %s:": "train", + "like: have a positive preference; require: demand as necessary.; %s:": "val", + "like: have a positive preference; send: cause something to be delivered; %s:": "train", + "like: have a positive preference; walk: move on foot; %s:": "train", + "like: have a positive preference; win: achieve victory; %s:": "test", + "look: observe; require: demand as necessary.; %s:": "train", + "look: observe; send: cause something to be delivered; %s:": "val", + "look: observe; talk: communicate by speaking; %s:": "train", + "look: observe; win: achieve victory; %s:": "test", + "require: demand as necessary.; become: undergo a change or transformation; %s:": "val", + "require: demand as necessary.; look: observe; %s:": "train", + "require: demand as necessary.; send: cause something to be delivered; %s:": "val", + "require: demand as necessary.; win: achieve victory; %s:": "test", + "send: cause something to be delivered; look: observe; %s:": "test", + "send: cause something to be delivered; require: demand as necessary.; %s:": "test", + "send: cause something to be delivered; win: achieve victory; %s:": "train", + "talk: communicate by speaking; look: observe; %s:": "train", + "talk: communicate by speaking; require: demand as necessary.; %s:": "train", + "talk: communicate by speaking; send: cause something to be delivered; %s:": "train", + "talk: communicate by speaking; win: achieve victory; %s:": "train", + "tell: communicate information verbally; look: observe; %s:": "val", + "tell: communicate information verbally; require: demand as necessary.; %s:": "train", + "tell: communicate information verbally; send: cause something to be delivered; %s:": "test", + "tell: communicate information verbally; win: achieve victory; %s:": "val", + "verb: %s, definition: to": "train", + "walk: move on foot; look: observe; %s:": "val", + "walk: move on foot; require: demand as necessary.; %s:": "train", + "walk: move on foot; send: cause something to be delivered; %s:": "test", + "walk: move on foot; win: achieve victory; %s:": "train", + "win: achieve victory; change: make different; %s:": "train", + "win: achieve victory; look: observe; %s:": "test", + "win: achieve victory; require: demand as necessary.; %s:": "val", + "win: achieve victory; send: cause something to be delivered; %s:": "train", + "word: %s, definition: to": "test", + "write: inscribe characters on a surface; look: observe; %s:": "train", + "write: inscribe characters on a surface; require: demand as necessary.; %s:": "train", + "write: inscribe characters on a surface; send: cause something to be delivered; %s:": "val", + "write: inscribe characters on a surface; win: achieve victory; %s:": "train", + " convert to 3rd person singular: They %s. He": "test", + "\"present tense\": \"%s\", \"3rd person present\": \"": "train", + "agree: agrees; look: looks; %s:": "train", + "agree: agrees; require: requires; %s:": "train", + "agree: agrees; send: sends; %s:": "train", + "agree: agrees; win: wins; %s:": "test", + "appear: appears; look: looks; %s:": "val", + "appear: appears; require: requires; %s:": "train", + "appear: appears; send: sends; %s:": "train", + "appear: appears; win: wins; %s:": "test", + "ask: asks; become: becomes; %s:": "train", + "ask: asks; look: looks; %s:": "val", + "ask: asks; require: requires; %s:": "train", + "ask: asks; send: sends; %s:": "val", + "ask: asks; win: wins; %s:": "train", + "become: becomes; agree: agrees; %s:": "train", + "become: becomes; look: looks; %s:": "train", + "become: becomes; require: requires; %s:": "val", + "become: becomes; send: sends; %s:": "train", + "become: becomes; win: wins; %s:": "val", + "begin: begins; look: looks; %s:": "val", + "begin: begins; require: requires; %s:": "val", + "begin: begins; send: sends; %s:": "train", + "begin: begins; talk: talks; %s:": "test", + "begin: begins; walk: walks; %s:": "train", + "begin: begins; win: wins; %s:": "val", + "change: changes; look: looks; %s:": "train", + "change: changes; require: requires; %s:": "train", + "change: changes; send: sends; %s:": "train", + "change: changes; win: wins; %s:": "test", + "create: creates; look: looks; %s:": "train", + "create: creates; require: requires; %s:": "train", + "create: creates; send: sends; %s:": "val", + "create: creates; win: wins; %s:": "val", + "find: finds; look: looks; %s:": "val", + "find: finds; require: requires; %s:": "train", + "find: finds; send: sends; %s:": "test", + "find: finds; win: wins; %s:": "train", + "get: gets; look: looks; %s:": "test", + "get: gets; require: requires; %s:": "train", + "get: gets; send: sends; %s:": "test", + "get: gets; win: wins; %s:": "train", + "hope: hopes; look: looks; %s:": "train", + "hope: hopes; require: requires; %s:": "test", + "hope: hopes; send: sends; %s:": "train", + "hope: hopes; win: wins; %s:": "train", + "include: includes; look: looks; %s:": "test", + "include: includes; require: requires; %s:": "val", + "include: includes; send: sends; %s:": "train", + "include: includes; win: wins; %s:": "test", + "like: likes; agree: agrees; %s:": "val", + "like: likes; look: looks; %s:": "val", + "like: likes; require: requires; %s:": "test", + "like: likes; send: sends; %s:": "test", + "like: likes; win: wins; %s:": "test", + "look: looks; require: requires; %s:": "train", + "look: looks; send: sends; %s:": "train", + "look: looks; win: wins; %s:": "train", + "present tense: %s, 3rd person present:": "train", + "require: requires; become: becomes; %s:": "val", + "require: requires; look: looks; %s:": "train", + "require: requires; send: sends; %s:": "train", + "require: requires; win: wins; %s:": "train", + "send: sends; look: looks; %s:": "test", + "send: sends; require: requires; %s:": "train", + "send: sends; win: wins; %s:": "val", + "talk: talks; create: creates; %s:": "train", + "talk: talks; get: gets; %s:": "train", + "talk: talks; look: looks; %s:": "test", + "talk: talks; require: requires; %s:": "train", + "talk: talks; send: sends; %s:": "train", + "talk: talks; win: wins; %s:": "train", + "tell: tells; create: creates; %s:": "train", + "tell: tells; look: looks; %s:": "val", + "tell: tells; require: requires; %s:": "val", + "tell: tells; send: sends; %s:": "val", + "tell: tells; talk: talks; %s:": "val", + "tell: tells; win: wins; %s:": "train", + "verb: %s, 3rd person present:": "train", + "walk: walks; become: becomes; %s:": "test", + "walk: walks; look: looks; %s:": "train", + "walk: walks; require: requires; %s:": "test", + "walk: walks; send: sends; %s:": "train", + "walk: walks; win: wins; %s:": "train", + "win: wins; look: looks; %s:": "test", + "win: wins; require: requires; %s:": "train", + "win: wins; send: sends; %s:": "val", + "word: %s (v.), 3rd person present:": "test", + "write: writes; like: likes; %s:": "val", + "write: writes; look: looks; %s:": "test", + "write: writes; require: requires; %s:": "val", + "write: writes; send: sends; %s:": "train", + "write: writes; win: wins; %s:": "val", + "The past tense of %s is": "test", + "agree: agreed; appear: appeared; %s:": "val", + "agree: agreed; look: looked; %s:": "train", + "agree: agreed; require: required; %s:": "test", + "agree: agreed; send: sent; %s:": "train", + "agree: agreed; walk: walked; %s:": "train", + "agree: agreed; win: won; %s:": "train", + "appear: appeared; look: looked; %s:": "val", + "appear: appeared; require: required; %s:": "train", + "appear: appeared; send: sent; %s:": "train", + "appear: appeared; win: won; %s:": "test", + "ask: asked; look: looked; %s:": "val", + "ask: asked; require: required; %s:": "train", + "ask: asked; send: sent; %s:": "train", + "ask: asked; win: won; %s:": "train", + "become: became; look: looked; %s:": "val", + "become: became; require: required; %s:": "train", + "become: became; send: sent; %s:": "train", + "become: became; win: won; %s:": "train", + "become: became; write: wrote; %s:": "test", + "begin: began; look: looked; %s:": "train", + "begin: began; require: required; %s:": "test", + "begin: began; send: sent; %s:": "test", + "begin: began; win: won; %s:": "train", + "change: changed; look: looked; %s:": "val", + "change: changed; require: required; %s:": "test", + "change: changed; send: sent; %s:": "train", + "change: changed; win: won; %s:": "train", + "create: created; look: looked; %s:": "train", + "create: created; require: required; %s:": "val", + "create: created; send: sent; %s:": "train", + "create: created; win: won; %s:": "val", + "find: found; hope: hoped; %s:": "train", + "find: found; look: looked; %s:": "train", + "find: found; require: required; %s:": "val", + "find: found; send: sent; %s:": "train", + "find: found; win: won; %s:": "train", + "get: got; look: looked; %s:": "train", + "get: got; require: required; %s:": "val", + "get: got; send: sent; %s:": "train", + "get: got; win: won; %s:": "train", + "hope: hoped; look: looked; %s:": "train", + "hope: hoped; require: required; %s:": "train", + "hope: hoped; send: sent; %s:": "val", + "hope: hoped; win: won; %s:": "test", + "include: included; look: looked; %s:": "test", + "include: included; require: required; %s:": "val", + "include: included; send: sent; %s:": "train", + "include: included; win: won; %s:": "val", + "like: liked; look: looked; %s:": "train", + "like: liked; require: required; %s:": "train", + "like: liked; send: sent; %s:": "train", + "like: liked; win: won; %s:": "test", + "look: looked; become: became; %s:": "train", + "look: looked; require: required; %s:": "train", + "look: looked; send: sent; %s:": "val", + "look: looked; win: won; %s:": "test", + "present tense: %s, past tense:": "train", + "present: %s, past:": "train", + "require: required; look: looked; %s:": "train", + "require: required; send: sent; %s:": "val", + "require: required; win: won; %s:": "train", + "send: sent; look: looked; %s:": "train", + "send: sent; require: required; %s:": "val", + "send: sent; win: won; %s:": "train", + "talk: talked; look: looked; %s:": "train", + "talk: talked; require: required; %s:": "test", + "talk: talked; send: sent; %s:": "val", + "talk: talked; win: won; %s:": "val", + "tell: told; become: became; %s:": "val", + "tell: told; look: looked; %s:": "train", + "tell: told; require: required; %s:": "test", + "tell: told; send: sent; %s:": "val", + "tell: told; win: won; %s:": "val", + "verb: %s, past tense:": "train", + "walk: walked; look: looked; %s:": "test", + "walk: walked; require: required; %s:": "test", + "walk: walked; send: sent; %s:": "train", + "walk: walked; win: won; %s:": "val", + "win: won; look: looked; %s:": "val", + "win: won; require: required; %s:": "train", + "win: won; send: sent; %s:": "val", + "word: %s (v.), past tense:": "test", + "write: wrote; look: looked; %s:": "train", + "write: wrote; require: required; %s:": "train", + "write: wrote; send: sent; %s:": "val", + "write: wrote; win: won; %s:": "train", + " the word \"%s\" is pronounced as /": "test", + "agree: əˈɡri; look: lʊk; %s:": "val", + "agree: əˈɡri; require: rɪˈkwaɪər; %s:": "train", + "agree: əˈɡri; send: sɛnd; %s:": "train", + "agree: əˈɡri; win: wɪn; %s:": "val", + "appear: əˈpɪər; look: lʊk; %s:": "test", + "appear: əˈpɪər; require: rɪˈkwaɪər; %s:": "val", + "appear: əˈpɪər; send: sɛnd; %s:": "val", + "appear: əˈpɪər; win: wɪn; %s:": "train", + "ask: æsk; look: lʊk; %s:": "train", + "ask: æsk; require: rɪˈkwaɪər; %s:": "train", + "ask: æsk; send: sɛnd; %s:": "train", + "ask: æsk; win: wɪn; %s:": "val", + "become: bɪˈkʌm; get: ɡɛt; %s:": "val", + "become: bɪˈkʌm; look: lʊk; %s:": "train", + "become: bɪˈkʌm; require: rɪˈkwaɪər; %s:": "train", + "become: bɪˈkʌm; send: sɛnd; %s:": "train", + "become: bɪˈkʌm; win: wɪn; %s:": "test", + "begin: bɪˈɡɪn; change: tʃeɪndʒ; %s:": "train", + "begin: bɪˈɡɪn; look: lʊk; %s:": "test", + "begin: bɪˈɡɪn; require: rɪˈkwaɪər; %s:": "train", + "begin: bɪˈɡɪn; send: sɛnd; %s:": "test", + "begin: bɪˈɡɪn; win: wɪn; %s:": "train", + "change: tʃeɪndʒ; find: faɪnd; %s:": "train", + "change: tʃeɪndʒ; look: lʊk; %s:": "train", + "change: tʃeɪndʒ; require: rɪˈkwaɪər; %s:": "train", + "change: tʃeɪndʒ; send: sɛnd; %s:": "test", + "change: tʃeɪndʒ; win: wɪn; %s:": "test", + "create: kriˈeɪt; become: bɪˈkʌm; %s:": "train", + "create: kriˈeɪt; look: lʊk; %s:": "train", + "create: kriˈeɪt; require: rɪˈkwaɪər; %s:": "test", + "create: kriˈeɪt; send: sɛnd; %s:": "train", + "create: kriˈeɪt; win: wɪn; %s:": "train", + "find: faɪnd; look: lʊk; %s:": "test", + "find: faɪnd; require: rɪˈkwaɪər; %s:": "val", + "find: faɪnd; send: sɛnd; %s:": "val", + "find: faɪnd; win: wɪn; %s:": "train", + "get: ɡɛt; look: lʊk; %s:": "test", + "get: ɡɛt; require: rɪˈkwaɪər; %s:": "train", + "get: ɡɛt; send: sɛnd; %s:": "val", + "get: ɡɛt; win: wɪn; %s:": "train", + "hope: hoʊp; look: lʊk; %s:": "val", + "hope: hoʊp; require: rɪˈkwaɪər; %s:": "train", + "hope: hoʊp; send: sɛnd; %s:": "val", + "hope: hoʊp; win: wɪn; %s:": "val", + "include: ɪnˈklud; look: lʊk; %s:": "test", + "include: ɪnˈklud; require: rɪˈkwaɪər; %s:": "train", + "include: ɪnˈklud; send: sɛnd; %s:": "train", + "include: ɪnˈklud; win: wɪn; %s:": "train", + "like: laɪk; look: lʊk; %s:": "val", + "like: laɪk; require: rɪˈkwaɪər; %s:": "test", + "like: laɪk; send: sɛnd; %s:": "train", + "like: laɪk; win: wɪn; %s:": "test", + "like: laɪk; write: raɪt; %s:": "train", + "look: lʊk; require: rɪˈkwaɪər; %s:": "train", + "look: lʊk; send: sɛnd; %s:": "test", + "look: lʊk; win: wɪn; %s:": "train", + "present tense: %s, pronunciation: /": "train", + "require: rɪˈkwaɪər; look: lʊk; %s:": "test", + "require: rɪˈkwaɪər; send: sɛnd; %s:": "train", + "require: rɪˈkwaɪər; win: wɪn; %s:": "val", + "send: sɛnd; include: ɪnˈklud; %s:": "val", + "send: sɛnd; look: lʊk; %s:": "train", + "send: sɛnd; require: rɪˈkwaɪər; %s:": "train", + "send: sɛnd; win: wɪn; %s:": "train", + "talk: tɔk; look: lʊk; %s:": "train", + "talk: tɔk; require: rɪˈkwaɪər; %s:": "train", + "talk: tɔk; send: sɛnd; %s:": "train", + "talk: tɔk; win: wɪn; %s:": "val", + "tell: tɛl; look: lʊk; %s:": "val", + "tell: tɛl; require: rɪˈkwaɪər; %s:": "test", + "tell: tɛl; send: sɛnd; %s:": "train", + "tell: tɛl; win: wɪn; %s:": "train", + "verb: %s, IPA: /": "train", + "verb: %s, pronunciation: /": "train", + "walk: wɔk; look: lʊk; %s:": "train", + "walk: wɔk; require: rɪˈkwaɪər; %s:": "train", + "walk: wɔk; send: sɛnd; %s:": "test", + "walk: wɔk; win: wɪn; %s:": "train", + "win: wɪn; look: lʊk; %s:": "val", + "win: wɪn; require: rɪˈkwaɪər; %s:": "test", + "win: wɪn; send: sɛnd; %s:": "val", + "win: wɪn; walk: wɔk; %s:": "val", + "word: %s, IPA: /": "test", + "word: %s, pronunciation: /": "test", + "write: raɪt; get: ɡɛt; %s:": "train", + "write: raɪt; look: lʊk; %s:": "val", + "write: raɪt; require: rɪˈkwaɪər; %s:": "train", + "write: raɪt; send: sɛnd; %s:": "train", + "write: raɪt; win: wɪn; %s:": "train" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/evals/ravel/ravel/data/base/wikipedia_city_entity_prompts.json b/evals/ravel/ravel/data/base/wikipedia_city_entity_prompts.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e92cbf2 --- /dev/null +++ b/evals/ravel/ravel/data/base/wikipedia_city_entity_prompts.json @@ -0,0 +1,3754 @@ +{ + "On 7 April 1955, after the merger of %s's cross–town rival: O'Higgins Braden (that was born in 1954": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Rancagua" + }, + "Suad Liçi (born 24 March 1974 in %s) is an Albanian football midfielder who last played for": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Shkoder" + }, + "Aleksandr Gramovich (born 17 August 1969 in %s, Byelorussian SSR) is a Soviet-born sprint canoer who competed": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Mazyr" + }, + "%s is a major railway, highway, and": { + "split": "test", + "entity": null + }, + "Sándor Bródy (23 July 1863 in %s – 12 August 1924) was a Hungarian author and": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Eger" + }, + "Buildings and structures in %s, Niger": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Maradi" + }, + "The extent of %s has varied considerably over time. It originated": { + "split": "test", + "entity": null + }, + "During the 1960s, %s experienced much growth": { + "split": "test", + "entity": null + }, + "On the local level, Christoffersen was a member of %s city council from 1983 to 2003, serving as deputy": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Drammen" + }, + "other areas (such as Hollywood and Downtown Los Angeles), the %s was among the primary musical, artistic, and cultural centers": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Cobalt" + }, + "He was the older brother of Daniel %s, also a River Plate footballer": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Onega" + }, + "Stadion Brügglifeld is a multi-purpose stadium in %s, Switzerland": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Aarau" + }, + "It was known as Srpski %s () until 2004, after which it was renamed to": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Mostar" + }, + "Ksar %s () or Ksar Lalot is a fortified granary, or": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Nalut" + }, + "Tchien Airport is an airport serving the town of %s, in Tchien District, Grand Gedeh County, Liberia": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Zwedru" + }, + "Huligina %s is a hill located in the Gundlupete Taluk, Chamarajanagar": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Maradi" + }, + " Frontier then flew a Convair 580 Salt Lake City-%s-Moab-Grand Junction-Farmington-Gallup-Albuquerque-Silver City-Tucson-Phoenix": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Vernal" + }, + "%s FC Arena is a football ground built by Xanthi F.C": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Xanthi" + }, + " city of %s was established": { + "split": "test", + "entity": null + }, + "%s is an Amtrak intercity train station in Galesburg, Illinois, United States": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Galesburg" + }, + "Wang Sai Phun (, ) is a district (amphoe) in the eastern part of %s province, central Thailand": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Phichit" + }, + "Most lodges in the %s area provide shuttles from and to the airport": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Kasane" + }, + "Sotteville-lès-%s (, literally Sotteville near Rouen) is a commune and Railway": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Rouen" + }, + " Opened in 1977, it served as %s's main airport until it was replaced by the new": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Hefei" + }, + "Jeff Glassman is a theatre artist, actor and composer of movement from Chicago, living in %s, Illinois": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Urbana" + }, + "a Finnish professional ice hockey goaltender currently playing for the %s Lakers of the SHL": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Vaxjo" + }, + "footballer in the club's history according to the supporters of %s, who chose the Rosarian centre back with the honour": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Rancagua" + }, + "The group of about twenty armed gunmen arrived at %s by speed boat": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Bartica" + }, + "The distances to the cities of %s, Burgas, Varna and Sofia are respectively 48, 110, 184": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Sliven" + }, + "İnönü University is a public university in %s, Turkey": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Malatya" + }, + "New Year 1917 was spent back at %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Gatchina" + }, + " very rare in the populated areas of %s, but": { + "split": "test", + "entity": null + }, + "Setting out again, he arrived in Barcelona and made his way on foot to %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Lisbon" + }, + "Ibrahima Sory Bangoura (born 8 December 1982 in %s) is a Guinean footballer who plays in Guinea for": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Conakry" + }, + "(1 January 1929 in Kuusankoski – 15 May 2005 in %s) was a Finnish ski jumper": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Mikkeli" + }, + "It is situated at Berry Street in %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Freetown" + }, + "School of Medicine (Scoil an Leighis UCD) at University College %s, Ireland, was founded in 1855": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Dublin" + }, + "song composed by Sunan Bonang, one of Wali Sanga, from %s, East Java": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Tuban" + }, + "Badr (, is a small town in the %s District in northwestern Libya, with a population of 18,693": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Nalut" + }, + "within a State Office Complex building at Jalan Simpang Tiga, %s, Sarawak": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Kuching" + }, + "%s District is located in the Geita Region of Tanzania": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Geita" + }, + " List of %s Division cricketers": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Sylhet" + }, + "Sacred Heart Cathedral (), the cathedral of the Diocese of %s-Aglona, is located in Rēzekne, Latvia": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Rezekne" + }, + "Khishigbatyn %s-Od (; born 7 July 1975) is a retired Mongolian": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Erdenet" + }, + "It was home to the %s Vees ice hockey team": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Penticton" + }, + "Jhalokati () is a town in Jhalokati district in the division of %s in southern Bangladesh": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Barisal" + }, + " is a department of the %s Library that": { + "split": "test", + "entity": null + }, + "%s Airfield, , is in Nanyuki, Laikipia County, in the Kenyan East Rift Valley": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Nanyuki" + }, + "In 1920, the Treaty of %s established the border between Russia and independent Estonia, and": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Tartu" + }, + "Dera Natung Government College, %s, is an institute of higher education in Arunachal Pradesh, India": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Itanagar" + }, + "Dupuy de %s may refer to:": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Lome" + }, + "in 1990, and trafficking tonnes of cocaine from the Escobar %s cartel into Great Britain over a period of two": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Medellin" + }, + "is a village in northwestern Syria, within Afrin District (%s Governorate)": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Aleppo" + }, + "In the self-proclaimed, unrecognised %s People's Republic and Luhansk People's Republics on Victory Day,": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Donetsk" + }, + "Vietnam National University, %s (VNU; , ĐHQGHN) is a public research university in Vietnam": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Hanoi" + }, + "Monitor () is a weekly news magazine published in %s, Montenegro": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Podgorica" + }, + "Prince Afonso Henriques declared himself King of Portugal and chose %s as capital": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Coimbra" + }, + "The Civilian Pilot Training Airport or Wickersham Airport was south of %s, where the fairgrounds are today": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Safford" + }, + "were two Buddhist monasteries close to the ancient city of %s in northern Afghanistan": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Balkh" + }, + "Stade de %s is a multi-purpose stadium in Maradi, Niger": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Maradi" + }, + "is located approximately 4 km (2.5 miles) from the centre of %s, about 180 km (112 miles) from Rome, a 2-hour drive": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Pescara" + }, + "Acting Brigadier John Anderson %s MC (2 May 1893 – 3 January 1941) was": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Barstow" + }, + "the head of Department for the Protection of the People's %s branch, then public prosecutor of Serbia and representative of": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Belgrade" + }, + "In 1996, both %s stations, as well as sister stations CKLC and CFLY": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Brockville" + }, + "Angelou began his coaching career with AGE %s from 1996–2002, where he led the club from the": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Chalkida" + }, + "In the southwestern corner of their domain, the dukes of %s built a castle, named Biała (in medieval documents mentioned": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Opole" + }, + "After only three months Bangoura was released by Khazar %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Lankaran" + }, + "Until 1918, most of the present-day district belonged to the %s county, apart from Lešť in the south-west which was": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Zvolen" + }, + "founded on 10 July 2009 and based in Sukth (%s District)": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Durres" + }, + "Aremania have a very strong rivalry with supporters of Persebaya %s, who are known as Bonek and the games between": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Surabaya" + }, + "It is adjacent to %s River and Hong Kong to the south, and is": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Shenzhen" + }, + "Hasayan is a town and nagar panchayat located in %s district in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Hathras" + }, + "Nattawut Chantaravinom (, born 11 November 1968 in %s), known as Muangchai Kittikasem (), is a former boxer": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Chainat" + }, + "Antoine Darquier de Pellepoix (23 November 1718, in %s – 18 January 1802, in Toulouse) was a French": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Toulouse" + }, + "Reet is a striker, and a graduate of %s Wednesday's youth academy after a yearlong spell at Sheffield": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Sheffield" + }, + "On February, on their first official match of the season, Persib lost against %s T&T F.C": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Hanoi" + }, + "Railway stations in %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Copenhagen" + }, + "Xuanzang reports that at the time of his visit to %s in 630 there were about a hundred viharas and": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Balkh" + }, + "Chris Waddle – England international footballer, who won three Division 1 titles with Olympique de %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Marseille" + }, + "%s (Greek: Σοφία or Σοφιά also Isle of Gaia) is": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Sofia" + }, + " Winner of the Albanian Superliga 1997–1998 with Vllaznia %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Shkoder" + }, + "For the current cathedral in %s, see Hamar cathedral": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Hamar" + }, + "Gorlovka () is the Russian name for %s, a city in the Donetsk Oblast of eastern Ukraine": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Horlivka" + }, + "Albania in 1993, and former Mayor of the City of %s, having served during the years 1991-92": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Durres" + }, + "Kangal is a town and a district of %s Province in Turkey": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Sivas" + }, + "Tjorven, aka %s KVD440/441 or DAF Kalmar": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Kalmar" + }, + "Bus Ticket from Damascus to %s (300 km, 3hours) by Al-Kadmous Company: $3": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Tartus" + }, + "Villages in %s Province": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Sliven" + }, + "also known as Maten Arnouk (), is a village in %s Governorate, northwestern Syria": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Tartus" + }, + " %s produced the Manta Mirage, and later produced other component": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Manta" + }, + "%s Cars was owned and operated by American brothers Brad": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Manta" + }, + "The botanical garden in %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Lausanne" + }, + "of 81 compilation, a collection of young acts from (mostly) %s, which defined the city’s scene over the next few": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Auckland" + }, + "Njoro town was the headquarters of the former Njoro District, hived off %s District": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Nakuru" + }, + "Amadeo died in 1890, and Emanuele Filiberto succeeded as Duke of %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Aosta" + }, + "permanently in Tiana, a town in the Maresme region near %s, in the farm family resort where she died on": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Barcelona" + }, + "Sir Peter Henry Berry Otway %s (9 December 1913 in Yorkshire, England – 8 June": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Smithers" + }, + "The Archdiocese of %s () is a Latin Church ecclesiastical territory or archdiocese of the Catholic Church in Portugal": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Braga" + }, + "%s Cantonment College was certified as the best educational institution in National Education Week, 2002": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Jessore" + }, + "From the junction with the R509, the N4 goes eastwards for 45 kilometres to reach the town of %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Rustenburg" + }, + "The Battle of Stilo (also known as Cape Colonna and %s) was fought on 13 or 14 July 982 near": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Crotone" + }, + "Alí Manuel Manouchehri Moghadam %s Lobos (; born 2 August 1986), known as Alí": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Kashan" + }, + "after winning the Panthessalian championship and then defeating Panelefsiniakos and %s on play-offs": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Kavala" + }, + "Khazar %s FK players": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Lankaran" + }, + "Von %s is a member of the Von Essen family, who are part of the German and Swedish nobility": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Essen" + }, + "the Kwame Nkrumah Institute of Economics and Political Science or %s ideological Institute) was an educational body in Winneba, founded": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Winneba" + }, + "The Jolly Nyame Stadium is a multi-use stadium in %s, Nigeria": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Jalingo" + }, + "Avril Percy Williams (born 10 February 1961 in %s) is a former rugby union wing who was the": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Paarl" + }, + "The original Frontier Airlines (1950-1986) served %s for over 30 years": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Vernal" + }, + "Venkatagiri is a town in %s district of the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Nellore" + }, + "Unlike %s, which accepted participation in 2011–12 Delta Ethniki, Olympiacos Volos": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Kavala" + }, + "Port is a municipality in the canton of Bern in Switzerland, located in the %s/Bienne administrative district": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Biel" + }, + "Jabberers is a 2010 American documentary film directed by Gerardine %s and produced by Wurzburg and Douglas Biklen that promotes": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Wurzburg" + }, + "crusaders besieged Aleppo in 1124, and when they desecrated the %s al-Muhassin outside the city, Ibn al-Khashshab ordered that four": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Mashhad" + }, + "Karnataka, India, located 20 km west of Gadag en route to %s and 35 km from Hubli": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Hubli" + }, + "1988) is an Algerian football player who plays for MO %s in the Algerian Ligue Professionnelle 1": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Bejaia" + }, + "%s is a woreda in Benishangul-Gumuz Region, Ethiopia": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Asosa" + }, + "also known as Aspā and Asū) is a village in %s Rural District, Shahrud District, Khalkhal County, Ardabil Province, Iran": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Shahrud" + }, + "Ermindo Ángel %s (30 April 1940 – 21 December 1979) was an": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Onega" + }, + "Ana Aslan (; born 1 January 1897, %s, Kingdom of Romania – died 20 May 1988, Bucharest,": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Braila" + }, + "abolished in 1937, at which point they were transferred to %s Oblast": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Smolensk" + }, + "taken by Walter Fürst of Uri, Werner Stauffacher of %s and Arnold von Melchtal of Unterwalden": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Schwyz" + }, + "in the rural village of Kamo close to Tsuyama in %s, Empire of Japan": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Okayama" + }, + "Bagnacavallo () is a town and comune in the province of %s, Emilia-Romagna, Italy": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Ravenna" + }, + "%s on GTP Travel Pages (in English and Greek)": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Sofia" + }, + "in Algeria, located in the southeast of the province of %s, crossed by the highway 09, leading to Aït Smail,": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Bejaia" + }, + "The La %s giant lizard (Gallotia auaritae) is a giant lacertid historically": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Palma" + }, + "a town and the administrative center of Sovetsky District in %s Krai, Russia, located on the Kuma River": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Stavropol" + }, + "An attraction for tourists visiting %s is the Big Tree Trail, the small section of": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Tofino" + }, + "club has a long-standing rivalry with regional neighbours Rangers de %s and Curicó Unido, as well as with clubs from": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Talca" + }, + "In 2018, the airport was renamed \"合肥骆岗通用机场\" (%s Luogang General-Purpose Airport) to serve helicopter and other low-flying aircraft": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Hefei" + }, + "Ørestad is a junction station served by both the %s Metro and regional trains in Copenhagen, Denmark": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Copenhagen" + }, + "Buildings and structures in %s, Chile": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Osorno" + }, + "Cetatea %s was a professional football club from Romania, based in": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Suceava" + }, + "The IDEI serves a dual purpose: allowing the University of %s I to be competitive at an international level; providing": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Toulouse" + }, + "It was founded in 1947, initially with four institutes, in the Palace of Justice of %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Craiova" + }, + "town in southern Poland, located in the southern part of %s Voivodeship in Prudnik County near the border with the": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Opole" + }, + "by Craven County, North Carolina, and the city of New %s in 1887 to construct a rail line connecting": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Bern" + }, + "Anolis ibague, the %s anole, is a species of lizard in the family Dactyloidae": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Ibague" + }, + "Imed Mhedhebi or Mhadhbi () (born 22 March 1976 in %s) is a former Tunisian football winger": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Tunis" + }, + "For almost all of its long history, %s was governed": { + "split": "val", + "entity": null + }, + "1914, Preljina, Čačak, Kingdom of Serbia – September 5, 2003, %s, Serbia-Montenegro) was a Yugoslav Serbian communist politician": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Belgrade" + }, + " current territory of %s. The most": { + "split": "val", + "entity": null + }, + "The name \"%s\" was first officially": { + "split": "val", + "entity": null + }, + "Alfriston College is a secondary school in the suburb of Alfriston in %s, New Zealand": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Auckland" + }, + "in %s, Thrace, Greece": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Xanthi" + }, + "largest city in Angola, after the capital city Luanda and %s, with a population of 595,304 in the city and": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Lubango" + }, + "He moved to %s in County Kerry in 1928 to become an insurance clerk": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Tralee" + }, + "The British International School, %s (BISC) is a private British school in Beverly Hills,": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Cairo" + }, + "(born in Iraq) is a Canadian who was arrested in %s, Iraq on accusations that he was fighting in the": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Irbil" + }, + "Sara Twete (born 28 June 1989 in %s, Denmark) is a Danish former figure skater": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Hillerod" + }, + "the west, Koh Kong Province to the south and the %s districts of Phnum Kravanh and Bakan to the east": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Pursat" + }, + "JK %s Trans, commonly known as Narva Trans, or simply as": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Narva" + }, + "(born Netherlands) (1932.06.14 – 1946.04.11) as last Apostolic Vicar of %sfu 大同府 (at Datong, China) (1932.06.17 – 1946.04.11); next promoted": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Datong" + }, + "following the Iraqi Army's defeat in the First Battle of %s, insurgents launched an assault on the camp, where an": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Tikrit" + }, + "Ram-Zet is an avant-garde metal band formed in %s, Norway in 1998": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Hamar" + }, + "Populated places in %s District": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Nalut" + }, + " are major tourist attractions and are common in urban %s.": { + "split": "val", + "entity": null + }, + "broadcasts ice hockey games involving the Melville Millionaires and the %s Terriers of the Saskatchewan Junior Hockey League": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Yorkton" + }, + "The distance from the %s-Lattakia highway is 4 km and it is a sort of": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Tartus" + }, + "Air Botswana provides scheduled service between %s and Gaborone on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Kasane" + }, + "Mass media in %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Podgorica" + }, + "in the city. %s also": { + "split": "val", + "entity": null + }, + "for Shostakovich's operas The Nose and Lady Macbeth of the %s district": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Mtsensk" + }, + "Yelena Koshcheyeva (born 17 February 1973 in %s, Zhambyl Province) is a Kazakhstani long jumper": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Taraz" + }, + "الطريقة العيساوية) is a religious Islamic mystical brotherhood founded in %s, Morocco, by Sheikh al-Kamil Mohamed al-Hadi ben Issa (or": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Meknes" + }, + "It is headquartered in %s, the national capital": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Algiers" + }, + " João Batista Vilanova %s (1915-1985), Brazilian modernist architect": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Artigas" + }, + "The history of %s can be traced": { + "split": "val", + "entity": null + }, + "of Vaud, Switzerland, comprises the museum and botanical garden in %s, as well as the botanical garden, La Thomasia, in": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Lausanne" + }, + "Following the 1908 %s earthquake which killed over 100,000 people, he did much": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Messina" + }, + "There are trains to Jamalpur, Rajshahi, Khulna, Chittagong, %s, Rangpur, Dinajpur, etc": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Sylhet" + }, + "The %s Regiment was an infantry regiment of the Non-Permanent Active": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Weyburn" + }, + "Reinaldo Marcelino Navia Amador (born 10 May 1978 in %s) is a retired Chilean footballer": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Quillota" + }, + "The club was founded in 2019 after the takeover of %s United by PT": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Blitar" + }, + "Confederacy by the representatives of the three founding cantons, Uri, %s and Unterwalden, traditionally dated to 1307": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Schwyz" + }, + "the 1999, 2004 & 2009 Indian general Elections from the %s, Ghazipur and Machhlishahr, Jaunpur (Lok Sabha constituency) on Samajwadi": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Saidpur" + }, + "HK Drott %s is a handball club, based in Halmstad, Sweden": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Halmstad" + }, + "In December 1944, Charlie Kerins of %s, with whom Coughlan had developed a friendship, was executed": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Tralee" + }, + "Cornelis %s \"Harry\" Vermaas (born 23 January 1984) is a South": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Hermanus" + }, + "known as Tyronne Fernando Stadium) is a multi-use stadium in %s, Sri Lanka": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Moratuwa" + }, + "The building of the %s Ghana Temple was announced on February 16, 1998": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Accra" + }, + "Part of the %s Zone, it is bordered by Kurmuk and Komesha in": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Asosa" + }, + "The %s Metro (, translit.: Donets'ke metro) is a rapid transit system construction project in Donetsk": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Donetsk" + }, + "of Lake Bunyonyi, in Kitumba sub-county seven kilometres out of %s town, southwestern Uganda": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Kabale" + }, + "Turks on the Christian merchants who traded their merchandise from %s to Jerusalem": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Aleppo" + }, + "The Albert Academy (AA) is a secondary school in %s, Sierra Leone": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Freetown" + }, + "was founded in 1989 and owned by Fearnley & %s Rederi in Oslo, Norway": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Eger" + }, + "Roncalli College is a Catholic college in %s, New Zealand": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Timaru" + }, + "The %s Fiji Temple is the 91st operating temple of The": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Suva" + }, + "people at the broadcast centre of WDR radio station in %s, Germany; the gig was broadcast twice during the course": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Cologne" + }, + "Dolors Anglada i Sarriera (; 1893, in %s – 1984, in Tiana, Province of Barcelona), commonly known": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Barcelona" + }, + "%s Airport () , is an airport serving Anaco, a city in the Anzoátegui state of Venezuela": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Anaco" + }, + "a Frankish military chief or official imposed as count of %s by Pepin the Short after suppressing an anti-Frankish revolt": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Nimes" + }, + "%s Airport (Bengali: সৈয়দপুর বিমানবন্দর Saiẏadapur bimānabandar) is a": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Saidpur" + }, + "WWUH is a non-commercial radio station licensed to the University of %s in West Hartford, Connecticut, United States": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Hartford" + }, + "Kra Buri (, ) is the northernmost district (amphoe) of %s province, southern Thailand": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Ranong" + }, + "Major General Daniel %s Pienaar (27 August 1893 – 19 December 1942) ": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Hermanus" + }, + "Imre Farkas (May 1, 1879 in %s, Austria-Hungary – March 25, 1976 in Budapest, Hungarian People's": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Debrecen" + }, + "Castel Focognano is comune in the province of %s, Tuscany, central Italy": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Arezzo" + }, + "FC Slavija %s (, FK Slavija Mazyr) is a Belarusian football team, based in Mazyr, Belarus": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Mazyr" + }, + "Elula Perrin (1929, %s – 22 May 2003, Paris) was a French-Vietnamese writer": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Hanoi" + }, + " The club's home ground is %s Kreenholm Stadium": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Narva" + }, + "Soon thereafter he moved to %s, the present-day capital of Latvia, which was then part of the Russian Empire": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Riga" + }, + "central Kenya, lying on the Narumoru River, between Nyeri and %sits 21.8 km to Nanyuki town": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Nanyuki" + }, + "Brazilian footballer who plays as a striker for Thai club %s Hornbill": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Chainat" + }, + "By mid June 2014, %s was overrun by the militant group Islamic State in": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Tikrit" + }, + "Muri is a town and traditional emirate in %s but covers Karim Lamido LGA ARDO KOLA Yoro, Taraba": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Jalingo" + }, + "Born to a %s family with strong roots in Tiana, she studied at": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Barcelona" + }, + "Istočni %s () is a municipality located in Republika Srpska, an entity of Bosnia and Herzegovina": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Mostar" + }, + "Thandi Tshabalala (born 19 November 1984 in %s, Orange Free State) is a South African cricketer who": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Welkom" + }, + "The University of %s () is a university located in Split, Croatia": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Split" + }, + "%s Cathedral is a large church in Mikkeli, Southern Savonia,": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Mikkeli" + }, + "playing for FK Poeševo in the Macedonian fourth league group %s together with another well known veteran in Toni Micevski": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Bitola" + }, + "Swan fan Makkum is a brigantine, built in 1993 in the %s shipyard, Poland": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Gdansk" + }, + "station is the southern point of the InterCityExpress line to %s-Altona via the Hanover-Würzburg high-speed rail line": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Hamburg" + }, + "As the only privately funded school by the French government in %s, it caters mainly to the expatriate community": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Conakry" + }, + "Cities and towns in %s Oblast": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Ivanovo" + }, + "%s Airport is an airport serving Timimoun, a town in the Adrar Province of Algeria ": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Timimoun" + }, + "%s Elmas Airport is an international airport located in": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Cagliari" + }, + "The company has its headquarters in %s and the stock is listed on Oslo Stock Exchange": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Namsos" + }, + "Pauk is a town in Pauk Township, Pakokku District, %s Region, in north-west Myanmar": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Magway" + }, + "Victor Atem Atem''' was the Governor of %s State, South Sudan since 19 December 2017 He was": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Gogrial" + }, + "PSIS (Persatuan Sepakbola Indonesia %s) is an Indonesian football club based in Semarang, Central Java": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Semarang" + }, + "it moved to the South Okanagan Events Centre), and facilitates %s Minor Hockey, the Okanagan Hockey School and the Okanagan": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Penticton" + }, + "foreign branch campus of Swinburne University and is located in %s, Sarawak, Malaysia": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Kuching" + }, + "Indy Barends (born 15 January 1972 in %s, West Java) is a famous radio personality, television host,": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Bogor" + }, + "The Accra–%s Highway is a major highway in Ghana": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Winneba" + }, + "the regions of Greater Poland or the Grand Duchy of %s, Pomerania, West Prussia, Kashubia and Silesia)": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Poznan" + }, + "People from %s Municipality": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Bitola" + }, + "Stadion Panayot Volov () is a multi-use stadium in %s, Bulgaria": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Shumen" + }, + "Africa that runs from Skilpadshek on the Botswana border, past %s, Pretoria, eMalahleni and Mbombela, to Komatipoort on the Mozambique": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Rustenburg" + }, + "Its administrative seat and only town is Krasnystaw, which lies south-east of the regional capital %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Lublin" + }, + "to 1918, served as the bishop of the Eparchy of %s (present day – Slovak Catholic Eparchy of Prešov)": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Presov" + }, + "bounded by Baraigram, Chatmohar and Faridpur upazilas on the north, %s Sadar upazila on the south, Santhia upazila on the": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Pabna" + }, + "Fabiano Joseph Naasi (born December 24, 1985, in %s, Manyara) is a Tanzanian long-distance runner": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Babati" + }, + "He promoted Maung Yit to governor of Ahlon-%s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Monywa" + }, + "Erik Augustin Lincar (born 16 October 1978 in %s) is a Romanian former player and current manager": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Oradea" + }, + "Tomás Burgos Sotomayor (September 18, 1875 in %s – August 19, 1945 in Valdivia) was a Chilean": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Osorno" + }, + "until the 80s and now become the major area of %s district": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Karur" + }, + "for perpetrators to hide, even in distant cities such as %s and Kyoto; both groups decided to converge in the": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Sapporo" + }, + "the inhabitants include a large number of people from outside %s, leading to a local accent that is less colloquial": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Nagoya" + }, + "Assembly of Turkey ordered the establishment of İnönü University in %s, the hometown of the second president of Turkey, İsmet": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Malatya" + }, + " Universität %s, Germany": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Bielefeld" + }, + "Aurad is a city and municipal council located in the %s district of the Indian state of Karnataka": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Bidar" + }, + "The regiment was created in 1924 in %s, Saskatchewan, from the reorganization of The South Saskatchewan Regiment": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Weyburn" + }, + "%s Kandili is considered sacred": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Berat" + }, + "by Björn Andreasson and developed as a joint venture between %s Forsknings & Innovations and FFV Aerotech": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Malmo" + }, + "The eastern part of %smarka is accessible from the Nordbyen neighborhood in the city": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Molde" + }, + " Located in the Roman Catholic Diocese of %s, ACCHS predominantly serves students from the Lehigh Valley region": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Allentown" + }, + "Abruzzo Airport is an international airport serving %s, Italy": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Pescara" + }, + "Joseph's College and at Wesley College, %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Colombo" + }, + "Paul’s Cathedral, in %s, Bago Region": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Pyay" + }, + "Persib stated that they will participate in the 2015 Walikota %s Cup on 4–8 January 2015": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Padang" + }, + "he fielded his army for a pitched battle south of %s at Cape Colonna": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Crotone" + }, + "Upon her retirement, Dudinskaya became the ballet mistress of the %s Ballet and one of the most famed teachers at": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Kirov" + }, + "destroyer at night, and had to be taken to %s Naval Arsenal for major repairs, during which time her": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Maizuru" + }, + "Njoro is an agricultural town 18 km west south west of %s, Kenya situated on the western rim of the Rift": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Nakuru" + }, + "It is used mostly for football matches and is the home ground of Volov %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Shumen" + }, + "Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University () (Formerly known as \"%s University\" until 2016 and \"Ömer Halisdemir University\" for few months": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Nigde" + }, + "The %s climbing salamander (Bolitoglossa phalarosoma) is a species of salamander": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Medellin" + }, + "ES %s AC players": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Troyes" + }, + "Isanzu (Anyihanzu) are a Bantu ethno-linguistic group based in Mkalama, %s, Tanzania": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Singida" + }, + "Following is a list of notable people from %s, the capital of Golestan Province in northern Iran": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Gorgan" + }, + "style church in the town of Palazzolo Acreide, province of %s, region of Sicily, Italy": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Siracusa" + }, + "The (\"national gallery of modern and contemporary art\"), also known as La Galleria Nazionale, is an art gallery in %s, Italy": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Rome" + }, + "The University of %s () is a public university located in Craiova, Romania": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Craiova" + }, + "on April 1, 1944 in Niksar, a town in the %s Province), is a high-ranked Turkish judge and currently the": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Tokat" + }, + "Qian Hong (; born January 30, 1971 in %s, Hebei) is a former butterfly swimmer from China and": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Baoding" + }, + "in Compiègne and Aix-en-Provence, they were allowed to relocate to %s, where they lived for four years": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Marseille" + }, + "On 19 August 1978 at the Cinema Rex in %s, Iran, hundreds of people were watching The Deer when,": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Abadan" + }, + "The Old Cathedral of %s () is a Romanesque Roman Catholic building in Portugal": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Coimbra" + }, + "They defeated the %s Sounders FC in the conference semifinals, only to fall to the Portland Timbers in the Western Conference finals": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Seattle" + }, + "Xiangcheng () is a county-level city in %s, Henan, People's Republic of China": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Zhoukou" + }, + "Ismail Qemali %si was one of the delegates of the Albanian Declaration": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Gramsh" + }, + "Spinola, with 7 other Jesuits, set sail from %s on 10 April 1596 with the Portuguese India fleet,": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Lisbon" + }, + "Yang Ying () is a Chinese table tennis player, born 13 July 1977 in %s, Jiangsu Province": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Xuzhou" + }, + "%s United won 3–1 on aggregate": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Tampere" + }, + "Karl Ginzkey (8 September 1871, Pola, Austrian Littoral, Austria-Hungary (now %s, Croatia) – 11 April 1963, Vienna) was an Austro-Hungarian": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Pula" + }, + "The Kami are an ethnic and linguistic group in %s Region, Tanzania": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Morogoro" + }, + " It is currently used mostly for football matches and serves as the home venue for %s United": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Kahama" + }, + "Rosen Zlatanov Vladimirov () is a former regional governor of %s, Bulgaria, being in that position during the mayoralties of": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Sofia" + }, + "The Roman Catholic Diocese of %s–Sogamoso () is a diocese located in the cities of": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Duitama" + }, + "travel time at construction was 2 hours 41 minutes to %s and 3 hours to Gwangju, but as of 2015,": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Busan" + }, + "Landschaftspark is a public park located in %s-Meiderich, Germany": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Duisburg" + }, + "The Archdiocese of %s, also known as Syracuse, () is a Latin Church": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Siracusa" + }, + "FC %s-04 () is a Russian football club based in Sochi": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Sochi" + }, + "Nong Don (, ) is a district (amphoe) in the northwestern part of %s province in central Thailand": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Saraburi" + }, + "Liliana Gafencu (born 12 July 1975 in %s) is a Romanian rower, who has won three Olympic": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Suceava" + }, + "The rising power of Yashwantrao Holkar of %s, however, alarmed him": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Indore" + }, + "Borussia %s won 8–2 on aggregate": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Dortmund" + }, + "Badan, Kwafara, Gidan-Rimi, Tamshe, Bali, and Bomni, located on Numan-%s Highway about 20 km from Numan": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Jalingo" + }, + "or Yangxia County, is a county in the north of %s prefecture-level city, in the east of Henan province, China": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Zhoukou" + }, + "Hassen Béjaoui () (born 14 February 1975 in %s) is a Tunisian former football goalkeeper": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Bizerte" + }, + "Kristen Satya Wacana (UKSW), is a private university located in %s, Central Java, Indonesia": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Salatiga" + }, + "the \"Kalijaga\" title was derived from an orchard known as \"Kalijaga\" in %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Cirebon" + }, + "Ива́нович Жега́лкин; alternative romanizations: Žegalkin, Gégalkine, Shegalkin) (3 August 1869, %s – 28 March 1947, Moscow) was a Russian mathematician": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Mtsensk" + }, + "The two committees soon joined together to facilitate the construction of a railway line from %s to Munich": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Augsburg" + }, + "Aminagar Urf Bhurbaral is a census town near %s city in Meerut district in the state of": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Meerut" + }, + "%s Television and People's Radio Station of Xiamen": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Xiamen" + }, + "Kulti, Raniganj and Jamuria were included within the jurisdiction of %s Municipal Corporation": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Asansol" + }, + "Hesarak Bala is a neighborhood located in the northwest of %s, Iran and in District 6 of Karaj Municipality": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Karaj" + }, + "By the mid-1800s, large tracts of %s plateau in the Anamalais were under intense tea or": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Valparai" + }, + "Rural District, in the Central District of Shahr-e Babak County, %s Province, Iran": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Kerman" + }, + "CJPT-FM is a radio station broadcasting at 103.7 FM in %s, Ontario, Canada": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Brockville" + }, + "Erdoğan in honor of Turkish football player and coach Mustafa %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Denizli" + }, + "5 October 1991) is a Bangladeshi cricketer who plays for %s Division since the 2009–10 season": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Sylhet" + }, + "%s District (okres Zvolen) is a district in": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Zvolen" + }, + "a 6.5 ha (16.5 acre) campus in Jalan Simpang Tiga, %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Kuching" + }, + "HTHS was opened in 1961 and is %s's biggest school after Moncton High School": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Moncton" + }, + "Casalvecchio () is an Arbëreshë comune and village in the Province of %s, Apulia, southern Italy": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Foggia" + }, + ", ) is an urban-type settlement in Berezne Raion of %s Oblast, Ukraine, located in the historic region of Volhynia": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Rivne" + }, + "Meares Island is one of the many islands surrounding the Village of %s, British Columbia, Canada": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Tofino" + }, + "The match versus Rangers de %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Talca" + }, + "(September 16, 1845 in Isokyrö – January 8, 1895 in %s) was a Finnish serial killer who was covered extensively": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Turku" + }, + "%s Luogang Airport is a former international airport serving Hefei, the capital of Anhui province, China": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Hefei" + }, + "Initially twelve villages were founded: Kamenetz, Pleschanowo, Krassikowo, Kaltan, Lugowsk, %s, Donskoj, Dolinsk, Jugowka, Klinok, Kuterlja, Bogomasowo": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Podolsk" + }, + "areas in the west of Vytegorsky and Babayevsky Districts of %s Oblast, as well as minor areas in the north": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Vologda" + }, + "The event was photographed and featured in the %s Herald newspaper": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Timaru" + }, + "The %s Memorial Arena is a 2,212-seat multi-purpose arena in Penticton, British Columbia": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Penticton" + }, + "re-arranged them for an acoustic concert in their hometown of %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Hamar" + }, + " \"Chicos en el %s\" (Kids on the Grass)": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Pasto" + }, + "also known as the XXII Summer Universiade, took place in %s, South Korea from August 24 till August 30, 2003": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Daegu" + }, + "Kra Buri was downgraded to a district of %s Province around 1896": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Ranong" + }, + "name of the pass now known as Tang-e Meyran, connecting %s with Sedeh to the east, crossing the border of": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Yasuj" + }, + "Çatalpınar is a town and district of %s Province in the Black Sea region of Turkey, 56 km": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Ordu" + }, + "The %s Cafe was an all-ages music venue in Canoga Park, California": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Cobalt" + }, + "was founded in 1968 due to the construction of the %s Nuclear Power Plant and granted town status in 1983": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Kursk" + }, + "Industrielle') (IDEI) is a research center in economics located in %s (France) within the Toulouse 1 University Capitole": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Toulouse" + }, + "The %s, England campus was closed in 2011": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Luton" + }, + "%s Red Sox players": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Bristol" + }, + "People from %s, Belgorod Oblast": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Valuyki" + }, + "It was built in 1939 in the town of %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Uglich" + }, + " The first block of %s Road handles eastbound traffic only, and westbound traffic is": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Metairie" + }, + "Originally erected in %s, Schleswig during still Danish rule, it was moved to": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Flensburg" + }, + "%s Motorsports Park is a multi-purpose motorsports facility located outside": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Bremerton" + }, + "within which a former bustling landmark night market operated, in %s District, Taipei, Taiwan": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Datong" + }, + "of the Fujigaoka Station on the Higashiyama Line of the %s Subway": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Nagoya" + }, + "Mikko Yrjö Ilmari Kolehmainen (born 18 August 1964 in %s) is a Finnish sprint canoer who competed from the": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Mikkeli" + }, + "The Sudost (; ) is a river in %s Oblast in Russia and Chernihiv Oblast in Ukraine": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Bryansk" + }, + "He is buried at the %s-Tegel Russian Orthodox Cemetery": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Berlin" + }, + "In 1978, after the establishment of %s Special Economic Zone(SEZ), Yantian (as a part of Luohu": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Shenzhen" + }, + "In addition to serving Amtrak passengers, part of the station is now used as a campus of the %s Science Center": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Danville" + }, + "Born in %s on 13 December 1880 to Alfred Bristow and Laura": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "London" + }, + "Thom performed at the %s Illuminations Christmas lights switch-on concert alongside presenters of the": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Blackpool" + }, + "in Cape Town, South Africa – 10 January 1999 in %s, South Africa) was a South African businessman and former": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Hermanus" + }, + "100 km nearly east of Boğazkale/Hattusa, about 20 km south of Zile, %s Province, north-central Turkey, not far from the Çekerek River": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Tokat" + }, + "Porte de Mars is an ancient Roman triumphal arch in %s, France": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Reims" + }, + "Ma'anshan (), also colloquially written as %s, is a prefecture-level city in the eastern part of": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Maanshan" + }, + "The Savio Rail Tunnel connects the Vuosaari Harbour with the Helsinki–%s main line in Kerava": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Tampere" + }, + "is an autobahn in %s in northwestern Germany": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Oldenburg" + }, + "In 1847 he was appointed US Consul to %s, but never made it to China – instead he": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Shanghai" + }, + "%s Independent School District is a public school district based in the community of Slidell, Texas (USA)": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Slidell" + }, + "La Conqueste du grand roy Charlemagne des Espagnes a/k/a Fierabras: %s, 1497, Rouen, 1640 on Gallica": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Lyon" + }, + "The Gutenberg-Gymnasium %s is a gymnasium (secondary school) located in Erfurt, Germany": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Erfurt" + }, + "a comune (municipality) of 10,459 inhabitants in the Province of %s in the Italian region of Piedmont": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Asti" + }, + "Corrado Barazzutti (born 19 February 1953, in %s) is a former tennis player from Italy": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Udine" + }, + "convicted for the killing of his father Raymond Cook in %s, Alberta, in June 1959": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Stettler" + }, + "O Melhor do Brasil won %s the Troféu Imprensa for five consecutive years in the": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Faro" + }, + "CHMZ-FM is a Canadian radio station that broadcasts at 90.1 FM in %s, British Columbia": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Tofino" + }, + "The Mbugwe are a Bantu ethnic group based in the %s District of Manyara Region and in south western Arusha": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Babati" + }, + "Judy Jensen (born 1953) is an American artist who resides in %s, Texas": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Austin" + }, + "Primera División, after an exciting final with Lota Schwager at %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Talca" + }, + "Ermengarde de %s (c": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Beaumont" + }, + "The office of Mayor of %s was established under the Penzance Charter of incorporation of 1614 granted by James I": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Penzance" + }, + "Alot is a tehsil of %s district and the hometown of the Jangalwa Dynasty": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Ratlam" + }, + "as Degloor) is a town and a municipal council in %s district in the state of Maharashtra, India": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Nanded" + }, + "a long course event (50 m), and took place in %s, on the island of Sicily, Italy from August 24": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Messina" + }, + "the team foil competition at the 1988 Summer Olympics in %s together with Zsuzsanna Szőcs, Zsuzsanna Jánosi, Edit Kovács and": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Seoul" + }, + "4 June 1994: Renamed as Diocese of %s – Sogamoso": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Duitama" + }, + "a census town in the Salanpur CD block in the %s Sadar subdivision of Paschim Bardhaman district in the state": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Asansol" + }, + "Joseph Anton von Maffei founded the Munich-%s Railway Company (München-Augsburger Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft) as a private company on 23": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Augsburg" + }, + "The Brimstone Cup against the %s Fire, so named for the allusions to fire in": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Chicago" + }, + "His son %s Robles is a New York-based Latin urban artist who goes by the stage name of YoungSosa": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Orlando" + }, + "Full Force %s is the fourth studio album by the Mountain Goats, released in 1997": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Galesburg" + }, + "is an island in the Sea of Japan administered under %s in Kyoto Prefecture": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Maizuru" + }, + "of and the easternmost county-level division of the city of %s, Anhui Province, People's Republic of China": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Anqing" + }, + "Bambera, Bishop of %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Scranton" + }, + "1/Il Chirurgo Mariano Santo da %s.pdf Il CHIRURGO MARIANO SANTO": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Barletta" + }, + "This page is a comprehensive discography of American folk musician John %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Denver" + }, + "former Iranian footballer who played for Persepolis, Pas Hamedan, Shahrdari %s and Rah Ahan during his football career": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Yasuj" + }, + "%s () is the name of several inhabited localities in Russia": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Balakhna" + }, + "as a left wing for Liga Națională club HC Dunarea %s and the Brazilian national team": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Braila" + }, + "Route 100 now meets a road leading to %s and the Nova Scotia ferry before turning eastward and": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Argentia" + }, + "People from %s Regency": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Jember" + }, + "Gracia Putri Raemawasti Mulyono (born 5 December 1986, in %s, East Java) is Indonesian public figure and journalist and": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Blitar" + }, + "author of the Commonitorium, and his brother Lupus, Bishop of %s; Agricola, Bishop of Avignon; Aigulphus and Porcarius, martyrs; St": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Troyes" + }, + "%s was born in Sydney": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Palu" + }, + "%s was founded around 89 BC by the Romans, when the local Gauls obtained the Roman citizenship": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Novara" + }, + "their rule as the town was a connecting point to %s Gold Fields, the town was later named to Bangarapet": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Kolar" + }, + "the lists of books offered at the book fair in %s, the largest and most important city in his state,": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Leipzig" + }, + "his father, stepmother, and five half-siblings at their home in %s, but was only charged for his father's murder, for": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Stettler" + }, + "doll, Khokhloma painting, Gzhel ceramics, the Palekh miniature, %s lace, Dymkovo toys, Rostov finift (enamel), and Ural malachite": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Vologda" + }, + "Taheri's defense maintained that he had never visited %s and that he was in Ahvaz at the time of the blaze": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Abadan" + }, + "Duke Peter Alexandrovich of %s (21 November 1868 – 11 March 1924) was the": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Oldenburg" + }, + "Yuanhui District () is a district of the city of %s, Henan province, China": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Luohe" + }, + "The University of %s (ZNU) (Persian: دانشگاه زنجان Dāneshgāh-e Zanjan) is located": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Zanjan" + }, + "The Chairman of the College is the Bishop of %s, and the motto is \"In vain without God.\"": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Vellore" + }, + "November 1835, interested citizens founded railway committees in Munich and %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Augsburg" + }, + "is a Japanese manga artist born in %s, Hokkaidō": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Sapporo" + }, + "With a good command of spoken and written English, %s’s intellectual powers soon led him to write articles for": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Nurnberg" + }, + "where he stayed for a season and moved to Esteghlal %s where his team relegated": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Ahvaz" + }, + "including the Tyne and Wear Metro between Pelaw Junction and %s, an hourly passenger service operated by Northern Trains, and": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Sunderland" + }, + "Rafael %s Robles Natera (October 20, 1947 – August 13, 1998)": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Orlando" + }, + "%s Sadar is a city and a municipal council in Ambala district in the state of Haryana, India": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Ambala" + }, + "percent minority students, including Don Thompson Vocational High School in %s, (now known as Blake High School) and the Glover": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Tampa" + }, + "The story is that Robert Hutch was the Commissioner of %s and his wife Madam Ellena was very fond of hunting": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Hisar" + }, + "The park is at the eastern part of the center of %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Elazig" + }, + "Pallalcesto Amatori %s, better known by the sponsorship name Snaidero Udine, was": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Udine" + }, + "Dakkili is a village in Dakkili mandal, located in the %s district of Andhra Pradesh, India": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Nellore" + }, + "Tangutur is a village near %s and Ongole in India": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Proddatur" + }, + "to important road (Autostrada A25, Autostrada A14, SS714 Tangenziale di %s) and railway connections (Rome–Sulmona–Pescara railway, Adriatic railway)": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Pescara" + }, + "1895) was a French academic painter who was born in %s, France": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Nimes" + }, + "Henri Begleiter (September 11, 1935 in %s, France – April 6, 2006 in Long Island, NY)": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Nimes" + }, + "Bik-%s is located 20 km southeast of Yazykovo (the district's administrative centre) by road": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Usak" + }, + "area in the Northern Barh el Ghazal, South Sudan bordering %s State to the south": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Gogrial" + }, + "the 2015 Conference Premier play-off Final at Wembley Stadium to %s Rovers on penalties, although Arnold set up Lenell John-Lewis'": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Bristol" + }, + "The Abbey of St Vaast () was a Benedictine monastery situated in %s, département of Pas-de-Calais, France": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Arras" + }, + "%s Media Group (XMG; ), is a television and radio broadcasting network in Xiamen, China owned by local government": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Xiamen" + }, + "%s-04 finished 7th out of 13 in 2005": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Sochi" + }, + "station on the Sanin Main Line in the city of %s, in Tottori Prefecture, Japan, operated by the West Japan": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Tottori" + }, + "Villages in %s district": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Kurnool" + }, + "on par with other large stations in Germany, such as %s Hauptbahnhof and Frankfurt (Main) Hauptbahnhof": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Hamburg" + }, + "%s University () is a public university in Ulm, Baden-Württemberg, Germany": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Ulm" + }, + "scrum-half or as a fly-half, and current defense coach for %s in the Top 14": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Montpellier" + }, + " It is one of the primary industrial area of %s Metropolitan Region": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Surat" + }, + "%s Yulong Airport is an airport serving Chifeng, a city in the autonomous region of Inner Mongolia in China": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Chifeng" + }, + "%s Sporting Club de l'Ouest, commonly referred to as Angers": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Angers" + }, + "Zhōngxué), or simply Shangshi Fuzhong is a high school in %s City, Shandong Province, China": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Jinan" + }, + "SMK PGRI 05 %s is a vocational high school in Kencong, Jember, East Java, Indonesia": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Jember" + }, + "127th Mechanized Infantry Division within 54th Group Army, at %s, a ready reaction unit": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Luoyang" + }, + "Walter %s (April 18, 1907 – 19 October 1991)": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Nurnberg" + }, + "After the end of the Russian Civil War, Eisenstein settled in %s, where he died in 1920": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Berlin" + }, + "%s lies between the rivers Agogna and Terdoppio in northeastern": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Novara" + }, + "Wycliff %s (born 27 July 1982), known as Cliffy Palu, is": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Palu" + }, + "a town and the administrative center of Mglinsky District in %s Oblast, Russia, located on the Sudynka River west": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Bryansk" + }, + "Roger I Trencavel, (Roger I of %s), (died 1150) was the eldest son of Bernard Ato": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Beziers" + }, + "Uttar Bagdogra is a census town in the %s subdivision of the Darjeeling district in the Indian state": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Siliguri" + }, + "Voorhees College is a college in %s, Tamil Nadu, India": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Vellore" + }, + "Giuliano Sangiorgi (born 24 January 1979 in Nardò, %s, Italy) is an Italian artist who has gained increasing": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Lecce" + }, + "It is the largest tehsil of %s and is known for its socio-cultural history": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Nanded" + }, + "Round Rock Express (2007), the Astros' Triple-A affiliate, and the %s Redbirds (2003–2006)": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Memphis" + }, + "Hillsborough County in west central Florida and is headquartered in %s, Florida": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Tampa" + }, + "Charles (or Carlo) Spinola was born in January 1564 in %s, Italy, the son of Ottavio Spinola, Count of Tassarolo": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Genoa" + }, + "Chiang Chia (, born 29 September 1942 in %s, Taipei) is former manager of Chinese Taipei national football": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Datong" + }, + "the Heineken Cup on four occasions, having won it with %s in 1997 and then with Toulouse three times in": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Brive" + }, + "won its first major trophy, the Bulgarian Cup, beating Minyor %s in the final": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Pernik" + }, + "All were based in the city of %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Algiers" + }, + "Kyadet is a town in Salingyi Township, %s District, in southern Sagaing Region, Myanmar": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Monywa" + }, + "Ziad Jaziri () (born 12 July 1978 in %s) is a Tunisian former football striker": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Tunis" + }, + "the 2006 census, population of the nearby urban area (%s city which is about 5 km away) was over 400s and": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Zanjan" + }, + "In 667 Saint Aubert, seventh Bishop of %s, began to build an abbey for Benedictine monks on": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Arras" + }, + "The recently sighted La %s giant lizard individual was slightly more than 30 cm (~1 ft)": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Palma" + }, + " Ebrahim Karimi (son of Abbass), appointed (selected by the %s City Islamic Council), in June 2007, for the 2nd": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Gorgan" + }, + "acquired the Cantiere navale fratelli Orlando in 2003 when the %s yard was in severe economic difficulties": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Livorno" + }, + "distance learning offices of the University are located within the %s municipality (Area 3 Garki) where contact sessions of the": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Abuja" + }, + "The Roman Catholic Diocese of %s (Lat: Diocesis Pyayensis) is a suffragan diocese of the": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Pyay" + }, + "Ramdane Airport () , also known as Soummam Airport or %s Airport, is an airport serving Béjaïa, a city in": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Bejaia" + }, + "The town of Kurchatov, along with the neighbouring %s Nuclear Power Plant, stood in for the town of": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Kursk" + }, + "%s Mining Corporation () is a mining corporation in Erdenet, Mongolia": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Erdenet" + }, + "Towns in %s district": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Nellore" + }, + "hydroelectric power station located in Kilombero District of southeast %s Region in southern Tanzania": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Morogoro" + }, + "Districts of %s province": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Pursat" + }, + "He was born and raised in %s in 1488 and relocated to Rome in 1510 to study medicine": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Barletta" + }, + " %s River, a river in India": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Haora" + }, + "Eisenstein designed many of the best-known Art Nouveau buildings of %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Riga" + }, + "Saint Petersburg) was a Soviet prima ballerina who dominated the %s Ballet from the 1930s to the 1950s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Kirov" + }, + "The Sumbwa are a Bantu group native to Bukombe District, %s Region in central Tanzania": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Geita" + }, + "%s City Stadium is a multi-purpose stadium in Nairobi, Kenya": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Nairobi" + }, + "a lake in the Alpstein range of the canton of %s Innerrhoden, Switzerland": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Appenzell" + }, + "\"Dunarea de Jos\" University of %s (Romanian Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos” din Galați) is a": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Galati" + }, + "Volodymyr %s (born 21 August 1978) is a Ukrainian footballer": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Braila" + }, + "Essien, Kanoute, Adebayor to Play in %s for Okocha": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Warri" + }, + "an Indian politician and 13th and 14th Lok Sabha from %s, Ghazipur and 15th Lok Sabha from MachhliShahr, Jaunpur district": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Saidpur" + }, + "%s \"Gold Pan City\" is now the largest of the": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Quesnel" + }, + "David Wijnveldt (December 15, 1891 in %s, Java – March 28, 1962 in Zutphen) was a": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Jember" + }, + "is a footballer who plays as a midfielder for side %s Belediyespor": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Nigde" + }, + "Cantonment College, %s is a college located in Arabpur, Jessore, Bangladesh covering ": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Jessore" + }, + "In 1993 the station was closed to passenger service temporarily and bought by the City of %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Danville" + }, + "The facade of Elizabetes iela 10b was based on patterns and drawings published by two %s-based architects, G": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Leipzig" + }, + "Yantian District () is one of the nine districts of the city of %s, Guangdong, China": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Shenzhen" + }, + "The first was Charles MacMillan, a former Mayor of %s (1915–1917": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Tauranga" + }, + "The University of %s (Arabic:جامعة الجزائر – بن يوسف بن خـدة ), commonly": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Algiers" + }, + "(, ) is a Buddhist pagoda in the center of %s, Burma": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Pyay" + }, + " India census, %s Cantonment had a population of 14,345": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Ahmedabad" + }, + "son of Pandit Govardhan Daas Sharma, opened a school in %s in the memory of his father": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Abohar" + }, + "Gebhard of Franconia or von Hohenlohe, was the bishop of %s (or Ratisbon) from 1036 to 2 December 1060": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Regensburg" + }, + "O'Higgins Fútbol Club (), also known as O'Higgins de %s, is a Chilean professional football club based in Rancagua,": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Rancagua" + }, + "Zara is a town and a district of %s Province of Turkey": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Sivas" + }, + "Thomas Von %s (born 1945 in Brooklyn, New York) was appointed": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Essen" + }, + " Paul Valéry University, %s III, France": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Montpellier" + }, + "Caleb %s was the son of Marietta Henrietta Dupont (1788–1869) and": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Lyon" + }, + "Abz) is a village in Kharqan Rural District, Bastam District, %s County, Semnan Province, Iran": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Shahrud" + }, + "channel 33, was a low-powered Sonlife-affiliated television station licensed to %s, Florida, United States": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Gainesville" + }, + "It was renamed to Jogoo Road Stadium after Kenya gained independence in 1963 and finally to %s City Stadium": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Nairobi" + }, + "It is the largest suburb of the city of %s and adjacent to it, some south of the": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Rouen" + }, + "It is currently the largest comprehensive shopping mall in %s City": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Maanshan" + }, + "Gateshead, located around from Newcastle upon Tyne, from %s, and from Durham": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Sunderland" + }, + "Lise Christoffersen (born 5 August 1955 in %s) is a Norwegian politician for the Labour Party": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Drammen" + }, + "On January 27, 2007 he played his first Ligue 1 match for %s against Lorient": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Nantes" + }, + "It is also known as %s Raceways": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Bremerton" + }, + "%s, Ayodhya, Sultanpur, Pratapgarh, Allahabad are the nearby cities connected": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Faizabad" + }, + "November 1949) is an English former footballer who played for %s, Manchester City, Stoke City and Burnley at club level": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Sunderland" + }, + "Diomedes Cato (1560 to 1565 – d.1627 in %s) was an Italian-born composer and lute player, who lived": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Gdansk" + }, + "by the Red Army soldiers on the Reichstag building in %s on 1 May 1945, the day after Adolf Hitler": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Berlin" + }, + "(born France) (1873.11.11 – death 1880.03.25) as Apostolic Vicar of %s (British India) (1873.11.11 – 1880.03.25)": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Mysore" + }, + "Arienzo is a town and comune in the Province of %s, Campania, southern Italy": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Caserta" + }, + "and police siege at a mountain lodge near Karuizawa in %s Prefecture, Japan, which lasted from February 19 to February": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Nagano" + }, + "In 2008, proposals were put forward for a new urban development to include a new home for FC %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Aarau" + }, + "Roman Catholic bishops of %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Regensburg" + }, + "Radu Horia Niculescu (born 2 March 1975 in %s) is a former Romanian football player": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Sibiu" + }, + "Kampli is well connected by road to Gangavathi, %s, Siruguppa, Kurugodu and Bellary": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Hospet" + }, + "The hospital is managed by the %s Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Blackpool" + }, + "Lieutenant-General Tun Kyi (; born May 1, 1938, in %s) is an officer of the Burmese military and a": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Monywa" + }, + "Although the first recorded private botanical garden in %s dates from the end of the seventeenth century, the": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Lausanne" + }, + "Cédric Heymans (born 20 July 1978 in %s-la-Gaillarde, Corrèze) is a former French rugby union footballer": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Brive" + }, + "gang, founded by Taro Nakano (born October 30, 1936 in %s) in the years after World War 2": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Oita" + }, + "The Cinema Rex, located in %s, Iran, was set ablaze on 19 August 1978, killing": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Abadan" + }, + "%s Victoria Hospital, known locally as \"The Vic\", is the": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Blackpool" + }, + "Katun is a steel inverted roller coaster at the Mirabilandia Amusement Park, Savio, outside %s, Italy": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Ravenna" + }, + "Wacław Andrzej Martyniuk (pronounced ; born November 10, 1949 in %s) is a Polish politician": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Bytom" + }, + "Trek, where every student from the school walks to the %s Hospital to raise awareness for The Neonatal Unit": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Moncton" + }, + " It is primarily used for football matches and is the home stadium of FC %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Aarau" + }, + "%sspor was a Turkish sports club based in Yozgat, Turkey": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Yozgat" + }, + "The %s Community Foundation (TCF) is one of the largest community foundations in the United States": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Tulsa" + }, + "Meymand is a very ancient village which is located near Shahr-e Babak city in %s Province, Iran": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Kerman" + }, + "He was born in %s and debuted in Divizia A with Steaua București in": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Oradea" + }, + "in Khulna, Bangladesh), is a first-class cricketer who has represented %s Division, Khulna Division and Chittagong Division since making his": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Barisal" + }, + "The %s School district was formed July 30, 1870": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Nanaimo" + }, + "%s (; in the local Lombard dialect) is": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Novara" + }, + "XMG is joined from former media entities in %s, i.e": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Xiamen" + }, + "with the Municipal Government and the Bureau of Education of %s, along with a few other leading secondary schools in": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Wuhan" + }, + "is a Japanese festival held every year from September 1 to 3 in Yatsuo, %s, Japan": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Toyama" + }, + "Mariano Santo (1488 in %s – 1577 in Rome) was a prominent surgeon of": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Barletta" + }, + "is a new town in Meito-Ku ward, %s, Japan": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Nagoya" + }, + "Harrison Trimble High School (HTHS) is a high school situated in %s, New Brunswick, Canada": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Moncton" + }, + "He started his club career with CA %s before moving to SU Agen, where he stayed until": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Brive" + }, + "The Alsancak Mustafa %s Stadium is a multi-purpose stadium in İzmir, Turkey used": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Denizli" + }, + "It is located in the Higashihonji-chō district of the city of %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Tottori" + }, + "Yoshikazu Yahiro (born July 5, 1970 in %s, Mie, Japan), better known by his stage name Panther": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Tsu" + }, + "%s came into common use in the early 19th century": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Brighton" + }, + "Jupiter City Shopping Center is a large shopping center located in %s city, Argeș county, Romania": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Pitesti" + }, + "in Guwahati, Agartala, Kohima, Imphal, Jorhat, Silchar, Dibrugarh, Tura, Aizawl, %s and Shillong": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Itanagar" + }, + "The same year, the county commissioners officially approved New %s’s purchase of East Carolina Land and Railway Company stock": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Bern" + }, + "The %s-class vessels were a development of the preceding 5500 ton": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Sendai" + }, + "a town and the administrative center of Gavrilovo-Posadsky District in %s Oblast, Russia, located on the Voymiga River at its": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Ivanovo" + }, + "since the 1960s have been living and working in Istanbul, %s or abroad (especially France and Austria)": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Ankara" + }, + "Aurad taluka is one of the five talukas of the %s District": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Bidar" + }, + "%s (Grass) is the debut album by Argentine rock group Babasónicos": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Pasto" + }, + "The University of %s is a tertiary institution in the Nigerian capital, Abuja": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Abuja" + }, + "Mahdi Haris from Arseto, Jamrawi and Yohanes Geohera from Mitra %s and goalkeeper Dony Latuperisa who was then undergoing PSSI": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Surabaya" + }, + "Cooper and his wife Millie founded Cooper Communications, LLC, in 1993 upon moving to the %s area": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Redding" + }, + "Natalya \"Natasha\" Nikolayevna Demkina (; born 1987 in %s, Mordovia) is a Russian woman who claims to possess": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Saransk" + }, + "The métro connects the commune with %s and Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Rouen" + }, + "Prior to the creation of the %s Region in March 2012, the Geita District was part of the Mwanza Region": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Geita" + }, + "Latz has worked to do this at %s Nord in many ways (Weilacher, 102) and it has": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Duisburg" + }, + "Aurad is from Bengaluru and from District Headquarters %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Bidar" + }, + "Tourist attractions in %s Province": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Konya" + }, + "is a German group of semiconductor foundries, with headquarters in %s (X-FAB Semiconductor Foundries AG is located in the south": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Erfurt" + }, + "It was previously known as Voetbalbond Indonesia %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Semarang" + }, + "referring to the town of Bronte in the Province of %s, Sicily, granted on 10 October 1799 at Palermo to": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Catania" + }, + "a protected area in the Anaimalai Hills of Pollachi and %s taluks of Coimbatore District and Udumalaipettai taluk in Tiruppur": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Valparai" + }, + " was born in %s Prefecture to well-off parents": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Okayama" + }, + "Diop College of Medicine was a medical training establishment in %s, England, as a college within the University El Hadji": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Luton" + }, + " First local search engine of %s city": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Meerut" + }, + "%s (Ouest/ETAT, SNCF)": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Caen" + }, + "Venkatagiriyappa was an Asthana Vidwan(Court Musician) of the %s Darbar, and composed many carnatic classical songs in Western": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Mysore" + }, + "She danced all the classical leads at the %s Theatre including the starring role in Cinderella": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Kirov" + }, + "%s City F.C": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Stoke" + }, + "digital channel 26, is a low-powered television station licensed to %s, California, United States": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Redding" + }, + " Roman Catholic Diocese of %s Official Site": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Scranton" + }, + "Alkan Boudewijn de %s Chaglar (born August 5, 1981 in London) is a": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Beaumont" + }, + "a census town in the Matigara CD block in the %s subdivision of Darjeeling district in the state of": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Siliguri" + }, + " Among the hanged was a chief named Qualchan of the %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Yakima" + }, + "1170 to , Viscount of %s-le-Vicomte, Fresnay and Ste-Suzanne, and (died aft": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Beaumont" + }, + "channel 32), was an America One-affiliated television station licensed to %s, Arizona, United States": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Flagstaff" + }, + "%s Regional Airport is in Graham County, Arizona, United States, east of Safford, which owns it": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Safford" + }, + "junction of railroads and motorways, the town is situated between %s and Volgograd on European route E119 from Moscow to": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Tambov" + }, + "SAFECO Corporate Collection, %s, Washington": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Seattle" + }, + "The etymology of the name of %s lies in the Old English Beorhthelmes tūn (Beorhthelm's farmstead)": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Brighton" + }, + "the Historia Caroli Magni, and Italian romantic epics, such as %s innamorato by Matteo Maria Boiardo and Orlando furioso by": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Orlando" + }, + "the A30 road in the civil parish of Ludgvan, between %s and Hayle": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Penzance" + }, + "%s Regional Airport is a mile southeast of Vernal, in Uintah County, Utah": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Vernal" + }, + "The Hunt family also owns the NFL's Kansas City Chiefs and part of the %s Bulls": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Chicago" + }, + "Harald Grohs (born 1944) is a race driver and team owner from %s, Germany": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Essen" + }, + "He was appointed Companion of the Order of the %s (CB) on 12 July 1881 and died in Starcross,": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Bath" + }, + "The conflict began on September 18, 1948 in %s, East Java, and ended three months later when most": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Madiun" + }, + "their camp site at Little Yin River (小殷水, flowing through %s, Henan), and Wu was able to take over their": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Luohe" + }, + "John %s was born 2 May 1893 and died 3 January 1941": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Barstow" + }, + "UKSW's campuses are spread all-around %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Salatiga" + }, + "Rameswaram is a census town in Cuddapah district inside %s in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Proddatur" + }, + "Ibara is a city in %s, Japan": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Okayama" + }, + "was a musician and music teacher from Heggadadevanakote in the %s district of India": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Mysore" + }, + "cover landings of Japanese troops in Shandong province during the %s incident, and was later based out of Tsingtao": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Jinan" + }, + "Shyamnagar is a locality in %s Municipality of North 24 Parganas district in the Indian": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Bhatpara" + }, + "Jagaddal police station under Barrackpore Police Commissionerate has jurisdiction over %s Municipal area": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Bhatpara" + }, + "%s Airport is located at Kumbhirgram, 29 km (18 mi) from": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Silchar" + }, + "(; 1875–1929) was the acting president of Shandong University in %s from 1926 to 1927": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Jinan" + }, + "was a Japanese professional sumo wrestler from %s Prefecture": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Oita" + }, + "1683 – 30 May 1756) was the Duke of Mecklenburg-%s from 1747 to 1756": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Schwerin" + }, + "Kolbermoor is a town in the district of %s, in Bavaria, Germany": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Rosenheim" + }, + "11, 1995) is a Puerto Rican volleyball player for the %s Angels of the Serie A1": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Beziers" + }, + "He scored his first career goal against %s Rovers in December 2005 in his third appearance for Mansfield": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Bristol" + }, + "%s Oilers (baseball) players": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Tulsa" + }, + "situated at Partapur, 9 km south of Village Gagol of %s, in Uttar Pradesh, India": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Meerut" + }, + "Assandh is 45 km south-west of %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Karnal" + }, + "of the Princeton Rays, the Rookie League affiliate of the %s Bay Rays": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Tampa" + }, + "The airport is about 7 km from %s city centre": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Cagliari" + }, + "Coming from Bari-%s: take the Autostrada A14 Chieti-Pescara Ovest exit, turn immediately right": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Foggia" + }, + "The Saxon State and University Library %s (full name in ), abbreviated SLUB Dresden, is located in Dresden, Germany": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Dresden" + }, + "van Kippersluis on free transfer, and Billy Keraf to Semen %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Padang" + }, + "In the middle of the 2003 season, the %s Redbirds named Sheaffer as their manager, replacing Tom Spencer": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Memphis" + }, + "of 'Nandi' (caste) and 'Pirali' so experienced priest from '%s toll (Sanskrit educational institution)’ used to refuse offering puja to": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Bhatpara" + }, + "with Nagar panchayat civic status and mandal headquarters located in %s District of the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Kurnool" + }, + "recently created the English Garden at the Royal Palace of %s in Naples for Nelson's benefactor the King of Sicily": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Caserta" + }, + "of the Saxon State Library (SLB) and the University Library %s (UB)": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Dresden" + }, + "Abhir king Ishwarasena of %s, who conquered the western part of the Deccan from": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Nasik" + }, + "a Baroque style church that was completed in 1695 in %s, Apulia, Italy": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Lecce" + }, + "Nicolay de Caveri (14??-15??) was a map-maker from %s, Italy": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Genoa" + }, + "%s Locomotive Works, (formerly Diesel-Loco Modernization Works), is located in": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Patiala" + }, + "also known as Carlo Spinola, was a Jesuit missionary from %s, Italy, martyred in Japan as a missionary": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Genoa" + }, + " the Duke of %s Bridge in Rome, built in 1942": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Aosta" + }, + "family returned to live in a villa at 24 Nikolaevskaya, %s, that Michael had bought for Natalia": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Gatchina" + }, + "Aravakurichi is a Town in Aravakurichi Block in %s District of Tamil Nadu State, India": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Karur" + }, + "and Gangavathi (10Km) are the nearest railway stations to Kampli.%s lies on ": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Hospet" + }, + "Ellenabad was founded by Robert Hutch, the Commissioner of %s during the British Raj, whose wife gave birth to a child in the area": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Hisar" + }, + "Mursan is a town and a Nagar Panchayat in %s district in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Hathras" + }, + " when %s was nothing more than a hayfield": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "The economy of %s is dominated by a handful": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "the city's subway system, the %s Metro, serves": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "Many of the names in the %s area represent": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + " the climate of %s in the year 2050 would": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + " enclosing the central area of %s, the so-": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + " %s receives over 2.5": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "still lived just south of %s, near the location": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + " in what is now southern %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + " indicator of the growing importance of the port of %s can be gained from": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "century, %s has been an important center": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "Climate data for %s, 1991–2020 normals,": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + " In the 1950s Port became a suburb of the nearby city of %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Biel" + }, + " An attempt to annex Port into %s was defeated by the Grand Council of Bern in 1950-51": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Biel" + }, + "Angelou began playing basketball with the youth teams of AGE %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Chalkida" + }, + "Babugarh Chavani is a town and a nagar panchayat in %s in Hapur district, in the state of Uttar Pradesh,": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Hapur" + }, + "Babugarh Chavani is located almost 7 km away from %s towards Holy Pilgrimage Garhmukteshwar after crossing toll bridge near": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Hapur" + }, + "Boland Park is a multi-purpose stadium in %s, South Africa": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Paarl" + }, + "It was while Coughlan was in %s that he was recruited in the Irish Republican Army,": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Tralee" + }, + "to death in the grease pit of their garage in %s, Alberta": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Stettler" + }, + "Waryam Khera is a village 22 kilometres from %s in the Fazilka district of the Punjab": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Abohar" + }, + "DAV College, %s is a post graduate college in the city of Abohar, Punjab, India": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Abohar" + }, + "In the village there is a railway station at which travelers board for %s or Turkey": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Aleppo" + }, + "In 1936, The %s Regiment was amalgamated with The Saskatchewan Border Regiment to": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Weyburn" + }, + "The map alongside shows the %s subdivision of Darjeeling district": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Siliguri" + }, + "The Umayyad Caliphate captured %s in 663 from the Kabul Shahis who had taken": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Balkh" + }, + "People from %s, Elbasan": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Gramsh" + }, + "Sidni Hoxha (born 6 January 1992, in %s) is an Albanian swimmer who participated for the first": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Shkoder" + }, + "Alfred Osmani (born 20 February 1983, in %s) is an Albanian retired football goalkeeper who lat played": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Durres" + }, + "Abreu was born in %s, Huíla Province, to a White African-Portuguese family": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Lubango" + }, + "serving the Atlantic port city of Moçâmedes, the capital of %s Province in Angola": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Namibe" + }, + "In February 2011 Bangoura signed a two-year contract with Khazar %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Lankaran" + }, + "Upazilas of %s District": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Pabna" + }, + "is an Anglican religious order for women based in Jobarpar, %s, Bangladesh": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Barisal" + }, + "The new team went through a number of name changes before arriving with the current name, FC Slavia %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Mazyr" + }, + "Istočni %s was created in 1995, following the end of the Bosnian War": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Mostar" + }, + "Krakra of %s (, Krakra Pernishki), also known as Krakra Voevoda or": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Pernik" + }, + "in 1004 they came up against Krakra's well-defended fortress of %s, and the emperor was forced to return to Constantinople": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Pernik" + }, + "Byala Cherkva () is a town in Pavlikeni Municipality, Veliko %s Province, Central-North Bulgaria": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Turnovo" + }, + "Veal Veng (or Veal Veaeng), , is a district in %s Province, Cambodia": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Pursat" + }, + "Bangarapet is a town in %s district in the Indian state of Karnataka": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Kolar" + }, + "Bangarapet was originally called Bowringpet, named after an officer working in the %s Gold Fields": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Kolar" + }, + "Born and raised in %s, he joined Santiago Wanderers youth ranks for made his": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Quillota" + }, + "China Lucky Film Corporation () is the largest photosensitive materials and magnetic recording media manufacturer in %s, Hebei province, China": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Baoding" + }, + "After 1975 the 46th Army was transferred from %s, Jiangsu Province to Linyi, Shandong": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Xuzhou" + }, + "God of Gamblers III: Back to %s (; lit": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Shanghai" + }, + "and her GDP ranks No.4 in Anhui Province after Hefei, %s and Wuhu": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Anqing" + }, + "For the 2008 Summer Olympics in %s, a total of thirty-seven venues were used": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Beijing" + }, + "In addition, six venues outside %s hosted events, two of which were newly built for the Olympics": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Beijing" + }, + "the 1970s, centered successively on four major drug trafficking cartels: %s, Cali, Norte del Valle, and North Coast, as": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Medellin" + }, + "The only single released from %s was \"D-Generación\", which was a minor radio hit at": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Pasto" + }, + "7 March 1955: Established as Diocese of %s from Diocese of Tunja": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Duitama" + }, + "faculty of higher education located in the Colombian city of %s, capital of the department of Tolima": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Ibague" + }, + "University of %s is a member of EUA - European University Association": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Split" + }, + "The University of %s was officially established on 15 June 1974 when the": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Split" + }, + "Ørestad station is one of the southernmost stations of the %s Metro system": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Copenhagen" + }, + "second goal for the club, in a 2–1 win against %s BK": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Odense" + }, + "four goals in the next four matches, coming against Nordsjælland, %s BK, AaB and Esbjerg": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Odense" + }, + "Teemu \"%s Ray\" Mäntysaari is a Finnish guitarist": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Manta" + }, + "Gabal Edmonstone is a flat-topped mesa located near the Dakhla Oasis south of %s, Egypt": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Cairo" + }, + "International schools in Greater %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Cairo" + }, + "1979, changed its name to Autobaas in 1989, and to %s Trans in 1992": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Narva" + }, + "This Woreda is named after its largest settlement, %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Asosa" + }, + "held July 25, 1954, in the Matanisiga Hall in Toorak, %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Suva" + }, + "The first Stake in Fiji, the %s Fiji Stake was organized 12 June 1983, with Inosi": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Suva" + }, + "The %s L-35 is a semi-automatic pistol designed by Aimo Lahti": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Lahti" + }, + "Considered to be of high quality, the %s was well manufactured and worked reliably in cold conditions or when fouled": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Lahti" + }, + "The use of a bolt accelerator, an uncommon feature in a pistol, helped make the %s reliable": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Lahti" + }, + "Salford and Essex in the United Kingdom, Louvain-la-Neuve in Belgium, %s in Finland, and Siena in Italy": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Turku" + }, + "He was sentenced to serve 12 years in prison at %s for his murder": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Turku" + }, + "1–1 on aggregate, %s United won on away goals rule": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Tampere" + }, + "Cularo was the name of the Gallic city of %s until 381, when it was renamed Gratianopolis in honor": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Grenoble" + }, + "The first reference to %s dates back to July 43 BC": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Grenoble" + }, + "Its name would subsequently metamorphose into %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Grenoble" + }, + "one of the two major UEFA competitions) were won by %s, Schalke 04, and Villarreal": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Lille" + }, + "Saint Martin, was the main station on the CF %s-Mer and the terminus of the line for trains from": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Caen" + }, + "Saint Martin station was situated on %s's Place du Canada and the building is still present": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Caen" + }, + "The first season that %s debuted in the French second division was in 1945": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Angers" + }, + "Local folklore says that the inhabitants of %s built the arch in gratitude when the Romans brought major roads through their city": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Reims" + }, + "453–540) was the first Bishop of %s and later also bishop of Cambrai, and was buried": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Arras" + }, + "Charles Marquet was a French naturalist who was born in %s in 1820 and died in Toulouse in 1900": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Beziers" + }, + "Jean Blondel (born %s, 26 October 1929) is a French political scientist specialising": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Toulon" + }, + "The present diocese comprises the territory of the ancient Diocese of Fréjus as well as that of the ancient Diocese of %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Toulon" + }, + "Köln Hauptbahnhof or %s Central Station is a railway station in Cologne, Germany": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Cologne" + }, + "Landschaftspark at %s Nord had a clear intention of using the site to develop its program": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Duisburg" + }, + "is a 1992 American short documentary film directed by Gerardine %s about Peter Gwazdauskas, a special needs student with Down": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Wurzburg" + }, + "On 12 August 1860, the %s–Salzburg railway was opened, adding extra importance to the station": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Rosenheim" + }, + "Volkswerft () is a shipyard in the Hanseatic city of %s on the Strelasund": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Stralsund" + }, + "was delivered and on June 15, 1948 the VEB Volkswerft %s was registered": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Stralsund" + }, + "Here, %s became a part-time teacher": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Nurnberg" + }, + "Uwe Barth (born 23 July 1964 in Bad Langensalza, Bezirk %s) is a German politician and member of the FDP": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Erfurt" + }, + "Dirk Becker (born 4 May 1966 in %s, North Rhine-Westphalia) is a German politician and member of": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Bielefeld" + }, + "Osterberg is a municipality in the district of Neu-%s in Bavaria in Germany": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Ulm" + }, + "Bravo All Stars were a pop supergroup formed in %s, Germany and the United States in 1998": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Hamburg" + }, + "It also has frequent links to %s via Frankfurt and Cologne using the Cologne-Frankfurt high-speed rail line": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Dortmund" + }, + "1992–93 UEFA Cup was won by Juventus, who beat Borussia %s 6–1 in the final aggregate over, a record score": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Dortmund" + }, + "Dukes of Mecklenburg-%s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Schwerin" + }, + "by Badel Zagreb from Yugoslavia, in a friendly tournament in %s Drott defeated the Russian national team": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Flensburg" + }, + "It is both the regional library () for the German State of Saxony as well as the academic library for the %s University of Technology ()": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Dresden" + }, + "The %s Ghana Temple is the 117th operating temple of The": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Accra" + }, + "The temple in %s is the second of three temples built in Africa": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Accra" + }, + "The %s Community Nursing Training College is public tertiary health institution in the Winneba in the Central Region of Ghana": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Winneba" + }, + "Olympiacos %s Football Club () is a Greek professional football club based in the city of Volos, Greece": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Volos" + }, + "notable one in the club history: while the city of %s was damaged by some earthquakes, Olympiakos Volou had a": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Volos" + }, + "In 1961 it merged with local club Ethnikos %s, with Ethnikos-Olympiakos Volou being the new denomination, despite this": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Volos" + }, + "The stadium was built because of a disagreement between then FC Skoda %s and the amateur club AO Xanthi": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Xanthi" + }, + "August 2011, the Greek Professional Sports Committee (EEA) stripped both %s and Olympiacos of their professional licence and demoted them": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Kavala" + }, + "The %s Massacre refers to the murder of twelve residents of": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Bartica" + }, + "2008, a number of gunmen attacked the mining community of %s, Essequibo, killing twelve residents and injuring several others": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Bartica" + }, + "Bródy was born in %s, Hungary": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Eger" + }, + "cities with trams — the others being Budapest, Miskolc and %s — and, alongside Budapest and Debrecen, one of only": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Debrecen" + }, + "School District 28 %s is a school district in central British Columbia": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Quesnel" + }, + "Most schools are located in %s with one outlying school in Wells, a small community": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Quesnel" + }, + "While most of Nyaturu people live in %s region in central Tanzania, a few number is constantly": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Singida" + }, + " The College is managed by the Church of South India, Diocese of %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Vellore" + }, + "community in the district of Thierstein in the Canton of %s in Switzerland": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Solothurn" + }, + "Buildings and structures in the canton of %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Solothurn" + }, + "Joachim has also built a clock in %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Solothurn" + }, + "Sjarifuddin government in January 1948 was the origin of the %s Affair": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Madiun" + }, + "The team's homebase is at Jatidiri Stadium in %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Semarang" + }, + "On the 2015 Piala Walikota %s, Persib won the cup after defeating PSP Padang and": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Padang" + }, + "and Mount Merapi to the east, roughly corresponds to present-day %s and Temanggung Regency of Central Java, Indonesia": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Magelang" + }, + "Residency, which at that time covered what are now the %s Regency, Magelang City, and Temanggung Regency administrative units": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Magelang" + }, + "When Britain took briefly control of the region in 1811, %s became the seat of government": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Magelang" + }, + "A hard running backrow player %s made his provincial debut in a match against a": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Palu" + }, + "Sumber (; ) is a district which serves as the regency seat of the %s Regency of West Java, Indonesia": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Cirebon" + }, + "It is often seen as a cultural challenge to the youth culture in the provincial capital of %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Surabaya" + }, + "a Togolese former football player who last played for Esteghlal %s in the Iran Pro League": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Ahvaz" + }, + "Naeim Sadavi Saad (, born June 16, 1969 in %s) is a retired Iranian football player, who was banned": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Ahvaz" + }, + "Seyed Hossein Mousavian (, born 1957 in %s) is an Iranian policymaker and scholar who served on": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Kashan" + }, + "was born in 1957 to a prosperous carpet-dealing family in %s, a major carpet-manufacturing center": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Kashan" + }, + "Mehdi Jami (born February 1961 in %s) is an Iranian journalist": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Mashhad" + }, + "During the Arsacid era different tribes of southern %s migrated in different directions": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Kerman" + }, + "Mudawad is a small village in Shindkheda tehsil of %s district in Maharashtra, India": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Dhule" + }, + "consists of a municipal council in Sindkheda Taluka in the %s District of Khandesh Region in the state of Maharashtra": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Dhule" + }, + "The Enghelab Stadium () is a multi-purpose stadium in %s, Iran": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Karaj" + }, + "\"the Eight Heavens\" in Persian, is a 17th-century pavilion in %s, Iran": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Isfahan" + }, + "It is located in %s's famous Charbagh Street": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Isfahan" + }, + "It was also the first modern school in %s was called His Majesty's School (Madrese Homayouni)": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Isfahan" + }, + "Abolfazl Jalili (, born 1957 in %s, Iran) is an Iranian film director and screenwriter": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Saveh" + }, + "Majid al Tamimi Airbase, officially known as the %s Air Academy and formerly as FOB Speicher, COB Speicher,": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Tikrit" + }, + "Howrah (, , alternatively spelled as %s) is the second-largest city after Kolkata in the Indian": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Haora" + }, + "The University College %s degree in Radiography is the oldest in Europe with the first graduates being conferred in 1994": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Dublin" + }, + "\"Medicine\", the 2021 QS World University Rankings gave University College %s a ranking of 151–200": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Dublin" + }, + "route connecting North to South Italy for the first time: Milan-Pescara-%s-Bari-Brindisi": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Foggia" + }, + "Art museums and galleries in %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Rome" + }, + "The program's curriculum is governed by the %s Process": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Bologna" + }, + "The curriculum is governed by the %s Process and is generally approved within the EU/EEA": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Bologna" + }, + "Benetti is an Italian shipbuilding and boat building company based in Viareggio, %s, and Fano, owned by Azimut": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Livorno" + }, + "In 1256, he was exiled from %s due to his Guelf sympathies": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Arezzo" + }, + "is an Italian former professional footballer who last played for %s as a defender": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Marsala" + }, + "Died in 1879 and was buried in the Protestant Cemetery in %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Messina" + }, + "The area is believed to be the birthplace of the Italian sparkling wine %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Asti" + }, + "Loazzolo, Moasca and San Marzano Oliveto in the province of %s, and Santo Stefano Belbo in the province of Cuneo": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Asti" + }, + "Stefano Barrera (born 12 January 1980, in %s) is an Italian foil fencer": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Siracusa" + }, + "He formed Negramaro’s band in 1999: six musicians from %s who have become a breakthrough act in the Italian": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Lecce" + }, + "in the Po River Valley, part of the province of %s, Emilia-Romagna, Italy": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Ravenna" + }, + "Kong action crime film written, produced and directed by Hdeng %s, who also co-stars in the film": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Tsu" + }, + " Hdeng %s as Car Bomb Victim": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Tsu" + }, + "through the mountains towards the community of Karuizawa in nearby %s Prefecture": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Nagano" + }, + "25, the police units (the Riot Police Unit of the %s PPH, with the support of TMPD, Kanagawa and Yamanashi": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Nagano" + }, + "was invented by Hakaru Masumoto at Tohoku Imperial University in %s, Japan, about 1936 as an alternative to permalloy in": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Sendai" + }, + "The %s-class vessels were part of the Eight-eight fleet program, with": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Sendai" + }, + "%s Station is served by the Sanin Main Line, with": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Tottori" + }, + "Tourist attractions in %s Prefecture": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Toyama" + }, + "is a railway station in %s, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Maizuru" + }, + "%s Airport , also known as Jambyl Airport is an": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Taraz" + }, + "The stadium is owned by the %s City Council": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Nairobi" + }, + "In October, however, Sarjerao Ghatge took revenge by sacking %s, razing it almost to the ground, and practicing every": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Indore" + }, + "was constructed in the 17th century by Ahilyabai Holkar of %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Indore" + }, + "Since 2010, when Njoro District was eliminated, it has been part of the %s County": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Nakuru" + }, + "bula of Pope John Paul II, when the Diocese of %s-Aglona was created": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Rezekne" + }, + "in firefights with the Soviet army for the control of %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Kaunas" + }, + "On the night of 25–26 June, %s pogrom led by Klimaitis' unit was instigated by Franz": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Kaunas" + }, + "Petar Miloševski Stadium () is a football stadium in %s, North Macedonia and the home of FK Pelister": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Bitola" + }, + "School District 68 %s-Ladysmith is a school district on central Vancouver Island in British Columbia": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Nanaimo" + }, + "This includes the major centres of %s and Ladysmith": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Nanaimo" + }, + "Stade Barema Bocoum is a multi-use stadium in %s, Mali": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Mopti" + }, + "It serves as a home ground of Débo %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Mopti" + }, + "Khangarid is a Mongolian professional football club from %s, competing in the Mongolian National Premier League": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Erdenet" + }, + "Gangaw (, ) is a town of Gangaw Township in Gangaw District in the %s Division in Myanmar": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Magway" + }, + "Populated places in %s Region": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Magway" + }, + "Assandh is a city and a municipal committee in %s district in the state of Haryana, India": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Karnal" + }, + "Now Assandh is growing city of %s and upcoming district of Haryana": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Karnal" + }, + "Sayan is a city and municipality in the %s district in the Indian state of Gujarat": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Surat" + }, + " Sayan is located on NH 228 only 18 km from %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Surat" + }, + "Propeller Records was an independent record label formed in %s, New Zealand, by Simon Grigg in 1980": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Auckland" + }, + "allocated an expanse of land covering over along the %s city Airport road for the development of its main": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Abuja" + }, + "It is currently used mostly for football matches and is the regular home of former %s Wolves F.C": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Warri" + }, + "NTS ASA, formerly %s Trafikkselskap, is a public transport company in Trøndelag, Norway": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Namsos" + }, + "or is a village in %s Municipality in Nordland county, Norway": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Narvik" + }, + "Straumsnes or Strømsnes is a village in %s Municipality in Nordland county, Norway": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Narvik" + }, + "The area is known for the %s panorama, with views of more than 222 rugged and": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Molde" + }, + "Ole Hermann Borgan (born October 10, 1964 in %s) is a Norwegian football assistant referee": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Drammen" + }, + "of Poland, it was part of the duchies of Silesia, %s, Niemodlin and Oleśnica, and remained ruled by local Polish": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Opole" + }, + "the trophy they had won the previous season, defeating Polonia %s in the final": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Bytom" + }, + "village of Karwia, in the Prussian jurisdiction of Danzig (%s), on Oct": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Gdansk" + }, + "Duchy of %s may refer to:": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Poznan" + }, + "Moita is a municipality in the district of %s, Portugal": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Setubal" + }, + "a Hansa A Type cargo ship which was built as %s in 1944 by Lübecker Flenderwerke AG, Lübeck, Germany for": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Setubal" + }, + "Rodrigo Alcazar %s (born October 20, 1973) is a Brazilian television presenter,": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Faro" + }, + "The program ended up having its name changed to Hora do %s in 2014": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Faro" + }, + " Residence Rua Teófilo %s, 124 ()": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Braga" + }, + "The cathedrals of Porto, %s, Lisbon and others have been extensively remodelled over time": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Braga" + }, + "They stayed for five months while their ship was repaired, leaving on 12 December 1596, to return to %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Lisbon" + }, + "Marco Paulo %s de Abreu (born 8 December 1974) is an Angolan": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Coimbra" + }, + "Nunzio %s, Maniace, The ex Nelson Duchy, Catania, 1988": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Galati" + }, + "BCM U %s win with 3–0 against BC Farul Constanta": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Pitesti" + }, + "Elena Georgescu ( Nedelcu, born 10 April 1964 in %s) is a Romanian coxswain who has won five Olympic": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Bucharest" + }, + "Tei is a neighborhood in %s, Romania - Sector 2": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Bucharest" + }, + "The university is internationally known for its football club CS Universitatea %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Craiova" + }, + "Kurchatov () is a town in %s Oblast, Russia, located on the Seym River west of Kursk": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Kursk" + }, + "Guard Cuirassier Regiment, known as the Blue Cuirassiers, stationed at %s near Saint Petersburg": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Gatchina" + }, + "FC %s-04 was founded in 2004 following the dissolution of FC Zhemchuzhina Sochi": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Sochi" + }, + "Rivers of %s Oblast": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Bryansk" + }, + "Western Oblast, a huge administrative unit with the center in %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Smolensk" + }, + "a town and the administrative center of Petrovsky District in %s Krai, Russia, located on the Kalaus River, northeast": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Stavropol" + }, + "Cities and towns in %s Krai": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Stavropol" + }, + "Klimovsk () is a microdistrict of %s in Podolsk Urban Okrug, Moscow Oblast, Russia, located ": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Podolsk" + }, + "When its status as a town was abolished in 2015, it became part of the city of %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Podolsk" + }, + "It was named after the nearby town of Pravdinsk which has since been annexed by %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Balakhna" + }, + "AA students have also been referred to as Okamory Boys due to the area in which the school is located in %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Freetown" + }, + "The %s, a relatively small venue in the suburban San Fernando": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Cobalt" + }, + "4–4 on aggregate, Spartak %s won on away goals rule": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Trnava" + }, + "Spartak %s won 3–1 on aggregate": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Trnava" + }, + "Just before %s, the N4 meets the north-eastern terminus of the R52 Road": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Rustenburg" + }, + "Gerard Louis Brophy (born 26 November 1975, %s, Orange Free State, South Africa) is a first-class cricketer,": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Welkom" + }, + "an ethnic group numbering 20,000 to 30,000 people living in %s District of South Sudan": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Gogrial" + }, + "Specimen remains from La %s assigned to G": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Palma" + }, + "half share of the family home \"Sukhasthan\" at Horton Place, %s 7": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Colombo" + }, + "The ground was named De Soysa Park and subsequently used mainly for %s Sports Club (MSC) and school competitions": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Moratuwa" + }, + "a tournament was played between all the teams in the %s, which was won by IS Halmia": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Halmstad" + }, + "%s Terminal was a vehicle intended to be used for transporting goods in ports between ships and railway": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Kalmar" + }, + "George \"%s\" Malley (born July 28, 1955) is an American long-distance runner": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Malmo" + }, + "1994) is a Swedish football defender currently playing for KIF %s in the Damallsvenskan": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Orebro" + }, + "Land and Railway Company was renewed, when citizens of New %s petitioned the county commissioners to call a special referendum": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Bern" + }, + "due to a strike both international matches against Swiss Borba %s were played in Switzerland and it ended in defeat": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Luzern" + }, + "of Lopburi province and Muak Lek and Kaeng Khoi of %s Province": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Saraburi" + }, + "built a railway from Kra Buri via La-un to Mueang %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Ranong" + }, + "Amphoe Mueang %s or Mueang Rayong district": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Rayong" + }, + "the East Shewa Zone located in the Great Rift Valley, %s is bordered on the south by the Koka Reservoir,": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Lome" + }, + "(born 3 June 1958) is a French pianist born in %s, Tunisia": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Bizerte" + }, + "In %s he lectured at the University, introduced urban planning as a university discipline, and served as consultant to the Government": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Ankara" + }, + "Tekin Kurtulus (born 16 September 1968, %s, Turkey) is a German actor of Turkish descent": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Usak" + }, + "Adnan Erkan (born 15 January 1968 in %s) is a Turkish retired footballer who played as a": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Denizli" + }, + " Various images of Çatalpınar, %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Ordu" + }, + "Werner Stauffacher of %s was threatened by reeve Gessler because he had dared to build a stone house": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Schwyz" + }, + " February 1, 1966: Established as Diocese of %s from Diocese of Mbarara": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Kabale" + }, + "Route 153 is a two-lane north/south highway in %s, Canada, which starts in Yamachiche at the junction of": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Quebec" + }, + " List of %s provincial highways": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Quebec" + }, + " Provincial Route Map (Courtesy of the %s Ministry of Transportation) ": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Quebec" + }, + "in west Cornwall, England, United Kingdom, situated on the A394 %s to Helston road": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Penzance" + }, + "Danny Reet (born 31 January 1987, in %s) is an English footballer": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Sheffield" + }, + "a Manager at Capita PLC but regularly turns out for %s Meadowhall Sunday League Division 1 pace setters Arbourthorne EA": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Sheffield" + }, + "Juliette Lesley Hohnen (born in %s, UK) is an American on-air personality": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "London" + }, + "Companions of the Order of the %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Bath" + }, + "Maplecroft is a global risk and strategic consulting firm based in %s, England": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Bath" + }, + "He joined %s City in August 1983 in time for the start": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Stoke" + }, + "Churchill China PLC () is a British pottery manufacturer based in %s-on-Trent in the United Kingdom": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Stoke" + }, + " Headquartered in %s, Oklahoma, as of January 2011 it was reported to": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Tulsa" + }, + "MHz Mix 92.3) is a commercial FM radio station in %s, Michigan, owned by iHeartMedia, Inc": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Detroit" + }, + "an antenna located on the Cadillac Tower building in downtown %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Detroit" + }, + "of three current and ten former state-maintained streets in Jefferson, %s, and New Orleans": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Metairie" + }, + "north on Severn Avenue, LA 611-9 immediately turns eastward onto %s Road, which is the local name for the remainder": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Metairie" + }, + "1985, Jensen was involved with the Renaissance Glass Company in %s, Texas, a studio for flat glass artists founded by": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Austin" + }, + "Open Cups with the %s Fire": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Chicago" + }, + "On cable, the station can be seen on Spectrum cable channel 94 in the %s and Red Bluff areas only": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Redding" + }, + "Wemyss and they had a son and daughter: Michael Thomas %s and Lois Edith Barstow": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Barstow" + }, + "is the Roman Catholic cathedral at 315 Wyoming Avenue in %s, Pennsylvania, and is the mother church of the Roman": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Scranton" + }, + "Find your new congressional district: a searchable map, %s Times, January 13, 2012": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Seattle" + }, + "meanwhile joined by the Kalispell too, in the Battle of %s Plains": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Spokane" + }, + "The station's transmitter was located along SW 8th Avenue in west %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Gainesville" + }, + "The station later changed its call letters to WBXG-LP, which reflected its association with The Box network and the City of %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Gainesville" + }, + "Gies College of Business is the business school of the University of Illinois %s-Champaign": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Urbana" + }, + "The University offered courses in accounting before the creation of the University of Illinois %s-Champaign College of Business": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Urbana" + }, + "the San Francisco volcanic field north of the city of %s in the U.S": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Flagstaff" + }, + "Oak Creek Canyon is a river gorge located in northern Arizona between the cities of %s and Sedona": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Flagstaff" + }, + "This building, now known as Masson Hall, was constructed on the corner of 4th and Chew Streets in %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Allentown" + }, + "He played 25 games for the %s Redbirds, Cards' Triple-A team": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Memphis" + }, + "dire warning issued by the local Weather Forecast Office in %s, Louisiana, warning of the devastation that Hurricane Katrina could": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Slidell" + }, + " Francesc Santacruz i %s (17th-18th century), Catalan sculptor of Baroque works": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Artigas" + }, + "Aravakurichi is a panchayat town and a Taluk headquarters in %s district in the state of Tamil Nadu, India": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Karur" + }, + "Janet Bina %s (born May 19, 1943) is a Member of Parliament": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Kahama" + }, + "The Roman Catholic Diocese of %s () is a diocese located in Kahama in the": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Kahama" + }, + "Other caves in the area are Karla Caves, Patan Buddhist Cave and %s Caves": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Nasik" + }, + "The buses come from Bilimora and also from Surat to %s or Pune via Bilimora - Saputara": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Nasik" + }, + "is a small town and ward (shehia) located in the %s District of the Pwani Region in eastern Tanzania, west": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Kibaha" + }, + "It currently operates the %s Metro line 1-4 and Busan Gimhae light Rail transit": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Busan" + }, + "March 2001 in a 5–0 win over South Korea at %s Stadium during the 2001 FIFA Confederations Cup": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Daegu" + }, + "The %s by-election of 1923 was a by-election during the 21st": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Tauranga" + }, + "MacMillan remained as %s's representative until his defeat at the ": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Tauranga" + }, + "Lepakshi Degree College is a college located in the %s, Kadapa district of Andhra Pradesh, India": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Proddatur" + }, + "As of 2018-19 Data available with Airports Authority of India %s Airport is 47th busiest airport in India in respect": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Silchar" + }, + "Karnataka Institute of Medical Sciences, Hubballi (KIMS, %s) is a medical school in Hubballi, India and is": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Hubli" + }, + "When she went to %s she asked her husband to do something for Kharial's people": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Hisar" + }, + " India census, %s Sadar had a population of 106,378": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Ambala" + }, + "Bhadarsa is a town and nagar panchayat in %s district (now Ayodhya district) in state of Uttar": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Faizabad" + }, + "Due to very close to %s - Sultanpur NH 330, Bhadarsa is very well connectivity": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Faizabad" + }, + "Lakes of %s Innerrhoden": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Appenzell" + }, + "Tourist attractions in %s Innerrhoden": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Appenzell" + }, + "Alot is a town and nagar panchayat in the %s district of Madhya Pradesh, India": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Ratlam" + }, + "as GX94) is a Canadian AM radio station, licensed to %s, Saskatchewan": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Yorkton" + }, + "Alvin Law (born 1960 in %s, Saskatchewan) is a motivational speaker and former radio broadcaster": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Yorkton" + }, + "Korets (, , , Koritz) is a city in %s Oblast in Ukraine": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Rivne" + }, + "Zheravna ( ) is a village in central eastern Bulgaria, part of Kotel municipality, %s Province": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Sliven" + }, + "The history of %s is that of an ancient fishing village which emerged": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Brighton" + }, + "Nong Phra and Nong Pla Lai were separated from Mueang %s District and made up the new minor district (king": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Phichit" + }, + "The government assigned Tambon Nong Plong of Mueang %s to be part of Wang Sai Phun on 23": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Phichit" + }, + "Route 100 (also known as The Cape Shore Highway and %s Access Road) is a major highway in Newfoundland and": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Argentia" + }, + "Route 100 also serves as an access to the Marine Atlantic ferry to Nova Scotia, which is located in %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Argentia" + }, + "%s has been identified by the Economist Intelligence Unit in": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Maanshan" + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/evals/ravel/ravel/data/base/wikipedia_nobel_prize_winner_entity_prompts.json b/evals/ravel/ravel/data/base/wikipedia_nobel_prize_winner_entity_prompts.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2d4db3c --- /dev/null +++ b/evals/ravel/ravel/data/base/wikipedia_nobel_prize_winner_entity_prompts.json @@ -0,0 +1,2406 @@ +{ + "laureate: %s, award motivation: \"for": { + "split": "val", + "entity": null + }, + "Nobel laureate: David M. Lee, shared with: Robert C. Richardson, Nobel laureate: %s, shared with:": { + "split": "val", + "entity": null + }, + "Nobel laureate: Sir James W. Black, shared with: Sir James W. Black, Nobel laureate: %s, shared with:": { + "split": "val", + "entity": null + }, + "%s, who share the Nobel Prize with": { + "split": "val", + "entity": null + }, + "Nobel laureate: Frances H. Arnold, shared with: Sir Gregory P. Winter, Nobel laureate: %s, shared with:": { + "split": "val", + "entity": null + }, + "Nobel laureate: Phillip A. Sharp, shared with: Phillip A. Sharp, Nobel laureate: %s, shared with:": { + "split": "test", + "entity": null + }, + "%s, who was awarded the Nobel Prize together with": { + "split": "test", + "entity": null + }, + "%s is a Nobel Laureate. The award motivation is \"for": { + "split": "test", + "entity": null + }, + "Nobel laureate: Jules A. Hoffmann, shared with: Ralph M. Steinman, Nobel laureate: %s, shared with:": { + "split": "test", + "entity": null + }, + "%s share the Nobel Prize with": { + "split": "test", + "entity": null + }, + "Roderick MacKinnon won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. %s won the Nobel Prize in": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "Michael S. Brown won the Nobel Prize in Medicine. %s won the Nobel Prize in": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "Phillip A. Sharp won the Nobel Prize in Medicine. %s won the Nobel Prize in": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "Charles Rice won the Nobel Prize in Medicine. %s won the Nobel Prize in": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "Alan Heeger won the Nobel Prize in 2000. %s won the Nobel Prize in": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "name: %s, award: Nobel Prize, prize shared with:": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "Peter Grünberg was born in 1939. %s was born in": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "Charles Rice was born in 1952. %s was born in": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "Michael S. Brown won the Nobel Prize in 1985. %s won the Nobel Prize in": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "Jules A. Hoffmann won the Nobel Prize in 2011. %s won the Nobel Prize in": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "Nobel laureate: Alan Heeger, shared with: Alan MacDiarmid, Nobel laureate: %s, shared with:": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "Sir James W. Black won the Nobel Prize in 1988. %s won the Nobel Prize in": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "Michael S. Brown: for his contributions in medicine. %s: for": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "Eugene F. Fama was born in United States. %s was born in": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "\"name\": Alan Heeger, \"country\": \"United States\", \"name\": %s, \"country\": \"": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "Nobel Prize winner: %s, birth year:": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "Phillip A. Sharp won the Nobel Prize in 1993. %s won the Nobel Prize in": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "laureate: %s, gender:": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "laureate: %s, Nobel Prize award motivation: for": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "Nobel laureate: Charles Rice, shared with: Charles Rice, Nobel laureate: %s, shared with:": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "\"name\": Michael S. Brown, \"country\": \"United States\", \"name\": %s, \"country\": \"": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "Charles Rice won the Nobel Prize in 2020. %s won the Nobel Prize in": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "\"name\": Frances H. Arnold, \"country\": \"United States\", \"name\": %s, \"country\": \"": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "\"laureate\": \"%s\", \"awarded_year\": \"": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "Alan Heeger was born in United States. %s was born in": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "\"name\": \"Michael S. Brown\", \"birth_year\": \"1941\", \"name\": \"%s\", \"birth_year\": \"": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "David M. Lee was born in United States. %s was born in": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "name: %s, nobel prize motivation: for": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "Nobel laureate: Michael S. Brown, shared with: Michael S. Brown, Nobel laureate: %s, shared with:": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "David M. Lee was born in 1931. %s was born in": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "\"name\": \"Phillip A. Sharp\", \"birth_year\": \"1944\", \"name\": \"%s\", \"birth_year\": \"": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "\"name\": \"Frances H. Arnold\", \"birth_year\": \"1956\", \"name\": \"%s\", \"birth_year\": \"": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "\"name\": Peter Grünberg, \"country\": \"Czech Republic\", \"name\": %s, \"country\": \"": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "Nobel laureate: Roderick MacKinnon, shared with: Peter Agre, Nobel laureate: %s, shared with:": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "Frances H. Arnold was born in United States. %s was born in": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "Nobel laureate: Peter Grünberg, shared with: Albert Fert, Nobel laureate: %s, shared with:": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + " were awarded the Economics Prize. %s was awarded the": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "With the group, %s made many contributions to the realization": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "In the early 1970s, %s taught": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + " it was announced that %s would be awarded": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "Following the announcement of the award of the Nobel Prize, %s showed solidarity with": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "Biography: %s received B.S. and PhD degrees": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "followed by their son, %s, in": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + " the medals of %s were sent to": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + " was the one awarded to %s. This led to the": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + " More recently %s has developed": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + " From left to right: %s and others display their awards during the presentation of the": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + " is named after %s. Also,": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + " %s won numerous honors and awards including the Nobel": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "In 1979, %s became an assistant professor in the University": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "Over the years, %s has expressed that they do not want the Nobel Prizes to receive": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + " difficult to work with. Dr. %s found that": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + " a few months later), %s is generally credited as co-": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + " shaped the modern world. %s held an honorary doctorate": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "Recognition of %s's outstanding achievements have been made by": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "In sophomore year, %s took a class with": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "Together with researchers at Harvard, %s is a co-recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + " As an academic and the author of several books, %s was not only an activist but also an intellectual": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + " and received a B.A./M.A. in 1968.[8] %s then began graduate studies": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "As a post-doctoral student, %s worked at the Chalmers Institute of Technology": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + " Along with %s and Avram Hershko, he was awarded the 2004": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Aaron Ciechanover" + }, + " A video interview with %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Aaron Ciechanover" + }, + "This model was invented by Jogesh Pati and %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Abdus Salam" + }, + "Working with %s and Esther Duflo (with whom he shared the": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Abhijit Banerjee" + }, + "- Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, together with co-researchers %s and Esther Duflo, \"for their experimental approach to": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Abhijit Banerjee" + }, + "He was the doctoral advisor of %s who also won a Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1939": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Adolf Butenandt" + }, + "PhD he joined the working group of the Nobel laureate %s at the University of Göttingen and he finished": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Adolf Windaus" + }, + "He earned his doctorate in 1874 under %s with his study of phthaleins, and was": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Adolf von Baeyer" + }, + " 'The Military Did Not Do It Alone'- a video interview with %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Adolfo Pérez Esquivel" + }, + "United States and Muslims around the world.\" In January 2010, %s, Elias Zerhouni, and Bruce Alberts became the first": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Ahmed Zewail" + }, + "rumors that he might contest the 2011 Egyptian presidential election, %s said: \"I am a frank man..": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Ahmed Zewail" + }, + "Interview with %s Caltech Oral Histories, California Institute of Technology": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Ahmed Zewail" + }, + "Heck, Ei-ichi Negishi, %s press release": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Akira Suzuki" + }, + "He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2019 alongside %s and John B": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Akira Yoshino" + }, + "Goodenough and %s, was awarded the 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Akira Yoshino" + }, + "Goodenough and %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Akira Yoshino" + }, + "Carter endorsed Vice President %s days before the 2000 presidential election, and in": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Al Gore" + }, + "Shribman: The Boston Globe article describing 1970 congressional races of %s Sr., and George H": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Al Gore" + }, + "In 1984, he was elected Master of Trinity, succeeding his longtime collaborator, Sir %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Alan Hodgkin" + }, + "Huxley, %s and John Eccles jointly won the 1963 Nobel": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Alan Hodgkin" + }, + "was transferred to the Luitpold Gymnasium (now known as the %s Gymnasium), where he received advanced primary and secondary": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Albert Einstein" + }, + "GMR was simultaneously and independently discovered by %s from the Université de Paris Sud": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Albert Fert" + }, + " Hewlett-Packard Europhysics Prize (1997) with %s and Stuart Parkin": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Albert Fert" + }, + "%s, who realized that \"a discovery must be, by": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Albert Szent-Györgyi" + }, + "The %s Institute for Neuroregeneration at the University of Rostock is named in his honor": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Albrecht Kossel" + }, + "vortex of supercurrent in a type-II superconductor, used by %s to explain magnetic behavior of type-II superconductors": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Alexei Abrikosov" + }, + "A Nobel Prize laureate in 1912, %s was also elected twice, in 1924 and 1927,": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Alexis Carrel" + }, + "%s was also a member of learned societies in": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Alexis Carrel" + }, + "She, along with %s, received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1982": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Alfonso García Robles" + }, + "A vocal supporter of disarmament, Myrdal received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1982 together with %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Alfonso García Robles" + }, + "Lycée %s may refer to:": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Alfred Kastler" + }, + "Goethe.\" Heyse is the fifth oldest laureate in literature, after %s, Jaroslav Seifert, Theodor Mommsen and Doris Lessing": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Alice Munro" + }, + "on her work was published in 1984, The Art of %s: Saying the Unsayable": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Alice Munro" + }, + "rewrite the stories.\" In their symposium contribution An Appreciation of %s they say that of her story \"Powers\", for": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Alice Munro" + }, + "A French Army physician Charles Louis %s discovered that malaria was caused by microscopic parasite": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Alphonse Laveran" + }, + "During 1960–61, %s visited the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, on leave from Trinity College": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Amartya Sen" + }, + "des Anges (Revolt of the Angels, 1914) is often considered %s's most profound and ironic novel": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Anatole France" + }, + " \"%s, Nobel Prize Winner\" by Herbert S": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Anatole France" + }, + "at the centre of our galaxy\", which he shared with %s and Roger Penrose": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Andrea Ghez" + }, + "parliament to \"those who carry the spirit of Soviet dissident %s\"; to \"Laureates who, like Sakharov, dedicate their lives": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Andrei Sakharov" + }, + "An %s prize has also been awarded by the American": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Andrei Sakharov" + }, + "The %s Prize For Writer's Civic Courage was established in October 1990": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Andrei Sakharov" + }, + "Sir %s obituary The Guardian, 31 May 2012": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Andrew Huxley" + }, + "Du Bos' essay Dialogue avec %s was published in 1929": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "André Gide" + }, + "He shared the 1965 Nobel Prize in Medicine with Jacques Monod and %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "André Lwoff" + }, + " 1965 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with %s and Jacques Monod": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "André Lwoff" + }, + "\"To George Teissier he owes a preference for quantitative descriptions; %s initiated him into the potentials of microbiology; to": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "André Lwoff" + }, + " %s interviewed on Web of Stories": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Antony Hewish" + }, + "The Papers of Professor %s held at Churchill Archives Centre": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Antony Hewish" + }, + "It was later made into a film called Chitchat on the Nile during the régime of %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Anwar al-Sadat" + }, + "Quotes from %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Arne Tiselius" + }, + "molecular separation and chemical analysis began with the work of %s in 1931, while new separation processes and chemical": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Arne Tiselius" + }, + "of the Prize, while the other half was awarded to %s for his invention of \"optical tweezers that grab": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Arthur Ashkin" + }, + "2018 – Nobel Prize in Physics, together with %s and Donna Strickland": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Arthur Ashkin" + }, + " He worked with %s, while at Washington University": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Arthur Kornberg" + }, + "He shared the prize with %s and Paul Greengard": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Arvid Carlsson" + }, + "In 1920 %s was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "August Krogh" + }, + "She was a renowned scientist in her own right and much of %s's work was carried out in close collaboration with her": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "August Krogh" + }, + "on the study of insect flight, was a student of %s's": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "August Krogh" + }, + "Conservatives, led by the Catholic Prime Minister %s, feared a full revolution and clashes broke out": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Auguste Beernaert" + }, + "presidential primary in 2008, Carter was speculated to endorse Senator %s over his main primary rival Hillary Clinton amid": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Barack Obama" + }, + "Capitol, along with the other three still living former presidents, %s, George W": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Barack Obama" + }, + "an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward President %s is based on the fact that he is": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Barack Obama" + }, + "Discovery and Characterization of Transposable Elements: The Collected Papers of %s was published in 1987": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Barbara McClintock" + }, + "Karl %s (born April 28, 1941) is an American chemist": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Barry Sharpless" + }, + "In 1986, he was awarded the Louisa Gross Horwitz Prize from Columbia University together with %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Bert Sakmann" + }, + "Einstein and ten other intellectuals and scientists, including British philosopher %s, signed a manifesto highlighting the danger of nuclear": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Bertrand Russell" + }, + "Darwinism and supporting Irish Home Rule), and her influence on %s's outlook on social justice and standing up for": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Bertrand Russell" + }, + "side resulted in six months' imprisonment in Brixton Prison (see %s's political views) in 1918": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Bertrand Russell" + }, + "the Tracks is the fifteenth studio album by American singer-songwriter %s, released on January 20, 1975 by Columbia Records": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Bob Dylan" + }, + " Public Radio Special, \"Right On Target, So Direct: %s's BLOOD ON THE TRACKS\"": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Bob Dylan" + }, + "On 23 October 1958, %s was announced as the winner of the Nobel Prize": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Boris Pasternak" + }, + "set on Doctor Zhivago writer (Stanford Report, 28 April 2004) %s wrote his last complete book, When the Weather": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Boris Pasternak" + }, + "awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics, which he shared with %s of the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, for the": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Burton Richter" + }, + "Golgi complex, or sometimes simply as Golgi, was discovered by %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Camillo Golgi" + }, + "On his death the title passed to his son %s Conde": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Camilo José Cela" + }, + " Literary estate of %s in the archive database HelveticArchives of the Swiss National Library": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Carl Spitteler" + }, + " Publications by and about %s in the catalogue Helveticat of the Swiss National Library": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Carl Spitteler" + }, + "such condensate was produced experimentally by Eric Allin Cornell and %s using ultra-cooling equipment built at the NIST–JILA laboratory": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Carl Wieman" + }, + "The International League for Human Rights (Berlin) awards an annual %s Medal \"to honor citizens or initiatives that": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Carl von Ossietzky" + }, + "In 1963, East German television produced the film %s about Ossietzky's life, starring Hans-Peter Minetti in": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Carl von Ossietzky" + }, + "Marisa and %s have two children": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Carlo Rubbia" + }, + "who shared the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1984 with %s for contributions to the CERN project which led": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Carlo Rubbia" + }, + "Medicine and Director of Cardiology at the University of Rouen's %s Hospital": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Charles Nicolle" + }, + "Emeritus at the Department of Cardiology at the University Hospital %s in Rouen (France)": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Charles Nicolle" + }, + "Brain, Mind, and Medicine: %s and the Origins of Physiological Psychology": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Charles Richet" + }, + "In a paper coauthored with %s, he speculated that pions might actually be composite particles": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Chen Ning Yang" + }, + "age of 30, won the Nobel Prize in Physics with %s for their work on the violation of": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Chen Ning Yang" + }, + "Nirenberg and %s, organized a petition by scientists opposed to the": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Christian Anfinsen" + }, + "Lewis and %s as co-recipients, for their work revealing the genetic": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard" + }, + "US Secretary of State %s also opposed it and convinced Roosevelt that it was infeasible": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Cordell Hull" + }, + "in Birmingham, and then proceeded to the continent, studying with %s in Ghent, Belgium and with Gustav Embden in": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Corneille Heymans" + }, + "The film \"Un fueguito, la historia de %s\" was released in 2010": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "César Milstein" + }, + "The Papers of %s held at Churchill Archives Centre": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "César Milstein" + }, + "General Assembly voted 57-1-1 on 7 April 1953 to appoint %s as Secretary-General of the United Nations": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Dag Hammarskjöld" + }, + " Stanford University: %s House, on the Stanford University campus, is a": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Dag Hammarskjöld" + }, + " On August 8, 2013, President Barack Obama announced that %s would be a recipient of the Presidential Medal": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Daniel Kahneman" + }, + "The %s Papers - Profiles in Science, National Library of Medicine": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Daniel Nathans" + }, + "Along with American researchers Hamilton Smith and %s, Werner Arber shared the 1978 Nobel Prize in": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Daniel Nathans" + }, + "In May that year, \"An Evening Without %s and Franca Rame\", held in New York, was": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Dario Fo" + }, + "Ranjan Sen and %s in 1986": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "David Baltimore" + }, + "In 1990, as a student in %s's laboratory at MIT, George Q": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "David Baltimore" + }, + "its Duddell Medal and Prize, established in 1923, into the %s Medal and Prize": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Dennis Gabor" + }, + "Hassel was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1969, shared with English chemist %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Derek Barton" + }, + "Stephen Breslow explained that he and the Swedish Academy chose %s for the Nobel Laureate in Literature because his": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Derek Walcott" + }, + "instance, in The New Yorker review of The Poetry of %s, Adam Kirsch had high praise for Walcott's oeuvre,": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Derek Walcott" + }, + "in Côte d'Ivoire, Annan travelled to the country with Elders %s and Mary Robinson to encourage national reconciliation": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Desmond Tutu" + }, + "American Academy of Achievement presented by Awards Council member Archbishop %s at an awards ceremony at St": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Desmond Tutu" + }, + "April 2011, and to South Sudan with Robinson and Archbishop %s in July 2012": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Desmond Tutu" + }, + "Over the next 25 years, %s's main scientific contributions have essentially been focused to": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Didier Queloz" + }, + "of the detection of the first transiting planet (in 1999), %s's research interest got broader with the objective to": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Didier Queloz" + }, + "awarded a Nobel Prize in Physics in 2018, along with %s, for the invention of chirped pulse amplification, a": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Donna Strickland" + }, + "of Rochester in 1977, where he and his then student %s produced their Nobel prize-winning work in the Laboratory": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Donna Strickland" + }, + "Physics for his work on optical trapping, sharing it with %s and Gérard Mourou who received the other half": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Donna Strickland" + }, + "He shared the prize with %s and George Beadle, who won for their work with genetics": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Edward Tatum" + }, + "After making little progress at Columbia, Lederberg wrote to %s, Ryan's post-doctoral mentor, proposing a collaboration": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Edward Tatum" + }, + "Joshua married Esther Miriam Zimmer (herself a student of %s) on December 13, 1946": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Edward Tatum" + }, + "Sá Freire, convinced his family to change his surname to %s since he was convinced that the Resende family": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Egas Moniz" + }, + "governance, especially the boundaries of the firm\", sharing it with %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Elinor Ostrom" + }, + "The Fischer projection, devised by %s in 1891, is a two-dimensional representation of a": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Emil Fischer" + }, + " While at university, Diels studied chemistry under %s, eventually graduating in 1899": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Emil Fischer" + }, + "students such as Edoardo Amaldi, Bruno Pontecorvo, Ettore Majorana and %s, and by Franco Rasetti, whom Fermi had appointed": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Emilio Segrè" + }, + "Fermi was recommended by colleague %s to ask Chien-Shiung Wu, as she prepared a": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Emilio Segrè" + }, + "Allison, %s, and Herbert L": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Emilio Segrè" + }, + "justice reformers like Alice Hamilton, Lillian Wald, Florence Kelley, and %s to join her in the new international": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Emily Greene Balch" + }, + "\"Nobel Peace Laureates, Jane Addams And %s: Two Women of the Women's International League": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Emily Greene Balch" + }, + "slice up any DNA sequence they choose was developed by %s, then at Umea University in Sweden, and Jennifer": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Emmanuelle Charpentier" + }, + " Extensive biography of %s at the Max Planck Unit for the Science of Pathogens": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Emmanuelle Charpentier" + }, + " Umeå University Staff Directory: %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Emmanuelle Charpentier" + }, + "That they had reached this conclusion put %s's concerns about the viability of the design to rest": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Enrico Fermi" + }, + "wicked.\" He also won the Franklin Medal in 1950, the %s award in 1958, the Atoms for Peace Award": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Enrico Fermi" + }, + "Robert %s (born January 13, 1960) is an American physicist": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Eric Betzig" + }, + "top of Mount Kilimanjaro, while the 1993 motion picture Wrestling %s explored the friendship of two retired men, played": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Ernest Hemingway" + }, + "National Register of Historic Places: the %s Cottage on Walloon Lake, Michigan, designated in 1968;": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Ernest Hemingway" + }, + "Family tree showing %s's parents, siblings, wives, children and grandchildren": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Ernest Hemingway" + }, + "Along with Oppenheimer, Compton, and %s, Fermi was part of the scientific panel that": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Ernest Lawrence" + }, + "After %s discovered the nucleus and proposed that electrons orbit": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Ernest Rutherford" + }, + "Bohr model or Rutherford–Bohr model, presented by Niels Bohr and %s in 1913, is a system consisting of a": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Ernest Rutherford" + }, + "In the early 20th century, experiments by %s established that atoms consisted of a diffuse cloud": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Ernest Rutherford" + }, + "Founded by %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Ernesto Teodoro Moneta" + }, + "The other half of the Prize was awarded to %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Ernst Ruska" + }, + "patch clamp leading to a Nobel prize in 1991 for %s and Bert Sakmann, and in 2003 for Roderick": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Erwin Neher" + }, + "He shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with %s in 1991 for their work on \"the function": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Erwin Neher" + }, + "In 1986, he and %s were awarded the Louisa Gross Horwitz Prize from Columbia University": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Erwin Neher" + }, + "non-covariant objects like pseudotensors was heavily criticized in 1917 by %s and others": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Erwin Schrödinger" + }, + "Einstein suggested to %s that he might be able to reproduce the": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Erwin Schrödinger" + }, + "jointly awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics, together with %s and Abhijit Banerjee, \"for their experimental approach to": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Esther Duflo" + }, + "went on a trip to the United States, to the %s Memorial Theatre Center in Waterford, Connecticut, where his": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Eugene O'Neill" + }, + "1909, to 1912, during which time they had one son, %s, Jr": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Eugene O'Neill" + }, + "His house there, Tao House, is today the %s National Historic Site": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Eugene O'Neill" + }, + "Szilárd, along with other refugees such as Edward Teller and %s, \"regarded it as their responsibility to alert Americans": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Eugene Wigner" + }, + " List of things named after %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Eugene Wigner" + }, + " 1964 Audio Interview with %s by Stephane Groueff Voices of the Manhattan Project": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Eugene Wigner" + }, + "the first Italian to be selected for the award since %s in 1975 and the first Italian playwright to": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Eugenio Montale" + }, + "Joseph Brodsky dedicated his essay \"In the Shadow of Dante\" to %s's lyric poetry": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Eugenio Montale" + }, + "In 1974 %s was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature \"for": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Eyvind Johnson" + }, + "List of things named after %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Julian Schwinger" + }, + "he shared the 1909 Nobel Prize in Physics with Karl %s \"in recognition of their contributions to the development": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Ferdinand Braun" + }, + "1909, Marconi shared the Nobel Prize in Physics with Karl %s for their \"contributions to the development of wireless": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Ferdinand Braun" + }, + "a new cellular signal—shared in 1998 with Louis Ignarro and %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Ferid Murad" + }, + "Award of the American Academy of Achievement in 1999 with %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Ferid Murad" + }, + "States, where he got to know Paul Samuelson, Robert Solow, %s, and Norbert Wiener": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Franco Modigliani" + }, + "\"What influences our likelihood to save?\", Union Bank of Switzerland website, with filmed interviews by %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Franco Modigliani" + }, + "realized that he was exceptional—in part as a result of %s having been administered an IQ test": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Frank Wilczek" + }, + "David Politzer and %s \"for the discovery of asymptotic freedom in the": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Frank Wilczek" + }, + "Physics for his work, which he finally did, shared with %s in 2013": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "François Englert" + }, + "Other physicists, Robert Brout and %s and Gerald Guralnik, C": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "François Englert" + }, + "revealed in the 1960s, when the work of French geneticists %s and Jacques Monod described the genetic regulation of": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "François Jacob" + }, + " Le site littéraire %s ": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "François Mauriac" + }, + "members of his group at the Pasteur Institute, notably including %s and Jean-Claude Chermann, had extensive experience with retroviruses": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Françoise Barré-Sinoussi" + }, + "Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to Montagnier and %s for the discovery of HIV": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Françoise Barré-Sinoussi" + }, + "the 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine with Luc Montagnier and %s, who discovered the human immunodeficiency virus": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Françoise Barré-Sinoussi" + }, + "1903, he was joined at McGill by the young chemist %s (Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 1921) for whom he": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Frederick Soddy" + }, + "be gauged, for example, in this quote from Ezra Pound:\"Professor %s states that the Gold Standard monetary system has": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Frederick Soddy" + }, + "Dansk Fredsforening or the Danish Peace Society was founded by %s in 1882 when it was initially called Foreningen": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Fredrik Bajer" + }, + "video in which 20th century economists John Maynard Keynes and %s (played by Billy Scafuri and Adam Lustick,": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Friedrich von Hayek" + }, + "French scientists Hans von Halban, Lew Kowarski, and %s-Curie had demonstrated that uranium bombarded by neutrons emitted": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Frédéric Joliot" + }, + " Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1935 for the discovery of artificial radioactivity with %s-Curie": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Frédéric Joliot" + }, + "names of two of her favorite poets, Gabriele D'Annunzio and %s or, as another story has it, from a": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Frédéric Mistral" + }, + "Discussing how the first foreign verses of French poet %s were not able to be understood by his": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Frédéric Mistral" + }, + "1901, he received the first Nobel Peace Prize together with %s, making Dunant the first Swiss Nobel laureate": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Frédéric Passy" + }, + "The award was jointly given to French pacifist %s, founder of the Peace League and active with": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Frédéric Passy" + }, + "In 1893, she was awarded a degree in physics and began work in an industrial laboratory of %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Gabriel Lippmann" + }, + "the Académie on 12 April 1898 by her former professor, %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Gabriel Lippmann" + }, + "In June 1903, supervised by %s, Curie was awarded her doctorate from the University of Paris": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Gabriel Lippmann" + }, + "She had been using the pen name %s since June 1908 for much of her writing": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Gabriela Mistral" + }, + "Controversies over the nomination of %s to the highly coveted post in Santiago were": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Gabriela Mistral" + }, + "of 'education' under the Cultural Revolution – in the 1970s, %s produced many plays, short stories, poems and critical": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Gao Xingjian" + }, + " S olitude 幽居 - A Solo Exhibition by %s, iPreciation, Singapore, 2021": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Gao Xingjian" + }, + "Friedman at Chicago went on to become leading economists, including %s, Robert Fogel, Thomas Sowell and Robert Lucas Jr": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Gary Becker" + }, + "A 2007 article by %s and Julio Jorge Elias entitled \"Introducing Incentives in": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Gary Becker" + }, + "The %s Milton Friedman Institute for Research in Economics is a collaborative, cross-disciplinary center for research in economics": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Gary Becker" + }, + "topic related to the work in which he, together with %s, won the Nobel prize in Chemistry in 1979": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Georg Wittig" + }, + "it was announced that the 1961 Prize was awarded to %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Georg von Békésy" + }, + "breeders and cytologists, and included Marcus Rhoades, future Nobel laureate %s, and Harriet Creighton": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "George Beadle" + }, + "a cytogenetic analysis of Neurospora crassa at the suggestion of %s, who used the fungus to demonstrate the one": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "George Beadle" + }, + "and embryonic stem cells and publishing a book about geneticist %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "George Beadle" + }, + "Sir %s began research in nuclear fusion at Imperial College London in 1946": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "George Paget Thomson" + }, + "Sir %s, FRS (; 3 May 189210 September 1975)": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "George Paget Thomson" + }, + " Annotated Bibliography for %s from the Alsos Digital Library for Nuclear Issues": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "George Paget Thomson" + }, + "omnivorously, focusing, above all, on 19th-century Italian poets such as %s and Arturo Graf": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Giosuè Carducci" + }, + "his catalyst to the Montecatini Company in Italy, for which %s was acting as a consultant": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Giulio Natta" + }, + "the use of these novel organometallic catalysts, Karl Ziegler and %s shared the 1963 Nobel Prize in Chemistry": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Giulio Natta" + }, + "Attilio Momigliano, \"Intorno a %s\", in Ultimi studi, La Nuova Italia, Florence, 1954": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Grazia Deledda" + }, + "meeting in 1896, he discovered he had been outdone by %s, who was also lecturing": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Guglielmo Marconi" + }, + "His remains are housed in the Mausoleum of %s in the grounds of Villa Griffone at Sasso": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Guglielmo Marconi" + }, + "Croce, Florence, but his remains are in the Mausoleum of %s in Sasso Marconi, Italy": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Guglielmo Marconi" + }, + "She married %s in 1924; he received the Nobel Memorial Prize": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Gunnar Myrdal" + }, + "In 1929, Myrdal and her husband %s had the opportunity to travel to the US": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Gunnar Myrdal" + }, + "awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2018, together with %s, for the practical implementation of chirped pulse amplification": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Gérard Mourou" + }, + "She conducted her doctoral research at the associated Laboratory for Laser Energetics, supervised by %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Gérard Mourou" + }, + "of his best books… And a social passion underlies everything %s has written": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Halldór Laxness" + }, + "The composer Hugo Alfvén was %s's uncle": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Hannes Alfvén" + }, + "The %s Prize, awarded annually by the European Physical Society for outstanding contributions in plasma physics, is named after him": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Hannes Alfvén" + }, + "They shared the Prize with %s, who discovered that human papilloma viruses can cause cervical cancer": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Harald zur Hausen" + }, + "with Luc Montagnier for their co-discovery of HIV, and with %s, who discovered the viral cause of cervical": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Harald zur Hausen" + }, + "Václav Havel, John Banville, Aidan Higgins, Tom Stoppard, %s and Jon Fosse have publicly stated their indebtedness": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Harold Pinter" + }, + "of Hackney Downs School, expressed his own \"Jewish View\" of %s: \"Whatever his merit as a writer, actor and": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Harold Pinter" + }, + "book-length epic science fiction poem written by Swedish Nobel laureate %s from 1953 to 1956": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Harry Martinson" + }, + "literary scholar Johan Wrede writes that the neologism “Aniara” is %s's own invention": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Harry Martinson" + }, + "In its 2004 centennial celebration, the %s Society characterized Aniara as an \"epic poem about": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Harry Martinson" + }, + "When he was in hospital, the nurses often complained about the \"low-life\" people who came to see their friend %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Heinrich Böll" + }, + "Böll's concern about damage to the environment, so evident from his play, was a driving force behind the establishment of the %s Foundation": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Heinrich Böll" + }, + "Böll's memory lives on, among other places, at the %s Foundation": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Heinrich Böll" + }, + "for his many achievements in electron optics; Gerd Binnig and %s won a quarter each for their design of": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Heinrich Rohrer" + }, + "The %s Medal is presented triennially by the Surface Science": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Heinrich Rohrer" + }, + "Munich University in 1930 and graduated in March 1937 under %s with the work: \"On the Toxic Substances in": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Heinrich Wieland" + }, + "The %s Prize is awarded annually by the Boehringer Ingelheim": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Heinrich Wieland" + }, + "is named after the Nobel Prize Laureate in chemistry Professor %s (1877-1957), one of the leading lipid chemists of": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Heinrich Wieland" + }, + "In 1896, %s discovered that uranium salts emitted rays that resembled": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Henri Becquerel" + }, + " Nobel Prize in Physics (1903, with her husband Pierre Curie and %s)": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Henri Becquerel" + }, + "Books and letters by %s in Europeana": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Henri Moissan" + }, + "In a famous quote, %s mocked the historic latinisation of his own surname": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Henrik Pontoppidan" + }, + "The former nursing home in Heiden now houses the %s Museum": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Henry Dunant" + }, + "The %s Medal, awarded every two years by the standing": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Henry Dunant" + }, + "dedicated its 30th volume to Taube, entitled \"An Appreciation of %s.\" Luther College in Regina, Saskatchewan offers an": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Henry Taube" + }, + "In 1874 %s was briefly engaged to Maria Keller, and traveled": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Henryk Sienkiewicz" + }, + "second, founded in 1966, is in his birthplace: the %s Museum in Wola Okrzejska": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Henryk Sienkiewicz" + }, + "Freeview video Interview with %s by the Vega Science Trust": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Herbert Kroemer" + }, + "Patent 5067828 Transferred electron effective mass modulator (%s)": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Herbert Kroemer" + }, + "The %s Award was established in 2004 by the Rajk László College for Advanced Studies": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Herbert Simon" + }, + "After the forced retirement of Fries, in 1937 %s offered Wittig a position at the University of": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Hermann Staudinger" + }, + " Biographical snapshots: %s, Journal of Chemical Education web site": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Hideki Shirakawa" + }, + "In 2013, Maskawa and chemistry Nobel laureate %s issued a statement against the Japanese State Secrecy": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Hideki Shirakawa" + }, + "Solo violinist Diana Yukawa (ダイアナ湯川) is a relative of %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Hideki Yukawa" + }, + "He formed a coalition with the Social Democrats, led by %s who became minister for finance": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Hjalmar Branting" + }, + "1955, he received a Guggenheim Fellowship and worked with Professor %s on the mechanism of alcohol dehydrogenase": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Hugo Theorell" + }, + "In his 1919 paper, %s postulated the existence of \"cells\" which could each": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Irving Langmuir" + }, + "Prize in Chemistry for his discovery with Avram Hershko and %s, of ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Irwin Rose" + }, + " Interview with Professor %s, from the Official Nobel Prize Website": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Ivar Giaever" + }, + " University of Oslo website about %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Ivar Giaever" + }, + " Works by %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Jacinto Benavente" + }, + "he shared the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2017 with %s and Richard Henderson": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Jacques Dubochet" + }, + "From 1978 to 1987, %s was group leader at the European Molecular Biology": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Jacques Dubochet" + }, + "Under his leadership the neutron was discovered by %s in 1932 and in the same year the": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "James Chadwick" + }, + "Under him, Nobel Prizes were awarded to %s for discovering the neutron (in 1932), John Cockcroft": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "James Chadwick" + }, + "theory of neutrons was proved in 1932 by his associate %s, who recognized neutrons immediately when they were produced": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "James Chadwick" + }, + "at the Georg-August University of Göttingen with Max Born and %s and mathematics with David Hilbert": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "James Franck" + }, + "For this discovery, he shared the 2019 Nobel Prize in Physics with %s and Michel Mayor": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "James Peebles" + }, + "In a 1950 paper, %s of Columbia University suggested a variant of the": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "James Rainwater" + }, + "Leo %s was born on December 9, 1917, in Council,": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "James Rainwater" + }, + "Lord Turner's suggestion that a \"Tobin tax\" – named after %s – should be considered for financial transactions made": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "James Tobin" + }, + "In 2007, %s became the second person to publish his fully": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "James Watson" + }, + "1970) and Duncan %s (b": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "James Watson" + }, + "Laura %s (September 6, 1860 May 21, 1935) was an": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Jane Addams" + }, + "Born in Cedarville, Illinois, %s was the youngest of eight children born into": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Jane Addams" + }, + "%s adored her father, John H": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Jane Addams" + }, + " The Poetry of %s Translated by Edward[sic] Osers": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Jaroslav Seifert" + }, + "Interview with %s, in Label France No": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio" + }, + "In the 1920s, Gide became an inspiration for writers such as Albert Camus and %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Jean-Paul Sartre" + }, + "In 1966–1967, Russell worked with %s and many other intellectual figures to form the": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Jean-Paul Sartre" + }, + "name and what he stood for, stating \"My name is %s, and I'm running for president.\" This strategy proved": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Jimmy Carter" + }, + "Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski played a major role in organizing %s's policies on the Soviet Union as a grand": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Jimmy Carter" + }, + "Bush, Bill Clinton, %s denounced the storming of the Capitol, releasing a": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Jimmy Carter" + }, + "2017, he received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry together with %s and Richard Henderson \"for developing cryo-electron microscopy for": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Joachim Frank" + }, + "the Royal Photographic Society Progress Medal, alongside his colleagues Professor %s and Dr Richard Henderson, in 2018 for 'an": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Joachim Frank" + }, + "the Nobel Women's Initiative along with sister Nobel Peace Laureates %s, Shirin Ebadi, Wangari Maathai, Betty Williams and Mairead": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Jody Williams" + }, + " In March 2013, her memoir, My Name Is %s: A Vermont Girl's Winding Path to the Nobel": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Jody Williams" + }, + "He received the Nobel Prize jointly with %s and Robert Huber in 1988": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Johann Deisenhofer" + }, + "therefore be just if the prize would be divided between %s, the discoverer of the experimental spiroptera carcinoma, and": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Johannes Fibiger" + }, + "supporters were the Nobel Laureates in Physics Philipp Lenard and %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Johannes Stark" + }, + "Rutherford's speech touched on the 1932 work of his students %s and Ernest Walton in \"splitting\" lithium into alpha": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "John Cockcroft" + }, + "In April 1932, %s and Ernest Walton at the Cavendish Laboratory in": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "John Cockcroft" + }, + "As the book's dust-wrapper states: \"%s's hope was that this publication would revitalise the study": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "John Cornforth" + }, + "February 2016, the Paul Mellon Centre held an exhibition entitled %s: A Passion for Houses: Material on the Georgian": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "John Cornforth" + }, + " Sir %s, Gaussian Code, and Complex Chemical Reactions, from the": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "John Pople" + }, + "He was awarded, with %s, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1998": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "John Pople" + }, + "purpose computational chemistry software package initially released in 1970 by %s and his research group at Carnegie Mellon University": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "John Pople" + }, + "In 1952, %s appeared as the on-screen narrator of 20th Century Fox's film, O": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "John Steinbeck" + }, + "He became friends with other poets, including the Russian expatriate %s, who lived and worked in the U.S": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Joseph Brodsky" + }, + "magic than most, if not any, of his contemporaries\", and %s, who praised Walcott's work, writing: \"For almost forty": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Joseph Brodsky" + }, + "In addition, geneticist Lotte Auerbach recounted that %s returned from a visit to McClintock's lab with": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Joshua Lederberg" + }, + "special tolerance-inducing period defined by the age of the animal, %s proposed in 1959, that it is the age": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Joshua Lederberg" + }, + "Theater had always been the love of %s's life": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "José Echegaray" + }, + "In 1994 %s founded the Good Government Foundation, whose stated": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Juan Manuel Santos" + }, + "During the 1920s, he discovered Gerardo Diego, %s, and Antonio Machado": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Juan Ramón Jiménez" + }, + "The cancer hospital Institut %s is also named after him": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Jules Bordet" + }, + " a longer Biography page at %s Institute": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Jules Bordet" + }, + " The %s Papers – Profiles in Science, National Library of Medicine": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Julius Axelrod" + }, + "Instead there were two other nominees, Otto Heinrich Warburg and %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Julius Wagner-Jauregg" + }, + " The %s Children's Foundation (SCF) was established in 2004 by Satyarthi": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Kailash Satyarthi" + }, + "1987 %s Memorial Award, Annual Meeting of the American Association of Blood Banks,": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Karl Landsteiner" + }, + "In his later life he wrote biographies of Simon Flexner and %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Karl Landsteiner" + }, + "The 1963 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to German %s, for his discovery of first titanium-based catalysts, and": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Karl Ziegler" + }, + "He became a close friend of %s, who was also doing his habilitation with Auwers during that time": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Karl Ziegler" + }, + "He shared the 1973 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with Nikolaas Tinbergen and %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Karl von Frisch" + }, + "patterns\" with two other important early ethologists, Nikolaas Tinbergen and %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Karl von Frisch" + }, + "On August 4, 2009, the %s Centre was opened in Hamarøy": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Knut Hamsun" + }, + "He was the founder and chairman of the %s Foundation, as well as chairman of The Elders,": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Kofi Annan" + }, + "end of his term as UN Secretary-General, he founded the %s Foundation in 2007 to work on international development": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Kofi Annan" + }, + "Green Party and in 1984 became the figurehead of the %s Volksbegehren, a grass-roots movement that was formed to": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Konrad Lorenz" + }, + " studying contexts with %s in which decision makers do not trust their probability model": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Lars Peter Hansen" + }, + " American Statistical Association 2002 interview with %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Lars Peter Hansen" + }, + "three Nobel laureates' contributions, the bronze statues of Shin'ichirō Tomonaga, %s, and Makoto Kobayashi were set up in the": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Leo Esaki" + }, + " %s at Women, War & Peace at PBS": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Leymah Gbowee" + }, + "The %s Medal, awarded annually by the European Geophysical Society, is named in Néel's honour": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Louis Néel" + }, + "Néel relaxation theory is a theory developed by %s in 1949 to explain time-dependent magnetic phenomena known": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Louis Néel" + }, + "Einstein discovered %s's work and supported his ideas, which were received skeptically at first": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Louis de Broglie" + }, + "In contrast to Albert Einstein and %s, who were realists who believed that particles": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Louis de Broglie" + }, + "%s was the sixteenth member elected to occupy": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Louis de Broglie" + }, + "poet and scholar James Longenbach to declare that \"change is %s's highest value\" and \"if change is what she": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Louise Glück" + }, + "Guess who the chairman of the editorial board is: %s.\"": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Luc Montagnier" + }, + " PROFILE: %s, Francoise Barre-Sinoussi – AIDS pioneers": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Luc Montagnier" + }, + "He defused tensions in the congress by crossing the floor and shaking hands with German pacifist %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Ludwig Quidde" + }, + "William Weaver is a noted translator of %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Luigi Pirandello" + }, + "On his passing in 1954, %s was interred in Le Père Lachaise Cemetery in": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Léon Jouhaux" + }, + "The rue %s in Aix-en-Provence, Grenoble, Lyon, Genas, Villefranche-sur-Saône and Paris": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Léon Jouhaux" + }, + "was the co-recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, along with %s, \"for their struggle against the suppression of children": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Malala Yousafzai" + }, + "In 2014, %s, age 17, displaced Karman as the youngest winner": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Malala Yousafzai" + }, + " %s tells his life story at Web of Stories (video)": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Manfred Eigen" + }, + "Interview with %s by Harry Kroto, NL Freeview video provided by the Vega Science Trust": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Manfred Eigen" + }, + "Einstein's former physics professor Hendrik Lorentz and the Polish chemist %s were also members of the committee": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Marie Curie" + }, + "They also worked with samples of \"Uranium X\" from William Crookes and radium from %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Marie Curie" + }, + "in Paris' Panthéon, and Poland declared 2011 the Year of %s during the International Year of Chemistry": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Marie Curie" + }, + "Faulkner also had great influence on %s, particularly on the early novels The Time": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Mario Vargas Llosa" + }, + " %s's Nobel Peace Prize, Civil Rights Digital Library": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Martin Luther King Jr." + }, + "Mecham proclaimed the third Sunday in January to be \"%s/Civil Rights Day\" in Arizona, albeit as an": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Martin Luther King Jr." + }, + "In Arizona: \"%s/Civil Rights Day\"": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Martin Luther King Jr." + }, + "The %s Papers - Profiles in Science, National Library of Medicine": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Martin Rodbell" + }, + "and at the Telecommunications Research Establishment where he worked with %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Martin Ryle" + }, + "12 eminent individuals from around the world, including Ernesto Zedillo, %s, Madeleine Albright and Amartya Sen, and aimed to": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Martti Ahtisaari" + }, + "Since the death of Mauno Koivisto in May 2017, %s is currently the oldest living President of Finland": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Martti Ahtisaari" + }, + " The 100th anniversary of %s's greatest contemporary success, his play The Blue Bird,": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Maurice Maeterlinck" + }, + "Thomas, %s, (New York, 1911)": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Maurice Maeterlinck" + }, + "He and %s were among the leaders of this new \"Phage": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Max Delbrück" + }, + "or DNA was the genetic material, but upon consultation with %s, they determined that their results were inconclusive and": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Max Delbrück" + }, + "The %s Center, in Berlin, Germany, national research center for": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Max Delbrück" + }, + "living in Bern, Zürich, and Berlin, where he played with %s and his son, among others": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Max Planck" + }, + "many years, but was accepted by leading physicists, starting with %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Max Planck" + }, + "In 1937, %s discovered a filterable agent that was a known cause for paralysis in mice": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Max Theiler" + }, + "These colloquia featured leading researchers including Max Planck, %s, Rudolf Ladenburg, Werner Heisenberg, Walther Nernst, Wolfgang": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Max von Laue" + }, + "Hahn was at his laboratory in Tailfingen, while Heisenberg and %s were at Heisenberg's laboratory in Hechingen, and": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Max von Laue" + }, + " Later that year, %s obtained a doctorate in neurophysiology for her work": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "May-Britt Moser" + }, + "Patent 4427511 %s – Photo-induced electron transfer method": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Melvin Calvin" + }, + "USPS News Release: Celebrating American Scientists Press release for the new Forever Stamp designs featuring %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Melvin Calvin" + }, + "1988, Lederman received the Nobel Prize for Physics along with %s and Jack Steinberger \"for the neutrino beam method": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Melvin Schwartz" + }, + "development is a model of economic development put forward by %s in 1993, which proposes that tasks of production": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Michael Kremer" + }, + "Howard %s (born February 3, 1971), also known by his": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Michael Kremer" + }, + "Young and %s, he was awarded the 2017 Nobel Prize in": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Michael Rosbash" + }, + "In 1990, while in collaboration with %s and Paul Hardin, Hall discovered that the Period": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Michael Rosbash" + }, + "On 19 December 1986, %s, who had initiated the policies of perestroika and": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Mikhail Gorbachev" + }, + "glasnost, he declined the return of his awards and, consequently, %s did not sign the necessary decree": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Mikhail Gorbachev" + }, + " List of international trips made by %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Mikhail Gorbachev" + }, + "other colleagues, provided statistical analyses of sentence lengths showing that %s was likely the true author of And Quiet": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Mikhail Sholokhov" + }, + "One of %s's most popular works, A Theory of the Consumption": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Milton Friedman" + }, + "representing the permanent component, and t representing the transitory component.%s's research changed how economists interpreted the consumption function, and": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Milton Friedman" + }, + "Ting in 1976 and %s in 2012)": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Mo Yan" + }, + "as the April 6 Youth Movement and young supporters of %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Mohamed ElBaradei" + }, + "\"The people have not appointed %s to become a spokesman of them": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Mohamed ElBaradei" + }, + "The Muslim Brotherhood is much stronger than %s as a person": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Mohamed ElBaradei" + }, + "The third of nine children, %s was born on 28 June 1940 to a": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Muhammad Yunus" + }, + "In January 2008, Houston, Texas declared 14 January as \"%s Day\"": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Muhammad Yunus" + }, + "\"Throughout %s's fiction there is a pervasive sense of metaphor,": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Naguib Mahfouz" + }, + " 9 Works by %s at The Documentation of Chinese Christianity program, Hong Kong Baptist University Library": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Nathan Söderblom" + }, + "In July 2007, Carter joined %s in Johannesburg, South Africa, to announce his participation": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Nelson Mandela" + }, + "Must Address Its Present\", was devoted to South African freedom-fighter %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Nelson Mandela" + }, + "series of public disputes about quantum mechanics between Einstein and %s, who were two of its founders": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Niels Bohr" + }, + "Since his father, %s, had won the prize in 1922, he and": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Niels Bohr" + }, + "the school building, built in 1865, is owned by the %s Heritage Foundation as part of \"Project Borlaug Legacy\"": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Norman Borlaug" + }, + "Colwell; maize breeder Edward Wellhausen; potato breeder John Niederhauser; and %s, all from the United States": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Norman Borlaug" + }, + "in Mexico,\" he wrote in the epilogue to his book, %s on World Hunger": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Norman Borlaug" + }, + "based upon results accumulated by chemical physicists, in particular by %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Odd Hassel" + }, + "In 1969, Barton shared the Nobel Prize in Chemistry with %s for \"contributions to the development of the concept": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Odd Hassel" + }, + "Zone electrophoresis found widespread application in biochemistry after %s introduced starch gel as an electrophoretic substrate in": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Oliver Smithies" + }, + "Defense of Culture in Lisbon in 1992, and co-founder with %s, of the European Writers' Parliament (EWP)": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Orhan Pamuk" + }, + "of a joint proposal by Saramago and fellow Nobel laureate %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Orhan Pamuk" + }, + "Ferit %s (born 7 June 1952) is a Turkish novelist,": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Orhan Pamuk" + }, + "received the news that in December 1938, the German chemists %s and Fritz Strassmann had detected the element barium": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Otto Hahn" + }, + "Recipients of the award have included %s, Robert Oppenheimer, Edward Teller and Hans Bethe": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Otto Hahn" + }, + "slightly post-dated its discovery by the Germans Lise Meitner and %s; however, it is said their discovery was actually": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Otto Hahn" + }, + " A street, \"%s Gasse\" was named after him in the parish of St": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Otto Loewi" + }, + " 1992: %s Medal of the German Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Otto Warburg" + }, + "His PhD students in the postwar period included %s, Geoffrey Chew, Jerome Friedman, Marvin Goldberger, Tsung-Dao Lee,": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Owen Chamberlain" + }, + "Guide to the %s Papers at The Bancroft Library": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Owen Chamberlain" + }, + "attended by many writers including André Malraux, Stephen Spender and %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Pablo Neruda" + }, + "During this time, he became familiar with leftist poets, such as %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Pablo Neruda" + }, + "many writers including André Malraux, Ernest Hemingway, Stephen Spender and %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Pablo Neruda" + }, + "Jean %s (; born 30 July 1945), generally known as": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Patrick Modiano" + }, + "Jean %s was born in Boulogne-Billancourt, a commune in the": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Patrick Modiano" + }, + "Baltimore also helped %s and Maxine Singer to organize the Asilomar Conference": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Paul Berg" + }, + "By 1980, collaboration with %s resulted in demonstration that cAMP-dependent protein kinase, also": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Paul Greengard" + }, + "One of Hartline's graduate students at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, %s, who also won the Nobel Prize": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Paul Greengard" + }, + "Physiology or Medicine in 2000, together with Eric Kandel and %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Paul Greengard" + }, + " In Paradise, by %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Paul Heyse" + }, + "Nobel-prize winning economist %s argued that the 2008 recession proved that, during": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Paul Krugman" + }, + "having integrated economies of scale into explicit general equilibrium models, %s has deepened our understanding of the determinants of": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Paul Krugman" + }, + "China Sky (aka %s's China Sky) is a 1945 RKO Pictures film": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Pearl Buck" + }, + "Although %s's novel had been optioned for film production in": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Pearl Buck" + }, + "University who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry together with %s in 2003 for his work on the structure": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Peter Agre" + }, + "Nobel Prize in Chemistry would go to two medical doctors, %s and Roderick MacKinnon, \"for discoveries concerning channels in": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Peter Agre" + }, + "\"unfussy and unique … We have a lot to thank %s for": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Peter Handke" + }, + "The university has also established a chair of theoretical physics in the name of %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Peter Higgs" + }, + "On 8 October 2013, it was announced that %s and François Englert would share the 2013 Nobel": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Peter Higgs" + }, + " BBC profile of %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Peter Higgs" + }, + "in 1937, Hodgkin got to know the American pathologist Francis %s who was later awarded the 1966 Nobel Prize": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Peyton Rous" + }, + "a cancer-causing virus first isolated from a chicken sarcoma by %s in 1910": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Peyton Rous" + }, + "A memorial garden, the %s Peace Garden, exists within Elthorne Park, a small": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Philip Noel-Baker" + }, + "By %s with other authors": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Philip Noel-Baker" + }, + " Lloyd, Lorna: %s and the Peace Through Law in": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Philip Noel-Baker" + }, + "Her husband, %s, was a co-winner on her first Nobel Prize,": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Pierre Curie" + }, + "In 1895 she married the French physicist %s, and she shared the 1903 Nobel Prize in": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Pierre Curie" + }, + "In 1906 %s died in a Paris street accident": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Pierre Curie" + }, + "The University of Texas at Dallas has a %s Auditorium with a plaque": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Polykarp Kusch" + }, + "modernist poetry developed in the 1910s with authors such as %s and was established the 1930s and 1940s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Pär Lagerkvist" + }, + "present in China at the time included John Dewey and %s, the Indian Nobel-laureate poet": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Rabindranath Tagore" + }, + "even went as far to state that after conversations with %s about Indian philosophy \"some of the ideas that": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Rabindranath Tagore" + }, + "From 1936 to 1938, %s studied anthropology and conducted postdoctoral research at Northwestern": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Ralph Bunche" + }, + "According to the United Nations document, \"%s: Visionary for Peace,\" during his 25 years of service": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Ralph Bunche" + }, + "In 2002, scholar Molefi Kete Asante included %s on his list of 100 Greatest African Americans": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Ralph Bunche" + }, + "the general theory of relativity, a half-share also going to %s and Andrea Ghez for the discovery of a": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Reinhard Genzel" + }, + "of the most important experimental physicists of the last century,\" %s, a professor of physics at Berkeley, said of": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Reinhard Genzel" + }, + "In February 1965, Baltimore was recruited by %s to the newly established Salk Institute for Biological": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Renato Dulbecco" + }, + "Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine with Howard Temin and %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Renato Dulbecco" + }, + "everything changes, even literature has changed.\" Fo's fellow Italian laureate %s expressed bewilderment when asked for her thoughts and": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Rita Levi-Montalcini" + }, + "The vision of %s came true with the issuing of the Trieste": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Rita Levi-Montalcini" + }, + "with the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1961 together with %s's research of electron scattering in atomic nuclei": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Robert Hofstadter" + }, + "of the Royal Prussian Institute for Infectious Diseases (now the %s Institute) which consisted of a clinical division and": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Robert Koch" + }, + "In his 2012 article \"%s, evil genius of the euro\", Greg Palast affirms that": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Robert Mundell" + }, + " Redundancy problem - suggested by %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Robert Mundell" + }, + " Interview with %s by Harry Kroto Freeview video provided by the Vega Science Trust": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Roderick MacKinnon" + }, + " Nobel Lecture by %s, 2003": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Roderick MacKinnon" + }, + "Yalow was honored for her role in devising the radioimmunoassay technique, along with %s and Andrew V": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Roger Guillemin" + }, + "American endocrinologist of Polish ancestry, who was a corecipient, with %s and Rosalyn Sussman Yalow, of the Nobel Prize": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Roger Guillemin" + }, + "Sir %s (born 8 August 1931) is a British": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Roger Penrose" + }, + "Born in Colchester, Essex, %s is a son of Margaret (Leathes) and psychiatrist": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Roger Penrose" + }, + "Cambridge) in the words of Kip Thorne of Caltech, \"%s revolutionised the mathematical tools that we use to analyse": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Roger Penrose" + }, + "%s called Bunin an \"artistic genius\"; he was spoken": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Romain Rolland" + }, + "A fitting title for %s may well be \"the Mother of Endocrinology.\"": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Rosalyn Yalow" + }, + "recoilless nuclear resonance fluorescence, is a physical phenomenon discovered by %s in 1958": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Rudolf Mössbauer" + }, + "The %s Prize was established by the Society of Synthetic": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Ryoji Noyori" + }, + "the most important new writer on the international scene since %s.\" John Updike reviewed the same novel in The": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Samuel Beckett" + }, + "the show off-Broadway as Jack MacGowran in the Works of %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Samuel Beckett" + }, + "Spain for two weeks in 1923, where he briefly met %s and also received a diploma from": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Santiago Ramón y Cajal" + }, + "Golgi and the Spanish biologist %s were jointly given the Nobel Prize": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Santiago Ramón y Cajal" + }, + "Golgi, together with %s, received the Nobel Prize in Physiology": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Santiago Ramón y Cajal" + }, + "the prize, and only the second woman in general after %s was awarded hers in 1909": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Selma Lagerlöf" + }, + "years, she considered becoming a writer and admired Swedish writer %s, but after seeing a close family friend die": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Selma Lagerlöf" + }, + "He was in the same graduating class as %s, whose research, independent of Weinberg's, resulted in their": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Sheldon Glashow" + }, + "Gurdon and %s \"for the discovery that mature cells can be reprogrammed to become pluripotent.\"": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Shinya Yamanaka" + }, + "%s (born May 7, 1939) is a Canadian-American molecular": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Sidney Altman" + }, + ", usually cited as %s in English, was a Japanese physicist, influential in": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Sin-Itiro Tomonaga" + }, + "Like Mark Twain, Stephen Crane, Theodore Dreiser, and %s, Hemingway was a journalist before becoming a novelist": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Sinclair Lewis" + }, + "In January 2020 the %s Community College in St": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Sir Arthur Lewis" + }, + "The college was established in 1985 and is named after Saint Lucian economist and Nobel laureate %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Sir Arthur Lewis" + }, + "This is a list of books and monographs by %s, arranged thematically, with original titles, publishers": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Sir Frank Macfarlane Burnet" + }, + "Burnet: A Life is the official biography of %s, the Australian Nobel Prize-winning scientist, written": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Sir Frank Macfarlane Burnet" + }, + "Steve Acquah and %s directing": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Sir Harold Kroto" + }, + "The National Institute's Director %s gained permission from Kellaway for the two-year": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Sir Henry Dale" + }, + "in Physiology or Medicine in 1936, which he shared with %s, who was a lifelong friend that helped": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Sir Henry Dale" + }, + "He studied in England with %s in London and with I": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Sir Henry Dale" + }, + "Stan or %s may refer to:": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Stanley Cohen" + }, + "Ashkin's work formed the basis for %s's work on cooling and trapping atoms, which earned": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Steven Chu" + }, + "theory, which gained the 1979 Nobel Prize for Physics to %s, Sheldon Glashow and Abdus Salam": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Steven Weinberg" + }, + " Poesies.net: %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Sully Prudhomme" + }, + " List of publications by %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Susumu Tonegawa" + }, + "her affair with Langevin, the chair of the Nobel committee, %s, attempted to prevent her attendance at the official": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Svante Arrhenius" + }, + "Gordon Stein wrote that %s was an atheist": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Svante Arrhenius" + }, + " Friedberg, E.C.; \"%s: A Biography\", CSHL Press October 2010, ": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Sydney Brenner" + }, + " Interview with %s, on Editage Insights: In my days, nobody felt": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Takaaki Kajita" + }, + "he shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Tasuku Honjo" + }, + "he shared the first Tang Prize in Biopharmaceutical Science with %s, won the 9th Annual Szent-Györgyi Prize for Progress": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Tasuku Honjo" + }, + "He, along with %s, was jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Tasuku Honjo" + }, + "Towards the end of the 1930s %s and his colleagues built their first accelerator, a": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "The Svedberg" + }, + "raised a family of five sons and one daughter (%s was the second son)": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Theodor Kocher" + }, + " Statue of %s, Humboldt University of Berlin": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Theodor Mommsen" + }, + "\"%s,\" The Atlantic Monthly, Vol": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Theodor Mommsen" + }, + "of consciousness and interior monologue, and influenced authors such as %s, Franz Kafka, Maxim Gorky, Stefan Zweig, Henry Miller,": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Thomas Mann" + }, + "for him to continue living after the stroke.Poetry Foundation \"%s Plays Piano in New Short Doc on New Official": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Tomas Tranströmer" + }, + " Selected Poems, %s, tr": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Tomas Tranströmer" + }, + "\"Despite the international stature of %s, she has yet to receive the national recognition": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Toni Morrison" + }, + "Shirakawa and physics Nobel laureate %s issued a statement saying that the law:": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Toshihide Maskawa" + }, + "The other half was split equally between Makoto Kobayashi and %s \"for the discovery of the origin of the": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Toshihide Maskawa" + }, + "A native of Aichi Prefecture, %s graduated from Nagoya University in 1962 and received": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Toshihide Maskawa" + }, + " Model Discovery and %s’s Legacy by David F": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Trygve Haavelmo" + }, + "parity by Chien-Shiung Wu, as suggested by Chen-Ning Yang and %s, theoretically": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Tsung-Dao Lee" + }, + "Although there had been Chinese Nobel Prize recipients before (%s and Chen Ning Yang), none had previously delivered the": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Tsung-Dao Lee" + }, + "Before 2011, %s had been obscure for decades, and is described as \"almost completely forgotten by people\"": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Tu Youyou" + }, + "Physiology or Medicine in 1970 along with Bernard Katz and %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Ulf von Euler" + }, + "Together with %s, he established the release of acetylcholine in autonomic ganglia": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Ulf von Euler" + }, + "He worked with his student %s on studies of muonic atoms, atoms where an electron is replaced by a muon": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Val Fitch" + }, + "Steitz and %s, spent some time in Lipscomb's lab where both": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Venkatraman Ramakrishnan" + }, + "was awarded the 2009 Nobel Prize in Chemistry along with %s and Ada Yonath \"for studies of the structure": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Venkatraman Ramakrishnan" + }, + "with sister Nobel Peace laureates Betty Williams, Mairead Corrigan Maguire, %s, Jody Williams and Rigoberta Menchú Tum": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Wangari Maathai" + }, + "Through her significant efforts, %s became the first African woman, and the first environmentalist, to win the Peace Prize": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Wangari Maathai" + }, + "She is buried at the %s Institute for Peace and Environmental Studies in Nairobi": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Wangari Maathai" + }, + "On 27 occasions since 1981, %s has shared his expertise and passion for science": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Werner Arber" + }, + "Heart pioneers and the curious case of %s - British Heart Foundation Blog Article": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Werner Forssmann" + }, + "in Physiology or Medicine in 1956 with André Cournand and %s for the development of cardiac catheterization and the": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Werner Forssmann" + }, + "For this work, Richards, Cournand, and %s were awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Werner Forssmann" + }, + "The new theory was proposed by %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Werner Heisenberg" + }, + "Max Born at the University of Göttingen, where he met %s and Pascual Jordan": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Werner Heisenberg" + }, + "Bloch graduated in 1927, and was encouraged by Debye to go to Leipzig to study with %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Werner Heisenberg" + }, + "In early 1896, there was a wave of excitement following %s's discovery of X-rays on 5 January": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen" + }, + "depression as his literary friends began to die: in 1939 %s and Ford Madox Ford; in 1940 F": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "William Butler Yeats" + }, + "The Yoknapatawpha Country and Michael Millgate writing The Achievement of %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "William Faulkner" + }, + "The works of %s are a clear influence on the French novelist": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "William Faulkner" + }, + "at Rowan Oak in Oxford, Mississippi honoring the contributions of %s to the American literary landscape": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "William Faulkner" + }, + "that a biography could be written about him, Carey published %s: The Man Who Wrote Lord of the Flies": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "William Golding" + }, + "a few months after his unexpected death, the First International %s Conference was held in France, where Golding's presence": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "William Golding" + }, + "work is summarized in a book by Gareth Eaton and %s, NMR Studies of Boron Hydrides and Related Compounds,": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "William Lipscomb" + }, + "and working as a left-wing journalist, he took the name %s as a pseudonym to avoid detection by Nazi": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Willy Brandt" + }, + "Locker-Lampson took Einstein to meet %s at his home, and later, Austen Chamberlain and": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Winston Churchill" + }, + "Curtain\" speech; Churchill Square in central Edmonton, Alberta; and the %s Range, a mountain range northwest of Lake Louise,": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Winston Churchill" + }, + "The %s Annual Lecture Series was founded in 1994 and": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Wole Soyinka" + }, + "treatment of the hydrogen atom, which was first given by %s in 1925, using Heisenberg's matrix mechanics": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Wolfgang Pauli" + }, + "After %s formulated his exclusion principle in 1925, Fermi followed": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Wolfgang Pauli" + }, + "After %s announced his exclusion principle in 1925, Fermi responded": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Wolfgang Pauli" + }, + "— %s, 1994 Nobel Peace Prize lecture": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Yitzhak Rabin" + }, + "After the death of %s in 2015, Esaki is the eldest Japanese Nobel laureate": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Yoichiro Nambu" + }, + "work came from the Japanese-born theorist and Nobel Prize laureate %s from the University of Chicago": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Yoichiro Nambu" + }, + "Gobat jointly received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1902 with %s for their leadership of the Permanent International Peace": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Élie Ducommun" + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/evals/ravel/ravel/data/base/wikipedia_occupation_entity_prompts.json b/evals/ravel/ravel/data/base/wikipedia_occupation_entity_prompts.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5130eef --- /dev/null +++ b/evals/ravel/ravel/data/base/wikipedia_occupation_entity_prompts.json @@ -0,0 +1,3494 @@ +{ + " Ada Health GmbH, a symptom %s app": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "checker" + }, + "away from McDonnell, and Schirra personally lobbied North American's launch %s to change Wendt's shift from midnight to day": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "operations manager" + }, + "dinners daily which are prepared under the supervision of a %s who tailors the meals to meet individual client's": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "registered dietitian" + }, + "Experience and proper technique are key for any %s, nurse or doctor to prevent hemolysis": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "phlebotomist" + }, + "Several studies have suggested that %s are at high risk of burnout": { + "split": "val", + "entity": null + }, + "Role of the %s ": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "facilities manager" + }, + "Dave Kean, an expert Mellotron %s, recommends that older Mellotrons should not be immediately used": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "repairer" + }, + "background knowledge and experience of a plant engineer or a %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "stationary engineer" + }, + "During the Imperial era, he lived on Bracca, working as a scrapyard %s and hiding his Force powers": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "rigger" + }, + "By nature of their general training, a licensed %s can carry": { + "split": "val", + "entity": null + }, + "Bureau of Labor Statistics research found that there were 526,200 %s, buyer and purchasing agent positions in the United": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "purchasing manager" + }, + " MMR - Machinist's Mate (%s)": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "refrigeration mechanic" + }, + "Inge Theron is a London-based South African, a %s, former radio personality, columnist and entrepreneur": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "skincare specialist" + }, + " often taught as part of the curriculum, and many %s hold a Bachelor": { + "split": "val", + "entity": null + }, + "before turning to writing, he had worked as a senior %s for a foreign trade company": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "sales representative" + }, + "1889 – Olave Baden-Powell, English %s, first World Chief Guide (d": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "scout leader" + }, + " approaches to objectivity that are applied by other %ss. What": { + "split": "val", + "entity": null + }, + "Inge Theron (born 1976), London-based South African %s and former radio personality": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "skincare specialist" + }, + "Chardin was born in Paris, the son of a %s, and rarely left the city": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "cabinetmaker" + }, + "2015, he and his daughter, Kristin Lumsden, a makeup artist/%s living and working in Toronto, competed in the third": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "skincare specialist" + }, + " Mynheer Vanderdendur: Dutch %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "ship captain" + }, + " 1958 – James Lileks, American journalist and %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "blogger" + }, + "between 1927 and 1930, which allowed the %s true flexibility": { + "split": "val", + "entity": null + }, + "York Sun, book custodian at the New York Public Library, %s, draughtsman, and night doorkeeper": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "bellhop" + }, + "Beginning in the spring of 1962, Marker and his %s Pierre Lhomme shot 55 hours of footage interviewing": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "camera operator" + }, + "which he spun into Bill Elliott's pit and crushed Elliott's %s Mike Rich, who died hours later in surgery": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "tire changer" + }, + " Prince Nana, %s, actor": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "sports entertainer" + }, + " Wrestling Digest: Technically Speaking, wrestler and %s Chris Benoit": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "sports entertainer" + }, + "Belvedere gets a job as a %s at a sorority house from student job coordinator Bill Chase": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "food server" + }, + "Fred's job title in the second-season episode \"Divided We Sail\" is \"%s\"": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "geological engineer" + }, + "the Body Snatchers, in which Peckinpah appeared as Charlie the %s, starred Kevin McCarthy and Dana Wynter": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "meter reader" + }, + "However, as filming progressed, %s's wax simulated wounds and decaying flesh": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "mortician" + }, + "Judith Biros Robson (born 1939) is a retired American nurse, %s, and Democratic politician": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "nursing instructor" + }, + "He is openly gay, and his partner Trevor is a %s from Southport; Trevor appears in the episode \"Men": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "watch repairer" + }, + "1959: Clumsy Friend as a %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "cafeteria attendant" + }, + "practices, owned a successful landscape construction company, worked as a %s, competed as a professional kickboxer, and ran a": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "veterinary assistant" + }, + "After graduation (circa 1936), he began to work as a %s and also a copywriter before accepting faculty posts": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "psychiatric aide" + }, + "An %s was shot during a local strike on 9": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "agricultural worker" + }, + "New York City, the son of Eve Winer, PhD, a %s, and Leon Winer, PhD, a former professor of": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "school psychologist" + }, + "The physician and %s Timothy McCall has assembled an extensive list of": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "yoga therapist" + }, + "The case, brought by former Celgene %s, Beverly Brown, alleged violations under the False Claims": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "sales representative" + }, + " He contributed to the development of %s education and employment in Australia": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "library technician" + }, + "mobilize parents and caregivers to become their child's frontline sexual %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "health educator" + }, + "lighted, and shall be large enough to safely accommodate the %s together with operating devices such as valves, dampers,": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "kiln operator" + }, + "Modern Life episode \"No Pain, No Gain,\" Simmons voiced an %s bearing his animated likeness, leading a class filled": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "exercise trainer" + }, + "American %s Joan Kellogg later created the MARI card test, a free response measure, based on Jung's work": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "art therapist" + }, + "Homer and Porphyry wrote that Apollo had a hawk as his %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "messenger" + }, + "The %s inadvertently deactivated the brake pressurization system": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "avionics technician" + }, + "They are important as pheromones, chemical %s materials, on which insects depend for communication": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "messenger" + }, + "One %s remarked that they \"pretty much knew the building was": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "firefighter" + }, + " In the video Hatfield portrayed a demanding %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "aerobics instructor" + }, + "Edward Ormerod, %s and inventor of the Ormerod safety link for use in coal mines": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "mining engineer" + }, + "More modern starters have built-in timers to switch from star to delta and are set by the %s of the machine": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "electrical installer" + }, + "Flight 847, as seen through the eyes of the chief %s Uli Derickson": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "flight attendant" + }, + "If a judge or %s refuses to hear such a plea or does not properly consider it, the sentence can be overturned on appeal": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "magistrate" + }, + "dolls' house; %s shop v": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "barber" + }, + "GEORGE MAPLES, %s, Sturgeon Bay": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "conveyor operator" + }, + "Ross' children; according to her, Ross is in reality a %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "correctional officer" + }, + "In July 1921 Bierut married Janina Górzyńska, a %s who had helped him a great deal when": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "preschool teacher" + }, + "He is the son of Mary and Michael, a %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "steamfitter" + }, + " 1999 – Bill Wendell, American %s (b": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "television announcer" + }, + "Most Beautiful People in 1998 and was voted \"hottest female %s\" on ESPN.com": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "athlete" + }, + "of an earlier day had all but disappeared and the %s had come to be regarded as a commodity\"": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "laborer" + }, + "married Zeke Brenner, her former boyfriend and Uncle Duke's former %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "groundskeeper" + }, + "In 1834, he started his own business as a %s, but after two years he gave it up": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "watch repairer" + }, + "1860 – Juliette Gordon Low, American %s, founded the Girl Scouts of the United States of America (d": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "scout leader" + }, + " Cyril Nicholas (1898-1961), Sri Lankan Burgher army captain, civil servant, and %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "forester" + }, + "Haydn, having worked for over a decade as the %s for a prince, had far more resources and": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "music director" + }, + "The most common requirements for this job is some prior experience handling animals on a farm, as a %s or animal trainer": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "veterinary assistant" + }, + "northern Hunan, where he worked for two years as a %s for the construction of a dam near Dongting": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "construction laborer" + }, + "Erika Michelle Landin is an American actress and former %s, who appeared on two seasons of the reality": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "pilates instructor" + }, + "The mountain-god Tmolus was chosen to %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "umpire" + }, + "Jack So, who left his chairman position at Hong Kong %s MTR Corporation Limited, took up the job of": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "subway operator" + }, + "Bath began his military career in 1968 as a %s and heating specialist in the enlisted ranks of": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "boiler operator" + }, + " David Gideon: Young %s working with Mason in nine episodes of the CBS-TV series": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "legal assistant" + }, + "The third carried photographic equipment, and the fourth carried the decontamination swimmer and the flight %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "surgeon" + }, + " Nancy Corrigan, pioneer aviator, second female %s in the US": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "commercial pilot" + }, + "Ludwig van Beethoven for the Sony label, led by its %s Giovanni Antonini": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "music director" + }, + "Aside from music, Lifeson has been a painter, a licensed %s, an actor, and the part-owner of a Toronto": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "aircraft pilot" + }, + " Jargon File, a glossary of %s slang which includes a list of common slang names for ASCII characters": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "computer programmer" + }, + "directed by Bruce Burgess included an interview with a 71-year-old %s who claimed to be a former employee at": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "mechanical engineer" + }, + "Beyer is the oldest of the six children of %s Hans-Georg Beyer and his wife Eva-Marie and was": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "heating mechanic" + }, + "Before working for Taggart Transcontinental, Galt worked as an %s for the Twentieth Century Motor Company, where he secretly": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "engineer" + }, + "the blaze had been caused by a short circuit, a %s's report noted the heat of the blaze had": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "fire investigator" + }, + " Richard Pepys of London, %s (": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "upholsterer" + }, + "behavior or preferences, namely: carpenter bees, sweat bees, mason bees, %s bees, squash bees, dwarf carpenter bees, leafcutter bees, alkali": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "plasterer" + }, + "The myth about Doubleday inventing the game of baseball actually came from a Colorado %s who claimed to have been present at the moment of creation": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "mining engineer" + }, + "His father, Giovanni Battista, who was a %s before becoming a professional violinist, and was one of": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "barber" + }, + "project included producer and engineer Phillip \"Philco\" Raves, sales and %s Bill Karras, and \"Mystic Mark\" Wilkins, Director of": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "distribution manager" + }, + "John Wilkes Booth was a well-known %s and a Confederate spy from Maryland; though he never": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "actor" + }, + "Mamie Brown, a 38-year-old single woman who worked as a %s and domestic assistant": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "cafeteria attendant" + }, + " 1956 – Kevin Greenaugh, American %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "nuclear engineer" + }, + "The %s ruled in the Australian captain's favour and he appeared": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "umpire" + }, + "She sang in a trio with her sister and Marion Swofford, all three in %s costumes": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "bellhop" + }, + "CRM Airline Training Center in Scottsdale, Arizona, earning his FAA %s's certificate in April 1999": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "commercial pilot" + }, + "Zuogeng (左更), a constellation depicting a marsh and pond %s, was composed of Mu, Nu, Omicron, Pi, and Sigma": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "inspector" + }, + "This tradition started in the 1950s when a %s hung a string of Christmas lights in the tunnel": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "signal operator" + }, + "The %s strains also carry mutations in the genes responsible for": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "tester" + }, + "The National Society of Health Coaches (NSHC) has differentiated the term health coach from %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "wellness coach" + }, + "Clark of the Alberta Research Council patented a hot water oil separation process and %s Robert C": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "entrepreneur" + }, + "results and, in early 1982, Dahmer found employment as a %s at the Milwaukee Blood Plasma Center": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "phlebotomist" + }, + "In Iliad, his %s prays to Apollo Smintheus, the mouse god who retains": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "priest" + }, + "In 1863, the explorer Richard Francis Burton and the %s James Hunt broke away from the Ethnological Society": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "speech therapist" + }, + "The system was created by the %s of Oprah Winfrey, Andre Walker": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "hairstylist" + }, + "Having worked as a %s and been the lead guitarist and singer for": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "wellness coach" + }, + "1770 – David Thompson, English-Canadian %s and explorer (d": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "cartographer" + }, + "Myrdal emphasized the lack of recent educational research in regards to %s training": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "preschool teacher" + }, + "In his early years, Alexander was raised by a %s, Lanike, sister of Alexander's future general Cleitus the Black": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "nurse" + }, + "Carter Nursing Center) in Plains, Georgia, a hospital where his mother was employed as a %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "registered nurse" + }, + "Davis is married to America's sweetheart and %s extraordinaire Shellie": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "pilates instructor" + }, + "Before Christmas 1987, Bench married Laura Cwikowski, an Oklahoma City model and %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "aerobics instructor" + }, + "he was attending Tenishev school in Saint Petersburg, where his %s Vladimir Vasilievich Gippius had criticized his literary accomplishments": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "literature teacher" + }, + "The Rotozip Tool Corp was a company started by Bob Kopras, an American %s who pioneered this type of saw": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "drywall installer" + }, + " Dr Branom: A scientist, co-%s of the Ludovico technique": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "developer" + }, + " 1979 – Clay Travis, American sports journalist, %s, and broadcaster": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "blogger" + }, + "1988 – Near Maui, Hawaii, %s Clarabelle \"C.B.\" Lansing is blown out of Aloha": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "flight attendant" + }, + "George VI went through years of speech therapy, most successfully under Australian %s Lionel Logue, for his stammer": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "speech therapist" + }, + "time, he sought living and working situations—from factory hand to %s—that would connect him with Chicago's diverse ethnic communities": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "psychiatric aide" + }, + "to Tempe, Arizona, living and working as a tile and %s until returning to Seattle to attend Seattle Pacific": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "marble setter" + }, + "care facilities in Costa Rica include health clinics, with a %s, nurse, clerk, pharmacist, and a primary health technician": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "general practitioner" + }, + "in San Gabriel, California, to Charles William Mumy, a cattle %s, and Muriel Gertrude Mumy ()": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "rancher" + }, + " 2017 – Magic Alex, Greek %s (b": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "electronics engineer" + }, + "She would later refer to her father, Jerry Wretzky, a %s with a love of horseback riding, as \"a very": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "pipefitter" + }, + "He had wanted to be a %s for Saudia but was rejected when he applied": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "commercial pilot" + }, + "West Midlands, \"brown and mild\" (also known as a \"%s\") is a half pint of draught mild served mixed with": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "boilermaker" + }, + "A former %s at Patrick Henry University, and along with colleague Hugh": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "professor" + }, + "Meanwhile, Jean Tarrou, a vacationer; Joseph Grand, a %s; and Dr": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "civil engineer" + }, + "team may consist of a certified speech-language pathologist, physical therapist, %s, and the family or caregivers": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "occupational therapist" + }, + "married in 1966, had two children, son Eric Robuchon, a %s and podiatrist based in Paris, and daughter Sophie Kartheiser,": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "pedicurist" + }, + "and represent the artist, the potter, the decorator and the %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "kiln operator" + }, + "a city, the potter may need a new roof, the %s may need new shoes, the cobbler may need new": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "roofer" + }, + "1765 – Luigi Schiavonetti, Italian engraver and %s (d": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "etcher" + }, + "Believing that she is now seeing Victor the %s, he vindictively blocks her driveway with snow every night": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "meat cutter" + }, + "Graduates of a two-year college level power engineering technology program in Nova Scotia may use the title power engineer or %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "stationary engineer" + }, + " 1963 – Aprille Ericsson-Jackson, American %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "aerospace engineer" + }, + "His father John was employed as a salesman and %s for the Isaacs-Kahn Furniture Company in Goldsboro": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "floor layer" + }, + "was raised in a literary environment; her mother was a %s and her father a Guyanese poet, playwright and": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "library technician" + }, + "an ex-salesman, a bank teller, an auditor, an organizer, an %s in a shoe factory, a mail carrier, a": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "order filler" + }, + "The %s shot and killed the African American": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "yardmaster" + }, + " also employed several other %ss to document the event.": { + "split": "test", + "entity": null + }, + "Denham, a merchant who employed Franklin as clerk, shopkeeper, and %s in his business": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "bookkeeper" + }, + "His maternal grandfather Thomas Donnelly had joined the army at 14 and was a mounted %s for George Washington": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "messenger" + }, + "Kahler began his career as a %s, building railcars, streetcars, double-deck cars and their interiors": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "bench carpenter" + }, + "Schwarzenegger and Wilt Chamberlain, Schwarzenegger had quietly moved to the %s to pay before Roussimoff could, but then found himself": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "cashier" + }, + " they recommend to be mastered by a graduate %s with four years of experience": { + "split": "test", + "entity": null + }, + "1823 – American fur %s Hugh Glass is mauled by a grizzly bear while": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "trapper" + }, + "In Alaska there are 8,795 active %s certificates as of 2020": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "pilot" + }, + " including the use of the %s position alongside, for example, an increased": { + "split": "test", + "entity": null + }, + " began offering a professional exam, thereby allowing %s to be licensed and recognized": { + "split": "test", + "entity": null + }, + "Law %s William A": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "professor" + }, + " 1992 – William Hillcourt, Danish-American %s and author (b": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "scout leader" + }, + "wounded Heyward Shepherd, a free black man who was a %s for the B&O Railroad": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "baggage porter" + }, + "more challenging for many companies. %s plays a more critical role": { + "split": "test", + "entity": null + }, + "A portable version of MikTeX, as well as a command-%s of it, are also available": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "line installer" + }, + "The Trinitarios were backed by Pedro Santana, a wealthy cattle %s from El Seibo, who became general of the army": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "rancher" + }, + "Otto Maddox, a young punk rocker in L.A., is fired from his job as a supermarket %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "stock clerk" + }, + "A distraught Jackson had to be pulled from her so the %s could prepare the body": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "undertaker" + }, + "There are three kinds of Web developer specialization: %s, back-end developer, and full-stack developer": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "front-end developer" + }, + "PEARL PURDY, %s, Sturgeon Bay": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "conveyor operator" + }, + "Massachusetts General Hospital believed the person acquired the disease from a surgical instrument at a %s's office": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "podiatrist" + }, + "Bauman appeared fearful while telling the story, but attributed the %s's folkloric German ancestry to have potentially influenced him": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "trapper" + }, + "fillers and chemical peels from New York City facial plastic %s Konstantin Vasyukevich": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "surgeon" + }, + "Lake to evacuate idealistic, anti-imperialist missionary Jameson and his school-%s, Shirley Eckert, from a remote mission": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "teacher assistant" + }, + "set up his own workshop in Køge working as an %s and high tension expert": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "electrical installer" + }, + "time was increasingly taken up by his apprenticeship to an %s, but he remained active in the fossil business until": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "upholsterer" + }, + "Also stonemason, %s and polisher, tile setter and polisher, terrazzo worker and finisher": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "marble setter" + }, + "Quarry supplemented meager boxing pay by working as a %s at a Greyhound bus terminal": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "tire changer" + }, + "Blaster sound cards, 10/100 Ethernet cards, USB cards, and television %s cards": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "tuner" + }, + "Series category in 2019 to replace their two gender-specific younger %s and actress categories": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "actor" + }, + "He had been working as a %s without papers": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "construction laborer" + }, + "He later becomes a %s, exacting his revenge on Alex for the abuse he once suffered under his command": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "police officer" + }, + " 1925 – Michele Ferrero, Italian %s (d": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "entrepreneur" + }, + "marginalised figure of a woman and centred on a fast-%s's hapless crush on a gigolo": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "food server" + }, + "on October 16 as a $1.25 an hour minimum wage %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "order filler" + }, + " Overview of Yamamoto excavator mounted %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "rock splitter" + }, + "The %s, health visitor, monthly nurse, postnatal doula, or ": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "lactation consultant" + }, + "Louie Croft Boyd (1909), %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "nursing instructor" + }, + "A person that specializes in roof construction is called a %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "roofer" + }, + "a gasket material, and closed-circuit television, used to give the %s a better view of the process": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "crane operator" + }, + "The department employs a full-time fire chief and %s, as well as a number of full-time and": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "fire inspector" + }, + "Andersen is a full-time %s, and runs dogs in his spare time": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "refrigeration mechanic" + }, + "At trial, the %s Vasquez testified there were three points of origin": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "fire investigator" + }, + "first commemorated Arbor Day in 1915 at the suggestion of %s Ling Daoyang": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "forester" + }, + " Supplying customers with food and drink, as in the work of a %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "food server" + }, + "a certain amount of money is provided to the petty %s by the senior cashier": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "cashier" + }, + "Waste Management is the %s for the Borough": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "refuse collector" + }, + "volunteers to stay and fight as he served as the %s general of volunteers and fought at the battles of": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "inspector" + }, + "was a %s and ship's joiner who had to move around frequently": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "carpenter" + }, + "On May 27, 1994, Limbaugh married Marta Fitzgerald, a 35-year-old %s whom he met on the online service CompuServe": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "aerobics instructor" + }, + "departments have dedicated pediatrics areas, and some departments employ a %s whose job is to put children at ease": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "play therapist" + }, + "the franchise hired strength and conditioning consultant Pat Croce and %s Jeanie Subach to add bulk to Bradley's skinny": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "registered dietitian" + }, + "1999 – Munir Ahmad Khan, Pakistani %s (b": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "nuclear engineer" + }, + "His father was a %s by trade who acquired notable musical skill during": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "furniture finisher" + }, + "Smith retired from that facility as a %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "yardmaster" + }, + "He also worked to earn living money as a %s, and he made drawings for copperplate etchings": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "hand laborer" + }, + "The last house in Ranney, the former KD Line %s's house, was demolished in 2003, and the area is": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "yardmaster" + }, + "It featured Hercule Poirot, a former Belgian %s with \"magnificent moustaches\" and a head \"exactly the": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "police officer" + }, + "are often equipped with dredge monitoring software to help the %s position the dredger and monitor the current dredge": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "dredge operator" + }, + " Albert Arents, a %s who helped develop mineral resources of the Rocky Mountains": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "mining engineer" + }, + "be a medical doctor and in preparation, he became a %s at his local hospital during his senior year": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "nursing aide" + }, + "1898 – Indra Lal Roy, Indian lieutenant and first Indian fighter %s (d": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "aircraft pilot" + }, + "This is usually done by an ironworker, sometimes in conjunction with a %s or carpenter": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "cement mason" + }, + "From 1950 to 1953 O'Donoghue worked as a %s in Victor Harbor": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "nursing aide" + }, + "Python was the %s of the giant Typhon": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "nurse" + }, + "Whatever the form, signalling control provides an interface between the human %s and the lineside signalling equipment": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "signal operator" + }, + "A hydraulic splitter, also known as %s or darda splitter, is a type of portable": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "rock splitter" + }, + "to WWE who regularly perform in-ring services as a professional %s\" undergo testing; however, part-time competitors are exempt from": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "sports entertainer" + }, + "1557 – Agostino Carracci, Italian painter and %s (d": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "etcher" + }, + " He also hired musicians for private parties with Paris' social elites, worked as a masseur, and an %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "exercise trainer" + }, + " She spent much of her career as a %s, eventually becoming deputy manager at the Beijing Dongfang": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "petroleum technician" + }, + "Othon is a %s in Oran": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "magistrate" + }, + "After working as a travelling %s, he eventually became a fashion retailer who employed": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "sales representative" + }, + "The preservation of the %s beneath the cultural layer provides interesting details of house construction": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "floor layer" + }, + "Here he met an %s, Max Hahn, and eventually arranged for him to": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "automotive mechanic" + }, + "The 3D model maker usually starts by creating a 3D polygon mesh for the %s to manipulate": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "animator" + }, + "Then, working as %s and assistant-pastor in Strasbourg, he advanced his project": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "medical assistant" + }, + "Gregory James (born April 19, 1969) is an American entrepreneur, %s, and television personality": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "automotive mechanic" + }, + " Captain Boomer, a British whaling %s who appears briefly in Herman Melville's Moby-Dick": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "ship captain" + }, + "At first permitted to work as a %s, he was later blacklisted and denied all employment": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "truck mechanic" + }, + "Another example is from Whorf's experience as a chemical engineer working for an insurance company as a %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "fire inspector" + }, + "a small executable bootstrapper file (e.g., setup.exe) which updates the %s and starts the real installation after the update": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "installer" + }, + "consisting of a professional engineer license, an EPA certification and %s license, and an EPA certification": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "boiler operator" + }, + "When it is decided by a %s to bring the database back to this state": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "database administrator" + }, + "\"self-winding,\" or \"automatic,\" wristwatch was the invention of a British %s named John Harwood in 1923": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "watch repairer" + }, + "Dennis Eagle which held around 35 per cent of the %s market, much of which was now carried out": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "refuse collector" + }, + " 1932 – Charlie O'Donnell, American radio and %s (d": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "television announcer" + }, + "remains active as a locomotive and rolling stock manufacturer and %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "repairer" + }, + "His father worked as a %s for the New South Wales Government Railways": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "boilermaker" + }, + "– Khabonina Qubeka, actress, TV presenter, dancer, choreographer, fitness & %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "wellness coach" + }, + "of Christina, a mental hospital attendant, and Michael Biener, a %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "truck mechanic" + }, + "In the afternoon, his body was found dead in his room by hotel management and his %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "chauffeur" + }, + "law firm of Washington lawyer Sherburne Hopkins, the \"world's best %s of Latin American revolutions\" to foment support in the": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "rigger" + }, + "His real occupation was a %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "petroleum technician" + }, + "by the chain was drawn and on this profile the %s marked and placed the corresponding centering, and the timbrel": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "carpenter" + }, + "their own network, and Runme Shaw, who was then the %s, traveled to Singapore to establish a movie distribution": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "distribution manager" + }, + "likely that leaders of Miletus sent him there as a %s to create a constitution or simply to maintain the": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "legislator" + }, + "He then moved to Hollywood, California, where he had a string of odd jobs that included %s and lifeguard": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "bellhop" + }, + "Cunningham served as %s with Eisele as emcee": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "camera operator" + }, + "for IBM; AMD filed for arbitration in 1987 and the %s decided in AMD's favor in 1992": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "arbitrator" + }, + "worked for other companies as a messenger, callboy, telegrapher, and %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "signal operator" + }, + "After retirement, he worked as a %s and a school bus driver": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "cement mason" + }, + " Auriga (slave), a Roman slave %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "chauffeur" + }, + "However these are only issued to a licensed professional %s, or to people in a profession that exposes them to dangerous animals in remote areas": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "trapper" + }, + "Before the war, Tjaden was a %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "locksmith" + }, + "In mid-2000, he became certified as a %s and runs a practice as a horse dentist": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "veterinary technician" + }, + "This upgrade had to be installed by an authorized %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "service technician" + }, + "is invested in being a particular thing, such as a %s or an upstanding citizen, and then finds their": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "bus driver" + }, + "Born in Munich, Drexler was a machine-fitter before becoming a railway toolmaker and %s in Berlin": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "locksmith" + }, + "law enforcement officers who are classified as GS-1811 or FP-2501, %s or special agent": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "criminal investigator" + }, + "time through four exceptionally violent murders carried out by former %s Mark Hobson": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "refuse collector" + }, + "automation, the prover can essentially be reduced to a proof %s, with the user providing the proof in a formal": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "checker" + }, + "his own construction, and supporting apparatus made by a local %s – he began his own experiments": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "locksmith" + }, + " A %s assisting with luggage": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "baggage porter" + }, + "He was self-educated and became a lawyer, Whig Party leader, Illinois state %s, and U.S": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "legislator" + }, + " Diana West (born 1965), %s and author specializing on the topic of breastfeeding": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "lactation consultant" + }, + "first external artificial pacemaker with internal electrodes, invented by the %s Jorge Reynolds Pombo, invention of great importance for": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "electronics engineer" + }, + "John Davis Murray, a %s and recent graduate of Purdue University, was sent": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "mechanical engineer" + }, + "to the edges so they could be reached by a %s's ticket punch, with the center reserved for written": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "railroad conductor" + }, + "The first popular diet was \"Banting\", named after the English %s William Banting": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "undertaker" + }, + "spends his childhood trying to be \"of use\" as a %s to the director, Dr": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "medical assistant" + }, + " as jobs that would have gone to %s in the United States would instead be outsourced": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "In response to the rise in new %s as well as new techniques": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + " warrant titles such as %s upon satisfying certain local accreditation requirements": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "Many %ss work as employees or contractors.": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "According to one source, \"The %s of tomorrow should be a": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "The role of the %s has evolved significantly.": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "organizations and schools run many different awards for %s. Since 1968": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "In Europe, %s can obtain the professional title.": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "The duties of a modern %s now straddle the traditional": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "In collaboration with the %s, he began publishing a monthly magazine,": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "Iyengar, Indian %s and author, founded Iyengar Yoga (d": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "yoga instructor" + }, + " Julie Montagu, Viscountess Hinchingbrooke, entrepreneur, %s, blogger, writer and reality television star": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "yoga instructor" + }, + " Special agent, an American %s or detective for example": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "criminal investigator" + }, + "a search warrant in 2004, an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) %s made the sworn statement that the organization did": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "criminal investigator" + }, + "Northwest Orient's Seattle %s, Al Lee, approached the aircraft in street clothes": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "operations manager" + }, + "Albert Lodwick of Mystic, Iowa, provided organizational skills as the flight %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "operations manager" + }, + "using it, so I thought I'd take it.\" When a %s came out to replace the bag, the crowd booed": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "groundskeeper" + }, + "one, he was expelled for throwing the headmaster (or a %s) into Rabbit Pond on campus": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "groundskeeper" + }, + "2004 – Red Adair, American %s (b": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "firefighter" + }, + "1952 – Keith Hart, Canadian %s, wrestler, and trainer": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "firefighter" + }, + "radio and in clubs, Thomas continued to work as a %s in the textile plant, where he claimed the": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "boiler operator" + }, + "Diana did her own makeup for events, and was accompanied by a %s for public appearences": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "hairstylist" + }, + "When nursing, it will %s off each teat in succession": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "nurse" + }, + "to break into the music business, including waiter, truck driver, %s, and butcher's helper": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "construction laborer" + }, + "1796 – James Lick, American %s and piano builder (d": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "carpenter" + }, + "Joseph Pasquali was the %s and mechanic for the towers": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "tile setter" + }, + "Brierre worked as a brick mason, cabinetmaker, %s, and blacksmith": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "tile setter" + }, + "His father, Salvatore Biaggi, was a %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "marble setter" + }, + " 2014 – Don Pardo, American radio and %s (b": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "television announcer" + }, + "to a normal life, but this time works as a %s for a local repair shop in New Jersey,": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "truck mechanic" + }, + "In June 1912, he married Helene Bresslau, municipal %s for orphans and daughter of the Jewish pan-Germanist historian": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "inspector" + }, + "he returned to Wiebelskirchen and began a traineeship as a %s with his uncle, but quit to attend the International": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "roofer" + }, + " 1988 – Melody Oliveria, American %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "blogger" + }, + "The members of the team are usually a psychiatrist, therapist, and %s, but other clinicians may be included": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "registered dietitian" + }, + "Kanaris soon distinguished himself as a fire %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "ship captain" + }, + "Other names used to designate the profession include agricultural scientist, %s, agricultural planner, agriculture researcher, or agriculture policy maker": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "agricultural manager" + }, + "Salogor lost his PCM positions shortly after, and sent to work as an %s in Krasnodar Krai": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "agricultural manager" + }, + "The standard dictates color-coded connectors for easy identification by both %s and cable maker": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "installer" + }, + "During the installation of computer programs, it is sometimes necessary to update the %s or package manager itself": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "installer" + }, + "He is a qualified %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "pilates instructor" + }, + "Iannuzzi moved from Long Island, New York to Florida in 1967 and found work as a %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "drywall installer" + }, + "the University of Pittsburgh in the hope of becoming an %s, but his plans changed and he enrolled in": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "art teacher" + }, + "World News Tonight broadcast an interview with Johnelle Bryant, former %s at the U.S": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "loan officer" + }, + "money in March 1936 from Guy Hollyday who was a %s with the Title Guarantee and Trust Company seeking": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "loan officer" + }, + "The %s Ralph Lublow was tried for taking secret bonuses": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "loan officer" + }, + "institution when he was promoted to maestro de' concerti (%s) in 1716": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "music director" + }, + "Adamson celebrated the character's death by delivering an obituary on TV-am dressed as an %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "undertaker" + }, + "3D animation is digitally modeled and manipulated by an %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "animator" + }, + "Prize was established, with its first recipient being the Russian %s Yuri Norstein": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "animator" + }, + "pig who is mentioned only once; he is the taste %s that samples Napoleon's food to make sure it is": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "tester" + }, + "The %s strains are specially constructed to detect either frameshift (e.g": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "tester" + }, + "It has also been claimed that he may be the most charitable %s of his generation": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "athlete" + }, + "A simple example of the formal cause is the mental image or idea that allows an artist, architect, or %s to create a drawing": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "engineer" + }, + "Quentin Daniels is an enterprising %s hired by Dagny Taggart to reconstruct John Galt's motor": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "engineer" + }, + "The traditional design provided seats for both the director and the %s, and sometimes a third seat for the cinematographer as well": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "camera operator" + }, + " André Tollet, French %s, trade unionist and communist (d": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "upholsterer" + }, + "as at the organization's other centers, professional yoga teacher and %s trainings and continuing education programs are offered": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "yoga therapist" + }, + "They also sign a contract permitting a %s to cut a piece of bone from their forehead": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "mortician" + }, + " Caitlin Doughty, %s, author and YouTube personality": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "mortician" + }, + "A state standard of level I and level II %s certification was developed": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "fire investigator" + }, + "– Martin Conway, 1st Baron Conway of Allington, English mountaineer, %s, and politician (d": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "cartographer" + }, + " 1961 – Neil Mallender, English cricketer and %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "umpire" + }, + "Her stepmother was the famous suffragist and %s Henriette Goldschmidt": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "preschool teacher" + }, + "Hospital in Cape Town, after which he worked as a %s in Ceres, a rural town in the Cape": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "general practitioner" + }, + "When the %s, Dr": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "school psychologist" + }, + "Bruce Moon, %s and psychologist": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "art therapist" + }, + "his listeners, he began to see Lionel Logue, an Australian-born %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "speech therapist" + }, + "wife Wanda in the late 1930s, and worked as a %s and founded a trade school for masons": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "cement mason" + }, + "Commander Neil Armstrong and lunar module %s Buzz Aldrin landed the Apollo Lunar Module Eagle on": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "pilot" + }, + "A physical therapist or %s will evaluate the patient for tremor positioning, muscle": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "occupational therapist" + }, + "She subsequently works as the Doctor's %s and develops her mental abilities with Tuvok's assistance": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "medical assistant" + }, + "Meanwhile, an %s had entered the cockpit and read the logbook": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "avionics technician" + }, + "On December 13, 2013, Terry Lee Loewen, an %s, was arrested for attempting to bomb the airport": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "avionics technician" + }, + "After school, he began work as a %s on the Los Angeles stock exchange": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "stock clerk" + }, + "businesses, the village has a car and truck workshop, an %s's shop, a goldsmith’s shop and, on the road": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "electrical installer" + }, + "Aries was identified with both Dumuzi's ram and a hired %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "laborer" + }, + "When using the off-%s or any other OS, the download size is still 250 MB": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "line installer" + }, + "Meanwhile, Howard Brennan, a %s who had been sitting across the street from the": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "steamfitter" + }, + "8, 1948, the only child of a construction worker (a %s) of Irish descent": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "steamfitter" + }, + "published in 1585, but he continued to work as a %s, then later a government tax collector": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "purchasing agent" + }, + "In 1587, Cervantes was appointed as a government %s, then became a tax collector in 1592": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "purchasing agent" + }, + "title of the Edward Albee play and features an English %s who has a poster of her": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "literature teacher" + }, + "Cyrus's heroism in battle and governance as a king and %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "legislator" + }, + "web of political alliances,\" which included Claudius chief secretary and %s Pallas, his doctor Xenophon, and Afranius Burrus, the head": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "bookkeeper" + }, + "Wood hired Tom Mason, his wife's %s, to double for Lugosi in additional shots": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "chiropractor" + }, + "But I could not in good conscience refer a patient to a %s..": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "chiropractor" + }, + "In addition, in August 2008 an English %s based in Dublin was awarded €20,000 for the racial": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "pipefitter" + }, + "The %s and camera operator had to precisely coordinate their": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "crane operator" + }, + "named a Kennedy Center Honors recipient in 2011, Red Sox %s Claire Durant arranged for 80 Red Sox fans": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "executive assistant" + }, + "An %s director manages each branch": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "executive assistant" + }, + "At 09:12, %s Renee May called her mother, Nancy May, in Las Vegas": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "flight attendant" + }, + "1892 – Eugene Houdry, French-American %s and inventor (d": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "mechanical engineer" + }, + "Trent Pierce, %s; chairman of the Arkansas Medical Board": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "family practitioner" + }, + "Heitkamp is married to Darwin Lange, a %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "family practitioner" + }, + "Drake, a former %s, made the first successful use of a drilling": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "railroad conductor" + }, + " There is no known documentary evidence to support an alternative claim that the city was named for a %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "railroad conductor" + }, + "As a result, she is often regarded as the first %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "computer programmer" + }, + "final accounts; it is maintained by a petty or junior %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "cashier" + }, + "One %s is solely responsible for the front tires, while the other is responsible for the rears": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "tire changer" + }, + "He worked as an upholsterer, %s, artist and house painter": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "furniture finisher" + }, + "a summer house in Far Rockaway, Queens, and employed a %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "chauffeur" + }, + "There are two exceptions—%s and power engineer": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "stationary engineer" + }, + "clerk for day-to-day management, a maintenance person, and a water %s to oversee the water supply": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "distribution manager" + }, + "She completed secondary school at the Warehouse Cooperative School, then studied at Colorado State University, and ultimately became a %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "veterinary technician" + }, + "Heartland Associates of Manitoba in 2008, is the story of %s and award winning athlete Steven Fletcher's struggle to": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "geological engineer" + }, + "Arbor Day () was founded by the %s Ling Daoyang in 1915 and has been a traditional": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "forester" + }, + "The %s's union paid for Knut Hoffer's funeral and gave Hoffer about $300 insurance money": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "cabinetmaker" + }, + "in prison for the murder of Gail Miller, a Saskatoon %s found murdered in 1969": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "nursing aide" + }, + "The %s trade is a British Columbia, Canada, journeyperson designation": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "petroleum technician" + }, + "Measurements for an appropriate nursing bra can be performed by a %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "lactation consultant" + }, + "He asked Christopher Huffam, %s to His Majesty's Navy, gentleman, and head of an": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "rigger" + }, + "surgery in which his size made it impossible for the %s to estimate a dosage via standard methods; consequently, his": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "anesthesiologist" + }, + "anesthetic and is done by a team that includes an %s; a 2008 systematic review did not find enough evidence": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "anesthesiologist" + }, + "was born on the island of O'ahu to electrician and %s Richard Silva and homemaker Catherine Alves Silva at": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "refrigeration mechanic" + }, + "Future director Sam Peckinpah had a small part as Charlie, a %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "meter reader" + }, + "initially only from 7.30am to 5pm, using a labourer, a %s and two linesmen": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "meter reader" + }, + "enhanced oil recovery, have drastically improved the toolbox of the %s in recent decades": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "petroleum engineer" + }, + "environments have become increasingly commonplace in operations and require the %s to be savvy in topics as wide-ranging as": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "petroleum engineer" + }, + "Tickets can be purchased at the offices of these companies, at stations and from the %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "bus driver" + }, + "He had three part-time jobs during the offseason, two as an %s and occasionally delivering flowers": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "exercise trainer" + }, + "Otto Retzer as %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "elevator repairer" + }, + "AbiWord had grammar checking before any other open source word processor, although a grammar %s was later added to OpenOffice.org": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "checker" + }, + "Some cells divide by budding (for example %s's yeast), resulting in a \"mother\" and a \"daughter\" cell": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "baker" + }, + " 1926 – Mathilde Krim, Italian-American medical researcher and %s (d": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "health educator" + }, + "His father, Lucien Camus, a poor French %s, died in the Battle of the Marne in": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "agricultural worker" + }, + " Using a beveled sliver of bamboo, an %s lifts the membrane separating the anther and the": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "agricultural worker" + }, + "An applications programmer should not also be the server administrator or the %s; these roles and responsibilities must be separated from one another": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "database administrator" + }, + "Many external and third-party tools make the Oracle %s's tasks easier": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "database administrator" + }, + "He worked in a North Finchley funeral parlour and as a %s and sign writer": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "fence erector" + }, + "long-awaited critical edition of the piece prepared by Mark Clague, %s of the Gershwin initiative at the University of Michigan": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "director" + }, + "in an American Cinematheque retrospective of the works of its %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "director" + }, + "Navy as a %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "nuclear engineer" + }, + "Silverstein then started to plan killing a %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "correctional officer" + }, + "perpetrated by Zephen Xaver, a 21-year-old Sebring resident and former %s trainee": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "correctional officer" + }, + "\"Chuck\" Durham, %s, philanthropist, civic leader, former CEO and chairman Emeritus": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "civil engineer" + }, + "Singer's first marriage was to Sheila Ruff, a %s for disabled children; they later divorced": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "play therapist" + }, + "A %s observes a client playing with toys (play-houses, soft": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "play therapist" + }, + "1867 – Maximilian Bircher-Benner, Swiss physician and %s (d": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "nutritionist" + }, + " 1915 – Nathan Pritikin, American %s and author (d": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "nutritionist" + }, + "In 2017, Wong starred in Dream Coder, playing %s who later suffered from brain tumours": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "front-end developer" + }, + " 2012 – Denny Jones, American %s and politician (b": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "rancher" + }, + "City, where he worked various jobs, including Head Start teacher, %s, and carpenter": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "psychiatric aide" + }, + "or sacrificing can be described as truly altruistic, as the %s may receive an intrinsic reward in the form of": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "actor" + }, + "The Girl, with a look, signals the %s, who unleashes a torrent of mud on the": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "dredge operator" + }, + "the feet, CMT patients may also need to see a %s for assistance in trimming nails or removing calluses that": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "podiatrist" + }, + "the film as the Isle of Man transportation co-ordinator and %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "facilities manager" + }, + "the response required in many of the activities involved the %s will often require daily reports or an escalation": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "facilities manager" + }, + "Connors family, as Peter and Curt discussed Peter's being Curt's %s job offer": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "teacher assistant" + }, + "Dockham, a %s at Denton Elementary School": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "teacher assistant" + }, + "Thomas Hendricks is a famous brain %s who developed a new method of preventing strokes": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "surgeon" + }, + "Alvin became a %s and welder": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "millwright" + }, + " Peter Ewart, a %s and engineer": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "millwright" + }, + "He graduated from the National Radio Institute as a radio %s in 1940": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "service technician" + }, + "An example of a monomorphic opinion leader in the field of computer technology, might be a neighborhood computer %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "service technician" + }, + " Dr Brodsky: Branom's colleague and co-%s of the Ludovico technique": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "developer" + }, + "Many game series by the Swedish %s Paradox Interactive start at a concise point in history": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "developer" + }, + "He is a %s at the Collège de France, IHÉS, Ohio State University and Vanderbilt University": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "professor" + }, + "Foreign Military Sales program, where the Navy acts as the %s, but incurs no financial gain or loss": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "purchasing manager" + }, + "He then contacts Harry Reynard (Taylor Nichols), the %s of a gourmet foods company": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "purchasing manager" + }, + "Another long legal dispute followed, ending in 1994 when the Supreme Court of California sided with the %s and AMD": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "arbitrator" + }, + "In 1994, that court upheld the %s's decision and awarded damages for breach of contract": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "arbitrator" + }, + "information technology, HVAC, electrical, machining, office administration, medical coding, and %s/paralegal": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "legal assistant" + }, + " Support services include 1 special ed tech, and 1 Reading Recover/%s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "literacy teacher" + }, + "School to deliver services there for our K-2 students, 1 %s, 1 secretary, 1 custodian and 1 kitchen cook": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "literacy teacher" + }, + "After learning what he could from Távora, Mendes became a %s in hopes of educating his community": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "literacy teacher" + }, + " Adam LeFevre as Victor the %s, who is dating Jan": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "meat cutter" + }, + "Her father Chryses, a %s of Apollo, begs Agamemnon to return her to him": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "priest" + }, + "He worked as a carpenter, joiner, %s, and painter": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "glazier" + }, + "minor part in the film Red Dog as Rosa the %s and wife of Vanno": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "veterinary assistant" + }, + "Sources of contaminants include the donor's blood, donor's skin, %s's skin, and containers": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "phlebotomist" + }, + "Billyboy (along with Dim, who like Billyboy has become a %s) rescues Alex from a mob, then subsequently beats": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "police officer" + }, + "and began working there on October 16, 1963, as an %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "order filler" + }, + "Palestine in the early 1930s where he worked as a %s; he also served in the Haganah paramilitary organization": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "plasterer" + }, + "to take the National Council Licensure Examination to become a %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "registered nurse" + }, + " 1922 – Rachel Robinson, American professor, %s, and the widow of baseball player Jackie Robinson": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "registered nurse" + }, + "part of her research into this project, she visited the %s Andrew Crosse in 1844 to learn how to": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "electrical engineer" + }, + " 1948 – Tapan Kumar Sarkar, Indian-American %s and academic (d": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "electrical engineer" + }, + "Further negotiations broke down and the other hostage, %s Bernard Then, was beheaded on Jolo Island on November 17": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "electrical engineer" + }, + "A %s was hired to write the special \"dual boot mode\" BIOS and the special CP/M BIOS": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "software engineer" + }, + "Frankston (born June 14, 1949) is an American %s and businessman who co-created, with Dan Bricklin, the": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "software engineer" + }, + "The term programmer can be used to refer to a software developer, %s, computer scientist, or software analyst": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "software engineer" + }, + "Alonzo Sargent – %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "locomotive engineer" + }, + "notable engineers were selected as judges: John Urpeth Rastrick, a %s of Stourbridge, Nicholas Wood, a mining engineer from": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "locomotive engineer" + }, + "Terence Wise, who worked as a %s aboard the British factory ship Balaena, claimed that": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "winch operator" + }, + " Launch and recovery system %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "winch operator" + }, + "box and a wind-driven winch, and the addition of a %s under an enclosed canopy": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "winch operator" + }, + "His father first worked as a %s at the stables attached to the Swan and Hoop": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "hostler" + }, + "\"the bricklayer, the old clothes man, the hodman and the %s\"": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "hostler" + }, + "Ischial containment is well known and used today by many %s to help in patient care": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "prosthetist" + }, + "In most cases, the %s begins by taking a plaster cast of the patient's affected limb": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "prosthetist" + }, + "Monolimbs are non-modular prostheses and thus require more experienced %s for correct fitting, because alignment can barely be changed": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "prosthetist" + }, + "these were for in-band signaling between switching centers, where long-distance %ss used a 16-digit keypad to input the next": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "telephone operator" + }, + "Grace Banker – chief %s of mobile for the American Expeditionary Forces": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "telephone operator" + }, + "There is one GSM mobile %s, with coverage of Malabo, Bata, and several mainland cities": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "telephone operator" + }, + "Bukowski would, under duress, quit and years later return as a %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "mail clerk" + }, + "Steamboats continued to carry a %s around Lake Tahoe until 1934, when the mail": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "mail clerk" + }, + "lost on 17 May 1941 when her owner and the %s attempted mail delivery during a storm": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "mail clerk" + }, + "Randall emphasizes his tolerance and moderation \"in his preference for %s progress, his distrust of dangerous agitation, and his reluctance": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "orderly" + }, + "organs, and ridiculed the idea that accidents could lead to %s results": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "orderly" + }, + "rule, the day-to-day operation of the Deylikal government was remarkably %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "orderly" + }, + "board—pilot Luis Morales III, hair stylist Eric Forman, Anthony Dodd, %s Scott Gallin, family friend Keith Wallace, make-up stylist": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "security guard" + }, + "Prior to the terrorist attack, Omari was an airport %s and imam": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "security guard" + }, + "The Lee-Ditko era continued to %s in a significant number of villains and supporting characters, including Doctor Octopus in No": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "usher" + }, + "had a master craftsman who lived long enough to help %s it into a new age": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "usher" + }, + "consulship in 5 and 2 BC so that he could personally %s them into their political careers, and they were nominated": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "usher" + }, + "a local food co-op, Glover approached Gary Fine, a local %s, with photocopied samples": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "massage therapist" + }, + "When the anonymous %s who accused him died, the last remaining criminal case against Spacey was closed": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "massage therapist" + }, + " Registration at the Remedial %s denotes competency in the practice of remedial or orthopedic massage": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "massage therapist" + }, + "Alia succeeded to the presidency and became %s of the APL two days later": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "legal secretary" + }, + "death to help his widowed mother, and trained as a %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "stonemason" + }, + "He apprenticed as a %s and met his future wife, Helen Neil, in Irvine,": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "stonemason" + }, + "The limestone in the area proved too hard for his %s tools, and not having money to buy new tools,": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "stonemason" + }, + "of Black Americans, founded in 1960 by Ben Carter a %s in Chicago": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "metal worker" + }, + "after it appeared to be that of a female fine %s – a profession that was previously thought to": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "metal worker" + }, + "able to work and trade completely normally as a skilled %s so the Incorporation of Hammermen must have been": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "metal worker" + }, + "In 1990, Gotti married Kimberly Albanese, daughter of Joseph Albanese, a flooring/%s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "carpet installer" + }, + "Winston's father's years of experience as a %s for the Montgomery Fair department store enabled him": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "carpet installer" + }, + "Ralph Miller, a %s who did work for the MBTA, testified that": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "carpet installer" + }, + "Smith at the Battle of Seven Pines, and also served as field %s in the Trans-Mississippi Department": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "transportation inspector" + }, + "A %s designs for hydrodynamics first, and for strength only later": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "ship engineer" + }, + "this success was the presence of Jacques-Noël Sané, a renowned %s who had built Joyeuse's 118-gun flagship Montagne": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "ship engineer" + }, + "word autismus (English translation autism) was coined by the Swiss %s Eugen Bleuler in 1910 as he was defining symptoms": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "psychiatrist" + }, + "A Soviet child %s, Grunya Sukhareva, described a similar syndrome that was published": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "psychiatrist" + }, + "had initiated a correspondence with Doctor Humphry Osmond, a British %s then employed in a Canadian institution, and eventually asked": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "psychiatrist" + }, + "Most acute cases of aphasia recover some or most skills by working with a %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "speech-language pathologist" + }, + "For further diagnostic testing, the physician will refer the patient to a %s, who will complete a comprehensive evaluation": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "speech-language pathologist" + }, + "aphasia, the physician will refer him or her to a %s (SLP) for a comprehensive speech and language evaluation": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "speech-language pathologist" + }, + "to the artist Wyndham Lewis); they had two daughters (including %s Mary Priestley, conceived while Jane was still married": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "music therapist" + }, + "October 5 – John Carmichael, pianist, composer and %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "music therapist" + }, + "In 1969, Ratzenberger was a %s at the Woodstock Festival": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "tractor operator" + }, + "He also worked as messenger, %s (agriculture machinery), and driver": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "tractor operator" + }, + "Jewish grandfather: Hatry had to leave his job as a %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "construction inspector" + }, + "1919 until 1938, and advanced to the position of chief %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "construction inspector" + }, + "The present course of the Wiese on Swiss territory was already planned in the early 19th century by %s Baader": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "construction inspector" + }, + "of time blasts the moose of eternity, and the dairy %s of fate sighs and grabs her mop...\" Lyttelton's": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "counter worker" + }, + "the mall continues as the flasher exposes himself to make-up %s Brandi and a masked robber causes property damage": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "counter worker" + }, + "on national television, was a brief comical appearance as a %s in a burger joint in Late for Dinner": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "counter worker" + }, + "crown, they may only regain it by either killing a %s with a crown (sometimes marked by a red dot": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "flagger" + }, + "To get the \"go\", jump, break, hit, kick, or move is to start the race without the %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "flagger" + }, + "A flashlight start occurs when the start of the race is signaled by a %s turning on a flashlight": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "flagger" + }, + "It is also common to see %s wheels or glides on the back legs of a walker with wheels on the front": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "caster" + }, + " The Necromancer is a versatile death-themed spell %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "caster" + }, + "When a spell is used, the syllables vanish from the %s's mind": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "caster" + }, + "he served as a guard, an army newspaper editor, a %s, and guitarist in an army band": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "payroll clerk" + }, + "rather mundane jobs during the day, such as bartender and %s, and by night made the rounds of New": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "payroll clerk" + }, + "his family to Penticton, British Columbia, eventually working as a %s for Canadian Pacific Railway": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "payroll clerk" + }, + "After meeting %s Michael Mina at one of his restaurants in San": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "chef" + }, + "the remote location, going so far as to hire the %s from the Hotel Roosevelt in Hollywood to prepare meals": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "chef" + }, + " 1980 – Aida Mollenkamp, American %s and author": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "chef" + }, + "Carlos Elizondo, %s and political aide": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "event planner" + }, + " Shawn Rabideau, %s, TV personality": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "event planner" + }, + "In the novel Nobody's Property, character Mallorie Walcott, an %s, mentions that she helped put her younger daughter": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "event planner" + }, + " the government listed 181 official jobs no longer under their control—such as taxi driver, %s and shopkeeper": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "construction worker" + }, + "production artist, %s) with utilizing creativity or problem-solving skills to compensate for what was overlooked in the design process": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "construction worker" + }, + "include being an \"engineer, telecommunication specialist, cut flower worker, teacher, %s, housekeepers, professionals, any industrial and manufacturing job, and": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "construction worker" + }, + "construction worker, an intern at the Newport Group, and a %s position": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "barback" + }, + "A bar-back or %s (commonly known as a runner in Europe) is a bartender's assistant": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "barback" + }, + "at Drakes Melrose, Pier One Imports, and worked as a %s for the Atlanta club, \"The Metro\"": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "barback" + }, + "with a coherer and a spark coil as an amateur %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "electrician" + }, + "She eventually becomes an %s and takes a female lover, Lorna": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "electrician" + }, + "near Oldham in Lancashire, the daughter of Jack Thomas, a %s in a cotton mill, who died when she": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "maintenance painter" + }, + "as a guard at the Whitney Museum and as a %s at the Museum of Modern Art": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "maintenance painter" + }, + "auf Skyros (Stuttgart 1926) is a ballet by the Austrian-British %s and musicologist Egon Wellesz": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "composer" + }, + "American in Paris is a jazz-influenced orchestral piece by American %s George Gershwin first performed in 1928": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "composer" + }, + "general contractor, such as the lowest bidder, or an experienced %s to assist the architect with design changes aimed": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "cost estimator" + }, + "joined the firm Lamport Cofer Salzman (L.C.S.) as a construction %s, having acquired this skill during his work for": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "cost estimator" + }, + "A %s is the professional who prepares cost estimates": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "cost estimator" + }, + "On February 27, 2019, Don Fischer, an IU %s since 1974, said during an interview that Knight": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "radio announcer" + }, + "As of 2019, Jack Corrigan is the %s, serving as a backup TV announcer whenever Drew": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "radio announcer" + }, + "In January 2020, long-time KOA %s Jerry Schemmel was let go from his role": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "radio announcer" + }, + "Adrian Hanauer (born 1966), American businessman and minority owner and %s of the Seattle Sounders FC": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "general manager" + }, + "able to leave the mines under the control of a %s and return to Boston in 1868 before winter": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "general manager" + }, + "alleged to have become al-Qaeda's overall second in command and %s in 2013": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "general manager" + }, + "If the timepieces of an engineer and a %s differed by even a minute or two, trains": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "switch operator" + }, + "closed, or closed to open, without further action by the %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "switch operator" + }, + "The conflict in the film centers on Joe, a railroad %s who represents the American voting public": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "switch operator" + }, + " David Atlas (born 1924), American %s who pioneered weather radar": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "meteorologist" + }, + "1865 – Robert FitzRoy, English admiral, %s, and politician, 2nd Governor of New Zealand (b": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "meteorologist" + }, + "1795 – Clas Bjerkander, Swedish %s, botanist, and entomologist (b": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "meteorologist" + }, + "Winnie Ruth Judd was a Phoenix %s who was found guilty of murdering and dismembering": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "medical secretary" + }, + "to be published and conveniently escaping an affair with a %s that caused an unwanted pregnancy, Schopenhauer left Dresden for": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "maid" + }, + "his five-bedroom Victorian house on Campion Road, Putney, complete with %s, cook, chauffeur and gardener": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "maid" + }, + "They still employed a %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "maid" + }, + "He came to Manila and worked as a %s before getting the job as a radio announcer": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "construction painter" + }, + "jobs, most notably when he worked as an illegal immigrant %s in Norway for 3 years and where he": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "construction painter" + }, + "The personalities in those days were Bushnell, his %s Pat Karns and a handful of other 'TV": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "sales manager" + }, + "The two former employees (%s Sahlmann and administrative employee Beuter) had been found to": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "sales manager" + }, + "His father, Maurice, was a graduate of Stanford University, and was a %s at the Wilshire Oil Company": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "sales manager" + }, + "guitar and decided to give up his job as an %s to pursue a career as a solo guitarist": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "agricultural technician" + }, + "Originally an %s by profession, he later became leader of the": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "agricultural technician" + }, + "Also in 1962, a Canadian %s assisting the Cuban government claimed he was paid": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "agricultural technician" + }, + "Initially hired as a %s, he soon began serving as a \"spieler\" (a barker": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "roustabout" + }, + "During the summers of his high school years, Condit worked as a %s in Oklahoma's oil fields": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "roustabout" + }, + "After finishing military school in 1951, Pierce worked briefly in an oil field as a %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "roustabout" + }, + "The arsonist turned out to be a plant %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "maintenance worker" + }, + "Host Mike Rowe interviewed a Mackinac Bridge %s, and a horse manure and garbage removal/composting collector": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "maintenance worker" + }, + "children's fantasy film Bedtime Stories (2008), as a stressed hotel %s whose bedtime stories he reads to his niece": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "maintenance worker" + }, + "The case also attracted attention because a navy %s had misrepresented himself when querying AOL for information about": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "paralegal" + }, + "preparing, interpreting and applying the law, but not as a %s or charter executive secretary": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "paralegal" + }, + "The English %s George Boole fully accepted Aristotle's logic, but decided \"to": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "mathematician" + }, + "Alain Connes (; born 1 April 1947) is a French %s, and a theoretical physicist, known for his contributions to": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "mathematician" + }, + "The working principle of a yupana is unknown, but in 2001 Italian %s De Pasquale proposed an explanation": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "mathematician" + }, + "Experimental Physics at the University of Zürich, serving as pro-forma %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "advisor" + }, + " Scott Atlas (born 1955), American conservative health care policy %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "advisor" + }, + "In June and July 1945, Hitchcock served as \"treatment %s\" on a Holocaust documentary that used Allied Forces footage": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "advisor" + }, + "Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, a monthly digest specialising in crime and %s fiction": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "detective" + }, + "It is a %s movie (perhaps the first important Japanese film in that": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "detective" + }, + "Pesticides safety education and %s regulation are designed to protect the public from": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "pesticide applicator" + }, + "a product, or its uses, to use by a certificated %s or under the direct supervision of a certified": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "pesticide applicator" + }, + "used properly but are highly toxic and require a qualified %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "pesticide applicator" + }, + "St Bartholomew's Hospital, where he became ophthalmic house surgeon, extern %s and assistant demonstrator of anatomy at the medical": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "midwifery assistant" + }, + "appointed house physician at St Bartholomew's Hospital in 1876, and %s in 1877": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "midwifery assistant" + }, + "Her mother was a secretary to a federal judge and her father was chief %s at the US Mint": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "operating engineer" + }, + "Some are radio controlled without an %s present in the cab": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "operating engineer" + }, + "They can also seek employment position such as %s, a chief engineer, a facilities manager, maintenance foreman,": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "operating engineer" + }, + " In 2008, a %s was injured during a \"pneumatic\" incident, involving a quantity of alpha emitter release": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "repair worker" + }, + "boys at school to getting a job as a billboard %s to support herself": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "repair worker" + }, + "Her father, Patrick Andrew Murray, was an Irish carriage-%s, while her mother, Maria Stuart, was of English and Scottish heritage": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "repair worker" + }, + "Frank Gainor worked as a theatrical painter and %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "paperhanger" + }, + "His father, a Polish-born immigrant, was a %s, then a storekeeper": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "paperhanger" + }, + "father barely supported the family as an occasional sign-painter and %s, while his mother took in washing to make ends": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "paperhanger" + }, + "Ballads, lullabies, %s's cries, nursery rhymes, and work songs are plentiful": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "street vendor" + }, + "Tacos made from corn or flour tortillas and meat pies can also be consumed for a hearty breakfast from a %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "street vendor" + }, + " 1975 – Valentin Kovalenko, Uzbek football %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "referee" + }, + " 1977 – Ravshan Irmatov, Uzbek football %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "referee" + }, + "1930 – Wilfried Hilker, German footballer and %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "referee" + }, + "In 1876, he was appointed %s for the French Senate": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "librarian" + }, + "1911 – Augusta Braxton Baker, African American %s (d": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "librarian" + }, + "1780 – Charles Nodier, French %s and author (d": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "librarian" + }, + "Adrian Holovaty (born 1981), American %s, journalist and entrepreneur": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "web developer" + }, + "in September 2021, when a security flaw allowed for a %s to see an internal listing of current and": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "web developer" + }, + " DOM Inspector is a %s tool": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "web developer" + }, + "1992) is a Dominican beauty pageant titleholder, model, actress and %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "zumba instructor" + }, + "dolphins started in 1955 when he was working as a %s at an aquarium in Miami, Florida": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "commercial diver" + }, + " Roger Baldwin (diver), %s, killed in Waage Drill II accident": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "commercial diver" + }, + "due to incompatible thread (metric valve in imperial cylinder) injured %s by impact on the back of the helmet": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "commercial diver" + }, + "in 1974 and was employee number fifty and first worked on the assembly line as an %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "electro-mechanical technician" + }, + "trade, and all electrical trades were grouped together into the %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "electro-mechanical technician" + }, + "Mitchell Leisen's Hands Across the Table (1935), she portrays a %s in search of a rich husband, played by Fred": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "manicurist" + }, + "Ricardo, two cleaning ladies who make up the bed, a %s (Manicurist: Do you want your nails long or short": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "manicurist" + }, + "The male %s toad (Alytes obstetricans) winds egg strings round his thighs": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "midwife" + }, + "He was baptized immediately after his birth at his home by the %s, the reason for which has led to speculation": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "midwife" + }, + " 1946 – Stan Winston, American special effects designer and %s (d": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "makeup artist" + }, + "1950 – Rick Baker, American actor and %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "makeup artist" + }, + "His second child was born in mid-2012 to %s and manager Katja Ohneck, with whom he is": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "makeup artist" + }, + "The illegal sales continued because a Federal %s named Wiley Lynn was connected to mobster Arnold Killian": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "revenue agent" + }, + "check on him and found Babcock writing a warning to %s John A": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "revenue agent" + }, + "launched a covert investigation by independent undercover investigators, suggested by %s Homer Yaryan": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "revenue agent" + }, + "He also had a son named Chrysorrhoas who was a %s artist": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "mechanic" + }, + "Watson, an experienced electrical designer and %s at the electrical machine shop of Charles Williams, changed all that": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "mechanic" + }, + " A follower of a manual art, such as a %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "mechanic" + }, + "Gabriel under the authority of the %s M": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "surveyor" + }, + "1797 – Charles Robert Malden, English lieutenant and %s (d": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "surveyor" + }, + "He practiced as a %s and civil engineer for two years before entering the United States Military Academy in 1838": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "surveyor" + }, + "to have sex with inmates after two guards and a %s were charged with having sex with Cooper while": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "recreational therapist" + }, + "Hippotherapy is an intervention used by a physical therapist, %s, occupational therapist, or speech and language pathologist": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "recreational therapist" + }, + "the Children's Lightning Wheels PSC at the recommendation of a %s at Children's Specialized Hospital, where she underwent rehabilitation": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "recreational therapist" + }, + "Statewide officials, such as the governor, lieutenant governor, %s general, and other constitutional officers, take office the following January": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "attorney" + }, + "Rather than studying in the office of an established %s, as was the custom, Lincoln borrowed legal texts from": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "attorney" + }, + "applicable to the case, permitting seriously improper argument by an %s, admitting or excluding evidence improperly, acting outside the court's": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "attorney" + }, + "The new Constitution provided for a much stronger federal government by establishing a %s (the President), courts, and taxing powers": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "chief executive" + }, + "way the later President of the United States is a %s, since all of the functions he executed were": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "chief executive" + }, + "Andrew Penman, %s of The Cancer Council New South Wales, called for further research on the matter": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "chief executive" + }, + "worked for the Marconi Telegraph and Wireless company as a joint-%s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "solderer" + }, + "He was raised by his mother Elza, a %s in an electronics company": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "solderer" + }, + "As an amateur footballer, he had jobs as a %s, in his local town hall, and with Caterpillar Inc.": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "solderer" + }, + "Boris Kolenkhov, Essie's extremely eccentric Russian %s, arrives and makes chitchat with the family, complaining": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "ballet instructor" + }, + "He is the %s of Essie, aware that she is untalented at": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "ballet instructor" + }, + "Her next role was in Save the Last Dance 2 (2006) as the protagonist's %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "ballet instructor" + }, + "After her marriage, Violette became a %s for the General Post Office in central London, working throughout the Blitz": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "switchboard operator" + }, + "Initially, exchange switchboards were manually operated by an attendant, commonly referred to as the \"%s\"": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "switchboard operator" + }, + "While in school, Tan worked odd jobs—serving as a %s, carhop, bartender, and pizza maker—before starting a writing": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "switchboard operator" + }, + "After all, he was a talented, and no doubt resourceful, painter and %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "woodworker" + }, + "An experienced %s can build one for about US$400 in 200 hours,": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "woodworker" + }, + "1905 – George Nakashima, American %s and architect (d": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "woodworker" + }, + "The bleep censor is a software module, manually operated by a %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "broadcast technician" + }, + "While living there, he worked as a %s and began training to become a carpenter": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "broadcast technician" + }, + "He also worked as a %s in Albany, New York": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "broadcast technician" + }, + "His father, Nicomachus, was the personal %s to King Amyntas of Macedon": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "physician" + }, + "The four Ämter were then consolidated under a single Confederation %s into what was known in the 15th century as": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "bailiff" + }, + "Instead of the Acht Orte appointing a %s together, Zürich and Bern each appointed the governor for": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "bailiff" + }, + "In 1639, Abergavenny received a charter of incorporation under the title of %s and burgesses": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "bailiff" + }, + "Armin van Buuren and Tiesto, some of the worlds leading Trance %s's hail from the Netherlands and frequently perform in Amsterdam": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "DJ" + }, + "Evan Duthie, (born 2000), an award-winning %s and producer": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "DJ" + }, + "during labour and birth; such as a midwife, nurse, or %s; or a lay person such as the father of": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "doula" + }, + "educators and other unlicensed assistive personnel, certification to become a %s is not compulsory, thus, anyone can call themself a": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "doula" + }, + "influence was evident as early as 1963, when a restyled, %s, boxier Chrysler was introduced": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "trimmer" + }, + "a day, then chopped into small pieces with a string %s and sprinkled with a small amount of powdered cement": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "trimmer" + }, + " One example of this contrast is the difference between the two systems in allocation of responsibility between prosecutor and %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "adjudicator" + }, + "itself to act as an inductive bias and as an %s of ambiguity, metaphor, and ellipsis": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "adjudicator" + }, + "Virgil refers to Achilles as a savage and a merciless %s of men, while Horace portrays Achilles ruthlessly slaying women": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "butcher" + }, + "his home and stayed with his uncle Gustave Acault, a %s, who influenced the young Camus": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "butcher" + }, + "It is not from the benevolence of the %s, the brewer, or the baker, that we expect our": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "butcher" + }, + "with sales during the 1960s, traveling around Europe as a %s for Honeywell": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "sales engineer" + }, + "Examples are sanitation engineer, production engineer, test engineer, network engineer, project engineer, systems engineer and %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "sales engineer" + }, + "Romania the European Court of Human Rights held that a %s had a 'reasonable expectation of privacy' against personal": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "sales engineer" + }, + "peoples\", and compliance with local, provincial or national environmental laws, %s safety, education and training, and other issues": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "forest worker" + }, + "For example, a Chinese %s claimed that he unknowingly ate two in 1984": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "forest worker" + }, + "Air Forces (USAAF) on September 12, 1941, and became an %s at George Air Force Base, Victorville, California": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "aircraft mechanic" + }, + "Army Air Forces during World War II, working as an %s at U.S": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "aircraft mechanic" + }, + "This allows the %s to have much greater selectivity in when to pick up the bucket, and in how the bucket may be dumped": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "dragline operator" + }, + "work as an agricultural labourer and then truck driver and %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "dragline operator" + }, + "Furgason, a developer of the Homosassa area, hired a %s to create the island from a pile of": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "dragline operator" + }, + "There he painted his own portrait, showing him much younger than he actually was, as well as that of his %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "jailer" + }, + " Yram—The daughter of Higgs' %s who takes care of him when he first enters Erewhon": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "jailer" + }, + "It is said he adopted the name of a %s of the Odessa prison in which he had earlier been held": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "jailer" + }, + "Radio astronomy was founded by Grote Reber, an amateur %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "radio operator" + }, + "Perens is also an amateur %s, with call sign K6BP": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "radio operator" + }, + "Navy in World War I, as a shipboard %s, as an editor of a publication, and as": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "radio operator" + }, + "Rogers in Horsham, Victoria, Australia, the daughter of Margaret, a %s, and Barry Rogers": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "medical receptionist" + }, + "subsequently took various jobs, working in dress shop, as a %s, compère of fashion parades, and also had jobs": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "medical receptionist" + }, + "Gray, travels to London to take a job as a %s for a Harley Street doctor": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "medical receptionist" + }, + "The state is sectioned into three fishing zones, Eastern, Central and Western, with each %s required a zone-allocated licence": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "fisher" + }, + "The tiny monk in the Friedrich and the %s in the Turner establish a poignant contrast between the": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "fisher" + }, + " Flight — a 2012 film starring Denzel Washington as an alcoholic %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "airline pilot" + }, + "As Patrick Smith, an %s, summarizes:": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "airline pilot" + }, + "The %s is responsible for removing the cut boards": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "offbearer" + }, + "Similarly, a %s-implemented intervention that utilizes a more naturalistic form of ABA": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "teacher" + }, + "Like his %s Plato, Aristotle's philosophy aims at the universal": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "teacher" + }, + "He had also learned a great deal about Persian customs and traditions from his %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "teacher" + }, + "was born in Sydney, New South Wales, and was blast %s, and an official with the Federated Ironworkers' Association": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "furnace operator" + }, + "weekend had allowed the dangerous build-up of the gases, ventilation %s Tip Hightower was acquitted of negligence at a": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "furnace operator" + }, + "The German-born Fiedler was the %s and postmaster at the New Almaden mine before": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "furnace operator" + }, + "Joe comic series, Jameson is seen hassling a %s for the seeming lack of any Daily Bugle papers": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "news vendor" + }, + "The company was formed by Henry Walton Smith and his wife Anna in 1792 as a %s in London": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "news vendor" + }, + "In 1792, Henry Walton Smith and his wife Anna established the business as a %s in Little Grosvenor Street, London": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "news vendor" + }, + "Coast Guard-approved %s (Qualified Member of the Engine Department) program, welding": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "marine oiler" + }, + "The following month, Spears guest-starred on the How I Met Your Mother episode \"Ten Sessions\" as %s Abby": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "receptionist" + }, + "Lara has dated former Durham County Cricket Club %s and British lingerie model Lynnsey Ward": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "receptionist" + }, + "In January 2009, she appeared in the television series Two and a Half Men as the mother of Alan Harper's %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "receptionist" + }, + "Sometimes the gaffer is credited as chief %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "lighting technician" + }, + "Sometimes the best boy electric is credited as assistant chief %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "lighting technician" + }, + "Ernst were listed as technical directors, Man Ray was chief %s and Wolfgang Paalen responsible for \"water and foliage\"": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "lighting technician" + }, + " Robert Winston appeared as a %s consulted by Hayley and Roy Tucker in January and February 2007": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "fertility specialist" + }, + " Jamie Grifo, a %s at the New York University School of Medicine,": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "fertility specialist" + }, + "It is also said (in A Murder Is Announced) that she served as an %s during World War I": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "ambulance driver" + }, + "before leaving for the Italian Front to enlist as an %s in World War I": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "ambulance driver" + }, + "Red Cross recruitment effort and signed on to be an %s in Italy, In May 1918, he sailed": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "ambulance driver" + }, + "Rutherford briefly works as a cook-housekeeper, a stage actress, a %s and criminal reformer, and is offered the chance to": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "sailor" + }, + "sailor, he denounced his faith after being influenced by a %s who discussed with him Characteristicks of Men, Manners, Opinions,": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "shipmate" + }, + "Upon his return, Larry brought with him a guitar he had bought from a %s while serving in the Pacific": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "shipmate" + }, + "out as a personal secretary to Columbus, and a Spanish %s called Bartolomé Flisco, along with six natives, paddled a": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "shipmate" + }, + "formed the Dymaxion Corporation and built three prototypes with noted %s Starling Burgess and a team of 27 workmen": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "naval architect" + }, + "Admiral Vittorio Cuniberti, the Italian Navy's chief %s, articulated the concept of an all-big-gun battleship in": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "naval architect" + }, + "This did not stop him from commissioning designs from %s W": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "naval architect" + }, + "She was a 16-year-old %s at Landers Coffee Shop, and Ruth related that she": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "waitress" + }, + "administrator, financial service administrator, cook, material management technician, ammunition technician, %s, mobile support equipment operator, and musician": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "traffic technician" + }, + "in the death of Corporal Marie-France Comeau, a 37-year-old military %s based at CFB Trenton, who had been found": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "traffic technician" + }, + "appearing to measure the earth (the word geometrid means earth-%s in Greek); the primary reason for this unusual locomotion is": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "measurer" + }, + "As the divine %s and scribe, Seshat was believed to appear to assist the pharaoh in both of these practises": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "measurer" + }, + "Fyodor Litke, explorer, inventor of recording tide %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "measurer" + }, + "Traditional jazz funerals begin with a processional led by the %s, family, friends, and the brass band, i.e., the": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "funeral director" + }, + "On the second day the %s washes the body and shrouding is done": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "funeral director" + }, + "every week, premieres with the Fisher family patriarch Nathaniel, a %s, killed in an accident involving his new hearse": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "funeral director" + }, + "She is the daughter of a Welsh %s of Irish descent, William O'Callaghan, who had been": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "steel worker" + }, + " James Warren, journalist and %s from Illinois, and the 1988 Presidential nominee": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "steel worker" + }, + "founded by Meredith Jones and led by Leo Lloyd, a %s and avid amateur thespian, who taught him the": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "steel worker" + }, + "He became an agricultural engineer and %s in the Ministry of Agriculture in July 1963,": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "agricultural inspector" + }, + "She grew up in rural Southern California, as the daughter of an %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "agricultural inspector" + }, + "In 1939, he became an %s and later supervisor of cooperative society which had": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "agricultural inspector" + }, + "Peter's best friend, the %s Selvam alias Selvaa, who is in love with": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "motorboat mechanic" + }, + " Natraj as Selvam (Selvaa), a %s from Madurai and Peter's best friend who is": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "motorboat mechanic" + }, + "county is also served by a clerk of courts, sheriff, %s, tax collector, supervisor of elections, state attorney, and": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "property appraiser" + }, + "county officers include a clerk of courts and comptroller, sheriff, %s, tax collector, and supervisor of elections": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "property appraiser" + }, + "for providing appropriations for other countywide offices including the sheriff, %s, tax collector and supervisor of elections": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "property appraiser" + }, + " Zhu Guangqian, Chinese %s, modern literary theorist, and famous scholar (b.1897)": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "esthetician" + }, + "is the expense: waxing is usually performed by a licensed %s and in some cases the cost can be high,": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "esthetician" + }, + " Cassandra Langton – %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "event coordinator" + }, + " Natalie Locke – %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "event coordinator" + }, + " Rhonda Meyerowitz – %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "event coordinator" + }, + "Peter Guralnick's parents were %s Walter Guralnick, DMD, who helped to establish dental": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "oral surgeon" + }, + "Thompson was an %s originally from Randolph, Ohio, who practiced in the Midwest and in London": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "oral surgeon" + }, + "Michael Mastromarino, a former New Jersey-based %s, and Lee Cruceta agreed to a deal that": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "oral surgeon" + }, + "Adrian Wells (born 1989), British-American %s, singer and songwriter": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "clinical psychologist" + }, + "Kay Redfield Jamison, a %s and professor of psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "clinical psychologist" + }, + "Graeme Friedman, author and %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "clinical psychologist" + }, + "His life was saved by Kerry Griffiths, a sightseeing 34-year-old %s from England, who applied tourniquets": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "pediatric nurse" + }, + " Genene Jones (born 1950), %s who killed multiple patients": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "pediatric nurse" + }, + "if he were a head of state, rather than a %s, which included a cannon salute upon arriving at the": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "physicist" + }, + "In a subsequent letter to %s and friend Max Born, who had already emigrated from Germany to England, Einstein wrote, \"..": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "physicist" + }, + "In 1922, as a %s at St": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "nursing teacher" + }, + "PhD, FAAN, FCAHS, RN (born 1951) is a Canadian academic %s, researcher and author": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "nursing teacher" + }, + " A %s who performs log bucking": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "logging worker" + }, + "Most qualify as an %s, pediatrician, or gynecologist for a few years before specializing,": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "internist" + }, + "Hughes's %s, Verne Mason, who treated Hughes after his 1946 aircraft": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "internist" + }, + "These terms, %s or physician (in the narrow sense, common outside North": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "internist" + }, + "Cochin City Motor Thozhilali Union, a trade union of %s in Cochin, India": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "transportation worker" + }, + "15, 2006), was an American civil rights activist and public %s who was fatally shot outside City Hall in": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "transportation worker" + }, + "the Allied Veterans' Association of the United States and four %s brotherhoods": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "transportation worker" + }, + "ultrasound assessment into the posterior and anterior pelvic compartments the %s is able to evaluate structural mobility and look for": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "sonographer" + }, + "Additionally, the %s can make an estimation of the amount of ascitic": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "sonographer" + }, + "Emmanuel Agassi, then a %s at Tropicana Las Vegas, had met Kerkorian in 1963": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "waiter" + }, + "done\", for example, a customer at a restaurant telling a %s \"I'm all set": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "waiter" + }, + "A %s in civilian life, Malta left the Army in 1947 and returned to his former job": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "floor sander" + }, + "dust masks and sanding belts with the rental of a %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "floor sander" + }, + "child in the nearest church.\" Vern Lovering, a 43-year old %s and convicted child molester had been questioned, and": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "floor sander" + }, + "Carver worked as a delivery man, janitor, %s, and sawmill laborer, while Maryann worked as an": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "library assistant" + }, + "Sullivan was a %s at Riverside City College and was suspected by": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "library assistant" + }, + "Kelley, a de-licensed dentist and %s who claimed to have devised a cancer treatment involving": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "orthodontist" + }, + "wearing her wedding dress, after leaving her fiancé, Barry, an %s, at the altar": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "orthodontist" + }, + "While at the beach one afternoon, Adele meets a handsome %s, Josh; they date and have sex, leaving Adele to": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "orthodontist" + }, + "plough in the mid-19th century was John Fowler, an English %s and inventor": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "agricultural engineer" + }, + "although he was suitable due to his experience as an %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "agricultural engineer" + }, + "An %s is a scientist in the field of astronomy who focuses their studies on a specific question or field outside the scope of Earth": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "astronomer" + }, + "Today, that distinction has mostly disappeared and the terms \"%s\" and \"astrophysicist\" are interchangeable": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "astronomer" + }, + "Contrary to the classical image of an old %s peering through a telescope through the dark hours of": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "astronomer" + }, + "Borges Haslam was a lawyer and %s who harboured literary aspirations": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "psychology teacher" + }, + "by one of her teenage daughters who testified that a %s had told Ms": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "psychology teacher" + }, + "as \"extraordinary\" and \"an absolute disgrace\" after he gave a %s a suspended sentence for deliberately driving into a": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "psychology teacher" + }, + "mother, who was born in the United Kingdom, was a %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "childcare worker" + }, + "Morneau, a hitting coach for many softball and baseball teams, %s, and sporting goods store owner": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "childcare worker" + }, + "general monitored on a day-to-day basis by a specialist metabolic %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "dietitian" + }, + "The Department of Applied Human Sciences has an accredited %s program": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "dietitian" + }, + " March 6 – Sagen Ishizuka, Japanese physician, %s (d": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "dietitian" + }, + "He was offered an appointment as %s and gauger at the Boston Custom House at a": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "weigher" + }, + " Check %s, an automatic machine for checking the weight of packaged commodities": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "weigher" + }, + " Matt Wade %s, artist (Little Jack)": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "bus mechanic" + }, + "His father Separamadu Milton, is a retired %s who worked out of the Galle depot": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "bus mechanic" + }, + "Upon completion of the program, students are qualified to take the state board exam to become a licensed %s or specialty technician": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "cosmetologist" + }, + " 2015 – Christine Valmy, Romanian %s and author (b": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "cosmetologist" + }, + " Carmen Vidal, Spanish %s and businesswoman (d": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "cosmetologist" + }, + "Midas Mulligan is a wealthy %s who mysteriously disappeared in protest after he was given": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "banker" + }, + "business knowledge, took a suspicious and aggressive stance towards the %s and eventually received his part in full": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "banker" + }, + "the Blues Brothers has been approved\" line delivered by a %s is an obvious homage to Daley's 1968 order": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "police dispatcher" + }, + "25-year veteran of the Canadian Forces who later became a %s, while Phyllis was a payroll clerk and actress": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "police dispatcher" + }, + "The titles \"clinical psychologist\", \"%s\", \"educational psychologist\", \"intern psychologist\", and \"trainee psychologist\" are similarly": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "counseling psychologist" + }, + "of some other helping professions: for example, licensure as a %s in the State of California requires 3,000 hours": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "counseling psychologist" + }, + "To become registered as a %s, one must meet the criteria for the area of practice endorsement": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "counseling psychologist" + }, + "Eisenhower administration, Rumsfeld served as %s to David S": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "administrative assistant" + }, + "When he was 16, he was promoted to air-%s, which required additional training and was seen as a": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "pump operator" + }, + "charge, who sat in the front passenger seat, a driver/%s, and four fire fighters seated on the crew bench": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "pump operator" + }, + "in charge of the emergency incident, safety officer or equipment/%s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "pump operator" + }, + "Lincoln angrily protested the %s's initial decision to exclude Cartwright's testimony about the confession": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "judge" + }, + "of holding Lincoln in contempt of court as expected, the %s, a Democrat, reversed his ruling and admitted the testimony": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "judge" + }, + "David Davis was Lincoln's campaign manager in 1860 and had served as a %s in the Illinois court circuit where Lincoln practiced": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "judge" + }, + "The daughter of a tram conductor and a %s, she was working as the Aga Khan's social secretary at the time of their marriage": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "dressmaker" + }, + "He was renting a room above a %s's shop on rue des Quatre Chapeaux; the Gestapo raided": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "dressmaker" + }, + "work for some roles, such as a mule driver, palm-%s, or well-digger": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "tree trimmer" + }, + "for the city's Public Works Department as a laborer and %s, then as an administrative assistant in the Environment": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "tree trimmer" + }, + "phone operator in Abbott, followed by a job as a %s for the local electric company, as well as": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "tree trimmer" + }, + " His father was also a %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "window trimmer" + }, + "In 1953, he worked briefly as a %s and frame maker before providing paste ups and": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "window trimmer" + }, + "The Harris brothers hired a %s and a dozen employees, and became the most stylish store in town": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "window trimmer" + }, + "He was a child prodigy who was educated by his father, a %s in Rouen": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "tax collector" + }, + "held various local offices, including justice of the peace and %s and served in the Vermont House of Representatives": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "tax collector" + }, + "no dig fence, truck box with alarm, digital peepholes, and %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "tool sharpener" + }, + "Jackson is married to Linda, a %s, and has three children – sons Garrett and": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "rehabilitation counselor" + }, + "Jarreau also worked as a %s in San Francisco, and moonlighted with a jazz": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "rehabilitation counselor" + }, + " She worked as a %s for blind and visually impaired clients at the": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "rehabilitation counselor" + }, + "For an alternating current arc %s, the welding electrode would not be considered an anode or cathode": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "welder" + }, + "Peltier worked as a %s, a construction worker, and as the co-owner of an auto shop in Seattle in his twenties": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "welder" + }, + "Lincoln served as New Salem's %s and later as county surveyor, but continued his voracious": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "postmaster" + }, + "who had lost his leg fighting on the battlefield to %s, Jackson stated, \"[i]f he lost his leg fighting for": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "postmaster" + }, + "His first appointee, John McLean, had been nominated in Barry's place after Barry had agreed to become %s general": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "postmaster" + }, + "1960 – Rosita Baltazar, Belizean choreographer, dancer, and %s (d": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "dance instructor" + }, + " Patsy Swayze, choreographer and %s, combined jazz and ballet, founded the Houston Jazz": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "dance instructor" + }, + "His first marriage, to %s Doreen Alderman, lasted from 1982 to 1990, although": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "dance instructor" + }, + "In Kentucky and Indiana, Thomas worked as a %s, cabinetmaker, and carpenter": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "farmer" + }, + "a group of farm animals who rebel against their human %s, hoping to create a society where the animals can": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "farmer" + }, + "by neglect at the hands of the irresponsible and alcoholic %s, Mr": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "farmer" + }, + "from the Arabic phrase for \"the lucky stars of the %s,\" a reference to ritual sacrifices performed by ancient Arabs": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "slaughterer" + }, + "the Jews in an unsympathetic manner, particularly on \"shohet\" (ritual %s)": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "slaughterer" + }, + "informed Lewis that he was going to become a ritual %s to present this type of Jewish religious functionary to": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "slaughterer" + }, + " Harry Strang as %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "explosives worker" + }, + "writing her newsletter and, after her initial objections, allowed a %s employed by her attorney to enroll her in": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "social worker" + }, + "Deltoid: A criminal rehabilitation %s assigned the task of keeping Alex on the straight and narrow": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "social worker" + }, + " 2014 – Barbara Prammer, Austrian %s and politician (b": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "social worker" + }, + "1894 – George Meany, American %s and labor leader (d": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "plumber" + }, + "1882 – George Jennings, English engineer and %s, invented the Flush toilet (b": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "plumber" + }, + "In the series finale, after failed relationships with rich men, Rebecca marries a %s and quits working for the bar": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "plumber" + }, + "Coleman, a fork-lift operator, and Edmonia Sue, a %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "nurse practitioner" + }, + "that he is in a relationship with Maria Ryan, a %s and hospital administrator whom his ex-wife Nathan has": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "nurse practitioner" + }, + "on the Baltic Sea, Kafka met Dora Diamant, a 25-year-old %s from an orthodox Jewish family": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "kindergarten teacher" + }, + "Road in the Shomron en route to work as a %s in the community of Ofra": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "kindergarten teacher" + }, + "Subsequently, she studied to be a %s in Leiden, but when the headmaster began to": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "kindergarten teacher" + }, + "Fuller earned a %s's certification, and knew how to use the press brake,": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "machinist" + }, + "Bruno Dressler asked Fernand Petzl, who worked as a metals %s, to build a rope-ascending tool, today known as the": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "machinist" + }, + "became the first major black character in her role as %s at Baldwin's Casuals": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "machinist" + }, + "Additionally, a %s ruling on the case in November 2007 has": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "magistrate judge" + }, + "On February 21, 2018, a federal %s recommended that the suit be dismissed with prejudice,": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "magistrate judge" + }, + "Federal %s David D": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "magistrate judge" + }, + "In 1951, Zhang became an apprentice %s at the age of 16": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "rebar worker" + }, + "extraction are all part of the required knowledge of a %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "materials engineer" + }, + " 1941 – Carolyn Hansson, Canadian %s ": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "materials engineer" + }, + "Elise McAbee, US Army %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "materials engineer" + }, + "A %s is a skilled tradesperson who works with concrete": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "concrete finisher" + }, + "United States, screeding is the process a person called a %s performs by cutting off excess wet concrete to": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "concrete finisher" + }, + "security guard at the gates of a private LA community, %s, camera operator for a video dating service, and": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "truck loader" + }, + "During his college years, Barr joined the Teamsters and worked as a %s at United Parcel Service": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "truck loader" + }, + "entering a Braniff jet and being greeted by a Braniff %s while espousing their like for flying Braniff": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "hostess" + }, + "1959 – Daniela Romo, Mexican singer, actress and TV %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "hostess" + }, + "The widower Jackson invited Rachel's niece Emily Donelson to serve as %s at the White House": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "hostess" + }, + "three, the most prominent was Lucius Volusius Maecianus, a former %s turned by Antoninus into a civil procurator, and": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "military officer" + }, + "an official courier system of relay stations overseen by a %s known as the praefectus vehiculorum": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "military officer" + }, + "1880 – Fethi Okyar, Turkish %s, diplomat and politician (d": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "military officer" + }, + "Schadt, %s Donald Clark and Town Supervisor Daniel Amatucci approved the festival permits": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "building inspector" + }, + "chief of police, fire chief, finance director / city clerk, %s, permits clerk, revenue director, director of golf, parks": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "building inspector" + }, + "land-use coordinator, zoning enforcement officer, inland wetlands enforcement officer, assessor, %s, and administrative staff, as well as a road": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "building inspector" + }, + "Among the businesses and professionals in Pfeffelbach are a %s, a locksmith, a kitchen studio, a plasterer's shop,": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "heating installer" + }, + "Before the start of the Yugoslav Wars, he worked as a central %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "heating installer" + }, + "in the mid-1960s criticised the image portrayed of a '%s' sent out to advise farmers on new advances in": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "farm advisor" + }, + "Santiago, Chile) is a mediator, author, and since 1981, a %s specializing in labor management for the University of": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "farm advisor" + }, + "Prior to his election, he worked a %s for the Fiji Sugar Corporation": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "farm advisor" + }, + "It was also %s to the first formally organized Mardi Gras parade in": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "host" + }, + "in the latter's bringing with him on his expedition a %s of zoologists, botanists, and researchers": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "host" + }, + "As with the two previous ceremonies, there was no %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "host" + }, + "He is currently fitness and %s with Ballymena": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "nutrition coach" + }, + "Jersey, serving as a role model, mentor, and fitness and %s to more than 80,000 kids throughout New Jersey": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "nutrition coach" + }, + " Rüdiger Emshoff, German oral and %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "maxillofacial surgeon" + }, + "After working with the renowned French oral and %s Hippolyte Morestin on skin graft, he persuaded the": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "maxillofacial surgeon" + }, + "Scott, an African-American %s at the University of Missouri, was arrested on allegations of raping a university professor's daughter": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "janitor" + }, + "but the only person able to do so was the %s, so she was instead relegated to co-leasing a studio": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "janitor" + }, + "During his artistic education, he worked part-time as a %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "janitor" + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/evals/ravel/ravel/data/base/wikipedia_physical_object_entity_prompts.json b/evals/ravel/ravel/data/base/wikipedia_physical_object_entity_prompts.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..57fca98 --- /dev/null +++ b/evals/ravel/ravel/data/base/wikipedia_physical_object_entity_prompts.json @@ -0,0 +1,3754 @@ +{ + "These early %ss, however, were likely": { + "split": "val", + "entity": null + }, + "True %s (Cinnamomum Verum) is not native to South America": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "cinnamon" + }, + "find it difficult to distinguish a Braeburn apple from a %s or red from green of traffic lights without": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Granny Smith" + }, + "in Inverurie on 5 April 1973, is a former professional %s player who represented first Scotland and then England in": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "squash" + }, + " in the 19th and 20th centuries allowed %s to diversify": { + "split": "val", + "entity": null + }, + "In Generation of Animals, he finds a fertilized hen's %s of a suitable stage and opens it to see": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "egg" + }, + "There are more than 500 types of %s. Different types are": { + "split": "val", + "entity": null + }, + "Nuts like %s and hickory tend to be revered as garnishes for": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "pecan" + }, + "of feral exotics, most visibly parrots such as the rose-ringed %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "parakeet" + }, + " Antennas used include short whip antennas, %s antennas, sleeve dipoles, patch antennas, and increasingly the": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "rubber ducky" + }, + "Level ice, ice sludge, %s ice, and rafter ice form in the more open regions": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "pancake" + }, + "with a shrine called Chinkasha (now known as ), meaning %s shrine, in an attempt to prevent the spread": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "fire extinguisher" + }, + "John Gross of The Sunday Telegraph calling it \"a clockwork %s\"": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "lemon" + }, + "as early as 4000 BCE in Egypt, and %s was used to": { + "split": "val", + "entity": null + }, + "are also typical dishes characterizing this region, which also include %s or potato pudding stuffed with meat": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "pumpkin" + }, + "%s is also an important cultural element": { + "split": "val", + "entity": null + }, + "New leaves typically expand by the unrolling of a tight spiral called a crozier or %s into fronds": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "fiddlehead" + }, + "goddess of Lycia () and who was identified with the %s ()": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "wolf" + }, + "Portable radios usually use whips or %s antennas, while base stations usually use larger fiberglass": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "rubber ducky" + }, + "In the north, some of the native flora includes Macchia scrub, %s trees, oaks, cedars and other conifers": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "olive" + }, + "1.7 million tons produced; and the 6th largest producer of %s in the world, with 230 thousand tons produced, in": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "kiwi" + }, + "for \"little people\" by the 20th century, such as goblin, %s, leprechaun and other instances of the household spirit type,": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "brownie" + }, + "paper-towel industry the European Tissue Symposium), use of a warm-air %s spread micro-organisms only up to 0.25 metres from": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "hand dryer" + }, + "the kernels from other species of genus Prunus, such as %s, peach and cherry (although to a lesser extent)": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "apricot" + }, + "Asphalt is also used to %s some alkaline batteries during the manufacturing process": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "seal" + }, + " Mascarene %s, Fulica newtonii (Mauritius and Réunion, Mascarenes, c": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "coot" + }, + "Foxes, wolves, otters, deer, wild sheep, %s and other big cats populate the mountain forest region": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "lynx" + }, + " 609 thousand tons of %s;": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "tomato" + }, + "of Ein Gedi, mentioned many times in the Mishna, produced %s for the temple's fragrance and for export, using a": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "persimmon" + }, + " A histogram of dog weights from a show might plausibly be rather complex, like the yellow-%s distribution shown in the illustrations": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "orange" + }, + "cows are enticed into the revolution by promises that their %s will not be stolen but can be used to": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "milk" + }, + "over 2,400 pairs of the red, white and blue baggy %s that she wore in their advertisements which prompted them": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "jeans" + }, + "Birds native to the area include the %s, wood thrush, eastern screech owl, mourning dove, pileated": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "northern cardinal" + }, + " Pyrisous, \"saved from the %s\", his first name, which seems to favour the tradition": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "fire" + }, + "For example, grass and %s apples are similar or agree in attribute, namely in having the attribute of greenness": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Granny Smith" + }, + "Tropical and sub-tropical rain%s areas have low albedo, and are much hotter than their": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "forest" + }, + "after the type genus Apium and commonly known as the %s, carrot or parsley family, or simply as umbellifers": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "celery" + }, + " Certain changes in the %s number system, e.g., 'five days' → , where": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "cardinal" + }, + " raising (found words such as bag, vague and %s), a prominent feature in western American speakers, is also": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "bagel" + }, + "Sapphire and %s are impure corundum contaminated with trace amounts of other metals": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "ruby" + }, + "While the %s is mostly carnivorous, and the giant panda feeds": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "polar bear" + }, + "Less common is the , which has a darker (%s) hi overlay that gives it the appearance of bunches of grapes": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "burgundy" + }, + "of the central Black Belt (named for its dark, productive %s) was built around large cotton plantations whose owners' wealth": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "soil" + }, + "by Mifune, and his fixation on the recovery of his %s, which was stolen by a penniless war veteran who": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "handgun" + }, + "wild species are the primary source of resistance traits; some %s cultivars that have gained resistance to at least 19": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "tomato" + }, + "Still fairly common are the bobcat, American beaver, %s, raccoon, Virginia opossum, rabbit, squirrel, red and gray foxes,": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "muskrat" + }, + "The priest (Rabbi) then removes a ring made of %s worn by the baptized and places it on their forehead": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "myrtle" + }, + "Northern California, claims to have smelled Bigfoot, stating, \"Imagine a %s that had rolled around in dead animals and had": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "skunk" + }, + "Variation in summer albedo across both %s types is associated with maximum rates of photosynthesis because": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "forest" + }, + " Order Salmoniformes Bleeker 1859 sensu Nelson 1994 (%s and trout)": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "salmon" + }, + "Other, less ubiquitous Cappisms include %s works and Lower Slobbovia": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "skunk" + }, + "Some restaurants serve the salad with %s oranges": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "mandarin" + }, + "Fruits and vegetables (apples, pears, tomatoes, various salads, peach, %s, potatoes), as well as rice and wheat are the": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "nectarine" + }, + " Ginger beef ()—tender beef cut in chunks, mixed with %s and Chinese mixed vegetables": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "ginger" + }, + "Thus, this grouping fails to explain the variation in the overall distribution (yellow-%s)": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "orange" + }, + " Columba palumboides, a wood-%s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "pigeon" + }, + "Waggle-dancing %s bees produce and release two alkanes, tricosane and pentacosane": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "honey" + }, + "exocarp, fleshy in other members of Prunus such as the %s and cherry, is instead a thick, leathery, grey-green coat": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "plum" + }, + "The fennec %s is the national animal of Algeria": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "fox" + }, + "Wonton strips—commonly served complimentary along with duck sauce and hot %s, or with soup when ordering take-out": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "mustard" + }, + "Alaska's %s herding is concentrated on Seward Peninsula, where wild caribou": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "reindeer" + }, + "pollen from Bt maize dusted onto milkweed could harm the %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "monarch butterfly" + }, + "Regarding the initial mission of finding %s, Pizarro reported to the king that they had found": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "cinnamon" + }, + " 355 thousand tons of %s;": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "cabbage" + }, + "Sinks may also have an integrated %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "soap dispenser" + }, + "Another kind of %s, called lerotse or lekatane, is also grown": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "melon" + }, + "in the cardinal, or most valuable, gemstones (along with diamond, %s, ruby, and emerald), but since the discovery of extensive": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "sapphire" + }, + " Andaman spiny %s (Crocidura hispida)": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "shrew" + }, + "In 1960, he had bought a drawing of a %s by Jasper Johns": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "light bulb" + }, + "arrived like the poblano pepper, rocoto pepper, ghost pepper, thai %s, and Korean pepper, the last three especially when": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "chili pepper" + }, + "between 1994 and 2004, including the California condor and Norfolk %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "parakeet" + }, + "suggestion, the CM was named Columbia after Columbiad, the giant %s that launched a spacecraft (also from Florida) in Jules": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "cannon" + }, + "children have for unconventional foods can lead to reduction in %s cortical thickness with this being greater in those on": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "bone" + }, + "They include a number of different forms from a wide range of families, including carrot, %s, parsley, cumin": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "parsnip" + }, + "the scientific name of the genus, the common name \"%s\" continues to be used differently": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "amaryllis" + }, + "In summertime in the Tian Shan Mountains, dholes eat large quantities of mountain %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "rhubarb" + }, + "Brownie's uncle made him a guitar from a tin %s box and a piece of board": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "marshmallow" + }, + "enjoyed a variety of mammals such as plains bison, eastern %s, North American cougar, bear, and deer, only the white-tailed": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "elk" + }, + "This sandwich is traditionally served with tomato and %s along with cucumber, onion, lettuce, mayonnaise, and mustard": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "watercress" + }, + "A side of spaetzle and %s would accompany sauerbraten or rouladen": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "red cabbage" + }, + "of spices in coconut milk and it is served with %s, rice vermicelli, hard-boiled eggs, cooked shredded chicken, fried": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "bean sprout" + }, + "The common hand %s is such a pump": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "soap dispenser" + }, + "Aerosols modify the properties of %ss through a subset of the aerosol population called cloud condensation nuclei": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "cloud" + }, + "The primary crops are potatoes, carrots, %s, and cabbage": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "lettuce" + }, + "My one idea when going into %s was to make runs for Australia.\" In the Headingley": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "bat" + }, + "to be returning to India and was carrying a single %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "sandal" + }, + "Australia imports the majority of its %s from China, due to how expensive the Australian": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "goji berries" + }, + "in mediation, bringing us a glimpse of the \"pavement of %s, like the very sky for purity\", which is a": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "sapphire" + }, + "The first ionisation energy of an element or %scule is the energy required to move the most loosely": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "mole" + }, + "The throatplate was of %s, possibly the backhead too": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "firebrick" + }, + "In geometry, a convex uniform %s is a uniform tessellation which fills three-dimensional Euclidean space": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "honeycomb" + }, + "Many Alaskans take advantage of %s seasons to harvest portions of their household diet while": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "salmon" + }, + "other princes of the Buddha's clan (, ), in the %s grove called Anupiya, part of Malla territory": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "mango" + }, + "equally a staple of nearly every tribe: generally speaking, deer, %s, and bison were staples as were rabbits and hare": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "elk" + }, + "use of heat generated by americium to illuminate a small %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "light bulb" + }, + " Beef & %s—flank steak cut into small pieces, stir fried with broccoli,": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "broccoli" + }, + "Asphalt was used also to %s the planks on ocean-going canoes": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "seal" + }, + "been recorded feeding on Acacia include brown-tail, Endoclita malabaricus and %s moth": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "turnip" + }, + " 3.5 million tons of %s (7th largest producer in the world, or the 10th": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "banana" + }, + " 154 thousand tons of %s;": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "peanut" + }, + "Their traditional cuisine consists of the flesh of bear, %s, wolf, badger, ox, or horse, as well as fish,": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "fox" + }, + "3 engine to shut down with its %s activating": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "fire extinguisher" + }, + "In the Middle Ages, Arcturus was considered a Behenian fixed star and attributed to the stone Jasper and the %s herb": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "plantain" + }, + "Sauroctunos, “%s killer”, possibly a reference to his killing of Python": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "lizard" + }, + "refers to the metal whose oxide forms the basis of %s as to aluminium.) A January 1811 summary of one": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "sapphire" + }, + " Underwater %s, a similar North American creature of legend": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "panther" + }, + "A second exploration in 1840 showed that the construction of a %s had destroyed all traces of this temple": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "lighthouse" + }, + "Krofne, similar to Berliner doughnuts, are filled with jam, or %s and often eaten during cold winter months": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "chocolate" + }, + "The word %s and its close relatives are found in most of the Germanic languages; its ultimate origin is unknown": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "dill" + }, + "In all of these environments perennial crops are grown (coffee, %s) and systems are practiced such as agroforestry": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "chocolate" + }, + " A species of %s, Anolis achilles, which has widened heel plates, is named for Achilles": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "lizard" + }, + "a gunpowder explosion, and once fell onto a hot cast-iron %s, burning his side": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "frying pan" + }, + "Accompanying these staples are native fruits and vegetables as well as dairy products such as milk, %s and whey": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "yogurt" + }, + " The %s was invented by Bertha Palmer for the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "brownie" + }, + "Brussels is known as the birthplace of the Belgian %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "endive" + }, + " An example of a mechanical device which is bistable is a %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "light switch" + }, + "Gelu di Muluni – Sicilian dessert of ground %s cooked with starch and sugar then cooled to": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "watermelon flesh" + }, + "Today, the New York-style hot dog with sauerkraut, %s, and the optional cucumber pickle relish is such a": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "mustard" + }, + "By 1940, of land in California were dedicated to %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "boysenberries" + }, + "After the child was born, Apollo sent snakes to feed the child some %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "honey" + }, + "As it hung there empty, a swarm of bees entered it and filled it with %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "honeycomb" + }, + "During the spring months, pies would be made of %s and strawberry; in summer peach, cherry, blackberry, blueberry, elderberry": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "rhubarb" + }, + "later believed to be a natural cross between a '%s' and 'Comice' pear": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Bosc pear" + }, + "manipulated manually in puppetry, automata, shadow play, and the magic %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "lantern" + }, + "at the sky using nothing more than their eyes or %s, but more dedicated amateurs often use portable telescopes or": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "binoculars" + }, + "at mom and pop stands, available in citrus, watermelon, and %s flavors; the California version usually served chilled without grain": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "strawberry" + }, + "\"a place where flint is found,\" while \"Weenusk\" means \"%s.\" The community, being primarily Swampy Cree, speaks the": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "ground hog" + }, + "carrot, sausage, \"cardo\" which is the Italian word for Swiss %s, parsley, and white wine in a base of capon": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "chard" + }, + "Some make tarts with them as with %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "gooseberries" + }, + "Living bridges have been constructed of live plants such as Ficus elastica tree roots in India and %s vines in Japan": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "wisteria" + }, + "to create meadows and bogs that would attract animals like %s and deer, but also encourage the growth of plants": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "moose" + }, + "head of state, rather than a physicist, which included a %s salute upon arriving at the home of the British": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "cannon" + }, + "retinodes as cut flowers and the common name there for them is %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "mimosa" + }, + "widely cultivated elsewhere for its curiosity value, both as a %s in temperate areas, and outdoors in the tropics": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "houseplant" + }, + "Before leaving, he buried his %s, shield, and sword under a huge rock and told": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "sandal" + }, + "This model is sometimes known as the %s pudding model": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "plum" + }, + "The TCDD Open Air Steam Locomotive Museum is an open-air museum which traces the history of %s locomotives": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "steam" + }, + "imaging celestial objects in the sky using the unaided eye, %s, or telescopes": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "binoculars" + }, + "He could throw a playing card into a %s (which he referred to as the \"thick, pachydermatous": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "watermelon rind" + }, + " Element Skateboards, a %s manufacturer": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "skateboard" + }, + "least fifty-eight bats, three primates, seven edentates, two rabbits, one %s, three species of squirrels, one species of spiny": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "ground hog" + }, + "In 1991, four teenage girls were murdered in a %s shop by an unknown assailant(s)": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "yogurt" + }, + "common bean, Phaseolus vulgaris, is epigeal, while the closely related %s, Phaseolus coccineus, is hypogeal": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "runner bean" + }, + "The rose and %s flowers were both sacred to Aphrodite": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "myrtle" + }, + "licky pasty contained mostly leeks, and the herb pasty contained %s, parsley, and shallots": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "watercress" + }, + "rather than custard as the filling, pralines nearly always use %s and not almonds, and bananas foster came about when": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "pecan" + }, + "forests of drooping and crumbling firs and larches hung with %s, and often dramatic colouring from a rising or setting": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "moss" + }, + "of the Chicago-style hot dog frown upon the use of %s as a garnish, but may prefer to add giardiniera": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "ketchup" + }, + "France for market gardens and is a major producer of %s, leeks, radishes and carrots": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "corn salad" + }, + "the \"city of gold\" and La Canela, the \"valley of %s\"": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "cinnamon" + }, + "When Flay stood on his %s at the end of the battle, Morimoto declared": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "cutting board" + }, + "She has been wearing the %s suit for a record of 12 days so far": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "brussels sprout" + }, + "such as fiddleheads or young pushki (Heracleum maximum, or cow %s)": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "parsnip" + }, + "disease, leukemia, and other cancers, were derived from the Madagascar %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "periwinkle" + }, + "bee-eaters, the parrots and kingfishers, as well as the larger %s-eaters, are noted for the brilliance of their feathers": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "plantain" + }, + "But he metamorphosed Periphas into an %s and made the eagle the king of birds": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "eagle" + }, + "A variety of %s, which was created by Portuguese Jesuits in Goa via grafting techniques, was named in his honour": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "mango" + }, + "to ricochet off much as if one were on a %s, often in follow-the-leader style": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "skateboard" + }, + "Cardinalis, genus of cardinal in the family CardinalidaeCardinalis cardinalis, or %s, the common cardinal of eastern North America": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "northern cardinal" + }, + " Arsenic is added in small quantities to alpha-%s to make it dezincification-resistant": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "brass" + }, + "its body long,\" though a \"tramp\" suggested it was a %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "muskrat" + }, + "City of Aberdeen Swim Team (COAST) was based in Northfield %s, but since the opening of the Aberdeen Aquatics": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "swimming pool" + }, + " to understand how a particular type of %s forms. There are three general modes": { + "split": "test", + "entity": null + }, + "Tom Wilson, a simulator instructor, suggested an %s branch in its beak to represent their peaceful mission": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "olive" + }, + "While a common-sense understanding of the meaning of %s is widespread, several": { + "split": "test", + "entity": null + }, + "Eindhoven houses Europe's largest indoor %s park Area 51 (skatepark) and is home of a": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "skateboard" + }, + "People have used %s to help catch": { + "split": "test", + "entity": null + }, + "Otherwise, %s is the traditional meat for different holidays and religious": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "lamb" + }, + "After his first public lecture, he met the emperor and empress at the Imperial Palace, where thousands came to %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "watch" + }, + "former employer, the Washington Redskins, who at the time wore %s pants with their white jerseys (the Redskins later returned": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "burgundy" + }, + "Nefelejcs (%s)": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "forget me not" + }, + "1 engine was shut down and its %s was activated": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "fire extinguisher" + }, + "These %ses may have school bus yellow livery and crossing guards": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "school bus" + }, + "the northern altar wall in the Altstädter Trinity Church, a %s and the equestrian statue of Saint Martin, which": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "measuring cup" + }, + " ANIMAL (computer %s), an early self-replicating computer program": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "worm" + }, + "In enclosed tissues, calcium deficiency can cause celery black heart and \"brown heart\" in greens like %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "escarole" + }, + "Natural fibers include cotton, wool, hemp, silk and %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "flax" + }, + "season is short but the working days are long for %sbees to produce honey from clover and fireweed": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "honey" + }, + " Sangria lemonade (light rum, white wine, raspberries, orange, %s apple, lemonade)": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Granny Smith" + }, + " and it forms all or part of the %s. Inside": { + "split": "test", + "entity": null + }, + "Carrot, %s and parsley are true biennials that are usually grown": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "celery" + }, + "He did so because a black %s looked greenish in artificial light, while a dark blue tuxedo looked blacker than black itself": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "tuxedo" + }, + "Consequently, every %s has an initial ordinal": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "cardinal" + }, + "have shown that %s were first brought to Europe": { + "split": "test", + "entity": null + }, + "In the case of animals, this agency is a combination of how it develops from the %s, and how its body functions": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "egg" + }, + "includes pickle relish, yellow mustard, pickled sport peppers, tomato wedges, %s pickle spear and topped off with celery salt on": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "dill" + }, + "small present from Slayton in the food locker: a real %s dinner with stuffing, in the same kind of pack": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "turkey" + }, + "would have likely chosen Columbiad, the name of the giant %s that launches a space vehicle in Jules Verne's 1865": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "cannon" + }, + "The most widely used example is the %s antenna": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "rubber ducky" + }, + "birthplace and world's largest producer of maple syrup, The Montreal-style %s and Montreal-style smoked meat are both food items originally": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "bagel" + }, + "Certain natural food stores sell \"bitter almonds\" or \"%s kernels\" labeled as such, requiring significant caution by consumers for": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "apricot" + }, + " 104 thousand tons of %s (12th largest world producer);;": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "apricot" + }, + "This grade of %s is used in plumbing fittings and other wet environments": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "brass" + }, + "Haliotis %s (or blackfoot paua) is the ubiquitous New Zealand paua,": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "iris" + }, + "Rachel arrives at Central Perk, wearing her %s, after leaving her fiancé, Barry, an orthodontist, at": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "wedding dress" + }, + "Battle in Japan, where, at battle's end, he tossed the %s off the counter before climbing on it, so": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "cutting board" + }, + "word to him, saying, 'so shall we hunt the red %s-cub from his lairs": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "fox" + }, + "Within Alabama, %s, particularly at the college level at schools such": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "American football" + }, + "one that completely dissociates in water; in other words, one %s of a strong acid HA dissolves in water yielding": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "mole" + }, + "These words might be better regarded as a peculiar manifestation of %s-phonemic adaptation of a foreign lexical item": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "morpho" + }, + "case against Thomas Mone where it was alleged that a %s was eaten for Easter dinner when eating meat was": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "piglet" + }, + "American states have also adopted laws regarding motorist conduct around %ses, including large fines and possibly prison for passing": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "school bus" + }, + "certain animals, the beaver, the otter, the duck and the %s dive in the waters to fetch mud to construct": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "muskrat" + }, + "Game birds include bobwhite quail, duck, wild %s, and goose": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "turkey" + }, + "whether the pool is new or altered, or whether the %s was in existence before the effective date of": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "swimming pool" + }, + "eaten, along with fruits such as mangoes, oranges, avocados, bananas, %s fruit, and pineapples": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "kiwi" + }, + "Thackeray declared himself to be the \"%s\" chief minister": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "remote control" + }, + "than a year after the demonstration of his prototype eight-panel %s lens ": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "lighthouse" + }, + "throughout the nation but with little international appeal, such as %s butter (a core ingredient of the peanut butter and": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "peanut" + }, + "A small forge can even be carved out of a single soft %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "firebrick" + }, + "Precious forms of beryl are %s, red beryl and emerald": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "aquamarine" + }, + "One of them owned a movie theater and allowed her to %s dozens of films free of charge": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "watch" + }, + "Alkanes will react with %s in the presence of a nickel catalyst to give hydrogen": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "steam" + }, + "Moss agate, as the name suggests, exhibits a %s-like pattern and is of a greenish colour": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "moss" + }, + "Tommy Jean ads, which depicted her in boxer shorts, baggy %s and a tube top": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "jeans" + }, + "As of the early 2000s, fresh %s were generally only grown for market by smaller California": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "boysenberries" + }, + "Citric acid is present in oranges, %s and other citrus fruits": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "lemon" + }, + "Art critic Robert Hughes called him \"the white %s of Union Square\"": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "mole" + }, + "The domesticated %s is a hybrid of a Chilean and a North American species, developed by breeding in Europe and North America": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "strawberry" + }, + " Order Centrarchiformes Bleeker 1859 (Sunfishes and %s fishes)": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "mandarin" + }, + "Hunting for subsistence, primarily caribou, %s, and Dall sheep is still common in the state, particularly in remote Bush communities": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "moose" + }, + " Austin, a %s Beanie Baby produced by Ty, Inc": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "kangaroo" + }, + "Persian letters and , as in \"%s\"; \"truffle\"": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "plum" + }, + "As a result, the year's %s crop from Minnesota never reaches the rest of the": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "wheat" + }, + "the hand, causing Charlie to crash the car into a %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "fire hydrant" + }, + "Impurities in Al2O3, such as chromium and iron, yield the gemstones %s and sapphire, respectively": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "ruby" + }, + " A %s, a covering for a window": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "window blind" + }, + "was the homeland of the American bison, also known as %s, with its grasses providing pasture and breeding ground for": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "buffalo" + }, + "To keep the %s in sync with the reference clock, each week": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "wall clock" + }, + "Jeremy Black, co-founder of the %s-based company Sambazon": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "acai" + }, + "The CPC 464 featured 64 KB RAM and an internal %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "cassette deck" + }, + "something like a made from thin toothpick slices of %s and carrot": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "daikon" + }, + " Radicchio e pancetta – raw or cooked %s salad with pancetta": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "radicchio" + }, + "subsisted, were once found in considerable numbers, but the domestic %s population has collapsed dramatically since the reorganization and privatization": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "reindeer" + }, + "Former Governor Rick Perry referred to it as a \"%s in the tomato soup,\" meaning it is a Democratic city in a Republican state": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "blueberry" + }, + "coarse grain, many varieties of pulses, oil seeds, sugarcane, cotton, %s, mango nuts and tobacco": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "chili pepper" + }, + "looking at the night sky with the naked eye, using %s, and using a variety of optical telescopes of varying": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "binoculars" + }, + "early 1821 (perhaps because he was too busy working on %s-lens prototypes; see below)": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "lighthouse" + }, + "1813, Brewster observed the simple concentric pattern in \"beryl, emerald, %s &c.\" The same pattern was later observed in calcite": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "ruby" + }, + "export product (excluding oil and natural gas) is seafood, primarily %s, cod, Pollock and crab": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "salmon" + }, + "pierogi, the sausage is served on a long roll with %s like a hot dog or as a Maxwell Street": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "mustard" + }, + "colonizing nations also added to the American vocabulary; for instance, %s, from Dutch; kindergarten from German, levee from French; and": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "cookie" + }, + "Several plants, including broomweed, %s cabbage, poison hemlock, and tree tobacco, are known to": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "skunk" + }, + "school days and business partners in various endeavors, including a %s stand, an air charter service, and a sailing business": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "hamburger" + }, + "poisonous species, including poison hemlock, water hemlock, spotted cowbane, fool's %s, and various species of water dropwort": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "parsley" + }, + "serving a whole poached one chilled for feasts with a %s sauce, or, on cold winter nights, serving haddock baked": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "dill" + }, + "Examples of these organisms include %s plants, Hazel trees, the Pando trees, the Kentucky coffeetree,": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "blueberry" + }, + "In March 1830, fearing another %s sickness outbreak, several members of the extended Lincoln family,": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "milk" + }, + "The dish originated with the Native American Muscogee tribe using a corn similar to %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "hominy" + }, + "In this piece the \"audience\" rides a %s through a virtual images of Manhattan, Amsterdam, and Karlsrule": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "stationary bicycle" + }, + "Sir George Young, to take advantage of that island's native %s (harakeke) and timber for naval purposes": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "flax" + }, + "Spices and other herbs such as basil, %s, mint, oregano, rosemary, and thyme are widely used, as": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "lavender" + }, + "food chain, occupying the ecological position currently held by the %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "crocodile" + }, + "freesia, gladiolus, %s, orchids), and as garden ornamentals (e.g": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "iris" + }, + "Moose, mule deer, %s, and white-tailed deer are found in the wooded regions,": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "elk" + }, + "The Upper Midwest has morel mushrooms, strawberries, blackcaps, %s and blackberries": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "gooseberries" + }, + "Among cultivated plants are %s and camellia": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "wisteria" + }, + " Vertical blinds, a type of %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "window blind" + }, + "Fillings include %s, jam, and icing": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "marshmallow" + }, + "They amplify any and all sound waves through use of a %s, amplifier, and speaker": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "microphone" + }, + "the plant expanded its activities, bringing in figs, pimientos and %s from the San Joaquin Valley for processing": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "watermelon rind" + }, + "The physical movement of image parts through simple mechanics—for instance moving images in magic %s shows—can also be considered animation": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "lantern" + }, + "The %s was probably domesticated in Mexico or the American Southwest": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "turkey" + }, + "\"Howl\", wrote a letter to Ginsberg on a sheet of %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "toilet paper" + }, + "Numerous fans had derisively called the previous version a \"%s\"": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "parakeet" + }, + "This vibrates and sound is transmitted through a single %s, the stapes, to the inner ear": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "bone" + }, + "Apatosaurus (; meaning \"deceptive %s\") is a genus of herbivorous sauropod dinosaur that lived": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "lizard" + }, + "is cappellacci di zucca, special ravioli with a filling of %s, Parmigiano-Reggiano and flavored with nutmeg": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "butternut squash" + }, + "boy in ambrosia and put him on top of a %s in order to burn away the mortal parts of": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "fire" + }, + "The blue %s was once a German national symbol": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "cornflower" + }, + "Working animals, including horses, mules, oxen, water %s, camels, llamas, alpacas, donkeys, and dogs, have for centuries": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "buffalo" + }, + "synthetic indigo was produced, often for the production of blue %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "jeans" + }, + "After his crew returned to Russia with sea %s pelts judged to be the finest fur in the": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "otter" + }, + "He was bound to a rock, where each day an %s was sent to eat Prometheus' liver, which would then": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "eagle" + }, + "Sinister a book meant to resemble it is used as %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "toilet paper" + }, + "Algeria also has a small African %s and Saharan cheetah population, but these are seldom seen": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "leopard" + }, + "that a digital clock is more accurate than an analog %s, but the indicator type is separate and apart": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "wall clock" + }, + "It even exists in the simple %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "light switch" + }, + "and Bertram kept a variety of small pets—mice, rabbits, a %s and some bats, along with collections of butterflies and": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "hedgehog" + }, + "This resin producing quality is unique to Philodendron and %s, as other genera of Araceae do not produce it": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Monstera" + }, + "the Americas, crops domesticated in Mesoamerica (apart from teosinte) include %s, beans, and cacao": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "squash" + }, + "GM %s varieties include \"Attribute\", the brand name for insect-resistant": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "sweet corn" + }, + "Coca was domesticated in the Andes, as were the %s, tomato, tobacco, and pineapple": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "peanut" + }, + "The modern %s was developed by Charles Leggett in Stow in 1944": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "butternut squash" + }, + "Along with creating more seats, the new corners had %s-type constructions, which allowed air to flow through in": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "window blind" + }, + "Under this definition, well-known members include carrots, %s, parsley, and Hedera helix (English ivy)": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "celery" + }, + "This included production of a small but sturdy 125 cc %s and a DKW delivery van, the DKW F89 L": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "motorcycle" + }, + " 89 thousand tons of %s;": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "cabbage" + }, + "While shopping for a gift, he runs into her and helps select a %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "wedding dress" + }, + "of traditional Japanese foods such as kinpira, hijiki, and kiriboshi %s usually involve stir-frying in oil before stewing in soy": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "daikon" + }, + "as a syllabic consonant (as in the English words \"%s bottle bottom button\")": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "butter" + }, + "St Albans, an abandoned mental facility in Worthing, and a %s shop in Muswell Hill, north London": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "wedding dress" + }, + " Fortune %s—invented in California as a Westernized version of the Japanese": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "cookie" + }, + "and romaine lettuce, other forms of bitter lettuce, such as %s, may be eaten in fulfillment of the mitzvah, as": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "endive" + }, + "In the wake of those claims, dried and fresh %s were included in many snack foods and food": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "goji berries" + }, + "In 2007 Belize became the world's third largest exporter of %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "papaya" + }, + "foliosum include endive, %s, radichetta, Belgian endive, French endive, red endive, sugarloaf, and": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "radicchio" + }, + "After some discussion, the %s branch was moved to the talons": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "olive" + }, + "beings like Puck, hobgoblins, Robin Goodfellow, the English and Scots %s, and the Northumbrian English hob": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "brownie" + }, + "Another way of making bogobe is to add sour milk and a cooking %s (lerotse)": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "melon" + }, + "The %s population was decimated during early settlement, but since then,": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "buffalo" + }, + "one result of which is that the common name \"%s\" is mainly used for cultivars of the genus Hippeastrum, widely": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "amaryllis" + }, + "based on their recipe for apfelkraut, and later they introduced %s and rye": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "red cabbage" + }, + "for Spanish names such as %s and manzanilla over coriander and camomile respectively": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "cilantro" + }, + "with a calibrated %s) or geometrically from known dimensions": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "measuring cup" + }, + "Consistent with the three modes of %s development, scientists have": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + " made additional types of %s possible.": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "meaning \"%s\", itself a compound": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "Examples are cloud, human body, banana, billiard ball, table, %s. This is contrasted": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "However, the most kept ones are %s. There is a tension between": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "literally called \"strange %s\"": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "%s is the only member": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "the Greek word for both \"%s\"": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "derived from %s originally introduced by the Spanish. Organizations": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "In some %s, the extent to which the structure develops": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "The superfamily Alligatoroidea is thought to have split from the %s-gharial lineage in the late Cretaceous, about 87 million years": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "crocodile" + }, + "few modern birds that exhibit slow growth is the flightless %s, and the authors speculated that Archaeopteryx and the kiwi": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "kiwi" + }, + "Ya pears taste similar to a mild %s, but are crisp, with a higher water content and lower sugar content": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "Bosc pear" + }, + "The Wet Nurse (Tony) is a young bureaucrat sent by the government to %s over Rearden's mills": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "watch" + }, + "He switched to the guitar after he saw a classmate playing and singing on the %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "school bus" + }, + "The personnel decontamination system is equipped with sanitiser and %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "soap dispenser" + }, + "Hygrophila difformis (Water %s)": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "wisteria" + }, + "other Asian countries, where it is often kept as a %s and given as a gift during the Lunar New": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "houseplant" + }, + "walks onto a field near the school to plant Léon's %s, as she had told Léon, to \"give it roots\"": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "houseplant" + }, + "There were fifteen tailors, seven smiths, four carpenters, twelve %s-drivers and fifteen tanners": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "camel" + }, + "Locally, the relatives of the %s, the llama, and the alpaca continue to carry out": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "camel" + }, + "dry distillation of nitrogenous vegetable and animal waste products, including %s dung, where it was distilled by the reduction of": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "camel" + }, + "design prominently features an integrated storage device, either a compact %s or 3 inch floppy disk drive": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "cassette deck" + }, + "A %s, for example, might be fast by a few seconds per hour compared to the reference clock at NIST": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "wall clock" + }, + " The magic %s used mechanical slides to project moving images, probably since": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "lantern" + }, + "2007 – Johnson Space Center shooting: William Phillips with a %s barricades himself in NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston,": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "handgun" + }, + "Salty version consists of preserved %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "radish" + }, + "of the signs for English words such as \"birthday\", \"%s\", \"Halloween\", \"early\", and \"soon\", just a sample of the most": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "pizza" + }, + "In California, abalone meat can be found on %s, sautéed with caramelized mango, or in steak form dusted": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "pizza" + }, + "bun called a \"mastel\" (plural \"mastellen\"), which is basically a %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "bagel" + }, + "(pronounced or ), known commonly as %s, acacia, thorntree or wattle, is a polyphyletic genus of": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "mimosa" + }, + "and bright yellow flowers; it is erroneously known as \"%s\" in some areas where it is cultivated, through confusion with": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "mimosa" + }, + "for example, the words for \"potato\", \"%s\", and \"Brussels sprouts\"": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "tomato" + }, + "species, including nearly all the species of shrew, mole and %s found in Europe": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "hedgehog" + }, + "example of bistability in biological systems is that of Sonic %s (Shh), a secreted signaling molecule, which plays a critical": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "hedgehog" + }, + "Gates devised an algorithm for %s sorting as a solution to one of a series": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "pancake" + }, + "The large circular key, otherwise known as the \"%s key\", is held down for all the lowest notes from E2 down to B1": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "pancake" + }, + "The Bengal tiger, clouded leopard, saltwater crocodile, black %s and fishing cat are among the chief predators in": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "panther" + }, + " 108 thousand tons of %s;": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "cabbage" + }, + "Red and white carnation, blue %s, and rosebud have all been popular at times": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "cornflower" + }, + "For example, septic safe %s is recommended": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "toilet paper" + }, + "to individualism and Pierre-Joseph Proudhon's theory of mutualism found fertile %s in France": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "soil" + }, + "melted area reveals surfaces with lower albedo, such as grass, %s, or ocean, the effect is reversed: the darkening surface": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "soil" + }, + "White-%s, black-sky, and blue-sky albedo": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "sky" + }, + "that solar zenith angle, , sometimes referred to as black-%s albedo, and": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "sky" + }, + " the bi-hemispherical reflectance, , sometimes referred to as white-%s albedo": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "sky" + }, + "Slurry %s is a mixture of asphalt emulsion and fine crushed aggregate that is spread on the surface of a road": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "seal" + }, + "Rio Bravo, apparently a Western – everyone wears a %s – is a comedy conversation piece": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "cowboy hat" + }, + "tower in Paris, Tennessee, the city placed a giant red %s atop its tower": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "cowboy hat" + }, + "such as custard creams, Jammie Dodgers, Bourbons and Oreos, with %s or jam filling and sometimes dipped in chocolate or": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "marshmallow" + }, + "Smoothies are a common breakfast item made with fresh fruit juice, %s, and crushed ice": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "yogurt" + }, + "Amsterdam holds two %s franchises: the Amsterdam Crusaders and the Amsterdam Panthers": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "American football" + }, + "The pomelo (), %s (), or in scientific terms Citrus maxima or Citrus": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "pummelo" + }, + "In English, the word \"pomelo\" (also spelled pomello, %s, pommelo, pumelo) has become the more common name, although": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "pummelo" + }, + "containing a variety of quick-growing plants, such as lettuce and %s, or even quick-sprouting grains such as wheat and barley": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "fennel" + }, + "Curtiss, a %s manufacturer at the time and who held the title": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "motorcycle" + }, + " 2014 – Massimo Tamburini, Italian %s designer, co-founded Bimota (b": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "motorcycle" + }, + "As herds of domestic %s have declined, herds of wild caribou have increased": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "reindeer" + }, + "meat of roe deer usually served with red cabbage, %s and lingonberry sauce": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "brussels sprout" + }, + "While in 2006 he was wearing the %s suit for being the leader in the Six": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "brussels sprout" + }, + "are steamed and mashed with light seasoning of salt, red %s, and cumin": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "chili pepper" + }, + "around production and refinement of agricultural products, especially oil and %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "butter" + }, + "The %s unit on his chest kept him from seeing his feet": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "remote control" + }, + "Notable gemstones high in beryllium include beryl (%s, emerald) and chrysoberyl": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "aquamarine" + }, + "agate and one of the main producers of tourmaline, emerald, %s and garnet": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "aquamarine" + }, + "is now the state of Maine would stalk and hunt %s, whereas their Southern counterparts, like the Choctaw or Catawba,": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "moose" + }, + "white moth is as conspicuous at dusk as a coloured %s in the daylight\", it seemed likely that the conspicuous": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "caterpillar" + }, + "It utilized %s tracks to cross ground broken up by shellfire and trenches": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "caterpillar" + }, + "first British heavy tanks of World War I moved on %s tracks that had substantially lower ground pressure than wheeled": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "caterpillar" + }, + "lettuces, spinach, %s, cucumber)": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "chard" + }, + "In 1879, the Bell company acquired Edison's patents for the carbon %s from Western Union": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "microphone" + }, + " 160 thousand tons of %s (5th largest world producer);": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "persimmon" + }, + "used included ebony, biwa, and sunuke in Japan, and hickory, %s, ironwood, and walnut for trees native to the Americas": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "persimmon" + }, + "a potential predator such as the North American northern short-tailed %s (Blarina brevicauda)": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "shrew" + }, + " Andaman %s (Crocidura andamanensis)": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "shrew" + }, + "The Amazon and its tributaries are the main habitat of the giant %s (Pteronura brasiliensis)": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "otter" + }, + "His name literally means \"Water Thorny\" and was also applied to the %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "otter" + }, + "The film Eat consists of a man eating a %s for 45 minutes": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "mushroom" + }, + "and a secluded spot for courting couples, decorated with a %s-shaped fireplace": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "mushroom" + }, + "similar to those he saw in insects like the silk %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "worm" + }, + "Vinca alkaloids are derived from the Madagascar %s, Catharanthus roseus, formerly known as Vinca rosea": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "periwinkle" + }, + " Plantation of banyan trees and %s groves, and construction of resthouses and wells, every along the roads": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "mango" + }, + "locusta (%s, lamb's lettuce)": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "corn salad" + }, + "of the edible salad green Valerianella locusta, also known as %s and lamb's lettuce": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "corn salad" + }, + "Bihun kari, rice vermicelli mixed with curry, served with mung %s, fried tofu and red chilli ": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "bean sprout" + }, + "to a general's dalliance is metaphorised as a container, a %s that cannot hold the liquid of Antony's grand": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "measuring cup" + }, + " 37 thousand tons of %s;": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "tangerine" + }, + "cuisines also contain dried Chinese mushrooms, dried baby shrimp, dried %s peel, and dried Sichuan chillies": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "tangerine" + }, + "Widespread concerns over toxicity in non-target lepidopterans, such as the %s, have been disproved through proper exposure characterization, where": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "monarch butterfly" + }, + "The most publicised problem associated with Bt crops is the claim that pollen from Bt maize could kill the %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "monarch butterfly" + }, + "be counterbalanced by the use of bitter foods, such as %s and endive, or with cooking methods that involve charring": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "radicchio" + }, + "the major economically important group is the Grossulariaceae (currants and %s), particularly blackcurrant": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "gooseberries" + }, + "Common names include %s (, , or ), pineapple guava and guavasteen, although it is not a true guava": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "feijoa" + }, + "honors Friedrich Sellow, a German who first collected specimens of %s in southern Brazil": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "feijoa" + }, + "that are dipped in batter, deep fried, and seasoned with %s, garlic, sesame oil, scallions, and hot chili peppers": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "ginger" + }, + "which supplies subscribers with the prepared organic frozen smoothie and %s bowl ingredients": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "acai" + }, + "Soybeans, %s, Japanese persimmon, thai basil, Napa cabbage, nori, mandarin": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "bok choy" + }, + "In recent years, there has been an uptick in saffron production, which authorities and farmers trying to replace %s cultivation": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "poppy" + }, + "Its birth flower is the gladiolus or %s, meaning beauty, strength of character, love, marriage and family": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "poppy" + }, + "other members of the heather family, as well as gooseberries, %s and elderberries": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "goji berries" + }, + " Radicchio rosso di Treviso resembles a large red Belgian %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "endive" + }, + "Dezincification of %s (a copper-zinc alloy) is greatly reduced by the addition of arsenic": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "brass" + }, + "1960s, the state's economy shifted away from its traditional lumber, %s, and textile industries because of increased foreign competition": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "steel" + }, + "banking, and various heavy industries, including automobile manufacturing, mineral extraction, %s production and fabrication": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "steel" + }, + "two lines: \"Eat well to keep fit, missing you and %s\"": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "forget me not" + }, + "the canine and feline families include coyotes, red foxes, Canada %s, and bobcats": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "lynx" + }, + "two of the most endangered species of the country, the %s and brown bear, as well as the wildcat, grey": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "lynx" + }, + "Kimchi refers to often fermented vegetable dishes usually made with %s cabbage, Korean radish, or sometimes cucumber": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "napa" + }, + "A related species, Brassica rapa, is commonly named Chinese, %s or celery cabbage, and has many of the same uses": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "napa" + }, + "a series of \"grocery carton\" works that also included Heinz %s and Campbell's tomato juice cases": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "ketchup" + }, + "Winter squashes like %s and butternut squashes have been a staple for generations": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "pumpkin" + }, + "At that time, the %s also established itself as a symbol of alpinists and mountaineers": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "edelweiss" + }, + "orchid, mountain juniper, silver fir, black cranberry and the Abruzzo %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "edelweiss" + }, + "In the Victorian Language of Flowers (see Plant symbolism), %s means \"pride, determination and radiant beauty\"": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "amaryllis" + }, + "On October 5, 1818, Nancy Lincoln succumbed to %s sickness, leaving 11-year-old Sarah in charge of a household": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "milk" + }, + "the heat source, such as a sauté pan, sauce pot, %s, or pressure cooker": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "frying pan" + }, + "At times, Basil beats Manuel with a %s and smacks his forehead with a spoon": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "frying pan" + }, + "he was the main character in the 1961 sword and %s film Guerra di Troia (The Trojan War)": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "sandal" + }, + "seeds of Phaseolus, such as the common bean and the %s, and the related genus Vigna": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "runner bean" + }, + "Groupers and %s are overfished and northern brown shrimp and American cupped": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "snappers" + }, + "important breeding grounds for many fish, with species such as %s, halfbeaks, and tarpon spawning or maturing among them": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "snappers" + }, + "the ads; one ad featured \"Clag-Gone\", which consisted of a %s with no seat": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "stationary bicycle" + }, + "Agriculture, such as that involving the %s made famous by Buena Park native Walter Knott, began": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "boysenberries" + }, + "populate the steppe plains of the south and west, while %s and cheetahs exist in the semi-desert south": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "mongoose" + }, + "rapidly to extinction following the introduction of the small Asian %s to Jamaica in 1872": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "mongoose" + }, + "coast, which are covered with tea plantations, orange groves, and %s groves; numerous mud volcanoes and mineral springs in the": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "lemon" + }, + "1969 – At a %s crossing in London, photographer Iain Macmillan takes the iconic": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "zebra" + }, + "For example, female %s sharks will reproduce asexually if they are unable to find a mate in their ocean habitats": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "zebra" + }, + "Sea %s and badderlocks are salad ingredients in Scotland, Ireland, Greenland, and Iceland": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "lettuce" + }, + "Examples of true annuals include corn, wheat, rice, %s, peas, watermelon, beans, zinnia and marigold": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "lettuce" + }, + "The official national food of Anguilla is %s peas and rice": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "pigeon" + }, + "the base of an abbey tower to dislodge a wood %s placed approximately above.) The Royal Company of Archers": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "pigeon" + }, + "Quaker entrepreneur William Weston Young invented the blast furnace silica %s, later moving brick production from the works at ": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "firebrick" + }, + "kind of a crossover between a popover and a light %s; French also use the term as slang for 'potbelly',": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "muffin" + }, + "waka (canoes) used one or more hollowed stones, tied with %s ropes, as anchors": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "flax" + }, + "Marc Fosh to develop mixtures of flor de sal with %s blends added, such as orange, lemon, black": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "herbs and spice" + }, + " Austin the %s from the children's television series The Backyardigans": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "kangaroo" + }, + "the surface and tested methods for moving around, including two-footed %s hops": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "kangaroo" + }, + "featured the trademark red and yellow %s Newton logo in neon": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "light bulb" + }, + "the fruit sprouts of a pineapple, the flowering of an %s, an uncurling fern, and the arrangement of a pine": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "artichoke" + }, + "a stem, the fruitlets of a pineapple, the flowering of %s, an uncurling fern and the arrangement of a pine": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "artichoke" + }, + "In October 2006 Dyson launched the Dyson Airblade, a fast %s that uses a thin sheet of moving air": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "hand dryer" + }, + "been a roast chicken, boiled ham, potatoes, bread, vegetables, relishes, %s, dessert, a bottle of wine and some brandy": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "salad" + }, + "of black coffee for breakfast and lunch, and steak and %s for dinner, but it was hard to maintain; Donald": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "salad" + }, + "that this also reinforced Grothendieck's distaste at having become a %s of the scientific world": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "mandarin" + }, + "The three crops were winter %s, maize, and climbing beans": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "squash" + }, + "Jerry mows through all of the %s, and ends up leaving poor Tom to start scattering the rind and seeds around": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "watermelon flesh" + }, + "The Beach Leisure Centre is home to a climbing wall, gymnasium and a %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "swimming pool" + }, + "Farmers grew %s, barley, vegetables such as lentils and onions, and fruits": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "wheat" + }, + "The %s began its life originally as a New York pastry": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "doughnut" + }, + "In theory, a nanotorus is a carbon nanotube bent into a torus (%s shape)": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "doughnut" + }, + "in French Canada, a pastry somewhat similar to a %s (except for the shape)": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "doughnut" + }, + "Empanadas, small pastries of meat, cheese, %s, and many other fillings, are a common sight": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "sweet corn" + }, + "One tamale native to the state is the \"picte\", a fresh %s tamale": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "sweet corn" + }, + " 597 thousand tons of %s (13th largest producer in the world);": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "pineapple" + }, + "is found, a kind of rice pudding mixed with crushed %s and maraschino cherries": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "pineapple" + }, + "2016 it had grown to a $2 billion industry, with 22 million %s subscribers and 5 million internet users": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "mobile phone" + }, + "Glu Mobile released an enhanced %s port": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "mobile phone" + }, + "Wide Web, email, bulletin board systems, IRC, instant messaging and %s text messaging": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "mobile phone" + }, + "One version uses %s as the main ingredient": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "watermelon rind" + }, + "Even the %s refused to live up to his tradition.\" The": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "ground hog" + }, + "Collectively, they are commonly known as \"water %s\"": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "plantain" + }, + "species, such as poison hemlock, water hemlock, spotted cowbane, fool's %s, and various species of water dropwort": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "parsley" + }, + "Lycoctonus ( ; , Lykoktonos), from , \"%s\", and , \"to kill\"": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "wolf" + }, + "fruits and vegetables (mostly apples, pears, tomatoes, various salads, peach, %s, potatoes, rice) from Nepal": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "nectarine" + }, + "for example in the proportions of playing cards, postcards, posters, %s plates, and widescreen televisions": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "light switch" + }, + "It was the home of the captive-born celebrity %s Knut": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "polar bear" + }, + "match a fossilized genetic sample of a 40,000 year old %s of the Pleistocene epoch; a second test identified": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "polar bear" + }, + "of ambiguity are: satisfiable, true, false, function, property, class, relation, %s, and ordinal": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "cardinal" + }, + "bit funny about that, they think of Eastern Europeans as %s heads.\"": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "turnip" + }, + "proto-language, gradually growing more distant from it through accumulated phonological, %s-syntactic, and lexical changes": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "morpho" + }, + "ergative-absolutive) and the %s-syntactic properties of case inflection including where/how many times across": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "morpho" + }, + "Thereafter the jacket became known as a %s in the U.S": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "tuxedo" + }, + "The %s was always black until the 1930s, when the Duke": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "tuxedo" + }, + "Typical condiments include maple syrup, grown from the native sugar maple, molasses, and %s sauce": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "cranberry" + }, + "Forest gardens on Canada's northwest coast included crabapple, hazelnut, %s, wild plum, and wild cherry species": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "cranberry" + }, + "Ripe fruits of several Vaccinium species (e.g., %s, V": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "cranberry" + }, + "copper to produce red-gold, or iron to produce a bright %s-gold": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "burgundy" + }, + "The village gave its name to %s and has been a centre for strawberry growing": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Cheddar cheese" + }, + "The village gave its name to %s, which is the most popular type of cheese in the United Kingdom": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Cheddar cheese" + }, + "As with %s, many people grow it outside building windows as a natural sunscreen in summer": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "bitter melon" + }, + "to his cabinet, but asked them to sign the sealed %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "envelope" + }, + "a result, the Academy has, since 1941, used a sealed %s to reveal the names of the winners": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "envelope" + }, + "These penetrate the jelly %s after the eggs are laid and may increase the": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "envelope" + }, + "Finally, against infantry he pioneered the use of canister shot—essentially a %s filled with musket balls": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "tin can" + }, + "This canister gas mask had a %s containing the absorbent materials by a hose and": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "tin can" + }, + "The association of lead and %s be seen in other languages: the word ": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "tin can" + }, + "The development of %s industries flourished in the 12th and 13th centuries": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "celadon" + }, + "and porcelain, such as Joseon's baekja and buncheong, and Goryeo's %s are well known throughout the world": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "celadon" + }, + "West Germanic languages since before the 12th century, referring to %s, chickpeas, and other pod-borne seeds": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "broad beans" + }, + "Not until the second millennium BCE did cultivated, large-seeded %s appear in the Aegean, Iberia and transalpine Europe": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "broad beans" + }, + "Her creations were expansive (besides silverware, which included a silver %s, she also designed pens, ashtrays, a gold mesh": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "pizza cutter" + }, + "Wrestling following backlash from Domino's when Nick Gage used a %s on Chris Jericho in a deathmatch on the": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "pizza cutter" + }, + "with lemon-butter sauce or put in chunks of salad with %s, and native crabs are the base of dishes like": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "avocado" + }, + "Burger, with many variations of burgers including chili, multiple patties, %s, special sauces, and Angus or wagyu beef": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "avocado" + }, + " 8.5 thousand tons of %s;": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "avocado" + }, + "century, an economy based on gold mining, phosphate production and %s plantations developed, but the island remained a relatively": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "aloe vera" + }, + "Medicinal plants production was: %s 1403 tonnes and stevia 13 tonnes": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "aloe vera" + }, + "The Chinese brake %s (Pteris vittata) hyperaccumulates arsenic from the soil into its": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "fern" + }, + "Vegetation varied from river-lining forests of tree %ss with fern understory (gallery forests), to fern savannas with": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "fern" + }, + "Other rare species recorded in Devon include seahorses and the sea %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "daffodil" + }, + " Its birth flower is the %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "daffodil" + }, + "In another version of the story, Odysseus arranged for a %s alarm to be sounded while he was with Lycomedes'": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "trumpet" + }, + "time, syncopated rhythms, and bluesy melodies with the sounds of %s, saxophone, and snare drum": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "trumpet" + }, + " 1973 – Ryan Kisor, American %s player and composer": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "trumpet" + }, + "longganisa, tuna, or cheese; as well as sweet fillings like %s, chocolate, or yema custard": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "ube" + }, + "Its designer case will look great on the %s.\" Praise was also forthcoming for the Electron's keyboard": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "coffee table" + }, + "your TV Guide, in your bathroom or even on your %s, to impress your friends with your impeccably bad": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "coffee table" + }, + "Algerian %s also contains Tunisian or French cakes": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "pastry" + }, + "mainstays, leading to strong traditions of carpentry, woodcarving, baking and %s-making, and cheesemaking": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "pastry" + }, + "Some of the skits include an Elvis impersonator, people rubbing %s on their chest, and people wearing unicorn heads": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "mayonnaise" + }, + "and steamed, or simply eaten as a sandwich, chilled with %s and chopped celery in Maine and Massachusetts, or slathered": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "mayonnaise" + }, + "salad, but today accented with the later 18th-century introduction of %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "mayonnaise" + }, + "It had been sporadically proclaimed by the federal government on irregular %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "dates" + }, + "but the film must appear in regular theater listings with %s and screening times": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "dates" + }, + "pair also %s to the No": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "dates" + }, + " 277 thousand tons of sugar %s;": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "beet" + }, + " 54 thousand tons of sugar %s;": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "beet" + }, + "series of disastrous hurricanes, and the growth in the sugar %s crop in Europe and the United States significantly reduced": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "beet" + }, + "The %s vine is indigenous to the coast": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "grape" + }, + "In terrestrial caecilians, the eggs are laid in %s-like clusters in burrows near streams": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "grape" + }, + "Typical dishes of the country are the %s all-i-oli, the duck with winter pear, the lamb in": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "quince" + }, + "The \"policeman's\" or \"truck driver's\" sweet is cheese with %s paste or dulce de membrillo": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "quince" + }, + "stuffed with dulce de leche, milk, jam, crema pastel, or %s or apple jelly, among other fillings": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "quince" + }, + " Loose or bagged fresh %s and spinach": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "iceberg lettuce" + }, + "Pale to white lettuce, such as the centers in some %s, contain few nutrients": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "iceberg lettuce" + }, + "After the 1940s, with the development of %s, 95 percent of the lettuce grown and consumed": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "iceberg lettuce" + }, + "meaning may have been 'clearers of the thicket' or '%s gatherers', referring to clearing land for cultivation or collecting medicinal": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "herb" + }, + "discovered the pleasures of alcohol, which he called \"my sacred %s\" or, when referring to absinthe, the \"green goddess\"": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "herb" + }, + "Extracts from the %s St John's wort have been used as a \"nerve tonic\" to alleviate depression": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "herb" + }, + "giving flammability or combustion, mercury giving volatility and stability, and %s giving solidity": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "salt" + }, + "mangrove swamps; the Anderson's salamander meanwhile occurs in brackish or %s water lakes": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "salt" + }, + "They found that %s and corn seedlings grew just as well using ATS organic fertilizer as they did with commercial fertilizers": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "cucumber" + }, + "(myrmecophagy); the only fruit eaten by aardvarks is the aardvark %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "cucumber" + }, + "In fact, the %s and the aardvark have a symbiotic relationship as they": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "cucumber" + }, + "(; ), made of glass and metal, usually in a %s-shape": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "seashell" + }, + "He presented a spiral %s and asked for a string to be run through it": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "seashell" + }, + "was the Model A, a fixed-frame sliding-seat design using a %s with fins attached for air resistance": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "bicycle wheel" + }, + " Automotive and %s diameters are still usually but not always set": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "bicycle wheel" + }, + "A common example of this can be seen in the use of %s lights that produce patterns": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "bicycle wheel" + }, + "There are a number of different varieties of %s, notably some originating from Northern Spain, where an": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "pinto bean" + }, + "The dried %s is the bean commonly used reconstituted or canned in many dishes, especially refried beans": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "pinto bean" + }, + "research pointed to edible domestic plants such as squash, beans, %s, guava, pacay, and camote at Caral, publications by Haas": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "lucuma" + }, + " Currently there is a contest between strawberry and %s flavors to become permanent versions of the product": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "lucuma" + }, + "Fruit may also be added, such as %s, custard apple, soursop, or granadilla": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "lucuma" + }, + "Spalding set a trend when he started wearing a %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "baseball glove" + }, + "that Zimmer often put a piece of beefsteak inside his %s to protect his catching hand from Young's fastball": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "baseball glove" + }, + "All You Got\", referred to the flugelhorn as \"the right %s\"": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "baseball glove" + }, + "The ibex live in caves and descend to eat the %s alpine grasses": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "succulent" + }, + "fleshy, leafless, contorted species of kapsias, mesembryanthemums, aloes and other %s plants make their appearance": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "succulent" + }, + "Out of shame, he assigned to himself the punishment of being skinned for a %s sack": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "wine" + }, + "One day, they were put in charge of watching their father's ancestral %s jar but they fell asleep while performing this duty": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "wine" + }, + "While they were asleep, the %s jar was broken by the swines their family kept": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "wine" + }, + "Other sports practised in Andorra include cycling, %s, judo, Australian Rules football, handball, swimming, gymnastics, tennis, and": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "volleyball" + }, + "Popular sports in Albania include Football, weightlifting, basketball, %s, tennis, swimming, rugby union and gymnastics": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "volleyball" + }, + "Azerbaijani %s players include likes of Valeriya Korotenko, Oksana Parkhomenko, Inessa": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "volleyball" + }, + "Fruit grown in the fertile valley is of such exceptional quality the county leads the world in %s production": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Anjou pear" + }, + " D'Anjou or %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Anjou pear" + }, + "The bitumen was thinly coated onto a pewter %s which was then exposed in a camera": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "plate" + }, + "modern reinforced concrete are laid to provide a horizontal bearing %s for the roof beams and to redistribute lateral earthquake": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "plate" + }, + "1950s led to the general acceptance of seafloor spreading and %s tectonics": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "plate" + }, + "mallow leaves, but can also be made with spinach or %s, with parsley, cilantro, lemon, olive oil, and olives": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "arugula" + }, + "A rich source of inorganic nitrate in the human diets come from leafy green foods, such as spinach and %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "arugula" + }, + "and swabs soaked with honey to prevent infection, while opium, %s, and belladona were used to relieve pain": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "thyme" + }, + "(2007) The giant %s, followed by the spectacled bear, are clearly the oldest species": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "panda" + }, + "Some %s species are cultivated as leaf vegetables, pseudocereals, and ornamental plants": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "amaranth" + }, + "for \"flower\", (), factoring into the word's development as %s, the unfading flower": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "amaranth" + }, + " Amaranthus arenicola – sandhill %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "amaranth" + }, + "hindquarters in a similar manner to that used by the %s seal": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "elephant" + }, + "for its humor, for example: \"Last night I shot an %s in my pajamas": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "elephant" + }, + "The %s is an aromatic leaf commonly used in cooking": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "bay leaf" + }, + "Indian %s or malabathrum (Cinnamomum tamala, Lauraceae) differs from bay": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "bay leaf" + }, + "Other plantings would include grapefruits, tangerines, %s oranges, limes, and even a few more rare ones,": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "clementine" + }, + "work based on Paris and perhaps a second rhapsody for %s and orchestra to follow his Rhapsody in Blue": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "piano" + }, + "William Daly arranged the score for %s solo; this was published by New World Music in 1929": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "piano" + }, + "He studied %s at a music school and attended classes at an art school": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "piano" + }, + "Somethin'\" for upholstering her Hummer interior in counterfeit Louis Vuitton %s fabric, which resulted in the video being banned": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "cherry blossom" + }, + "Many of the beautiful %s trees in the West Potomac Park surrounding the": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "cherry blossom" + }, + "linked to Jōkichi Takamine's involvement in the gifting of the %s trees to Washington, D.C": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "cherry blossom" + }, + "Examples of such names are %s, raccoon, squash, moose (from Algonquian), wigwam, and moccasin": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "opossum" + }, + "zone, the mammals include the jackrabbit, kangaroo rat, squirrel, and %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "opossum" + }, + "Virginia %s, or sarigue": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "opossum" + }, + "As for every French cat with a pedigree, the first letter of the official name of a %s encodes the year of its birth": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Chartreux cat" + }, + "triangle involving Camille Malmert, her husband Alain Amparat and his %s Saha": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Chartreux cat" + }, + "Saha is based upon a %s that Colette once owned called \"La Chatte.\"": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Chartreux cat" + }, + "in the mid-90s led to over-water dispersal of the green %ss (Iguana iguana) to Anguilla": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "iguana" + }, + "high-speed, sprint locomotion, including the world's fastest lizard, the spiny-tailed %s (genus Ctenosaura)": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "iguana" + }, + "Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park is the critically threatened blue %s which is also known as the Grand Cayman iguana": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "iguana" + }, + "Toluca specializes in \"green\" chorizo, made with some combination of %s, cilantro, chili peppers, and garlic": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "tomatillo" + }, + "In 1809 Latrobe invented a second American order, employing %s flowers constrained within the profile of classical mouldings, as": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "magnolia" + }, + "the villagers would make a dragon effigy out of straw, %s leaves, and bamboo and parade it through the village": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "magnolia" + }, + "The whitish fluffy head of a %s, commonly blown on by children, is made of pappi": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "dandelion" + }, + "calyx tissue often remains on the fruit (for example in %s)": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "dandelion" + }, + " Bird emblem: %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Steller's jay" + }, + "The vocal and gregarious black-billed magpie frequents campgrounds while %s and Clark's nutcracker are found in the backcountry": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Steller's jay" + }, + "likely to be found include golden-mantled ground squirrel, chickaree, fisher, %s, hermit thrush, and northern goshawk": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Steller's jay" + }, + "Intense condiments such as %s or Japanese mustard are provided as condiments to raw": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "wasabi" + }, + "(condiments and spices) such as shichimi, nori, finely chopped scallions, %s, etc": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "wasabi" + }, + "It is dipped in gochujang, or soy sauce with %s, and served with lettuce or perilla leaves": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "wasabi" + }, + "This includes fish taken by hook, net or %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "wheel" + }, + "features an animal from the animal kingdom (A is for %s and armadillo, B is for butterfly, etc.) along with": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "alligator" + }, + "the things in each picture that are truly different (the %s in the A section is wearing an apron featuring": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "alligator" + }, + "and extant) that are more closely related to the American %s than to either the Nile crocodile or the gharial": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "alligator" + }, + "A sprig of mitsuba or a piece of %s rind floated on soups are called ukimi": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "yuzu" + }, + " Yuzuquat: %s x kumquat": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "yuzu" + }, + "Tangerines, tangors and %s can be grown outside even in regions with more": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "yuzu" + }, + "The exception to this are the egg-laying monotremes, the %s and the echidnas of Australia": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "platypus" + }, + "This includes kangaroos, wallabies, koalas, %s, echidna, emu, kookaburras and dragon lizards": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "platypus" + }, + "Also terrestrial birds generally have a single ovary, as does the %s, an egg-laying mammal": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "platypus" + }, + "The former option is one presented in the book; the latter is known in the Amber community as an \"%s\" game": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Amethyst" + }, + "Five hours after launch, he reported having, and enjoying, his first %s full of coffee": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "plastic bag" + }, + "After the experiment is finished, the resulting gel can be stored in a %s in a refrigerator": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "plastic bag" + }, + "November 1983 by gassing himself, trapping the fumes in a %s he placed over his head, at the age": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "plastic bag" + }, + "The sea %s perlemoen abalone is targeted by illegal fishing and remain overfished": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "snail" + }, + "A series of tiny, drilled %s shells about 75,000 years old—were discovered in a South": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "snail" + }, + "Molluscs such as the wood %s live up the snow line": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "snail" + }, + "The total amount of artificial light (especially from %s) is sufficient for cities to be easily visible at night from the air, and from space": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "street light" + }, + "on a set that resembled a dark street with one %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "street light" + }, + "In November 1730, the permanent %s was introduced, and by 1867 many streets had a gaslight": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "street light" + }, + "and in recipes for other winter squashes, such as baked %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "acorn squash" + }, + "pepo – field pumpkin, summer squash, zucchini, vegetable marrow, courgette, %s; origin: Mexico, USA": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "acorn squash" + }, + "album was truly revolutionary and progressive, or \"as sickly as %s\"": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "peanut butter" + }, + " 893 thousand tons of %s;": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "peanut butter" + }, + "the fungus Aspergillus flavus growing on stored grains, nuts and %s, is an example of a potent, naturally occurring": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "peanut butter" + }, + "were magic-based, rather than as the result of a radioactive %s's bite": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "spider" + }, + "4 introduced Silk, a new heroine who was bitten by the same %s as Peter Parker": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "spider" + }, + "Other plants with agricultural value include: salak, %s, corn, kintamani orange, coffee and water spinach": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "mangosteen" + }, + " 213 thousand tons of mango (including %s and guava);": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "mangosteen" + }, + " 102 thousand tons of mango (including %s and guava);": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "mangosteen" + }, + "to simulate a %s that multiple users can draw on without passing a single mouse around": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "whiteboard" + }, + "Temporary drawings may be made on a blackboard or %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "whiteboard" + }, + "Cypriot food ingredient entering the Western European canon is the %s, still popular and used in a variety of ways": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "cauliflower" + }, + "than 70 species, including fat choy, a cyanobacterium considered a %s; Japan, over 20 species such as nori and aonori;": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "vegetable" + }, + "Edible %s oils also typically contain small fractions of biogenic alkanes": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "vegetable" + }, + "In 2009, the country had a fruit and %s supply of 886 grams per capita per day, the": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "vegetable" + }, + "It also has a %s program (the Agassi Stars) and a rigorous system that encourages a mix of academics and athletics": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "basketball" + }, + "Other popular sports played in Andorra include football, rugby union, %s, and roller hockey": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "basketball" + }, + "In common parlance, the term \"acacia\" is occasionally applied to species of the genus Robinia, which also belongs in the %s family": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "pea" + }, + "popular since the early 1990s, and now not only ap%srs on English-language menus, usually as \"pea shoots\", but is often": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "pea" + }, + " The Stampe %s Garden is located in Duck Creek Park, on Locust St": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "Lilac" + }, + "These are largely deciduous, typically aspen, poplar, and %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "willow" + }, + "Many species of %s and other shrubs grow in virtually any terrain": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "willow" + }, + "The coffin was covered with white roses and %s ferns": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "asparagus" + }, + "Louis-Nicolas Vauquelin and Pierre Jean Robiquet isolated a compound from %s that was subsequently named asparagine, the first amino acid": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "asparagus" + }, + "Abensberg and Langquaid, is used for the intensive farming of %s, due to the optimal soil condition and climate": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "asparagus" + }, + "of a traditional native food is Akutaq, the Eskimo ice %s, which can consist of reindeer fat, seal oil, dried": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "cream" + }, + "For example, \"ice %s\" and \"I scream\"": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "cream" + }, + "Moreover, certain locations may offer curly fries, %s poppers and onion rings": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "jalapeno" + }, + "at home games, where people dressed as cartoon cheese, sauerkraut, %s, potato, onion, and bacon pierogies run around the warning": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "jalapeno" + }, + "Gumbos tend to be thickened with %s, or the leaves of the sassafrass tree": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "okra" + }, + "Crops like %s, sorghum, sesame seeds, eggplant, and many different kinds of": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "okra" + }, + "leave India after non-lethally shooting two men who tried to %s him": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "mug" + }, + "An exhibition opened in Auschwitz I in 1955, displaying prisoner %s shots; hair, suitcases, and shoes taken from murdered prisoners;": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "mug" + }, + "of vessels, such as a glass, a beer stein, a %s, a pewter tankard, a beer bottle or a can;": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "mug" + }, + "Other times, they may be commensal, as when species such as the house %s have benefited from human activities": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "sparrow" + }, + "Homer incorporated nightingales into his Odyssey, and Catullus used a %s as an erotic symbol in his Catullus 2": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "sparrow" + }, + "The most numerous species are wren, robin, house %s, woodpigeon, chaffinch and blackbird": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "sparrow" + }, + "The Beyliks did not %s coins in the names of their own leaders while": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "mint" + }, + "Alexander later established a royal %s at Abydos, as well as at other cities in Asia Minor": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "mint" + }, + "Btfsplk (his name is \"pronounced\" by simply blowing a \"%s\" or Bronx cheer) always has an iconic dark cloud over": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "raspberry" + }, + " Fruit squares and bars (date, fig, lemon, %s, etc.)": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "raspberry" + }, + "He brought back four Parisian %s horns for the New York premiere of the composition,": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "taxi" + }, + "diatonic melodies with the sounds of oboe, English horn, and %s horns": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "taxi" + }, + "The other gods tricked Hera into letting her go by offering her a necklace of %s 9 yards (8.2 m) long": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "amber" + }, + "In myths, the tears of %s Apollo shed when his son Asclepius died became the": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "amber" + }, + "In 2003, Tori Amos appropriated the phrase \"for %s waves of grain\" to create a personification for her": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "amber" + }, + "As a comparison with everyday items, a %s or electric blanket produces a 100 mG –": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "hair dryer" + }, + "severe burns much faster than the 100 °C air from a %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "hair dryer" + }, + "paper, either on a radiator, by ironing it, using a %s, or by placing it in an oven": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "hair dryer" + }, + "While agriculture usually refers to human activities, certain species of %s, termite and beetle have been cultivating crops for up": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "ant" + }, + "The aardvark is sometimes colloquially called the \"African %s bear\", \"anteater\" (not to be confused with the South": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "ant" + }, + "capensis or Cape %s-bear from South Africa": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "ant" + }, + "Theodore Roosevelt's son Quentin kept a %s named Eli Yale": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "hyacinth macaw" + }, + "In addition, unusual but apparently healthy intergeneric hybrids between the %s and several of the larger Ara macaws have": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "hyacinth macaw" + }, + "Aristotle describes experiments in optics using a %s obscura in Problems, book 15": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "camera" + }, + "is far more common to use a charge-coupled device (CCD) %s to record a long, deep exposure, allowing a more": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "camera" + }, + "The Rescuers Down Under was the first feature film to be completely created digitally without a %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "camera" + }, + "Looking rather like a flattened %s, it is similar in preparation but includes a cinnamon": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "croissant" + }, + "In the later %s paintings presenting the death of Achilles, the arrow (or in many cases, arrows) hit his torso": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "vase" + }, + "god Ea himself, who is commonly depicted holding an overflowing %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "vase" + }, + "the constellation came to be represented simply as a single %s from which a stream poured down to Piscis Austrinus": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "vase" + }, + "The park supports a wide variety of wildlife, notably several of the non-native species of %s found in the Barcelona area": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "parrot" + }, + " Lory, a fictional %s, a minor character in the Alice series by Lewis Carroll": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "parrot" + }, + "1912–1913 designer Adrien Karbowsky made a floral chair with a %s design for the hunting lodge of art collector Jacques": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "parrot" + }, + "Platform shoes and boots for both genders and %s for women were popular footwear": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "high heels" + }, + "writer was inspired when watching her training to walk in %s and a dress in preparation for the Oscars": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "high heels" + }, + " First working Babbage \"%s\" actually assembled, circa 2005": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "barrel" + }, + "The rib cage was broad, giving it a %s chest, especially in comparison to less derived theropods like Ceratosaurus": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "barrel" + }, + "A cotton ball, %s, or brush may be used to spread the pigment more thinly and evenly": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "paper towel" + }, + "Toilet paper can be used in cleaning like a less abrasive %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "paper towel" + }, + " The %s de Labrador, a worker's hat made of black velvet, is a signature style of the region": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "sombrero" + }, + "including examples of such notable types of hat as the %s cordobés, sombrero calañés, sombrero de catite and the pavero,": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "sombrero" + }, + "The experiences influenced him to add Western touches into his campaign, including his %s, which became a symbol for his campaign": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "sombrero" + }, + "Walsh established a %s factory in Wyandanch, and Ignatius Davidson and Mortimer": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "paper box" + }, + "A knitting mill, %s factory, gas and fuel company, bakery, bottling works,": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "paper box" + }, + "Alder bark and wood (like oak and sweet %s) contain tannin and are traditionally used to tan leather": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "chestnut" + }, + "The place remains as Alameda de los Remedios and it is still planted with lime and horse-%s trees": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "chestnut" + }, + "Calves were probably born with a %s colour, and young bulls changed to black with a": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "chestnut" + }, + "The name of the islands is not derived from the %s bird; rather, the birds are named after the islands": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "canary" + }, + "Wild foods including wild rice and maple %s were harvested": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "sugar" + }, + "and the diffusion of crop plants, including the introduction of %s, rice, cotton and fruit trees (such as the orange)": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "sugar" + }, + "The three agricultural products with the most trade distortion were %s, milk and rice, mainly due to taxation": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "sugar" + }, + "vegetables and fungi (for example, sweet potatoes, chanterelle and orange %s melon)": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "cantaloupe" + }, + "including many subspecies of apple, pear, peach, grape, apricot, watermelon, %s, etc": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "cantaloupe" + }, + "Nevertheless, it is in some ways unlike %ss, suggesting that the common ancestor differs from the modern chimpanzee": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "chimpanzee" + }, + "After the %s and human lineages diverged, both underwent substantial evolutionary change": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "chimpanzee" + }, + "that Ardipithecus adults have a facial anatomy more similar to %s subadults than adults, with a less-projecting face and smaller": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "chimpanzee" + }, + "When nomads pass villages they often buy supplies such as %s, wheat and kerosene from the villagers; villagers buy wool": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "tea" + }, + "Black %s with a slice of lemon and sugar, milk, or honey is also popular": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "tea" + }, + "Anarchists still support and participate in strikes, especially %s strikes as these are leaderless strikes not organised centrally": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "wildcat" + }, + "In 2005, %s action was taken by union members over a decision": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "wildcat" + }, + "and Agioi Pantes (islets off the north coast), the Cretan %s and the Cretan spiny mouse": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "wildcat" + }, + "Further, the country is a worldwide significant producer of salvia, %s and yellow gentian": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "rosemary" + }, + "Southern California has several additions like five spice powder, %s, curry powder, kimchi, and lemongrass, with many of these": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "rosemary" + }, + "BrE %s); squash (shared with AmE": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "mangetout" + }, + "The name %s (French for \"eat all\") can apply to snap peas and snow peas": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "mangetout" + }, + "It is often called %s (\"eat-all\") in the British Isles, but this can apply": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "mangetout" + }, + "Therefore, it is necessary to either stack polyester protected photographs horizontally within a box, or bind them in a three %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "ring binder" + }, + "Often these were issued in a three-%s format so recipe pages could be removed for easy consultation while cooking": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "ring binder" + }, + "It is served with lettuce, fresh mint, Vietnamese mint, %s, and perilla leaves": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "star fruit" + }, + "Carambola, also known as %s or 5 fingers, is the fruit of Averrhoa": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "star fruit" + }, + "her, art allows philosophical concepts to be presented in a %s form that can be grasped easily, thereby fulfilling a": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "concrete" + }, + "The sculptors derived this from observations on human beings, but they also embodied in %s form, issues beyond the reach of ordinary thought": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "concrete" + }, + "For a more %s example suppose that": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "concrete" + }, + "variety of other crops, including wheat, manioc, sweet potatoes, cotton, %s, some fruits, other vegetables, and coffee": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "chayote" + }, + "Meat dishes are frequently accompanied by vegetables such as squash, %s and carrots": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "chayote" + }, + "Meat and cheese dishes are frequently accompanied by vegetables, such as squash, %s, and carrots": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "chayote" + }, + "The %s produces a vegetative mat that reduces oxygen content": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "water chestnut" + }, + "sugar may be added, along with thickeners such as cornstarch, %s flour, or arrowroot": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "water chestnut" + }, + "An exception to this could include a politician whose \"%s words\" and obfuscation are necessary to gain support from multiple": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "weasel" + }, + "As punishment for deceiving Lucina, Galanthis was transformed into a %s; she continued to live with Alcmene": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "weasel" + }, + "The skiing area comprises two %s lifts that have a vertical rise of , with": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "platter" + }, + "women with their breasts in their hands or on a %s, signifying that they died as a martyr by having": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "platter" + }, + "John the Baptist (Madrid), showing his own head on a %s, and sent it to de Wignacourt as a plea": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "platter" + }, + "This would provide the same protection as is afforded to Parma ham and %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Feta cheese" + }, + "were often about Eggo pranking servicemen during the Blitz, and %s Potter received a medal for single-handedly capturing a Nazi": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "Pansy" + }, + "The prairies are home to black-tailed %s, the endangered swift fox, American badger, and white-tailed": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "prairie dog" + }, + "When %s towns are located near trails used by humans,": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "prairie dog" + }, + "The black-footed ferret is entirely dependent on another keystone species, the %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "prairie dog" + }, + " AmE %s and zucchini are aubergine and courgette in BrE": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "eggplant" + }, + "has been the world's largest producer of rice, wheat, tomatoes, %s, grapes, watermelon, spinach, and many other crops": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "eggplant" + }, + "The sugar %s variety was developed by a scientist at the Le Sueur plant": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "snap pea" + }, + "The %s, also known as the sugar snap pea, is": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "snap pea" + }, + "A %s named \"butter pea\" was described in French literature": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "snap pea" + }, + "pitahaya orejona, now widely grown in Asia under the name %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "dragon fruit" + }, + "a wide range of tropical fruit like mangosteen, mango, and %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "dragon fruit" + }, + "bean, cotton, sugar cane, tea plant, jasmine, watermelon, mushroom, grapes, %s, rhubarb": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "dragon fruit" + }, + "in batter and fried, often served in a basket with %s, or commonly on a wheaten bun as a": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "french fries" + }, + "the form of the Polish boy, a sandwich made of %s, spicy barbecue sauce, and coleslaw": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "french fries" + }, + "Argentine cuisine is the preparation of homemade food such as %s, patties, and pasta to celebrate a special occasion,": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "french fries" + }, + " Dollhouse Museum () a museum housing the largest %s collection in Europe": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "teddy bear" + }, + "divided into portions by Love, who kept some in a %s and some in an urn": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "teddy bear" + }, + " Carduelis – 3 species including the European %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "goldfinch" + }, + "Birds such as the %s feed on the seeds": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "goldfinch" + }, + "maneuvering the module to view various stars by using the %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "computer keyboard" + }, + "expansion port, to allow for the addition of a planned %s and connection to laserdisc players and other peripherals,": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "computer keyboard" + }, + "The Break key (or the symbol ⎉) of a %s refers to breaking a telegraph circuit and originated": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "computer keyboard" + }, + "He rides on the back of a %s to the land of the Hyperboreans during the winter": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "swan" + }, + "\"The Pooh\" comes from a %s the young Milne named \"Pooh\"": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "swan" + }, + " 470 and 460 BC, showing her riding on a %s or goose": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "swan" + }, + "The logo was designed with a bite so that it would not be confused with a %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "cherry" + }, + "He is driven to desert when he sees a %s tree in blossom, which reminds him of home too": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "cherry" + }, + " cranberry, %s, redcurrant, grape": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "gooseberry" + }, + "Graham bread, steamed %s, and johnny cakes are traditional Midwestern foods, as are": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "cornbread" + }, + "Although the fossils of several older proto-%ss with primitive characteristics are known, the oldest \"true frog\" is": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "frog" + }, + "Furthermore, Salientia includes all three recent orders plus the Triassic proto-%s, Triadobatrachus": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "frog" + }, + "Ptarmigan, grouse, %s blackbirds, dove, ducks and other game fowl are consumed in the United States": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "crow" + }, + "He called her an \"old %s\" and made other vulgar remarks": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "crow" + }, + " Aga (bird), Chamorro language name of Corvus kubaryi, the Mariana %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "crow" + }, + "source of the blue dye indigo traditionally used to dye %s and the artist's pigments gamboge and rose madder": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "denim" + }, + "content and complexity, applied to unconventional surfaces including wood and %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "denim" + }, + "The %s \"body\" is composed by 25 \"spokes\" consisting of two": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "seahorse" + }, + "set; therefore, the number of \"spokes\" increases from one \"%s\" to the next by 2; the \"hub\" is a so-called": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "seahorse" + }, + "WC Seahorses should only be purchased by %s experts who are going to breed them, as they": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "seahorse" + }, + "Bengal, the white-throated kingfisher, the chatim tree and the night-flowering %s are state symbols": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "jasmine" + }, + "Dal Lake, with cool and elegantly proportioned terraces, fountains, roses, %s and rows of chinar trees": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "jasmine" + }, + "photograph of Milne and his son Christopher with a toy %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "penguin" + }, + "from his injuries and from the toxic sewage before his %s family lays his body to rest in the water": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "penguin" + }, + "bananas, cocoa beans (to make chocolate), shrimp, tilapia, mango, and %s, among other products": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "passion fruit" + }, + "bananas, cacao beans (to make chocolate), shrimp, tilapia, mangos and %s, among other products": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "passion fruit" + }, + "Orchards provide fruits such as soursop, red jambosier, %s (marakoudja), mango, quenette, and citrus": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "passion fruit" + }, + "Lord Shortcake: absent-minded peer obsessed by his enormous collection of %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "goldfish" + }, + "preservatives are also added to fat based cosmetics such as %s and moisturizers to prevent rancidity": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "lipstick" + }, + "Frank violently kisses him all over his face with red %s, before savagely beating him unconscious": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "lipstick" + }, + "Some versions ban all writing implements, even items that can be used to write (such as %s or eyeliner)": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "lipstick" + }, + "as Paramecium to such complex multicellular animals as the octopus, %s and dragonfly": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "lobster" + }, + "Stocks of northern shrimp and Norwegian %s are in good condition": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "lobster" + }, + "20th centuries new fisheries started to exploit haddock, mackerel, and %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "lobster" + }, + "Turner described how one of Lennon's cartoons depicted a bus %s annotated with the question, \"Why?\" Above was a": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "stop sign" + }, + "two days after her 17th birthday, Laura Welch ran a %s and struck another car, killing its driver": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "stop sign" + }, + " Traffic sign: a sign that instructs drivers; see also %s, speed limit sign, cross walk sign": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "stop sign" + }, + "football was rounder at the ends (similar to a modern %s)": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "rugby ball" + }, + "A %s, originally called a quanco, is a diamond shape ball used for easier passing": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "rugby ball" + }, + "The %s's distinctive shape is supposedly due to the pig's": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "rugby ball" + }, + "Native to the province, the %s trout, is the provincial fish and an official symbol of Alberta": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "bull" + }, + "features various races and competitions, such as calf roping and %s riding": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "bull" + }, + "clams on the half shell served stuffed with herbs like %s and streaky bacon": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "oregano" + }, + "and herbs have a distinct Mediterranean flavor which would include %s, basil, summer squash, eggplant, and broccoli, with all of": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "oregano" + }, + "The simplest method to achieve this is by gravity and can be seen in the %s example": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "coffeemaker" + }, + "The amount of value added to the product is thus the amortization of the value of the %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "coffeemaker" + }, + " The first electric drip brew %s is patented in Germany and named the Wigomat after": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "coffeemaker" + }, + "A popular Soft drink from Mexico is Sangria Señorial a %s-flavored, non-alcoholic beverage": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "sangria" + }, + "A punch, %s traditionally consists of red wine and chopped fruit, often with other ingredients or spirits": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "sangria" + }, + "The MAR produces basaltic volcanoes in Eyjafjallajökull, Iceland, and %s lava on the ocean floor": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "pillow" + }, + "Other famous works include the Silver Clouds—helium filled, silver mylar, %s-shaped balloons": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "pillow" + }, + "The assassins left after they saw a snake beneath Lucius' %s, considering it as bad omen": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "pillow" + }, + "Maria-style barbecue, where the spices involved generally are black pepper, %s, and garlic salt, and grill over the coals of": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "paprika" + }, + "with samples of \"hexuronic acid\" that Szent-Györgyi had isolated from %s and sent him in the previous year, deduced the": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "paprika" + }, + "United States, Kraft, uses a combination of annatto and oleoresin %s, an extract of the lipophilic (oily) portion of paprika": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "paprika" + }, + " Carne asada fries – fries covered with carne asada, %s, sour cream and cheese": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "guacamole" + }, + "They are often garnished with various condiments, such as salsa, %s, or sour cream, and vegetables, such as lettuce, onion,": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "guacamole" + }, + "Ears are pointed and large, eyes are %s shaped and the head is massive with a two plane profile": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "almond" + }, + "The %s (Prunus amygdalus, syn": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "almond" + }, + "The %s is also the name of the edible and widely cultivated seed of this tree": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "almond" + }, + "Sessel means \"\" in Germany and Stuhl means \"%s (faeces)\" in both varieties": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "stool" + }, + "will start as an internal wound caused by ulceration, hard %s, or penetrative objects with insufficient lubrication": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "stool" + }, + "The analogy of the \"three-legged %s\" of scripture, reason, and tradition is often incorrectly attributed to Hooker": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "stool" + }, + "deer (a subspecies of sika deer), hares, red foxes, Japanese %s dogs, and other animals": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "raccoon" + }, + "hicup as opposed to hicough, annex as opposed to annexe, %s as opposed to racoon etc": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "raccoon" + }, + "Squirrel, %s, possum, bear, muskrat, chipmunk, skunk, groundhog, pheasant, armadillo and": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "raccoon" + }, + "Mücver is prepared with grated squash/%s or potatoes, egg, onion, dill or cheese and flour": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "courgette" + }, + "although few large mammals exist, exceptions being the threatened mountain %s, spectacled bear and yellow-tailed woolly monkey": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "tapir" + }, + "For example, he discussed how fossil evidence showed that %ss had originated in the Northern Hemisphere, migrating between North": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "tapir" + }, + "The national animal is the Baird's %s and the national bird is the keel-billed toucan (Ramphastos": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "tapir" + }, + "When he turned 13, he discovered the %s sonatas of Mozart, whereupon he became enamored of Mozart's": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "violin" + }, + "heard by a school examiner in Aarau while playing Beethoven's %s sonatas": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "violin" + }, + "young Juilliard Quartet visited him in Princeton, he played his %s with them, and the quartet was \"impressed by Einstein's": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "violin" + }, + "Some versions in North America may include %s and bell peppers": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "zucchini" + }, + "also eaten by Argentines; tomatoes, onions, lettuce, eggplants, squashes, and %s are common side dishes": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "zucchini" + }, + "Cucurbita – squash, pumpkin, %s, some gourds": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "zucchini" + }, + "or intensity of focus, such as preoccupation with a single %s program, toy, or game": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "television" + }, + "Major %s network affiliates in Alabama include:": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "television" + }, + "Prunes (%s) can be smoked while drying": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "dried plums" + }, + "Later studies have found acrylamide in black olives, %s, dried pears, coffee, and peanuts": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "dried plums" + }, + "by the Food and Drug Administration to call prunes \"%s\"": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "dried plums" + }, + "lightweight magazine with an aluminum body with a prominent reinforcing %s rib pattern weighing empty was developed for the": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "waffle" + }, + "Brussels is known for its local %s, its chocolate, its French fries and its numerous types of beers": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "waffle" + }, + "Belgian %s, in culinary contexts": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "waffle" + }, + "The Philadelphia soft %s was originally brought to Eastern Pennsylvania in the early": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "pretzel" + }, + "World of Marge Simpson\" (1997), as the owner of the %s business": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "pretzel" + }, + "The typical garnish is Asian %s, daikon, shredded into long thin strands, or single": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "white radish" + }, + " The 'April Cross' is a giant %s hybrid that bolts very slowly": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "white radish" + }, + "It includes white napa cabbage kimchi and other varieties such as %s kimchi (dongchimi)": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "white radish" + }, + "the botany and zoology of the island and its sheltered %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "lagoon" + }, + "Lesbos and the surrounding seas, including in particular the Pyrrha %s in the centre of Lesbos": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "lagoon" + }, + "from Italy, the United States, and Egypt excavating a dried-up %s known as Mersa Gawasis have unearthed traces of an": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "lagoon" + }, + "so mad with grief and anguish that he began killing %s, thinking them his comrades": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "sheep" + }, + "madness and Ajax realized that he had actually been killing %s, he was so ashamed that he committed suicide": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "sheep" + }, + "The principal livestock activity is domestic %s raising": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "sheep" + }, + "His demands lead to a %s-burning steam engine being attached to his train in its": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "coal" + }, + "Its industrial outputs are crude petroleum, natural gas, %s, gold, precious metals, zinc and other mining, seafood processing,": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "coal" + }, + "Additionally, substantial %s deposits are found in Alaska's bituminous, sub-bituminous, and lignite coal basins": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "coal" + }, + "molasses, rum, sugar, vanilla, chocolate, peppers, corn, tomatoes, kidney beans, %s and turkey": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "string beans" + }, + "The diet of the uplands often included wild game, cabbage, %s, corn, squashes and white potatoes": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "string beans" + }, + "can topped with cream or a salad made of canned %s and mayonnaise": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "string beans" + }, + "uttered by Themis, goddess of divine law) that Thetis would %s a son greater than his father": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "bear" + }, + "The United States Navy is named after Lincoln, the second Navy ship to %s his name": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "bear" + }, + "Jaluit and Ebon to carry out the flourishing copra (dried %s) trade": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "coconut meat" + }, + "its covering (such as a husk or shell)\", for example, %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "coconut meat" + }, + "species, including sponge, jellyfish, anemone, crab, mollusc, sea urchin, starfish, %s and coral": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "sea cucumber" + }, + "is suggested that the creature may instead have been a %s.\"James Cameron heads into the abyss\", Nature, 19 March": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "sea cucumber" + }, + "with the Fijians were sandalwood merchants, whalers and \"beche-de-mer\" (%s) traders": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "sea cucumber" + }, + "When seen from a distance, the %s surface has a low albedo, as do most forests,": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "ocean" + }, + "This is far higher than for the %s primarily because of the contribution of clouds": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "ocean" + }, + "In contrast, if the entire Earth was covered by water – a so-called %s planet – the average temperature on the planet would rise to almost ": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "ocean" + }, + "The vegetables and fruits that are fed to manatees consist of %s, carrots, apples, etc...": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "romaine lettuce" + }, + "light falls within a range of about 0.9 for fresh %s to about 0.04 for charcoal, one of the darkest": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "snow" + }, + "When an area's albedo changes due to %sfall, a snow–temperature feedback results": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "snow" + }, + "In the twelfth century, recipes for the production of %s ardens (\"burning water\", i.e., alcohol) by distilling wine with": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "aqua" + }, + "was designed to make early childcare simpler (by reducing laundry, %s rash, cradle cap, etc.), while allowing the baby to": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "diaper" + }, + "1981 – Xerox PARC introduces the %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "computer mouse" + }, + "pick-off rollers, quite similar to the mechanism of a rolling-ball %s (in that mechanism, the pick-off rollers were roughly": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "computer mouse" + }, + " Douglas Engelbart – tiled windows, hypertext, %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "computer mouse" + }, + "Keeping \"night %s\" hours, he worried that his work would be discovered": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "owl" + }, + "and hard, straight mouth make him look like a well-brought-up %s.\" Othon treats his wife and children unkindly, but after": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "owl" + }, + "Nilsson and others have claimed that, in early times, Athena was either an %s herself or a bird goddess in general": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "owl" + }, + "To drink, the mulled wine and %s are also popular": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "beer" + }, + "at the farm \"with an allowance of a gill of %s daily\", akin to how Stalin brought back the Russian": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "beer" + }, + "For example, the spelling of the Thai word for \"%s\" [เบียร์] retains a letter for the final consonant \"r\" present": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "beer" + }, + "Ground %s is a key spice of the region, as": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "cayenne pepper" + }, + "version may also include parsley, bay leaf, green onions, dried %s, and dried black pepper": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "cayenne pepper" + }, + "Dodger coach, Leo Durocher by throwing a baseball at a %s caught in a tree hundreds of feet away": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "golf ball" + }, + "Oxalic acid is present in tomatoes, %s, and especially in carambola and rhubarb; rhubarb leaves and": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "spinach" + }, + "word has since been loaned to refer to the differently-genused %s)": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "spinach" + }, + "Mexico, tortillas of this region also may incorporate vegetables like %s into the flatbread dough to make wraps, which were": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "spinach" + }, + "Vegetables included leeks, %s, melons, squashes, pulses, lettuce, and other crops, in addition": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "garlic" + }, + "bread and beer, supplemented with vegetables such as onions and %s, and fruit such as dates and figs": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "garlic" + }, + "being replaced with a plain green banner and Old Major's %s, which was previously put on display, being reburied": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "skull" + }, + "His %s being put on revered public display recalls Lenin, whose embalmed body was left in indefinite repose": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "skull" + }, + "By the end of the book, the %s is reburied": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "skull" + }, + "perhaps the most iconic bird of the country, the dalmatian %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "pelican" + }, + "Some endangered species in British Columbia are: Vancouver Island marmot, spotted owl, American white %s, and badgers": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "pelican" + }, + "the eastern imperial eagle, the cinereous vulture, the great white %s, the Dalmatian pelican, etc": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "pelican" + }, + "Among these are: %s, pennyroyal, black cohosh, and the now-extinct silphium": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "tansy" + }, + "For example, the %s beetle walks between habitats despite being physically capable of flight": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "tansy" + }, + "For example, the mating of a Russian population of %s beetle (Chysolina graminis) is preceded by an elaborate ritual": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "tansy" + }, + "before and who had been serving Collyer as a \"%s\" seeking out hidden contraband) who recognized Syn as Clegg": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "ferret" + }, + "as a judge in Vermont was brief, he continued to %s out Tories and report them to local Boards of": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "ferret" + }, + "Two flying %ss appear periodically on the screen; the \"big saucer\" shoots": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "saucer" + }, + "After reaching a score of 40,000, only the small %s appears": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "saucer" + }, + "As the player's score increases, the angle range of the shots from the small %s diminishes until the saucer fires extremely accurately": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "saucer" + }, + "When one looks at an %s, for example, one sees an apple, and one can also analyse a form of an apple": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "apple" + }, + "In this distinction, there is a particular %s and a universal form of an apple": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "apple" + }, + "Moreover, one can place an %s next to a book, so that one can speak of both the book and apple as being next to each other": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "apple" + }, + "Some members of the family Apiaceae, including %s, celery, fennel, parsley and parsnip, contain polyynes, an unusual": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "carrot" + }, + "Madeira is known for the high quality of its %s fruits": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "cherimoya" + }, + "the indigenous people of the East domesticated crops such as %s, tobacco, squash and Chenopodium": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "sunflower" + }, + "Members of the %s (Helianthus) family blossom on the prairie in the summer months between July and September": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "sunflower" + }, + "Sesame oil, coconut oil and ghee are traditionally used, but newer oils such as %s oil are also used": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "sunflower" + }, + "the cloning of the Pyrenean ibex, a form of wild %s, which was officially declared extinct in 2000": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "mountain goat" + }, + "obliterated images which seem to represent two deer and a %s on his left arm": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "mountain goat" + }, + "Periods, miners worked deposits of emeralds in Wadi Sikait and %s in Wadi el-Hudi": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "amethyst" + }, + "Crystals, such as cinnabar, %s, and quartz, are found throughout much of the Alpine region": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "amethyst" + }, + " Ancient Greeks wore %s and carved drinking vessels from it in the belief that it would prevent intoxication": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "amethyst" + }, + "Green tea is produced in Japan and prepared in forms such as %s, used in the Japanese tea ceremony": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "matcha" + }, + "It is produced in Japan and prepared in various forms such as %s, the tea used in the Japanese tea ceremony": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "matcha" + }, + "by Zen Buddhist monks, and is still used to prepare %s in the Japanese tea ceremony": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "matcha" + }, + "children are gifted a special basket or cannistru of chocolates, %s, and other gifts from their ancestors": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "pomegranate" + }, + "and Shirin that his axe was made out of a %s tree, and, where he threw the axe, a pomegranate": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "pomegranate" + }, + "The %s salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum) also sometimes behaves in this way": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "tiger" + }, + "The adult %s salamander is terrestrial, but the larva is aquatic and able to breed while still in the larval state": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "tiger" + }, + "The %s salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum) is typical of the frogs and": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "tiger" + }, + "the medium of snow when a warm day melts his %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "snowman" + }, + "He uses the %s for social commentary, revenge or pure enjoyment": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "snowman" + }, + "yelled at by Snowman Dad to shovel the snow; one %s eating snow cones scooped out of a second snowman,": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "snowman" + }, + "products, such as yogurt and cheese, sardines, salmon, soy products, %s, and fortified breakfast cereals": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "kale" + }, + "The serving of Udang selingkuh is usually accompanied by warm rice and papaya or %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "kale" + }, + "was one of the main Trojan war leaders, a \"%s fighter\" or \"chariot fighter\" according to Homer": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "horse" + }, + " Apollo Atepomarus (\"the great %sman\" or \"possessing a great horse\")": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "horse" + }, + "of this instrument and reconstructed several of them in gold, %s, encrustations of shell, etc": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "jade" + }, + "The first examples were stones, %s pieces, bronze vessels and weapons, but came to include talismans and magic diagrams": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "jade" + }, + "Dryope, the daughter of Dryops, was impregnated by Apollo in the form of a %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "snake" + }, + "These are long, cylindrical, limbless animals with a %s- or worm-like form": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "snake" + } +} diff --git a/evals/ravel/ravel/data/base/wikipedia_verb_entity_prompts.json b/evals/ravel/ravel/data/base/wikipedia_verb_entity_prompts.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..399a96e --- /dev/null +++ b/evals/ravel/ravel/data/base/wikipedia_verb_entity_prompts.json @@ -0,0 +1,6646 @@ +{ + "To %s its independence, the new Confederate States fired on Fort Sumter, a U.S": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "secure" + }, + " as well as with certain adjectives (easy to %s), and in expressions of purpose": { + "split": "test", + "entity": null + }, + "of this mating arrangement to get the male bee to %s and disseminate its pollen; parts of its flower not": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "collect" + }, + "the Union's Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina, sent a %s for provisions to Washington, and Lincoln's order to meet": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "request" + }, + " and tense or aspect auxiliaries, e.g., %s. In addition, verbs can be non-finite": { + "split": "test", + "entity": null + }, + "Anarchists %s the state as a tool of domination and believe it to be illegitimate regardless of its political tendencies": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "consider" + }, + "Rand wrote her novella Anthem during a %s from writing her next major novel, The Fountainhead": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "break" + }, + "Afghan culture is deeply Islamic, but pre-Islamic practices %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "persist" + }, + "According to other versions, she cried for help during the %s, and Gaia helped her by taking her in and": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "chase" + }, + "Hogan came out to %s him and ended up being the focal point of the interview": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "congratulate" + }, + "Anarchists %s taken part in several revolutions, most notably in the": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "have" + }, + " is used in the to-infinitive (e.g. to %s); for uses see § Non-finite forms": { + "split": "test", + "entity": null + }, + "a category they called \"parastronauts\", with the intention but not %s of spaceflight": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "guarantee" + }, + "Arion began singing a song in %s of Apollo, seeking the god's help": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "praise" + }, + "wedding set for January 1, 1841, was canceled at Lincoln's %s, but they reconciled and married on November 4, 1842,": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "request" + }, + "Polk insisted that Mexican soldiers had \"invaded our territory and %s the blood of our fellow-citizens on our own soil\"": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "shed" + }, + "reasons of personal prestige and in a similar fMRI scanner %s in 2007 with his psychologist colleague Dr": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "test" + }, + "Banks to %s a plan that would reestablish statehood when 10 percent": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "promote" + }, + "the practice of multiplying metals (although it was possible to %s a licence to attempt to make gold alchemically, and": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "buy" + }, + "Effective altruism is the use of evidence and reason to %s the most effective ways to benefit others": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "determine" + }, + "much of the book, Danneskjöld makes a personal appearance to %s Rearden to persevere in his increasingly difficult situation, and": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "encourage" + }, + "The ability of cells to produce electrical %s is critical for body functions such as neurotransmission, muscle contraction, and heart function": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "discharge" + }, + "island's economy is dominated by four main industries: tourism, aloe %s, petroleum refining, and offshore banking": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "export" + }, + "such as imprinting and X linkage have the ability to %s the frequency and severity of conditions in males, and": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "raise" + }, + "forefeet and then sniff it profusely as a means to %s their location": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "explore" + }, + "Responding to criticism of Grant after Shiloh, Lincoln had said, \"I can't %s this man": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "spare" + }, + "Users are explicitly asked if they want to participate, and can actively %s-in or opt-out": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "opt" + }, + "States in which the most creative industrialists, scientists, and artists %s to a welfare state government by going on strike": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "respond" + }, + "When a frog is attacked, a distress or fright call is emitted, often resembling a %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "scream" + }, + "Some usages of libertarianism refer to individualistic free-%s philosophy only, and free-market anarchism in particular is termed libertarian": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "market" + }, + "When Apollo chased her in order to %s her, she changed herself into a laurel tree": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "persuade" + }, + "After two weeks, the folds of skin %s and after three, the ears can be held upright": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "disappear" + }, + "in order to mitigate climate change while providing valuable value-%s products for global economies": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "add" + }, + "Snakes, %s lizards, and numerous other reptiles can be found living": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "monitor" + }, + "of the baccalaureate, which allows once it is successful to %s graduate studies in universities and institutes": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "pursue" + }, + "Anarchists took an active role in %s actions, although they tended to be antipathetic to formal": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "strike" + }, + "program designed to help him form social attachments and to %s speech via imitation": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "induce" + }, + "Asteroids was so popular that some video arcade operators had to %s large boxes to hold the number of coins spent by players": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "install" + }, + "strongly with silica, forming relatively low-density minerals that do not %s down into the Earth's core": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "sink" + }, + "lot of time outdoors in the countryside, allowing him to %s his new passion for collecting insects": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "indulge" + }, + "Sumter showed he adhered to his vow not to be the first to %s fraternal blood": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "shed" + }, + "The Autostrada 3 (A3) is currently under construction and will %s, after its completion, Tirana and Elbasan with the Pan-European": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "connect" + }, + "European Americans, through making voter registration difficult, requiring a poll %s and literacy test": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "tax" + }, + "Twelve %sers rejected it before the Bobbs-Merrill Company finally accepted it": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "publish" + }, + "On June 12, 1776, a day after %sing a committee to prepare a draft of the Declaration": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "appoint" + }, + "The then Fatimid vizier decided to %s what he couldn't control, and broke a deal with": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "destroy" + }, + "Aelian says that when the %sers would sing hymns to Apollo, the swans would join the chant in unison": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "sing" + }, + "At the age of seventeen or eighteen, Aristotle moved to Athens to %s his education at Plato's Academy": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "continue" + }, + "nationwide youth organization, the Wide Awakes, which it used to %s popular support throughout the country to spearhead voter registration": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "generate" + }, + "Alongside Stoicism, Taoism has been said to %s had \"significant anticipations\" of anarchism": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "have" + }, + "soon killed by Mirwais' son Mahmud for possibly planning to %s territories back to the Safavids": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "concede" + }, + "Similarly, Aristotle considered making a %s through interest unnatural, as it makes a gain out of the money itself, and not from its use": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "profit" + }, + " A Learning Time activity %s for Animalia created by The Little Big Book Club": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "guide" + }, + "She tried to %s him that her relationship with Gerstenbergk was platonic and that she had no intention of remarrying": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "convince" + }, + "Alternatively, Telephus held Orestes for ransom, the ransom being Achilles' %s in healing the wound": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "aid" + }, + "no God would give creatures such an ugly nose.\" He %sd the Jews of harbouring a superiority complex due to": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "accuse" + }, + "well, due mostly to the imposition of a cumulative poll %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "tax" + }, + "to ensure effective protection at the national level and to %s directly in the event of armed conflicts or disasters": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "intervene" + }, + "selection of generals and the naval blockade of the South's %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "trade" + }, + "Without that awareness, people relying exclusively on reasoning seem to find it harder to %s their way through moral thickets": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "sort" + }, + "Although some %s that it is related to Latin , 'be cold', no reason is known to associate seaweed with temperature": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "speculate" + }, + "affected the evolution of humans and other primates, and that %s, maintain or change contemporary genetic and physiological variation": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "generate" + }, + "These crops %s damage by insects": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "resist" + }, + "The inhabitants passively %s their increasing feelings of exile and separation": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "endure" + }, + "such as the Enragés and the saw a turning %s in the fermentation of anti-state and federalist sentiments": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "point" + }, + "Therefore, this article will %s itself for the most part to the classical asteroids:": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "restrict" + }, + "the incident had been planned in some way; during the %s rehearsal Niven had asked Metzler's wife to borrow a": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "dress" + }, + "Odin goes to Ægir, who he finds sitting in good %s, and tells him he shall \"often prepare a feast": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "cheer" + }, + "Anarcho-pacifists advocate for non-violence means to %s their stateless, nonviolent ends": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "achieve" + }, + "of childhood ASD have affected how ASD is viewed, parents %s to feel social stigma in situations where their child's": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "continue" + }, + "the cell to generate an action potential—a \"spike\" of electrical %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "discharge" + }, + "Autism has long been thought to %s a wide spectrum, ranging from individuals with severe impairments—who": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "cover" + }, + "Although the economy was booming, the business struggled and Lincoln eventually sold his %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "share" + }, + "𐤀 : Semitic letter Aleph, from which the following symbols originally %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "derive" + }, + "To %s the city from it, Laomedon had to sacrifice his daughter Hesione (who would later be saved by Heracles)": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "deliver" + }, + "as well as other issues that involve physical and psychological %s and suffering that are not a result of illness": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "harm" + }, + "Sometime later, Takshashila rebelled again, and Bindusara dispatched Susima to %s the rebellion": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "curb" + }, + "In China, the leaves and stems are used as a stir-%s vegetable, or in soups": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "fry" + }, + " The young pigs – Four pigs who %s about Napoleon's takeover of the farm but are quickly": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "complain" + }, + "His life parallels that of Leon Trotsky, but may also %s elements from Lenin": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "combine" + }, + "Circuit Court ordered the statue removed, but Moore refused to %s the court order, which led to protests around the": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "follow" + }, + "Since 1947, the %s is shared with the set decorator(s)": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "award" + }, + "O'Neill, in some of the earliest academic critiques of her ideas, said she failed in her attempt to %s the is–ought problem": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "solve" + }, + "The same year, Apple introduced System 7, a major %s to the Macintosh operating system, adding color to the": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "upgrade" + }, + "It would take between three and four weeks to %s 50 statuettes": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "manufacture" + }, + "World Heavyweight Champion for three years; Roussimoff came out to %s him, shaking Hogan's hand with a strong grip, which": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "congratulate" + }, + "considered landing short of the boulder field so they could %s geological samples from it, but could not since their": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "collect" + }, + "All of these versions %s Paris any sort of valour, owing to the common": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "deny" + }, + "Lincoln persisted with the policy of suspension in %s areas": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "select" + }, + "gives logic a mathematical foundation with equations, enables it to %s equations as well as check validity, and allows it": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "solve" + }, + "January 2011, it was reported that a $1 billion project to %s Asia and rural Alaska was being planned, aided in": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "connect" + }, + "In contrast, theoretical astronomers create and %s models of things that cannot be observed": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "investigate" + }, + "any system that perceives its environment and takes actions that %s its chance of achieving its goals": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "maximize" + }, + "are to lessen associated deficits and family distress, and to %s quality of life and functional independence": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "increase" + }, + "how critical water, land, and ecosystem resources are used to %s crop yields must be reconsidered": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "boost" + }, + "grants from the charitable foundation of BB&T Corporation that required %sing Rand's ideas or works; in some cases, the grants": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "teach" + }, + "Since the Soviet Union had higher %s capacity launch vehicles, Kennedy chose, from among options presented": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "lift" + }, + "bodies move towards their natural resting places; metal boats can %s if they displace enough water; floating depends in Archimedes'": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "float" + }, + "For rail %s, Amtrak schedules the Crescent, a daily passenger train, running": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "transport" + }, + "in Afghanistan, became great patrons of Buddhist culture, making Buddhism %s throughout the region": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "flourish" + }, + "In the case of evergreen forests with seasonal snow %s albedo reduction may be great enough for deforestation to": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "cover" + }, + "consume the entire colony, thus ensuring that the termites can %s and provide a continuous supply of food": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "rebuild" + }, + "In Greek handwriting, it was common to %s the left leg and horizontal stroke into a single loop, as demonstrated by the uncial version shown": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "join" + }, + "to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia were only authorized to %s the Articles, delegates held secret, closed-door sessions and wrote": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "amend" + }, + "second for £150 about a year later; he proceeded to %s down the dividing walls and convert both halves back": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "knock" + }, + "Beginning in this period, Huxley began to write and %s non-fiction works on pacifist issues, including Ends and Means": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "edit" + }, + "Moon, asteroid, etc.) and the %s from the target is measured": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "echo" + }, + "The novel's hero and leader of the %s, John Galt, describes it as \"stopping the motor of": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "strike" + }, + "Since the government is not quick to %s them, antisemitism spreads throughout Tunisian society": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "condemn" + }, + "such as Young's modulus, ductility, yield strength, and high temperature %s rate, are often dependent on the direction of measurement": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "creep" + }, + "Azerbaijani %s and Azerbaijani folk music arose with the international popularity": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "pop" + }, + "Audi promised to quickly find a technical solution and %s the cars so they can function within emissions regulations": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "upgrade" + }, + "open in the previous calendar year, from midnight at the %s of January 1 to midnight at the end of": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "start" + }, + "hair, that he would have several barbers working in a %s at the same time, and as for his beard": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "hurry" + }, + "However, most of the mutations that %s autism risk have not been identified": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "increase" + }, + "Socrates eventually abandons Homeric arguments and makes sports analogies to %s home the point: someone who does wrong on purpose": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "drive" + }, + "Ravel's high %s of Gershwin in an introductory letter to Nadia Boulanger": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "praise" + }, + "The current state constitution requires a voter referendum to %s property taxes": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "raise" + }, + "Kansas Act had a \"declared indifference, but as I must %s, a covert real zeal for the spread of slavery": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "think" + }, + "What of his robes so fine in texture, so soft to the %s, aglow with purple": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "touch" + }, + "Until the 20th century, Andorra had very limited %s links to the outside world, and development of the": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "transport" + }, + "political upheavals in the early 1800s, Portugal was slow to %s a large scale annexation of Angolan territory": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "mount" + }, + "A few weeks before the war, Lincoln sent a letter to every governor informing them Congress had passed a joint resolution to %s the Constitution": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "amend" + }, + "A component especially of individualist anarchism, philosophical anarchism may %s the existence of a minimal state but claims that": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "tolerate" + }, + "Ravel's %s reignited Gershwin's desire to return to Paris, which he and his brother Ira did after meeting Ravel": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "tour" + }, + "while the social current emphasises positive liberty in aiming to %s the free potential of society through equality and social": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "achieve" + }, + "American English end with ize, such as realize, recognize and %s are spelt with ise in Australian English: realise, recognise": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "apologize" + }, + "winners returned their statuettes to the Academy and had to %s several weeks to have their names inscribed on their": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "wait" + }, + "State legislatures were unable or unwilling to %s attacks upon private contracts and public credit": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "resist" + }, + "A broad categorisation can be made between aims to %s oppressive states and institutions by revolutionary means on one": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "destroy" + }, + "series of federal court cases required redistricting in 1972 to %s equal representation": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "meet" + }, + "In a chronological %s, anarchism can be segmented by the classical currents of": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "sense" + }, + "If not, a button at the bottom of the list allows the user to %s individual characters in that word": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "edit" + }, + "These hydrocarbon deposits, collected in porous rocks trapped beneath impermeable cap rocks, %s commercial oil fields": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "comprise" + }, + "the Union armies enjoyed over the Confederates, who did not %s emulate the equivalent manpower source for fear of fundamentally": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "dare" + }, + "Most amphibians lay their eggs in water and have aquatic larvae that %s metamorphosis to become terrestrial adults": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "undergo" + }, + "He reported that, for the first time in more than 25 years, he was able to read without glasses and without %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "strain" + }, + "these new systems were working, but local leaders did not %s to state this, instead, they falsified reports so as": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "dare" + }, + "Throughout his lifetime, Bell sought to %s the deaf and hard of hearing with the hearing world": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "integrate" + }, + "consumers purchasing services that fulfill their highest-priority needs\" and by %sors seeking the most profitable enterprises to invest in": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "invest" + }, + "several friends aware of his intelligence work urged him to %s, but he decided not to": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "sue" + }, + "strange coloring and their grim smiles\" who have assembled to %s Perseus in this picture": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "cheer" + }, + "artist and the non-artist, what separates art from a daily %s, is a construct produced by the alienation caused by": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "act" + }, + "often asked to assess behavior and cognitive skills, both to %s diagnosis and to help recommend educational interventions": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "aid" + }, + "Joseph Raz states that the acceptance of authority implies the belief that following their instructions will %s more success": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "afford" + }, + "The stage was then set for the election of the Illinois legislature which would, in turn, %s Lincoln or Douglas": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "select" + }, + "Both %s from the majuscule (capital) form": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "derive" + }, + "it is impossible to obtain knowledge of metaphysical nature or %s the truth value of philosophical propositions; and even if": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "ascertain" + }, + "that either they both should get an equal chance to %s their skills or none of them should use their": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "combine" + }, + "is the male's loud advertisement call which seeks to both %s a female to approach and discourage other males from": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "encourage" + }, + "As of 2007, reviews %s a prevalence of 1–2 per 1,000 for autism and": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "estimate" + }, + "usually done in private, typically in a bathroom at a %s so the liquid can be rinsed away": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "sink" + }, + "For example, \"ice cream\" and \"I %s\"": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "scream" + }, + " inverted sentences formed using do-support (doesn't %s). Preceded by to, it": { + "split": "val", + "entity": null + }, + "to 200 million years ago), the reptiles continued to out-%s the amphibians, leading to a reduction in both the amphibians'": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "compete" + }, + "For them, the quality of friendships, not the number of friends, predicts how lonely they %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "feel" + }, + "Shortly after Plato died, Aristotle left Athens and, at the %s of Philip II of Macedon, tutored Alexander the Great": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "request" + }, + "According to an article, failure to %s any of the following milestones \"is an absolute indication to proceed with further evaluations": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "meet" + }, + "Oceanic debris tends to %s at the center of gyres and coastlines, frequently washing": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "accumulate" + }, + "Medications may be used to %s ASD symptoms that interfere with integrating a child into home or school when behavioral treatment fails": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "treat" + }, + " pronounced as a full syllable, e.g. thou %s (which means \"": { + "split": "val", + "entity": null + }, + "Spain kept a %s on its former Spanish West Florida territory in what": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "claim" + }, + "In that case, negative excursions beyond zero %s a reversal of the carrier phase, as shown in the third waveform below": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "entail" + }, + "The limited data %s that, in children with intellectual disability, autism is associated with aggression, destruction of property, and meltdowns": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "suggest" + }, + "Initially, the group was an informal gathering of friends who met with Rand at her apartment on weekends to %s philosophy": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "discuss" + }, + "They also requested each of the remaining states to %s its delegation when ratification was completed": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "notify" + }, + "In its early years, there were many variants of the Greek alphabet, a situation that caused many different alphabets to %s from it": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "evolve" + }, + " avoid confusion with otherwise identical words (e.g. %s), to clarify pronunciation": { + "split": "val", + "entity": null + }, + "to the modern-day, major tenets of anarchist schools, among them %s for child autonomy and relying on reasoning rather than": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "respect" + }, + "on January 19, 1862, the ill-prepared Confederates, after a night %s in the rain, attacked the Union force with some": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "march" + }, + "living, acting as the sources of change or movement or %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "rest" + }, + "The ribs %s to the spine and there are no limbs or limb girdles": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "attach" + }, + "Nay, all these allurements suit with naught %s luxury": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "save" + }, + "This is an ironic %s to the original purpose of the Seven Commandments, which": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "twist" + }, + "For example, proposals in 2010 for a voluntary code of %s for the livestock industry that would have provided incentives": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "conduct" + }, + "The use of minted coins continued to %s during the Greek and Roman eras": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "flourish" + }, + "rather than let the Nation survive, and the other would %s war rather than let it perish, and the war": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "accept" + }, + "variable.\" Nevertheless, the topic of Huxley's eyesight has continued to %s similar, significant controversy": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "endure" + }, + "In myths, the tears of amber Apollo %s when his son Asclepius died became the waters of": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "shed" + }, + "Schopenhauer did not %s that the external world existed empirically but followed Kant": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "deny" + }, + "Dagny Taggart plans to %s him to lay the new Rearden Metal track for": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "hire" + }, + "Hurry–furry merger: The pre- vowels in words like %s and furry are merged in most American": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "hurry" + }, + "The %s required the local community and state to raise matching funds to pay the rest": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "fund" + }, + "by as much as 0.6 magnitude at visual wavelengths, then %s after only a few minutes": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "fade" + }, + "Since the mid-1960s, Western-influenced Azerbaijani %s music, in its various forms, that has been growing": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "pop" + }, + "The ADAAA directed the EEOC to %s its regulations and replace \"severely or significantly\" with \"substantially": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "amend" + }, + "the natural state of an object is to be at %s, since Aristotle does not address friction": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "rest" + }, + "win the race to build an atomic bomb, and to %s that Hitler would be more than willing to resort": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "warn" + }, + "Anarchism has continued to %s many philosophies and movements, at times eclectic, drawing upon": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "generate" + }, + "Those components of the received %s that return from first-surface reflections (as from a smooth": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "echo" + }, + "are political, administrative, economic and military power holders, who have %sd (and continue to accumulate) enormous wealth": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "accumulate" + }, + "The Civil War was a significant %s in the eventual dominance of the singular usage by the end of the 19th century": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "force" + }, + "The arithmetic mean is the most commonly used and readily understood %s of central tendency in a data set": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "measure" + }, + "Acting decisively, Alexander Melville Bell asked Bell to %s for the sale of all the family property, conclude": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "arrange" + }, + "He failed an ATP drug %s, but wrote a letter claiming the same friend had spiked a drink": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "test" + }, + "December 1835 State of the Union Address, Jackson refused to %s, stating he had a good opinion of the French": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "apologize" + }, + "In one sense, the opposite of altruism is spite; a spiteful action harms another with no self-%s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "benefit" + }, + "plan for a campaign in Virginia, which he hoped would %s Greene's army in the Carolinas and cause the collapse": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "isolate" + }, + "a sharing of musical theories, Ravel said he could not %s him, saying, \"Why be a second-rate Ravel when you": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "teach" + }, + "After a brief interview, Stanton declared him a patriot and dismissed the %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "charge" + }, + "then the sums of squares, mean squares, and F-ratios will %s on the order in which the sources of variation": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "depend" + }, + "Hippias believes that Achilles was a generally honest man, while Socrates believes that Achilles lied for his own %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "benefit" + }, + "Earth orbit, and in May Apollo 10 conducted a \"%s rehearsal\" in lunar orbit": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "dress" + }, + "The %s resulted in an economic conflict and the Revolution of": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "ban" + }, + "Two days after McClellan's %s to command, General Robert E": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "return" + }, + "Anarchists %s the idea that the state is the collective will": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "consider" + }, + "But in the next round, Apollo decided to play on his lyre and %s his melodious voice to his performance": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "add" + }, + "the poem: when the hero is functioning rightly, his men %s distress to the enemy, but when wrongly, his men": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "bring" + }, + "These traditions' general penchant for cryptic and symbolic language makes it hard to %s their mutual influences and \"genetic\" relationships": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "trace" + }, + "nothing but the %s to turn away from oneself and to lose oneself in other people's business\"": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "urge" + }, + "David Davis was Lincoln's campaign manager in 1860 and had served as a %s in the Illinois court circuit where Lincoln practiced": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "judge" + }, + "Some private companies provides car %s service between Whittier and Seattle": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "float" + }, + "Safely permitting women to self-%s abortion medication has the potential to improve access to abortion": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "administer" + }, + "Various DSP programs have been developed to explicitly %s intervention systems through at-home parent implementation": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "deliver" + }, + "But in recent times its thriving tourist industry along with developments in %s and communications have removed the country from its isolation": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "transport" + }, + "Amino acids are required for synthesis of proteins required for growth and %s of body tissues": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "repair" + }, + "percent stake in Nevada First Bank and made a $10 million %s when it was sold to Western Alliance Bancorp in": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "profit" + }, + "simple diagnostic test to identify alternative causes of fever, clinicians %s that a non-malarial febrile illness is most likely a": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "presume" + }, + "in the brain and how nerve cells and their synapses %s and organize; how this occurs is not well understood": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "connect" + }, + "to time worked, rather than goods being distributed according to %s as in communism": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "need" + }, + "In August 2006, Agassi and Graf developed a joint %s with high-end furniture maker Kreiss Enterprises": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "venture" + }, + "is a way to regain urban space from the capitalist %s, serving pragmatical needs and also being an exemplary direct": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "market" + }, + "The International became a significant political %s, with Karl Marx being a leading figure and a member of its General Council": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "force" + }, + "alloys of aluminium, titanium, and copper, are heat-treatable alloys that %s when quenched (cooled quickly), and then harden over time": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "soften" + }, + "Some post-Homeric sources %s that in order to keep Achilles safe from the": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "claim" + }, + " CBS did not %s the test results of involved government agencies, but did acknowledge the similar results of another study": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "acknowledge" + }, + "the Algerian authorities of using the COVID-19 pandemic as an %s to prevent pro-democracy movements and protests in the country,": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "excuse" + }, + "Swift's specific strategy is twofold, using a \"%s\" to create sympathy for the Irish and a dislike of": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "trap" + }, + "with the Radio Times, Hopkins spoke of his ability to %s people since he was a boy growing up in": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "frighten" + }, + "1837, he wrote Owens a letter saying he would not %s her if she ended the relationship, and she never": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "blame" + }, + "The poor generally receive health care free of %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "charge" + }, + "In December 1991 Paul Keating defeated Bob Hawke in a leadership %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "spill" + }, + "These temperatures could cause the heat shield to %s and propellant lines to burst": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "crack" + }, + "of 25 of the 67 counties are \"dry counties\" which %s the sale of alcohol, and there are many dry": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "ban" + }, + "Aeschylus and Sophocles used the myth of Antigone to %s the conflict between rules set by the state and personal autonomy": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "illustrate" + }, + "Following the American Civil War, Alabama would %s decades of economic hardship, in part due to agriculture": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "suffer" + }, + "In the United States there are two major pieces of legislation that %s the use of assistive technology within the school system": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "govern" + }, + "General Sir Henry Clinton wanted to %s Washington's disorganized army, but he was first required to": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "pursue" + }, + "of 1862, forcing the Army of the Potomac back to %s Washington": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "defend" + }, + "Its aims include reciprocity, free association, voluntary %s, federation and monetary reform of both credit and currency": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "contract" + }, + "Betrüger would use sleight of hand, or claims of secret knowledge to make money or %s patronage": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "secure" + }, + "How would we %s the combined magnitude of that double star knowing only the magnitudes of the individual components": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "reckon" + }, + "They %s via direct development, an ecological and evolutionary adaptation that has allowed them to be completely independent from free-standing water": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "reproduce" + }, + "The former sought to create a coherent group that would %s for revolution while the latter were against anything that would resemble a political party": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "push" + }, + "DER2 can not only change its expression but also move its hands and feet and %s its body": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "twist" + }, + "She also wanted to %s the lauded 1946 film The Best Years of Our": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "criticize" + }, + "It is unclear if costly signaling can indicate a long-term cooperative personality but people have increased %s for those who help": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "trust" + }, + "using body undulations to fan the eggs and increase their %s of oxygen": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "supply" + }, + "Some alternative treatments may place the child at %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "risk" + }, + "The word autism first took its modern %s in 1938 when Hans Asperger of the Vienna University": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "sense" + }, + "Other factors that may %s metamorphosis include lack of food, lack of trace elements and competition from conspecifics": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "inhibit" + }, + "Her government lasted until 2013, when Gillard lost a leadership %s, with Rudd becoming leader once again": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "spill" + }, + "of large areas of rural Spain, where they collectivised the %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "land" + }, + "popular again, allowing many carpet dealers around the country to %s more workers; in 2016–17 it was the fourth most": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "hire" + }, + "However, their side effects must be weighed against their potential benefits, and autistic people may %s atypically": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "respond" + }, + "The 1934 awards appeared again in another early media %s of Oscar: a Time magazine story": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "mention" + }, + "is straightforward with pulses being sent from the vessel, which %s off the ocean floor, then return to the vessel": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "bounce" + }, + "While some restaurants in North America deep %s the omelet, versions found in Asia are more likely to fry in the wok": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "fry" + }, + "\"among the small handful of semi-sacred texts by which Americans %s their place in the world;\" it is inscribed in": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "conceive" + }, + "King Agamemnon because he had sacrificed their daughter Iphigenia to %s forward with the Trojan war": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "proceed" + }, + "in the Lunar Receiving Laboratory), the astronauts were given a %s bill of health": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "clean" + }, + "Exposure to air pollution during pregnancy, especially heavy metals and particulates, may %s the risk of autism": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "increase" + }, + "Black %s dress is the most common outfit for men, although": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "tie" + }, + "One party may wish to %s the affiant to verify the contents of the affidavit,": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "summon" + }, + "He sought to %s the states to agree to compensation for emancipating their slaves in return for their acceptance of abolition": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "persuade" + }, + "more viewers would tune in on Sundays, that Los Angeles %s-hour traffic jams could be avoided, and an earlier start": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "rush" + }, + "It was so common that I'd %s 90 per cent of the horses had arsenic in their system.\"": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "reckon" + }, + "with many literature and philosophy departments dismissing her as a %s culture phenomenon rather than a subject for serious study": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "pop" + }, + "In 1183, Alexios was compelled to %s his own mother to death": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "condemn" + }, + "While the women fled in panic, Achilles prepared to %s the court, thus giving his identity away": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "defend" + }, + "wanted to wring their little necks, and yet out of %s for Lincoln I kept my mouth shut": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "respect" + }, + "Most professionals %s that race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic background do not affect the occurrence of autism": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "believe" + }, + "Various candidates are put forward who might %s the land after Abraham; and, while promises are made": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "inherit" + }, + "avenge the trouble given to his mother, Apollo went in %s of Python and killed it in the sacred cave": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "search" + }, + "He built his railroad without any government handouts, and ran the business for no other reason than to turn a %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "profit" + }, + "asked what Grant's plans were, the persistent general replied, \"I %s to fight it out on this line if it": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "propose" + }, + "After World War II the emphasis began to shift toward an effort to %s the role culture plays in shaping human biology": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "explore" + }, + "In Alabama, majority-white districts are now expected to regularly %s Republican candidates to federal, state and local office": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "elect" + }, + "the anarchist critique of state education, largely focusing on the %s for a system that focuses on children's creativity rather": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "need" + }, + "This has been used by charities that give small gifts to potential donors hoping thereby to %s reciprocity": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "induce" + }, + "Scottie's obsession leads to tragedy, and this time Hitchcock did not %s for a happy ending": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "opt" + }, + "Below this %s is another group of eleven parallel lines, again divided": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "crack" + }, + "Schopenhauer refused to %s of love as either trifling or accidental, but rather": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "conceive" + }, + "fluitans and natans) %s, an area wide and encircled by the Gulf": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "float" + }, + "based on population, as required by the state constitution to %s the results of decennial censuses": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "follow" + }, + "the recipient and friends at a restaurant, videophones, a four-night %s at a hotel, watches, bracelets, spa treatments, bottles of": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "stay" + }, + "Razzias, on European coastal towns to capture Christian slaves to %s at slave markets in North Africa and other parts": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "sell" + }, + "It was unknown whether the critical %s would include the four minutes of material Gershwin later": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "score" + }, + "literature was not something which most major publishing houses would %s – including his regular publisher Gollancz": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "touch" + }, + "the North as well as you of the South, shall %s fairly for our complicity in that wrong, impartial history": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "pay" + }, + "As Jewish migration to Israel took hold, the language did not %s and is now considered endangered": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "thrive" + }, + "If their territory is infringed upon, they will %s the intruder up to or to the border": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "chase" + }, + "The significant %s to the economy led to a push for a": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "blow" + }, + "two decades, some of the basic concepts it addressed would %s; others would weaken, especially in the degree of loyalty": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "strengthen" + }, + "All AMPAS members must be invited to %s by the Board of Governors, on behalf of Academy Branch Executive Committees": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "join" + }, + "lower proceeding is itself admissible as evidence, thus helping to %s frivolous appeals": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "curb" + }, + "Abrams published The Animalia Wall Frieze, a %s-out over 26 feet in length, in which the author": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "fold" + }, + "Eventually, their bony fins would %s into limbs and they would become the ancestors to": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "evolve" + }, + "not unusual, even among long-established language families: scholars also frequently %s on the internal classification of the Indo-European languages, for": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "disagree" + }, + "part of their quest for scientific objectivity, present-day anthropologists typically %s cultural relativism, which has an influence on all the": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "urge" + }, + "He entered a boxing contest with Phorbas and killed him with a single %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "blow" + }, + "Those anarchists would rather base their thought and praxis on their %s experience which they will later theorize": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "own" + }, + "Sinéad scribbled a few lyrics and %s! She left us completely choked up.\" The band used": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "bang" + }, + "in a few species, the females continue to guard their %s in their mouth after they hatch": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "fry" + }, + "There is a tendency for males to %s the holders of neighbouring territories while vigorously attacking unknown intruders": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "tolerate" + }, + "As the Confederation Congress attempted to %s the continually growing American states, delegates discovered that the": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "govern" + }, + "until July 1998 to limit UNITA's exportation of diamonds and %s UNITA bank accounts": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "freeze" + }, + "An affidavit which reflected a better %s of the facts close in time to the actual": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "grasp" + }, + "to %s from the surgeons whether they were perfectly sure that all metal had been removed from the neighborhood of the bed": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "ascertain" + }, + "William Daly arranged the %s for piano solo; this was published by New World Music in 1929": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "score" + }, + "(Ambystoma tigrinum) is typical of the frogs and salamanders that %s under cover ready to ambush unwary invertebrates": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "hide" + }, + "Chevalier de La Luzerne, French Minister to the United States, felt that the Articles would help %s the American government": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "strengthen" + }, + "being separated from the rest of the country by a %s, some wide, of the Democratic Republic of Congo": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "strip" + }, + "To %s the depth of an anthropological approach, one can take": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "illustrate" + }, + "Across the vigas lie smaller members called latillas and upon those %s is then laid": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "brush" + }, + "Animation as an art and industry continues to %s as of the early 2020s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "thrive" + }, + "There are several characteristics that tend to %s anthropological work": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "unite" + }, + "Eating pine needles can also %s abortions in cows": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "induce" + }, + "By the %s of the 21st century, however, Aristotle was taken more": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "start" + }, + "as \"rooted in a distinct class made up of closely-%s networks built through the marriage of important families through socioeconomic": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "knit" + }, + "The young generally %s metamorphosis from larva with gills to an adult air-breathing form with lungs": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "undergo" + }, + "Commercial availability of %ss may precede adequate understanding of how to use test": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "test" + }, + "The established feminist tendencies of anarcha-feminism returned with vigour during the second %s of feminism": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "wave" + }, + "Nancy Lincoln succumbed to milk sickness, leaving 11-year-old Sarah in %s of a household including her father, 9-year-old Abraham, and": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "charge" + }, + "more closely resembled the faces of study participants increased the %s the participants expressed regarding depicted persons": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "trust" + }, + "test lunar landing procedures that would otherwise have had to %s until Apollo10, the scheduled \"F\" mission": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "wait" + }, + "Lincoln said, \"I will %s death before I consent ..": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "suffer" + }, + "In 1989, Michael Todd's grandson tried to %s Todd's Best Picture Oscar for his 1956 production of": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "sell" + }, + "The Trojans, led by Hector, subsequently %s the Greek army back toward the beaches and assault the Greek ships": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "push" + }, + "The Syndic General then notifies the co-princes, who in turn %s the elected candidate as the head of government of": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "appoint" + }, + "Iran's loss in the 1804–1813 war, it was forced to %s suzerainty over most of the khanates, along with Georgia": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "concede" + }, + ", although in the informal notation of a %s presentation it may stand for ": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "slide" + }, + "prescribe moral actions that ought to be done, but to %s moral actions": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "investigate" + }, + "have the power of discretionary review, meaning that they can %s whether they will hear an appeal brought in a": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "decide" + }, + "As non-volatile storage devices begin to %s 1 GB in capacity (where the ambiguity begins to": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "exceed" + }, + "Their party favored economic modernization in banking, tariffs to %s internal improvements including railroads, and urbanization": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "fund" + }, + "was arrested for wearing a jacket with the words \"%s the draft\" on its back, while he walked through the": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "fuck" + }, + "the potential for a circumlunar flight providing a significant morale %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "boost" + }, + "but sodium and potassium can ignite, and rubidium and caesium %s in water and generate hydrogen gas so rapidly that": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "sink" + }, + "Four %sers refused to publish Animal Farm, yet one had initially accepted the work, but declined it after consulting the Ministry of Information": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "publish" + }, + "These were positioned to %s the Hamming distance between their bit patterns": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "maximize" + }, + "complex relationships with ideologies such as communism, collectivism, Marxism, and %s unionism": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "trade" + }, + "incurred large debts during the Revolutionary War, and how to %s those debts became a major issue of debate following": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "repay" + }, + "Having %sd power to himself, Timur Shah would fight multiple series": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "consolidate" + }, + "It is also common to %s ANOVA to observational data using an appropriate statistical model": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "apply" + }, + "of 1787 at the discretion of Congress; thus Congress could %s human bondage, but never establish it": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "restrict" + }, + "this against aggressors, what ought men to do, do you %s?\"": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "reckon" + }, + "This segment was later followed by a commercial %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "break" + }, + "by French or Spanish-speaking Catholics, led the British authorities to %s their hold by populating them with English-speaking settlers": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "consolidate" + }, + "In 2005, Premier Ralph Klein made a promise that he would %s tuition and look into ways of reducing schooling costs": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "freeze" + }, + "reject this criticism because challenging or disobeying authority does not %s the disappearance of its advantages by acknowledging authority such": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "entail" + }, + "object to which the hand is pointing, and they consistently %s to point at objects in order to comment on": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "fail" + }, + "Frederick, a neighbouring farmer, attacks the farm, using blasting powder to %s up the restored windmill": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "blow" + }, + "but was himself captivated by her, and allowed her to %s him": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "ride" + }, + "In short, why does so much planned development %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "fail" + }, + "Other common animation methods %s a stop motion technique to two- and three-dimensional objects like paper cutouts, puppets, or clay figures": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "apply" + }, + "These animals metabolize sugar and oxygen to %s energy for their cell-building processes, including secretion of the": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "obtain" + }, + "The control systems include actuators, which %s forces in various directions, and generate rotational forces or": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "exert" + }, + "Lincoln told a group of political allies that he would %s the nomination if offered, and in the following months'": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "accept" + }, + "they appear to allow time for the termite nests to %s before feeding on it again": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "recover" + }, + "planning his invasion of the Parthian Empire, Caracalla decided to %s 16,000 of his men in Macedonian-style phalanxes, despite the": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "arrange" + }, + "were relegated to by economists, and have now turned to %s corporations, banks, and the global financial system from an": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "examine" + }, + "Many amphibians are nocturnal and %s during the day, thereby avoiding diurnal predators that hunt by sight": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "hide" + }, + "However, Apollo did not %s this and stopped Heracles; a duel ensued between them": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "tolerate" + }, + "Just like today, the oil industry attracted foreigners eager to %s and to work": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "invest" + }, + "It has long been presumed that there is a common %s at the genetic, cognitive, and neural levels for autism's": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "cause" + }, + "had been sent by the CIA's Psychological Warfare department to %s the film rights from Orwell's widow, and the resulting": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "obtain" + }, + "Autistic individuals may have symptoms that are independent of the diagnosis, but that can %s the individual or the family": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "affect" + }, + "Algerian officials and activists believe that this is a good first %s and hope that this move would encourage broader reparation": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "step" + }, + "This coincided with its failure to %s traction in Northern Europe and its unprecedented height in Latin America": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "gain" + }, + "Autism rights or neurodiversity advocates %s that the autism spectrum is genetic and should be": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "believe" + }, + "of protons and neutrons may have relatively longer half-lives and %s an island of stability": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "comprise" + }, + "However, they %s form attachments to their primary caregivers": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "do" + }, + "Rafter, however, took their only US Open %s in 1997 and went on to win the title": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "encounter" + }, + " The monks, then kneeling, gave him the %s of peace on the hand, and rising, on the": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "kiss" + }, + " The academic Morris Dickstein has suggested there is \"a %s of Orwell himself in this creature's timeless scepticism\" and": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "touch" + }, + "Tucker, who opposed age of consent laws, believing they would %s predatory men": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "benefit" + }, + "Proponents %s \"America the Beautiful\" for various reasons, saying it is": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "prefer" + }, + "His children, including eight-year-old Thomas, Abraham's father, witnessed the %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "attack" + }, + "These favours usually %s Poirot being supplied with other interesting cases": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "entail" + }, + "For the Documentary award, the screening must %s between noon and 10 pm local time; for other awards,": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "start" + }, + "Colleges and universities in Alabama %s degree programs from two-year associate degrees to a multitude of doctoral level programs": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "offer" + }, + "A tendency towards reciprocity implies that people will %s obligated to respond if someone helps them": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "feel" + }, + "anarchism, its meaning has more recently diluted with wider a%sption from ideologically disparate groups, including both the New Left and": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "do" + }, + "Alkanes do not %s electricity in any way, nor are they substantially polarized by an electric field": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "conduct" + }, + "of control—he said I was the 'only director' he'd '%s with a film'.\"": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "trust" + }, + "This %s apparently delighted Alexander, who is reported to have said": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "reply" + }, + "With a few exceptions, adult amphibians are predators, feeding on virtually anything that moves that they can %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "swallow" + }, + "The most common critique of anarchism is that humans cannot self-%s and so a state is necessary for human survival": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "govern" + }, + "Scientists generally %s evapotranspiration as a net cooling impact, and the net": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "treat" + }, + "When Old Major dies, two young pigs, Snowball and Napoleon, %s command and stage a revolt, driving Mr": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "assume" + }, + "Amethyst can %s in tone if overexposed to light sources and can be artificially darkened with adequate irradiation": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "fade" + }, + "Upon stopping contact with the causative substance, the lesions may %s for years": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "persist" + }, + "to non-autistic peers, despite the common belief that autistic children %s to be alone": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "prefer" + }, + "Globally, autism is estimated to %s 24.8 million people ": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "affect" + }, + "sports bras, and appeared in the \"only the ball should %s\" billboard campaign": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "bounce" + }, + "Most amphibians %s their prey whole without much chewing so they possess voluminous stomachs": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "swallow" + }, + "he would be the master of lyre and archery, and %s the will of Zeus to humankind": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "interpret" + }, + "utilizes a parent training model, which teaches parents how to %s various ABA and DSP techniques, allowing for parents to": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "implement" + }, + "Others brood their eggs and the larvae %s metamorphosis before the eggs hatch": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "undergo" + }, + "McClellan's slow progress frustrated Lincoln, as did his position that no troops were needed to %s Washington": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "defend" + }, + "At the %s of World War II, the anarchist movement was severely weakened": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "end" + }, + "This meager statistic expanded in the 20th century to %s anthropology departments in the majority of the world's higher": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "comprise" + }, + "Also, they are often used as incidental music (\"%s songs\") in an episode, in order to highlight particularly important scenes": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "insert" + }, + "President Buchanan and President-%s Lincoln refused to recognize the Confederacy, declaring secession illegal": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "elect" + }, + "had purposely fallen to the ground so that she could %s him": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "sue" + }, + "Aristotle's conception of the city is organic, and he is considered one of the first to %s of the city in this manner": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "conceive" + }, + "Bakunin famously predicted that if revolutionaries gained power by Marx's terms, they would %s up the new tyrants of workers": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "end" + }, + "producing more data—to the point where no single human could %s it all at once—it followed that human intelligence was": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "grasp" + }, + "to empower the delegates of this state in Congress to %s and ratify the articles of confederation\" and perpetual union": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "subscribe" + }, + "Kansas–Nebraska Act and other efforts to compromise on the slavery %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "issue" + }, + "His writing portrayed alchemy as a %s of terrestrial astronomy in line with the Hermetic axiom As above so below": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "sort" + }, + "The %s was originally sculpted by George Stanley from a design sketch by Cedric Gibbons": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "award" + }, + "With Lycomedes' daughter Deidamia, whom in the %s of Statius he raped, Achilles there fathered two sons,": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "account" + }, + "that his objections were based on religious ideals, the only %s allowed under the McCarran Act, the judge had to": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "excuse" + }, + "philosophy as the standard of truth, I should have to %s to Buddhism pre-eminence over the others": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "concede" + }, + "The evidence strongly argues for early dispersal of stone tool %s and use from East Africa or a possible multiple-origin": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "manufacture" + }, + "from a given number to the mean, one way to %s this property is as saying that the numbers to": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "interpret" + }, + "Certain types of bacteria can metabolize alkanes: they %s even-numbered carbon chains as they are easier to degrade": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "prefer" + }, + "after returning, he observed a supporter in the crowd under %s, grabbed the assailant by his \"neck and the seat": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "attack" + }, + "2021 could %s the genetic evidence for the origin of Basal-East Asians": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "reproduce" + }, + "I believe this government cannot %s permanently half slave and half free": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "endure" + }, + "Sources %s on the word's meaning": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "disagree" + }, + "However, occurs in many common digraphs, all with their %s sound or sounds, particularly , , , , and ": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "own" + }, + "regarding another aspect, with the segment having a \"popularity contest\" %s as the audience varied their applause to those who": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "feel" + }, + "Lincoln later regretted some of his statements, especially his %s on presidential war-making powers": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "attack" + }, + "months, become established by age two or three years and %s to continue through adulthood, although often in more muted": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "tend" + }, + "Common examples of gliders are sailplanes, %s gliders and paragliders": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "hang" + }, + "Numerous countries have placed restrictions on the production, %s or use of GMO foods and crops": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "import" + }, + "Side effects, for example, may include weight %s, tiredness, drooling, and aggression": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "gain" + }, + "these tactics while having in mind that not all anarchists %s the same attitudes towards them, along with various forms": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "share" + }, + "signs and likely causes; Rett syndrome and childhood disintegrative disorder %s several signs with autism, but may have unrelated causes;": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "share" + }, + " No animal shall %s alcohol": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "drink" + }, + "However, a witness with a high level of empathic concern is likely to %s personal responsibility entirely regardless of the number of bystanders": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "assume" + }, + "Instead of throwing him out, she allows him to %s as her guest": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "ride" + }, + "District of Columbia with compensation for the owners, enforcement to %s fugitive slaves, and a popular vote on the matter": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "capture" + }, + "pictures on a board that are used to request food, %s, or other care; or they can be advanced speech": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "drink" + }, + "oscillation, which would not only hamper engine performance, but could %s significant g-forces on a crew": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "exert" + }, + "This means that the usual analysis of variance techniques do not %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "apply" + }, + "When the war started, Britain tried to %s the Dutch-based Scots Brigade for service in America, but": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "borrow" + }, + "Black residents effectively taxed themselves twice, by raising additional monies to %s matching funds for such schools, which were built in many rural areas": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "supply" + }, + "genetic syndromes associated with ASDs have been shown to selectively %s ASD": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "cause" + }, + "envelope after the eggs are laid and may increase the %s of oxygen to the embryo through photosynthesis": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "supply" + }, + "sizes of the atoms in the alloy, because larger atoms %s a compressive force on neighboring atoms, and smaller atoms": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "exert" + }, + "By this reasoning, the %s for the philosopher's stone was introduced to Western alchemy": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "search" + }, + "level is an area of focus that sociologists seek to %s in order to contribute back to the groups it": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "investigate" + }, + "half of the 20th century, anarchism intermingled with the second %s of feminism, radicalising some currents of the feminist movement": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "wave" + }, + "the 2008 awards, as it did not play its Oscar-qualifying %s in Los Angeles until mid-2009, thus qualifying for the": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "run" + }, + "Racing drivers mainly %s about pains in the lumbar, shoulder and neck regions": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "complain" + }, + "Then Armstrong walked from the LM to %s photos at the rim of Little West Crater while Aldrin collected two core samples": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "snap" + }, + "Owen of Henllys writing in the 16th century referring to %s weed in South Wales:": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "drift" + }, + "This \"Hamitic language group\" was proposed to %s various, mainly North-African, languages, including the Ancient Egyptian language,": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "unite" + }, + "At the June 1856 Republican National Convention, though Lincoln received support to %s as vice president, John C": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "run" + }, + "Lincoln's decision to %s enabled his Whig supporters and Trumbull's antislavery Democrats to": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "withdraw" + }, + "the 1890s and beginning in France, libertarianism has often been %sd as a synonym for anarchism and its use as": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "use" + }, + "Extant fragments of the Achilleis and other Aeschylean fragments have been assembled to %s a workable modern play": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "produce" + }, + " Compulsive behaviors: Time-consuming behaviors intended to %s the anxiety that an individual feels compelled to perform": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "reduce" + }, + "decision was rendered was unconstitutional or otherwise invalid, or may %s the higher court to order a new trial on": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "convince" + }, + "associated emotional, cognitive, and neurohormonal mechanisms, evolved in order to %s long-term, high-cost altruism between those closely depending on one": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "facilitate" + }, + "They %s that a person who is intentionally false must be": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "decide" + }, + "resulting in recurring situations of ambiguity where users had to %s depending on what terminal they were using (shells that": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "decide" + }, + "He is internationally known for the concept of micro credit which allows poor and destitute people with little or no collateral to %s money": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "borrow" + }, + "This, according to organizer Bill Mechanic, was to %s the elimination of what he termed \"the single most": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "ensure" + }, + "Some studies also find decreased earning among parents who %s for autistic children": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "care" + }, + "These signs often %s gradually, though some autistic children experience regression in their communication and social skills after reaching developmental milestones at a normal pace": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "develop" + }, + "As anarchism does not %s a fixed body of doctrine from a single particular": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "offer" + }, + "In December 2018, Audi announced to %s 14 billion Euro ($15.9 billion) in e-mobility, self-driving cars": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "invest" + }, + "As a first %s, Algerian literature was marked by works whose main concern": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "step" + }, + "the prophet Calchas that the Achaeans would be unable to %s Troy without Achilles' aid": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "capture" + }, + "developing embryo from drying out, that enabled the reptiles to %s on land and which led to their dominance in": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "reproduce" + }, + "Democratic opponents accused Lincoln of using the military to %s his and the Republicans' political aspirations": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "ensure" + }, + "in Apple State aid case: Apple will not have to %s €13 billion to Ireland": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "repay" + }, + "felt that he was a \"detestable, bombastic, tiresome, ego-centric little %s\"": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "creep" + }, + "Prophecies linked Troilus' fate to that of Troy and so he was ambushed in an attempt to %s him": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "capture" + }, + "but even better was asphalt paving, which was easy to %s and to cut through to get at sewers": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "install" + }, + "Poisonous species often use bright colouring to %s potential predators of their toxicity": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "warn" + }, + "alpha particles, which accumulates with time; this can cause a %s of some material properties over time, more noticeable in": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "drift" + }, + "that it leaned towards an individualism that was dropping the %s of social liberation": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "cause" + }, + " In 1998, to %s Safran on his accomplishment, the Twin Galaxies Intergalactic Scoreboard": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "congratulate" + }, + "BDRF can %s translations of observations of reflectance into albedo": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "facilitate" + }, + "His courtiers produced some Ajivika and Nigantha teachers before him, but these also failed to %s him": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "impress" + }, + "actual retaining of an experience in the impression that can %s from sensation, and for the intellectual anxiety that comes": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "develop" + }, + "teeth and are capable of drawing blood with a defensive %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "bite" + }, + "1863 Lincoln was sufficiently optimistic about upcoming military campaigns to %s the end of the war could be near; the": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "think" + }, + "animal nutrition is employed in the human nutrition industry to %s symptoms of mineral deficiencies, such as anemia, by improving": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "alleviate" + }, + "from 20,000 to 200,000 Algerian citizens who are Christians predominantly %s to Protestant groups, which have seen increased pressure from": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "belong" + }, + "having invested a substantial amount of funds into the new %s, both at the outset and in a subsequent attempt": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "venture" + }, + "On Earth, Mission Control continued to %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "wait" + }, + "Some of the earliest temples, especially in Crete, do not %s to any Greek order": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "belong" + }, + "In Plato's Symposium, the participants in a dialogue about love %s that Achilles and Patroclus were a couple; Phaedrus argues": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "assume" + }, + "how their actions will change it and makes choices that %s the utility (or \"value\") of the available choices": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "maximize" + }, + "To %s, the mulled wine and beer are also popular": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "drink" + }, + "Since then, for the %s of the first decade, the results were given to": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "rest" + }, + "In 1914, Claridge's Company entered into a joint %s to produce tar-bound macadam, with materials manufactured through a": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "venture" + }, + "They scrape and %s food of many kinds as well as stirring up": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "bite" + }, + "This description is meant to %s those far removed from the scene, thus unable to verify its accuracy": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "impress" + }, + "all employ teachers who are certificated by Alberta Education, they %s Provincial Achievement Tests and Diploma Examinations set by Alberta": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "administer" + }, + "Euronymous the signed contract that night and \"tell him to %s off\", but that Euronymous panicked and attacked him first": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "fuck" + }, + "be included on the platform, the North American distributor must %s $12,500, including a watermarking fee, and a digital copy": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "pay" + }, + "Pro Musica, promoting Franco-American musical relations, and was able to %s Ravel a $10,000 fee for the tour, an enticement": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "offer" + }, + "Plaintiffs and defendants were expected to represent themselves and were required to %s an oath that they had told the truth": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "swear" + }, + "Such distortions introduce a tension in the molecule, known as steric hindrance or %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "strain" + }, + "He sent every ruble he could spare to his family in Moscow, along with humorous letters to %s them up": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "cheer" + }, + " some dialects rather than the modern -s, e.g. you %s, you": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "In some cases both alternatives are acceptable, e.g. %s. Other variations not entirely": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + " forms of \"%s\" that show change of valency in some causative verbs, such": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "Question form: Did I/you/he/she/it/we/they %s? Negative: I/you/": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + " the base past tense form of the word (e.g. %s) plus-": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + " variety of uses, including as a noun phrase (to %s is to ...) and as the complement of many": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + " a standard negation is used to negate declarative main clauses. Example with a negative verb: I didn't %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": null + }, + "People sometimes mistakenly %s to help when they intended to, or their helping may not be noticed, which may cause unintended conflicts": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "fail" + }, + "In the Indic scripts, the earliest method was simply to %s them vertically, but the two consonants may merge as": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "arrange" + }, + "Once the vigas, latillas and %s are laid, adobe bricks are placed": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "brush" + }, + "tube, probably an adaptation in association with the plunger (%s; or secondary) pollination that is common among the families of": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "brush" + }, + "The prophet Calchas correctly determines the source of the troubles but will not %s unless Achilles vows to protect him": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "speak" + }, + "Moreover, one can place an apple next to a book, so that one can %s of both the book and apple as being next to each other": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "speak" + }, + "Most universities also have outreach programs including public telescope time and sometimes planetariums as a public service to %s interest in the field": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "encourage" + }, + "mistakes in a manually-input paper tape: the operator had to %s a button on the tape punch to back it": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "push" + }, + "sworn or affirmed before a person who has authority to %s an oath": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "administer" + }, + "complex numbers, agrees with the standard Euclidean distance, which they %s as a result of considering them as one and": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "inherit" + }, + "To %s this gift, we must receive the ordinances of salvation, keep the commandments, and repent of our sins.\"": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "inherit" + }, + "and medium-term problems, including the need to diversify the economy, %s political, economic and financial reforms, improve the business climate": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "strengthen" + }, + "Athena had also placed a curse upon the instrument, that whoever would %s it up would be severely punished": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "pick" + }, + "After an aardvark visit at a termite mound, other animals will visit to %s up all the leftovers": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "pick" + }, + "Most %s areas are in an albedo range of 0.1 to 0.4": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "land" + }, + "If only the continental %s masses became covered by glaciers, the mean temperature of the planet would drop to about ": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "land" + }, + "Anarchist thought, criticism, and praxis %s played a part in diverse areas of human society": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "have" + }, + "The largest frog is the African Goliath frog (Conraua goliath), which can reach and %s ": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "weigh" + }, + "They are born with their eyes open, but initially are helpless, and %s around ": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "weigh" + }, + "Those exposed to levels of arsenic above the current WHO standard should %s the costs and benefits of arsenic remediation": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "weigh" + }, + "Functional friendships, such as those resulting in invitations to parties, may %s the quality of life more deeply": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "affect" + }, + "to set in shadow or mixed with other colors to %s a darker tone resulted in the eventual deterioration of": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "render" + }, + "Instead, the word should be represented by its individual Arabic letters, while modern font technologies will %s the desired ligature": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "render" + }, + "be tedious and time-consuming, and, additionally, some local conditions may %s them especially difficult": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "render" + }, + "the government claimed no right to do more than to %s the territorial enlargement of it.\"": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "restrict" + }, + "Several lines of evidence %s to synaptic dysfunction as a cause of autism": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "point" + }, + "in the world; Ecor Rouge in Fairhope, the highest coastline %s between Maine and Mexico; DeSoto Caverns in Childersburg, the": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "point" + }, + "General Charles Cornwallis pursued Washington, but Howe ordered him to %s, leaving Washington unmolested": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "halt" + }, + "Though stockpiling of materials and other work continued, this slowed to a %s as more resources were needed for the armament industry": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "halt" + }, + "from two sets down to win in the fifth set %s-breaker": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "tie" + }, + "Nietzsche, who elaborated a new interpretation of Aristotle, intended to %s his deconstruction of scholastic and philosophical tradition": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "warrant" + }, + "However, when applied to data from non-randomized experiments or observational studies, model-based analysis lacks the %s of randomization": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "warrant" + }, + "It was established in April 1999 with officers and %s officers who had participated in the First Nagorno-Karabakh War": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "warrant" + }, + "oracles, and he is equally eloquent in prose or verse, %s which you will": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "propose" + }, + "Television and video are popular electronic animation media that originally were analog and now %s digitally": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "operate" + }, + "of which are branches of foreign insurance companies authorised to %s in the principality": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "operate" + }, + "Direct consumption includes the use of lubricants and fuels to %s farm vehicles and machinery": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "operate" + }, + "and by the 1960s she felt he was \"an egocentric %s\"": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "creep" + }, + "them to add their forces to the garrison, took the %s and suffered calls for his removal because a full": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "blame" + }, + "of senior government positions; Clinton ultimately took most of the %s and spent the rest of his life in obscurity": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "blame" + }, + "standards bodies and corporations developed many variations of ASCII to %s the expression of non-English languages that used Roman-based alphabets": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "facilitate" + }, + "Aristotle's four causes, are used to analyse animal behaviour; they %s function, phylogeny, mechanism, and ontogeny": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "examine" + }, + "Archaeologists %s material remains in order to deduce patterns of past human behavior and cultural practices": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "examine" + }, + "Swigert activated those switches, the astronauts heard a \"pretty large %s\", accompanied by fluctuations in electrical power and the firing": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "bang" + }, + "had activated the LM's cabin-repressurization valve, which also produced a %s (Haise enjoyed doing so to startle his crewmates), but": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "bang" + }, + "This was to %s there would be some lunar soil brought back in": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "guarantee" + }, + "The Constitution of Azerbaijan claims to %s freedom of speech, but this is denied in practice": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "guarantee" + }, + "anarchisme and anarchy from 1539; early English usages emphasised a %s of disorder": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "sense" + }, + "convicted and can prove that his lawyer did not adequately %s his case and that there is a reasonable probability": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "handle" + }, + "Common modifications include increasing the size of the utensil %s to make it easier to grasp": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "handle" + }, + "Also in 2010, workers in China planned to %s iPhone contractors over poisoning by a cleaner used to clean LCD screens": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "sue" + }, + "To %s this approach, Aristotle proposed a first-of-its-kind mathematical model of": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "illustrate" + }, + "He has since become a %s-out, one who had great promise but squandered it for": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "sell" + }, + "Rivers rise mostly in the east of Albania and %s into the Adriatic Sea but as well as into": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "discharge" + }, + "assist their caregiver in moving them often require a patient %s (a floor or ceiling-suspended sling lift) which though invented": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "lift" + }, + "The astronauts used Eagles ascent stage to %s off from the lunar surface and rejoin Collins in the command module": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "lift" + }, + "or \"remit\") to the lower court for further proceedings to %s the defect": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "remedy" + }, + "There is only a judgment that grants money damages or some other kind of equitable %s such as restitution or a permanent injunction": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "remedy" + }, + "treat catarrh and some forms of asthma and as a %s against worms, especially the tapeworm": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "remedy" + }, + "This army was sent to %s Alfred Cummings as governor of the Utah territory, in place of Brigham Young": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "install" + }, + "gradual emancipation and opposition to \"both extremes\" on the slavery %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "issue" + }, + "campaign team, his reputation as a moderate on the slavery %s, and his strong support for internal improvements and the": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "issue" + }, + "The University of Alaska, as a land %s university, also owns substantial acreage which it manages independently": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "grant" + }, + "experimental protocol before the experiment is conducted, is examined in %s applications and administrative review boards": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "grant" + }, + "Astronauts are also required to %s a number of flight hours in high-performance jet aircraft": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "accumulate" + }, + "Alaska's main %s product (excluding oil and natural gas) is seafood, primarily": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "export" + }, + "Apollo guarded the cattle of Laomedon in the valleys of %s Ida, while Poseidon built the walls of Troy": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "mount" + }, + "\"direct appeal\" to higher state appellate courts, and if unsuccessful, %s a \"collateral\" action such as filing for a writ": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "mount" + }, + "Grant an %s to take control of the strategically located town of": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "excuse" + }, + "Other anarchists advocated for or used art as a means to %s anarchist ends": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "achieve" + }, + "Eximbank approved a $2 billion line of credit to Angola to %s infrastructure": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "rebuild" + }, + "Many foreign donors started providing aid and assistance to %s the war-torn country": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "rebuild" + }, + "Attempts to %s anthropologists of complicity with the CIA and government intelligence": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "accuse" + }, + "and rivals, Felix Mendelssohn and Giacomo Meyerbeer, but expanded to %s Jews of being a harmful and alien element in": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "accuse" + }, + "Contemporary anarchists such as Ward %s that state education serves to perpetuate socioeconomic inequality": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "claim" + }, + "Some use inertial feeding to help them %s the prey, repeatedly thrusting their head forward sharply causing": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "swallow" + }, + "announced that a musicological critical edition of the full orchestral %s would be eventually released": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "score" + }, + "shelled almonds that have been treated with hot water to %s the seedcoat, which is then removed to reveal the": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "soften" + }, + "His education was not such as to %s these peculiarities": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "soften" + }, + "Lincoln's argument assumed a moral tone, as he claimed Douglas represented a conspiracy to %s slavery": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "promote" + }, + "the fact that they are performing is often used to %s the television broadcast.)": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "promote" + }, + "The administration offered to %s him secretary or governor of the Oregon Territory as consolation": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "appoint" + }, + "Some of the slaves brought to Algiers were later ransomed back to Iceland, but some chose to %s in Algeria": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "stay" + }, + "Apollo is said to have shared a romantic relationship with Admetus during his %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "stay" + }, + "Anarchists %s proper education, one which sets the foundations of the": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "consider" + }, + "spite of the remote location, going so far as to %s the chef from the Hotel Roosevelt in Hollywood to": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "hire" + }, + "the Iliad with him, but his court biographers do not %s the spear; however, it was shown in the time": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "mention" + }, + "The Academy's announcement of the new rule made no direct %s of that film": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "mention" + }, + "effects, including disappearances and reappearances, allowing people to appear to %s across the ground, and other effects": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "slide" + }, + "Later the beads were made to %s on rods and built into a frame, allowing faster manipulation": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "slide" + }, + "He collectivised agriculture and launched a massive industrialisation %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "drive" + }, + "Occasionally Mary prevailed on him to take a carriage %s, concerned that he was working too hard": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "ride" + }, + "Autistic children are less likely to %s requests or share experiences, and are more likely to": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "make" + }, + "The presence of autism can %s it harder to diagnose coexisting psychiatric disorders such as depression": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "make" + }, + "He wrote that because it is impossible to %s the value of every good through a count of": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "determine" + }, + "For most categories, members from each of the branches vote to %s the nominees only in their respective categories (i.e": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "determine" + }, + "Many people seem to be following a similar strategy by cooperating if and only if others %s in return": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "cooperate" + }, + "People are more likely to %s on a task if they can communicate with one another first": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "cooperate" + }, + "'share' can be derived the Form VIII verb 'to %s, participate', and in turn its verbal noun 'cooperation,": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "cooperate" + }, + "involve pondering why, if a key development goal is to %s poverty, is poverty increasing": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "alleviate" + }, + "rural China in order to recover its population losses and %s overcrowding in the cities": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "alleviate" + }, + "the visually impaired, partly because some of its diagnostic criteria %s on vision, and partly because autistic symptoms overlap with": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "depend" + }, + "Both indirect reciprocity and costly signaling %s on the value of reputation and tend to make similar predictions": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "depend" + }, + "and Iliou persis by Arctinus of Miletus), there is no %s of any reference to his general invulnerability or his": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "trace" + }, + "It was among the most destructive storms to %s the state in its modern history": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "strike" + }, + "High-profile events such as the Selma to Montgomery %s made the state a major focal point of the": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "march" + }, + "a paean to be sung by an army on the %s and before entering into battle, when a fleet left": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "march" + }, + "on a legal argument regarding the Constitution as essentially a %s among the states, and all parties must agree to": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "contract" + }, + " The Academy earned enforcement of its statuette %s by gaining a permanent injunction against the sale": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "contract" + }, + "Duke mispronounced his %s as he expressed the relief at Mission Control: \"Roger,": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "reply" + }, + "Spain and the Dutch Republic were invited to join by both France and the United States in the treaty, but neither made a formal %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "reply" + }, + "The PDP-6 %s, and its PDP-10 successor TOPS-10, used Control-Z (SUB) as": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "monitor" + }, + "Algae can be used as indicator organisms to %s pollution in various aquatic systems": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "monitor" + }, + "with plans for it to become operable by 2015 and %s up to 50 aircraft per year by 2017": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "produce" + }, + "He established a library in the Lyceum which helped him to %s many of his hundreds of books on papyrus scrolls": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "produce" + }, + "Agassi's ranking slipped when injuries forced him to %s from a number of events": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "withdraw" + }, + "Agassi had several other deep runs at tournaments, but had to %s from several events due to injury": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "withdraw" + }, + "the Blaine Amendment, prohibiting public money from being used to %s religious-affiliated schools": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "finance" + }, + "To %s state government operations, Alaska depends primarily on petroleum revenues and federal subsidies": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "finance" + }, + "He used his powers to %s her pregnancy from her father": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "conceal" + }, + "Journals which %s regularly on the topic of Alchemy include 'Ambix', published": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "publish" + }, + "drunkenly overloads the circuits of Project X, causing it to %s itself and every structure and living thing in a": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "destroy" + }, + "The Alabama Fever land %s was underway when the state was admitted to the": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "rush" + }, + "There was an immediate %s to bring it into the social sciences": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "rush" + }, + "Animals that have perception of time can %s memories of their past observations": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "retrieve" + }, + "This would often be followed by a passing shot or lob if the opponent was fast enough to %s it": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "retrieve" + }, + "They are able to %s memory to deal with complex processes": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "retrieve" + }, + "Although his %s for Aristotle was diminished as his travels made it": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "respect" + }, + "Unlike temporal or human justice, which requires time to %s an evil deed and \"has its seat in the": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "repay" + }, + "Marie Roos, who question the reading of Principe and Newman, %s these same decknamen as spiritual, religious, or psychological concepts": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "interpret" + }, + "Several interventions have been shown to %s symptoms and improve the ability of autistic people to function and participate independently in the community": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "reduce" + }, + "Therapy also aims to %s challenging behaviors and build upon strengths": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "reduce" + }, + "He goes on to state that money is also useful for future exchange, making it a %s of security": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "sort" + }, + "The United States Air Force also presents an Astronaut Badge to its pilots who %s in altitude": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "exceed" + }, + "Birds %s in a peculiar behaviour called anting that, as yet, is not fully understood": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "indulge" + }, + "When the MPLA first attempted to %s its own insurgents into Angola, the cadres were ambushed": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "insert" + }, + "Alexander sought to %s Greek elements into Persian culture and to hybridize Greek and Persian culture, homogenizing the populations of Asia and Europe": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "insert" + }, + "Other changes were made to %s representative state house and senate districts": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "implement" + }, + "the basis of population, and redistricted after each census, to %s the principle of \"one man, one vote\"": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "implement" + }, + "industrial and economic powerhouse, contributed more than one-third of all %s revenue to the state, but did not receive a": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "tax" + }, + "for more variation and provides the benefit of efficient recombinational %s of DNA damages during meiosis, a key stage of": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "repair" + }, + "Fatty acids are also required for growth and %s of body tissues": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "repair" + }, + "One must %s that some people will, out of ignorance, error or": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "presume" + }, + "countries generally assign ISBNs to their books, so buyers may %s that the ISBN is part of a total international": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "presume" + }, + "inflammation of the lungs and, although he was starting to %s, he remained very weak": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "recover" + }, + "Smallholder and plantation agriculture dramatically dropped in the Angolan Civil War, but began to %s after 2002": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "recover" + }, + "Agriculture is the set of activities that %s the environment for the production of animals and plants for human use": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "transform" + }, + "free-living larvae that complete their development in water and later %s into either aquatic or terrestrial adults": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "transform" + }, + "dissected by three narrow valleys in a Y shape that %s into one as the main stream, the Gran Valira": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "combine" + }, + "According to Roman poet Ovid, the %s was brought about by Cupid, who hit Apollo with": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "chase" + }, + "family, and other factors using standardized tools, and taking into %s any associated medical conditions": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "account" + }, + "In 1983, Bob Hawke became leader of the party after Hayden resigned to avoid a leadership %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "spill" + }, + "Among these approaches, interventions either %s autistic features comprehensively, or focalize treatment on a specific area of deficit": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "treat" + }, + "A studio-mandated %s shortened it from Kurosawa's original cut of 265 minutes": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "edit" + }, + "allowing him and his inner circle to acquire money to %s whisky for themselves.)": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "buy" + }, + "is injured, Napoleon sells him to a local knacker to %s himself whisky, and Squealer gives a moving account, falsifying": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "buy" + }, + "When Achilles instantly took up the spear, Odysseus saw through his disguise and convinced him to %s the Greek campaign": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "join" + }, + "Accepting his fate, Hector begs Achilles not to %s his life, but to treat his body with respect after killing him": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "spare" + }, + "But because he was a just king and a good devotee, Apollo intervened and requested his father to %s Periphas": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "spare" + }, + "His father intended for him to %s electrical engineering, but Einstein clashed with the authorities and": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "pursue" + }, + "These have had a recent %s in popularity with the advent of video sharing sites, YouTube and the availability of cheap cameras and animation software": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "boost" + }, + "Achilles healed him in order that he might become their %s for the voyage to Troy": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "guide" + }, + "Now Saya is working at the Science University of Tokyo as a %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "guide" + }, + "asked where he was going and replied, \"To hell, I %s.\" In 1844, the couple bought a house in Springfield": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "suppose" + }, + "For a more concrete example %s that": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "suppose" + }, + "inefficient since the central planners would not know how to %s the available resources efficiently": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "allocate" + }, + "Members of the Ministry are also chosen by Caucus, though the leader may %s portfolios to the ministers": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "allocate" + }, + "Minorities usually %s rough consensus, except when they feel the proposal contradicts anarchist ethics, goals and values": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "accept" + }, + "After leading in the first six rounds of voting, he was unable to %s a majority": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "obtain" + }, + "he had lost here, he answered in Swabian German: \"Don't %s, high lords, I just want to peek how many": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "frighten" + }, + "power: \"Study wisdom, then, and, when you have learned it, %s it not, for I tell you that by its": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "condemn" + }, + "The animal develops a large jaw, and its gills %s along with its gill sac": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "disappear" + }, + "can also send the ship into hyperspace, causing it to %s and reappear in a random location on the screen,": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "disappear" + }, + "Industrialized agriculture depends on fossil fuels in two fundamental ways: direct consumption on the farm and %s of inputs used on the farm": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "manufacture" + }, + "The 2011 Super Outbreak produced a %s amount of tornadoes in the state": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "record" + }, + "The %s low of occurred on January 30, 1966, in New Market": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "record" + }, + "True to his %s, Lincoln professed to friends in 1861 to be \"an": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "record" + }, + "and heavily damaged, and at one point used as a %s, but recent restoration and conservation has restored to some": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "stare" + }, + "reasoning used in the prior decision (a principle known as %s decisis)": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "stare" + }, + "To %s for these impressions, people search the memory itself": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "search" + }, + "The majority of modern scholars %s to the latter theory, and view the loanword hypothesis with skepticism": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "subscribe" + }, + "On the other hand, it has also been interpreted as an essentially political ideology that sought to %s together a vast and diverse empire": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "knit" + }, + "Antoninus' imperial ruling team centered around a group of closely %s senatorial families, most of them members of the priestly": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "knit" + }, + "Yet after he played for her, she told him she could not %s him": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "teach" + }, + "to have been nomadic hunter-gatherers, practised systematic burning, possibly to %s natural productivity in fire-stick farming": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "enhance" + }, + " \"A significant interaction will often mask the significance of main effects.\" Graphical methods are recommended to %s understanding": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "enhance" + }, + " Andre Agassi Tennis for the SNES, Sega Genesis, Sega Game Gear, Master System, and Mobile %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "phone" + }, + "allows users to amplify the volume and clarity of their %s calls so that they can easily partake in this": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "phone" + }, + "For example, a %s with 26 to 40 decibel is generally sufficient for": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "phone" + }, + "Academy Screening Room or Academy Digital Screening Room is a %s streaming platform which allows voting members of the Academy": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "secure" + }, + "If it became too cold, parts of Columbia might %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "freeze" + }, + "billion in foreign currency reserves and a large hydrocarbon stabilisation %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "fund" + }, + "each according to his ability, to each according to his %s.\" Anarcho-communism developed from radical socialist currents after the French": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "need" + }, + "Below these lines is a wide space with a horizontal %s dividing it": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "crack" + }, + "steak were born out of a need to entertain and %s the well-to-do in expensive bygone restaurants like Delmonico's and": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "impress" + }, + "After those successes, however, the Project began to %s from view": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "fade" + }, + "Additionally, some anarchists %s libertarian socialist to avoid anarchism's negative connotations and emphasise its connections with socialism": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "use" + }, + "branch of anarchism that views labour syndicates as a potential %s for revolutionary social change, replacing capitalism and the state": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "force" + }, + "Cottard, on the other hand, seems to %s during the plague because it gives him a sense": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "flourish" + }, + "The model of small settlements began to %s to a complex urbanism during the Bronze Age": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "evolve" + }, + "They usually have long hind limbs that %s underneath them, shorter forelimbs, webbed toes with no claws,": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "fold" + }, + "to Antarctica to %s, in advance, the Office of Oceans and Polar Affairs": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "notify" + }, + "announced a product and services agreement with Citation Technologies to %s all ISO Standards on a web-based platform": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "deliver" + }, + "Intermarriage with Alaskan Natives helped the Russian immigrants %s into society": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "integrate" + }, + "Control (IACC) was created by presidential decree, and it will %s the National Health Service in Angola": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "integrate" + }, + "A majority of the economic burden of autism is caused by decreased earnings in the job %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "market" + }, + "Europe, North America, and other regions; though various diaspora communities %s worldwide": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "persist" + }, + "When Booth learned of the Lincolns' intent to %s a play with General Grant, he planned to assassinate": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "attend" + }, + "articles for the society's journal, lecture at the temple, and %s social functions": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "attend" + }, + "based largely on the idea that a child's right to %s freely and without manipulation ought to be respected and": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "develop" + }, + "Lincoln angrily protested the %s's initial decision to exclude Cartwright's testimony about the confession": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "judge" + }, + "of holding Lincoln in contempt of court as expected, the %s, a Democrat, reversed his ruling and admitted the testimony": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "judge" + }, + "On 24 August 2021, Algeria announced the %s of diplomatic relations with Morocco": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "break" + }, + "at least three times on each day of its qualifying %s, with at least one of the daily showings starting": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "run" + }, + "with Down syndrome; siblings of individuals with ASD have greater %s of negative well-being and poorer sibling relationships as adults": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "risk" + }, + "It has been established that vaccination is not a %s factor for autism and is not behind any increase": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "risk" + }, + "Lincoln responded, \"I could not %s to hang men for votes.\"": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "afford" + }, + "He was meant to stay for only three months, because that was all his father could %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "afford" + }, + "biblical reference Mark 3:25, \"A house divided against itself cannot %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "stand" + }, + "This change enabled Bouteflika to %s for re-election in the 2009 presidential elections, and he": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "stand" + }, + "of painters since the Renaissance, the result being that they %s out more prominently in the modern imagination": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "stand" + }, + "In the lists below, the winner of the %s for each year is shown first, followed by the other nominees in alphabetical order": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "award" + }, + "'His [Apollo] hair is smooth and made into tufts and curls that fall about his brow and %s before his face": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "hang" + }, + " La Mouette Atlas, a French %s glider design": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "hang" + }, + "Delphi, a sacrilege that gave Philip the opportunity to further %s in Greek affairs": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "intervene" + }, + "Concerned that other Greek states might %s, Alexander made it look as though he was preparing to attack Illyria instead": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "intervene" + }, + "significant minority in the state, they had been unable to %s any representatives in most of the at-large jurisdictions": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "elect" + }, + "popular and influential on many readers, despite being easy to %s for \"her cartoonish characters and melodramatic plots, her rigid": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "criticize" + }, + " He continued to sharply %s Anglican religiosity later in life despite his general Anglophilia": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "criticize" + }, + " Arcade operators began to %s about losing revenue due to this exploit": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "complain" + }, + "A sixth %sr, under construction in 2015 near Redwater, Alberta, will upgrade": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "upgrade" + }, + " Towards the end of the book, one of the farm sows wears her old Sunday %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "dress" + }, + "Furthermore, it was a national duty to %s the republic stands in every state": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "ensure" + }, + "Because the buffer regions consist of the acid and its conjugate base, it can %s pH changes when base is added until the next equivalent points": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "resist" + }, + "Algerian painters, like Mohamed Racim or Baya, attempted to %s the prestigious Algerian past prior to French colonisation, at": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "revive" + }, + "As a result, he is credited for helping to %s the popularity of tennis during the 1990s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "revive" + }, + "People may %s for social benefit from a burnished reputation, which may cause competitive altruism": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "compete" + }, + "a club based in Andorra la Vella founded in 1942, %s in the Spanish football league system": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "compete" + }, + "When the Anti-dog-%s-dog Rule is used to drive his business out of Colorado,": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "eat" + }, + "a rock, where each day an eagle was sent to %s Prometheus' liver, which would then grow back overnight to": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "eat" + }, + "Because a remodeling of the feeding apparatus means they don't %s during the metamorphosis, the metamorphosis has to go faster": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "eat" + }, + "the river to his back and his forces into a %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "trap" + }, + "He supported the Wilmot Proviso, a failed proposal to %s slavery in any U.S": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "ban" + }, + "of uniform principles such as individual and local autonomy, mutual %s, network organisation, communal democracy, justified authority and decentralisation": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "aid" + }, + "Conversely, the cost of screening and diagnosis and the challenge of obtaining payment can %s or delay diagnosis": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "inhibit" + }, + "community, and has proven that her profound deafness does not %s her musical talent or day-to-day life": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "inhibit" + }, + "People are likely to %s if their friends, allies, and similar social ingroups suffer or even disappear": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "suffer" + }, + "Meade %sed Lee north into Pennsylvania and beat him in the": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "follow" + }, + "developed: some in the community seek a cure, while others %s that autism is simply another way of being": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "believe" + }, + "When Ayer demanded that Tyson stop, the boxer reportedly asked, \"Do you know who the %s I am": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "fuck" + }, + "As photographers %s pictures, Alex daydreams of orgiastic violence and reflects, \"I was cured all right.\"": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "snap" + }, + "ABLP won 15 of the 17 seats in the 2018 %s election under the leadership of incumbent Prime Minister Gaston": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "snap" + }, + "Marxists state that this contradiction was responsible for their inability to %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "act" + }, + "fable among Greek seamen involves a solitary mermaid who would %s a ship's prow during a storm and ask the": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "grasp" + }, + "While very many animation companies commercially %s their creations outside moving image media, The Walt Disney Company is the best known and most extreme example": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "exploit" + }, + "late 19th and early 20th centuries new fisheries started to %s haddock, mackerel, and lobster": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "exploit" + }, + "concessional agreements, granting exclusive rights to a private company to %s land, people, and all other resources within a given": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "exploit" + }, + "to be diverging from what Ueshiba taught, as some critics %s practitioners:": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "urge" + }, + "Most Berber varieties (such as Kabyle), along with Swahili, %s some numbers from Arabic": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "borrow" + }, + "him by casting away the victim; they perhaps intended to %s a confrontation, as the relations between Sparta and Thebes": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "provoke" + }, + "The goal of the phase is to %s the United States to attack a Muslim country by": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "provoke" + }, + "The participating institutions each broadcast, in real time, a frequency signal with timecodes, which is their %s of TAI": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "estimate" + }, + "As Grant continued to weaken Lee's forces, efforts to %s peace began": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "discuss" + }, + "In addition, the Sethite line of the Generations of Adam %s by Abel's blood to segregate themselves from the unrighteous": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "swear" + }, + "(Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2020 witnesses are no longer required to %s before God or make an affirmation when filing an": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "swear" + }, + "look large and fierce, and some spadefoot toads (Pelobates spp) %s and leap towards the attacker": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "scream" + }, + "Another anarchist argument a%sst states is that the people constituting a government, even the": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "gain" + }, + "Then his soul departed as if by a %s from God": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "kiss" + }, + "and tenderness, immediately after awakening the lifeless Psyche with a %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "kiss" + }, + "Pope satisfied Lincoln's desire to %s on Richmond from the north, thus protecting Washington from counterattack": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "advance" + }, + "He fights.\" With Grant in command, Lincoln felt the Union Army could %s in multiple theaters, while also including black troops": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "advance" + }, + "argued that \"almost every serious intellectual %s has had to begin with an attack on some Aristotelian doctrine\"": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "advance" + }, + "informal affiliation groups, where each member is responsible for their %s actions but works together to bring down oppression utilizing": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "own" + }, + "traces of amino acids and other organic compounds, and some %s that asteroid impacts may have seeded the early Earth": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "speculate" + }, + "been lost, so historians, such as Ed Taverne, need to %s on the original intentions: it is thought that the": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "speculate" + }, + "combat after he had first warned Asahel and tried to %s the wind out of him with the butt of": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "knock" + }, + "with rage over Agamemnon's theft, Achilles prays to Thetis to %s Zeus to help the Trojans gain ground in the": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "convince" + }, + "\"classical liberal democrat—an enemy of artificial hierarchy, a friend to %s and business as ennobling and enabling, and an American": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "trade" + }, + "known as the First International that formed in 1864 to %s diverse revolutionary currents": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "unite" + }, + "Although core difficulties %s to persist, symptoms often become less severe with age": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "tend" + }, + "Autistic people %s to face increased stress levels related to psychosocial factors,": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "tend" + }, + "The squadron mascot was adapted from the animal in the comic %s B.C., which the F-4 was said to resemble": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "strip" + }, + "The stress and %s resistance provided by CCCB allows aardvarks to create their": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "strain" + }, + "various anarchist schools of thought had become well-defined and a %s of then unprecedented globalisation occurred from 1880 to 1914": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "wave" + }, + "The appellee is required to %s to the petition, oral arguments, and legal briefs of the appellant": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "respond" + }, + "because of a protrusion on the pitch that caused erratic %s, Australia mounted a comeback on the final day of": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "bounce" + }, + "note that, while research supports the idea that altruistic acts %s about happiness, it has also been found to work": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "bring" + }, + "of creation' and how the will of God was to %s creation into perfection and adhesion with this upper force": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "bring" + }, + "sized up initially from their basic language skills, these studies %s that people speaking to autistic individuals are more likely": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "suggest" + }, + "Studies of twins %s that heritability is 0.7 for autism and as high": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "suggest" + }, + "The architect must meet with, and question, the client in order to %s all the requirements (and nuances) of the planned project": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "ascertain" + }, + "About one third to half of autistic people %s not develop enough natural speech to meet their daily communication needs": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "do" + }, + "under the carapaces of bivalved arthropods, presumably in order to %s from predators or strong storm currents; or maybe whilst": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "hide" + }, + "Practical anthropology, the use of anthropological knowledge and technique to %s specific problems, has arrived; for example, the presence of": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "solve" + }, + "behavior therapy early in life can help children acquire self-%s, communication, and job skills, and often improve functioning and decrease": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "care" + }, + "The state has invested in aerospace, education, health %s, banking, and various heavy industries, including automobile manufacturing, mineral": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "care" + }, + "In the other two studies, whose duration was 3 months, no significant %s was observed": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "effect" + }, + "heterogeneity of the participants and the possibility of a placebo %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "effect" + }, + "Earth's average surface temperature due to its albedo and the greenhouse %s is currently about ": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "effect" + }, + "Shah Shuja would attempt to %s the Durrani Realm, which had been long striven by civil war": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "consolidate" + }, + "dime store shopgirl who marries James Taggart after a chance %s in her store the night the John Galt Line": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "encounter" + }, + "Holders of territories have a \"home advantage\" and usually come off better in an %s between two similar-sized frogs": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "encounter" + }, + "Use of video arraignment system allows the court to %s the requisite arraignment process without the need to transport": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "conduct" + }, + "projects, companies, and policy initiatives which can be estimated to %s lives, help people, or otherwise have the biggest benefit": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "save" + }, + "Not only did Apollo %s Hector from Achilles, he also tricked Achilles by disguising": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "save" + }, + "were found to be more resistant to antibiotics and to %s in the near-weightlessness of space": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "thrive" + }, + "the demise of his party, Lincoln wrote in 1855, \"I %s I am a Whig, but others say there are": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "think" + }, + "Her father Chryses, a priest of Apollo, begs Agamemnon to %s her to him": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "return" + }, + "He was washed %s by the goddesses who then covered him in white garment and fastened golden bands around him": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "clean" + }, + "Water from this spring was sacred; it was used to %s the Delphian temples and inspire the priestesses": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "clean" + }, + "university president also issued an apology, stating: \"We wish to %s for anything that Crandall University might possibly have communicated": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "apologize" + }, + "Alabama uses partisan elections to %s judges": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "select" + }, + "Gershwin strongly encouraged Ravel to come to the United States for a %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "tour" + }, + "During his 20-plus year %s career, Agassi was known by the nickname \"The Punisher\"": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "tour" + }, + "Albanian language comprises an independent branch and is a language %s within the Indo-European family of languages; it is not": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "isolate" + }, + "been demonstrated, and it is generally regarded as a language %s": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "isolate" + }, + "The vast mountain ranges of Aures and Nememcha %s the entire northeastern Algeria and are delineated by the": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "occupy" + }, + "Bekr Belkaïd in Tlemcen and University of Batna Hadj Lakhdar %s the 26th and 45th row in Africa": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "occupy" + }, + "During this shift, enduring questions about the nature and production of knowledge came to %s a central place in cultural and social anthropology": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "occupy" + }, + "a small incision in the body wall and used to %s the internal organs and other structures": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "explore" + }, + "Arion requested them to let him %s for the last time, to which the sailors consented": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "sing" + }, + "mostly have larger mouths, shallow bodies and caudal fins; they %s themselves to plants and stones and feed on the": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "attach" + }, + "These actinopterygian fin rays %s directly to the proximal or basal skeletal elements, the": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "attach" + }, + "Balloons %s with the wind, though normally the pilot can control": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "drift" + }, + "This era of classical anarchism lasted until the %s of the Spanish Civil War and is considered the golden age of anarchism": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "end" + }, + "for what are, in fact, her brother's policies which directly %s his business": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "threaten" + }, + "Greek minority, which might be then exploited by Greece to %s Albania's territorial integrity": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "threaten" + }, + "transport and Andrew Foote's gunboats of the Western Flotilla to %s the Confederacy's \"Gibraltar of the West\" at Columbus, Kentucky": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "threaten" + }, + "Modern supporters of Altaic %s that many shared features are the result of contact": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "acknowledge" + }, + "Albedo (; ) is the %s of the diffuse reflection of solar radiation out of": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "measure" + }, + "Douglas proposed popular sovereignty as a compromise; the %s would allow the electorate of each territory to decide": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "measure" + }, + "and his predecessors showed the difficulty of science by \"%s[ing] so readily to frame a theory of such a general": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "proceed" + }, + "reactive intermediates (radicals, ions) are permanently regenerated, and thus they %s by a self-propagating chain mechanism": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "proceed" + }, + "when altruism is taken to an unhealthy extreme, and either %ss the altruistic person, or well-intentioned actions cause more harm": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "harm" + }, + "Handling the newts does not cause %s, but ingestion of even the most minute amounts of the skin is deadly": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "harm" + }, + "Mission Control used a coded phrase to %s Armstrong his metabolic rates were high, and that he should slow down": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "warn" + }, + "alchemy believed that the philosopher's stone might be used to %s and communicate with angels": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "summon" + }, + "In the visual novel 11eyes, Kukuri can %s her soul in the form of a chained guardian": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "summon" + }, + "introduced cyclic cohomology in the early 1980s as a first %s in the study of noncommutative differential geometry": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "step" + }, + "criteria for ASD is less likely than a three-year-old to %s to do so a few years later": { + "split": "train", + "entity": "continue" + }, + "is also very good at causing the blood vessels to %s (a potent vasoconstrictor)": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "tighten" + }, + "In 2017, Xi called on the communist party to further %s its grip on the country, to uphold the unity": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "tighten" + }, + "Gershwin was on hand to \"%s\" the recording; however, Shilkret was reported to be in charge": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "supervise" + }, + "to issue the national currency, the Azerbaijani manat, and to %s all commercial banks": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "supervise" + }, + "Subsequent to Yorktown, American forces were assigned to %s the armistice between Washington and Clinton made to facilitate": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "supervise" + }, + "He answered that in the practice of law he frequently came across the word \"%s\" but had insufficient understanding of the term": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "demonstrate" + }, + "The goal was to %s the power of \"free labor\", which allowed a common farm boy to work his way to the top by his own efforts": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "demonstrate" + }, + "Blodgett is the scientist who pulls the lever to %s Project X": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "demonstrate" + }, + "by industrial agriculture and mechanization that brings an enormous crop %s increase": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "yield" + }, + "global warming, all of which can cause decreases in crop %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "yield" + }, + "Their %s in prevalence was the result of further judicial power and targeting and cataloging by state institutions": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "decrease" + }, + "The degree of symptoms can %s, occasionally to the extent that people lose their diagnosis": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "decrease" + }, + "wrote that Huxley had said to him, with a wry %s: \"I can hardly see at all": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "smile" + }, + "of course.\" He then described Carole Lombard's joke, with a %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "smile" + }, + "Alabama's agricultural outputs include poultry and eggs, cattle, %s, plant nursery items, peanuts, cotton, grains such as corn": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "fish" + }, + "Reasons for this decline include increased feed prices, cat%s alternatives, COVID-19’s impact on restaurant sales, disease, and fish size": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "fish" + }, + "they vie for the throne; or to populate Amber from %s with a different set of Elder Amberites": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "scratch" + }, + "Al-Qaeda's network was built from %s as a conspiratorial network which drew upon the leadership of a number of regional nodes": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "scratch" + }, + "Later, the developers decided to create from %s a new software-form processor chip, codenamed \"N68050\" that resides": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "scratch" + }, + "he will do, and if we should, and he should %s us, we should despise him for it": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "answer" + }, + "In law, an %s was originally a solemn assertion in opposition to someone": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "answer" + }, + "respective beads of the upper rows, it is enough to %s by 20 (by each row), the value of the": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "multiply" + }, + " The Auger effect allows one to %s ionize an atom with a single photon": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "multiply" + }, + "Thus we can %s the above equation appropriately and see that": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "multiply" + }, + "late March/early April to late February, since 2004, to help %s and shorten the intense lobbying and ad campaigns associated": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "disrupt" + }, + "primarily used by the sheep on the farm, often to %s discussions and disagreements between animals on the nature of": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "disrupt" + }, + "Anti-war demonstrators %s the meeting and 50 people are arrested": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "disrupt" + }, + "He also attended the lectures of the famous Protestant theologian Friedrich Schleiermacher, whom he also quickly came to %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "dislike" + }, + "Aniconism is a general %s of either all figurative images, or often just religious": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "dislike" + }, + "probably due to her mother's influence, which led her to %s all of her father's friends": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "dislike" + }, + "the mermaid to turn into a raging Gorgon who would %s the ship to the bottom of the sea, all": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "drag" + }, + "Lifting bodies are not efficient: they suffer from high %s, and must also travel at high speed to generate enough lift to fly": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "drag" + }, + "wind blowing over and under them to generate lift and %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "drag" + }, + "autism occur in the general population and appear not to %s highly, without a sharp line separating pathologically severe from": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "associate" + }, + "Northwest Outpost (1947) also %s producer": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "associate" + }, + "alchemists at his court in Prague, including Dee and his %s Edward Kelley": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "associate" + }, + "Revolutionary tactics %s to bring down authority and state, having taken a": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "aim" + }, + "vices of excess or deficiency) of the soul as the %s of all human deliberate action, eudaimonia, generally translated as": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "aim" + }, + "The %s of the city is not just to avoid injustice": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "aim" + }, + "His stepmother acknowledged he did not %s \"physical labor\", but loved to read": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "enjoy" + }, + "While live-action films are now also storyboarded, they %s more latitude to depart from storyboards (i.e., real-time improvisation)": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "enjoy" + }, + "and country, as only three communities (Haines, Hyder and Skagway) %s direct connections to the contiguous North American road system": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "enjoy" + }, + "African Americans continued to %s in the 1950s and 1960s to end disenfranchisement and": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "press" + }, + "not publicly disclose its membership, although as recently as 2007 %s releases have announced the names of those who have": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "press" + }, + "that the Algerian government imposed restriction on freedom of the %s; expression; and right to peaceful demonstration, protest and assembly": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "press" + }, + "Lincoln also had to %s Union sympathies in the border slave states and keep the war from becoming an international conflict": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "reinforce" + }, + "Despite his dissatisfaction with McClellan's failure to %s Pope, Lincoln restored him to command of all forces around Washington": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "reinforce" + }, + "The new law means people over 21 can %s small amounts of cannabis": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "consume" + }, + "of how much cooling water the astronauts' PLSS backpacks would %s to handle their body heat generation while working on": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "consume" + }, + "this treatise, his father explains his methods of how to %s deaf-mutes (as they were then known) to articulate words": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "instruct" + }, + "a liberty was allowed of electing from another monastery, well %sed himself, and able to instruct others, one also who": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "instruct" + }, + "It was later expanded upon in the theoretical %s of Peter Kropotkin, whose specific style would go onto": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "work" + }, + "The way these hacktivists %s to develop and distribute resembles the anarchist ideals, especially": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "work" + }, + "Among those who find %s, most are employed in sheltered settings working for wages below the national minimum": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "work" + }, + "To %s Chief Justice Taney's seat on the Supreme Court, he named the Radicals' choice, Salmon P": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "fill" + }, + "Olympus by piling up mountains, and threatened to %s the sea with mountains and inundate dry land": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "fill" + }, + "As only one additional electron is required to %s in the outermost shell of the hydrogen atom, hydrogen": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "fill" + }, + "Grafman about giving to charity, although they were able to %s the study group into two groups: \"egoists\" and \"altruists\"": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "divide" + }, + "Along with dividing up their project by theoretical emphasis, anthropologists typically %s the world up into relevant time periods and geographic regions": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "divide" + }, + "No hypnagogic visions %s me on the verge of sleep": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "greet" + }, + "Melbourne Town Hall and ABBA appeared on the balcony to %s an enthusiastic crowd of 6,000": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "greet" + }, + "then all will bring paschal foods to the cemeteries to %s the departed with the joy of the Resurrection": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "greet" + }, + "disguise in Washington, D.C., which was placed under substantial military %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "guard" + }, + "Plates and bowls may have a %s on the edge that stops food being pushed off of the dish when it is being scooped": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "guard" + }, + "The Dutch Armed Forces that protect the island include the Navy, Marine Corps, and the Coast%s including a platoon sized national guard": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "guard" + }, + "Achilles rejects all Agamemnon offers him and simply urges the Greeks to %s home as he was planning to do": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "sail" + }, + "The introduction of broad-%s ships from the beginning of the 17th century allowed them to branch out into the Atlantic": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "sail" + }, + "in the world, small associations of fur traders began to %s from the shores of Siberia toward the Aleutian Islands": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "sail" + }, + "The code itself was patterned so that most control codes were together and all graphic codes were together, for %s of identification": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "ease" + }, + "the Bacchanalia, and many ancient ceramics depict him being at %s amidst the maenads and satyrs": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "ease" + }, + "Arctic regions notably release more heat back into space than what they %s, effectively cooling the Earth": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "absorb" + }, + "In sunlight, dark clothes %s more heat and light-coloured clothes reflect it better, thus": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "absorb" + }, + "is most often used as an out-of-band character used to %s an operation or special mode, as in the TECO": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "terminate" + }, + "The Radio Shack TRS-80 also used a lone CR to %s lines": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "terminate" + }, + "its powerful front legs, keeping its long ears upright to %s for predators, and takes up an astonishing number of": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "listen" + }, + "It will then pause, prick its ears, twisting its head to %s, then jump and move off to start foraging": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "listen" + }, + "In turn, the councillors have the power to %s the head of government from office": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "remove" + }, + "Acids are often used to %s rust and other corrosion from metals in a process known as pickling": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "remove" + }, + "maintenance is performed on asphalt pavements, such as milling to %s a worn or damaged surface, the removed material can": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "remove" + }, + "Lincoln confidentially pledged in writing that if he should %s the election, he would still defeat the Confederacy before": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "lose" + }, + "become unimportant if there are stronger cues present and may %s their effect with continued exposure unless reinforced with real": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "lose" + }, + "During a duel with Achilles, when Hector was about to %s, Apollo hid Hector in a cloud of mist to save him": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "lose" + }, + "Achilles tells Hector it is hopeless to %s that of him, declaring that \"my rage, my fury": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "expect" + }, + "I do not %s the Union to be dissolved—I do not expect the": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "expect" + }, + "Phyllis had secretly told Alexander what to %s, and he witnessed Phyllis proving that a woman's charms": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "expect" + }, + "McClellan then resisted the president's %s that he pursue Lee's withdrawing army, while General Don": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "demand" + }, + "own concerns, where concern for others is deemed as a %s made by Allah (i.e": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "demand" + }, + "Before crossing to Asia, Alexander wanted to %s his northern borders": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "safeguard" + }, + "the Huns who had been left behind by Attila to %s their home territories": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "safeguard" + }, + "Its primary purpose is to %s the rights of refugees by ensuring anyone can exercise": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "safeguard" + }, + "classical painting to find new pictorial ways, in order to %s Algerian paintings to the new realities of the country": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "adapt" + }, + "The focus of its research concerns \"how cultural beliefs and practices helped human populations %s to their environments, and how their environments change across space and time": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "adapt" + }, + "the balance of powers as well as the need to %s legislation to modern demands": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "adapt" + }, + "Zeus suggested that Dionysus defeat the Indians in order to %s a place among the gods, Dionysus declared war against": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "earn" + }, + "Based on Statistic Canada reports, low-income Albertans, who %s less than $25,000 and those in the high-income bracket": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "earn" + }, + "Those in the middle income brackets representing those that %s about $25,000 to $75,000 pay more in provincial taxes": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "earn" + }, + "6, the highest %s into the top 10 made by any player during a calendar year": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "jump" + }, + "or away from the subject through a series of matched %s cuts rather than tracking shots or dissolves": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "jump" + }, + "do so in a finite set of orbits, and could %s between these orbits only in discrete changes of energy": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "jump" + }, + "Legislative delegations %s certain powers over each county": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "retain" + }, + "sheriffs are elected in partisan, at-large races, and Democrats still %s the narrow majority of those posts": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "retain" + }, + "a digital scan of an original 1929 Oscar, the statuettes %s their modern-era dimensions and black pedestal": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "retain" + }, + " Only the central government may %s war, or conduct foreign political or commercial relations": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "declare" + }, + " Congress may not %s war, enter into treaties and alliances, appropriate money, or": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "declare" + }, + "officials of the Central Powers in the Niedermayer–Hentig Expedition, to %s full independence from the United Kingdom, join them and": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "declare" + }, + "The radio %s of the September 8, 1937, Hollywood Bowl George Gershwin": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "broadcast" + }, + "The Academy Awards ceremony was first %s by radio in 1930 and was televised for the first time in 1953": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "broadcast" + }, + "The ceremony was %s on ABC": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "broadcast" + }, + "Accordingly, when the Titans tried to %s Mount Olympus, Zeus with the help of Apollo, Artemis": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "climb" + }, + "Some salamanders in the genus Aneides and certain plethodontids %s trees and have long limbs, large toepads and prehensile": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "climb" + }, + "Newer advancements in wheelchair design enable wheelchairs to %s stairs, go off-road or propel using segway technology or": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "climb" + }, + "Defying his prediction that \"the world will little note, nor long %s what we say here\", the Address became the most quoted speech in American history": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "remember" + }, + "Only humans can %s impressions of intellectual activity, such as numbers and words": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "remember" + }, + "Once a predator has sampled one of these, it is likely to %s the colouration next time it encounters a similar animal": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "remember" + }, + "As a result, Angola is running a biocapacity %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "reserve" + }, + "There are 15 national parks, 4 ramsar sites, 1 biosphere %s and 786 other types of conservation reserves": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "reserve" + }, + "appropriation of oil revenues, established by voters in 1976 to %s a surplus in state petroleum revenues from oil, largely": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "manage" + }, + "or by motors where the occupant uses electrical controls to %s motors and seating control actuators through a joystick, sip-and-puff": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "manage" + }, + "Its design aims to provide back support, sense the user's motion, and send a signal to motors which %s the gears": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "manage" + }, + "If Earth were frozen entirely (and hence be more reflective), the average temperature of the planet would %s below ": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "drop" + }, + "This caused his ranking to %s out of the top 10 for the last time": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "drop" + }, + "A signature play later in his career was a change-up %s shot to the deuce court after deep penetrating groundstrokes": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "drop" + }, + "Cotton and other %s crops faded in importance as the state developed a manufacturing and service base": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "cash" + }, + "for $163 million in %s and $182 million in assumed debt": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "cash" + }, + "to Angola to establish farms and plantations (fazendas) to grow %s crops for export": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "cash" + }, + "often handled in an anti-authoritarian way, with everyone having equal %s in each decision, an approach known as horizontalism": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "say" + }, + "\"Stanton and Lincoln virtually conducted the war together\", %s Thomas and Hyman": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "say" + }, + "observed that, as Aristotle stated, heavy objects (on the ground, %s) require more force to make them move; and objects": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "say" + }, + "Weights and Measures (BIPM, France), combines these measurements to retrospectively %s the weighted average that forms the most stable time": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "calculate" + }, + "Learning how to %s with the abacus may improve capacity for mental calculation": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "calculate" + }, + "In 1911, Einstein used his 1907 Equivalence principle to %s the deflection of light from another star by the": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "calculate" + }, + "The Delphian nymphs who were present encouraged Apollo during the battle with the %s \"Hie Paean\"": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "cry" + }, + "command, causing great terror to the enemy with his war %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "cry" + }, + "is entirely immanent and furnishes nothing but a mere war-%s in the struggle with other nations": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "cry" + }, + "As gender and sexuality %s along them dynamics of hierarchy, many anarchists address, analyse,": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "carry" + }, + "As a result, Kukkonen argues, any analysis of reality today \"will almost certainly %s Aristotelian overtones ..": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "carry" + }, + "Orestes and Pylades %s out the revenge, and consequently Orestes is pursued by": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "carry" + }, + "When he read Darwin, he became an immediate %s to Transformisme, as the French called evolutionism": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "convert" + }, + "Software packages and websites are also available that %s digital video files into custom-made flip books": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "convert" + }, + "In the Reed reaction, sulfur dioxide, chlorine and light %s hydrocarbons to sulfonyl chlorides": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "convert" + }, + "Lincoln began to %s the critical need to control strategic points, such as the Mississippi River": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "appreciate" + }, + "Additionally, while generous acts make people feel good about themselves, it is also important for people to %s the kindness they receive from others": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "appreciate" + }, + "The LOI burn was only two minutes away, so the crew had little time to %s the view": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "appreciate" + }, + "Between 1774 and 1800, Spain sent several expeditions to Alaska to %s its claim over the Pacific Northwest": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "assert" + }, + "Lewis and Wigen %s, \"The narrowing of 'Southeast Asia' to its present boundaries was thus a gradual process.\"": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "assert" + }, + "Einstein's belief in local realism led him to %s that, while the correctness of quantum mechanics was not": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "assert" + }, + "In anurans, males usually %s at the breeding sites before females and the vocal": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "arrive" + }, + "The females %s sporadically, mate selection takes place and eggs are laid": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "arrive" + }, + "John Penn was the first of North Carolina's delegates to %s (on July 10), and the delegation signed the Articles": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "arrive" + }, + "Autistic people have social impairments and often %s the intuition about others that many people take for granted": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "lack" + }, + "Although these theories %s convincing scientific evidence and are biologically implausible, parental concern": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "lack" + }, + "Sample symptoms include %s of social or emotional reciprocity, stereotyped and repetitive use": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "lack" + }, + "Neural connections and the immune system are a pathway that may %s diseases originated in the intestine to spread to the brain": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "allow" + }, + "It was the only state to %s judges to override jury decisions in whether or not": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "allow" + }, + "possibility of a shift function (like in ITA2), which would %s more than 64 codes to be represented by a": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "allow" + }, + "In response to an inquiry about his ambitions, Lincoln said, \"The %s is in my mouth a little.\"": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "taste" + }, + "minor pig who is mentioned only once; he is the %s tester that samples Napoleon's food to make sure it": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "taste" + }, + "Acids form aqueous solutions with a sour %s, can turn blue litmus red, and react with bases": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "taste" + }, + "The law, if enacted, would %s doctors who perform abortions with 10 to 99 years": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "punish" + }, + "In order to %s them the Fatimids sent the Arab Banu Hilal and Banu Sulaym against them": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "punish" + }, + "Leto, insulted by this, told her children to %s Niobe": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "punish" + }, + "Indeed, it was possible that delivery would %s to February or March 1969": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "slip" + }, + "before flight; these delays caused the launch of AS-202 to %s behind AS-203, and eliminated hopes the first crewed mission": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "slip" + }, + "Proclamation, including his order that the Army and Navy liberate, %s, and recruit former slaves": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "protect" + }, + "send a total of 75,000 volunteer troops to recapture forts, %s Washington, and \"preserve the Union\", which, in his view,": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "protect" + }, + "The ninth Guru, Tegh Bahadur, sacrificed his head to %s weak and defenseless people against atrocity": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "protect" + }, + "a barrier against oxygen at the liquid surface, which can %s wine by fueling both microbial metabolism (as with acetic": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "spoil" + }, + "native to the Florida Keys in part because milk would %s in an age before refrigeration": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "spoil" + }, + "to broadcast the news because it was thought it would %s the liberation festivities in Denmark": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "spoil" + }, + "The illusion—as in motion pictures in general—is thought to %s on the phi phenomenon and beta movement, but the": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "rely" + }, + "Analog mechanical animation media that %s on the rapid display of sequential images include the": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "rely" + }, + "and some small terrestrial salamanders and frogs lack lungs and %s entirely on their skin": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "rely" + }, + "Anarchists %s themselves to squat and reclaim public spaces": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "organize" + }, + "another highly rated but prickly general, Braxton Bragg, to help %s the western forces": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "organize" + }, + "Some local radio stations in Balakan and Khachmaz %s broadcasts in Avar and Tat": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "organize" + }, + "among scholars and anarchists on the matter, and various currents %s anarchism slightly differently": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "perceive" + }, + "People tend to be less cooperative if they %s that the frequency of helpers in the population is lower": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "perceive" + }, + "know and how that implicit knowledge changes the way people %s and relate to the world around them": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "perceive" + }, + "between Achilles and chorus, who represent the Achaean army and %s to convince Achilles to give up his quarrel with": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "try" + }, + "The Academy enforces rules to limit overt campaigning by its members to %s to eliminate excesses and prevent the process from becoming undignified": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "try" + }, + "He is sent to %s to obtain the rights to Rearden Metal": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "try" + }, + "takes note of Achilles' rage and sends the gods to %s him so that he will not go on to": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "restrain" + }, + "adding an amendment to prohibit Congress from passing laws that %s freedom of trade": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "restrain" + }, + "and made useless to the world simply because you cannot %s your propensity to pick holes in other people.\" His": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "restrain" + }, + "recognizes only 7-bit ASCII characters as special and does not %s bytes with the highest bit set (as is often": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "alter" + }, + "of the book, Squealer (the propagandist) trains the sheep to %s their slogan to \"four legs good, two legs better\",": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "alter" + }, + "Squealer is employed to %s the Seven Commandments to account for this humanisation, an": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "alter" + }, + "charged against them, the demanding of the accused whether they %s guilty or not guilty, and the entering of their": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "plead" + }, + "After having a %s where Patroclus begs Achilles to hold his funeral, Achilles": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "dream" + }, + "This leads the person to believe the %s is real, even when the dreams are absurd in nature": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "dream" + }, + "Aristotle claimed that a %s is first established by the fact that the person is asleep when they experience it": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "dream" + }, + "In 2009, the French government agreed to %s victims of nuclear tests in Algeria": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "compensate" + }, + "To %s for their thin and delicate skin, amphibians have evolved": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "compensate" + }, + "to a contrasting color, the eye would spasm, or \"%s.\" Likewise, he discovered that the contrast of two seeming opposites": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "kick" + }, + "The phrases \"eyeball %s\" and \"hydrogen jukebox\" both show up in Howl, as": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "kick" + }, + "In February 1922, Crowley returned to Paris for a retreat in an unsuccessful attempt to %s his heroin addiction": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "kick" + }, + "Results of a systematic review on interventions to %s health outcomes among autistic adults found emerging evidence to": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "address" + }, + "Few high-quality studies %s long-term prognosis": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "address" + }, + "He gave a particularly emotional farewell %s upon leaving Springfield; he would never again return to Springfield alive": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "address" + }, + "his visit to Pasargadae Alexander ordered his architect Aristobulus to %s the interior of the sepulchral chamber of Cyrus's tomb": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "decorate" + }, + "faience, which was used well into the Roman Period to %s cups, amulets, and figurines": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "decorate" + }, + "custom of French people, of all ranks and creeds, to %s the graves of their dead on the jour des": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "decorate" + }, + "felt words were commonly used in politics to deceive and %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "confuse" + }, + "of large hills, tall cliffs or deep craters that might %s the landing radar and cause it to issue incorrect": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "confuse" + }, + "I think that many %s applicability with allegory, but the one resides in the": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "confuse" + }, + "Before the establishment of towns and cities, an established authority did not %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "exist" + }, + "Various anarchist groups, tendencies, and schools of thought %s today, making it difficult to describe the contemporary anarchist movement": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "exist" + }, + "The two categories that %s are impaired social communication and/or interaction, and restricted and/or repetitive behaviors": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "exist" + }, + "fort in the South, and Lincoln called up forces to suppress the rebellion and %s the Union": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "restore" + }, + "Warring with the Almohad forces attempting to %s control over Algeria for 13 years, they defeated the": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "restore" + }, + "He worked to %s political stability to the country and announced a \"Civil": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "restore" + }, + "Many Christians and Jews %s Rudolf Otto's description of the sacred as 'mysterium tremendum": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "endorse" + }, + "siring an heir, but now the Haute Cour refused to %s Amalric as king unless his marriage to Agnes was": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "endorse" + }, + "Much of its economics and legal philosophy %s anti-authoritarian, anti-statist, libertarian, and radical interpretations of left-wing and": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "reflect" + }, + "foamed up, so there are many superimposed bubble surfaces which %s, adding up their reflectivities": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "reflect" + }, + "\"On any given day, about half of Earth is covered by clouds, which %s more sunlight than land and water": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "reflect" + }, + "Edmundson says that while the individual does not %s the state a duty of obedience, this does not": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "owe" + }, + "Natural-born subjects %s allegiance wherever they may be": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "owe" + }, + "and birthright, and is called alta ligeantia, and those that %s this are called subditus natus;": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "owe" + }, + "Lincoln demanded that Polk show Congress the exact %s on which blood had been shed and prove that the spot was on American soil": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "spot" + }, + "boars, jackals, and gazelles, although it is not uncommon to %s fennecs (foxes), and jerboas": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "spot" + }, + "Aeneas was then taken to Pergamos, a sacred %s in Troy, where he was healed": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "spot" + }, + "The reader is supposed to %s from the context": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "guess" + }, + "Subliminal penetration.\" Some words are not derived from anything, but merely easy to %s, e.g": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "guess" + }, + "mutation burden in older sperm, and the hypothesis that men %s later if they carry genetic liability and show some": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "marry" + }, + "Zeus was furious and decreed that she would never %s an immortal": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "marry" + }, + "When Admetus wanted to %s princess Alcestis, Apollo provided a chariot pulled by a": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "marry" + }, + "Some changes at the county level have occurred following court challenges to establish single-member districts that %s a more diverse representation among county boards": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "enable" + }, + "This was a compromise arrangement in order to %s a publicly broadcast time scale": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "enable" + }, + "The musculoskeletal system is strong to %s it to support the head and body": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "enable" + }, + "such as a smart card, that has configuration information to %s the computer speed, text size, etc": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "adjust" + }, + "There are also options to %s the frequency and tone of a call to suit their individual hearing needs": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "adjust" + }, + "The resulting material is typically further treated to extract small but valuable amounts of lubricants and to %s the properties of the material to suit applications": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "adjust" + }, + "have deep bodies, large caudal fins and small mouths; they %s in the quiet waters feeding on growing or loose": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "swim" + }, + "They %s by undulating their body from side to side": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "swim" + }, + "They have a cloaca into which the urinary and genital passages open, but not a %s bladder": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "swim" + }, + "Academic John Molyneux writes in his %s Anarchism: A Marxist Criticism that \"anarchism cannot win\", believing": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "book" + }, + "to the present-day form, was the principal form used in %s-making, before the advent of the printing press": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "book" + }, + "live with her evil husband and seeing no way to %s him": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "escape" + }, + "marked \"Backspace\" while the separate key marked \"Delete\" sent an %s sequence; many other competing terminals sent a BS code": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "escape" + }, + "The \"%s\" character (ESC, code 27), for example, was intended originally to": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "escape" + }, + "fertile country and its simple people, who know how to %s and how to enjoy life; who are idle and": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "laugh" + }, + "Hephaestus brought all the gods into the bedchamber to %s at the captured adulterers, but Apollo, Hermes, and Poseidon": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "laugh" + }, + "He was an active wrestler during his youth and trained in the rough %s-as-catch-can style (also known as catch wrestling)": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "catch" + }, + "of men would be stationed all around below rock to %s the criminal and take him out of the borders": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "catch" + }, + "She seems to %s on to the sly tricks and schemes set up by Napoleon and Squealer": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "catch" + }, + "In a typological study that does not directly %s the validity of the Altaic hypothesis, Yurayong and Szeto": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "evaluate" + }, + "However, users wrote similar programs which could %s mathematical formulas using the Newton OS Intelligent Assistant, a unique part of every Newton device": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "evaluate" + }, + "UNITA and the MPLA reached a %s-fire shortly afterwards": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "cease" + }, + "waited to give, that \"all acts of hostility\" were to %s immediately": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "cease" + }, + "Esquire article about the game led to Logg receiving a %s and desist letter from a lawyer with the \"Mr": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "cease" + }, + "weaker so that the metal can more easily melt and %s, thus lowering the melting and boiling points": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "boil" + }, + "When it would not empty normally, the heaters in the tank were turned on to %s off the oxygen": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "boil" + }, + "a dying alcoholic, and Ivy, a pseudo-Buddhist ascetic, continue to %s that the plan was perfect and that the failure": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "insist" + }, + "Assurances of formal French support allowed Congress to reject the Carlisle Peace Commission and %s on nothing short of complete independence": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "insist" + }, + "Azerbaijani sources %s that Armenian victory was largely due to military help from Russia and the wealthy Armenian diaspora": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "insist" + }, + "The %s is typically swished or gargled for about half a minute and then spat out": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "wash" + }, + "Mouth%s should not be used immediately after brushing the teeth so": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "wash" + }, + "ammonia; hence fermented urine was used in Classical Antiquity to %s cloth and clothing, to remove hair from hides in": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "wash" + }, + "She was not an academic and did not %s in academic discourse": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "participate" + }, + "protests erupted on 22 February against the president's decision to %s in the election, which resulted in President Bouteflika announcing": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "participate" + }, + "Free radicals are the reactive species that %s in the reaction, which usually leads to a mixture of products": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "participate" + }, + "the requirement to maintain a film's consistency from start to %s, even as films have grown longer and teams have": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "finish" + }, + "Agassi skipped most of the fall indoor season which allowed Sampras to surpass him and %s ranked No": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "finish" + }, + "3, becoming the only male tennis player to %s a year ranked in the top 3 in three different decades": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "finish" + }, + "form xn − a splits into linear factors is not enough to %s that the field is algebraically closed": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "assure" + }, + "To %s the Abu Dhabi investors of the new venture's success,": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "assure" + }, + "The state is home to various %sions, natural features, parks and events that attract visitors from": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "attract" + }, + "Topics like racism, slavery, and human sacrifice %s anthropological attention and theories ranging from nutritional deficiencies, to": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "attract" + }, + "Frogs are much more vocal, especially during the breeding season when they use their voices to %s mates": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "attract" + }, + "in a similar manner to that used by the elephant %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "seal" + }, + "the Eskimo ice cream, which can consist of reindeer fat, %s oil, dried fish meat and local berries": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "seal" + }, + "Asphalt was used also to %s the planks on ocean-going canoes": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "seal" + }, + "The %s of the Western Roman Empire led to the establishment": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "collapse" + }, + "The Fatimid caliphate began to %s when its governors the Zirids seceded": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "collapse" + }, + "After Dagny shifts her attention and loyalty to saving the captive Galt, Willers maintains the railroad until its %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "collapse" + }, + "The 3D model maker usually starts by creating a 3D polygon mesh for the animator to %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "manipulate" + }, + "The binary abacus is used to explain how computers %s numbers": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "manipulate" + }, + "A piece of soft fabric or rubber is placed behind the beads, keeping them in place while the users %s them": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "manipulate" + }, + "This did little to %s the status of the Darnley urn as the most": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "diminish" + }, + "to convince the Roman Senate that Antony had ambitions to %s the preeminence of Rome": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "diminish" + }, + "Other rich resources %s development: gold, forest products, fisheries, iron ore, coffee, and fruits": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "await" + }, + "\"undid\" the hitherto unsolvable Gordian Knot, a feat said to %s the future \"king of Asia\"": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "await" + }, + "for four types of the dead: the faithful saints who %s resurrection in Paradise, the merely virtuous who await their": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "await" + }, + "Board of Education that public schools had to be desegregated, but Alabama was slow to %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "comply" + }, + "but it lacked the power to compel the States to %s with requests for either troops or funding": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "comply" + }, + "In an appeal to the States to %s, Jay wrote that the taxes were \"the price of": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "comply" + }, + "laid back regulations of the Japanese animation industry tend to %s these issues, allowing it to grow underground and thus": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "overlook" + }, + "critics, who see this as a foretaste of 'Mein Kampf', %s one, essential point: in spite of the clumsy phraseology": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "overlook" + }, + "and maintained by the Keweenaw National Historical Park, whose headquarters %s the statue of Agassiz": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "overlook" + }, + "Marxism, criticised anarchism's anti-authoritarianism as inherently counter-revolutionary because in his %s a revolution is by itself authoritarian": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "view" + }, + "According to the Marxist %s, that a social idea would follow directly from this": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "view" + }, + "how the reflectance of a given surface depends on the %s angle of the observer and the solar angle": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "view" + }, + "Three- to five-year-old autistic children are less likely to %s social understanding, approach others spontaneously, imitate and respond to": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "exhibit" + }, + "Different types of clouds %s different reflectivity, theoretically ranging in albedo from a minimum": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "exhibit" + }, + "and that The Evening Standard stated the film's \"best moments %s the bitchy tantrums seething beneath the threesome's composed veneers\"": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "exhibit" + }, + "At the %s of the century, anarchism had spread all over the world": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "turn" + }, + "Around the %s of the 21st century, anarchism grew in popularity and": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "turn" + }, + "While it advocates for no-one to archiei, if accepted by the many, then anarchism would %s into the ruling political theory": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "turn" + }, + "Anarchists still %s and participate in strikes, especially wildcat strikes as these": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "support" + }, + "In contemporary anarchism, this current survives as a tendency to %s polyamory and queer anarchism": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "support" + }, + "Treatment approaches have little empirical %s in quality-of-life contexts, and many programs focus on success": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "support" + }, + "In the early 21st century, Republicans %s all seven of the statewide elected executive branch offices": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "hold" + }, + "Republicans %s six of the eight elected seats on the Alabama State Board of Education": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "hold" + }, + "The idea was never commercialized, but it made Lincoln the only president to %s a patent": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "hold" + }, + "\"Let us %s that the operations performed by the computer to be": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "imagine" + }, + "Alma underwent surgery and made a full recovery, but it caused Hitchcock to %s, for the first time, life without her": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "imagine" + }, + "exists, is probably more complex and distant than we can %s on the basis of our present state of knowledge\"": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "imagine" + }, + "of the momentum of the other particle, without needing to %s the other particle in any way": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "disturb" + }, + "The message on it was: \"Don't wish to %s you": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "disturb" + }, + "specific for certain bacteria, thus, unlike antibiotics, they do not %s the host organism's intestinal microbiota": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "disturb" + }, + "and are focused on all beings equally: love is the %s that all beings be happy, and compassion is the": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "wish" + }, + "Apollo also demanded that all other methods of divination be made inferior to his, a %s that Zeus granted him readily": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "wish" + }, + "rescued the corpse from the battlefield as per his father's %s and cleaned it": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "wish" + }, + "Agassi had crushed Sampras, after which time he told his %s that he felt bad for Sampras because he was": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "coach" + }, + "With new %s Brad Gilbert on board, Agassi began to employ more of a tactical, consistent approach, which fueled his resurgence": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "coach" + }, + "He returned to the tour in May 2017 in the position of %s to Novak Djokovic for the French Open": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "coach" + }, + "the Academy has, since 1941, used a sealed envelope to %s the names of the winners": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "reveal" + }, + "According to Klisanin, \"the notion that \"some are willing to freely %s what they know\" is interesting": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "reveal" + }, + "Eddie Willers in the employees' cafeteria, and leads Eddie to %s important information about Dagny Taggart and Taggart Transcontinental": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "reveal" + }, + "hop cultures include oriental hip hop, the members of which %s to their Turkish heritage and are confused by Advanced": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "cling" + }, + "Kalimpong, who taught him: \"If you see something horrible, don't %s to it, and if you see something beautiful, don't": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "cling" + }, + "an alpha emitter, to ionize the air, allowing the 'static %s' to dissipate more rapidly": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "cling" + }, + "drogue is a drag device used to slow or help %s a vessel running before a storm in a following": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "steer" + }, + "us!\" Newton rested briefly before returning to the deck to %s for the next eleven hours": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "steer" + }, + "reaction control system (RCS) engines to control its attitude and %s its atmospheric entry path": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "steer" + }, + "He voted to %s suffrage beyond white landowners to all white males, but": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "expand" + }, + "universities and over 780 research labs, with state-set goals to %s to 1,000": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "expand" + }, + "The NFL would again %s in 2002, adding the Houston Texans to the AFC": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "expand" + }, + "The aardwolf's tongue has adapted to be tough enough to %s the strong bite of termites": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "withstand" + }, + "In North America, archaeological recovery has indicated that bitumen was sometimes used to %s stone projectile points to wooden shafts": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "adhere" + }, + "For example, it was used on rattles to %s gourds or turtle shells to rattle handles": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "adhere" + }, + "resulting letter was preserved in the Latin alphabet that would %s to be used to write many languages, including English": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "come" + }, + "Alluding to these legends, the term \"Achilles' heel\" has %s to mean a point of weakness, especially in someone": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "come" + }, + "The poem ends with a description of Hector's funeral, with the doom of Troy and Achilles himself still to %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "come" + }, + "Though some commentators %s that gender discrimination would cause men to dominate unsegregated categories, other categories are unsegregated": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "worry" + }, + "The conference participants concluded that there was little to %s about and that Borman's illness was either a 24-hour": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "worry" + }, + "Don't %s, they all get punished in the end.\" In a": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "worry" + }, + "Edmundson authored an essay to %s against three major philosophical anarchist principles which he finds fallacious": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "argue" + }, + "Critics %s that Alabama's constitution maintains highly centralized power with the state legislature, leaving practically no power in local hands": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "argue" + }, + "The two %s over whether it is better to lie on purpose or by accident": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "argue" + }, + "Some believed it was a conspiracy by the Confederacy to %s a war on the Northwestern front": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "launch" + }, + "47 wins and 195 nominations overall since that award's own %s in 1949": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "launch" + }, + "Dwan helped %s the career of two other successful Hollywood directors, Victor": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "launch" + }, + "It projects it with the %s foremost whereas other frogs flick out the rear part": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "tip" + }, + "The Aleutian Islands chain extends west from the southern %s of the Alaska Peninsula": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "tip" + }, + "The PLSS backpack created a tendency to %s backward, but neither astronaut had serious problems maintaining balance": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "tip" + }, + "If the chain of \"images\" is needed, one memory will %s the next": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "stimulate" + }, + "Rubidium has no known biological role, but may help %s metabolism, and, similarly to caesium, replace potassium in the": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "stimulate" + }, + "to settle and incorporate more standard forms, they started to %s theology, which was fully Arminian": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "formulate" + }, + "But if I were asked today to %s as concisely as possible the main cause of the": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "formulate" + }, + "grace of Christ was indispensable to human freedom, he helped %s the doctrine of original sin and made significant contributions": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "formulate" + }, + "Leto, and the twin brother of Artemis, goddess of the %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "hunt" + }, + "Python was sent by Hera to %s the pregnant Leto to death, and had assaulted her": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "hunt" + }, + "Cave-dwelling amphibians normally %s by smell": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "hunt" + }, + "Television Foundation released a teaching resource DVD-ROM in 2011 to %s the TV series with teaching aids for classroom use": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "accompany" + }, + "Ward had initially composed the song's melody in 1882 to %s lyrics to \"Materna\", basis of the hymn, \"O Mother": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "accompany" + }, + "It is able to leave the burrow to %s its mother after only two weeks and eats termites": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "accompany" + }, + "This allows digital devices to %s with each other and to process, store, and communicate character-oriented information such as written language": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "communicate" + }, + "developed than those of frogs as they do not normally %s with each other through the medium of sound": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "communicate" + }, + "And its conversation system allowed it to %s with a person in Japanese, with an artificial mouth": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "communicate" + }, + "He claimed that \"woman is by nature meant to %s\"": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "obey" + }, + "Zollicoffer decided it was impossible to %s orders to return to the other side of the": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "obey" + }, + " Achilles Last Stand a %s on the 1976 Led Zeppelin album Presence": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "track" + }, + "Ben Nealy is a railroad contractor whom Dagny Taggart hires to replace the %s on the Rio Norte Line with Rearden Metal": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "track" + }, + "The Theophania festival was held in Delphi to %s his return": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "celebrate" + }, + "culmination of the Secular Games, held in 17 BCE to %s the dawn of a new era": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "celebrate" + }, + "in Los Angeles there was an official state dinner to %s the flight, attended by members of Congress, 44 governors,": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "celebrate" + }, + "Some meals are communal, such as fondue, where a pot is set in the middle of the table for each person to %s into": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "dip" + }, + "While some birds %s into shallow water, more aerial species may make aerial": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "dip" + }, + "This can be used to create drop shots and smashes that %s more steeply after they pass the net": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "dip" + }, + "Hornsby, refused to %s office after losing the election by approximately 3,000 votes to Republican Perry O": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "leave" + }, + "by Lincoln's election, and in response secessionists implemented plans to %s the Union before he took office in March 1861": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "leave" + }, + "The Fatimids even gave them money to %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "leave" + }, + "that there were many more, but most astronomers did not %s with them, some calling them \"vermin of the skies\",": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "bother" + }, + "so the system was essentially an alphabet that did not %s to write the most common vowel": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "bother" + }, + "It is a %s to tourists who simply want to relax on the": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "bother" + }, + "by a short stay in hospital, would probably suffice to %s order": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "insure" + }, + "Wilson wrote, \"Practical experience shows that nothing will so much %s immunity from drinking as intensive work with other alcoholics\"": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "insure" + }, + "establish and preserve a uniform standard of value and to %s a singular monetary system for all purchases and debts": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "insure" + }, + "in 51 cases, of which 31 were decided in his %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "favor" + }, + "1856 campaigning and support of Trumbull had earned him a %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "favor" + }, + "Within a few years, the bronze was abandoned in %s of Britannia metal, a pewter-like alloy which is then": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "favor" + }, + "It is similar to polo, played by horsemen in two teams, each trying to %s and hold a goat carcass": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "grab" + }, + "with intent (such as a strong strike or an immobilizing %s) are needed to study correct and effective application of": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "grab" + }, + " , when both hands %s one wrist; sometimes referred to as ": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "grab" + }, + "Additionally, it has been found to lighten caregiver %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "load" + }, + "Nonetheless, their work %s is significantly easier as the assistive technology frees them of having to perform certain tasks": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "load" + }, + "entirely, especially when it does not carry a heavy functional %s, as in Somali and many other languages of Africa": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "load" + }, + "I cannot but %s it": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "hate" + }, + "I %s it because of the monstrous injustice of slavery itself": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "hate" + }, + "I %s it because it deprives our republican example of its": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "hate" + }, + "meaning in the war in its aftermath, and did not %s to continue to outcast the southern states": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "want" + }, + "That is, \"if we do not %s a thing now, we shall be able to get it when we do want it\"": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "want" + }, + "Scott described it as a \"meat parade\", saying, \"I don't %s any part of it.\"": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "want" + }, + "of events named May Days as Joseph Stalin tried to %s control of the Republicans": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "seize" + }, + "ceasefire by taking advantage of the gradual Portuguese withdrawal to %s various strategic positions, acquire more arms, and enlarge their": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "seize" + }, + "In Virginia, an attempt by Governor Lord Dunmore to %s militia stores on April 20 1775 led to an": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "seize" + }, + "Behavioral, psychological, education, and/or skill-building interventions may be used to %s autistic people to learn life skills necessary for living": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "assist" + }, + "A forensic anthropologist can %s in the identification of deceased individuals whose remains are": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "assist" + }, + "When Evadne went into labour, Apollo sent the Moirai to %s his lover": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "assist" + }, + "However, some Austroasiatic languages have lost the %s contrast by evolving more diphthongs or in a few": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "register" + }, + " Jiamao, based on evidence from the %s system of Jiamao, a Hlai language (Thurgood 1992)": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "register" + }, + "DRAM) addressed directly by a binary machine %s where a decimal interpretation makes no practical sense": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "register" + }, + "in recess, any of the powers of Congress may be %sd by \"The committee of the states, or any nine": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "execute" + }, + "The programmer must translate the algorithm into a language that the simulator/computer/computor can effectively %s": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "execute" + }, + "ingroup may be adaptive if a hostile outgroup threatens to %s the entire ingroup": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "kill" + }, + "Lycoctonus ( ; , Lykoktonos), from , \"wolf\", and , \"to %s\"": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "kill" + }, + "Apollo also buried in Hyperborea the arrow which he had used to %s the Cyclopes": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "kill" + }, + "He could %s crowds as a raconteur, but he lacked the requisite": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "draw" + }, + "Many biblical authors %s a strong connection between love of others and love of God": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "draw" + }, + "Linguistic anthropologists often %s on related fields including sociolinguistics, pragmatics, cognitive linguistics, semiotics,": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "draw" + }, + "He was instrumental in spreading this new %s of Hermeticism outside the borders of Italy": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "blend" + }, + "Intercutting, matte effects and split screens are often employed to %s stop-motion characters or objects with live actors and settings": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "blend" + }, + "They have various colourings such as mottled browns, greys and olives to %s into the background": { + "split": "val", + "entity": "blend" + }, + "One of the earliest criticisms is that anarchism defies and fails to %s the biological inclination to authority": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "understand" + }, + "Noted autistic Temple Grandin described her inability to %s the social communication of neurotypicals, or people with typical": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "understand" + }, + "seek diagnoses to help them or their friends and family %s themselves, to help their employers make adjustments, or in": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "understand" + }, + "They %s the Seven Commandments of Animalism, the most important of which is, \"All animals are equal\"": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "adopt" + }, + "Proteus and Amphiuma, and many examples of facultative ones that %s this strategy under appropriate environmental circumstances": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "adopt" + }, + "the warning colouration is on the belly and these animals %s a defensive pose when attacked, exhibiting their bright colours": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "adopt" + }, + "According to Business Insider, Alabama ranked 14th in most popular states to %s in 2014": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "visit" + }, + "On the day Lincoln was assassinated, he reportedly told his wife he desired to %s the Holy Land": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "visit" + }, + "fragment called \"Very Parisienne\", written in 1926 on his first %s to Paris as a gift to his hosts, Robert": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "visit" + }, + "in 1915; toilets, hotels, and restaurants in 1928; and bus %s waiting rooms in 1945": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "stop" + }, + "of Hector's favorite and dearest brother, Deiphobus, persuades Hector to %s running and fight Achilles face to face": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "stop" + }, + "The Zirid ruler tried to %s this rising tide, but with each encounter, the last": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "stop" + }, + "Objects %s around screen edges – for instance, an asteroid that": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "wrap" + }, + "when manipulating for later editing purposes (\"ink text\" supported word %s, could be formatted to be bold, italic, etc.)": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "wrap" + }, + "After returning to the LM to %s up the second lunar excursion, they climbed back inside": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "wrap" + }, + "He was asked to %s his support by writing a letter, with Szilárd, to": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "lend" + }, + "Anime's genre classification differs from other types of animation and does not %s itself to simple classification": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "lend" + }, + "in spite of the fact that this plant does not %s itself to propagation from suckers or from cuttings, it": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "lend" + }, + "with unprecedented levels of repression and in the process almost %s out its civil society'": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "wipe" + }, + "form of cinematic punctuation strongly identified with Kurosawa is the %s, an effect created through an optical printer: a line": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "wipe" + }, + "straight cut or the dissolve; in his mature work, the %s became Kurosawa's signature": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "wipe" + }, + "relocate to the Atlantic seaboard, a move Arbuthnot did not %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "anticipate" + }, + "cut its error rate, the company reportedly still failed to %s the popularity of Amazon's Echo, which features the Alexa": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "anticipate" + }, + "of sub-Saharan African ancestry in modern southern Egyptian populations and %s that mummies from southern Egypt would show greater levels": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "anticipate" + }, + "For example, automated prompts and %sers utilize motion sensors and pre-recorded audio messages; an automated": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "remind" + }, + "Crimes always %s her of a previous incident, although acquaintances may be": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "remind" + }, + "All these smaller attacks %s me of smaller tremors before a massive earthquake": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "remind" + }, + "more scholars in fields such as anthropology and history to %s with the anarchist movement, although contemporary anarchism favours actions": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "engage" + }, + "They mostly %s in confronting the police during demonstrations and riots, especially in countries such as Canada, Greece, and Mexico": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "engage" + }, + "Autistic females have been shown to %s in masking more frequently than autistic males": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "engage" + }, + "classical anarchists such as Peter Kropotkin and Pierre-Joseph Proudhon to %s their opinions": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "justify" + }, + "Multiple critics, including Nozick, have said her attempt to %s individual rights based on egoism fails": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "justify" + }, + "Lincoln's managers had focused on this delegation while honoring Lincoln's %s to \"Make no contracts that will bind me\"": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "dictate" + }, + "The specific rules of the legal system will %s exactly how the appeal is officially begun": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "dictate" + }, + "lost only two games late in the tour to narrowly %s out of being the first team to complete a": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "miss" + }, + "meant that if no further burns were performed, Apollo 13 would %s Earth on its return trajectory, rather than intercept it,": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "miss" + }, + "Arthritis is a common reason that people %s work and can result in a decreased quality of life": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "miss" + }, + "One of them owned a movie theater and allowed her to %s dozens of films free of charge": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "watch" + }, + "The Wet Nurse (Tony) is a young bureaucrat sent by the government to %s over Rearden's mills": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "watch" + }, + "After his first public lecture, he met the emperor and empress at the Imperial Palace, where thousands came to %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "watch" + }, + "people, as of 2018 there is no good evidence to %s a gluten- and casein-free diet as a standard treatment": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "recommend" + }, + "remarked that in the history of philosophy she could only %s \"three A's\"—Aristotle, Aquinas, and Ayn Rand": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "recommend" + }, + "It also has a basketball program (the Agassi Stars) and a rigorous system that encourages a %s of academics and athletics": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "mix" + }, + "In Australian English, the word \"asphalt\" is used to describe a %s of construction aggregate": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "mix" + }, + "upon characteristics of the asphalt and the aggregates, but warm-%s asphalt technologies allow producers to reduce the temperature required": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "mix" + }, + "is marred by an \"ill-thought out and unsystematic\" effort to %s her hostility to the state with her rejection of": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "reconcile" + }, + "Grosseteste also did much work to %s Platonic and Aristotelian thinking": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "reconcile" + }, + " This makes it easier to %s molecular clock data that suggests that the angiosperms diverged": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "reconcile" + }, + " The roosters – One arranges to %s Boxer early, and a black one acts as a trumpeter for Napoleon": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "wake" + }, + "But in the %s of World War II, the rapid growth of industrialization": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "wake" + }, + "In the %s of the demise of the Safavid Empire, Baku and": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "wake" + }, + "An attempt to outflank Lee from the south failed under Butler, who was trapped inside the Bermuda Hundred river %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "bend" + }, + "The device uses a magnet to %s the trajectory of a beam of ions, and the": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "bend" + }, + "If an atom is ionized by removing one of its electrons, its trajectory when it passes through a magnetic field will %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "bend" + }, + "Alaska has had a problem with a \"brain %s\"": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "drain" + }, + "All the rivers %s into the Caspian Sea in the east of the country": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "drain" + }, + "It could depict a critique of existing society and hierarchies, %s as a prefigurative tool to reflect the anarchist ideal": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "serve" + }, + "Lincoln briefly interrupted his campaign to %s as a captain in the Illinois Militia during the Black Hawk War": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "serve" + }, + "Lincoln had pledged in 1846 to %s only one term in the House": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "serve" + }, + "Culture in order to promote national production, renovate the cinema %s and remedy the weak links in distribution and exploitation": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "stock" + }, + "footage is produced by creating the images directly on film %s; for example, by Norman McLaren, Len Lye and Stan": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "stock" + }, + "Ferrer aimed to educate the working class and explicitly sought to %s class consciousness among students": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "foster" + }, + "estate of Andy Warhol, but also has a mission \"to %s innovative artistic expression and the creative process\" and is": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "foster" + }, + "To assist Mary financially, they agreed to %s nine-year-old Clara; the family settled in Timperley, Cheshire": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "foster" + }, + "In chapter seven, when the animals %s their non-existent crimes and are killed, Orwell directly alludes": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "confess" + }, + "I must %s that the degree of their brutality and cowardice came": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "confess" + }, + "the TV camera from the MESA and made a panoramic %s, then mounted it on a tripod": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "sweep" + }, + "the government has funded the creation of a solar science %s in Hassi R'Mel": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "park" + }, + "Agassi and Graf announced plans to build a new water %s called Wet'n'Wild Las Vegas in Las Vegas": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "park" + }, + "most cases, in addition to regular dental check-ups, although they %s many mouthwashes": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "approve" + }, + "They review language development, monitor new words and %s inclusion of new words into their published standard dictionaries": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "approve" + }, + "He is shot attempting to inform Hank Rearden about a government plot, but does %s in warning Rearden just before he dies": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "succeed" + }, + " In order for the appeal to %s, the appellant must prove that the lower court committed": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "succeed" + }, + "She states: \"Since we do not %s in fleeing it, let us, therefore, try to look the truth in the face": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "succeed" + }, + "In the ceremonies that year, Walt Disney was the first to %s the Academy for his \"Oscar\" during his acceptance speech": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "thank" + }, + "To %s him, the shepherd built Apollo a temple under the name Vulturius": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "thank" + }, + "Oakley, Jim Jannard, had sent him a Dodge Viper to %s him for the inadvertent publicity": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "thank" + }, + "emphasized his Freeport Doctrine, that local settlers were free to %s whether to allow slavery and accused Lincoln of having": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "choose" + }, + "lover of all nine Muses, and not being able to %s one of them, decided to remain unwed": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "choose" + }, + "Zeus made her %s between them, and she chose Idas on the grounds": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "choose" + }, + "theory (Ferguson 1959) claims that the modern Arabic dialects collectively %s from a single military koine that sprang up during": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "descend" + }, + "to maintain its forward air speed and lift, it must %s in relation to the air (but not necessarily in": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "descend" + }, + "survives in companies such as Dynamit Nobel and AkzoNobel, which %s from mergers with companies he founded": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "descend" + }, + "an IQ above 50, and having a marketable skill all %s better outcomes; independent living is unlikely with severe autism": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "predict" + }, + "Historians agree that it is impossible to %s exactly how Reconstruction would have proceeded had Lincoln lived": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "predict" + }, + " Suppose we wanted to %s the weight of a dog based on a certain set of characteristics of each dog": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "predict" + }, + "Algerian literary scene, they will attempt through their works to %s a number of social problems, among them there are": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "expose" + }, + "War I, and after the war he published a brief %s and condemnation of the participation of several American archaeologists": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "expose" + }, + "of enlightened people in democratic countries.\" This motivated Orwell to %s and strongly condemn what he saw as the Stalinist": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "expose" + }, + "In the myths, he is seen helping heroes who %s to him for safe journey": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "pray" + }, + "on the Kheuveren River, populated by \"bearded men\" who \"%s to the icons\"": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "pray" + }, + "Autistic infants %s less attention to social stimuli, smile and look at others less often, and respond less to their own name": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "show" + }, + "Many individuals with ASD %s superior skills in perception and attention, relative to the general population": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "show" + }, + "One way is for an individual from the group to %s the role of facilitator to help achieve a consensus": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "play" + }, + "Autistic children may have difficulty with imaginative %s and with developing symbols into language": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "play" + }, + "A 2016 review concludes that enteric nervous system abnormalities might %s a role in neurological disorders such as autism": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "play" + }, + "He now works as a %s in a roadside diner, and proves extremely skillful at the job": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "cook" + }, + "of Alabama, areas of the state north of Montgomery may %s a dusting of snow a few times every winter,": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "receive" + }, + "A memory occurs when stimuli such as sights or sounds are so complex that the nervous system cannot %s all the impressions at once": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "receive" + }, + "be achieved by a competitive nomination or a member may %s a name based on other significant contributions to the": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "submit" + }, + "Foreign films must include English subtitles, and each country can %s only one film for consideration in the International Feature Film category per year": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "submit" + }, + "Producers must %s an Official Screen Credits online form before the deadline;": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "submit" + }, + "It took until 1980 for the DSM-III to %s autism from childhood schizophrenia": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "differentiate" + }, + "in the use of comparative anatomy, physiology, and psychology to %s man from \"the animals nearest to him\"": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "differentiate" + }, + "They welcome poverty and neither seek nor %s death": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "flee" + }, + "Mahmud Shah Durrani would defeat and force Shah Shuja to %s, with Shah Mahmud usurping the throne again for his": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "flee" + }, + "The roof left a central space open to %s light and air": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "admit" + }, + "Additionally, ordinances to %s Frankland (later modified to Franklin), Kentucky, and Vermont to the Union were considered, but none were approved": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "admit" + }, + "The following day delegates considered a bill to %s Kentucky into the Union as a sovereign state": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "admit" + }, + "a speech about racism in America, adding, \"I do not %s to be quiet about it.\" A resident of Princeton": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "intend" + }, + "this and many other examples show that he did not %s to abandon \"to be\" as such": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "intend" + }, + "had no intent to invade Southern states, nor did he %s to end slavery where it existed, but said that": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "intend" + }, + "Alfredo Bonanno, a proponent of insurrectionary anarchism, has reinstated the %s on violence by rejecting the nonviolence tactic adopted since": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "debate" + }, + "in the general education population is a subject of current %s among educators and researchers": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "debate" + }, + "The %s over the status of slavery in the territories failed": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "debate" + }, + "Some fish had developed primitive lungs that help them %s air when the stagnant pools of the Devonian swamps": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "breathe" + }, + "Though equipped with limbs and the ability to %s air, most still had a long tapering body and strong tail": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "breathe" + }, + "Amphibians %s by means of a pump action in which air": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "breathe" + }, + "The cruise back to Earth was mostly a time for the crew to %s and monitor the spacecraft": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "relax" + }, + "Aikido training is mental as well as physical, emphasizing the ability to %s the mind and body even under the stress of dangerous situations": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "relax" + }, + "There are also recreational areas to %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "relax" + }, + "Various parts of the cerebrum process sensory input, such as %s in the olfactory lobe and sight in the optic": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "smell" + }, + "Toads, salamanders and caecilians also use %s to detect prey": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "smell" + }, + "Some salamanders seem to have learned to recognize immobile prey when it has no %s, even in complete darkness": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "smell" + }, + "Italic type is commonly used to %s emphasis or more generally to distinguish one part of a text from the rest (set in Roman type)": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "mark" + }, + "Unfortunately, requiring two characters to %s the end of a line introduces unnecessary complexity and ambiguity as to how to interpret each character when encountered by itself": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "mark" + }, + "Acquiring space enables anarchists to experiment with their ideas and %s social bonds": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "build" + }, + "Lincoln used conversation and his patronage powers—greatly expanded from peacetime—to %s support and fend off the Radicals' efforts to replace": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "build" + }, + "They are more cooperative if they can gradually %s trust, instead of being asked to give extensive help immediately": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "build" + }, + "1832, Lincoln joined with a partner, Denton Offutt, in the %s of a general store on credit in New Salem": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "purchase" + }, + "The law opened land for a lease of three years with the ability to %s title for the freedmen": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "purchase" + }, + "The 1862 Homestead Act made millions of acres of Western government-held land available for %s at low cost": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "purchase" + }, + "Clouds %s Earth cool by reflecting sunlight, but they can also serve as blankets to trap warmth.\"": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "keep" + }, + "His main goal was to %s the union together, so he proceeded by focusing not": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "keep" + }, + "To %s options available for lowercase letters and other graphics, the": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "keep" + }, + "this empirical content of perception; how is it possible to %s subjective sensations \"limited to my skin\" as the objective": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "comprehend" + }, + "Various animistic cultures also %s stones as persons": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "comprehend" + }, + "Flannery claimed that Wallace was 'the first modern scientist to %s how essential cooperation is to our survival,' and suggested": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "comprehend" + }, + "and still prevalent convention uses the ETX code convention to %s and halt a program via an input data stream,": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "interrupt" + }, + " Code that must interact directly with the hardware, for example in device drivers and %s handlers": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "interrupt" + }, + " In an embedded processor or DSP, high-repetition %ss require the shortest number of cycles per interrupt, such": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "interrupt" + }, + " Prone standers %s the body weight to the front of the individual and usually have a tray in front of them": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "distribute" + }, + " Supine standers %s the body weight to the back and are good": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "distribute" + }, + "He proposed that someone should \"create, manufacture, %s, and sell a video game\" that would allow players": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "distribute" + }, + "It is home to nearly 4,000 pteridophyte and spermatophyte %s species": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "plant" + }, + "steel division, Inoxum, including the stainless portion of the Calvert %s, was sold to Finnish stainless steel company Outokumpu in": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "plant" + }, + "The remaining portion of the ThyssenKrupp %s had final bids submitted by ArcelorMittal and Nippon Steel": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "plant" + }, + "with good night, good luck, a Merry Christmas and God %s all of you—all of you on the good Earth.\"": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "bless" + }, + "Think of him whose prayer shall %s thee—": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "bless" + }, + "The priests were also commissioned to %s the people": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "bless" + }, + "of fabric from its wing, along with a diamond-studded astronaut %s originally given to Slayton by the widows of the": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "pin" + }, + "When people %s experiences, they stimulate certain previous experiences until they reach the one that is needed": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "recall" + }, + "Aristotle ascribes the ability to create, to store, and to %s images in the absence of perception to the faculty": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "recall" + }, + "When some animals %s the Battle of the Cowshed, Napoleon (who was nowhere": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "recall" + }, + "regardless of that, his first obligation as president was to %s the Union:": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "preserve" + }, + "term to represent all variants, including those that do not %s ASCII's character-map in the 7-bit range": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "preserve" + }, + "crossbreeds that increased production, while mostly disregarding the need to %s genetic diversity": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "preserve" + }, + "Wanting to %s down fighting, he charges at Achilles with his only weapon, his sword, but misses": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "go" + }, + "At the last minute, Grant decided to %s to New Jersey to visit his children instead of attending the play": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "go" + }, + "Anarchism employs a diversity of tactics in %s to meet its ideal ends which can be broadly": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "order" + }, + "Anarchists have employed various methods in %s to build a rough consensus among members of their group without the need of a leader or a leading group": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "order" + }, + "The notion of free love was much broader and included a critique of the established %s that limited women's sexual freedom and pleasure": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "order" + }, + "Controversies %s other proposed environmental causes; for example, the vaccine hypothesis, which has been disproven": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "surround" + }, + "Several legends %s Alexander's birth and childhood": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "surround" + }, + "The Alaska Constitution was written so as to %s dedicating state funds for a particular purpose": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "discourage" + }, + "did not live with his mother, who even tried to %s him from coming by explaining that they would not": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "discourage" + }, + "internal memo leaked in 2015 suggested the company planned to %s long lines and direct customers to purchase its products": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "discourage" + }, + "inhabited by smaller animals like the African wild dog, ant-eating %s, Nycteris thebaica and warthogs": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "chat" + }, + "call on him in the morning for a walk or %s, to provide consultation on architectural matters, and to discuss": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "chat" + }, + "court resolved the case by granting a pre-trial motion to %s or motion for summary judgment which is usually based": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "dismiss" + }, + "nonverbal cues and emotional sharing that they find difficult to %s with, and has given them a way to form": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "deal" + }, + "A great %s of Alabama's economic growth since the 1990s has been": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "deal" + }, + "In the runup to the election, he took an office in the Illinois state capitol to %s with the influx of attention": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "deal" + }, + "children and adults with ASD perform worse on tests of %s and emotion recognition although this may be partly due": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "face" + }, + "of autism; one example is lowered activity in the fusiform %s area of the brain, which is associated with impaired": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "face" + }, + "Many autistic people %s significant obstacles in transitioning to adulthood": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "face" + }, + "For small and far objects that cannot be resolved by telescopes, much of what we %s comes from the study of their albedos": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "know" + }, + "the poet Dante called him “the master of those who %s\"": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "know" + }, + "various small selections of Aristotle's works to the treatise we %s by the name Metaphysics": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "know" + }, + "A %s of about of track along an area north": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "stretch" + }, + "It contracts slowly but maintains contractibility over a wide range of %s lengths": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "stretch" + }, + "The Himalayas that %s from north-west of India to far north-east offers a": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "stretch" + }, + "don't know where you are with it—you decide to just %s it for a while.\"": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "chuck" + }, + "driven by a motor, and the other drives a drill %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "chuck" + }, + "renowned than the one awarded, or presented as a \"career %s\" to recognize a distinguished nominee's entire body of work": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "honor" + }, + "The Hyperboreans always sang and danced in his %s and hosted Pythian games": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "honor" + }, + "a town around the tomb of the hero, and to %s him": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "honor" + }, + "They did not %s the Ancient Greek philosophical idea that everything is composed": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "abandon" + }, + "Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) 20,000 years ago humans had to %s their initial settlements along the European North Atlantic coast": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "abandon" + }, + "While tribes were not consulted by the British for the treaty, in practice the British refused to %s the forts on territory they formally transferred": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "abandon" + }, + "Users simply %s certain parts of their notes, the pen saves it, and reads it back to them": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "tap" + }, + "As Western oil companies are able to %s deepwater oilfields untouched by the Soviet exploitation, Azerbaijan is": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "tap" + }, + "this move, you will lose consciousness if you do not %s out": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "tap" + }, + "Harris then sent an aide to %s Johnston's surgeon but did not apply a tourniquet to Johnson's wounded leg": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "fetch" + }, + "needing two accesses to the memory instead of one to %s each byte, along with contention with the video hardware": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "fetch" + }, + "At Wimbledon, Agassi announced his plans to %s following the US Open": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "retire" + }, + "and Space Council effective August 1969, and announced he would %s as an astronaut at that time": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "retire" + }, + "Roman capital, emperors in the 4th and 5th centuries would %s from the humid summer weather on the Bosporus to": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "retire" + }, + "As the movement shaped 21st century radicalism, wider %s of anarchist principles signaled a revival of interest": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "embrace" + }, + "Evolutionary tactics %s nonviolence, reject violence and take a gradual approach to": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "embrace" + }, + "Later versions of the story suggested Troilus was accidentally killed by Achilles in an over-ardent lovers' %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "embrace" + }, + "Ferrer's %s was secular, rejecting both state and church involvement in": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "approach" + }, + "It is not known which %s is more effective": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "approach" + }, + "naturalistic form of ABA combined with a developmental social pragmatic %s has been found to be beneficial in improving social-communication": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "approach" + }, + "Such altruism may only %s to ingroup members while there may instead prejudice and": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "extend" + }, + "easterly longitude in the United States because the Aleutian Islands %s into the Eastern Hemisphere": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "extend" + }, + "electoral systems, which allowed the majority of the population to %s elections": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "dominate" + }, + "In Great Britain and the Commonwealth countries, the British tradition of social anthropology tends to %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "dominate" + }, + "based on large-scale monoculture in the twentieth century came to %s agricultural output, though about 2 billion people still depended on": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "dominate" + }, + "Film companies will %s as much as several million dollars on marketing to": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "spend" + }, + "positive exposure and prestige of the Academy Awards, many studios %s millions of dollars and hire publicists specifically to promote": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "spend" + }, + "that Netflix as a movie production and distribution studio could %s much more than typical Oscar-winning films and have much": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "spend" + }, + "Slayton then decided to %s the prime and backup crews of the Dand Emissions": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "swap" + }, + "This %s also meant a swap of spacecraft, requiring Borman's crew": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "swap" + }, + "programs for children lead to significant improvements after the children %s up, and the limited research on the effectiveness of": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "grow" + }, + "Herndon would %s irritated when Lincoln would bring his children to the law office": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "grow" + }, + "While he is usually portrayed bearded, he did not %s a beard until 1860 at the suggestion of 11-year-old": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "grow" + }, + "All alkanes %s with oxygen in a combustion reaction, although they become": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "react" + }, + "Alkanes %s with halogens in a so-called free radical halogenation reaction": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "react" + }, + "Under the %s of Peter Kropotkin, a Russian philosopher and scientist, anarcho-communism": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "influence" + }, + "Cloud albedo has substantial %s over atmospheric temperatures": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "influence" + }, + "In Andorra, mobile and fixed %s and internet services are operated exclusively by the Andorran": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "telephone" + }, + "states that still have only one %s area code": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "telephone" + }, + "taxes and license fees (such as petroleum, aviation motor fuel, %s cooperative) is shared with municipalities in Alaska": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "telephone" + }, + "\"Wanna see an Academy Awards %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "invite" + }, + "At its conclusion, delegates voted to %s all states to a larger convention to be held in Philadelphia in 1787": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "invite" + }, + "agalma), and the sculptors tried to create forms which would %s such guiding vision": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "inspire" + }, + "The statues of Apollo embody beauty, balance and %s awe before the beauty of the world": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "inspire" + }, + "professional athletes get involved in charitable causes and aims to %s all people to volunteer and support their communities": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "inspire" + }, + "It was also %s to the first formally organized Mardi Gras parade in": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "host" + }, + "in the latter's bringing with him on his expedition a %s of zoologists, botanists, and researchers": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "host" + }, + "As with the two previous ceremonies, there was no %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "host" + }, + "the Native American peoples, who have sometimes been of mixed %s, have insisted on having their cultural identification respected": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "race" + }, + "formed if it is \"based on differences in religion, language, %s, gender, profession, or region\"": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "race" + }, + "Not only did they %s state armed forces, as in Spain and Ukraine, but some of them also employed terrorism as propaganda of the deed": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "confront" + }, + "failure of Congress to fund an American naval force to %s the Barbary pirates, wrote in a diplomatic correspondence to": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "confront" + }, + "later artistic career, as the director was seldom hesitant to %s unpleasant truths in his work": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "confront" + }, + "They can %s and stand, and they cannot walk": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "sit" + }, + "Apollo told her that Zeus, before taking another lover, would %s on this rock to free himself from his love": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "sit" + }, + "Black anarchism began to %s form at this time and influenced anarchism's move from a Eurocentric demographic": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "take" + }, + "Anarchists' tactics %s various forms but in general serve two major goals,": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "take" + }, + "This can %s the form of disrupting and protesting against unjust hierarchy,": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "take" + }, + "to satisfy the reaction stoichiometry) leads to combustion without any %s, producing carbon dioxide and water": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "smoke" + }, + "almost five times for users of alcohol-containing mouthwash who neither %s nor drink (with a higher rate of increase for": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "smoke" + }, + "They come in tabby and tabby-white, along with %s varieties, and are in every color other than pointed,": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "smoke" + }, + "30, 1846, the Alabama legislature announced it had voted to %s the capital city from Tuscaloosa to Montgomery": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "move" + }, + "storms, which often dump tremendous amounts of rain as they %s inland and weaken": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "move" + }, + "In 1860, Lincoln noted that the family's %s to Indiana was \"partly on account of slavery\", but": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "move" + }, + "They %s that, if Achilles returns to battle, Agamemnon will return the captive Briseis and other gifts": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "promise" + }, + "has provided free copies of Rand's novels to teachers who %s to include the books in their curriculum": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "promise" + }, + "He invoked Apollo and asked the god to avenge the broken %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "promise" + }, + "Tokyo was a hotspot for rebellious youth from countries of the far east, travelling to the Japanese capital to %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "study" + }, + "The latter theory was supported by a litigation-funded %s that has since been shown to have been \"an elaborate fraud\"": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "study" + }, + "Social-science scholars %s those with autism in hopes to learn more about": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "study" + }, + "Scott became the second person to %s his award (Best Actor in 1970 for Patton) at": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "refuse" + }, + "The third person to %s the award was Marlon Brando, who refused his award": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "refuse" + }, + " The appellate court cannot %s to listen to the appeal": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "refuse" + }, + "in the cells of the coral-forming marine invertebrates, where they %s host-cell metabolism by generating sugar and oxygen immediately available": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "accelerate" + }, + "air, burn fuel with it in a combustion chamber, and %s the exhaust rearwards to provide thrust": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "accelerate" + }, + "a warm up lap in which they will have to %s out as fast as possible to determine how fast": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "accelerate" + }, + "In the adult state, they have %s ducts and movable eyelids, and most species have ears": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "tear" + }, + "He works hard to make an antiplague serum, but as the epidemic continues, he shows increasing signs of wear and %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "tear" + }, + "July 2012, two women were assaulted in Germany, sprayed with %s gas, and were shown a \"Hitler salute,\" apparently because": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "tear" + }, + "To %s with social demands, the authorities raised expenditure, especially on": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "cope" + }, + "character a code represented, and in general, text-processing systems could %s with only one variant anyway": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "cope" + }, + "They needed to develop new methods to regulate their body heat to %s with fluctuations in ambient temperature": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "cope" + }, + "In some areas glyphosate resistant weeds have developed, causing farmers to %s to other herbicides": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "switch" + }, + "The Pererro is a plug and play adapter for iOS devices which uses the built in Apple VoiceOver feature in combination with a basic %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "switch" + }, + "Apple, with the release of iOS 7 had introduced the ability to navigate apps using %s control": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "switch" + }, + "for climbing, and keratinised tubercles on the hind feet for %sging (frogs usually dig backwards into the soil)": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "dig" + }, + "most people would not think someone used a shovel to %s in the mud": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "dig" + }, + "feeder, it subsists on ants and termites, which it will %s out of their hills using its sharp claws and": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "dig" + }, + "Scattering, absorption and radiative %s (optics)": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "transfer" + }, + "The clocks are compared using GPS signals and two-way satellite time and frequency %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "transfer" + }, + " Time and frequency %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "transfer" + }, + "York Times, \"Piku\", an offbeat Hindi comedy, would have you %s the intestines and mortality of one Bhashkor Banerji and": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "contemplate" + }, + "Darius thus began to %s the complete conquest of Greece, beginning with the destruction of Athens and Eretria": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "contemplate" + }, + "considered and dubbed un-beautiful just because one's culture does not %s it, e.g": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "contemplate" + }, + "The decision to %s of the Auto Union business was based on its lack of profitability": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "dispose" + }, + "recognized rank in the feudal hierarchy, and was free to %s of his fief as in the case of any": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "dispose" + }, + "workman has a great quantity of his own work to %s of beyond what he himself has occasion for; and": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "dispose" + }, + "The crisis led both Aleksandër Meksi and Sali Berisha to %s from office in the wake of the general election": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "resign" + }, + "such academics as Isocrates and Speusippus, the latter offering to %s from his stewardship of the Academy to take up": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "resign" + }, + "errors in the redesigned Maps app, he was forced to %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "resign" + }, + "concerns about productivity and supervision, experienced employers of autistic people %s positive reports of above average memory and detail orientation": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "give" + }, + "marriage of Polyxena and Achilles, Paris, who would have to %s up Helen if Achilles married his sister, hides in": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "give" + }, + "Springfield for his father's home to study until he \"could %s any proposition in the six books of Euclid [here,": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "give" + }, + "One consequence is that people are more cooperative if it is more likely that individuals will %s again in the future": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "interact" + }, + " Model animation Refers to stop-motion animation created to %s with and exist as a part of a live-action world": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "interact" + }, + "2D animation techniques tend to focus on image manipulation while 3D techniques usually build virtual worlds in which characters and objects move and %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "interact" + }, + "attached to his train in its stead and used to %s it through an eight-mile tunnel": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "pull" + }, + "the ability to %s movement (or in the case of plants, growth and chemical transformations, which Aristotle considers types of movement)": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "initiate" + }, + "drawing on its \"immense material, financial, and scientific resources\" to %s the Manhattan Project": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "initiate" + }, + "resulting battle, Achilles gave Telephus a wound that would not %s; Telephus consulted an oracle, who stated that \"he that": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "heal" + }, + "Odysseus reasoned that the spear had inflicted the wound; therefore, the spear must be able to %s it": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "heal" + }, + "He sought to %s the war-torn nation through reconciliation": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "heal" + }, + "Together, 1,496 individual schools %s education for 744,637 elementary and secondary students": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "provide" + }, + "Social sciences, like anthropology, can %s interdisciplinary approaches to the environment": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "provide" + }, + "One of the central characteristics is that anthropology tends to %s a comparatively more holistic account of phenomena and tends to be highly empirical": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "provide" + }, + "the related puppet animation (below), that can be manipulated to %s the figures": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "pose" + }, + "6,000 Jews in Alaska (for whom observance of halakha may %s special problems)": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "pose" + }, + "Alkanes also %s a threat to the environment": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "pose" + }, + "situation for every laugh in it and then, impossibly, to %s even more laughs from it, that found such favor": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "squeeze" + }, + "while species with a membranous sac use circular muscles to %s this": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "squeeze" + }, + "Full-term newborns have an instinct and a need to %s on a nipple, and breastfed babies nurse for both": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "suck" + }, + "to meet safety standards, helping to prevent suffocation if children %s it into the throat": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "suck" + }, + "The caskets containing Lincoln's body and the body of his son Willie traveled for three weeks on the Lincoln Special funeral %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "train" + }, + "The %s followed a circuitous route from Washington D.C": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "train" + }, + "Many others gathered along the tracks as the %s passed with bands, bonfires, and hymn singing or in silent grief": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "train" + }, + "instantly by a quick movement along the horizontal axis to %s all the beads away from the horizontal beam at": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "spin" + }, + "are paired, with each member of the pair offsetting the %s of the other, enhancing stability": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "spin" + }, + "Einstein and De Haas demonstrated that magnetization is due to the motion of electrons, nowadays known to be the %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "spin" + }, + "total malleability also allows exaggeration that can be employed to %s strong emotions and to thwart reality": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "convey" + }, + "and Disney, lent their talents and their cartoon characters to %s to the public certain war values": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "convey" + }, + "prestigious quality or status: A-, A or A+, the best %s that can be assigned by teachers for students' schoolwork;": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "grade" + }, + "so-called \"armchair astronomers\" to the very ambitious, who own science-%s telescopes and instruments with which they are able to make": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "grade" + }, + "He's here for free.\" Agassi then dropped out of school in the ninth %s to pursue a full-time tennis career": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "grade" + }, + "to give her the due offerings, Apollo came to the %s and calmed his sister": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "rescue" + }, + "hero Diomedes injured the Trojan hero Aeneas, Aphrodite tried to %s him, but Diomedes injured her as well": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "rescue" + }, + "There are also small specialist units including police dogs, mountain %s, and a bomb disposal team": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "rescue" + }, + "is sleeping, a door shuts and in their dream they %s a door is shut, this sensory experience is not": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "hear" + }, + "Superior courts are courts of general jurisdiction, while district courts %s only certain types of cases, including misdemeanor criminal cases": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "hear" + }, + "The Court of Appeals is required to %s appeals from certain lower-court decisions, including those regarding criminal": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "hear" + }, + "This made the telephone practical for longer distances, and it was no longer necessary to %s to be heard at the receiving telephone": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "shout" + }, + "Olympian Ode\", states that she \"cried aloud with a mighty %s\" and that \"the Sky and mother Earth shuddered before": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "shout" + }, + "Ark compassed the city seven times and, with a great %s, Jericho's wall fell down flat and the people took": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "shout" + }, + "Hood left the Atlanta area to %s around and menace Sherman's supply lines and invade Tennessee": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "swing" + }, + "When the resistance is suddenly removed without warning, the patients' arms may %s up and even strike themselves": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "swing" + }, + "The name affirming the consequent derives from using the consequent, Q, of , to %s the antecedent P": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "conclude" + }, + "made of carbon—the most resistant material against fluoride corrosion—and either %s at the process or are prebaked": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "bake" + }, + "Nearby were the %s house, brew house and the sleeping-rooms of the servants": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "bake" + }, + "House Divided Speech, the Gettysburg Address, and his second inaugural—each %s direct allusions to Providence and quotes from Scripture": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "contain" + }, + "His works %s the earliest known formal study of logic, and were studied by medieval scholars such as Peter Abelard and John Buridan": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "contain" + }, + "The illustrations %s many other objects beginning with that letter that the": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "contain" + }, + "the beauty of both Troilus and his sister Polyxena, and %s with lust, directed his sexual attentions on the youth –": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "overcome" + }, + "With consistent practice, it will be possible to %s the limitations gradually, accelerating the spiritual progress": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "overcome" + }, + "to the recurring absurdity of his life: the desire to %s those on whom his life depends, and the horror": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "overcome" + }, + "A 60-gun %s of that name served at the Battle of Belleisle": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "ship" + }, + "After returning to the Royal Navy, the %s was sold to the Indian Navy in 1948, but": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "ship" + }, + "Navy illegally intercepted a British mail %s, the Trent, on the high seas and seized two": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "ship" + }, + "There is tentative evidence that gender dysphoria occurs more frequently in autistic people (%s Autism and LGBT identities)": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "see" + }, + "(For more, %s Brett Abrahams, geneticist and neuroscientist)": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "see" + }, + "These factors vary with atmospheric composition, geographic location, and time (%s position of the Sun)": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "see" + }, + "Militant black bloc %s groups are known for clashing with the police; however,": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "protest" + }, + "Midas Mulligan is a wealthy banker who mysteriously disappeared in %s after he was given a court order to lend": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "protest" + }, + "Schopenhauer went so far as to %s using the pronoun \"it\" in reference to animals because": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "protest" + }, + "angle may differ significantly from the optimal value (109.5°) to %s bulky groups": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "accommodate" + }, + "made sacrifices to the gods at Memphis and went to %s the famous oracle of Amun-Ra at the Siwa Oasis": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "consult" + }, + "Botvinnik assigned greatly helped him, since it required that he %s chess books and work diligently": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "consult" + }, + "movie studios or competitors of official Academy Award sponsors may %s during the telecast": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "advertise" + }, + "Non-commercial entities that %s more than consumer products or services include political parties, interest groups, religious organizations and governmental agencies": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "advertise" + }, + "artwork – was still prepared by the company wishing to %s; in effect, Palmer was a space broker": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "advertise" + }, + "Swift was especially attacking projects that tried to %s population and labour issues with a simple cure-all solution": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "fix" + }, + "Apple released a security %s within a day and issued an apology, stating that": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "fix" + }, + "After installing the security patch, however, file sharing was broken for users, with Apple releasing a support document with instructions to separately %s that issue": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "fix" + }, + "sectarianism within the anarchist milieu was anarchism without adjectives, a %s for toleration and unity among anarchists first adopted by": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "call" + }, + "This %s forced states to choose sides": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "call" + }, + "Apollo then brought her to the rock of Leukas and asked her to %s herself from the top of the rock": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "throw" + }, + "In more advanced training, will sometimes apply to regain balance and pin or %s ": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "throw" + }, + " is a %s during which 's hand is folded back past the shoulder, locking the shoulder joint": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "throw" + }, + "were using the spare capacity of the Ingolstadt plant to %s an additional 60,000 Volkswagen Beetles per year": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "assemble" + }, + "Early Egyptians knew how to %s planks of wood into a ship hull and had": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "assemble" + }, + "Early Egyptians also knew how to %s planks of wood with treenails to fasten them together,": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "assemble" + }, + "Social deficits %s autism and the related autism spectrum disorders (ASD; see Classification) from other developmental disorders": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "distinguish" + }, + "Joint attention seems to be necessary for functional speech, and deficits in joint attention seem to %s infants with ASD": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "distinguish" + }, + "It may be more accurate to precede these tests with a broadband screener that does not %s ASD from other developmental disorders": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "distinguish" + }, + "Dixon, to %s the forts": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "inspect" + }, + "The architect will then review and %s the progress of the work in coordination with the local authority": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "inspect" + }, + "LM to show each side to Scott, allowing him to %s for any damage": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "inspect" + }, + "he increasingly appealed to the Almighty for solace and to %s events, writing on April 4, 1864, to a newspaper": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "explain" + }, + "noting its flaws and introducing the theory of impetus to %s his observations": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "explain" + }, + "is limited evidence that suggests that a gluten-free diet may %s some autistic behaviors": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "improve" + }, + "There is tentative evidence that music therapy may %s social interactions, verbal communication, and non-verbal communication skills": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "improve" + }, + "Such associations can have a motivating effect, as exposure to the letter A has been found to %s performance, when compared with other letters": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "improve" + }, + "own exhaust reflecting off the lunar surface could make it %s, but he forgot": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "explode" + }, + "and the hydrogen resulted may ignite in air or even %s in the case of Rb and Cs": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "explode" + }, + " While a steamer was taking on passengers from the ferry, a wave swamped the smaller boat, causing its boilers to %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "explode" + }, + "the mills transforms him, and he comes to respect and %s the producers": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "admire" + }, + "Although he resists Red Beard initially, Yasumoto comes to %s his wisdom and courage, and to perceive the patients": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "admire" + }, + "The principle of nonviolence seeks to %s karmas which limit the capabilities of the soul": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "minimize" + }, + "The committee voted to use a seven-bit code to %s costs associated with data transmission": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "minimize" + }, + "to attempt a winner and hit a conservative shot to %s his errors, and to make his opponent run more": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "minimize" + }, + "University of Alabama, located in Tuscaloosa, with 37,665 enrolled for %s 2016": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "fall" + }, + "Aristotle implies that in a vacuum the speed of %s would become infinite, and concludes from this apparent absurdity": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "fall" + }, + "social reform to modernise the country, raise living standards, and %s the causes of alienation": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "tackle" + }, + "Several dialogues in Plato %s questions about art: Socrates says that poetry is inspired by the muses, and is not rational": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "tackle" + }, + "Turing decided to %s the particularly difficult problem of German naval Enigma \"because": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "tackle" + }, + "By the spring of 1863, Lincoln was ready to %s black troops in more than token numbers": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "recruit" + }, + "Soon after his return, Apollo needed to %s people to Delphi": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "recruit" + }, + "to expand the British army and the time needed to %s and train new regiments": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "recruit" + }, + "Lincoln refused to %s with the Confederacy as a coequal; his objective to end the fighting was not realized": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "negotiate" + }, + "national Congress, which was empowered to make war and peace, %s diplomatic and commercial agreements with foreign countries, and to": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "negotiate" + }, + "The Americans rejected Howe's informal attempt to %s peace on July 30; Washington knew that an attack": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "negotiate" + }, + "As it %ss to both emotion and reason, art could appeal to the whole human and have a powerful effect": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "appeal" + }, + "Journalist Noah Brooks reported, \"No man ever before made such an impression on his first %s to a New York audience.\"": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "appeal" + }, + "Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, and Arkansas) initially rejected the secessionist %s": { + "split": "test", + "entity": "appeal" + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/evals/ravel/ravel/dataset_builder.py b/evals/ravel/ravel/dataset_builder.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d037ab3 --- /dev/null +++ b/evals/ravel/ravel/dataset_builder.py @@ -0,0 +1,497 @@ +import datetime +import json +import os +import random +import re +import sys +from dataclasses import dataclass, field +from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple +from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo + +import numpy as np +import torch +from nnsight import NNsight +from tqdm import tqdm +from transformers import AutoTokenizer + +from sae_lens.sae_bench.ravel.utils.generation_utils import generate_batched + + +def set_seed(seed): + random.seed(seed) + np.random.seed(seed) + torch.manual_seed(seed) + torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(seed) + + +set_seed(0) + + +@dataclass +class Prompt: + text: str + template: str + attribute: str + entity: str + context_split: str + entity_split: str + input_ids: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None + attention_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None + completion: Optional[str] = None + is_correct: Optional[bool] = None + + +@dataclass +class AttributePrompt: + attribute: str + templates: List[str] + + +def timezone_name_to_utc_offset(name): + try: + offset = ZoneInfo(name).utcoffset(datetime.datetime.now()).seconds + sign = "+" + if offset // 3600 >= 12: + offset = 24 * 3600 - offset + sign = "-" + fmt_offset = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=offset)).rsplit(":", 1)[0] + if fmt_offset.startswith("0") and offset >= 1800: + fmt_offset = fmt_offset[1:] + return f"{sign}{fmt_offset}" + except Exception: + return None + + +@dataclass +class RAVELEntityPromptData: + prompts: Dict[str, Prompt] = field(default_factory=dict) + entity_attributes: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]] = field(default_factory=dict) + template_splits: Dict[str, str] = field(default_factory=dict) + entity_splits: Dict[str, str] = field(default_factory=dict) + attribute_prompts: List[AttributePrompt] = field(default_factory=list) + + @classmethod + def from_files(cls, entity_type: str, data_dir: str, tokenizer): + # Load data from files + with open( + os.path.join( + data_dir, "base", f"ravel_{entity_type}_attribute_to_prompts.json" + ) + ) as f: + attribute_prompts_dict = json.load(f) + with open( + os.path.join(data_dir, "base", f"ravel_{entity_type}_prompt_to_split.json") + ) as f: + template_splits = json.load(f) + with open( + os.path.join( + data_dir, "base", f"ravel_{entity_type}_entity_attributes.json" + ) + ) as f: + entity_attributes = json.load(f) + with open( + os.path.join(data_dir, "base", f"ravel_{entity_type}_entity_to_split.json") + ) as f: + entity_splits = json.load(f) + + # Create Prompt objects with tokenized inputs + prompts = {} + for x in tqdm(entity_attributes): + for a, ts in attribute_prompts_dict.items(): + for t in ts: + text = t % x + encoded = tokenizer( + text, + return_tensors="pt", + padding="max_length", + max_length=32, + truncation=True, + ) + prompts[text] = Prompt( + text=text, + template=t, + attribute=a, + entity=x, + context_split=template_splits[t], + entity_split=entity_splits[x], + input_ids=encoded["input_ids"].squeeze(), + attention_mask=encoded["attention_mask"].squeeze(), + ) + + # Create AttributePrompt objects + attribute_prompts = [ + AttributePrompt(attribute=k, templates=v) + for k, v in attribute_prompts_dict.items() + ] + + return cls( + prompts=prompts, + entity_attributes=entity_attributes, + template_splits=template_splits, + attribute_prompts=attribute_prompts, + ) + + def add_wikipedia_prompts( + self, entity_type: str, data_dir: str, tokenizer, model: NNsight + ): + # Load Wikipedia prompts + wiki_file_path = os.path.join( + data_dir, "base", f"wikipedia_{entity_type}_entity_prompts.json" + ) + with open(wiki_file_path, "r") as f: + wiki_prompts = json.load(f) + + # Filter Wikipedia prompts to keep only those with exactly one '%s' + filtered_wiki_prompts = { + k: v for k, v in wiki_prompts.items() if k.count("%s") == 1 + } + + # Create Prompt objects for Wikipedia prompts + wiki_prompt_objects = [] + for template, info in filtered_wiki_prompts.items(): + entity = info["entity"] + if entity: + text = template % entity + encoded = tokenizer( + text, + return_tensors="pt", + padding="max_length", + max_length=32, + truncation=True, + ) + prompt = Prompt( + text=text, + template=template, + attribute="Other", + entity=entity, + context_split=info["split"], + entity_split="train", # Assuming all Wikipedia entities are in train split + input_ids=encoded["input_ids"].squeeze(), + attention_mask=encoded["attention_mask"].squeeze(), + ) + wiki_prompt_objects.append(prompt) + self.prompts[text] = prompt + else: + for entity in self.get_entities(info["split"]): + text = template % entity + encoded = tokenizer( + text, + return_tensors="pt", + padding="max_length", + max_length=32, + truncation=True, + ) + prompt = Prompt( + text=text, + template=template, + attribute="Other", + entity=entity, + context_split=info["split"], + entity_split=self.entity_splits[entity], + input_ids=encoded["input_ids"].squeeze(), + attention_mask=encoded["attention_mask"].squeeze(), + ) + wiki_prompt_objects.append(prompt) + self.prompts[text] = prompt + + # Generate completions for Wikipedia prompts + completions = generate_batched( + model, tokenizer, wiki_prompt_objects, batch_size=64, max_new_tokens=8 + ) + + # Add completions to Prompt objects + for prompt, (_, completion) in zip(wiki_prompt_objects, completions): + prompt.completion = completion[len(prompt.text) :] + + # Update template_splits with Wikipedia prompts + for template, info in filtered_wiki_prompts.items(): + self.template_splits[template] = info["split"] + + # Add 'Other' to attribute_prompts if not already present + if "Other" not in [ap.attribute for ap in self.attribute_prompts]: + self.attribute_prompts.append( + AttributePrompt( + attribute="Other", templates=list(filtered_wiki_prompts.keys()) + ) + ) + + print(f"Added {len(filtered_wiki_prompts)} Wikipedia prompt templates") + + def get_prompts_by_split(self, context_split: str) -> List[Prompt]: + return [ + prompt + for prompt in self.prompts.values() + if prompt.context_split == context_split + ] + + def get_entities(self, split: Optional[str] = None) -> List[str]: + """ + Get entities, optionally filtered by split. + + Args: + split (Optional[str]): The split to filter entities by ('train', 'val', or 'test'). + If None, return all entities. + + Returns: + List[str]: A list of entity names. + """ + if split is None: + return list(self.entity_splits.keys()) + else: + return [ + entity + for entity, entity_split in self.entity_splits.items() + if entity_split == split + ] + + def get_prompt_by_text(self, text: str) -> Prompt: + assert text in self.prompts.keys(), f'Prompt with text "{text}" not found' + return self.prompts.get(text) + + def get_prompts_by_template(self, template: str) -> List[Prompt]: + return [p for p in self.prompts.values() if p.template == template] + + def get_prompts_by_attribute(self, attribute: str) -> List[Prompt]: + return [p for p in self.prompts.values() if p.attribute == attribute] + + def get_prompts_by_entity(self, entity: str) -> List[Prompt]: + return [p for p in self.prompts.values() if p.entity == entity] + + def _filter_data(self, filtered_prompts: Dict[str, Prompt]): + filtered_entities = set(prompt.entity for prompt in filtered_prompts.values()) + filtered_attributes = set( + prompt.attribute for prompt in filtered_prompts.values() + ) + filtered_templates = set( + prompt.template for prompt in filtered_prompts.values() + ) + + filtered_entity_attributes = { + entity: attrs + for entity, attrs in self.entity_attributes.items() + if entity in filtered_entities + } + + filtered_attribute_prompts = [ + AttributePrompt( + attribute=ap.attribute, + templates=[t for t in ap.templates if t in filtered_templates], + ) + for ap in self.attribute_prompts + if ap.attribute in filtered_attributes + ] + + filtered_template_splits = { + t: context_split + for t, context_split in self.template_splits.items() + if t in filtered_templates + } + + filtered_entity_splits = { + entity: split + for entity, split in self.entity_splits.items() + if entity in filtered_entities + } + + return RAVELEntityPromptData( + prompts=filtered_prompts, + entity_attributes=filtered_entity_attributes, + template_splits=filtered_template_splits, + entity_splits=filtered_entity_splits, + attribute_prompts=filtered_attribute_prompts, + ) + + def downsample(self, n: int): + sampled_keys = random.sample(list(self.prompts.keys()), n) + sampled_prompts = {k: self.prompts[k] for k in sampled_keys} + return self._filter_data(sampled_prompts) + + def evaluate_completion(self, prompt: Prompt, completion: str) -> bool: + label = self.entity_attributes[prompt.entity][prompt.attribute] + if not label: + return False + + norm_label = label.lower() + norm_out = completion.split('"')[0].strip(' "').replace("\\/", "/").lower() + + if len(norm_label) < len(norm_out): + correct = norm_out.startswith(norm_label) + else: + correct = norm_label.startswith(norm_out) + + # Exceptions + if re.search('coord|"lat"|"long"|latitude|coordinates|longitude', prompt.text): + try: + correct = ( + abs( + float(norm_label.strip("-−")) + - float(re.findall(r"\d+", norm_out)[0]) + ) + <= 2 + ) + except: + correct = False + elif re.search("United States|United Kingdom", label): + norm_label = label.strip().replace("the ", "") + norm_out = completion.strip().replace("the ", "") + correct = norm_out.startswith(norm_label) or norm_out.startswith("England") + elif re.search("South Korea", label): + correct = norm_out.startswith("korea") or norm_out.startswith("south korea") + elif re.search("North America", label): + correct = ( + norm_label in norm_out + or norm_out == "na" + or norm_out.startswith("america") + ) + elif re.search("Mandarin", label): + correct = norm_out in norm_label or norm_out == "chinese" + elif re.search("language", prompt.text) and "," in norm_label: + correct = any(lang in norm_out for lang in norm_label.split(",")) + elif re.search("UTC", prompt.text) and "/" in norm_label: + norm_label = timezone_name_to_utc_offset(label) + if norm_label: + correct = norm_out.startswith(norm_label.split(":")[0]) + if not correct and re.search(r"[+\-]0\d", norm_out): + correct = norm_out.replace("0", "", 1).startswith( + norm_label.split(":")[0] + ) + # Summer daylight saving time + if not correct and ( + re.search(r"\-[5-8]", norm_label) + and label.startswith("America") + or re.search(r"\+[0-3]", norm_label) + and label.startswith("Europe") + or re.search(r"\+[0-3]", norm_label) + and label.startswith("Africa") + ): + out_offset_match = re.search(r"[+\-]?(\d\d?):\d+", norm_out) + label_offset_match = re.search(r"[+\-]?(\d\d?):\d+", norm_label) + if out_offset_match and label_offset_match: + norm_out_offset = int(out_offset_match.group(1)) + norm_label_offset = int(label_offset_match.group(1)) + correct = ( + norm_out_offset <= norm_label_offset + 1 + and norm_out_offset >= norm_label_offset - 1 + ) + if ( + not correct + and re.search(r"[+\-](\d+)", norm_out) + and int(re.search(r"[+\-](\d+)", norm_out).group(1)) > 11 + ): + offset = 24 - int(re.search(r"[+\-](\d+)", norm_out).group(1)) + correct = str(offset) in norm_label + else: + correct = False + + return correct + + def generate_completions( + self, + model: NNsight, + tokenizer: AutoTokenizer, + batch_size: int = 32, + max_length: Optional[int] = None, + prompt_max_length: int = 48, + max_new_tokens: Optional[int] = None, + **kwargs, + ): + + all_prompts = list(self.prompts.values()) + completions = generate_batched( + model, + tokenizer, + all_prompts, + batch_size=batch_size, + max_length=max_length, + prompt_max_length=prompt_max_length, + max_new_tokens=max_new_tokens, + **kwargs, + ) + + for prompt, (_, completion) in zip(all_prompts, completions): + prompt.completion = completion[len(prompt.text) :] + + def evaluate_correctness(self): + for prompt in self.prompts.values(): + if prompt.completion is not None: + prompt.is_correct = self.evaluate_completion(prompt, prompt.completion) + + def filter_correct(self): + correct_prompts = { + text: prompt for text, prompt in self.prompts.items() if prompt.is_correct + } + return self._filter_data(correct_prompts) + + def get_accuracy_stats(self): + entity_template_stats = {} + for prompt in self.prompts.values(): + if prompt.is_correct is not None: + key = (prompt.entity, prompt.template) + if key not in entity_template_stats: + entity_template_stats[key] = {"correct": 0, "total": 0} + entity_template_stats[key]["total"] += 1 + if prompt.is_correct: + entity_template_stats[key]["correct"] += 1 + + return entity_template_stats + + def filter_prompts_by_template_format(self): + return { + text: prompt + for text, prompt in self.prompts.items() + if prompt.template.count("%s") == 1 + } + + def filter_top_entities_and_templates( + self, top_n_entities=400, top_n_templates_per_attribute=12 + ): + stats = self.get_accuracy_stats() + + # Calculate entity scores + entity_scores = {} + for (entity, _), stat in stats.items(): + if entity not in entity_scores: + entity_scores[entity] = 0 + entity_scores[entity] += stat["correct"] + + # Keep top N entities + kept_entities = set( + sorted(entity_scores, key=entity_scores.get, reverse=True)[:top_n_entities] + ) + + # Calculate template scores and keep top N per attribute + template_scores = {} + for (_, template), stat in stats.items(): + if template not in template_scores: + template_scores[template] = 0 + template_scores[template] += stat["correct"] + + kept_templates = set() + for attr in set(prompt.attribute for prompt in self.prompts.values()): + attr_templates = [t for t in self.attribute_prompts if t.attribute == attr][ + 0 + ].templates + kept_templates.update( + sorted( + [t for t in attr_templates if t in template_scores], + key=template_scores.get, + reverse=True, + )[:top_n_templates_per_attribute] + ) + + # Filter prompts + filtered_prompts = { + text: prompt + for text, prompt in self.prompts.items() + if prompt.entity in kept_entities and prompt.template in kept_templates + } + + return self._filter_data(filtered_prompts) + + def calculate_average_accuracy(self): + correct = sum(1 for prompt in self.prompts.values() if prompt.is_correct) + total = len(self.prompts) + return correct / total if total > 0 else 0 + + def __len__(self) -> int: + return len(self.prompts) diff --git a/evals/ravel/ravel/feature_selector.py b/evals/ravel/ravel/feature_selector.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/evals/ravel/ravel/prototype.ipynb b/evals/ravel/ravel/prototype.ipynb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d1da6e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/evals/ravel/ravel/prototype.ipynb @@ -0,0 +1,525 @@ +{ + "cells": [ + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "# Setup" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 1, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "%load_ext autoreload\n", + "%autoreload 2\n", + "from common_imports import *\n", + "from tqdm import tqdm\n", + "from ravel_dataset_builder import Prompt\n", + "from utils.intervention_utils import find_positions_in_tokens\n", + "from ravel_dataset_builder import RAVELEntityPromptData, evaluate_completion\n", + "from utils.differential_binary_masking import DifferentialBinaryMasking\n", + "from tlens_utils import Node\n", + "from sparse_control_utils import *\n", + "from mandala.imports import sess\n", + "from tlens_utils import *\n", + "import torch.nn.functional as F\n", + "\n", + "MODEL_DEVICE = torch.device(\"cuda:0\")\n", + "INFERENCE_DEVICE = torch.device(\"cuda:1\") # Gemma-2B is too big \n", + "def get_model(model_id: str,) -> HookedTransformer:\n", + " llm_dtype = torch.float32 # weird non-determinism happens in bfloat16\n", + " model = HookedTransformer.from_pretrained_no_processing(model_id, device=MODEL_DEVICE, dtype=llm_dtype, \n", + " attn_implementation='eager' # to avoid non-determinism potentially?\n", + " )\n", + " model.requires_grad_(False)\n", + " model.eval()\n", + " return model\n", + "\n", + "# MODEL_ID = 'gemma-2-2b'\n", + "MODEL_ID = 'pythia-70m'" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "model = get_model(MODEL_ID)" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "# Load and filter RAVEL dataset" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "# for reference\n", + "RAVEL_ENTITIES = ('city', 'nobel_prize_winner', 'occupation', 'physical_object', 'verb')\n", + "full_entity_dataset = RAVELEntityPromptData.from_files('nobel_prize_winner', 'data', model.tokenizer)" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "sampled_entity_dataset = full_entity_dataset.downsample(8192)\n", + "print(f\"Number of prompts sampled: {len(sampled_entity_dataset)}\")\n", + "\n", + "prompt_max_length = 48\n", + "batch_size = 64 # use smaller for gemma-2b\n", + "sampled_entity_dataset.generate_completions(model, model.tokenizer, max_length=prompt_max_length+8, prompt_max_length=prompt_max_length, batch_size=batch_size)\n", + "sampled_entity_dataset.evaluate_correctness()\n", + "\n", + "# Filter correct completions\n", + "correct_data = sampled_entity_dataset.filter_correct()\n", + "\n", + "# Filter top entities and templates\n", + "filtered_data = correct_data.filter_top_entities_and_templates(top_n_entities=400, top_n_templates_per_attribute=12)\n", + "\n", + "# Calculate average accuracy\n", + "accuracy = sampled_entity_dataset.calculate_average_accuracy()\n", + "print(f\"Average accuracy: {accuracy:.2%}\")\n", + "print(f\"Number of prompts remaining: {len(correct_data)}\")\n", + "print(f\"Number of entitites after filtering: {len(set([p.entity for p in list(correct_data.prompts.values())]))}\")" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "# Setup for loading SAEs" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 22, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "sys.path.append('../..')\n", + "import sae_bench_utils.activation_collection as activation_collection\n", + "import sae_bench_utils.formatting_utils as formatting_utils\n", + "# import saebench_utils.activation_collection as activation_collection\n", + "# import saebench_utils.formatting_utils as formatting_utils\n", + "overview_df = formatting_utils.make_available_sae_df(for_printing=True)\n", + "from sae_lens import SAE as SAELensSAE\n", + "from sae_lens.sae import TopK\n", + "from tlens_utils import Node\n", + "from sparse_control_utils import *\n", + "\n", + "def load_SAELensSAE(\n", + " layer: int,\n", + " expansion_factor: int = 2,\n", + " k: Literal[20, 40, 80, 160, 320, 640] = 40,\n", + " variant: Literal['standard', 'topk'] = 'topk',\n", + " llm_name: Literal['gemma-2-2b', 'pythia70m'] = 'gemma-2-2b',\n", + " ctx: int = 128,\n", + " device: str = 'cuda',\n", + " ) -> Tuple[SAELensSAE, dict, Optional[Tensor]]:\n", + " \"\"\"\n", + " Load a pre-trained SAE from SAELens\n", + " \"\"\"\n", + " k_to_trainer = {20: 0, 40: 1, 80: 2, 160: 3, 320: 4, 640: 5}\n", + " trainer = k_to_trainer[k]\n", + " # assert llm_name == 'gemma-2-2b', \"only gemma-2-2b is supported for now\"\n", + " if llm_name == 'gemma-2-2b':\n", + " release = f'sae_bench_{llm_name}_sweep_{variant}_ctx{ctx}_ef{expansion_factor}_0824'\n", + " sae_name_prefix = f'{llm_name}_sweep_{variant}_ctx{ctx}_ef{expansion_factor}_0824'\n", + " elif llm_name == 'pythia70m':\n", + " if variant == 'standard':\n", + " suffix = '0712'\n", + " else:\n", + " suffix = '0730'\n", + " release = f'sae_bench_{llm_name}_sweep_{variant}_ctx{ctx}_{suffix}'\n", + " sae_name_prefix = f'{llm_name}_sweep_{variant}_ctx{ctx}_{suffix}'\n", + " sae_name_suffix = f'resid_post_layer_{layer}/trainer_{trainer}'\n", + " sae_df = formatting_utils.make_available_sae_df(for_printing=False)\n", + " sae_name = f'{sae_name_prefix}/{sae_name_suffix}'\n", + " sae_id_to_name_map = sae_df.saes_map[release]\n", + " sae_name_to_id_map = {v: k for k, v in sae_id_to_name_map.items()}\n", + " sae_id = sae_name_to_id_map[sae_name]\n", + " sae, cfg_dict, sparsity = SAELensSAE.from_pretrained(\n", + " release=release,\n", + " sae_id=sae_id,\n", + " device=device,\n", + " )\n", + " sae = sae.to(device=device)\n", + " if variant == 'topk':\n", + " assert isinstance(sae.activation_fn, TopK), \"This sae is not a topk sae, you probably have an old sae_lens version\"\n", + " if llm_name == 'gemma-2-2b':\n", + " assert cfg_dict['activation_fn_kwargs']['k'] == k, f\"Expected k={k}, got k={cfg_dict['activation_fn_kwargs']['k']}\"\n", + " sae.requires_grad_(False)\n", + " return sae, cfg_dict, sparsity" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 44, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "LLM_NAME = 'pythia70m'\n", + "D_MODEL = model.cfg.d_model\n", + "N_LAYERS = len(model.blocks)\n", + "SAE_LAYERS = (3, 7, 11, 15, 19, ) if LLM_NAME == 'gemma-2-2b' else (3, 4)\n", + "LAYER_TO_IDX = {layer: idx for idx, layer in enumerate(SAE_LAYERS)}\n", + "NODES = {layer: Node(component_name='resid_post', layer=layer, seq_pos=None) for layer in SAE_LAYERS}\n", + "SAE_NODES = list(NODES.values())\n", + "ALL_NODES = [Node(component_name='resid_post', layer=layer, seq_pos=None) for layer in range(N_LAYERS)]" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "# test the above\n", + "sae = load_SAELensSAE(layer=3, k=40, llm_name='pythia70m', ctx=128, device='cuda')[0]" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "# Train differential binary masks" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "## Set up prompts and prompt pairs for interchange interventions" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "def sample_prompt_pairs(prompts: List[Prompt], N: int, random_seed: int = 0, attribute: Optional[str] = None) -> Tuple[List[Prompt], List[Prompt]]:\n", + " \"\"\"\n", + " Sample pairs of prompts from a list of prompts (should be for the same \n", + " entity type). \n", + "\n", + " Optionally, require the prompts in a pair to differ in the value of \n", + " a given attribute.\n", + " \"\"\"\n", + " res_og = []\n", + " res_cf = []\n", + " np.random.seed(random_seed)\n", + " if attribute is None:\n", + " for i in range(N):\n", + " p1, p2 = np.random.choice(prompts, size=2, replace=False)\n", + " res_og.append(p1)\n", + " res_cf.append(p2)\n", + " else:\n", + " for i in range(N):\n", + " p1, p2 = np.random.choice(prompts, size=2, replace=False)\n", + " attr_dict = sampled_entity_dataset.entity_attributes\n", + " while attr_dict[p1.entity][attribute] == attr_dict[p2.entity][attribute]:\n", + " p1, p2 = np.random.choice(prompts, size=2, replace=False)\n", + " res_og.append(p1)\n", + " res_cf.append(p2)\n", + " return res_og, res_cf\n", + "\n", + "ATTRIBUTE = 'Field'\n", + "prompts = list(correct_data.prompts.values())\n", + "prompts = [p for p in prompts if p.attribute == ATTRIBUTE]\n", + "correct_completions = [correct_data.entity_attributes[p.entity][p.attribute] for p in prompts]\n", + "last_entity_token_positions = Tensor([get_entity_positions(p, model)[-1] for p in tqdm(prompts)]).long()\n", + "og_prompts, cf_prompts = sample_prompt_pairs(prompts, N=1000, random_seed=0, attribute=ATTRIBUTE)" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "## Intervention helpers" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 67, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "def get_dbm_hook(dbm: DifferentialBinaryMasking, \n", + " layer: int, positions: Tensor,\n", + " A_og: Tensor, A_cf: Tensor\n", + " ) -> Tuple[str, Callable]:\n", + " \"\"\"\n", + " Activation patching hook w/ a differential binary mask.\n", + "\n", + " Returns a transformerlens hook that\n", + " - takes batches of original and counterfactual activations (from e.g. a\n", + " residual stream of the model), and runs them through a differential binary\n", + " mask layer to produce an activation to be used in an intervention \n", + " - activation-patches the original activations at the given positions with\n", + " the intervention activations\n", + " \"\"\"\n", + " A_intv = dbm.forward(base=A_og, source=A_cf)\n", + " node = Node(component_name='resid_post', layer=layer, seq_pos=None)\n", + "\n", + " def hook_fn(activation: Tensor, hook: HookPoint) -> Tensor:\n", + " # activation will be of shape (num_texts, seq_len, d_act)\n", + " batch_size = activation.shape[0]\n", + " activation[:, positions, :] = A_intv.to(activation.device).to(activation.dtype)\n", + " return activation\n", + " return (node.activation_name, hook_fn)\n", + "\n", + "def get_loss_with_hooks(\n", + " model: HookedTransformer, \n", + " hooks: List[Tuple[str, Callable]],\n", + " prompts: List[Prompt],\n", + " target_completions: List[str],\n", + " n_tokens: int,\n", + " ):\n", + " \"\"\"\n", + " Apply the given hooks, and measure the loss w.r.t. the given completions.\n", + "\n", + " This is used as an optimization objective when training the differential\n", + " binary mask. When we want to train a mask that changes the model's output,\n", + " the `target_completions` should be the desired completions.\n", + " \"\"\"\n", + " texts = [p.text for p in prompts]\n", + "\n", + " texts_tokens = model.to_tokens(texts, padding_side='left', prepend_bos=True)\n", + " completion_tokens = model.to_tokens(target_completions, padding_side='right', prepend_bos=False)\n", + " completion_lengths = [len(model.to_str_tokens(target_completions[i], prepend_bos=False)) for i in range(len(target_completions))]\n", + " n_tokens = min(n_tokens, completion_tokens.shape[1])\n", + "\n", + " current_tokens = texts_tokens\n", + " losses = []\n", + " for i in range(n_tokens):\n", + " logits = model.run_with_hooks(current_tokens, fwd_hooks=hooks,)[:, -1, :] # only take the last token logits, shape (batch, vocab)\n", + " # find the highest probability token\n", + " # next_token_idx = torch.argdax(logits, dim=-1).unsqueeze(1) # shape (batch, 1)\n", + " next_token_idx = completion_tokens[:, i].unsqueeze(1) # shape (batch, 1), indices over the vocab\n", + " next_token_losses = F.cross_entropy(logits, next_token_idx.squeeze(), reduction='none')\n", + " losses.append(next_token_losses)\n", + " current_tokens = torch.cat([current_tokens, next_token_idx], dim=-1)\n", + " losses = torch.stack(losses, dim=1)\n", + " total = sum([losses[i, :completion_lengths[i]].sum() for i in range(len(losses))])\n", + " total_count = sum([completion_lengths[i] for i in range(len(completion_lengths))])\n", + " avg_loss = total / total_count\n", + " # full_texts = [''.join(model.to_str_tokens(toks[1:])) for toks in current_tokens] # omit the BOS token\n", + " return avg_loss\n", + "\n", + "@torch.no_grad()\n", + "def generate_with_hooks(\n", + " model: HookedTransformer, \n", + " hooks: List[Tuple[str, Callable]],\n", + " prompts: List[Prompt],\n", + " n_tokens: int,\n", + " ) -> List[str]:\n", + " \"\"\"\n", + " Apply the given hooks, and sample completions from the model.\n", + "\n", + " This is used to check the \"hard\" accuracy of an intervention, i.e. whether\n", + " the intervention succesfully changes the model's output.\n", + " \"\"\"\n", + " texts = [p.text for p in prompts]\n", + "\n", + " texts_tokens = model.to_tokens(texts, padding_side='left', prepend_bos=True)\n", + "\n", + " # autoregressive generation w/ hook at each step\n", + " generated_tokens = []\n", + " current_tokens = texts_tokens\n", + " for i in range(n_tokens):\n", + " logits = model.run_with_hooks(current_tokens, fwd_hooks=hooks,)[:, -1, :] # only take the last token logits, shape (batch, vocab)\n", + " generated_tokens.append(logits.argmax(dim=-1))\n", + " current_tokens = torch.cat([current_tokens, generated_tokens[-1].unsqueeze(1)], dim=-1)\n", + " generated_tokens = torch.stack(generated_tokens, dim=1)\n", + " generated_texts = [''.join(model.to_str_tokens(toks, prepend_bos=False)) for toks in generated_tokens]\n", + " return generated_texts" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "## Differential binary mask on residual stream activations\n", + "A prototype of training a binary mask baseline to change the value of an\n", + "attribute by patching the residual stream" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "LAYER = 3 \n", + "NUM_PROMPTS = 200\n", + "# correct \n", + "cf_labels = [correct_data.entity_attributes[p.entity][p.attribute] for p in cf_prompts]\n", + "og_labels = [correct_data.entity_attributes[p.entity][p.attribute] for p in og_prompts]\n", + "\n", + "A_og = run_with_cache(\n", + " prompts_or_tokens=[p.text for p in og_prompts[:NUM_PROMPTS]],\n", + " model=model,\n", + " nodes=[ALL_NODES[LAYER]],\n", + " batch_size=None,\n", + ")[0]\n", + "\n", + "A_cf = run_with_cache(\n", + " prompts_or_tokens=[p.text for p in cf_prompts[:NUM_PROMPTS]],\n", + " model=model,\n", + " nodes=[ALL_NODES[LAYER]],\n", + " batch_size=None,\n", + ")[0]\n", + "\n", + "og_positions = Tensor([get_entity_positions(p, model)[-1] for p in tqdm(og_prompts[:NUM_PROMPTS])]).long()\n", + "cf_positions = Tensor([get_entity_positions(p, model)[-1] for p in tqdm(cf_prompts[:NUM_PROMPTS])]).long()" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "mask = DifferentialBinaryMasking( embed_dim=D_MODEL,).to(MODEL_DEVICE)\n", + "optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(mask.parameters(), lr=1e-3)\n", + "mask.train()\n", + "EPOCHS = 100\n", + "L1_PENALTY = 1e-3 # following RAVEL paper\n", + "temperature_schedule = Tensor(np.linspace(1e-2, 1e-7, 100)) # following RAVEL paper\n", + "for i in range(EPOCHS):\n", + " hook = get_dbm_hook(mask, LAYER, og_positions, A_og[:, og_positions, :], A_cf[:, cf_positions, :])\n", + " loss = get_loss_with_hooks(\n", + " model,\n", + " hooks=[hook],\n", + " prompts=og_prompts[:NUM_PROMPTS],\n", + " target_completions=cf_labels[:NUM_PROMPTS], \n", + " n_tokens=3,\n", + " )\n", + " with torch.no_grad(): # sample from the model to measure intervention success\n", + " completions = generate_with_hooks(\n", + " model,\n", + " hooks=[hook],\n", + " prompts=og_prompts[:NUM_PROMPTS],\n", + " n_tokens=10,\n", + " )\n", + " accs = [evaluate_completion(text=cf_prompts[i].text, completion=completions[i], expected_label=cf_labels[i]) for i in range(NUM_PROMPTS)]\n", + " acc = sum(accs) / len(accs)\n", + " print(f\"Accuracy: {acc:.2%}\")\n", + " loss = loss # + L1_PENALTY * mask.get_sparsity_loss()\n", + " optimizer.zero_grad()\n", + " loss.backward()\n", + " optimizer.step()\n", + " mask.set_temperature(temperature_schedule[i])\n", + " print(f\"Loss: {loss.item()}\")\n", + "\n", + "mask.eval()" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "## Reproducing non-determinism bug\n", + "Using Gemma-2B in bfloat16 resulted in non-deterministic behavior of " + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 19, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "mask = DifferentialBinaryMasking(\n", + " embed_dim=2304,\n", + ").to(MODEL_DEVICE)\n", + "\n", + "def get_mask_state(mask: DifferentialBinaryMasking) -> Dict[str, Tensor]:\n", + " return {k: v.detach().clone() for k, v in mask.state_dict().items()}" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 20, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "texts = [p.text for p in og_prompts[:NUM_PROMPTS]]\n", + "texts_tokens = model.to_tokens(texts, padding_side='left', prepend_bos=True)" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 21, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "with torch.no_grad():\n", + " model.reset_hooks()\n", + " hook1 = get_dbm_hook(mask, LAYER, og_positions, A_og[:, og_positions, :], A_cf[:, cf_positions, :])\n", + " mask_state_1 = get_mask_state(mask)\n", + " logits1 = model.run_with_hooks(texts_tokens, fwd_hooks=[hook1],)[:, -1, :] # only take the last token logits, shape (batch, vocab)" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 22, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "with torch.no_grad():\n", + " model.reset_hooks()\n", + " hook2 = get_dbm_hook(mask, LAYER, og_positions, A_og[:, og_positions, :], A_cf[:, cf_positions, :])\n", + " mask_state_2 = get_mask_state(mask)\n", + " logits2 = model.run_with_hooks(texts_tokens, fwd_hooks=[hook2],)[:, -1, :] # only take the last token logits, shape (batch, vocab)" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "# mask state should be the same\n", + "for k in mask_state_1:\n", + " assert torch.all(mask_state_1[k] == mask_state_2[k])\n", + "# but the logits are different\n", + "logits1 - logits2" + ] + } + ], + "metadata": { + "kernelspec": { + "display_name": "sae_eval", + "language": "python", + "name": "python3" + }, + "language_info": { + "codemirror_mode": { + "name": "ipython", + "version": 3 + }, + "file_extension": ".py", + "mimetype": "text/x-python", + "name": "python", + "nbconvert_exporter": "python", + "pygments_lexer": "ipython3", + "version": "3.10.14" + } + }, + "nbformat": 4, + "nbformat_minor": 2 +} diff --git a/evals/ravel/ravel/ravel_dataset_builder.py b/evals/ravel/ravel/ravel_dataset_builder.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c244371 --- /dev/null +++ b/evals/ravel/ravel/ravel_dataset_builder.py @@ -0,0 +1,608 @@ +""" +RAVEL Entity Prompt Data Module + +This module provides functionality for handling and processing entity prompt data +for the RAVEL evaluation benchmark. +""" + +import datetime +import json +import os +import random +import re +from dataclasses import dataclass, field +from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union +from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo + +import numpy as np +import torch +from nnsight import NNsight +from transformer_lens import HookedTransformer +from tqdm import tqdm +from transformers import AutoTokenizer + +from utils.generation_utils import generate_batched, Prompt + + +def set_seed(seed: int): + """Set random seed for reproducibility.""" + random.seed(seed) + np.random.seed(seed) + torch.manual_seed(seed) + torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(seed) + + +set_seed(0) + + + + +@dataclass +class AttributePrompt: + """Represents an attribute with its associated prompt templates.""" + + attribute: str + templates: List[str] + +def _is_summer_dst_case(norm_label: str, label: str) -> bool: + """Check if the case is a summer daylight saving time scenario.""" + return (re.search(r"\-[5-8]", norm_label) and label.startswith("America")) or ( + re.search(r"\+[0-3]", norm_label) + and (label.startswith("Europe") or label.startswith("Africa")) + ) + +def _evaluate_utc_completion(label: str, norm_out: str) -> bool: + """Helper method to evaluate UTC-related completions.""" + norm_label = timezone_name_to_utc_offset(label) + if not norm_label: + return False + + correct = norm_out.startswith(norm_label.split(":")[0]) + if not correct and re.search(r"[+\-]0\d", norm_out): + correct = norm_out.replace("0", "", 1).startswith(norm_label.split(":")[0]) + + # Handle summer daylight saving time + if not correct and _is_summer_dst_case(norm_label, label): + out_offset_match = re.search(r"[+\-]?(\d\d?):\d+", norm_out) + label_offset_match = re.search(r"[+\-]?(\d\d?):\d+", norm_label) + if out_offset_match and label_offset_match: + norm_out_offset = int(out_offset_match.group(1)) + norm_label_offset = int(label_offset_match.group(1)) + correct = ( + norm_out_offset <= norm_label_offset + 1 + and norm_out_offset >= norm_label_offset - 1 + ) + + if ( + not correct + and re.search(r"[+\-](\d+)", norm_out) + and int(re.search(r"[+\-](\d+)", norm_out).group(1)) > 11 + ): + offset = 24 - int(re.search(r"[+\-](\d+)", norm_out).group(1)) + correct = str(offset) in norm_label + + return correct + + +def evaluate_completion( + text: str, + expected_label: str, + completion: str, + # prompt: Prompt, + ) -> bool: + """ + Evaluate if a completion is correct for a given text w.r.t. a label. + """ + # expected_label = self.entity_attributes[prompt.entity][prompt.attribute] + if not expected_label: + return False + + norm_label = expected_label.lower() + norm_out = completion.split('"')[0].strip(' "').replace("\\/", "/").lower() + if not norm_out: + return False + + correct = ( + norm_out.startswith(norm_label) + if len(norm_label) < len(norm_out) + else norm_label.startswith(norm_out) + ) + + # Handle special cases + if ( + "coord" in text + or "latitude" in text + or "longitude" in text + ): + try: + correct = ( + abs( + float(norm_label.strip("-−")) + - float(re.findall(r"\d+", norm_out)[0]) + ) + <= 2 + ) + except: + correct = False + elif any(country in expected_label for country in ["United States", "United Kingdom"]): + norm_label = expected_label.strip().replace("the ", "") + norm_out = completion.strip().replace("the ", "") + correct = norm_out.startswith(norm_label) or norm_out.startswith("England") + elif "South Korea" in expected_label: + correct = norm_out.startswith("korea") or norm_out.startswith("south korea") + elif "North America" in expected_label: + correct = ( + norm_label in norm_out + or norm_out == "na" + or norm_out.startswith("america") + ) + elif "Mandarin" in expected_label: + correct = norm_out in norm_label or norm_out == "chinese" + elif "language" in text and "," in norm_label: + correct = any(lang in norm_out for lang in norm_label.split(",")) + elif "UTC" in text and "/" in norm_label: + correct = _evaluate_utc_completion(expected_label, norm_out) + + return correct + + + +@dataclass +class RAVELEntityPromptData: + """ + Main class for handling RAVEL entity prompt data. + + This class provides methods for loading, processing, and evaluating + entity prompt data for the RAVEL project. + """ + + prompts: Dict[str, Prompt] = field(default_factory=dict) # prompt text -> Prompt object + entity_attributes: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]] = field(default_factory=dict) # entity -> attribute -> value + template_splits: Dict[str, str] = field(default_factory=dict) # template -> 'train'/'val' + entity_splits: Dict[str, str] = field(default_factory=dict) # entity -> 'train'/'val' + attribute_prompts: List[AttributePrompt] = field(default_factory=list) # templates per attribute + + @classmethod + def from_files(cls, entity_type: str, data_dir: str, tokenizer: AutoTokenizer): + """ + Load RAVEL entity prompt data from files. + + Args: + entity_type (str): Type of entity (e.g., 'person', 'place'). + data_dir (str): Directory containing the data files. + tokenizer: Tokenizer to use for encoding prompts. + + Returns: + RAVELEntityPromptData: Initialized instance with loaded data. + """ + # Load data from files + with open( + os.path.join( + data_dir, "base", f"ravel_{entity_type}_attribute_to_prompts.json" + ) + ) as f: + attribute_prompts_dict = json.load(f) + with open( + os.path.join(data_dir, "base", f"ravel_{entity_type}_prompt_to_split.json") + ) as f: + template_splits = json.load(f) + with open( + os.path.join( + data_dir, "base", f"ravel_{entity_type}_entity_attributes.json" + ) + ) as f: + entity_attributes = json.load(f) + with open( + os.path.join(data_dir, "base", f"ravel_{entity_type}_entity_to_split.json") + ) as f: + entity_splits = json.load(f) + + # Create Prompt objects with tokenized inputs + prompts = {} + for x in tqdm(entity_attributes): + for a, ts in attribute_prompts_dict.items(): + for t in ts: + text = t % x + encoded = tokenizer( + text, + return_tensors="pt", + padding="max_length", + max_length=32, + truncation=True, + ) + prompts[text] = Prompt( + text=text, + template=t, + attribute=a, + entity=x, + context_split=template_splits[t], + entity_split=entity_splits[x], + input_ids=encoded["input_ids"].squeeze(), + attention_mask=encoded["attention_mask"].squeeze(), + ) + + # Create AttributePrompt objects + attribute_prompts = [ + AttributePrompt(attribute=k, templates=v) + for k, v in attribute_prompts_dict.items() + ] + + return cls( + prompts=prompts, + entity_attributes=entity_attributes, + template_splits=template_splits, + attribute_prompts=attribute_prompts, + ) + + def add_wikipedia_prompts( + self, entity_type: str, data_dir: str, tokenizer: AutoTokenizer, model: NNsight + ): + """ + Add Wikipedia prompts to the existing prompts. + + Args: + entity_type (str): Type of entity (e.g., 'person', 'place'). + data_dir (str): Directory containing the Wikipedia prompt file. + tokenizer: Tokenizer to use for encoding prompts. + model (NNsight): Model to use for generating completions. + """ + # Load and filter Wikipedia prompts + wiki_file_path = os.path.join( + data_dir, "base", f"wikipedia_{entity_type}_entity_prompts.json" + ) + with open(wiki_file_path, "r") as f: + wiki_prompts = json.load(f) + filtered_wiki_prompts = { + k: v for k, v in wiki_prompts.items() if k.count("%s") == 1 + } + + # Create Prompt objects for Wikipedia prompts + wiki_prompt_objects = [] + for template, info in filtered_wiki_prompts.items(): + entity = info["entity"] + entities = [entity] if entity else self.get_entities(info["split"]) + for entity in entities: + text = template % entity + encoded = tokenizer( + text, + return_tensors="pt", + padding="max_length", + max_length=32, + truncation=True, + ) + prompt = Prompt( + text=text, + template=template, + attribute="Other", + entity=entity, + context_split=info["split"], + entity_split=self.entity_splits.get(entity, "train"), + input_ids=encoded["input_ids"].squeeze(), + attention_mask=encoded["attention_mask"].squeeze(), + ) + wiki_prompt_objects.append(prompt) + self.prompts[text] = prompt + + # Generate completions for Wikipedia prompts + completions = generate_batched( + model, tokenizer, wiki_prompt_objects, batch_size=64, max_new_tokens=8 + ) + + # Add completions to Prompt objects + for prompt, (_, completion) in zip(wiki_prompt_objects, completions): + prompt.completion = completion[len(prompt.text) :] + + # Update template_splits and attribute_prompts + self.template_splits.update( + { + template: info["split"] + for template, info in filtered_wiki_prompts.items() + } + ) + if "Other" not in [ap.attribute for ap in self.attribute_prompts]: + self.attribute_prompts.append( + AttributePrompt( + attribute="Other", templates=list(filtered_wiki_prompts.keys()) + ) + ) + + print(f"Added {len(filtered_wiki_prompts)} Wikipedia prompt templates") + + def get_prompts_by_split(self, context_split: str) -> List[Prompt]: + """Get prompts for a specific context split.""" + return [ + prompt + for prompt in self.prompts.values() + if prompt.context_split == context_split + ] + + def get_entities(self, split: Optional[str] = None) -> List[str]: + """ + Get entities, optionally filtered by split. + + Args: + split (Optional[str]): The split to filter entities by ('train', 'val', or 'test'). + If None, return all entities. + + Returns: + List[str]: A list of entity names. + """ + if split is None: + return list(self.entity_splits.keys()) + else: + return [ + entity + for entity, entity_split in self.entity_splits.items() + if entity_split == split + ] + + def get_prompt_by_text(self, text: str) -> Prompt: + """Get a specific prompt by its text.""" + assert text in self.prompts, f'Prompt with text "{text}" not found' + return self.prompts[text] + + def get_prompts_by_template(self, template: str) -> List[Prompt]: + """Get all prompts for a specific template.""" + return [p for p in self.prompts.values() if p.template == template] + + def get_prompts_by_attribute(self, attribute: str) -> List[Prompt]: + """Get all prompts for a specific attribute.""" + return [p for p in self.prompts.values() if p.attribute == attribute] + + def get_prompts_by_entity(self, entity: str) -> List[Prompt]: + """Get all prompts for a specific entity.""" + return [p for p in self.prompts.values() if p.entity == entity] + + def _filter_data(self, filtered_prompts: Dict[str, Prompt]) -> "RAVELEntityPromptData": + """ + Create a new RAVELEntityPromptData instance with filtered data. + + Args: + filtered_prompts (Dict[str, Prompt]): Dictionary of prompts to keep. + + Returns: + RAVELEntityPromptData: New instance with filtered data. + """ + filtered_entities = set(prompt.entity for prompt in filtered_prompts.values()) + filtered_attributes = set( + prompt.attribute for prompt in filtered_prompts.values() + ) + filtered_templates = set( + prompt.template for prompt in filtered_prompts.values() + ) + + return RAVELEntityPromptData( + prompts=filtered_prompts, + entity_attributes={ + entity: attrs + for entity, attrs in self.entity_attributes.items() + if entity in filtered_entities + }, + template_splits={ + t: split + for t, split in self.template_splits.items() + if t in filtered_templates + }, + entity_splits={ + entity: split + for entity, split in self.entity_splits.items() + if entity in filtered_entities + }, + attribute_prompts=[ + AttributePrompt( + attribute=ap.attribute, + templates=[t for t in ap.templates if t in filtered_templates], + ) + for ap in self.attribute_prompts + if ap.attribute in filtered_attributes + ], + ) + + def downsample(self, n: int) -> "RAVELEntityPromptData": + """ + Create a downsampled version of the dataset. + + Args: + n (int): Number of prompts to keep in the downsampled dataset. + + Returns: + RAVELEntityPromptData: New instance with downsampled data. + """ + sampled_keys = random.sample(list(self.prompts.keys()), n) + sampled_prompts = {k: self.prompts[k] for k in sampled_keys} + return self._filter_data(sampled_prompts) + + def evaluate_completion(self, prompt: Prompt, completion: str) -> bool: + """ + Evaluate if a completion is correct for a given prompt. + + Args: + prompt (Prompt): The prompt to evaluate. + completion (str): The generated completion. + + Returns: + bool: True if the completion is correct, False otherwise. + """ + return evaluate_completion( + text=prompt.text, + expected_label=self.entity_attributes[prompt.entity][prompt.attribute], + completion=completion, + ) + + def generate_completions( + self, + model: Union[NNsight, HookedTransformer], + tokenizer: AutoTokenizer, + batch_size: int = 32, + max_length: Optional[int] = None, + prompt_max_length: int = 48, + max_new_tokens: Optional[int] = None, + **kwargs, + ): + """ + Generate completions for all prompts using the given model. + + Args: + model (NNsight): The model to use for generation. + tokenizer (AutoTokenizer): The tokenizer to use. + batch_size (int): Batch size for generation. + max_length (Optional[int]): Maximum length of the generated sequence. + prompt_max_length (int): Maximum length of the prompt. + max_new_tokens (Optional[int]): Maximum number of new tokens to generate. + **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for generation. + """ + all_prompts = list(self.prompts.values()) + completions = generate_batched( + model, + tokenizer, + all_prompts, + batch_size=batch_size, + max_length=max_length, + prompt_max_length=prompt_max_length, + max_new_tokens=max_new_tokens, + **kwargs, + ) + + for prompt, (_, completion) in zip(all_prompts, completions): + prompt.completion = completion[len(prompt.text) :] + + def evaluate_correctness(self): + """Evaluate the correctness of all completions.""" + for prompt in self.prompts.values(): + if prompt.completion is not None: + prompt.is_correct = self.evaluate_completion(prompt, prompt.completion) + + def filter_correct(self): + """ + Create a new instance with only correct prompts. + + Returns: + RAVELEntityPromptData: New instance with only correct prompts. + """ + correct_prompts = { + text: prompt for text, prompt in self.prompts.items() if prompt.is_correct + } + return self._filter_data(correct_prompts) + + def get_accuracy_stats(self): + """ + Calculate accuracy statistics for each entity-template pair. + + Returns: + Dict: A dictionary with entity-template pairs as keys and their stats as values. + """ + entity_template_stats = {} + for prompt in self.prompts.values(): + if prompt.is_correct is not None: + key = (prompt.entity, prompt.template) + if key not in entity_template_stats: + entity_template_stats[key] = {"correct": 0, "total": 0} + entity_template_stats[key]["total"] += 1 + if prompt.is_correct: + entity_template_stats[key]["correct"] += 1 + + return entity_template_stats + + def filter_prompts_by_template_format(self): + """ + Filter prompts to keep only those with a single '%s' in the template. + + Returns: + Dict[str, Prompt]: Filtered prompts. + """ + return { + text: prompt + for text, prompt in self.prompts.items() + if prompt.template.count("%s") == 1 + } + + def filter_top_entities_and_templates( + self, top_n_entities=400, top_n_templates_per_attribute=12 + ): + """ + Filter the dataset to keep only the top entities and templates in terms + of accuracy. The two filters apply independently. + + Args: + top_n_entities (int): Number of top entities to keep. + top_n_templates_per_attribute (int): Number of top templates to keep per attribute. + + Returns: + RAVELEntityPromptData: New instance with filtered data. + """ + stats = self.get_accuracy_stats() + + # Calculate entity scores and keep top N entities + entity_scores = {} + for (entity, _), stat in stats.items(): + entity_scores[entity] = entity_scores.get(entity, 0) + stat["correct"] + kept_entities = set( + sorted(entity_scores, key=entity_scores.get, reverse=True)[:top_n_entities] + ) + + # Calculate template scores and keep top N per attribute + template_scores = {} + for (_, template), stat in stats.items(): + template_scores[template] = ( + template_scores.get(template, 0) + stat["correct"] + ) + + kept_templates = set() + for attr in set(prompt.attribute for prompt in self.prompts.values()): + attr_templates = [t for t in self.attribute_prompts if t.attribute == attr][ + 0 + ].templates + kept_templates.update( + sorted( + [t for t in attr_templates if t in template_scores], + key=template_scores.get, + reverse=True, + )[:top_n_templates_per_attribute] + ) + + # Filter prompts + filtered_prompts = { + text: prompt + for text, prompt in self.prompts.items() + if prompt.entity in kept_entities and prompt.template in kept_templates + } + + return self._filter_data(filtered_prompts) + + def calculate_average_accuracy(self): + """ + Calculate the average accuracy across all prompts. + + Returns: + float: Average accuracy. + """ + correct = sum(1 for prompt in self.prompts.values() if prompt.is_correct) + total = len(self.prompts) + return correct / total if total > 0 else 0 + + def __len__(self) -> int: + """Return the number of prompts in the dataset.""" + return len(self.prompts) + + +def timezone_name_to_utc_offset(name: str) -> Optional[str]: + """ + Convert a timezone name to its UTC offset. + + Args: + name (str): Timezone name. + + Returns: + Optional[str]: UTC offset as a string, or None if conversion fails. + """ + try: + offset = ZoneInfo(name).utcoffset(datetime.datetime.now()).seconds + sign = "+" if offset < 12 * 3600 else "-" + if offset >= 12 * 3600: + offset = 24 * 3600 - offset + fmt_offset = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=offset)).rsplit(":", 1)[0] + if fmt_offset.startswith("0") and offset >= 1800: + fmt_offset = fmt_offset[1:] + return f"{sign}{fmt_offset}" + except Exception: + return None diff --git a/evals/ravel/ravel/sparse_control_utils.py b/evals/ravel/ravel/sparse_control_utils.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4a83767 --- /dev/null +++ b/evals/ravel/ravel/sparse_control_utils.py @@ -0,0 +1,216 @@ +from common_imports import * +from collections import namedtuple +from typing import List, Tuple, NamedTuple +from sae_lens.sae import SAE as SAELensSAE + + +################################################################################ +### RAVEL tools +################################################################################ +from ravel_dataset_builder import Prompt +from utils.intervention_utils import find_positions_in_tokens + +def get_entity_positions(prompt: Prompt, model: HookedTransformer) -> List[int]: + t, e = prompt.text, prompt.entity + start = t.find(e) + stop = start + len(e) - 1 + + positions = find_positions_in_tokens( + start=start, stop=stop, + tokens=model.to_str_tokens(t), + ) + + return positions + + + + + +################################################################################ +### generic tools for diffing SAE latents +################################################################################ +class SAEDiffData(NamedTuple): + """ + *Signed* data for the differences between two SAE latents, with positive signs + w.r.t. the counterfactual prompt side. This convention is used to make it + easy to construct the overall vector to add to the original activation + to steer it towards the counterfactual. + """ + R_diff: torch.Tensor # cf - og reconstructions + og_minus_cf_indices: List[torch.Tensor] # indices of features active in og but not cf + og_minus_cf_summands: List[torch.Tensor] # - W_dec[i] * vals[i] for i in og_minus_cf_indices NOTE THE NEGATIVE SIGN + cf_minus_og_indices: List[torch.Tensor] # indices of features active in cf but not og + cf_minus_og_summands: List[torch.Tensor] # W_dec[i] * vals[i] for i in cf_minus_og_indices + og_and_cf_indices: List[torch.Tensor] # indices of shared features ON THE OG SIDE + og_and_cf_summands: List[torch.Tensor] # W_dec[i] * (vals_cf[i] - vals_og[i]) for i in og_and_cf_indices NOTE THE DIRECTION OF SUBTRACTION + + def get_concat_summands(self) -> List[Tensor]: + """ + Return concatenated summands in the order (cf-og, og&cf, og-cf). + + This is useful when we want to run an intervention that can use any of + these summands. + """ + return [torch.cat([x, y, z], dim=0) for x, y, z in zip(self.cf_minus_og_summands, self.og_and_cf_summands, self.og_minus_cf_summands)] + + def check_scores(self, atol: float = 1e-3) -> None: + # use this to test the object by checking that the scores sum to 1 + s = get_sae_diff_scores(diff=self, method='proj') + # it must be that the coefficients sum to 1 + checksums = [x.sum() + y.sum() + z.sum() for x, y, z in zip(s.og_minus_cf_scores, s.cf_minus_og_scores, s.og_and_cf_scores)] + assert all(torch.allclose(x, torch.ones_like(x), atol=atol) for x in checksums), checksums + + def __get_mandala_dict__(self) -> dict: + return self.__dict__ + + +def get_topk_sae_activations( + encoder: SAELensSAE, + A: Tensor,) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]: + """ + Return the indices and values of the topK features, and the overall + reconstruction. + """ + assert encoder.activation_fn.__class__.__name__ == 'TopK' + A_enc = encoder.encode(A) + k = encoder.activation_fn.k + topk_outcome = torch.topk(A_enc, k, dim=-1) + idxs, vals = topk_outcome.indices, topk_outcome.values + R = encoder.decode(A_enc) + return idxs, vals, R + + +@torch.no_grad() +def get_sae_diff_data( + A_og: torch.Tensor, # (batch, d_act) + A_cf: torch.Tensor, # (batch, d_act) + encoder: SAELensSAE, # the encoder to use +) -> SAEDiffData: + """ + Given the SAE latents for two activations, compute the data describing how + the latents differ, in a way useful for downstream analysis & interventions. + + NOTE: this is tricky because we have to be careful about the shared features + being at different indices in the two activations. This is why there's a + test added to the function to verify that the scores sum to 1. + """ + ### prepare the things we need + # out_og = encoder.forward(A_og) + # out_cf = encoder.forward(A_cf) + # idxs_og, vals_og, R_og = out_og.latent_indices, out_og.latent_acts, out_og.sae_out + # idxs_cf, vals_cf, R_cf = out_cf.latent_indices, out_cf.latent_acts, out_cf.sae_out + idxs_og, vals_og, R_og = get_topk_sae_activations(encoder, A_og) + idxs_cf, vals_cf, R_cf = get_topk_sae_activations(encoder, A_cf) + # A_diff = A_cf - A_og # we always subtract og from cf + R_diff = R_cf - R_og + W_dec = encoder.W_dec.detach().clone() # shape (d_hidden, d_act) + + ### find differing features and their values + n_examples = A_og.shape[0] + # masks for subsets + og_minus_cf_masks = [~torch.isin(idxs_og[i], idxs_cf[i]) for i in range(n_examples)] + cf_minus_og_masks = [~torch.isin(idxs_cf[i], idxs_og[i]) for i in range(n_examples)] + # we need two masks for the shared features, one from the point of view of og and one from the point of view of cf + og_and_cf_masks_og_side = [torch.isin(idxs_og[i], idxs_cf[i]) for i in range(n_examples)] + og_and_cf_masks_cf_side = [torch.isin(idxs_cf[i], idxs_og[i]) for i in range(n_examples)] + # active indices for subsets + og_minus_cf_indices = [idxs_og[i][og_minus_cf_masks[i]] for i in range(n_examples)] + cf_minus_og_indices = [idxs_cf[i][cf_minus_og_masks[i]] for i in range(n_examples)] + og_and_cf_indices = [idxs_og[i][og_and_cf_masks_og_side[i]] for i in range(n_examples)] + # latent activations for subsets + og_minus_cf_vals = [vals_og[i][og_minus_cf_masks[i]] for i in range(n_examples)] + cf_minus_og_vals = [vals_cf[i][cf_minus_og_masks[i]] for i in range(n_examples)] + # here, we always subtract og from cf to keep with the convention + # we have to be careful that we subtract corresponding values!!! + # og_and_cf_vals = [vals_cf[i][og_and_cf_masks_cf_side[i]] - vals_og[i][og_and_cf_masks_og_side[i]] for i in range(n_examples)] + og_and_cf_vals = [] + for i in range(n_examples): + og_and_cf_vals_i = [] + for idx in og_and_cf_indices[i]: + og_and_cf_vals_i.append(vals_cf[i][idxs_cf[i] == idx] - vals_og[i][idxs_og[i] == idx]) + if og_and_cf_vals_i: + og_and_cf_vals.append(torch.cat(og_and_cf_vals_i, dim=0)) + else: + og_and_cf_vals.append(torch.tensor([]).to(vals_og[i].device)) + # compute the vectors for the differing features + og_minus_cf_summands = [- W_dec[indices, :] * vals.unsqueeze(-1) for indices, vals in zip(og_minus_cf_indices, og_minus_cf_vals)] + cf_minus_og_summands = [W_dec[indices, :] * vals.unsqueeze(-1) for indices, vals in zip(cf_minus_og_indices, cf_minus_og_vals)] + og_and_cf_summands = [W_dec[indices, :] * vals.unsqueeze(-1) for indices, vals in zip(og_and_cf_indices, og_and_cf_vals)] + + res = { + 'R_diff': R_diff, + # 'og_minus_cf_scores': og_minus_cf_scores, + 'og_minus_cf_indices': og_minus_cf_indices, + 'og_minus_cf_summands': og_minus_cf_summands, + # 'cf_minus_og_scores': cf_minus_og_scores, + 'cf_minus_og_indices': cf_minus_og_indices, + 'cf_minus_og_summands': cf_minus_og_summands, + # 'og_and_cf_scores': og_and_cf_scores, + 'og_and_cf_indices': og_and_cf_indices, + 'og_and_cf_summands': og_and_cf_summands, + } + res = SAEDiffData(**res) + res.check_scores() + return res + + +class SAEDiffScores(NamedTuple): + """ + NOTE: because the number of features in og_minus_cf, etc. can be different + depending on the example, we keep them as lists of tensors. + """ + + og_minus_cf_scores: List[torch.Tensor] + cf_minus_og_scores: List[torch.Tensor] + og_and_cf_scores: List[torch.Tensor] + + def get_concat_scores(self) -> List[Tensor]: + """ + Return concatenated scores in the order (cf-og, og&cf, og-cf) + """ + return [torch.cat([x, y, z], dim=0) for x, y, z in zip(self.cf_minus_og_scores, self.og_and_cf_scores, self.og_minus_cf_scores)] + + @staticmethod + def measure_sparsity(x: torch.Tensor, threshold=0.8) -> float: + """ + 1 minus fraction of coordinates we need to capture at least `threshold` + of the sum of the absolute values of the tensor `x`. + """ + fracs = x.abs() / x.abs().sum() + sorted_fracs, sorted_idxs = fracs.sort(descending=True) + cumsum = sorted_fracs.cumsum(dim=0) + i = 0 + while cumsum[i] < threshold: + i += 1 + return 1 - ((i + 1) / len(x)) + + +@torch.no_grad() +def get_sae_diff_scores(diff: SAEDiffData, method: str = 'proj') -> SAEDiffScores: + """ + Given the data of diffs between SAE latents on pairs of + original/counterfactual activations, compute the contribution of each + latent to the difference of reconstructions. + + Return some quantities of interest about the differing features: + - suppose the reconstructions are R_og and R_cf + - the difference R_diff = R_cf - R_og = + sum_{i in og and cf} W_dec[i] * (vals_cf[i] - vals_og[i]) \ # shared features term + + sum_{i in cf_minus_og} W_dec[i] * vals_cf[i] \ # cf minus og term + - sum_{i in og_minus_cf} W_dec[i] * vals_og[i] - # og minus cf term + - we can normalize by projecting on R_diff and dividing by ||R_diff||_2^2. + - then all things in the sum add up to 1. + - we can ask what part of the sum is due to the shared features, and what part + is due to the differing features. + - we can score each feature by the part of the sum it contributes to. + """ + ### compute scores + og_minus_cf_scores = [x @ r_diff / r_diff.norm()**2 for x, r_diff in zip(diff.og_minus_cf_summands, diff.R_diff)] + cf_minus_og_scores = [x @ r_diff / r_diff.norm()**2 for x, r_diff in zip(diff.cf_minus_og_summands, diff.R_diff)] + og_and_cf_scores = [x @ r_diff / r_diff.norm()**2 for x, r_diff in zip(diff.og_and_cf_summands, diff.R_diff)] + res = { + 'og_minus_cf_scores': og_minus_cf_scores, + 'cf_minus_og_scores': cf_minus_og_scores, + 'og_and_cf_scores': og_and_cf_scores, + } + return SAEDiffScores(**res) diff --git a/evals/ravel/ravel/tlens_utils.py b/evals/ravel/ravel/tlens_utils.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2ea395e --- /dev/null +++ b/evals/ravel/ravel/tlens_utils.py @@ -0,0 +1,285 @@ +from common_imports import * +from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union, Callable, Literal +from collections import OrderedDict +from torch import Tensor +from transformer_lens import ActivationCache, HookedTransformer +from transformer_lens.hook_points import HookPoint +from transformer_lens import utils as tl_utils +from functools import partial + +class Node: + """ + Mostly a copy of the one in path_patching.py, we'll see if it diverges + """ + + def __init__( + self, + component_name: Literal[ + "z", + "attn_out", + "pre", + "post", + "mlp_out", + "resid_pre", + "resid_post", + "resid_mid", + "q", + "k", + "v", + "pattern", + "attn_scores", + "result", + "q_input", + "k_input", + "v_input", + 'scale_ln1', + 'scale_ln2', + 'scale_final', + "ln_final", + ], + layer: Optional[int] = None, + head: Optional[int] = None, + neuron: Optional[int] = None, + seq_pos: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, # string used for semantic indexing + ): + assert isinstance(component_name, str) + self.component_name = component_name + if layer is not None: + assert isinstance(layer, int) + self.layer = layer + if head is not None: + assert isinstance(head, int) + self.head = head + if neuron is not None: + assert isinstance(neuron, int) + self.neuron = neuron + if seq_pos is not None: + assert isinstance(seq_pos, (int, str)) + self.seq_pos = seq_pos + + def __get_mandala_dict__(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: + return self.__dict__ + + def __hash__(self) -> int: + return hash((self.component_name, self.layer, self.head, self.neuron, self.seq_pos)) + + def __lt__(self, other: 'Node') -> bool: + return hash(self) < hash(other) + + def __eq__(self, other: 'Node') -> bool: + return hash(self) == hash(other) + + def __le__(self, other: 'Node') -> bool: + return hash(self) <= hash(other) + + @property + def activation_name(self) -> str: + if self.component_name == 'scale_ln1': + return tl_utils.get_act_name('scale', layer=self.layer, layer_type='ln1') + elif self.component_name == 'scale_ln2': + return tl_utils.get_act_name('scale', layer=self.layer, layer_type='ln2') + elif self.component_name == 'scale_final': + return tl_utils.get_act_name('scale', layer=None) + else: + return tl_utils.get_act_name(self.component_name, layer=self.layer) + + @property + def shape_type(self) -> List[str]: + """ + List of the meaning of each dimension of the full activation for this + node (i.e., what you'd get if you did `cache[self.activation_name]`). + + This is just for reference + """ + if self.component_name in [ + "resid_pre", + "resid_post", + "resid_mid", + "q_input", + "k_input", + "v_input", + ]: + return ["batch", "seq", "d_model"] + elif self.component_name == 'pattern': + return ["batch", "head", "query_pos", "key_pos"] + elif self.component_name in ["q", "k", "v", "z"]: + return ["batch", "seq", "head", "d_head"] + elif self.component_name in ["result"]: + return ["batch", "seq", "head", "d_model"] + elif self.component_name == 'scale': + return ['batch', 'seq'] + elif self.component_name == 'post': + return ['batch', 'seq', 'd_mlp'] + else: + raise NotImplementedError + + def idx(self) -> Tuple[Union[int, slice, Tensor, None], ...]: + """ + Index into the full activation to restrict to layer / head / neuron / + seq_pos + """ + if isinstance(self.seq_pos, int): + seq_pos_idx = self.seq_pos + batch_idx = slice(None) + elif self.seq_pos is None: + seq_pos_idx = slice(None) + batch_idx = slice(None) + else: + raise NotImplementedError + + if self.neuron is not None: + raise NotImplementedError + + elif self.component_name in ['pattern', 'attn_scores']: + assert self.head is not None + return tuple([slice(None), self.head, slice(None), slice(None)]) + elif self.component_name in ["q", "k", "v", "z", "result"]: + assert self.head is not None, "head must be specified for this component" + return tuple([batch_idx, seq_pos_idx, self.head, slice(None)]) + elif self.component_name == 'scale': + return tuple([slice(None), slice(None)]) + elif self.component_name == 'post': + return tuple([batch_idx, seq_pos_idx, slice(None)]) + else: + return tuple([batch_idx, seq_pos_idx, slice(None)]) + + @property + def names_filter(self) -> Callable: + return lambda x: x in [self.activation_name] + + @staticmethod + def get_names_filter(nodes: List['Node']) -> Callable: + return lambda x: any(node.names_filter(x) for node in nodes) + + @property + def needs_head_results(self) -> bool: + return self.component_name in ['result'] + + def get_value(self, cache: ActivationCache,) -> Tensor: + return cache[self.activation_name][self.idx()] + + def __repr__(self) -> str: + properties = OrderedDict({ + "component_name": self.component_name, + "layer": self.layer, + "head": self.head, + "neuron": self.neuron, + "seq_pos": self.seq_pos, + }) + properties = ", ".join(f"{k}={v}" for k, v in properties.items() if v is not None) + return f"Node({properties})" + + @property + def displayname(self) -> str: + if self.component_name in ('q', 'k', 'v', 'z'): + return f'{self.component_name}@L{self.layer}H{self.head}@{self.seq_pos}' + elif self.component_name == 'resid_post': + if self.seq_pos is not None: + return f'resid_post@L{self.layer}@{self.seq_pos}' + else: + return f'resid_post@L{self.layer}' + else: + raise NotImplementedError + + + + +def get_single_token_cf_hook(node: Node, positions: Tensor, A_cf: Tensor) -> Tuple[str, Callable]: + """ + Get a hook that patches a counterfactual activation at a given position in + the sequence. A_cf must be already indexed into, i.e. of shape (batch, + d_node). + """ + assert node.seq_pos is None, "This hook requires seq_pos=None" + def hook_fn(activation: Tensor, hook: HookPoint) -> Tensor: + # activation will be of shape (num_texts, seq_len, d_act) + batch_size = activation.shape[0] + activation[range(batch_size), positions, :] = A_cf.clone().to(activation.device).to(activation.dtype) + return activation + return (node.activation_name, hook_fn) + +def run_with_cache( + prompts_or_tokens: Union[List[str], Tensor], + nodes: List[Node], + batch_size: Optional[int], + model: HookedTransformer, + padding_side: Optional[Literal['left', 'right']] = None, + verbose: bool = False, + return_logits: bool = False, + offload_to_cpu: bool = False, + clear_cache: bool = False, + out_device: Optional[Union[str, torch.device]] = None, + prepend_bos: bool = True, + required_length: Optional[int] = None, +) -> List[Tensor]: + """ + Run the model on the given prompts, and return the activations for the + given nodes. + """ + model_device = next(model.parameters()).device + if isinstance(prompts_or_tokens, Tensor): + tokens = prompts_or_tokens + else: + tokens = model.to_tokens(prompts_or_tokens, prepend_bos=prepend_bos, padding_side=padding_side) + tokens = tokens.to(model_device) + if required_length is not None: + # pad the tokens to the required length with BOS either on the left or right + assert required_length >= tokens.shape[1] + bos_token_id = model.tokenizer.bos_token_id + if padding_side == 'left': + tokens = torch.cat([torch.full((tokens.shape[0], required_length - tokens.shape[1]), bos_token_id, dtype=tokens.dtype, device=tokens.device), tokens], dim=1) + elif padding_side in ['right', None]: + tokens = torch.cat([tokens, torch.full((tokens.shape[0], required_length - tokens.shape[1]), bos_token_id, dtype=tokens.dtype, device=tokens.device)], dim=1) + + logits, cache = model.run_with_cache(tokens, names_filter=Node.get_names_filter(nodes)) + acts = [node.get_value(cache) for node in nodes] + if offload_to_cpu: + raise NotImplementedError() + if clear_cache: + raise NotImplementedError() + if out_device is not None: + acts = [act.to(out_device) for act in acts] + logits = logits.to(out_device) + if return_logits: + return acts, logits + else: + return acts + +def run_with_hooks( + prompts: Any, + hooks: Optional[List[Tuple[str, Callable]]], + batch_size: int, + model: HookedTransformer, + return_predictions: bool = False, + semantic_nodes: Optional[List[Node]] = None, + semantic_hooks: Optional[List[Tuple[str, Callable]]] = None, + return_full_logits: bool = False, + return_full_last_logits: bool = True, + prepend_bos: bool = True, + padding_side: Optional[Literal['left', 'right']] = None, + verbose: bool = False, + out_device: Optional[Union[str, torch.device]] = None, +) -> Tensor: + tokens = model.to_tokens(prompts, prepend_bos=prepend_bos, padding_side=padding_side) + assert (semantic_hooks is None) == (semantic_nodes is None) + if semantic_nodes is not None: + assert hooks is None + assert semantic_hooks is not None + hooks = [] + idxs_by_semantic_pos = {k: [p.semantic_pos[k] for p in prompts] for k in prompts[0].semantic_pos.keys()} + for node, hook in zip(semantic_nodes, semantic_hooks): + hooks.append((hook[0], partial(hook[1], idx=node.idx(prompts=prompts)))) + model.reset_hooks() + logits = model.run_with_hooks(tokens, fwd_hooks=hooks) + if return_full_logits: + res = logits + elif return_full_last_logits: + res = logits[:, -1, :] + elif return_predictions: + res = logits[:, -1, :].argmax(dim=-1) + else: + raise NotImplementedError() + if out_device is not None: + res = res.to(out_device) + return res + diff --git a/evals/ravel/ravel/utils/differential_binary_masking.py b/evals/ravel/ravel/utils/differential_binary_masking.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e788622 --- /dev/null +++ b/evals/ravel/ravel/utils/differential_binary_masking.py @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +"""Define a featurizer and features with Differential Binary Masking.""" + +# import pyvene as pv +import torch +from torch import nn + + +class DifferentialBinaryMasking(nn.Module): + """ + Generic re-implementation of the Differential Binary Masking (DBM) method + used in RAVEL. The DBM method is a feature selection method that uses a + binary mask to select features from a model representation. The mask is + parameterized by a temperature parameter, which is used to control the + sparsity of the mask. The mask is applied to the model representation using a + simple interchange intervention, where the selected features are replaced by + the corresponding features from a source representation. + """ + + def __init__(self, embed_dim,): + super().__init__() + self.mask = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(embed_dim), requires_grad=True) + # self.temperature = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.tensor(1e-2)) # WHY is this a parameter if it never gets gradients? + self.temperature = torch.tensor(1e-2) + # The dimension of model representations. + self.embed_dim = embed_dim + self.rotate_layer = torch.nn.Linear(embed_dim, embed_dim, bias=False) + self.rotate_layer.weight.requires_grad = False + # The featurizer is equivalent to an identity matrix. + with torch.no_grad(): + self.rotate_layer.weight.copy_(torch.eye(self.embed_dim)) + + def get_temperature(self): + return self.temperature + + def set_temperature(self, temp: torch.Tensor): + self.temperature.data = temp + + def forward(self, base, source, subspaces=None): + input_dtype, model_dtype = base.dtype, self.mask.dtype + base, source = base.to(model_dtype), source.to(model_dtype) + batch_size = base.shape[0] + if self.training: + mask_sigmoid = torch.sigmoid(self.mask / torch.tensor(self.temperature)) + # Save the selected features, i.e., where sigmoid(mask) > 0.5 as the + # rotation matrix, so that at inference time, we only need to load the + # rotation matrix. + with torch.no_grad(): + if torch.any(mask_sigmoid > 0.5): + rotate_matrix = torch.masked_select( + torch.eye(self.embed_dim, device=base.device), + (mask_sigmoid > 0.5).view([-1, 1])).view([-1, self.embed_dim]) + self.rotate_layer = torch.nn.Linear(self.embed_dim, + rotate_matrix.shape[0], + bias=False, + device=base.device) + self.rotate_layer.weight.copy_(rotate_matrix) + # Apply interchange interventions. + output = (1.0 - mask_sigmoid) * base + mask_sigmoid * source + else: + rotated_base = self.rotate_layer(base) + rotated_source = self.rotate_layer(source) + # Apply interchange interventions. + output = base + torch.matmul( + (rotated_source - rotated_base), self.rotate_layer.weight) + return output.to(input_dtype) + + def get_sparsity_loss(self): + mask_sigmoid = torch.sigmoid(self.mask / torch.tensor(self.temperature)) + return torch.norm(mask_sigmoid, p=1) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/evals/ravel/ravel/utils/general.py b/evals/ravel/ravel/utils/general.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ad25dde --- /dev/null +++ b/evals/ravel/ravel/utils/general.py @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +import collections +import datetime +import json +import os +import pickle as pkl +import random +import re +from typing import Any, Tuple +from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo + +import datasets +import h5py +import numpy as np +import torch +from datasets import Dataset +from nnsight import NNsight +from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer +from utils.generate_ravel_instance import RAVELMetadata +from utils.generation_utils import generate_batched + +REPO_DIR = f"ravel" +SRC_DIR = os.path.join(REPO_DIR, "src") +MODEL_DIR = os.path.join(REPO_DIR, "models") +DATA_DIR = os.path.join(REPO_DIR, "data") + + +def setup_environment(): + """ + Set up the environment by creating necessary directories and setting the random seed. + """ + for d in [MODEL_DIR, DATA_DIR]: + if not os.path.exists(d): + os.makedirs(d) + + import sys + + sys.path.append(REPO_DIR) + sys.path.append(SRC_DIR) + + set_seed(0) + + +def set_seed(seed: int): + """ + Set random seed for reproducibility. + + Args: + seed (int): The random seed to use. + """ + random.seed(seed) + np.random.seed(seed) + torch.manual_seed(seed) + torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(seed) + + +def load_model_and_tokenizer( + model_id: str, model_name: str +) -> Tuple[AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer]: + """ + Load the model and tokenizer. + + Args: + model_id (str): The ID of the model to load. + model_name (str): The name of the model. + + Returns: + tuple: The loaded model and tokenizer. + """ + with open("/share/u/can/src/hf.txt", "r") as f: + hf_token = f.read().strip() + + device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") + + torch.set_grad_enabled(False) # avoid blowing up mem + hf_model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained( + model_id, + cache_dir=MODEL_DIR, + token=hf_token, + device_map=device, + low_cpu_mem_usage=True, + attn_implementation="eager", + ) + + tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained( + model_id, + cache_dir=MODEL_DIR, + token=hf_token, + ) + tokenizer.pad_token = tokenizer.eos_token + tokenizer.padding_side = "left" + + return hf_model, tokenizer + + +def wrap_model_nnsight(hf_model: AutoModelForCausalLM) -> Any: + """ + Wrap the model with NNsight. + + Args: + hf_model (AutoModelForCausalLM): The model to wrap. + + Returns: + NNsight: The wrapped model. + """ + return NNsight(hf_model) diff --git a/evals/ravel/ravel/utils/generate_ravel_instance.py b/evals/ravel/ravel/utils/generate_ravel_instance.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1d09164 --- /dev/null +++ b/evals/ravel/ravel/utils/generate_ravel_instance.py @@ -0,0 +1,333 @@ +"""Utility functions for creating an instance of RAVEL for a target LM.""" + +import collections +import random +import re +from dataclasses import dataclass + +import numpy as np + + +@dataclass +class RAVELMetadata: + """Metadata for instantiating a RAVEL instance.""" + + instance: str + entity_to_split: dict + attr_to_prompt: dict + attr_prompt_to_split: dict + entity_prompt_to_split: dict + prompt_to_output: dict + split_to_entities: dict = None + + def get_entities(self, split): + if not self.split_to_entities: + self.split_to_entities = {} + if split not in self.split_to_entities: + self.split_to_entities[split] = [ + k for k, v in self.entity_to_split.items() if v == split + ] + return self.split_to_entities[split] + + def sample_entities(self, split, k): + if not self.split_to_entities: + self.split_to_entities = {} + if split not in self.split_to_entities: + self.split_to_entities[split] = [ + k for k, v in self.entity_to_split.items() if v == split + ] + return random.sample( + self.split_to_entities[split], k=min(k, len(self.split_to_entities[split])) + ) + + +def gen_context_test_split(metadata, extract_label_fn, filter_example_fn, first_n=256): + eval_split_to_raw_example = {} + # For each base prompts, sample entities and source examples. + for prompt, (attr, split) in metadata.attr_prompt_to_split.items(): + if split == "train" or attr == "Other": + continue + base_task_inputs = [ + ((prompt, entity), metadata.prompt_to_output[prompt % entity]) + for entity in metadata.get_entities("train") + ] + if len(base_task_inputs) < 5: + print(f"SKIP - NOT ENOUGH BASE EXAMPLES: {subsplit} {prompt}") + continue + random.shuffle(base_task_inputs) + # We include three types of source prompts: + # output (source entity has causal effect on the last token + + # source output is the label) + # causal (source entity has causal effect on the last token) + # other (source entity has no causal effect on the last token) + subsplits_filter = { + "output": lambda x: attr == x, + "causal": lambda x: attr != x and x != "Other", + "other": lambda x: x == "Other", + } + for subsplit, filter_fn in subsplits_filter.items(): + # Sample source examples. + source_task_inputs = [] + for source_prompt, ( + source_attr, + source_split, + ) in metadata.attr_prompt_to_split.items(): + if not (source_split == split and filter_fn(source_attr)): + continue + source_entities = [] + if ( + source_attr == "Other" + and metadata.entity_prompt_to_split[source_prompt]["entity"] + ): + source_entities.append( + metadata.entity_prompt_to_split[source_prompt]["entity"] + ) + else: + source_entities.extend(metadata.sample_entities("train", k=100)) + source_task_inputs.extend( + [ + ( + (source_prompt, entity), + metadata.prompt_to_output[source_prompt % entity], + ) + for entity in source_entities + if ( + entity in metadata.get_entities("train") + and len(metadata.prompt_to_output[source_prompt % entity]) + > 1 + ) + ] + ) + # Random sample weighted by output label distribution. + source_task_inputs_label = [ + extract_label_fn(metadata.prompt_to_output[prompt % s_a]) + for (_, s_a), _ in source_task_inputs + ] + source_label_counters = collections.Counter(source_task_inputs_label) + source_task_inputs_weights = [ + 1 / (20 + source_label_counters[x]) for x in source_task_inputs_label + ] + source_task_inputs_weights = np.array(source_task_inputs_weights) / np.sum( + source_task_inputs_weights + ) + if len(source_task_inputs) < 5: + print(f"SKIP {subsplit} {prompt}") + continue + eval_split_to_raw_example[f"{prompt}-{subsplit}-{split}"] = [ + { + "input": p % a, + "label": extract_label_fn(v), + "source_input": s_p % s_a, + "source_label": extract_label_fn(source_v), + "inv_label": extract_label_fn(metadata.prompt_to_output[p % s_a]), + "split": p, + "source_split": s_p, + "entity": a, + "source_entity": s_a, + } + for (p, a), v in base_task_inputs + for (s_p, s_a), source_v in random.choices( + source_task_inputs, + weights=source_task_inputs_weights, + k=max(1, round(first_n / len(base_task_inputs))), + ) + if filter_example_fn(v, metadata.prompt_to_output[p % s_a]) + ] + print( + attr, + prompt, + split, + len(base_task_inputs), + len( + set( + [ + e["entity"] + for e in eval_split_to_raw_example[ + f"{prompt}-{subsplit}-{split}" + ] + ] + ) + ), + len( + set( + [ + e["source_entity"] + for e in eval_split_to_raw_example[ + f"{prompt}-{subsplit}-{split}" + ] + ] + ) + ), + ) + eval_split_to_raw_example = { + k: v for k, v in eval_split_to_raw_example.items() if len(v) > 0 + } + return eval_split_to_raw_example + + +def gen_entity_test_split(metadata, extract_label_fn, filter_example_fn, first_n=256): + eval_split_to_raw_example = {} + for prompt, (attr, orig_split) in metadata.attr_prompt_to_split.items(): + if orig_split != "train" or attr == "Other": + continue + for split in ("test", "val"): + base_task_inputs = [ + ((prompt, entity), metadata.prompt_to_output[prompt % entity]) + for entity in metadata.sample_entities(split, k=first_n) + ] + # We include three types of source prompts: + # output (source entity has causal effect on the last token + + # source output is the label) + # causal (source entity has causal effect on the last token) + # other (source entity has no causal effect on the last token) + subsplits_filter = { + "output": lambda x: attr == x, + "causal": lambda x: attr != x and x != "Other", + "other": lambda x: x == "Other", + } + for subsplit, filter_fn in subsplits_filter.items(): + source_task_inputs = [ + ( + (source_prompt, entity), + metadata.prompt_to_output[source_prompt % entity], + ) + for source_prompt, ( + source_attr, + source_split, + ) in metadata.attr_prompt_to_split.items() + if source_split == "train" and filter_fn(source_attr) + for entity in ( + [metadata.entity_prompt_to_split[source_prompt]["entity"]] + if source_attr == "Other" + and metadata.entity_prompt_to_split[source_prompt]["entity"] + else metadata.sample_entities(split, k=100) + ) + if entity in metadata.get_entities(split) + and (len(metadata.prompt_to_output[source_prompt % entity]) > 1) + ] + # Random sample need to be weighted by output label distribution + source_task_inputs_label = [ + extract_label_fn(metadata.prompt_to_output[prompt % s_a]) + for (_, s_a), _ in source_task_inputs + ] + source_label_counters = collections.Counter(source_task_inputs_label) + source_task_inputs_weights = [ + 1 / (10 + source_label_counters[x]) + for x in source_task_inputs_label + ] + source_task_inputs_weights = np.array( + source_task_inputs_weights + ) / np.sum(source_task_inputs_weights) + if len(base_task_inputs) < 5 or len(source_task_inputs) < 5: + continue + print(attr, prompt, split, len(base_task_inputs)) + eval_split_to_raw_example[f"{prompt}-{subsplit}-{split}"] = [ + { + "input": p % a, + "label": extract_label_fn(v), + "source_input": s_p % s_a, + "source_label": extract_label_fn(source_v), + "inv_label": extract_label_fn( + metadata.prompt_to_output[p % s_a] + ), + "split": p, + "source_split": s_p, + "entity": a, + "source_entity": s_a, + } + for (p, a), v in base_task_inputs + for (s_p, s_a), source_v in random.choices( + source_task_inputs, + weights=source_task_inputs_weights, + k=max(1, round(first_n / len(base_task_inputs))), + ) + if filter_example_fn(v, metadata.prompt_to_output[p % s_a]) + ] + eval_split_to_raw_example = { + k: v for k, v in eval_split_to_raw_example.items() if len(v) > 0 + } + return eval_split_to_raw_example + + +def gen_train_split(metadata, extract_label_fn, filter_example_fn, first_n=256): + split_to_raw_example = {} + # Group by attributes. + target_split = "train" + for attr, prompt_to_split in metadata.attr_to_prompt.items(): + base_prompt_candiates = [ + p for p, s in prompt_to_split.items() if s == target_split + ] + base_task_inputs = [ + ((prompt, entity), metadata.prompt_to_output[prompt % entity]) + for entity in metadata.get_entities(target_split) + for prompt in random.sample( + base_prompt_candiates, k=min(10, len(base_prompt_candiates)) + ) + ] + source_task_inputs = [ + ((source_prompt, entity), metadata.prompt_to_output[source_prompt % entity]) + for source_prompt, ( + source_attr, + source_split, + ) in metadata.attr_prompt_to_split.items() + if source_split == target_split and source_attr != "Other" + for entity in metadata.sample_entities(target_split, k=10) + ] + wiki_source_task_inputs = [ + ((source_prompt, entity), metadata.prompt_to_output[source_prompt % entity]) + for source_prompt, split_and_arg in metadata.entity_prompt_to_split.items() + if split_and_arg["split"] == target_split + and ( + split_and_arg["entity"] is None + or split_and_arg["entity"] in metadata.get_entities(target_split) + ) + for entity in ( + [split_and_arg["entity"]] + if split_and_arg["entity"] + else metadata.sample_entities(target_split, k=10) + ) + ] + source_task_inputs = source_task_inputs + wiki_source_task_inputs + if len(base_task_inputs) < 5 or len(source_task_inputs) < 5: + continue + print( + attr, + target_split, + len(base_task_inputs), + len(source_task_inputs), + len(wiki_source_task_inputs), + ) + split_to_raw_example[f"{attr}-{target_split}"] = [] + for (p, a), v in base_task_inputs: + source_input_candiates = [ + x + for x in source_task_inputs + if filter_example_fn(v, metadata.prompt_to_output[p % x[0][1]]) + and (len(x[1]) > 1) + ] + split_to_raw_example[f"{attr}-{target_split}"].extend( + [ + { + "input": p % a, + "label": extract_label_fn(v), + "source_input": s_p % s_a, + "source_label": extract_label_fn(source_v), + "inv_label": extract_label_fn( + metadata.prompt_to_output[p % s_a] + ), + "split": p, + "source_split": s_p, + "entity": a, + "source_entity": s_a, + } + for (s_p, s_a), source_v in random.sample( + source_input_candiates, + k=min( + len(source_input_candiates), + round(first_n / len(base_task_inputs)), + ), + ) + ] + ) + split_to_raw_example = {k: v for k, v in split_to_raw_example.items() if len(v) > 0} + return split_to_raw_example diff --git a/evals/ravel/ravel/utils/generation_utils.py b/evals/ravel/ravel/utils/generation_utils.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a0747e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/evals/ravel/ravel/utils/generation_utils.py @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ +# utils.py +from typing import Union, List, Optional +from dataclasses import dataclass + +import torch +from tqdm import tqdm +from nnsight import NNsight +from transformer_lens import HookedTransformer + +@dataclass +class Prompt: + """Represents a single prompt with its associated data.""" + + text: str + template: str + attribute: str + entity: str + context_split: str + entity_split: str + input_ids: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None + attention_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None + completion: Optional[str] = None + is_correct: Optional[bool] = None + + +def generate_batched( + pretrained_model, + tokenizer, + all_prompts: List[Prompt], + max_length=None, + prompt_max_length=32, + max_new_tokens=None, + sample_n=None, + batch_size=32, + **kwargs, +): + print(f"Total #prompts={len(all_prompts)}") + pretrained_model = pretrained_model.eval() + if prompt_max_length is None: + max_length_prompt = max(all_prompts, key=lambda x: len(x.text)) + prompt_max_length = 8 * ( + len(tokenizer(max_length_prompt.text).input_ids) // 8 + 1 + ) + print(f"Set prompt_max_length={prompt_max_length}") + + completions = [] + for batch_begin in tqdm(range(0, len(all_prompts), batch_size)): + batch_prompts = all_prompts[batch_begin : batch_begin + batch_size] + batch_completions = _generate_single_batch( + pretrained_model, + tokenizer, + batch_prompts, + prompt_max_length=prompt_max_length, + max_new_tokens=max_new_tokens, + max_length=max_length, + sample_n=sample_n, + **kwargs, + ) + completions.extend(batch_completions) + return completions + + +def _generate_single_batch( + pretrained_model: Union[NNsight, HookedTransformer], + tokenizer, + prompt_batch: List[Prompt], + max_length=None, + prompt_max_length=32, + max_new_tokens=None, + sample_n=None, + **kwargs, +): + if isinstance(pretrained_model, NNsight): + device = pretrained_model.device + elif isinstance(pretrained_model, HookedTransformer): + device = next(pretrained_model.parameters()).device + if not sample_n: + sample_n = 1 + if not max_new_tokens: + assert max_length and prompt_max_length + max_new_tokens = max_length - prompt_max_length + + input_ids = torch.stack([p.input_ids for p in prompt_batch]).to( + device + ) + attention_mask = torch.stack([p.attention_mask for p in prompt_batch]).to( + device + ) + + with torch.no_grad(): + if isinstance(pretrained_model, NNsight): + outputs = pretrained_model.generate( + input_ids, + attention_mask=attention_mask, + max_new_tokens=max_new_tokens, + do_sample=True if sample_n > 1 else False, + num_return_sequences=sample_n, + return_dict_in_generate=False, + pad_token_id=tokenizer.pad_token_id, + **kwargs, + ) + elif isinstance(pretrained_model, HookedTransformer): + if sample_n != 1: + raise NotImplementedError(f"sample_n not supported for HookedTransformer; got {sample_n}") + # we need to re-create the prompts and pad on the left, because in + # transformerlens we can't pass the attention mask directly + input_ids = pretrained_model.to_tokens([p.text for p in prompt_batch], padding_side='left', prepend_bos=True, ) + outputs = pretrained_model.generate( + input=input_ids, + max_new_tokens=max_new_tokens, + do_sample=False, + temperature=0, + # padding_side='left', + verbose=False, + ) + preds = [ + (prompt_batch[i // sample_n].text, p) + for i, p in enumerate(tokenizer.batch_decode(outputs, skip_special_tokens=True)) + ] + return preds diff --git a/evals/ravel/ravel/utils/intervention_utils.py b/evals/ravel/ravel/utils/intervention_utils.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..415f744 --- /dev/null +++ b/evals/ravel/ravel/utils/intervention_utils.py @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +"""Utility functions for training and evaluating interventions.""" + +import collections +import copy +import numpy as np +import re +from typing import List, Optional +from transformer_lens import HookedTransformer + +from datasets import Dataset +# from methods.distributed_alignment_search import LowRankRotatedSpaceIntervention +# from methods.pca import PCARotatedSpaceIntervention +# from methods.sparse_autoencoder import AutoencoderIntervention +# import pyvene as pv +import torch +from tqdm.auto import tqdm +from torch.utils.data import DataLoader +from torch.nn import CrossEntropyLoss +# from utils.dataset_utils import get_dataloader, get_label_offset + +def find_positions_in_tokens( + start: int, + stop: int, + tokens: Optional[List[str]] = None, + has_bos: Optional[bool] = True, + text: Optional[str] = None, + model: Optional[HookedTransformer] = None, + ) -> List[int]: + """ + Given a text and two indices into it, find the indices of the *tokens* + that correspond to the text between these indices INCLUSIVE. + + These indices are relative to the result of `model.to_str_tokens(text)`, + which means they take into account the BOS token. + + This function should be used as a final step after you've done some string + processing to decide where to start and stop in the text (because dealing + with the tokenization is a bit tricky). + """ + assert start <= stop + if tokens is not None: + if has_bos: + text = ''.join(tokens[1:]) + tokens = tokens[1:] # get rid of BOS + else: + text = ''.join(tokens) + + else: + assert text is not None + assert model is not None + tokens = model.to_str_tokens(text)[1:] # get rid of BOS + ### by this point, `tokens` must hold the tokenization of the text WITHOUT a + ### BOS token. + + assert start <= len(text) - 1 + assert stop <= len(text) - 1 + token_lengths = [len(token) for token in tokens] + cum_lengths = np.cumsum([0] + token_lengths) + tok_idx_to_char_idxs = {} + for i, tok in enumerate(tokens): + tok_idx_to_char_idxs[i] = list(range(cum_lengths[i], cum_lengths[i+1])) + # now invert this + char_idx_to_tok_idx = {} + for tok_idx, char_idxs in tok_idx_to_char_idxs.items(): + for char_idx in char_idxs: + char_idx_to_tok_idx[char_idx] = tok_idx + # now find the token indices + start_token_idx = char_idx_to_tok_idx[start] + stop_token_idx = char_idx_to_tok_idx[stop] + result_without_bos = list(range(start_token_idx, stop_token_idx + 1)) + return [idx + 1 for idx in result_without_bos] # add 1 to account for BOS \ No newline at end of file