Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | int | Id of the client | [optional] |
full_name | string | The full name for the client. | [optional] |
first_name | string | The first name for the client. | [optional] |
last_name | string | The last name for the client. | [optional] |
company_name | string | The name of the company. | [optional] |
string | The email used to contact the client. | [optional] | |
phone | string | Phone number. | [optional] |
mobile | string | Mobile number. | [optional] |
vat_number | string | VAT number. | [optional] |
customer_type | \Ageras\Api\LeadCustomerTypeResource | [optional] | |
social_security_number | string | Social security number. | [optional] |
is_phone_verified | bool | [optional] [default to false] |