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File metadata and controls

348 lines (265 loc) · 11.9 KB


Efficient multi-language message packing / serialization. Targeted at lightweight or embedded applications where runtime performance and memory usage are key.

If you have worked on applications where embedded devices need to send and recieve messages between each other and possibly a host machine, you have probably hand written and re-written packing and unpacking functions, possibly in multiple languages. stuff_sack provides a single source of truth across languages and devices for message definitions while ensuring both sides are operating on a consistent (up-to-date) definition before unpacking.

Generated libraries currently implemented for:

  • C - without dynamic memory allocation
  • C++ - with and without dynamic memory allocation
  • Python

Table of Contents

Examples and Test

The library is built using Bazel. You can run the test suites for all of the generated libraries like so:

bazel test //test/...

You can find examples for:

You can build and view the documentation for the generated libraries like so (or view a snapshot HERE):

bazel run //test:test_message_def-docs.view

Message Specification

Messages and their contained types are described in YAML specifications. For a working example see test/test_message_spec.yaml.

Document Start / Format

Every stuff_sack message specification starts with a YAML document start --- and is followed by a single dictionary of types:



Primitive Types

The following primitive types are available to be used within array, struct, and message definitions:

  • uint8 - unsigned 1 byte integer
  • uint16 - unsigned 2 byte integer
  • uint32 - unsigned 4 byte integer
  • uint64 - unsigned 8 byte integer
  • int8 - signed 1 byte integer
  • int16 - signed 2 byte integer
  • int32 - signed 4 byte integer
  • int64 - signed 8 byte integer
  • bool - 1 byte boolean
  • float - 4 byte single precision floating point
  • double - 8 byte double precision floating point


Required entries:

  • type (string) - Always Bitfield.
  • fields (array) - Ordered listing of bitfield fields.
    • Array Element (dictionary) - Field data.
      • field name: number of bits - (string): (integer)
  type: Bitfield
    - field_name_1: 5
    - field_name_2: 3

Bitfields must be less than or equal to 64 bits. The smallest type that will accomodate the specified bits will be used (e.g. 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes).


Required entries:

  • type (string) - Always Enum.
  • values (array) - Ordered listing of enum values.
    • Array Element (dictionary) - Value data.
      • enum value name: null - (string): (null | empty)
  type: Enum
    - value_name_1:
    - value_name_2: null

Enum values start at 0 and increment with each specified value. Assigning arbitrary values is currently not supported. Enums are always stored as signed integers. The smallest type that will accomodate the specified values will be used (e.g. 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes).


Required entries:

  • type (string) - Always Struct.
  • fields (array) - Ordered list of struct fields.
    • Array Element (dictionary) - Field data.
      • field name: type description - (string): (string | array)

Type Descriptions

Type descriptions can be either a string or array. When the type description is a string it must be the name of a primitive type or a previously defined custom type. When the type description is an array it must be a two element array where the first element is itself a type description and the second element is an integer length. Multi-dimensional arrays can be described by using an array type description within another array type description: [[int8, 2], 3].

  type: Struct
    - field_name_1: int8

  type: Struct
    - field_name_1: uint16
    - field_name_2: [StructTypeName1, 10]
    - field_name_3: [[uint8, 3], 8]


Messages are just a special case of Structs. They are the smallest unit that can be serialized / packed and de-serialized / unpacked. They share the same required entries as Structs except that their type entry is always Message.

  type: Message
    - field_name_1: uint8
    - field_name_2: [uint8, 2]


Metadata can be added to elements within the message specification:

Top Level Types

  • description (string) - Description of defined type.

Struct and Message Fields

Struct and message field metadata is always prefixed with a leading underscore to differentiate it from the field name.

  • _description (string) - Description of field.
  • _alias (map[string, string]) - Map of library names (e.g. "c" or "cpp") to alias types for the field. See Type Aliasing for more information.

Type Aliasing

Struct and message field types can be aliased to externally defined types on a per library (e.g. C / C++) basis. This is useful when you wish to include a type from an external library in your message definitions. For example, aliasing float[3] with Eigen::Vector3f. The aliasing type must have the same size as the aliased type. This is enforced at compile time.

NOTE: The interpretation of the underlying memory of the aliasing type must remain stable as the stuff_sack versioning system through UIDs does not know anything about the aliasing type. For example, if the field ordering of Eigen::Vector3f changed from x, y, z to z, y, x, library users not utilizing the aliasing type would receive / send incorrect data.

Generating / Building Libraries

stuff_sack utilizes Bazel to build the generated libraries and message definitions for the supported languages. To incorporate stuff_sack into your project add the following to your WORKSPACE file.

load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")

    name = "stuff_sack",
    # See release page for latest version url and sha.

load("@stuff_sack//tools:level_1_repositories.bzl", "stuff_sack_level_1_deps")

load("@stuff_sack//tools:level_2_repositories.bzl", "stuff_sack_level_2_deps")

load("@stuff_sack//tools:level_3_repositories.bzl", "stuff_sack_level_3_deps")

Then within the relevant BUILD file within your project use the all_stuff_sack macro to generate and build the libraries and utilities associated with a message specification YAML file.

load("@stuff_sack//tools:gen_stuff_sack.bzl", "all_stuff_sack")

    name = "test_message_def",
    message_spec = "test_message_spec.yaml",

The macro has arguments:

  • name - required - target name to be used as basename of various outputs.
  • message_spec - required - YAML message definition.
  • c_deps - Dependencies required by the generated C library.
  • c_includes - Headers to include in the generated C library (e.g. for aliases).
  • c_alias_tag - Alias tag to use in the generated C library.
  • cc_deps - Dependencies required by the generated C++ library.
  • cc_includes - Headers to include in the generated C++ library (e.g. for aliases).
  • cc_alias_tag - Alias tag to use in the generated C++ library.
  • **kwargs - all further arguments (e.g. visibility) are passed as **kwargs to the resulting cc_library and py_library outputs.

The macro generates several outputs:

  • cc_library - resulting C library with type definitions and pack / unpack functions.
    • Output target name suffix: "-c" e.g. test_message_def-c.
  • cc_library - resulting C++ library with type definitions and pack / unpack functions.
    • Output target name suffix: "-cc" e.g. test_message_def-cc.
  • py_library - resulting Python library with type definitions and pack / unpack functions.
    • Output target name suffix: "-py" e.g. test_message_def-py.
  • sphinx_html - generated Sphinx documentation for resulting libraries.
    • Output target name suffix: "-docs" e.g. test_message_def-docs.

Finer Grained Control

You can also generate specific (or multiple) libraries for each language through macros:

  • c_stuff_sack
  • cc_stuff_sack
  • py_stuff_sack
  • doc_stuff_sack

See tools/gen_stuff_sack.bzl for their parameter lists.

Viewing Generated Library Documentation

The generated documentation is the best place to review the generated library type definitions and API. The sphinx_html output contains a .view action verb which can be invoked to view generated documentation.

bazel run //path/to:target_name-docs.view

Implementation Details


Messages are the smallest entity that can be packed and unpacked through the generated API. For the most part they are very similar to Structs except that a header (ss_header) is implicitly prepended to the field list:

SsHeader: (implicitly defined)
  type: Struct
    - uid: uint32
    - len: uint16

  type: Message
    - ss_header: SsHeader (implicitly added)
    - field_name_1: field_type_1
    - field_name_2: field_type_2

The header does not need to be manipulated by the user. It is automatically populated by the packing function. The uid field is a unique identifier that denotes not only what message the byte sequence represents, but also the exact naming and structure of it's definition. This ensures that the unpacking function (e.g. on a host machine) only succeeds if it is operating on the exact same version of the message as the function that packed it (e.g. on an embedded device). The uid is generated by hashing the relevant parts of the message definition (and any contained type definitions). The len field is the packed size of the message.


Messages are packed in Big Endian order without any padding. For example:

  type: Message
    - first: int8
    - second: uint32

would be packed into the byte sequence:

 │byte 3│byte 2│byte 1│byte 0│byte 1│byte 0│byte 0│byte 3│byte 2│byte 1│byte 0│