Name | License | Use |
Apache Arrow | Apache | Data exchange layer |
Apache Calcite | Apache | SQL parser |
Apache Thrift | Apache | RPC |
Bcrypt | CC0 | Password hashing |
Boost | Boost | Multiple |
cpr | MIT | License verification |
crypto++ | Boost | Signature verification |
double-conversion | BSD-like | Folly |
EGL, KHR | MIT | Rendering Support |
fmt | MIT | Folly |
Folly | Apache | Multiple |
glbinding | MIT | OpenGL management |
gflags | BSD-like | Folly |
glog | BSD-like | C++ logging |
cpp-jwt | MIT | Elliptical Curve Digital Signature |
libcurl | MIT | AWS metadata download |
libldap | varies, OpenLDAP | LDAP support; provided by OS (dynamic linked) |
libnuma | LGPL | Optane support, dynamic linked |
libpng | libpng | Render encoding / transport |
linenoise | BSD | CLI |
memkind | BSD | Optane support |
muparserx | BSD | Expression string parsing |
ncurses | X11 | CLI/password entry |
PicoSHA2 | MIT | SHA256 Library |
rapidjson | MIT | JSON parsing |
robin_hood | MIT | Unordered Map and Set |
SQLite | Public Domain | Catalog management |
TBB | Apache-2.0 | Threadpool support |
TimeGM | BSD | Date/time support |
Uber H3 | Apache-2.0 | H3 index encoding/decoding |
Xorg | MIT | OpenGL rendering |
zlib | zlib | PNG support |
--- | --- | --- |
glslang | BSD BSD-like MIT | Rendering support |
spirv-tools | Apache-2.0 | Rendering support |
spirv-cross | Apache-2.0 | Rendering support |
Vulkan Memory Allocator | MIT | Rendering support |
GLM | MIT | Rendering support |
GLFW | zlib | Rendering support |
STB | MIT | Rendering support |
--- | --- | --- |
gdal | MIT | GDAL, Geospatial import |
libexpat | MIT | GDAL, KML import |
libkml | BSD | GDAL, KML import |
minizip | zlib | GDAL, zip support |
pcre | BSD | GDAL, KML import |
proj4 | MIT | GDAL, Geospatial reprojection |
shapelib | MIT | GDAL, Shapefile import |
uriparser | BSD | GDAL, KML import |
--- | --- | --- |
generate_cert (Go) | BSD | HTTPS certificate generator |
gorilla/context | BSD | HTTP session handlers |
gorilla/handlers | BSD | HTTP service handlers |
gorilla/securecookie | BSD | HTTP session handlers |
gorilla/sessions | BSD | HTTP session handlers |
pelletier/go-toml | MIT | Config file parser |
Jeffail/gabs | MIT | JSON Parsing |
rs/cors | MIT | CORS handler |
Sirupsen/logrus | MIT | Go logging |
spf13/afero | BSD | CLI flags handler |
spf13/pflag | BSD | CLI flags handler |
spf13/viper | MIT | Config file management |
andrewseidl/viper | MIT | Config file management |
tylerb/graceful | MIT | Graceful server shutdown and restart |
dgrijalva/jwt-go | MIT | Licensing |
--- | --- | --- |
Apache commons-cli | Apache | CLI flags handler |
Apache commons-math3 | Apache | Math functions |
Apache commons-text | Apache | String parsing functions |
slf4j-log4j12 | MIT | Java logging |
Google Gson | Apache | Java JSON parsing |
Xerial sqlite-jdbc | Apache | Catalog connector/reader |
--- | --- | --- |
bitshuffle | MIT | Compression support |
blosc | BSD | Compression support |
fastlz | MIT | Compression support |
lz4 | BSD 2-Clause | Compression support |
snappy | BSD | Compression support |
stdint | BSD | Compression support |
zlib | zlib | Compression support |
zstd | BSD | Compression support |
libarchive | BSD | Compression support |
liblzma | Public Domain | Compression support |
libbz2 | BSD | Compression support |
--- | --- | --- |
librdkafka | BSD | HA, Kafka support |
pycrc | MIT | HA, Kafka support |
queue.h | BSD | HA, Kafka support |
regexp | Public domain | HA, Kafka support |
tinycthread | zlib | HA, Kafka support |
wingetopt | BSD | HA, Kafka support |
--- | --- | --- |
opensaml | Apache | SAML support |
xerces-c | Apache | SAML support |
xml-security-c | Apache | SAML support |
xmltooling | Apache | SAML support |
--- | --- | --- |
beorn7/perks | MIT | Distributed consensus |
coreos/go-semver | Apache-2.0 | Distributed consensus |
coreos/go-systemd | Apache-2.0 | Distributed consensus |
coreos/pkg | Apache-2.0 | Distributed consensus |
dustin/go-humanize | MIT | Distributed consensus |
ghodss/yaml | MIT | Distributed consensus |
gogo/protobuf | BSD-3-Clause | Distributed consensus |
golang/protobuf | BSD-3-Clause | Distributed consensus |
google/btree | Apache-2.0 | Distributed consensus |
google/uuid | BSD-3-Clause | Distributed consensus |
gorilla/websocket | BSD-2-Clause | Distributed consensus |
grpc-ecosystem/go-grpc-middleware | Apache-2.0 | Distributed consensus |
grpc-ecosystem/go-grpc-prometheus | Apache-2.0 | Distributed consensus |
grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway | BSD-3-Clause | Distributed consensus |
Jeffail/gabs | MIT | Distributed consensus |
jonboulle/clockwork | Apache-2.0 | Distributed consensus |
kr/pretty | MIT | Distributed consensus |
kr/text | MIT | Distributed consensus |
magiconair/properties | BSD-2-Clause | Distributed consensus |
matttproud/golang_protobuf_extensions | Apache-2.0 | Distributed consensus |
mitchellh/mapstructure | MIT | Distributed consensus |
pelletier/go-toml | MIT | Distributed consensus |
prometheus/client_golang | Apache-2.0 | Distributed consensus |
prometheus/client_model | Apache-2.0 | Distributed consensus |
prometheus/common | Apache-2.0 | Distributed consensus |
prometheus/procfs | Apache-2.0 | Distributed consensus |
rcrowley/go-metrics | BSD-2-Clause | Distributed consensus |
rs/xhandler | MIT | Distributed consensus |
soheilhy/cmux | Apache-2.0 | Distributed consensus |
spf13/jwalterweatherman | MIT | Distributed consensus |
tmc/grpc-websocket-proxy | MIT | Distributed consensus |
ugorji/go | MIT | Distributed consensus |
xeipuuv/gojsonpointer | Apache-2.0 | Distributed consensus |
xeipuuv/gojsonreference | Apache-2.0 | Distributed consensus |
xeipuuv/gojsonschema | Apache-2.0 | Distributed consensus |
xiang90/probing | MIT | Distributed consensus |
etcd-io/bbolt | MIT | Distributed consensus |
etcd-io/etcd | Apache-2.0 | Distributed consensus |
google/go-genproto | Apache-2.0 | Distributed consensus |
golang/crypto | BSD-3-Clause | Distributed consensus |
golang/net | BSD-3-Clause | Distributed consensus |
golang/sys | BSD-3-Clause | Distributed consensus |
golang/text | BSD-3-Clause | Distributed consensus |
golang/time | BSD-3-Clause | Distributed consensus |
grpc/grpc-go | Apache-2.0 | Distributed consensus |
fsnotify/fsnotify | BSD-3-Clause | Distributed consensus |
go-yaml/yaml | Apache-2.0 | Distributed consensus |
go-yaml/yaml | MIT | Distributed consensus |
uber-go/atomic | MIT | Distributed consensus |
uber-go/multierr | MIT | Distributed consensus |
uber-go/zap | MIT | Distributed consensus |
--- | --- | --- |
geos | LGPLv2.1 | Geo support, dynamic linked |
--- | --- | --- |
Canonical Raft | LGPLv3 | Distributed consensus |
libuv | MIT | Distributed consensus |
--- | --- | --- |