Probably this exists elsewhere I guess but contributing there/making sure that its maintained is not easier than creating our own. Making it comprehensive with full detailes takes time so will do it over time. Just wanted to create asap to log few uknown old datasets initally. Some of the datasets has multiple tracks, like classification and segmentation and detection, so refer to the link from above categories if repeated. Mostly in order of current significance which is directly proportional to challenging nature/size of dataset.
- OpenImages
- 9 million images, 5000 trainable labels
- ImageNet
- 1 million images, 1000 labels
- 32x32
- 60,000/10 Classes :: 60,000/100 Classes
- TinyImages
- Source of CIFAR Dataset's creation
- PASCAL VOC 2007/2012; 20 Classes (5k train, 8k val, 5k test? not sure about test)
- Microsoft COCO; 330k images, >200k labeled, 80 Classes
- ImageNet Object Detection
- OpenImages; 1.6 Million images, 545 trainable classes
- GTSDB, Tsinghua-Tencent-100K -- small object (traffic sign) detection
- PL2K Dataset
- WebLogo-2M Dataset
- FlickrLogo-32: A total of 32 logo classes, 70 images per class.
- TopLogo-10: A total of 10 logo classes, 70 images per class.
- OpenLogo Challenge: A total of 352 logo classes, 27,083 images total.
- PASCAL VOC 2007/2012
- Microsoft COCO segmentation
- ImageNet Object Localization
- CityScapes
- CityPersons
- KITTI Dataset
- CamVid
- CalTech Pedestrians [see link for more related "Persons", "Pedestrians"]
- More to follow
- Visual Genome
- OpenImages
- Visual-relevant Relationships Dataset
- VidVRD
- Youtube-BoundingBoxes
- SKU100K Dataset (CVPR19)
- Grocery Products Dataset (8k products) (ECCV14)
- CAPG-GP Dataset (102 fine grained products)
- CMU Grocery Dataset (CMU10_3D) (Kitchen Environment Images)
- SHORT-100 Grocery Dataset (shopping list)
- The Freiburg Groceries Dataset (25 Food categories)
- Grozi120 Dataset
- Turkey Cigarette Dataset (Rack based)
- GMU Kitchen Dataset
- WebMarket
- iNaturalist Challenge
- Fine-grained classification challenge spanning 5,000 species.
- Download link [250GB]
- Wildlife detection in videos