Here is a listing of current CircuitPython Community Libraries. These libraries are supplied and supported by community members.
- Adafruit Soundboard An easy way to add sound to your maker project. (Docs)
- at42qt-acorn-python Driver library for the AT42QT1070 Acorn.
- Bluepad 32 Enables gamepad support for CircuitPython.
- CircuitPython_AD5245 A driver for the AD5245 digital potentiometer.
- CircuitPython_AD9833 A driver for the AD9833 Programmable Waveform Generator.
- CircuitPython AS3935 Library for the Franklin AS3935 lightning detector. The driver supports connections via SPI and I2C. (Docs)
- CircuitPython_DRV8830 A driver for the DRV8830 DC motor controller.
- CircuitPython GC9A01 Displayio driver for GC9A01 TFT LCD displays.
- CircuitPython gpio_expander I2C GPIO expander support for PCA9534, PCA9535, PCA9555, TCA9534, TCA9535 and TCA9555 chips. (PyPi) (Docs)
- CircuitPython HCSR04 Library for The HC-SR04 for measuring distances using microcontrollers (Docs)
- CircuitPython HX711 CircuitPython driver for the HX711 load cell amplifer and ADC (Docs)
- CircuitPython INA3221 CircuitPython driver for the Texas Instruments' INA3221 3 channels current sensor. (Docs)
- CircuitPython JLed Non-blocking LED effects. (Docs)
- CircuitPython Laser AT Driver for a cheap laser rangefinder (Docs)
- CircuitPython_NAU7802 A driver for the NAU7802 24-bit ADC.
- CircuitPython_paj7620 A driver for the PAJ7620 gesture sensor.
- CircuitPython RDA5807 rda5807m FM radio chip CircuitPython library (Docs)
- CircuitPython RM3100 Driver for the RM3100 magnetometer (PyPI) (Docs)
- CircuitPython SH1106 CircuitPython driver for SH1106 OLED displays.
- CircuitPython Seeed XIAO nRF52840 Provides access to onboard sensors and battery charge management circuitry (Docs)
- CircuitPython TCA9555 CircuitPython library for Texas Instruments TCA9555 Low-Voltage 16-Bit I2C and SMBus I/O Expander with Input / Output and Polarity Inversion. (PyPI) (Docs)
- CircuitPython TMP75 CircuitPython driver library for Texas Instruments' TMP75 I2C temperature sensor (Docs)
- CircuitPython TicStepper Driver for the TIC stepper motor drivers (Docs)
- CircuitPython WiiChuck CircuitPython driver for Nintento WiiMote I2C Accessory Devices(PyPi) (Docs)
- CircuitPython bteve CircuitPython_bteve
- CircuitPython NeoTrellisM4 extended (with Neotrellis seesaw boards) Use Adafruit TrellisM4 Express board as 2 Neotrellis board. (Docs)
- CircuitPython nRF24L01Circuitpython driver library for the nRF24L01 transceiver. (PyPi) (Docs)
- CircuitPython-i2cEncoderLibV21 CircuitPython implementation of the Mitutoyo Digimatic SPC interface. (Docs)
- CircuitPython-mitutoyo (Docs)
- Electronutlabs CircuitPython ILI9163 Displayio driver for ILI9163 TFT-LCD displays. (Docs)
- Electronutlabs CircuitPython LIS2DH12 Circuitpython library for LIS2DH12 3-axis low power accelerometer. (Docs)
- Electronutlabs CircuitPython LTR329ALS01 Circuitpython library for reading data from light sensor LTR329ALS01. (Docs)
- Hierophect Circuitpython Dynamixel Circuitpython driver library for the Dynamixel series of servo motors from Robotis (Docs)
- Mindwidgets CircuitPython DF1201S CircuitPython driver for DFRobot DFPlayer Pro MP3 player with onboard storage (Docs)
- Pimoroni CircuitPython LTR559 Library for the LTR559 Proximity/Presence/Light Sensor (Docs)
- Pimoroni CircuitPython MICS6814 Driver for the MICS6814 Gas sensor (Docs)
- Solder Party BBQ10KeyboardCircuitPython library for interfacing the BB Q10 and BB Q20 Keyboards over I2C (Docs)
- Sparkfun CircuitPython QwiicAS3935CircuitPython library for Sparkfun Qwiic Joystick. (PyPi) (Docs)
- Sparkfun CircuitPython QwiicJoystick (PyPi) (Docs)
- Sparkfun CircuitPython QwiicKeypad CircuitPython library for Sparkfun Qwiic 12 Button Keypad. (PyPi) (Docs)
- Sparkfun CircuitPython QwiicRelay CircuitPython library for Sparkfun Qwiic Single Relay (PyPi) (Docs)
- CircuitPython_Sparkfun_QwiicQuadSolidStateRelay (PyPi) (Docs)
- Sparkfun CircuitPython QwiicTwist CircuitPython library for Sparkfun Qwiic Twist RGB Rotary Encoder.(Docs)
- Sparkfun CircuitPython SerLCD CircuitPython library for the Sparkfun SerLCD displays. (PyPi) (Docs)
- slight CircuitPython TLC5957 CircuitPython library for TI TLC5957 48-channel 16bit LED-Driver (Docs)
- Waveshare's I2C Character Display LCD1602 Drive for Waveshare's I2C character display LCD1602 (PyPi) (Docs)
- Woolsey Workshop CircuitPython 74HC165 CircuitPython driver for 74HC165 shift register. (PyPI) (Docs)
- Ansi Escape Codes (Docs)
- CIRCUITPYTHON ifttt (Docs)
- CircuitPython_AirQualityTools Calculate PM2.5 and CO2 air quality levels. (Docs)
- CircuitPython ArrowLine (PyPi) (Docs)
- CircuitPython_async
- CircuitPython AzureCustomVision Prediction (PyPi) (Docs)
- CircuitPython Base64 (PyPi) (Docs)
- CircuitPython Candlesticks (PyPi) (Docs)
- CircuitPython ColorPicker (PyPi )(Docs)
- CircuitPython_ColorFader Brightness and gamma adjustment of an integer RGB color value. (Docs)
- CircuitPython CSV (Docs)
- CircuitPython DiscordBot
- CircuitPython Display Frame (PyPi) (Docs)
- CircuitPython DST_Adjuster Adjust struct time to North American Daylight Saving Time (DST). (Docs)
- CircuitPython Equalizer (PyPi (Docs)
- CircuitPython Example (Docs)
- CircuitPython Functools (Docs)
- CircuitPython HMAC (PyPi) (Docs)
- CircuitPython I2C Button (Docs)
- CircuitPython LeapYear Confirms whether a specified year is a leap year. (Docs)
- CircuitPython Mag Cal Calibrate magnetic sensors (Docs)
- CircuitPython_MIDI_Tools A collection of methods for processing MIDI notes and Control Change codes. (Docs)
- CircuitPython MorseCode (PyPi) (Docs)
- CircuitPython_OhmsLaw Calculate an Ohm’s Law result from two input parameters. (Docs)
- CircuitPython PaletteFader Color palette and list brightness setter and normalizer tool. (Docs)
- CircuitPython PaletteFilter Replace color index values in a displayio.Palette object. (Docs)
- CircuitPython PaletteSlice Wrap a displayio.Palette object to permit list-like slicing. (Docs)
- CircuitPython Parse (PyPi) (Docs)
- CircuitPython_PunkConsole Emulate the Atari Punk Console. (Docs)
- CircuitPython_RangeSlicer Scale a range of input values into quantized range using hysteresis for noise reduction. (Docs)
- CircuitPython_RGB_SpectrumTools Methods and classes for converting a normalized spectral index to RGB color values. (Docs)
- CircuitPython_Schedule (PyPi) (Docs)
- CircuitPython_ShadowWatcher Detects a shadow cast over an analog light sensor. (Docs)
- CircuitPython Styles (PyPi) (Docs)
- CircuitPython_TemperatureTools A collection of Dew Point, Heat Index, and temperature unit helpers. (Docs)
- CircuitPython_TouchCalibrator A resistive touchscreen calibrator for Adafruit built-in and TFT FeatherWing displays.
- CircuitPython TZDB (PyPi) (Docs)
- Gamblor21 CircuitPython AHRS (Docs)
- Jepler CircuitPython udecimal (PyPi) (Docs)
- PiperBlocklyLibrary
- circuitPython dotstar featherwing (Docs)
- nonblocking timer (Docs)
- nonblocking Serial Input (Docs)
- NVM Helper (Docs)
- UUIDv4