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File metadata and controls

334 lines (262 loc) · 14 KB

Unix Computing Model


  • It is the core that provides basic services for all other parts of the OS;
  • Has privileged access to the hardware;
  • Software piece that executes over the hardware e controls the machine;

Shell Pipeline and Redirection

  • The most famous shell is BASH - The Bourne Again SHell;
  • The /etc/passwd file keeps track of every registered user that has access to the system;
    • Contains one entry per line for each user;
    • All fields are separated by a colon : character;
    • E.g. root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash;
    • username, password, user ID, group ID, user description, home directory, shell.
  • The /dev/null file is a special file that discards all data written to it;


  • The pipeline is a way to connect the output of one command to the input of another command;
  • Commands are separated by the pipe character |;
  • The pipes are synchronous objects and have a buffer to receive data;
  • The pipes synchronize the producer/consumer rate;
  • Example:
$ cat abc.txt | grep hello | wc -l

In this example, the output of cat abc.txt is piped to the input of grep "hello", and the output of grep "hello" is piped to the input of wc -l.

  • The collection of integer array indices that are file descriptors in which elements are pointers to file table entries;
  • In each process, there is a file descriptor table;
  • Each entry in the file descriptor table is a pointer to a file table entry:

File Descriptor Table

  • The first three entries in the file descriptor table are the following:
    • 0 - stdin;
    • 1 - stdout;
    • 2 - stderr;
  • To write to a file, its used the function write(fd, buffer, size):
int res = write(1, "prog running\n", 14); // write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count);

In this example, the write function writes the string "prog running\n" to the file descriptor 1, which is the standard output.

  • The errno variable is used to store the error code of the last system call;
  • The perror function prints the error message associated with the error code stored in the errno variable;


  • The redirection is a way to connect the output of one command to a file;
  • It is done using the > character;
  • It is possible to connect the input of a command to a file using the < character;
  • Examples:
$ cat abc.txt > def.txt  # Redirects the output of cat abc.txt to def.txt
$ cat < abc.txt          # Redirects the input of cat to abc.txt
# Executes the program and redirects the stdout to the file out.txt
$ ./a.out > out.txt # Its the same as ./a.out 1> out.txt
$ ./a.out 2> error.txt # Redirects the stderr to the file out.txt
$ ./a.out 3>&1 # Redirects the file descriptor 3 to the file descriptor 1
$ ./a.out 1> result.txt 2>&1 # Redirects the stdout and stderr to the file result.txt


  • The int dup(int oldfd) function duplicates a file descriptor entry to the first available file descriptor entry;
  • The int dup2(int oldfd, int newfd)function duplicates a file descriptor entry to a specific file descriptor (closing the previous one);
int fd = dup(1); // Duplicates the file descriptor 1 to the next available file descriptor
int fd = dup2(1, 11); // Duplicates the file descriptor 1 to the file descriptor 11


Fork and Wait

  • The fork function creates a new process;
    • Its called once, but returns twice, once in the parent process and once in the child process;
      • The return type of the fork function is pid_t;
      • The return value of the child process is 0;
      • The return value of the parent process is the PID of the child process;
    • The execution point is the same in both processes;

Parent and Child Process

  • Each process has a parent process, except for the first process, which is the root process;
  • Each process has a unique process ID (PID);
    • To get the PID of the current process, use the getpid function;
    • To get the PID of the parent process, use the getppid function;
  • The return value of the child process is passed to the parent process, and the parent process can get it only once;
  • If the parent process does not wait for the child process, the child process becomes a zombie process - a process that has finished execution but still has an entry in the process table;
  • The wait and waitpid functions are used to wait for the child process to finish execution;
    • The wait function waits for any child process to finish execution;
    • The waitpid function waits for a specific child process to finish execution;


  • The exec family of functions replaces the current process with a new process;
  • Changes the process image;
  • The address space and the virtual CPU are replaced;
  • The file descriptor table is not replaced;
Fork Exec
Creates a new process Replaces the current process
There are two processes There is only one process
The address space and the virtual CPU are duplicated The address space and the virtual CPU are replaced
  • Functions:
    • int execl(const char *path, const char *arg, ...);
    • int execlp(const char *file, const char *arg, ...);
    • int execle(const char *path, const char *arg, ..., char * const envp[]);
    • int execv(const char *path, char *const argv[]);
    • int execvp(const char *file, char *const argv[]);
    • int execvpe(const char *file, char *const argv[], char *const envp[]).
Function Pathname Filename Argument List Argument Array Original ENV Provided ENV
execl Yes No Yes No No No
execlp No Yes Yes No No No
execle Yes No Yes No No Yes
execv Yes No No Yes No No
execvp No Yes No Yes No No
execvpe No Yes No Yes No Yes

Note: Normally, use the execlp or execvp functions.

File Permissions

  • The file permissions are divided into three categories:
    • User (owner) - The user that owns the file;
    • Group - The group that owns the file;
    • Others - All other users;
  • The permissions are represented by three characters:
    • Read - r;
    • Write - w;
    • Execute - x;
  • The file permissions are represented by the following format: rwxrwxrwx (9 bits);
  • Before the file permissions, there is a character that represents the file type:
    • - - Regular file;
    • d - Directory;
    • etc.
  • If the file type is a directory, the x permission is used to check if the user can access the directory.

Open and Close

  • The open function opens a file and returns a file descriptor;
    • Adds a new entry to the file descriptor table;
    • int open(const char *pathname, int flags, mode_t mode);
      • pathname - The path to the file;
      • flags - The flags to open the file;
        • O_RDONLY - Open the file for reading;
        • O_WRONLY - Open the file for writing;
        • O_RDWR - Open the file for reading and writing;
        • O_CREAT - Create the file if it does not exist;
        • O_TRUNC - Truncate the file to zero length;
        • O_APPEND - Append to the file;
      • mode - The file permissions;
  • The close function closes a file descriptor;
    • Closes the file descriptor and removes the entry from the file descriptor table;
  • Example:
int fd1 = open("abc.txt", O_RDONLY | O_CREAT, 0644); // Opens the file abc.txt for reading and creates it if it does not exist
int res1 = close(fd1); // Closes the file descriptor

int fd2 = open("abc.txt", O_RDONLY | O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0644); // Opens the file abc.txt for reading and writing and creates it if it does not exist
int res2 = close(fd2); // Closes the file descriptor

Read and Write

  • The read function reads from a file;
    • ssize_t read(int fd, void *buf, size_t count);
      • fd - The file descriptor;
      • buf - The buffer to store the data;
      • count - The number of bytes to read;
    • Increments the file offset by the number of bytes read;
  • The write function writes to a file;
    • ssize_t write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count);
      • fd - The file descriptor;
      • buf - The buffer to write;
      • count - The number of bytes to write;



  • To create a pipe, use the pipe function;
  • The pipe function receives an array of two integers, which are the file descriptors of the pipe: int pipe(int pipefd[2]);
    • The first file descriptor is the read end of the pipe;
    • The second file descriptor is the write end of the pipe;
  • When a process ends, the file descriptors are closed;
  • To correctly use a pipe, the following steps must be followed:
    • Create a pipe;
    • Create a child process;
    • Close the file descriptors that will not be used;
    • Redirect the file descriptors that will be used;
    • Execute the program;


  • A signal is an asynchronous event that interrupts the execution of a process;

  • To see more information about the signals, use the man 7 signal command;

  • The pause function suspends the execution of the process until a signal is received;

  • There are 31 available signals;

  • Some of the signals are:

    • SIGINT - interrupt (CTRL + C);
    • SIGKILL - termination request;
    • SIGTERM - controlled termination request;
    • SIGSTOP - stop request (CTRL + Z);
    • SIGCHLD - child process terminated, stopped, or continued;
    • SIGILL - illegal instruction;
    • SIGSEGV - segmentation violation;
    • SIGFPE - floating point exception;
    • SIGALRM - timer signal from alarm; the alarm function sets a timer that sends a SIGALRM signal after a specified number of seconds;
    • SIGUSR1 - user-defined signal 1;
    • SIGUSR2 - user-defined signal 2.
  • The exit status of a process is an integer value that is the sum of the exit code and the signal number;

    • The exit code is the least significant 8 bits;
    • The signal number is the most significant 8 bits;
  • To get the exit code of the last process executed, use echo $?;

  • To kill a process, use the kill command;

    • kill -l - List all signals;
    • kill -s <signal> <pid> - Send a signal to a process;

Signal Disposition

  • The signal disposition is a pre-processing action that is performed before the signal handler is called;
  • The signal disposition can be:
    • Default - The default action for the signal - SIG_DFL;
    • Ignore - The signal is ignored - SIG_IGN;
    • Handler - The signal is handled by a function - signal_handler.
  • To change the signal disposition, use the signal and sigaction functions;
    • void (*signal(int signum, void (*handler)(int)))(int);
      • signum - The signal number;
      • handler - The signal handler;
    • int sigaction(int signum, const struct sigaction *act, struct sigaction *oldact);
      • signum - The signal number;
      • act - The new signal disposition;
      • oldact - The old signal disposition;
    • The SIGKILL and SIGSTOP signals cannot be ignored or handled;

File System

File System is a collection of data structures and algorithms that manages the storage and retrieval of files from the disk.

  • Unique file system, without drivers, only a directory tree;
  • Partially normalized - FHS;
  • Directories, files and other objects;
  • Files doesn't have a name -> a name has a file;

File systems:

  • Windows: FAT, NTFS, ReFS;
  • Linux: ext2, ext3, ext4;

Journaling - a mechanism that records all file system changes to a special file, called a journal, before they are applied to the file system. If the system crashes, the journal can be used to restore the file system to a consistent state.

Mount point - a directory in the file system that is used to attach another file system to the directory tree. e.g. /mnt or /media.

File Types

File Type Denoted by
Regular File -
Directory d
Symbolic Link l
Block Device b
Character Device c
Socket s
Named Pipe p

  • /bin - user binaries; programs that are used by all users;
  • /sbin - system binaries; programs that are used by the superuser;
  • /boot - boot files; contains the kernel and the boot loader;
  • /dev - device files;
  • /etc - configuration files;
  • /home - home directories; private directories for each user;
  • /lib - libraries; libraries used by the system;
  • /mnt - mount point; used to mount other file systems;
  • /proc - kernel files;
  • /root - root home directory.