Read details about Publishing Maven releases to Maven Central Repository
In short, just follow the 'standard' process:
prepare pom for release
publish snapshot
prepare release
stage the release for a vote (don’t forget to close the staging repository)
Don’t forget to add your key to
$ ssh $ cd /www/
First, discuss your intention to perform a release on server-dev mailing list, to ensure a consensus would be reached before starting this time-consuming process.
Then you can prepare the release materials:
Ensure the
files are up to date. -
Freeze your version in it and initiate a new iteration.
Write a blog post within
about your release. -
Update the documentation website
to point to your new release. -
Update the
Open a pull request to validate the changes.
Once merged, it is time for the maven release.
Set up your maven configuration in ~/.m2/settings.xml
<!-- To stage a release of some part of Maven -->
Ensure that released branch HEAD have a clean green build on the CI.
Run these commands to perform a release, from the master branch:
mvn clean install -DskipTests -Djib.skip -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -T 4
mvn deploy -DskipTests -Dskip.jib -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -T 8
mvn release:clean
mvn release:prepare -Darguments="-Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -DskipTests -Dskip.jib" -DautoVersionSubmodules=true
mvn release:perform -Darguments="-Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -DskipTests -Dskip.jib" -DautoVersionSubmodules=true
Failure to react when being prompted for git or GPG credentials might abort the release. GPG agent with a reasonable session time can be used to unlock the key before hand and reduce this risk.
Then visit Apache maven repository, go in staging repository, close the corresponding artifact before performing the vote.
Send the following voting template on the server-dev mailing list to call the vote:
Subject: Call for vote: Apache James x.x.x
I would like to propose a new vote for x.x.x release of the Apache James server.
You can find:
- The maven release staged in as the
artifact #xxx:
- The changelog for
- The compatibility instructions/upgrade
[You can comment on major changes ]
Voting rules:
- This is a majority approval: this release may not be vetoed.
- A quorum of 3 binding votes is required
- The vote starts at XXXXXX xxxth of xxxxx xxxx, xxxx UTC+x
- The vote ends at XXXXXX xxxth of xxxxx xxxx, xxxx UTC+x
You can answer to it just with +1 and -1. Down-votes may be motivated.
3 binding votes are expected move forward on this release.
PMC member name
After the voting period, do the voting aftermaths. Reply in the voting thread:
Hi all,
I am happy to announce you the vote for the x.x.x release did succeed.
The release received X positive votes, X of them being binding.
Thanks to all contributors, developers and committers who made this
In the coming hours, I will finalize the release process, namely:
- Publish the maven artifacts
- Upgrade the download page and the (old) website
- Announce the release
PMC member name
Clone this SVN repository:
Create a folder for your release:
mkdir server/3.x.x
cd server/3.x.x
svn add .
Move the release zipped data in this folder:
The convenience ZIPs needs to be downloaded from there staged repository. This includes server/app.
sources can be obtained from GitHub tag
I use the following script to set up the uploads:
% cat /usr/local/bin/auto_sig
# This quick bash scipt intend to help commiters
# preparing artifacts for SVN upload.
# Performs:
# - Hashing (sha1 + sha512)
# - Signing (main)
# - Position SVN properties
# $1: file to prepare
# $2: Key footprint to use for signing
sha512sum $1 > $1.sha512
gpg -u $2 --output $1.asc --detach-sig --armor $1
svn add $1
svn propset svn:mime-type application/octet-stream $1
svn add $1.sha512
svn add $1.asc
svn propset svn:mime-type application/octet-stream $1.asc
Once done it is time to commit! svn commit -m "Upload convenience artifacts for James release 3.x.x"
The convenience binaries will then be available. Check that the links of the download page works.
Cleanup: Only supported release lines should be maintained. Archive the previous release by deleting them from repos/dist/release
- the INFRA will automatically move them to archive:
svn rm 3.5.0
svn commit -m "Archive James release 3.5.0"
Docker images are not considered as an official Apache release materials yet the Apache JAMES PMC members decided to offer their community with a set of maintained docker images, for convenience. |
Docker images includes:
apache/james:memory-3.x.x built from
apache/james:jpa-3.x.x built from
apache/james:demo-3.x.x built from
apache/james:cassandra-3.x.x build from
apache/james:distributed-3.x.x built from
As a committer contact the INFRA and hand them your docker-hub account to get the permission.