Duration : 15 mins
Persona : API Product Team & API Dev Team
API tiering is a new look at API as a Product. With tiering you provide the base level (e.g. bronze) as a free option. This offer is an entry point to leverage your data offering with a potential upsell to premium API Products. The goal is to upsell to additional functional levels. This term is also known as "freemium". The basic approach is as follows – offer basic functions or call quotas as an entry level and if more data access or more functionality is required, offer these options for a fee. This gives developers the chance to have a working prototype and explore your API in a real life scenario before making an informed purchase decision.
Apigee offers the concept of API Products abstracted from the functional logic of API proxies. The proxies can access and enforce the limits defined in API Products. This way the API product team can focus on the business model (e.g. establishing usage quotas and entitled API operations on a per API Product basis) while the API development team works with these values to implement the parametrized behaviour.
Pre-reqs are met if you have completed Lab 1 and Lab 2.
The minimum for this lab is to have a deployed API proxy with a "Verify API Key" policy and a Developer for whom we can register an App that subscribes to our API product.
In this lab we will create different API products that bundle the same API Proxy but with different quotas attached to it.
Go to https://apigee.com/edge and log in. This is the Edge management UI
Select Publish → API Products
Click +API Product
Populate the following fields
Section: Product details
Name: {yourInitials}_Hipster-Products-API-Product-Bronze
Display name: {yourInitials}_Hipster Products API Product Bronze
Description: Free version of the Hipster Product API
Environment: test
Access: Public
Quota: 5 requests every 1 Minute
Section: API resources
- Click the Add a proxy link
- Select {yourInitials}_Hipster-Products-API Proxy and click Add
API products have a set of fields called "Quota" that allow you to configure how many requests per number of time periods (e.g. 5 requests per 1 [minute/hour/day/month]) you want to allow. Just configuring this does NOT enforce quotas though! Think of these fields as metadata that the Quota Policy (enforcement point) can dynamically reference when enforcing the policy.
- Click Save to create the API Product
We now create 2 similar products that represent our Silver and Gold Products with different Quota settings. To create another API Product just follow these steps:
Click Publish → API Products
Click +API Product
For the Silver Product populate the following fields
Section: Product details
Name: {yourInitials}_Hipster-Products-API-Product-Silver
Display name: {yourInitials}_Hipster Products API Product Silver
Description: Basic version of the Hipster Product API
Environment: test
Access: Public
Quota: 20 requests every 1 Minute
Section: API resources
Click the Add a proxy link
Select {yourInitials}_Hipster-Products-API Proxy and click Add
For the Gold Product populate the following fields
Section: Product details
Name: {yourInitials}_Hipster-Products-API-Product-Gold
Display name: {yourInitials}_Hipster Products API Product Gold
Description: Deluxe version of the Hipster Product API
Environment: test
Access: Public
Quota: 1000 requests every 1 Minute
Section: API resources
Click the Add a proxy link
Select {yourInitials}_Hipster-Products-API Proxy and click Add
Now we should end up with 3 API Products resembling our Product tier strategy.
Select Publish → Apps
Click +API Product
Populate the following fields
Section: App Details
Name: {yourInitials}_Hipster Android App Free
Display name: {yourInitials}_Hipster Android App Free
Developer: Chose any existing Developer
Section: Credentials
- Click Add product
- Select Hipster Product API Product Bronze and click Add
Click Create to create the App
Note down the Key for later by clicking on "Show" in the App properties.
Repeat the process for the Apps that use the Silver and Gold tier as well, with using these values:
App using the Silver API Product
Section: App Details
Name: {yourInitials}_Hipster Android App Basic
Display name: {yourInitials}_Hipster Android App Basic
Developer: Chose any existing Developer
Section: Credentials
Click Add product
Select Hipster Product API Product Silver and click Add
App using the Gold API Product
Section: App Details
Name: {yourInitials}_Hipster Android App Deluxe
Display name: {yourInitials}_Hipster Android App Deluxe
Developer: Chose any existing Developer
Section: Credentials
Click Add product
Select Hipster Product API Product Gold and click Add
You should end up with three Apps with three different API keys, that you have noted down. Each App's API key will have an associated secret that will be used if you are implementing OAuth.
As stated, quotas are only enforced by adding a Quota Policy into your API Proxy. With the configuration of the Quota fields in the API Product, when an API call is made that presents a valid API key, Apigee will automatically fetch the associated API Product's metadata (including the Quota fields), which become available to be dynamically referenced by a quota (or any other) policy.
Click on Develop → API Proxies from side navigation menu. Open the existing API Proxy from the prerequisites.
Verify that the policy for Verify API Key exists with the proper name. Click on the Policy Name and look at the XML configuration below.
- Click PreFlow and + Step to add a new policy
Click Quota Policy and Populate the following fields
- Display Name: QU-ProductQuota
Click Add to add the policy to your flow.
- With the VerifyAPIKey policy that we have configured in our prerequisites Verify-API-Key, the following variables are populated after verification of an API key that has an API product with the quota fields set as 3 requests per 1 second:
- verifyapikey.Verify-API-Key.apiproduct.developer.quota.limit = 3
- verifyapikey.Verify-API-Key.apiproduct.developer.quota.interval = 1
- verifyapikey.Verify-API-Key.apiproduct.developer.quota.timeunit = second
Important note about variable naming : the variables that Apigee creates to hold the metadata include, as part of the variable name, the policy that was used to verify the API Key which in this example is "Verify-API-Key". If you named your policy "check_the_api_key", you would find the "limit" in the runtime context variable: verifyapikey.check_the_api_key.apiproduct.developer.quota.limit
The next step then is to set the QU-ProductQuota Quota policy to reference these variables and use this code in the Policy Configuration
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Quota async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="QU-ProductQuota" type="calendar">
<Allow count="3" countRef="verifyapikey.Verify-API-Key.apiproduct.developer.quota.limit"/>
<Interval ref="verifyapikey.Verify-API-Key.apiproduct.developer.quota.interval">1</Interval>
<TimeUnit ref="verifyapikey.Verify-API-Key.apiproduct.developer.quota.timeunit">minute</TimeUnit>
<Identifier ref='verifyapikey.Verify-API-Key.client_id'/>
<StartTime>2019-01-01 12:00:00</StartTime>
Note: If the field is not set in the API product, this would allow a default of 3 calls per minute
- Click on Save after you have changed the policy in the previous step
Go to the API proxy and enter the trace tab so we can run some tests:
Click Trace
Click Start Trace Session
Add the Bronze apikey value as a query parameter to the URL (e.g.: http://{yourapigeeorg}-test.apigee.net/v1/{yourInitials}_hipster-products-api/products?apikey=GYuZekimsQ2TLdWWMHkqB1poAquHaGsv
Run a test by clicking the Send button multiple times
- After 6 calls we see that our free quota of 5 calls is exceeded and the quota policy shows a red exclamation mark sign
Now we switch API products and add the Silver apikey value from our App as a query parameter to the URL (e.g.: http://{yourapigeeorg}-test.apigee.net/v1/{yourInitials}_hipster-products-api/products?apikey=GYuZekimsQ2TLdWWMHkqB1poAquHaGsv
Change your apikey parameter to match your Silver App credentials
Run a test by clicking the Send button around 15 times before clicking Start Trace Session
Start the trace session and click the Send button a couple of times again before reaching your limit.
Let's check out the trace result:
Click on one of the successful trace results on the left (indicated by a green Status with 200)
Click the quota policy icon in the Transaction Map
Here we see at the end of our calls that we only have one count available (ratelimit.QU-ProductQuota.available.count) out of the original 20 (ratelimit.QU-ProductQuota.allowed.count).
Also have a look at the other variables available as part of the proxy flow.
At this point, we will skip the Deluxe/Gold version of our product, but you get the idea, that your developers won't easily reach the limit with this one.
What would happen if you leave out the Identifier Tag in the Quota Policy?
What would happen if the Quota Policy were placed before the Verify API Key policy?
In the configuration we provided, the ‘Distributed’ and ‘Synchronous’ attributes were both set to ‘true’. What is the implication if we set these to ‘false’?
How would you configure the quota so that POST calls are counted as 2 calls for the purposes of evaluating the quota?
In this lab you have created 3 products aligned with your API product strategy to offer a tiered model and have different quotas attached to each product. We have not defined the limits in our API proxies but made the same proxy available in different API products that define the quota amount.
Now go to Lab-4