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Insert cool unicode characters while in insert mode just by typing LaTeX and Agda Mode inspired abbreviations.


Slower version (asciicast)

Table of contents

  1. Installation
  2. Usage
  3. List of abbreviations


vim-unicoder may be installed by any of your favourite plugin managers. Be it Pathogen, Vundle or Plug, use whichever you prefer.

For example, when using with Plug:

Plug 'arthurxavierx/vim-unicoder'


vim-unicoder makes it easy to insert unicode characters in Vim buffers. By using Vim's native abbreviations, it's possible, for instance, to just type \int x\^n (and press space, any other separator or <C-]> after the n) and the text becomes ∫ xⁿ as you write it.


Because this plugin uses Vim's native abbreviations, it has some limitations, though. Please, be aware of them before submitting issues to this project.

The abbreviations here defined do tightly depend on the value of the iskeyword setting, which varies according to the file type. Some abbreviations here defined will not work with file types that define conflicting keywords.

Also, regarding the insertion and replacement of the abbreviations, some abbreviations will not work if there are special characters right before them. This section of Vim's help file on :h abbreviations explains this limitation:

The characters before the cursor must match the abbreviation.  Each type has
an additional rule:

full-id	  In front of the match is a non-keyword character, or this is where
the line or insertion starts.  Exception: When the abbreviation is
only one character, it is not recognized if there is a non-keyword
character in front of it, other than a space or a tab.

end-id	  In front of the match is a keyword character, or a space or a tab,
or this is where the line or insertion starts.

non-id	  In front of the match is a space, tab or the start of the line or
the insertion.

Global options

Name Default Description
g:unicoder_command_abbreviations 1 Have these abbreviations work in the command and search lines.
g:unicoder_exclude_filetypes ['tex', 'latex', 'plaintex'] File types in which these abbreviations will not work.

List of abbreviations

Greek letters

Uppercase greek

Abbreviations Character
\GA \Alpha Α
\GB \Beta Β
\GG \Gamma Γ
\GD \Delta Δ
\GE \Epsilon Ε
\GZ \Zeta Ζ
\GH \Eta Η
\GTH \Theta Θ
\GI \Iota Ι
\GK \Kappa Κ
\GL \Lambda Λ
\GM \Mu Μ
\GN \Nu Ν
\GX \Xi Ξ
\GO \Omicron Ο
\GP \Pi Π
\GR \Rho Ρ
\GS \Sigma Σ
\GT \Tau Τ
\GU \Upsilon Υ
\GF \Phi Φ
\GC \Chi Χ
\GPS \Psi Ψ
\GW \Omega Ω

Lowercase greek

Abbreviations Character
\ga \alpha α
\gb \beta β
\gg \gamma γ
\gd \delta δ
\ge \epsilon ε
\gz \zeta ζ
\gh \eta η
\gth \theta θ
\gi \iota ι
\gk \kappa κ
\gl \lambda λ
\gm \mu μ
\gn \nu ν
\gx \xi ξ
\go \omicron ο
\gp \pi π
\gr \rho ρ
\gs \sigma σ
\gt \tau τ
\gu \upsilon υ
\gf \phi φ
\gc \chi χ
\gps \psi ψ
\gw \omega ω


Abbreviations Character


Abbreviations Character

Math symbols

Abbreviations Character
\pm ±
times ×
\div ÷
\o \comp \circ
\. \cdot
\all \forall
\ex \exists
\nex \nexists


Abbreviations Character

Set theory

Abbreviations Character
\empty \emptyset
\cap \inters
\cup \union


Abbreviations Character


Abbreviations Character
\land \and
\lor \or
\lnot \not \neg ¬
\multimap \-o
\multimapinv \invmultimap
\parr \invamp


Abbreviations Character
\grad \nabla
\partial 𝜕
\inc \increment


Abbreviations Character
\sim \~
\nsim \~n
\simeq \=~
\nsimeq \=~n
\cong \iso \==~
\ncong \niso \==~n
\approx \~2
\napprox \~2n
\neq \=n \!= \/=
\equiv \===
\nequiv \===n


Abbreviations Character
\leq \<=
\nleq \<=n
\geq \>=
\ngeq \>=n
\ll \<< «
\gg \>> »

Entailment (turnstiles)

Abbreviations Character
\ent \entails \vdash \|-
\nent \nentails \nvdash \|-n
\dashv \-|
\models \vDashh \|=
\nvDash \|=n
\Vdash \||-
\nVdash \||-n
\VDash \||=
\nVDash \||=n
\Vvdash \|||-

Circled operators

Abbreviations Character
\oplus \o+
\ominus \o-
\otimes \ox
\oslash \o/
\odot \o.
\ocirc \oo
\oast \o*
\oequal \o=

Boxed operators

Abbreviations Character
\boxplus \bplus \b+
\boxminus \bminus \b-
\boxtimes \btimes \bx
\boxdot \bdot \b.


Abbreviations Character
\ldots \...


Simple arrows

Abbreviations Character
\to \arrow \rarrow \rightarrow \->
\larrow \leftarrow \<-
\uarrow \uparrow \-^ \-!
\darrow \downarrow \-v
\lrarrow \leftrightarrow
\udarrow \updownarrow \^-v \!-v

Double arrows

Abbreviations Character
\To \Arrow \Rarrow \Rightarrow \=>
\Larrow \Leftarrow \=<
\Uarrow \Uparrow \=^ \=!
\Darrow \Downarrow \=v
\Lrarrow \Leftrightarrow
\Udarrow \Updownarrow \^=v \!=v


Abbreviations Character
\Bool \Bools \Boolean \Booleans \bb 𝔹
\Ints \Integers \bz
\Rats \Rationals \bq
\Reals \br
\Comps \Complex \Complexes \bc
\Quats \Quaternions \bh
\Primes \bp


Abbreviations Character
\frac14 ¼
\frac12 ½
\frac34 ¾


Abbreviations Character


Abbreviations Character
\^h ʰ
\^j ʲ
\^l ˡ
\^r ʳ
\^s ˢ
\^w ʷ
\^x ˣ
\^y ʸ
\^R ᴿ
\^1 ¹
\^2 ²
\^3 ³


Circled numbers

Abbreviations Character

Uppercase circled

Abbreviations Character

Lowercase circled

Abbreviations Character