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ramda-cli npm version

A command-line tool for processing data with functional pipelines.

nsa> cat people.json | R \
  'filter (p) -> is /Port/ or is /^Dr\./' \
  'project <[ name city creditcard ]>' \
  -o table --compact
│ name             │ city            │ mac               │
│ Dr. Araceli Lang │ Yvettemouth     │ 9e:ea:28:41:2a:50 │
│ Terrell Boyle    │ Port Reaganfort │ c5:32:09:5a:f7:15 │
│ Libby Renner     │ Port Reneeside  │ 9c:63:13:31:c4:ac │

Brings together Ramda's curried, data-last API and LiveScript's terse and powerful syntax.

With a variety of supported input/output types and the ability pull any module from npm, ramda-cli is a potent tool for many kinds of data manipulation in command-line environment.


npm install -g ramda-cli


cat data.json | R [function] ...

The idea is to compose functions into a pipeline of operations that when applied to given data, produces the desired output.

By default, the function is applied to a stream of JSON data read from stdin, and the output data is sent to standard out as stringified JSON.

Technically, function should be a snippet of LiveScript that evaluates into a function. However, JavaScript function call syntax is valid LS, so if more suitable, JavaScript can be used when writing functions.

If multiple function arguments are supplied, they are composed into a pipeline in order from left to right, as with R.pipe.

All Ramda's functions are available directly in the scope. See for a full list.


Usage: R [options] [function] ...

  -f, --file         read a function from a js/ls file instead of args; useful for
                     larger scripts
  -c, --compact      compact output for JSON and tables
  -s, --slurp        read JSON objects from stdin as one big list
  -S, --unslurp      unwraps a list before output so that each item is formatted and
                     printed separately
  -i, --input-type   read input from stdin as (one of: raw, csv, tsv)
  -o, --output-type  format output sent to stdout (one of: pretty, raw, csv, tsv, table)
  -p, --pretty       pretty-printed output with colors, alias to -o pretty
  -r, --raw-input    alias for --input-type raw
  -R, --raw-output   alias for --output-type raw
  -C, --configure    edit config in $EDITOR
  -n, --no-stdin     don't read input from stdin
  -v, --verbose      print debugging information (use -vv for even more)
      --version      print version
  -h, --help         displays help

output types

Aside from JSON, few other types of output are supported:

-o pretty

Print pretty output.

-o raw

With raw output type when a string value is produced, the result will be written to stdout as is without any formatting.

-o csv and -o tsv

CSV or TSV output type can be used when pipeline evaluates to an array of objects, an array of arrays or when stdin consists of a stream of bare objects. First object's keys will determine the headers.

-o table

Print ~any shape of data as a table. If used with a list of objects, uses the first object's keys as headers. See an example below.


# Sum a list of numbers in JSON
echo [1,2,3] | R 'sum'

# Multiply each value by 2
echo [1,2,3] | R 'map multiply 2'

# Parentheses can be used like in JavaScript, if so preferred
echo [1,2,3] | R 'map(multiply(2))'

Ramda functions used: sum, map, multiply

Get a list of people whose first name starts with "B"
cat people.json | R 'pluck \name' 'filter (name) -> name.0 is \B)' -o raw
Brando Jacobson
Betsy Bayer
Beverly Gleichner
Beryl Lindgren

Ramda functions used: pluck, filter
Data: people.json

List versions of npm module with dates formatted with timeago

It looks for timeago installed to $HOME/node_modules.

npm view ramda --json | R \
  'prop \time' 'to-pairs' \
  'map -> version: it.0, time: require("timeago")(it.1)' \
  -o tsv | column -t -s $'\t'
0.12.0    2 months ago
0.13.0    2 months ago
0.14.0    12 days ago
Search twitter for people who tweeted about ramda and pretty print the result --search '#ramda' | R --slurp -p 'map path [\user, \screen_name]' uniq

Ramda functions used: map, path

Pull response status data from Graphite and visualize

HTTP status codes per minute for last hour:

graphite -t "summarize(stats_counts.status_codes.*, '1min', 'sum', false)" -f '-1h' -o json | \
  R 'map evolve datapoints: (map head) >> require \sparkline' \
    'sort-by prop \target' -o table


Ramda functions used: evolve, sortBy

Use --slurp to read multiple JSON objects into a single list before any operations
$ cat <<EOF > text
"foo bar"
"test lol"
"hello world"
$ cat text | R --compact --slurp identity
["foo bar","test lol","hello world"]
Solution to the credit card JSON to CSV challenge using --output-type csv
#!/usr/bin/env bash

curl $data_url | R \
  'filter where creditcard: (!= null)' `# filter out those who don't have credit card` \
  'project [\name, \creditcard]'       `# pick name and creditcard fields from all objects` \
  -o csv > `date "+%Y%m%d"`.csv        `# print output as csv to a file named as the current date` 
Print a table with --output-type table
cat countries.json | R 'take 3' -o table
│ name          │ code │
│ Afghanistan   │ AF   │
│ Åland Islands │ AX   │
│ Albania       │ AL   │

Ramda functions used: take
Data: countries.json

List a project's dependencies in a table
npm ls --json | R 'prop \dependencies' 'map-obj prop \version' -o table --compact
│ JSONStream    │ 1.0.4  │
│ treis         │ 2.3.9  │
│ ramda         │ 0.14.0 │
│ livescript    │ 1.4.0  │
│ cli-table     │ 0.3.1  │

Ramda functions used: filter, where, project, mapObj, prop

Generate HTML with hyperscript

With hyperscript installed to $HOME/node_modules and config that exports it as h.

exports.h = require('hyperscript')
$ cat <<EOF > shopping.txt
$ cat shopping.txt | R \
  -rR --slurp           `# read raw input into a list` \
  'map (h \li.item, _)' `# apply <li class="item"> into each item` \
  'h \ul#list, _'       `# wrap list inside <ul id="list">` \
  '.outer-HTML'         `# finally, grab the HTML`
<ul id="list">
  <li class="item">milk</li>
  <li class="item">cheese</li>
  <li class="item">peanuts</li>

Reason for underscores (e.g. h \ul, _) is that hyperscript API is not curried (and can't be because it's variadic). We need to explicitly state that this function is waiting for one more argument.

Load function from a file with the --file option
$ cat shout.js
var R = require('ramda');
module.exports = R.pipe(R.toUpper, R.add(R.__, '!'));
$ echo -n 'hello world' | R -i raw --file shout.js

For more examples, see the Cookbook.


All of Ramda's functions are available, and also:

function signature description
id a → a Alias to R.identity
treis treis(name?, fn) Observe functions' input and output values
flat * → Object Flatten a deep structure into a shallow object
readFile filePath → String Read a file as string
lines String → [String] Split a string into lines
words String → [String] Split a string into words
unlines [String] → String Join a list of lines into a string
unwords [String] → String Join a list of words into a string

config file

Path: $HOME/.config/ramda-cli.{js,ls}

The purpose of a global config file is to carry functions you might find useful to have around. The functions it exports in an object are made available.

using packages from npm

Packages installed to $HOME/node_modules can used with require().

$ date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" | R -r 'require \timeago'
less than a minute ago


You can turn on the debug output with -v, --verbose flag.

ramda-cli 'R.sum' +0ms input code
ramda-cli 'R.sum;' +14ms compiled code
ramda-cli [Function: f1] +4ms evaluated to

treis is available for debugging individual functions in the pipeline:

why livescript?

LiveScript is a language which compiles to JavaScript. It has a straightforward mapping to JavaScript and allows you to write expressive code devoid of repetitive boilerplate.

  • Function composition operators ., <<, >>
  • Implicit access (.length)
  • Operators as functions (+ 1)

See also: Essential LiveScript for ramda-cli


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