The system design defines and puts into context the components that fulfill roles in the certificate provisioning process in the AWS Cloud. The following diagram describes the system components and their relationships. Each component has a letter which labels the component described in the following section System Components. Each component has at least one relationship which at least one number. The number serves as a label for an action, usually directional, between two components.
Note that there is consideration for latent certificate retrieval in the case where the response payload may not be retrieved sufficiently by the client where instead of the certificate response there is a pre-signed S3 URL response where the certificate can be retrieved with the https client and retried in the case of poor network connectivity.
Note that there is consideration for provisioning parity to occur between ACM PCA and AWS IoT Core provisioning where all provisioning aspects occur at the time of certificate provisioning. The challenge in this case is the latent replication of provisioned artifacts across regions when the client acquires a regional endpoint that may not yet have the required resources. Further, it may cause complication with the global provisioning pattern.
The execution architecture for issuing certificates using ACM PCA is defined by the following diagram.
- The PKI Admin would have received a CSR from ACM PCA and a parent issuer then issues the certificate. The PKI Admin then submits the issued certificate to ACM PCA.
- The PKI Admin must register the issued CA certificate to every region where there device may connect.
- The "device admin" is an abstract role for anyone who has the accountability for retrieving the device-id/pubkey payload from the manufacturing site and importing those pairs to DynamoDB.
- The device is powered on, and the device notices that there is no
provisioned certificate to a slot on the secure serialized flash.
This triggers the routine for constructing the CSR according the
product's design. The CSR is POST to API Gateway as a custom header
value device-csr to endpoint method
. - API Gateway received the POST and identifies the method as being configured with an Authorizer. The header value (the CSR) is passed to the authorizer for evaluation. The authorizer will read the CSR subject value for CN for the device ID.
- The lambda function attempts to retrieve the public key for the device-id enscribed to the CN value. DynamoDB returns the value when the device-id exists. Upon receiving the public key value, the lambda function compares that to the CSR signature's public key value. When the public key compares favorably, the lambda function issues a 200 response. Otherwise: 404 is issued when the relating pubkey to the device-id is not found, and an access denied (GET CODE) when the key does not compare favorably.
- When the authorizer returns a 200, then the method invokes the lambda function responsible for issuing the certificate. The very same CSR is passed along to the lambda function.
- The AWS Lambda function passes the CSR to ACM PCA for a target CA. When all subject line and issuance duration requirements have been met, then ACM PCA issues the certificate. Certificate issuance may take several seconds, so the lambda function waits until issuance completes and retrieves the payload. The lambda function returns the certificate payload under code 200, and returns empty string with code 500 otherwise. The reason for 500 is that it is expected that ACM PCA would issue the certificate if all conditions are met. API Gateway consumes the response and passes it along to the client; the client should interrogate that a 200 or otherwise has been received, and upon a 200 persist the payload to the appropriate nonvolatile memory resource.
- Before the certificate is sent back to API Gateway in step 8, the certificate is registered and related objects are instantiated in the IoT Core registry.
- The device recogizes that there is a client certificate available to use for authentication. The client attempts to connect to the AWS IoT Core endpoint for the first time.
Note: there is room for customization in the payload response from API Gateway to also include the region-sensitive connectivity endpoint. This value should be saved to NVM for future connections.
The execution architecture for issuing certificates using AWS IoT Core is defined by the following diagram. Note that issuing certificates using this method precludes you using the global provisioning pattern so it should not be considered for large scale provisioning where global connectivity and resiliency is required.
Note that the authorization steps 1-5 remain the same as ACM PCA issuance steps 1-6 (with the exception of PKI admin activities) so they will not be restated here.
- Upon receiving the CSR, the certificate issuer lambda creates the certificate with AWS IoT Core using the CSR. Once done, the lambda creates the Thing based on the device-id value represented by the CN in the certificate subject. The policy most often is consistent across all things in the particular product line. If already found, the certificate is paired with the found policy; otherwise, the lambda creates the policy according to the application's requirements and links. Further invocation does not require a policy.
- At this point, all components are created and the certificate has been activated, so further connectivity occurs normally.
The system can partipate in certificate rotation activities. Anytime the host code interacts with the API Gateway endpoint and the authenticator identifies the host as having a valid identity that can participate in the system, the system will issue a certificate.
The system can participate in Intermediate CA rotation use cases when using ACMPCA. When the Intermediate CA must be rotated, the PKI Administrator can perform the required tasks to initiate the new Intermediate CA to ACMPCA, change the configured Intermediate CA in the ACMPCA issuer Lambda function, revoke the current Intermediate CA, and trigger cascading revocation so all reconnecting devices can fallback to certificate reissue when authentication fails upon host code connection.
The system can partipate in multiple region activation activities. Notably, there should be one domain name that the host coe should be sing to connect to the system, using Route53 to dynamically route depending on route latency.
To achieve Multi Region in this case, the Intermediate CA issued from every ACMPCA instance in every region must be multi region replicated for every participating IoT Core service.
The Multi Region pattern can then be implemented when the certificate gets registered to AWS IoT Core. Note that the same patterns are used for certificate rotation in the case where the new certificate is registered and the old certificate is revoked.