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Async Processing of Ordered Stream Events

GKES allows for the asynchronous processing of incoming records, which can be a useful feature when interacting with external systems or other high latency operations. This would seem to break the ordering promise of a Kafka partition, and it in fact does. For many use cases this is actually ok, so long as events are committed in order at the end of the consume/produce cycle of you consumer group (a commit is actually a Kafka produce call). This functionality is exposed through EventContext.AsyncJobComplete() method. A naive implementation might look as follows:

Example 1 - Naive Async (probably a bad idea):
package main

import (

type myJob struct {
	ctx    *streams.EventContext[myStore]
	record streams.IncomingRecord

func (j myJob) doSomething() {

func (j myJob) finalize() streams.ExecutionState {
	return streams.Complete

func asyncEventHander(ctx *streams.EventContext[myStore], record streams.IncomingRecord) streams.ExecutionState {
	go myJob{
		ctx:    ctx,
		record: record,
	return streams.Incomplete

func main() {
	es := sak.Must(streams.NewEventSource(myConfig, myStoreFactory, asyncEventHander))

In this example, there are no interactions with the StateStore, so there are no chances for a data race condition. So long as the external process you are invoking does not care about ordering, this code works. As soon as we want ot interact with the StateStore, things become more complicated. If you don't need a StateStore, then you probably don't need GKES. As such, the above approach is not recommended.

Avoiding Data Races

GKES provides a few async processing implementations. When these are used properly, data races will not occur.

StateStore Caveats

GKES will only present an EventContext to your code when no other go routine has access to it. The advantage to this is that your StateStore implementation should not require any locking for most use cases. When processing asynchronously, great care should be taken to avoid interacting with EventContext.Store() as other processing may be acting upon it. Even if store locking is implemented, data race conditions may still occur. The provided implementations partially shield your application from this condition.

Important Note! If you are using an async processor that writes to a StateStore, all events for a given key must go through the async processor - even if it is a noop. Otherwise events may be processed out of order.


The AsyncJobScheduler works by breaking up your Kafka partition into it's constituent keys and creating a separate processing queue for each. Each key will be processed sequentially as the following diagram shows (where [key]@[partition offset]):

    direction LR
    state fork_state <<fork>>
    Consume: Consume Partition 0
    Process: Process Partition 0
    Commit: Commit Partition 0
    consume: ...key1@4 | key2@3 | key2@2 | key2@1 | key1@0
    commit: ...key1@4 | key2@3 | key2@2 | key2@1 | key1@0
    key1: ...key1@4 | key1@0
    key2: ...key2@3 | key2@2 | key2@1
    state Consume  {
        consume --> fork_state
    state Process {
        fork_state --> key1
        fork_state --> key2
        state join_state <<join>>
        key1 --> join_state
        key2 --> join_state
    state Commit {
        join_state --> commit

An AsyncJobScheduler implementation might look like this:

Example 2 - Notifying External Systems with Parallel Processing:
package main

import (

type myApp struct {
	asyncJobScheduler *streams.AsyncJobScheduler[myStore, string, myEvent]

// handleEvent is executed sequentiually for the events in the Kafka partition
func (app myApp) handleEvent(ctx *streams.EventContext[myStore], event myEvent) streams.ExecutionState {

	// in this example, it is assumed that your StateStore implementaion returns a streams.ChangeLogEntry
	entry := ctx.Store().update(event)

	// RecordChange will produce into the StateStoreTopic
	// (see EventSourceConfig )
	// this is a non-blocking call

	// please not that event.key() does not have to equal kafka record.Key(), but it must
	// be unique to the entity being acted upon.
	// In most cases event.key() will be equal to record.Key()
	return app.asyncJobScheduler.Schedule(ctx, event.key(), event)

// processEvent is executed sequentiually for `key`
func (app myApp) processEvent(key string, event myEvent) error {
	return callExternalSystem(event)

// finalizeEvent is executed sequentiually for `key`
func (app myApp) finalizeEvent(ctx *streams.EventContext[myStore], key string, event myEvent, err error) streams.ExecutionState {
	return streams.Complete

func main() {
    // note: in this example, incoming records must have a recordType of "myEvent"
    // defaultHandler is nil
    es := sak.Must(streams.NewEventSource(myConfig, myStoreFactory, nil))
    app := myApp{
        asyncJobScheduler: sak.Must(streams.CreateAsyncJobScheduler(es,
    streams.RegisterEventType(es, myRecordTransformer, app.handleEvent, "myEvent")

In "Example 2", the StateStore is being updated in a synchronous manner for the partition. Then app.processEvent is invoked on a separate go-routine, but in-sequence for the given event.key(). Then, app.finalizeEvent is called after app.processEvent is completed, yet again, in-sequence for event.key(). Once you application returns streams.Complete, GKES will mark this event as eligible for a commit.

Note that app.processEvent does not have access to the EventContext, and thereby can not access the state store. This is because processEvent is being executed outside the context of normal partition processing. Accessing the StateStore here would undoubtedly create a race condition. Furthermore, if the data passed to processEvent were a pointer to a state store entry, we run the risk of concurrent access, as well as a data race. You should only access your StateStore in one processor. Reading from and writing to the state store for the same entity in multiple processors will create a data race condition.

Example 3 - Migrating from an External DB:

Let's say that our event processing depends on data from an external system, and this data needs to be recorded in our StateStore. In this scenario, we need to ensure that we only read/write to the state store once to avoid data races. This is a less than ideal scenario, and should be avoided if possible. However, when migrating from a traditional database to a Kafka based solution, it may be unavoidable. Here's what such an implementation might look like.

package main

import (

type myJob struct {
    event myEvent // note this is not a pointer
    results seedData
    migrated bool

type myApp struct {
    asyncJobScheduler *streams.AsyncJobScheduler[myStore, string, *myJob]

// handleEvent is executed sequentiually for the events in the Kafka partition
func (app myApp) handleEvent(ctx *streams.EventContext[myStore], event myEvent) streams.ExecutionState {
    // please note that job is a pointer
    job := &myJob{
        event: event,
        migrated: ctx.Store().get(event.key()) != nil,
    return app.asyncJobScheduler.Schedule(ctx, event.key(), job)

func (app myApp) migrate(key string, job *myJob) error {
    if !job.migrated {
        job.results = readFromExternalDB(job.event.key())

// finalizeEvent is executed sequentiually for `key`
func (app myApp) finalizeEvent(ctx *streams.EventContext[myStore], key string, job *myJob, err error) streams.ExecutionState {
    // note: we're performing an additional check on the store
    // since we may have received multiple events for event.key() before
    // `finalizeEvent` has been executed
    key := job.event.key()
    if !job.migrated && ctx.Store().get(key) == nil {
        entries := ctx.Store().seed(job.results)
    entry := ctx.Store().update(key, job.event)
    return streams.Complete

func main() {
    // note: in this example, incoming records must have a recordType of "myEvent"
    // defaultHandler is nil
    es := sak.Must(streams.NewEventSource(myConfig, myStoreFactory, nil))
    app := myApp{
        asyncJobScheduler: sak.Must(streams.CreateAsyncJobScheduler(es,
    streams.RegisterEventType(es, myRecordTransformer, app.handleEvent, "myEvent")

Imortant! In this example, we are writing to the StateStore in an asynchronous process. All events for a given key must go through the async processor - even if it is a noop. Otherwise events may be processed out of order.

Example 4 - Chaining AsynJobSchedulers:

It is also possible to chain multiple async process together. In "Example 3", we showed how we might migrate from a traditional database to a GKES StateStore. However, while migrating, we will likely be in a "dual-write" scenario: updating both our StateStore and external database for each event until the migration process is complete. We'll modify the code from Example 3 to accomplish this:

package main

import (

type myJob struct {
    event myEvent // note this is not a pointer
    results seedData
    migrated bool

type myApp struct {
    migrationScheduler *streams.AsyncJobScheduler[myStore, string, *myJob]
    writeScheduler *streams.AsyncJobScheduler[myStore, string, myEvent]

// handleEvent is executed sequentiually for the events in the Kafka partition
func (app myApp) handleEvent(ctx *streams.EventContext[myStore], event myEvent) streams.ExecutionState {
    // please note that job is a pointer
    job := &myJob{
        event: event,
        migrated: ctx.Store().get(event.key()) != nil,
    return app.migrationScheduler.Schedule(ctx, event.key(), job)

func (app myApp) migrate(key string, job *myJob) error {
    if !job.migrated {
        job.results = readFromExternalDB(job.event.key())

func (app myApp) finalizeMigration(ctx *streams.EventContext[myStore], key string, job *myJob, err error) streams.ExecutionState {
    // note: we're performing an additional check on the store
    // since we may have received multiple events for event.key() before
    // `finalizeEvent` has been executed
    key := job.event.key()
    if !job.migrated && ctx.Store().get(key) == nil {
        entries := ctx.Store().seed(job.results)
    entry := ctx.Store().update(key, job.event)
    // let's pretend we're publishing to another topic
	return app.writeScheduler.Schedule(key, job.event)

func (app myApp) writeToDB(key string, event myEvent) error {
    return writeToExternalDB(event)

func (app myApp) finalizeEvent(ctx *streams.EventContext[myStore], key string, event myEvent, err error) streams.ExecutionState {
    return streams.Complete

func main() {
    // note: in this example, incoming records must have a recordType of "myEvent"
    // defaultHandler is nil
    es := sak.Must(streams.NewEventSource(myConfig, myStoreFactory, nil))
    app := myApp{
        migrationScheduler: sak.Must(streams.CreateAsyncJobScheduler(es,
        writeJobScheduler: sak.Must(streams.CreateAsyncJobScheduler(es,
    streams.RegisterEventType(es, myRecordTransformer, app.handleEvent, "myEvent")


The AsyncBatcher performs a similar function to the AsyncJobScheduler, but is intended for performing actions for multiple events at a time. This is particularly useful when interacting with systems which provide a batch API (such as SQS or DynamoDB). It's important to note that the AsyncBatcher will group together BatchItems that span mutliple Kafka partitions and keys, but a given key can not exist in more than one execution at any given point in time. As such, multiple events for the same key can be executed in the same batch execution. Example:

Example 5 - AsynBatcher DDB Write
var ddbBatcher *streams.AsyncBatcher[myStore, string, myData]

func handleEvent(ctx *streams.EventContext[myStore], event myEvent) streams.ExecutionState {
    batchItems := streams.NewBatchItems(ctx, myEvent.key(), batchComplete).Add(createItemsForEvent())
    batchItems.UserData = myEvent // will be available to batchComplete if needed 
    entry := ctx.Store().update(myEvent)
    return ddbBatcher.Add(batchItems)

func writeToDDB(items []*streams.BatchItem[string, myData]) {
    // the following logic is very naive
    // but shows how you can transmit the results of the call
    res, err := batchWriteDDBItems(items)
    for _, item := range items {
        item.Err = err
        item.UserData = res

func batchComplete(ctx *streams.EventContext[myStore], batch *streams.Batch[myStore, string, myData]) streams.ExecutionState {
    // Here we can look at the results in batch.Items and take any necessary actions
    return streams.Complete

func main() {
    es := sak.Must(streams.NewEventSource(myConfig, myStoreFactory, nil))
    maxBatchSize := 50 // each DDB batch will contain no more than 50 items
    maxConcurrentBatches := 100 // the maximum number of concurrent requests to DDB
    accumulationDelay := 10 * time.Millisecond // the maximum amount of time an execution will wait to accumulate BatchItems
    ddbBatcher = streams.NewAsyncBatcher(es, writeToDDB, maxBatchSize, maxConcurrentBatches, accumulationDelay)

    streams.RegisterEventType(es, myRecordTransformer, handleEvent, "myEvent")

It is important to note that the same StateStore caveats for AsynJobScheduler also apply to the AsyncBatcher. If, in the above example, we wrote to the StateStore in the batchComplete function, all incoming events would need to pass through the batch mechanism. This can be accomplished by simply adding an empty with the correct key set to the AsynBatcher. As in:

asynBatcher.Add(streams.NewBatchItems(ctx, key, finalizeCallback))

Also note that if len(batchItems.Items()) exceeds the capacity of a batch execution (according to maxBatchSize), batchItems.Items() will be executed across multiple batches in the order in which they were added. The batch callback will be invoked only after all items for the event have been executed.

BatchItems.Key() does not need to match StateStore key; but if it does match, writing to the StateStore after the batch call could result in a data race. There are exceptions to this however. In the above example, we are writing items to a DDB table. What if these executions fail? In this case we can use the StateStore to record the errors and retry later with an Interjector. We can modify Example 5 as follows:

Example 6 - AsynBatcher DDB Write, Error Handling
func handleEvent(ctx *streams.EventContext[myStore], event myEvent) streams.ExecutionState {
    // note that the key we are using for batching includes a prefix
    batchKey := "ddbTableName:" + myEvent.key()
    batchItems := streams.NewBatchItems(ctx, batchKey, batchComplete).Add(createItemsForEvent())
    batchItems.UserData = myEvent // will be available to batchComplete if needed 
    entry := ctx.Store().update(myEvent)
    return ddbBatcher.Add(batchItems)

func batchComplete(ctx *streams.EventContext[myStore], batch *streams.BatchItems[myStore, string, myData]) streams.ExecutionState {
    // Here we can look at the results in batch.Items and take any necessary actions
    for _, item := range batch.Items() {
        if item.Err != nil {
            entry := ctx.Store().recordDDBWriteError(batch.Key(), time.Now().Add(time.Second), item)
    return streams.Complete

Since batch.Key() does not intersect with event.key(), the 2 entries in the state store do not conflict, and there is no data race. In our event source initialization, we could schedule an Interjector to periodically poll the state store for DDB errors and retry the DDB writes. The interjector might look like this:

Example 7 - AsynBatcher DDB Write, Error Handling Interjector
func retryDDBWrites(ctx streams.EventContext[myStore], when time.Time) streams.ExecutionState {
    // we'll delete the erros here as batchError function will re-insert of the retry fails.
    // it might be a good idea to limit the number error records returned/deleted as well
    errorRecords := ctx.Store().getAndDeleteErrorRecordsBefore(when)
    if len(errorRecords) == 0 {
        return streams.Complete
    batchItems := streams.NewBatchItem(ctx, "ddbRetry", batchComplete)
    for _, errorRecord := range errorRecords {
        // note errorRecord.batchKey() should be  "ddbTableName:" + myEvent.key() from handleEvent
        batchItems.AddWithKey(errorRecord.batchKey(), errorRecord.item())
    return ddbBatcher.Add(batchItems)

func main() {
    // eventStore initialization...
    // let's run through our error records every second with a 100ms jitter
    eventSource.ScheduleInterjection(retryDDBWrites, time.Second, 100 * time.Millisecond)