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Quick start




This tutorial is a quick start for non-experienced non-programmers. It tries to cover the basics and does so in a gradual manner.


This tutorial is a quick start for non-experienced non-programmers. It tries to cover the basics and does so in a gradual manner.


Hello, world!

Let's try from the simple example. This example is a common example in all programming tutorials and books, it prints "Hello World". Try running the following program, you should see the output.

say 'Hello, world!'

Here say is a function that accepts arguments and prints them out.


Try fixing the following code so it prints 'Bye':

say ''

like($stdout, qr/Bye/, 'Should print Bye');

Safety belt

Often programmers make mistakes that are perfecly fine from the language syntax view but have logical issues that create hard detectable bugs.

In order to detect typos and various gotchas Perl provides two very useful pragmas strict and warnings. They are recommended for use in every piece of code. All the examples in this tutorial imply these two lines, they are not shown just for the space saving.

You don't have to understand the following code, just see the difference between using safety pragmas

use strict;
use warnings;

$x += 1;
$y .= 'string';

say 'ok';

and not using them

no strict;
no warnings;

$x += 1;
$y .= 'string';

say 'ok';


Numbers are integers (1, 2, 5) and floats (1.2, 1e5). There is no real difference between them. Perl treats them the same and autoconverts automatically.

Try printing the following numbers:

say 1;
say 4.4;
say 1.2e10;

As you can see the statements are ended with ;. This is like a dot that we use to separate sentences.

Arithmetic operators

Basic arithmetic manipulations include: + (addition), - (subtraction), * (multiplication), / (division), ** (exponent) and % (modulus).

say 1 + (10/5) * 3


Print out the result of 5 to the power of 6.

like($code, qr/\*\*/, 'Operator ** should be used');
like($stdout, qr/15625/, 'Should be 15625');


Strings are declared by using single or double quotes. The difference is not so important for now. In our Hello World example the 'Hello, World' was a string.

say 'foo'

Basic string operators and functions

Strings can be concatenated (glued) using a . operator.

say 'foo' . 'bar'

With operator x you can repeat the strings.

say 'foo' x 3;

Usually you would want to manipulate strings in order to get their lengths, find a symbol or a substring and so on. Basic string manipulation functions include length(), substr(), index(), rindex().

say length 'foo';
say substr 'foo', 1, 2;
say index 'foo', 'o';
say rindex 'foo', 'o';


Print out the position of string 'ball' in string 'Football'.

like($code, qr/index/, 'Function index should be used');
like($stdout, qr/4/, 'Should be at pos 4');


Lists are, well, lists of values. They are declared by using brackets.

say (1, 2, 3, 5)

Often you can use ranges to save some typing:

say (1 .. 5)

This also works on characters.


Print out a list of characters from 'b' to 'm'.

like($stdout, qr/bcdefghijklm/, 'Should print out bcdefghijklm');

Lists of course can hold not only numbers, but also strings:

say (1, 'hello', 2, 'there')

Lists used inside other lists are flattened:

say (1, (2, 3, 4), 5)

Assignment and variables

Assignment in computer programming languages is an operation of storing a value somewhere in the computer's memory that is accessed by its name.

In Perl 5 there are three built-in data types: scalars, arrays and hashes (or associative arrays). Scalars can hold strings and numbers. Arrays are ordered lists of scalars where values are accessed by index. Hashes are unordered associative array where values are accessed by keys. Variables that hold scalars, arrays or hashes are prefixed with $, @ and % respectively.

Variables are usually declared by using my keyword. For example:

my $x = 1;
say $x;


Assign to a variable y string 'Hello, world!' and print it.

my $
like($stdout, qr/Hello, world!/, 'Should print "Hello, world!"')


Depending on what the variable holds (a number, a string) there are different operators your can use.

Let's say you want to sum two number values:

my $x = 1;
my $y = 2;

say $x + $y;

Or you want to concatenate two string values:

my $x = 'Hello';
my $y = 'There';

say $x . $y

If you will try to use + on strings or . on numbers they will be automatically converted to appropriate types.

my $x = 1;
my $y = '2 times';

say $x . $y;
say $x + $y;

As you can see in the second example the string '2times' was converted to number, which is 2.


Contatenate and print the string 'Result=' and the sum of 42 and 13.

my $x = ;
my $y = ;


like($stdout, qr/55/, 'Should print "Result=55"');


Arrays can hold a list of scalars.

my @array = (1, 2, 3);

say @array;

Basic array manipulations include getting an element by index (starting from 0), getting the last index, shifting and popping values.

my @array = (1, 2, 3);

# Get the third element
say $array[2];

# Get the last index
say $#array;

push @array, 4;
say @array;

pop @array;
say @array;

shift @array;
say @array;

unshift @array, 0;
say @array;

As you probably have noticed when accessing array element we changed @ to $, because the element of array is a scalar, and scalars are prepended with symbol $.


Give the array that holds list (1, 2, 3, 4) print the third element.

my @array = ;

like($stdout, qr/3/, 'Should print 3')


Hash or associated arrays are unordered collections of scalars that can be accessed by a key. A key is usually a string.

my %hash = ('key1', 'value1', 'key2', 'value2');

Instead of using comma for separating keys and values Perl provides a more readable operator =>, for example:

my %hash = (key1 => 'value1', key2 => 'value2');

Basic hash manipulations

As with arrays when accesing hash key, the variable becames a scalar, we use symbol $ and braces {}:

my %hash = (key1 => 'value1', key2 => 'value2');

say $hash{key1};

Geting all hash keys and values

my %hash = (key1 => 'value1', key2 => 'value2');

say keys %hash;
say values %hash;


Context is a very important concept in Perl. There are two main contexts: scalar and list. Context usually affects how the functions and variables behave. This is close to the natural language.

The most popular usage is getting an array length for example. Normally when you use array in list context it returns all its elements, but when used in scalar context it returns its length.

my @array = (1, 2, 3);

my @array2 = @array; # list context
say @array2;

my $length = @array; # scalar context
say $length;

Logical and comparison operators

Before we introduce the corresponding Perl operators here are the basics of Boolean algebra.

Boolean algebra is a variant of algebra where instead of numbers are truth values 0 and 1, where 1 is called truth, and 0 is called false.

Like in a normal algebra there are operations like +, * etc, the basic ones are called NOT, AND and OR. As you already know in Boolean algebra we have only Truth and False values. That means that not only they can be used in different operations, but also the result of those operations is either Truth or False. Let's look at them one by one.

Truth and False

There are no Truth and False values in Perl. In Perl Truth is everything that is not False where False is everything that converts to 0: 0 itself, '' (empty string), undef for example.


NOT operator is a unary operator, which means it operates on one value. In Perl NOT operator is !. NOT truth table:

x !x
0 1
1 0

Let's see what are the results of using this operator on various values. In the following example we add 0 to False values so they are not converted to empty strings by say function.

say !0;
say !1 + 0;
say !'string that converts to 1' + 0;
say !'';


AND operator is a binary operator, which means it operates on two values. In Perl AND operator is &&. AND truth table:

x y &&
0 0 0
1 0 0
0 1 0
1 1 1

Let's see what are the results of using this operator on various values. In the following example we add 0 to False values so they are not converted to empty strings by say function.

say 1 && 1;
say 0 && 1;
say 0 && 0;
say 'string' && 1;


OR operator is also a binary operator, which means it operates on two values. In Perl OR operator is ||. OR truth table:

x y ||
0 0 0
1 0 1
0 1 1
1 1 1

Let's see what are the results of using this operator on various values. In the following example we add 0 to False values so they are not converted to empty strings by say function.

say 1 || 1;
say 0 || 1;
say 0 || 0;
say 'string' || 0;


As in a normal algebra the operators in Boolean algebra have their priority, where different operators are evaluated earlier than others. Order of Boolean operators:

! && ||


NOT, AND and OR can be combined altogether. You can use also brackets to change the order of logical flow:

say (1 || 0) && 1


Fix the following statement by introducing brackets so it prints empty string instead of 1.

say  !1 || 1 && 1
is($stdout, "\n", 'Should be an empty string');

Comparison operators

Comparison operators also return True and False but are used with numbers and strings. Because Perl does not distinguish between numbers and strings there are two separate groups of comparison for numbers and strings.


Let's try this example:

say 1 == 1;
say 10 > 2;
say 3 <= 3;

say 'foo' ne 'bar';

Conditional statements

Conditional statements allow you change the flow of the code. Conditional statements operate with Boolean values that you've learned in a previous chapter and include if/else/elsif and unless.

When the result of expression in the brackets is true than the block surrounded by curly brackets is evaluated:

if (1 == 1) {
    say 'True';

if (1 == 0) {
    say 'False';

When you want to do something when the expression is false you can use else:

if (0) {
    say 'True';
else {
    say 'False';

When you want to check the expression again you can use elsif:

my $x = 1;

if ($x == 0) {
    say 'x is zero';
} elsif ($x < 0) {
    say 'x is less than zero';
} else {
    say 'x is more than zero';

There is also a short form for if statement:

my $x = 5;
say 'True' if $x > 0;

unless is an opposite to if where not the true value determines whether the block is evaluated but the false value.

my $x = 5;
say 'True' unless $x == 0;

Which is the same as:

my $x = 5;
say 'True' if !($x == 0);

As you already know in Perl the truth values is everything that is not zero, so comparizon to 0 usually is not needed:

my $x = 5;
say 'True' unless $x;


Fix this code so it prints 'Hello' instead of 'Bye' by using logical operator and without changing $x value.

my $x = 0;

if ($x) {
    say 'Hello';
else {
    say 'Bye';
like($code, qr/\$x = 0/, 'Should not change $x value');
like($stdout, qr/Hello/, 'Should print "Hello"');


Loops are blocks that are evaluated several times. They are usually used for repetitive actions, walking through the data structure etc.


Foreach loop is usually used for looping through the list or array. For example:

foreach my $element (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) {
    say $element;

You can pass an array of course:

my @array = (1 .. 5);
foreach my $element (@array) {
    say $element;

As you can see we create a special $element variable that is aliased to every array element on every iteration. Beware that by changing the $element value you change the actual value in the array:

my @array = (1 .. 5);
foreach my $element (@array) {
    $element *= 2;

foreach my $element (@array) {
    say $element;


Print only the even values from 0 to 10:

foreach my $element (...) {
    if (...) {
like($stdout, qr/0\n2\n4\n6\n8\n10/, 'Should print even values');


While is a more advanced loop that iterates while the expression is true.

my $i = 10;
while ($i > 0) {
    say $i;

    $i = $i - 1;

As soon as expression $i > 0 becomes false the loop stops.


Print only the odd values from 0 to 10:

my $i = ;
while ($i ...) {
    if (...) {
like($stdout, qr/1\n3\n5\n7\n9/, 'Should print odd values');

Getting out of the loop

Often you want to terminate the loop without waiting until it finishes. You usually use the last keyword:

my $i = 0;
while ($i < 100) {
    last if $i == 10;

    say $i;

    $i = $i + 1;

This loop will not iterate 100 times because we terminate it when $i is 10.

Default variable

The most used special variable is $_, which is a default scalar variable. To understand it better let's look at the examples.

You're familiar with say function. It prints whatever you pass as arguments. But what happens when you don't pass any arguments? It takes data from the default $_ variable.

$_ = 'Hello';

Of course you don't usually need this functionality, but it can very useful when using loops for examples:

say for (1 .. 10);

By default for loop sets a $_ variable and say prints it.

Many embedded Perl functions use default variable when no arguments are passed.


Subroutines are functions that accept arguments and can return the result. Usually subroutines are used to eliminate duplication in code, make it clearer and more understandable.

Let's say you want to convert 5 miles to kilometers. You would write something like this:

# Convert 5 miles to kilometers
say 5 * 1.609344

But what if you wanted to convert 10 miles to kilometers or any other arbitrary number? In this case we create a subroutine that we can use lately.

sub miles_to_kilometers {
    my ($miles) = @_;

    return $miles * 1.609344;

say miles_to_kilometers(5);
say miles_to_kilometers(10);
say miles_to_kilometers(42);

The subroutine needs a bit of explanation. my ($miles) = @_ is called arguments unpacking. In Perl arguments when passed to the subroutine go the default array @_ (this is also a special Per variable, just like $_). You can use all the array-specific functions on the default array too of course.


Write and use a subroutine that converts kilometers to miles and prints 4, 6, 19 kilometers converted to miles (one kilometer is 0.621371192 miles).

sub kilometers_to_miles {
    my ...

    return ...

say kilometers_to_miles(4);
say kilometers_to_miles(6);
say kilometers_to_miles(9);
like($stdout, qr/2.485484768\n3.728227152\n5.592340728/,
    'Should print correct values')

Regular Expressions

Regular expressions are a big part of the Perl language. They are essential to know and use when processing texts. And that's what Perl is good for.

In short, regular expressions are special patterns when applied to strings either match them or not, capture various substrings, modify the initial substring by substituting parts of it and so on.

The most common usage for regular expression is to find out if a particular string can be found in another string.

my $string = 'Hello, world!';
if ($string =~ m/Hello/) {
    say 'We found Hello!';

So here are two new things: =~ and m// (m is for match). There is also an opposite !~ which is evaluated to True when the regular expression is not matched.

my $string = 'Hello, world!';
if ($string !~ m/Bye/) {
    say 'No Bye was found';

Regular expressions can be really sophisticated. For example we want to check if a string has a or o characters:

my $string = 'Hello';
if ($string =~ m/a|o/) {
    say 'a or o was found';


Some characters in regular expression (as | in previous example) are special. They


Viacheslav Tykhanovskyi, [email protected]