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Deploying applications to test the OpenStack plugins

You have set up a Devstack cloud, created two instances (master and worker) and deployed a Kubernetes cluster on them. You then added the OpenStack cloud provider and the Cinder CSI plugin to that cloud.

It's time to use the cluster. You will create apps that:

To use Cinder volumes, you need to define a storage class that maps to Cinder. This is done by referencing the Cinder CSI driver as provider in the storage class definition.

Obtain the Cinder CSI driver's name

What is the name of the Cinder CSI driver? It is defined in the csi-cinder-driver.yaml manifest:

$ cat csi-cinder-driver.yaml
kind: CSIDriver
  attachRequired: true
  podInfoOnMount: true
  - Persistent
  - Ephemeral

The driver is named

Alternatively, list currently installed CSI drivers:

$ kubectl get
NAME                       ATTACHREQUIRED   PODINFOONMOUNT   MODES                  AGE   true             true             Persistent,Ephemeral   2d20h

Define storage

Three manifests, almost unchanged from the Kubernetes blog, define the test application: A storageclass definition, a PVC, and a replication controller with NGINX pods. The storage class is linked to the CSI driver via its provisioner key:

$ cat cinder-storageclass.yaml
kind: StorageClass
  name: csi-sc-cinderplugin

On the master1 node, copy the three manifests from this Github repo to their own directory. First, apply the two storage manifests.

$ kubectl apply -f cinder-storageclass.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f cinder-pvc-claim1.yaml

Check success

If everything is configured correctly, the PVC should be backed by a Cinder volume. On the Devstack server, check the volumes.

$ source ~/devstack/openrc kube kube
$ openstack volume list -f yaml
- Attached to: []
  ID: 1edb1b91-6fdc-4f20-8ead-283aaf878390
  Name: pvc-a0c8e55f-f766-44bd-80a5-ff2832e4365f
  Size: 1
  Status: available

The PVC corresponds to a Cinder volume that is currently available, i.e. not attached to any server.

Launch the application

On the master1 node, launch the application.

$ kubectl apply -f example-pod.yaml
$ kubectl get rc,pod,pvc
NAME                           DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicationcontroller/server   4         4         4       106s

pod/server-bnwd7   1/1     Running   0          105s
pod/server-jklpp   1/1     Running   0          105s
pod/server-kj26p   1/1     Running   0          106s
pod/server-r4mqd   1/1     Running   0          105s

NAME                           STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS          AGE
persistentvolumeclaim/claim1   Bound    pvc-a0c8e55f-f766-44bd-80a5-ff2832e4365f   1Gi        RWO            csi-sc-cinderplugin   7m48s

Check launch success

On the Devstack server, list the volume again. You will find that the volume status has changed from available to in-use, and that it is attached to the worker1 instance.

On the worker1 node, verify that the volume is attached and mounted.

[centos@worker1 ~]$ lsblk
vda    252:0    0  20G  0 disk
`-vda1 252:1    0  20G  0 part /
vdb    252:16   0   1G  0 disk /var/lib/kubelet/pods/de103e52-227b-4117-b1b6-647c68507127/volumes/
[centos@worker1 ~]$ sudo blkid
/dev/vda1: UUID="6cd50e51-cfc6-40b9-9ec5-f32fa2e4ff02" TYPE="xfs"
/dev/vdb: UUID="028085bf-2dd1-47c0-ab2a-e925a4150c36" TYPE="ext4"

The volume is known as vdb and mounted to a kubelet directory.

By default, Cinder volumes can only be attached to one OpenStack instance. Right now, the volume that implements the PVC is only attached to worker1.

This section explores pods on multiple nodes sharing a volume, and what changes are necessary for this to work. We will:

  1. allow pods to be scheduled on the controller.
  2. try deploying pods on both nodes, but fail.
  3. add a Cinder volume type.
  4. change the storage class manifest .
  5. make the PVC ReadWriteMany.
  6. try deploying pods on both nodes, and succeed.

1. Remove the NoSchedule taint from master1

We want to run pods on the master1 node, but right now its NoSchedule taint makes this impossible:

$ kubectl describe no master1 

Remove this taint so that pods can be scheduled there.

$ kubectl taint nodes master1

The dash at the end of the command is significant. Use kubectl describe again to double-check that the taint has been removed.

2. Add pods to the controller and check their health

In example-pod.yaml, set the replica number from 4 to 8, then apply the updated manifest. List the pods.

$ kubectl get pods -o wide
NAME           READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE     IP            NODE      NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
server-8swjk   0/1     ContainerCreating   0          7s      <none>        master1   <none>           <none>
server-bnwd7   1/1     Running             0          3h21m   worker1   <none>           <none>
server-j8mnp   0/1     ContainerCreating   0          7s      <none>        master1   <none>           <none>

After a minute or so, check again. You will find that the status for the new pods remains ContainerCreating. When you describe one of these pods, you will find that their creation can complete because the volume can't be attached and therefore not mounted:

$ kubectl describe pod server-vl8cl
  Type     Reason              Age                  From                     Message
  ----     ------              ----                 ----                     -------
  Normal   Scheduled           15m                  default-scheduler        Successfully assigned default/server-vl8cl to master1
  Warning  FailedAttachVolume  15m                  attachdetach-controller  Multi-Attach error for volume "pvc-a0c8e55f-f766-44bd-80a5-ff2832e4365f" Volume is already used by pod(s) server-bnwd7, server-jklpp, server-kj26p, server-r4mqd
  Warning  FailedMount         2m16s (x6 over 13m)  kubelet                  Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[cinderpvc], unattached volumes=[cinderpvc default-token-9tnjm]: timed out waiting for the condition

This is so because master1 can't attach a volume that is already attached to worker1. To attach a Cinder volume to several instances, its multiattach flag must be set.

You will now set up a storage class that allows multi-attachment, but first delete the replica controller, PVC and storage class.

$ kubectl delete rc server
$ kubectl delete pvc claim1
$ kubectl delete sc csi-sc-cinderplugin

3. Create a Cinder volume type that allows multi-attachment

To attach a Cinder volume to more than one instance, it must have a multi-attach volume type. No such volume type exists right now, so that you have to create one first. See the Cinder admin guide for more information.

On the Devstack server:

$ source ~/devstack/openrc admin admin
$ openstack volume type create multiattach-type --property multiattach="<is> True"

Ensure that the multiattach property has the correct value. The T in True must be upper-case.

4. Add the new volume type to the Kubernetes storage class

On the master1 node, modify the storage class manifest by adding the new volume type as a parameter:

kind: StorageClass
  name: csi-sc-cinderplugin
  type: multiattach-type

5. Change the PVC's access mode and recreate the PVC

Also modify the PVC manifest and set its accessMode to ReadWriteMany.

Create the storage class and the PVC.

$ kubectl apply -f cinder-storageclass.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f cinder-pvc-claim1.yaml

On the Devstack server, verify that a Cinder volume has been created and that it has the multiattach flag.

$ openstack volume list --all-projects
| ID                                   | Name                                     | Status    | Size | Attached to |
| 73c3e003-c535-42e1-8c4a-a1f9379ffba6 | pvc-6d770b8d-fc35-4f8d-800d-0ec8925f58d6 | available |    1 |             |
$ openstack volume show 73c3e003-c535-42e1-8c4a-a1f9379ffba6 | grep multi
| multiattach                  | True                                          |
| type                         | multiattach-type                              |

6. Run the pods and check their health

$ kubectl apply -f example-pod.yaml
replicationcontroller/server created
$ kubectl get pod -o wide
server-5m8bg   0/1     ContainerCreating   0          13s   <none>   master1   <none>           <none>
server-9djx2   0/1     ContainerCreating   0          13s   <none>   master1   <none>           <none>

When you repeat the get command after a while, all pods should be in status Running.

On the Devstack server, list the volumes.

$ openstack volume list --fit-width
| ID                   | Name                 | Status | Size | Attached to           |
| 66ea38fd-4d08-4afa-  | pvc-37ab30fb-c27c-4e | in-use |    1 | Attached to worker1   |
| ae3b-fa477cf4b26a    | 86-a067-81b0e0353fe1 |        |      | on /dev/vdb Attached  |
|                      |                      |        |      | to master1 on         |
|                      |                      |        |      | /dev/vdb              |

The Attached to column shows that the Cinder volume is attached to both nodes.

To demonstrate load balancing, pods need to run on two or more nodes. See the instructions in the previous section for enabling pod scheduling on the controller.

New manifests

Create a new replication controller manifest that uses container-local storage instead of a volume:

$ cat example-pod-lb.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: ReplicationController
  name: lbserver
  replicas: 8
	role: server
		role: server
		app: lbserver
	  - name: server
		image: nginx

This manifest is based on an example from the official Cloud Provider OpenStack repo. It differs from the original in two points: Pods have an additional label app: lbserver, and there is no volume.

Create a service manifest named service.yaml. Ensure that its selector refers to the replication controller via the above label:

kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
  name: lb-webserver
	app: lbserver
  type: LoadBalancer
  - name: http
	port: 80
	targetPort: 80

Apply the two manifests.

OpenStack resources

The OpenStack cloud provider will create a load balancer, which may take a few minutes. Most of that time will be spend launching a new instance, which runs the load balancing code. On the Devstack server, explore the OpenStack load balancer. The following command uses YAML as output format for prettier output.

$ openstack loadbalancer list -f yaml
- id: 474f2c35-1d45-4b49-99ba-d745082e9d33
  name: kube_service_kubernetes_default_lb-webserver
  operating_status: OFFLINE
  project_id: 7a099eff1fb1479b89fa721da3e1a018
  provider: amphora
  provisioning_status: PENDING_CREATE

The provisioning status will become ACTIVE when the load balancer instance is up and running. You can view the load balancer instance after changing your identity to admin:

$ source ~/devstack/openrc admin admin
$ openstack server list

A useful command for load balancer details is openstack loadbalancer status show <LOADBALANCER-ID>.

The cloud provider associates a floating IP with the load balancer's VIP address. You can view it with openstack floating ip list | grep, where is the VIP address.

Loadbalancer test

On master1, the floating IP is used as the service's external IP:

$ kubectl get service
NAME           TYPE           CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)        AGE
kubernetes     ClusterIP     <none>          443/TCP        4d2h
lb-webserver   LoadBalancer   80:30007/TCP   34m

The pods you just launched contain an NGINX web server with a default index.html page. You can access the web server with curl <EXTERNAL-IP>, but this doesn't prove to you that more than one pod is used.

Create a different index.html for each pod. For example:

$ for pod in $LIST_OF_PODS
	kubectl exec $i -- /bin/bash -c "echo Server $server > /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html"

LIST_OF_PODS is the list of the lbserver pods that you just launched. This script replaces index.html in each pod with a customized string.

Test this by repeatedly running the above curl command. You should see how the different pods respond, proving that load balancing takes place.

$ curl
Server 7
$ curl
Server 5
$ curl
Server 4
$ curl
Server 4
$ curl
Server 2